Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
SEV | Slovenský elektrotechnický výbor | In Slovak | → Electrical engineering → Slovakia |
SEV | Schweizerische Eisenbahn- und Verkehrspersonal-Verband ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Automobile manufacturing → Rail transport engineering → Transport and postal services → Switzerland |
SEV | Sovet Ekonomitšeskoi Vzaimopomoštši = СЭВ | Совет экономической взаимопомощи | In Russian = CAEM | Conseil d'Assistance Économique Mutuelle | In French = СИВ | Съвет за икономическа взаимопомощ | In Bulgarian = CAEM | Consell d'Assistència Econòmica Mútua | In Catalan = COMECON | Council of Mutual Economic Assistance | In English = KREH | Konsilio de Reciproka Ekonomia Helpo | In Esperanto = RGW | Rat für gegenseitige Wirtschaftshilfe | In German = CAME | Consejo de Ayuda Mutua Económica | In Spanish = KGST | Kölcsönös Gazdasági Segítség Tanácsa | In Hungarian = KNER | Këshilli i Ndihmës Ekonomike Reciproke | In Albanian = RVHP | Rada vzájemné hospodářské pomoci | In Czech = RWPG | Rada Wzajemnej Pomocy Gospodarczej | In Polish = CAER | Consiliul de Ajutor Economic Reciproc | In Romanian = RVHP | Rada vzájomnej hospodárskej pomoci | In Slovak = HĐTTKT | Hội đồng Tương trợ kinh tế | In Vietnamese = РЕВ | Рада Економічної Взаємодопомоги | In Ukrainian = CAME | Consello de Axuda Mutua Económica | In Galician |
In Russian | → International relations → Economics |
SEV | Status, Error, and Validity | In English | |
SEV | Sport En Vriendschap | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
SEV | Sociedad Española de Vexilología ( | In Spanish | → Organizations and associations → Flags, banners → Spain |