Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus = VIH | Virus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine | In French = VIH | Virus d'Inmunodeficencia Humana | In Asturian = VIH | Vírus da imunodeficiência humana | In Portuguese = VIDH | Virus Immunitarii Defectus Humanae | In Latin = ŽIV | Žmogaus Imunodeficito Virusas | In Lithuanian = ХИВ | Хумане имунодефицијенције | In Serbian = MIV | Menslike Immuniteitsgebreksvirus | In Afrikaans = HIV | Humani Imunodeficientni Virus | In Slovenian = ВИЧ | Вирус иммунодефицита человека | In Russian = GIB | Giza Immunoeskasiaren Birusa | In Basque = HIV | Humaan Immunodeficiëntie Virus | In Dutch |
In English | → Virology → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
HIV | Helium Isolation Valve | In English | |
HIV | Humani Imunodeficientni Virus = VIH, VIDH, ŽIV, ХИВ, MIV, ВИЧ, GIB (look above) |
In Slovenian | → Virology → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
HIV | Humaan Immunodeficiëntie Virus = VIH, VIDH, ŽIV, ХИВ, MIV, ВИЧ, GIB (look above) |
In Dutch | → Virology → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |