Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
AACPSM | Actual Average Cost Per Successful Mission | In English | → Prices |
AAD | Avrupa Adalet Divanı ( = EuGH | Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte | In German = CJEC | Court of Justice of the European Communities | In English = CJCE | Cour de Justice des Communautés Européennes | In French = TJCE | Tribunal de Justícia de les Comunitats Europees | In Catalan = LICE | Llys Cyfiawnder Ewrop | In Welsh = ΔΕΚ | Δικαστήριο των Ευρωπαϊκών Κοινοτήτων | In Greek = JKEK | Justica Kortumo de Eŭropaj Kortumoj | In Esperanto = TJCE | Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas | In Spanish = CGCE | Corte di Giustizia delle Comunità Europee | In Italian = HvJEG | Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen | In Dutch = EBTT | Europos Bendrijų Teisingumo Teismas | In Lithuanian = CEJ | Curtea Europeană de Justiţie | In Romanian = ETS | Europejski Trybunał Sprawiedliwośc | In Lithuanian = ESD | Evropský soudní dvůr | In Czech = ECJ | European Court of Justice | In English = CJE | Cour de Justice Européenne | In French = CBCE | Cúirt Bhreithiúnais na gComhphobal Eorpach | In Irish = EKB | Európai Közösségek Bírósága | In Hungarian = ETT | Europos Teisingumo Teismas | In Lithuanian = ETS | Europejski Trybunał Sprawiedliwości | In Polish = TJUE | Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia | In Portuguese = ESP | Evropski sud pravde | In Serbo-Croatian = SES | Sodišče Evropskih skupnosti | In Slovenian |
In Turkish | → Law, jurisprudence → European Union → Europe |
AAG | Akademie für Arbeitsmedizin und Gesundheitsschutz | In German | → Academies → Medicine → Labour, labour economics |
AAM | Akademie für Arbeitsmedizin ( | In German | → Academies → Labour, labour economics → Medicine → Austria |
AAOHN | American Association of Occupational Health Nurses | In English | → Associations → Medicine → Labour, labour economics → United States |
AAOM | Association of Assessing Officers of Manitoba ( | In English | → Associations → 332 → Canada |
AARP | American Association of Retired Persons | In English | → Associations → Labour, labour economics → United States |
AAV | Accountholder Authentication Value | In English | → Networks, communication → Banks |
AAWP | American Association of Working People ( | In English | → Associations → Labour, labour economics → United States |
AB | Akcinė bendrovė = AK | Akcia Kompanio | In Esperanto = AT | Акцыянэрнае таварыства | In Bulgarian = AS | Aktsiaselts | In Estonian = AG | Aktiengesellschaft | In German = DD | Dioničko Društvo | In Croatian = AS | Aksjeselskap | In Norwegian = SpA | Società per Azioni | In Italian = AS | Aktieselskab | In Danish = SA | Spółka Akcyjna | In Polish = SA | Societăţi pe Acţiuni | In Romanian = AB | Aktiebolag | In Swedish = AD | Akcionarsko Društvo | In Serbian = DD | Delniška Družba | In Slovenian = AS | Akciová Spoločnosť | In Slovak = AS | Akciová Společnost | In Czech = AT | Акціонерне товариство | In Ukrainian |
In Lithuanian | |
AB | Aktiebolag = AK, AT, AS, AG, DD, SpA, SA, AD (look above) |
In Swedish | |
ABA | Austrian Business Agency ( | In English | → Central administration → 33972 → Austria |
ABA | Antiquarian Booksellers' Association ( | In English | → Associations → Trade → Graphic industries, printing, publishing → United Kingdom |
ABAA | Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of America ( | In English | → Associations → Trade → Graphic industries, printing, publishing → United States |
ABAC | Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of Canada ( = ALAC | Association de la Librairie Ancienne du Canada | In French |
In English | → Associations → Trade → Graphic industries, printing, publishing → Canada |
ABC | Activity Based Costing | In English | → Accounting → Prices |
ABCS | Associazione Bertoni per la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo nel Terzo Mondo | In Italian | → Associations → Development |
ABE | Agence Bruxelloise pour l'Entreprise | In French | → Belgium |
ABECAFE | Associação Brasileira dos Exportadores de Café ( | In Portuguese | → Associations → Trade → Food technology → Brazil |
ABECITRUS | Associação Brasileira dos Exportadores de Cítricos | In Portuguese | → Associations → Trade → Agricultural sciences → Brazil |
ABEF | Associação Brasileira dos Produtores e Exportadores de Frangos | In Portuguese | → Associations → Trade → Brazil |
ABF | Associação Brasileira de Franchising | In Portuguese | → Associations → Trade → Brazil |
ABF | Den Danske Antikvarboghandlerforening ( | In Danish | → Organizations and associations → Trade → Graphic industries, printing, publishing → Denmark |
ABI | Associatie van Binnenlandse Industriëlen | In Dutch | → Associations → Industry, industrial policy |
ABI | Associazione Bancaria Italiana ( | In Italian | → Associations → Financial markets → Italia |
ABM | Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahmen | In German | → Labour, labour economics |
ABN | Algemene Bank Nederland | In Dutch | → Banks → Netherlands |
ABNJ | Antiquarian Booksellers of New Jersey | In English | → Associations → Trade → Graphic industries, printing, publishing |
ABOHN | American Board for Occupational Health Nurses ( | In English | → Organizations and associations → Medicine → Labour, labour economics → United States |
ABPS | Association des Banquiers Privés Suisses ( = VSPB | Vereinigung Schweizerischer Privatbankiers | In German |
In French | → Associations → Banks → Switzerland |
ABRASCE | Associação Brasileira de Shopping Centers | In Portuguese | → Associations → Trade → Brazil |
ABSA | Action à Bon de Souscription d'Action | In French | → 33676 |
ABVV | Algemeen Belgisch Vakverbond | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Belgium |
AC | Akademikernes Centralorganisation ( | In Danish | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Denmark |
AC | Algemene Centrale | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
ACARE | Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe ( | In English | → European Union → Aeronautics, aircraft → Transport and postal services |
ACAV | Associazione Centro Aiuti Volontari Cooperazione Sviluppo Terzo Mondo | In Italian | → Associations → Development |
ACB | Austrian Convention Bureaus ( | In English | → Congresses → Austria |
ACC | Action et Communication Commerciales | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
ACCE | Association des Conseils en Commerce Électronique | In French | → Associations → Consulting → Trade → Fundamentals of knowledge and culture |
ACCES | ACCession à l'Énergie et aux Services | In French | → Development → Energy economics |
ACCI | Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry = ΕΒΕΑ | Εμπορικό και Βιομηχανικό Επιμελητήριο Αθηνών | In Greek |
In English | → Organizations and associations → Trade → Industry, industrial policy → Greece |
ACCI | Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industries ( | In English | → Organizations and associations → Trade → Industry, industrial policy |
ACCRI | Associazione di Cooperazione Cristiana Internazionale | In Italian | → Associations → Christianity → Development |
ACDI | Agence Canadienne de Développement International = CIDA | Canadian International Development Agency | In English |
In French | → Central administration → Development → Canada |
AcF | Akademie für christliche Führungskräfte ( | In German | → Academies → Christianity → Germany |
ACF | Action contre la Faim ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Development → Nutrition |
ACI | American Competitiveness Initiative | In English | → Industry, industrial policy → United States |
ACICLA | Associação Comercial, Industrial e Agropecuária de Campo Largo | In Spanish | → Associations → Trade → Agricultural sciences |
ACIF | Associação Comercial e Industrial de Florianópolis | In Portuguese | → Associations → Industry, industrial policy → Trade |
ACIF | Associação Comercial e Industrial do Funchal | In Portuguese | → Associations → Industry, industrial policy → Trade |
ACLVB | Algemene Centrale der Liberale Vakbonden = CGSLB | Centrale Générale des Syndicats Libéraux de Belgique | In French |
In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Belgium |
ACOD | Algemene Centrale der Openbare Diensten | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
ACP | Associação Comercial do Paraná | In Portuguese | → Associations → Trade |
ACPR | Alianţei Confederaţiilor Patronale din România | In Romanian | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Romania |
ACR | Actual Cost Report | In English | → Prices |
ACRA | Associazione di Cooperazione Rurale in Africa e America Latina | In Italian | → Associations → Development → Agricultural sciences |
ACRN | America's Career Resource Network ( | In English | → Labour, labour economics → United States |
ACRS | Accelerated Cost Recovery System | In English | → Prices |
ACSEL | Association pour le Commerce et les Services en Ligne | In French | → Associations → Trade → Networks, communication → 65 |
ACTIM | Agence pour la Coopération Technique, Industrielle et Économique | In French | → Organizations and associations |
ACV | Algemeen Christelijk Vakverbond = CSC | Confédération des Syndicats Chrétiens | In French |
In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Christianity |
ACWP | Actual Cost for Work Performed | In English | → Prices |
AD | Akcionarsko Društvo = AB, AK, AT, AS, AG, DD, SpA, SA (look above) |
In Serbian | |
ADA | Austrian Development Agency ( | In English | → Central administration → Development → Austria |
ADA | Armenian Development Agency | In English | → 33972 → International economic cooperation |
ADASEA | Association Départementale pour l'Aménagement des Structures des Exploitations Agricoles | In French | → Associations |
ADB | Asian Development Bank = BAD | Banque Asiatique de Développement | In French = AsEB | Asiatische Entwicklungsbank | In German = BDA | Banco de Desenvolvimento da Ásia | In Portuguese = АБР | Азиатский банк развития | In Russian |
In English | → Banks → Development |
ADB | African Development Bank ( = BAD | Banque Africaine de Développement | In French = BAD | Banco Africano de Desenvolvimento | In Portuguese = АБР | Африканский банк развития | In Russian |
In English | → Banks → Development → Africa |
ADB | Agricultural Development Bank | In English | → Banks → Agricultural sciences |
ADB | Association pour le Développement du Boulkiemdé | In French | → Associations → Development |
ADC | Andean Development Corporation ( = CAF | Corporación Andina de Fomento | In Spanish = SAD | Société Andine de Développement | In French = CAF | Corporação Andina de Fomento | In Portuguese |
In English | → International relations → Development |
ADDE | Agence Départementale de Développement Économique | In French | → Public administration, government |
ADEBT | Agence de Développement Économique de Belfort | In French | |
ADECA | Association Développement, Environnement et Communication en Adrar | In French | → Associations → Development |
ADECA | Association de Défense des Contribuables Asniérois | In French | → Associations → Taxes, duties |
ADECA | Association pour le Développement Économique et Culturel de l'Aubrac | In French | → Associations → Civilization, culture, progress |
ADEF | Association Des Exportateurs de Films ( | In French | → Associations → Trade → Cinema, movies → France |
ADEM | ADministration de l'EMploi au Luxembourg | In French | → Central administration → Labour, labour economics → Luxembourg |
ADETEF | Association pour le Développement des Échanges en Technologies Économiques et Financières | In French | → Associations → Finance |
ADF | African Development Fund | In English | → Finance → Development → Africa |
ADIE | Association pour le Droit à l'Initiative Économique | In French | → Associations |
ADIMAC | Association pour le Développement Industriel et économique du Massif central et du Centre | In French | → Associations |
ADLE | Alliance des Démocrates et des Libéraux pour l'Europe ( = ALDE | Allianss Liberaalid ja Demokraadid Euroopa Eest | In Estonian = ALDE | Aliança dels Liberals i Demòcrates per Europa | In Catalan = ALDE | Aliance liberálů a demokratů pro Evropu | In Czech = ALDE | Allianz der Liberalen und Demokraten für Europa | In German = ALDE | Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe | In English = ALDE | Alianza de los Demócratas y Liberales por Europa | In Spanish = ALDE | Alianco de Liberaluloj kaj Demokratoj por Eŭropo | In Esperanto = ALDE | Alleanza dei Liberali e Democratici per l'Europa | In Italian = ALDE | Alliantie van Liberalen en Democraten voor Europa | In Dutch = ADLE | Aliança dos Democratas e Liberais pela Europa | In Portuguese = ALDE | Alianţa Liberalilor şi Democraţilor pentru Europa | In Romanian = ALDE | Alliansen liberaler och demokrater för Europa | In Swedish |
In French | → Liberal parties → European Union → Europe |
ADLE | Aliança dos Democratas e Liberais pela Europa ( = ALDE (look above) |
In Portuguese | → Liberal parties → European Union → Europe |
ADN | AGF Detailhandel Nederland | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Trade → Netherlands |
ADP | Action à Dividende Prioritaire | In French | → Finance |
ADR | American Depositary Receipts | In English | → Finance → United States |
ADRA | Adventist Development and Relief Agency | In English | → Organizations and associations → Christianity → Development |
ADSF | Aide et Développement Sans Frontière | In French | → Organizations and associations → Development |
AE | An tAontas Eorpach ( = EU | European Union | In English = UE | Union Européenne | In French = UE | Unió Europea | In Catalan = UE | Unaniezh Europa | In Breton = EU | Europäische Union | In German = UE | Unia Europejska | In Polish = EU | Europese Unie | In Afrikaans = UE | Unión Europeya | In Aragonese = EU | Evropská Unie | In Czech = ЕС | Европейският съюз | In Bulgarian = EU | Eùropejskô Ùnijô | In Kashubian = ΕΕ | Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση | In Greek = EU | Europæiske Union | In Danish = UE | Undeb Ewropeaidd | In Welsh = EU | Eŭropa Unio | In Esperanto = JU | Jeropeeske Uny | In Frisian = EB | Europar Batasuna | In Basque = EU | Europska Unija | In Croatian = UE | Unión Europea | In Spanish = EU | Euroopan unioni | In Finnish = EU | Evropska Unija | In Bosnian = UÛ | Unnion Ûropéenne | In Norman = ES | Europas Sājonga | In Baltic languages = UE | Uniaun Europeia | In Tetum = UE | Unyong Europeo | In Tagalog = EU | Európai Unió | In Hungarian = EU | Europeiska unionen | In Swedish = EU | Europana Uniono | In Ido = UE | Uni Eropa | In Indonesian = ESB | Evrópusambandið | In Icelandic |
In Irish | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
AE | Assurance-Emploi | In French | → Insurance → Labour, labour economics |
AEC | African Economic Community = AHS | Africké hospodářské společenství | In Czech |
In English | → International economic cooperation → Africa |
AEC | Association d'Épargne et de Crédits | In French | → Banks |
AECC | Asociación Española de Centros Comerciales | In Spanish | → Associations → Trade → Spain |
AECF | Association des Entreprises de Chine en France | In French | → Associations → France |
AECI | Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional ( | In Spanish | → Central administration → International relations → Development → Spain |
AECO | Asociación Española de Consultoras de Outplacement | In Spanish | → Associations → Consulting → Spain |
AEE | Agence Européenne pour l'Environnement ( | In French | → European Union → Environmental protection → Europe |
AEF | Annuaire des Entreprises de France | In French | |
AELC | Asociación Europea de Libre Comercio ( = EFTA | European Free Trade Association | In English = ESVO | Evropské sdružení volného obchodu | In Czech = AELE | Association Européenne de Libre-Échange | In French = JFA | Jeropeeske Frijhannelsassosjaasje | In Frisian = EMAE | Europako Merkataritza Askearen Elkartea | In Basque = AELE | Associacion eropèèna de libro-èchanjo | In Franco-Provençal = ELKA | Eŭropa Liber-Komerca Asocio | In Esperanto = EFTA | 欧洲自由贸易联盟 | In Chinese = EVA | Europese Vrijhandelsassociatie | In Dutch = AELE | Associacion Europèa de Liure Escambi | In Occitan = ЕСТА | Европска Слободна Трговска Асоцијација | In Macedonian = AELS | Asociaţia Europeană a Liberului Schimb | In Romanian = ЄАВТ | Європейська асоціація вільної торгівлі | In Ukrainian = ЕФТА | Европска слободна трговинска асоцијација | In Serbian = EZVO | Európske združenie voľného obchodu | In Slovak = ЕАСТ | Европейская ассоциация свободной торговли | In Russian |
In Spanish | → Associations → Trade |
AELE | Association Européenne de Libre-Échange ( = AELC, EFTA, ESVO, JFA, EMAE, ELKA, EVA, ЕСТА, AELS, ЄАВТ, ЕФТА, EZVO, ЕАСТ (look above) |
In French | → Associations → Trade |
AELE | Associacion eropèèna de libro-èchanjo ( = AELC, EFTA, ESVO, JFA, EMAE, ELKA, EVA, ЕСТА, AELS, ЄАВТ, ЕФТА, EZVO, ЕАСТ (look above) |
In Franco-Provençal | → Associations → Trade |
AELE | Associacion Europèa de Liure Escambi ( = AELC, EFTA, ESVO, JFA, EMAE, ELKA, EVA, ЕСТА, AELS, ЄАВТ, ЕФТА, EZVO, ЕАСТ (look above) |
In Occitan | → Associations → Trade |
AELS | Asociaţia Europeană a Liberului Schimb ( = AELC, EFTA, ESVO, AELE, JFA, EMAE, ELKA, EVA, ЕСТА, ЄАВТ, ЕФТА, EZVO, ЕАСТ (look above) |
In Romanian | → Associations → Trade |
AESA | Autorité Européenne de Sécurité des Aliments = EFSA | European Food Safety Authority | In English = EBL | Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit | In German |
In French | → European Union → Medicine → Agricultural sciences → Food technology |
AET | Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluğu = CEE | Comunitat Econòmica Europea | In Catalan = EEZ | Europska ekonomska zajednica | In Croatian = CEE | Comunidad Económica Europea | In Spanish = CEE | Communauté Économique Européenne | In French = EEG | Europese Economische Gemêenschap | In Vlaams = EHS | Evropské hospodářské společenství | In Czech = EEC | European Economic Community | In English = ЕИО | Европейската икономическа общност | In Bulgarian = CEE | Comunidade Económica Europea | In Galician = EEE | Europako Ekonomia Erkidegoa | In Basque = EWG | Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft | In German = CEE | Comunità Economica Europea | In Italian = EBE | Efnahagsbandalag Evrópu | In Icelandic = EEB | Europos Ekonominė Bendrija | In Lithuanian = CEE | Comunitatea Economică Europeană | In Romanian = CEE | Comunidade Económica Europeia | In Portuguese = CEE | Comunautat Economica Europèa | In Occitan = ЄЕС | Європейська економічна спільнота | In Ukrainian = EEG | Europeiska ekonomiska gemenskapen | In Swedish = ETY | Euroopan talousyhteisö | In Finnish = EEG | Europese Economische Gemeenschap | In Dutch = GEE | Gymuned Economaidd Ewropeaidd | In Welsh |
In Turkish | → International relations → European Union |
AfA | Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Arbeitnehmerfragen | In German | → Associations → Labour, labour economics → Political parties and movements |
AFA | American Finance Association ( | In English | → Associations → Finance → United States |
AfA | Amt für Arbeit | In German | → Public administration, government → Labour, labour economics |
Áfa | Általános forgalmi adó = BTW | Belasting op Toegevoegde Waarde | In Afrikaans = IVA | Impost sobre el valor afegit | In Catalan = PDV | Porez na dodatu vrijednost | In Bosnian = ДДС | Данъкът върху добавената стойност | In Bulgarian = VAT | Value Added Tax | In English = AVI | Aldonvalora imposto | In Esperanto = ΦΠΑ | Φόρος Προστιθέμενης Αξίας | In Greek = DPH | Daň z přidané hodnoty | In Czech = Moms | Meromsætningsafgift | In Danish = IVA | Impuesto al Valor Agregado | In Spanish = MwSt | Mehrwertsteuer | In German = BTW | Belasting over de Toegevoegde Waarde | In Dutch = MVA | Merverdiavgift | In Norwegian = PVM | Pridėtinės vertės mokestis | In Lithuanian = IVA | Imposta sul Valore Aggiunto | In Italian = VASK | Virðisaukaskattur | In Icelandic = PPN | Pajak Pertambahan Nilai | In Indonesian = PDV | Porez na dodanu vrijednost | In Croatian = ALV | Arvonlisävero | In Finnish = מע"מ | מס ערך מוסף | In Hebrew = KDV | Katma Değer Vergisi | In Turkish = VAT | ภาษีมูลค่าเพิ่ม | In Thai = VAT | மதிப்புக் கூட்டு வரி | In Tamil = DPH | Daň z pridanej hodnoty | In Slovak = НДС | Налог на добавленную стоимость | In Russian = TVA | Taxa pe valoarea adăugată | In Romanian = IVA | Imposto sobre o Valor Acrescentado | In Portuguese = VAT | 增值税 | In Chinese |
In Hungarian | → Taxes, duties |
AFB | Association Française des Banques ( | In French | → Associations → Banks → France |
AFBG | Aufstiegsfortbildungsförderungsgesetz | In German | → Central administration → Labour, labour economics → Education |
AFCM | Association Française de Cautionnement Mutuel ( | In French | → Associations → Central administration → Public finance |
AfDBG | African Development Bank Group | In English | → Banks → Development → Africa |
AFDI | Agriculteurs Français et Développement International ( | In French | → Associations → Agricultural sciences → Development → France |
AFDP | Association Française des Distributeurs de Papiers ( | In French | → Associations → Trade → Paper and board industry → France |
AFED | Association Femmes Et Développement | In French | → Associations → Development |
AFEP | Association Française des Entreprises Privées | In French | → Associations → France |
AFESD | Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development | In English | → Politics |
AFGE | American Federation of Government Employees | In English | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Central administration → United States |
AFI | Agence Foncière Industrielle | In French | → Organizations and associations → Industry, industrial policy |
AFIC | Association Française des Investisseurs en Capital ( | In French | → Associations → Financial markets → France |
AFII | Agence Française pour les Investissements Internationaux | In French | → Central administration → Finance → France |
AFIT | Agence Française de l'Ingénierie Touristique | In French | → Organizations and associations → Tourism → France |
AFJET | Association Française des Journalistes et écrivains du Tourisme | In French | → Associations → Newspapers, journalism → Tourism |
AFKE | Association Franco-Kirghize d'Écotourisme | In English | → Associations → Tourism → Environmental protection |
AFM | Autoriteit Financiële Markten ( | In Dutch | → Financial markets → Netherlands |
AFM | American Film Market ( | In English | → Trade → Cinema, movies → United States |
AFM+E | Außenhandelsverband für Mineralöl und Energie ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Trade → Energy economics → Mining → Germany |
AFNET | Association Francophone des utilisateurs du NET, du e-business et de la société en réseau | In French | → Networks, communication → Associations → Trade → 65 |
AFOSH | Air Force Occupational Safety and Health | In English | → Labour, labour economics → 358 → Medicine → United States |
AFPA | Association nationale pour la Formation Professionnelle des Adultes | In French | → Associations → Education → Labour, labour economics → France |
AFPA | Agence nationale pour la Formation Professionnelle des Adultes ( | In French | → Central administration → Education → Labour, labour economics → France |
AFPA | Association pour la Formation Professionnelle des Adultes ( | In French | → Associations → Education → Labour, labour economics → France |
AFPC | Association Française des Pôles de Compétitivité ( | In French | → Associations → Engineering, technology |
AFPE | Association de Formation Pour l'Emploi | In French | → Associations → Labour, labour economics |
AFR | Allocation de Formation-Reclassement | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Education |
AFRS | Association Française des Revendeurs Spécialisés ( | In French | → Associations → Trade → Software → Entertainment → France |
AFSCME | American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees | In English | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Public administration, government → United States |
AFSSET | Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire de l'Environnement et du Travail ( | In French | → Central administration → Medicine → Labour, labour economics → France |
AFT | Association pour le développement de la Formation professionnelle dans les Transports | In French | → Associations → Education → Labour, labour economics → Transport and postal services |
AFTA | ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) Free Trade Area | In English | → International relations → International economic cooperation |
AFTT | Association Française du Télétravail et des Téléactivites ( | In French | → Associations → Labour, labour economics |
AFVP | Association Française des Volontaires du Progrès ( | In French | → Associations → Development → France |
AG | Aktiengesellschaft = AB, AK, AT, AS, DD, SpA, SA, AD (look above) |
In German | |
AGCAS | Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services | In English | → Associations → Labour, labour economics |
AGCC | Association pour la Gestion des Conventions de Reconversion | In French | → Associations → Labour, labour economics |
AGEC | Anticipation et Gestion de l'Emploi et des Compétences | In French | → Higher education, universities → Labour, labour economics |
AGECIF | Association pour la GEstion des Congés Individuels de Formation | In French | → Associations → Education → Labour, labour economics |
AGEFIPH | Association pour la Gestion du Fonds pour l'Insertion professionnelle des Personnes Handicapées ( | In French | → Associations → Labour, labour economics → Education → France |
AGEFOS | Association de GEstion de FOrmation des Salariés de PME | In French | → Associations → Labour, labour economics → Education |
AGIRC | Association Générale des Institutions de Retraites des Cadres ( | In French | → Associations → Labour, labour economics → France |
AGIRC | Association Générale des Institutions de Retraites Complémentaires | In French | → Associations → Labour, labour economics → Insurance |
AGOA | African Growth and Opportunity Act | In English | → Africa |
AGORA | Appui à la Gestion des Offres et à la Réalisation des Affaires | In French | |
AGRR | Association Générale de Retraites par Répartition | In French | → Associations → Labour, labour economics |
AGRR | Association Générale de Retraite par Répartition | In French | → Associations → Labour, labour economics → Insurance |
AHS | Africké hospodářské společenství = AEC (look above) |
In Czech | → International economic cooperation → Africa |
AHTS | Arbejdsgiverforeningen for Handel, Transport og Service | In Danish | → Organizations and associations → Trade → Transport and postal services → 33846 → Denmark |
AIA | Association for Industrial Archaeology ( | In English | → Associations → Industry, industrial policy → Archeology → United Kingdom |
AIABDS | Association des Imprimeries Africaines de Billets de Banque et de Documents de Sécurité | In French | → Associations → Financial markets → Graphic industries, printing, publishing → Africa |
AICOS | Associazione per gli Interventi di Cooperazione allo Sviluppo | In Italian | → Associations → Development |
AID | Association Internationale de Développement ( = IDA | International Development Association | In English = AIF | Asociación Internacional de Fomento | In Spanish = AID | Associação Internacional de Desenvolvimento | In Portuguese = МАР | Международная ассоциация развития | In Russian = MAP | Міжнародна асоціація розвитку | In Serbian |
In French | → Associations → Development |
AID | Associação Internacional de Desenvolvimento ( = IDA, AIF, МАР, MAP (look above) |
In Portuguese | → Associations → Development |
AID | Accord d'Intéressement Décentralisé | In French | → Finance → Labour, labour economics |
AIDMO | Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization | In English | → Industry, industrial policy → Mining |
AIDOS | Associazione Italiana Donne per lo Sviluppo | In Italian | → Associations → Development → Italia |
AIF | Association des Industriels de France | In French | → Associations → Industry, industrial policy → France |
AIF | Asociación Internacional de Fomento ( = AID, IDA, МАР, MAP (look above) |
In Spanish | → Associations → Development |
AII | Agence de l'Innovation Industrielle | In French | → Organizations and associations → Research policy → Industry, industrial policy → Engineering, technology → France |
AIIM | Asociaţia Internaţională a Inspecţiei Muncii | In Romanian | → Associations → Accidents, risks, safety → Labour, labour economics |
AIM | Alternative Investment Market | In English | → Finance |
AISA | Afghan Investment Support Agency | In English | → 33972 |
AJC | Arbeiders Jeugdcentrale | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
AJC | Ancient Jewish Coinage | In English | → Judaism |
AK | Akcia Kompanio = AB, AT, AS, AG, DD, SpA, SA, AD (look above) |
In Esperanto | |
AKMOS | Associatie van Kleine en Middelgrote Ondernemingen in Suriname | In Dutch | → Associations |
AKP | Analisis Kemiskinan Partisipatif | In Indonesian | → Development |
AKP-FKM | Analisis Kemiskinan Partisipatif Fokus Kehutanan Multipihak | In Indonesian | → Development |
ALAC | Association de la Librairie Ancienne du Canada ( = ABAC (look above) |
In French | → Associations → Trade → Graphic industries, printing, publishing → Canada |
ALDE | Allianss Liberaalid ja Demokraadid Euroopa Eest ( = ADLE (look above) |
In Estonian | → Liberal parties → European Union → Europe |
ALDE | Aliança dels Liberals i Demòcrates per Europa ( = ADLE (look above) |
In Catalan | → Liberal parties → European Union → Europe |
ALDE | Aliance liberálů a demokratů pro Evropu ( = ADLE (look above) |
In Czech | → Liberal parties → European Union → Europe |
ALDE | Allianz der Liberalen und Demokraten für Europa ( = ADLE (look above) |
In German | → Liberal parties → European Union → Europe |
ALDE | Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe ( = ADLE (look above) |
In English | → Liberal parties → European Union → Europe |
ALDE | Alianza de los Demócratas y Liberales por Europa ( = ADLE (look above) |
In Spanish | → Liberal parties → European Union → Europe |
ALDE | Alianco de Liberaluloj kaj Demokratoj por Eŭropo ( = ADLE (look above) |
In Esperanto | → Liberal parties → European Union → Europe |
ALDE | Alleanza dei Liberali e Democratici per l'Europa ( = ADLE (look above) |
In Italian | → Liberal parties → European Union → Europe |
ALDE | Alliantie van Liberalen en Democraten voor Europa ( = ADLE (look above) |
In Dutch | → Liberal parties → European Union → Europe |
ALDE | Alianţa Liberalilor şi Democraţilor pentru Europa ( = ADLE (look above) |
In Romanian | → Liberal parties → European Union → Europe |
ALDE | Alliansen liberaler och demokrater för Europa ( = ADLE (look above) |
In Swedish | → Liberal parties → European Union → Europe |
ALE | Agence Locale pour l'Emploi | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
ALEBA | Association Luxembourgeoise des Employés de Banque et d'Assurances | In French | → Associations → Labour, labour economics → Banks → Insurance → Luxembourg |
ALJT | Association pour le Logement des Jeunes Travailleurs ( | In French | → Associations → Accommodation → Labour, labour economics → France |
ALMPs | Active Labour Market Policies | In English | → Labour, labour economics |
ALTEN | Association pour la Lutte Contre le Travail des Enfants au Niger | In French | → Associations → Labour, labour economics → Slavery |
ALV | Arvonlisävero = Áfa, BTW, IVA, PDV, ДДС, VAT, AVI, ΦΠΑ, DPH, Moms, MwSt, MVA, PVM, VASK, PPN, מע"מ, KDV, НДС, TVA (look above) |
In Finnish | → Taxes, duties |
AMADA | Alle Macht Aan De Arbeiders | In Dutch | → Labour, labour economics |
AMADOE | Agent Mis À la Disposition d'un Organisme Extérieur | In French | → Labour, labour economics |