Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
ACF | Action contre la Faim ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Development |
ADA | American Dietetic Association | In English | → Associations → United States |
ADH | Aanbevolen Dagelijkse Hoeveelheid = ADI | Acceptabel Daglig Indtagelse | In Danish = RDI | Rekommenderat Dagligt Intag | In Swedish = ANC | Apports Nutritionnels Conseillés | In French = RDA | Recommended Daily Allowance | In English |
In Dutch | |
ADI | Acceptabel Daglig Indtagelse = ADH, RDI, ANC, RDA (look above) |
In Danish | |
AESAN | Agencia Española de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición | In Spanish | → Central administration → Agricultural sciences → Food technology → Spain |
ANC | Apports Nutritionnels Conseillés = ADH, ADI, RDI, RDA (look above) |
In French | |
ANR | Apports Nutritionnels Recommandés | In French | |
AQR | Apports Quotidiens Recommandés | In French | |
ASNS | American Society for Nutritional Sciences ( | In English | → Organizations and associations → United States |
BfEL | Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung und Lebensmittel ( | In German | → Research institutes → Beverage industry → Food technology → Germany |
BKİ | Bədən kütləsinin göstərici = IMC | Indice de Masse Corporelle | In French = BMI | Body Mass Index | In English = KMI | Keapa-Moss-Index | In Austro-Bavarian = IMC | Índex de Massa Corporal | In Catalan = ΔΜΣ | Δείκτης μάζας σώματος | EK = KMI | Korpomasa Indico | In Esperanto = IMC | Índice de Masa Corporal | In Spanish = KMI | Kehamassiindeks | In Estonian = IMC | Índice de Masa Corporal | In Galician = IMC | Indice di Massa Corporea | In Italian = KMI | Kūno Masės Indeksas | In Lithuanian = IJT | Index Jisim Tubuh | In Malay = IMC | Índice de Massa Corporal | In Portuguese = ИМТ | Индекс массы тела | In Russian = VKİ | Vücut Kitle İndeksi | In Turkish |
In Turkish | |
BMI | Body Mass Index = BKİ, IMC, KMI, ΔΜΣ, IJT, ИМТ, VKİ (look above) |
In English | |
CFN | Conselho Federal de Nutricionistas | In Portuguese | → Organizations and associations |
CIN | Conferencia Internacional sobre Nutrición = ICN | International Conference on Nutrition | In English = CIN | Conférence Internationale sur la Nutrition | In French = CIN | Conferência Internacional sobre Nutrição | In Portuguese |
In Spanish | → Congresses |
CIN | Conférence Internationale sur la Nutrition = ICN (look above) |
In French | → Congresses |
CIN | Conferência Internacional sobre Nutrição = ICN (look above) |
In Portuguese | → Congresses |
CMPI | Cow's Milk Protein Intolerance | In English | → Proteins |
CNIC | Child Nutrition Industry Conference | In English | → Congresses → Pediatry |
CRN | Conselho Regional de Nutricionistas | In Portuguese | → Organizations and associations |
DQR | Doses Quotidiennes Recommandées | In French | |
DRI | Dietary Reference Intake | In English | |
EFA | Essential Fatty Acid | In English | |
EFSA | European Food Safety Authority = EBL | Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit | In German = AESA | Autorité Européenne de Sécurité des Aliments | In French |
In English | → European Union → Accidents, risks, safety → Food technology |
GDA | Guideline Daily Amounts | In English | |
GI | Glycemic Index = GI | Glykemický index | In Czech = GI | Glykæmisk indeks | In Danish = GI | Glykämischer Index | In German = GI | Glükeemiline indeks | In Estonian = GI | Glykeeminen indeksi | In Finnish = IG | Índice glicêmico | In Portuguese = ГИ | Гликемијски индекс | In Serbian = GI | Glisemik indeks | In Turkish |
In English | → Food technology |
GI | Glykemický index = IG, ГИ (look above) |
In Czech | → Food technology |
GI | Glykæmisk indeks = IG, ГИ (look above) |
In Danish | → Food technology |
GI | Glykämischer Index = IG, ГИ (look above) |
In German | → Food technology |
GI | Glükeemiline indeks = IG, ГИ (look above) |
In Estonian | → Food technology |
GI | Glykeeminen indeksi = IG, ГИ (look above) |
In Finnish | → Food technology |
GI | Glisemik indeks = IG, ГИ (look above) |
In Turkish | → Food technology |
HGPO | HyperGlycémie Provoquée par voie Orale | In French | → Endocrinology |
ICN | International Conference on Nutrition = CIN (look above) |
In English | → Congresses |
IFIC | International Food Information Council | In English | → Organizations and associations → Food technology |
IG | Índice glicêmico = GI, ГИ (look above) |
In Portuguese | → Food technology |
IJT | Index Jisim Tubuh = BKİ, IMC, BMI, KMI, ΔΜΣ, ИМТ, VKİ (look above) |
In Malay | |
IMC | Indice de Masse Corporelle = BKİ, BMI, KMI, ΔΜΣ, IJT, ИМТ, VKİ (look above) |
In French | |
IMC | Índex de Massa Corporal = BKİ, BMI, KMI, ΔΜΣ, IJT, ИМТ, VKİ (look above) |
In Catalan | |
IMC | Índice de Masa Corporal = BKİ, BMI, KMI, ΔΜΣ, IJT, ИМТ, VKİ (look above) |
In Spanish | |
IMC | Índice de Masa Corporal = BKİ, BMI, KMI, ΔΜΣ, IJT, ИМТ, VKİ (look above) |
In Galician | |
IMC | Indice di Massa Corporea = BKİ, BMI, KMI, ΔΜΣ, IJT, ИМТ, VKİ (look above) |
In Italian | |
IMC | Índice de Massa Corporal = BKİ, BMI, KMI, ΔΜΣ, IJT, ИМТ, VKİ (look above) |
In Portuguese | |
INAF | Institut des Nutraceutiques et des Aliments Fonctionnels | In French | → Agricultural sciences → Beverage industry → Food technology |
KMI | Keapa-Moss-Index = BKİ, IMC, BMI, ΔΜΣ, IJT, ИМТ, VKİ (look above) |
In Austro-Bavarian | |
KMI | Korpomasa Indico = BKİ, IMC, BMI, ΔΜΣ, IJT, ИМТ, VKİ (look above) |
In Esperanto | |
KMI | Kehamassiindeks = BKİ, IMC, BMI, ΔΜΣ, IJT, ИМТ, VKİ (look above) |
In Estonian | |
KMI | Kūno Masės Indeksas = BKİ, IMC, BMI, ΔΜΣ, IJT, ИМТ, VKİ (look above) |
In Lithuanian | |
MNA | Mini Nutritional Assessment | In English | |
NDL | National Diet Library | In English | → Libraries |
ORAC | Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity | In English | → Biochemistry, biophysics |
PNCS | Programme National de Cantines Scolaires | In French | → Education |
PNNS | Programme National Nutrition Santé | In French | → Public health and hygiene |
PPWCP | Packard Pediatric Weight Control Program | In English | |
PTENS | Physical Therapy, Exercise and Nutrition Science | In English | → Medicine → Sport, physical exercises |
RARE | Réseau de recherche et d'innovation technologique 'Alimentation Référence Europe' | In French | → Food technology |
RDA | Recommended Daily Allowance = ADH, ADI, RDI, ANC (look above) |
In English | |
RDI | Rekommenderat Dagligt Intag = ADH, ADI, ANC, RDA (look above) |
In Swedish | |
SFNEP | Société Française de Nutrition Entérale et Parentérale | In French | → Organizations and associations → France |
TEVA | Tutmonda Esperantista Vegetarana Asocio | In Esperanto | → Associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
UNSC | Unité de Nutrition et Signalisation Cellulaire | In French | → Research institutes → Physiology → Biotechnology |
VKİ | Vücut Kitle İndeksi = BKİ, IMC, BMI, KMI, ΔΜΣ, IJT, ИМТ (look above) |
In Turkish | |
WCP | Weight Control Program | In English | |
ΔΜΣ | Δείκτης μάζας σώματος = BKİ, IMC, BMI, KMI, IJT, ИМТ, VKİ (look above) |
[EK] | |
ГИ | Гликемијски индекс = GI, IG (look above) |
In Serbian | → Food technology |
ИМТ | Индекс массы тела = BKİ, IMC, BMI, KMI, ΔΜΣ, IJT, VKİ (look above) |
In Russian |