HADES - Main pageAckr → CICR


Acronym Sense Language Topics
CICR Comité International de la Croix Rouge In French Development
Social welfare
CICR Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja (www.icrc.org)
= ICRC | International Committee of the Red Cross | In English
= CICR | Comité International de la Croix-Rouge | In French
= CICV | Comitê Internacional da Cruz Vermelha | In Portuguese
= МККК | Международный комитет Красного Креста | In Russian
= SSKK | Starptautiskā Sarkanā Krusta Komiteja | In Latvian
= CICR | Comitato Internazionale della Croce Rossa | In Italian
= ICRC | 적십자 국제 위원회 | In Korean
= CICR | Comitè Internacional de la Creu Roja | In Catalan
= CICR | Comitât entèrnacionâl de la Crouèx-Roge | In Franco-Provençal
In Spanish Organizations and associations
CICR Comité International de la Croix-Rouge (www.icrc.org)
= ICRC, CICV, МККК, SSKK (look above)
In French Organizations and associations
CICR Comitato Internazionale della Croce Rossa (www.icrc.org)
= ICRC, CICV, МККК, SSKK (look above)
In Italian Organizations and associations
CICR Comitè Internacional de la Creu Roja (www.icrc.org)
= ICRC, CICV, МККК, SSKK (look above)
In Catalan Organizations and associations
CICR Comitât entèrnacionâl de la Crouèx-Roge (www.icrc.org)
= ICRC, CICV, МККК, SSKK (look above)
In Franco-Provençal Organizations and associations

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