Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
PADA | Professional Autograph Dealers Association ( | In English | → Associations → Trade |
PAF | Peak Annual Funding | In English | |
PAF | Participation Aux Frais | In French | |
PAF | Piste d'Audit Fiscal | In French | → Accounting → Taxes, duties |
PAFG | Participation Aux Frais Généraux | In French | → Prices |
PAFTAD | Pacific Trade and Development | In English | → Trade |
PAIiIZ | Polska Agencja Informacji i Inwestycji Zagranicznych ( | In Polish | → Central administration → Finance → Poland |
PAIO | Permanence d'Accueil, d'Information et d'Orientation | In French | → Education → Labour, labour economics |
PAIZ | Państwowej Agencji Inwestycji Zagranicznych | In Polish | → Finance |
PAP | Personnel Assurance Program | In English | → Labour, labour economics → Insurance |
PAP | Procédé Agrégé de Paiement | In French | |
PAP-ND | Projet d'Action Personnalisée – Nouveau Départ | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
PARAK | Programme d'appui rural Aga Khan | In French | → Development → Agricultural sciences → Regional planning |
PARE-PAP | Plan d'Aide à la Recherche d'Emploi - Projet d'Action Personnalisée | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
PARS | Programmed Airline Reservation System | In English | → Software → Transport by air → Tourism |
PARTAJ | Plan d'Accompagnement Régional et Territorial pour l'Avenir des Jeunes | In French | → Regional administration → Education → Labour, labour economics |
PAS | Prêt à l'Accession Sociale | In French | → Finance → Accommodation |
PBC | The People's Bank of China ( | In English | → Banks → China |
PBDAC | Principal Bank for Development and Agricultural Credit | In English | → Banks → Development → Agricultural sciences |
PBG | Produadur Broadel Gros | In Breton | |
PCE | Prêt à la Création d'Entreprise | In French | |
PCL | Prêt Conventionné Locatif | In French | → Finance → Accommodation |
PCLS | Prêt Conventionné Locatif Social | In French | → Finance → Accommodation |
PCP | Politique Commune de la Pêche | In French | → European Union → Fishing, hunting |
PCP | Project Cost Plan | In English | → Management → Prices |
PCRS | Performance and Cost Report System | In English | → Prices |
PCS | Professions et Catégories Socioprofessionnelles | In French | → Statistics → Labour, labour economics |
PCTO | Payload Cost Tradeoff Optimization | In English | → Prices → Astronautics |
PCV | Payable Chez Vous | In French | |
PDES | Product Data Exchange Specification/Standard | In English | → Standardization → Trade |
PDG | Produadur Diabarzh Gros | In Breton | |
PDK | Produadur Diabarzh Kriz | In Breton | |
PDM | Part De Marché | In French | |
PDO | Private Development Organization | In English | → Organizations and associations → Development |
PDV | Porez na dodatu vrijednost = BTW | Belasting op Toegevoegde Waarde | In Afrikaans = IVA | Impost sobre el valor afegit | In Catalan = ДДС | Данъкът върху добавената стойност | In Bulgarian = VAT | Value Added Tax | In English = AVI | Aldonvalora imposto | In Esperanto = ΦΠΑ | Φόρος Προστιθέμενης Αξίας | In Greek = DPH | Daň z přidané hodnoty | In Czech = Moms | Meromsætningsafgift | In Danish = IVA | Impuesto al Valor Agregado | In Spanish = MwSt | Mehrwertsteuer | In German = BTW | Belasting over de Toegevoegde Waarde | In Dutch = MVA | Merverdiavgift | In Norwegian = PVM | Pridėtinės vertės mokestis | In Lithuanian = IVA | Imposta sul Valore Aggiunto | In Italian = VASK | Virðisaukaskattur | In Icelandic = PPN | Pajak Pertambahan Nilai | In Indonesian = Áfa | Általános forgalmi adó | In Hungarian = PDV | Porez na dodanu vrijednost | In Croatian = ALV | Arvonlisävero | In Finnish = מע"מ | מס ערך מוסף | In Hebrew = KDV | Katma Değer Vergisi | In Turkish = VAT | ภาษีมูลค่าเพิ่ม | In Thai = VAT | மதிப்புக் கூட்டு வரி | In Tamil = DPH | Daň z pridanej hodnoty | In Slovak = НДС | Налог на добавленную стоимость | In Russian = TVA | Taxa pe valoarea adăugată | In Romanian = IVA | Imposto sobre o Valor Acrescentado | In Portuguese = VAT | 增值税 | In Chinese |
In Bosnian | → Taxes, duties |
PDV | Porez na dodanu vrijednost = BTW, IVA, ДДС, VAT, AVI, ΦΠΑ, DPH, Moms, MwSt, MVA, PVM, VASK, PPN, Áfa, ALV, מע"מ, KDV, НДС, TVA (look above) |
In Croatian | → Taxes, duties |
PE | Parlamento Europeo ( = EP | Eŭropa Parlamento | In Esperanto = EP | European Parliament | In English = EP | Europäisches Parlament | In German = ΕΚ | Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο | In Greek = EP | Evropský parlament | In Czech = PE | Parlament Europeu | In Catalan = ЕП | Европейски парламент | In Bulgarian = AP | Avropa Parlamenti | In Azerbaijani = PE | Parlement Européen | In French = EP | Europäescht Parlament | In Letzeburgesh = PE | Parlamento Europeo | In Italian = EP | Európai Parlament | In Hungarian = EP | Európsky parlament | In Slovak = PE | Parlamentul European | In Romanian = PE | Parlamento Europeu | In Portuguese = PE | Parlament Europejski | In Polish = EP | Europees Parlement | In Dutch |
In Spanish | → Parliaments, representation → European Union → Europe |
PE | Parlament Europeu ( = EP, ΕΚ, ЕП, AP (look above) |
In Catalan | → Parliaments, representation → European Union → Europe |
PE | Parlement Européen ( = EP, ΕΚ, ЕП, AP (look above) |
In French | → Parliaments, representation → European Union → Europe |
PE | Parlamento Europeo ( = EP, ΕΚ, ЕП, AP (look above) |
In Italian | → Parliaments, representation → European Union → Europe |
PE | Parlamentul European ( = EP, ΕΚ, ЕП, AP (look above) |
In Romanian | → Parliaments, representation → European Union → Europe |
PE | Parlamento Europeu ( = EP, ΕΚ, ЕП, AP (look above) |
In Portuguese | → Parliaments, representation → European Union → Europe |
PE | Parlament Europejski ( = EP, ΕΚ, ЕП, AP (look above) |
In Polish | → Parliaments, representation → European Union → Europe |
PEAEC | Participation des Employeurs Agricoles à l'Effort de Construction | In French | → Taxes, duties → Construction → Accommodation |
PEB | Pacific Economic Bulletin | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
PEC | Professional Education Center | In English | → Education → Labour, labour economics |
PECC | Pacific Economic Cooperation Council | In English | → International relations |
PECIP | Productivity Enhancing Capital Investment Program | In English | → Engineering, technology → Finance |
PEE | Plan d'Épargne d'Entreprise | In French | → Finance |
PEEC | Participation des Employeurs à l'Effort de Construction | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Accommodation |
PEER | Partnership for Eastern Economic Revitalization | In English | → International economic cooperation |
PEF | Pôle Entrepreneuriat Féminin | In French | |
PEI | Projet Entreprise Innovante | In French | → 3384 → 650115 |
PEL | Plan d'Épargne Logement | In French | → Banks → Accommodation |
PELS | Projet d'Économie Locale et Sociale | In French | → Social welfare |
PENELOP | Protocole Étendu et Normalisé d'Échanges en Ligne pour les Opérations Patrimoniales | In French | → Networks, communication → Banks |
PERB | Public Employment Relations Board | In English | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Personnel management |
PES | Public Employment Service | In English | → Labour, labour economics → Public administration, government |
PESC | Politique Étrangère et de Sécurité Commune = CFSP | Common Foreign and Security Policy | In English = GASP | Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik | In German = WPZiB | Wspólna polityka zagraniczna i bezpieczeństwa | In Polish = GBVB | Gemeenschappelijk Buitenlands en Veiligheidsbeleid | In Dutch = PESC | Politica Estera e di Sicurezza Comune | In Italian = SZPB | Společná zahraniční a bezpečnostní politika | In Czech = СЗБП | Спільна зовнішня та безпекова політика | In Ukrainian = SZPB | Spoločná zahraničná a bezpečnostná politika | In Slovak = PESC | Política Externa e de Segurança Comum | In Portuguese = FUSP | Felles utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk | In Norwegian |
In French | → European Union → International relations → Police |
PESC | Politica Estera e di Sicurezza Comune = CFSP, GASP, WPZiB, GBVB, SZPB, СЗБП, FUSP (look above) |
In Italian | → European Union → International relations → Police |
PESC | Política Externa e de Segurança Comum = CFSP, GASP, WPZiB, GBVB, SZPB, СЗБП, FUSP (look above) |
In Portuguese | → European Union → International relations → Police |
PESD | Politique Européenne de Sécurité et de Défense | In French | → Military affairs → European Union |
PFCE | Prestation Fiscale Canadienne pour Enfants | In French | → Taxes, duties → Social welfare |
PFIL | Plate-Forme d'Initiative Locale | In English | → Organizations and associations |
PFIL | Plate-Forme d'Initiative Locale | In French | → Organizations and associations |
PGA | Prévision de Gestion Annuelle | In French | → Finance → Accounting |
PGSM | Paris Graduate School of Management ( | In English | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Management → France |
PGUE | Presupuesto General de la Unión Europea | In Spanish | → European Union → Europe |
PHI | Prix Horaire d'Immobilisation | In French | → Prices → Accounting |
PI | Pôle Industrie | In French | → Industry, industrial policy |
PI&A | Personnel Identification and Authentication | In English | → 00495 → Labour, labour economics |
PIB | Produit Intérieur Brut = MEP | Malneta Enlanda Produkto | In Esperanto = GDP | Gross Domestic Product | In English = BKT | Bruttokansantuote | In Finnish = PIB | Producte Interior Brut | In Catalan = PIL | Prodotto Interno Lordo | In Italian = BNO | Bruto Nationoal Product | In Vlaams = BBP | Bruto Binnenlands Product | In Dutch |
In French | |
PIB | Producte Interior Brut = MEP, GDP, BKT, PIL, BNO, BBP (look above) |
In Catalan | |
PIBA | Produit Intérieur Brut Agricole | In French | → Agricultural sciences |
PIBM | Produit Intérieur Brut Marchand | In French | |
PIDE | Personnes Inscrites comme Demandeurs d'Emploi | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
PIDPI | Pacific Islands Development Program | In English | → Politics → Development |
PIF | Productivity Investment Funding | In English | → Finance → Engineering, technology |
PIL | Prodotto Interno Lordo = PIB, MEP, GDP, BKT, BNO, BBP (look above) |
In Italian | |
PIMEC | Petita i Mitjana Empresa de Cataluña | In Spanish | → Organizations and associations → 33846 → Spain |
PIP | Personnel Incentive Program | In English | → Labour, labour economics → Personnel management |
PIPA | Investment Promotion Authority | In English | → 33972 |
PIPAME | Pôle Interministériel de Prospective et d'Anticipation des Mutations Économiques | In French | → Central administration |
PIPE | Private Investment in Public Equity | In English | → Finance |
PJS | Policejní a justiční spolupráce | In Czech | → European Union |
PLA | Prêt Locatif Aidé | In French | → Finance → Accommodation |
PLA-I | Prêt Locatif Aidé d'Intégration | In French | → Finance → Accommodation |
PLA-LM | Prêt Locatif Aidé à Loyer Minoré | In French | → Finance → Accommodation |
PLAI | Prêt Locatif Aidé d’Intégration | In French | → Banks → Social welfare → Accommodation |
PLF | Projet de Loi de Finances | In French | → Politics |
PLI | Prêt Locatif Intermédiaire | In French | → Finance → Accommodation |
PLS | Prêt Locatif Social | In French | → Banks → Social welfare → Accommodation |
PLUS | Prêt Locatif à Usage Social | In French | → Banks → Social welfare → Accommodation |
PMA | Pays les Moins Avancés | In French | → Geography → Development |
PME | Petites et Moyennes Entreprises = KMU | Kleine und Mittlere Unternehmen | In German = SME | Small and Medium Enterprises | In English = KMO | Kleine of Middelgrote Onderneming | In Dutch |
In French | → 3384 |
PMI | Petites et Moyennes Industries | In French | |
PMII | Programmes Mobilisateurs pour l'Innovation Industrielle | In French | → Research policy → Industry, industrial policy |
PMN | Programme de Mise à Niveau | In French | → Development |
PMN | Parent, McLaughlin and Nangle ( | In English | → Consulting |
PNAG | Pôle National d'Achats Généraux | In French | → Prices |
PNB | Produit National Brut | In French | |
PNK | Personalnebenkosten | In German | → Labour, labour economics → Accounting |
PNUD | Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement = PNUD | Programa de les Naciones Uníes pa'l Desendolcu | In Asturian = PNUD | Programul Naţiunilor Unite pentru Dezvoltare | In Romanian = PUND | Programo de la Unuiĝintaj Nacioj pri Disvolvado | In Esperanto = UNDP | United Nations Development Programme | In English = PNUD | Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo | In Spanish = PNUD | Programa de les Nacions Unides per al Desenvolupament | In Catalan = UNDP | გაეროს განვითარების პროგრამა | In Georgian = UNDP | জাতিসংঘ উন্নয়ন কর্মসূচী | In Bengali = PNUD | Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento | In Portuguese = ПРООН | Программа развития ООН | In Russian = UNDP | สำนักงานโครงการพัฒนาแห่งสหประชาชาติ | In Thai = UNDP | ஐக்கிய நாடுகள் வளர்ச்சித் திட்டம் | In Tamil = UNDP | 联合国开发计划署 | In Chinese |
In French | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
PNUD | Programa de les Naciones Uníes pa'l Desendolcu = PUND, UNDP, ПРООН (look above) |
In Asturian | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
PNUD | Programul Naţiunilor Unite pentru Dezvoltare = PUND, UNDP, ПРООН (look above) |
In Romanian | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
PNUD | Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo = PUND, UNDP, ПРООН (look above) |
In Spanish | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
PNUD | Programa de les Nacions Unides per al Desenvolupament = PUND, UNDP, ПРООН (look above) |
In Catalan | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
PNUD | Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento = PUND, UNDP, ПРООН (look above) |
In Portuguese | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
PO | Promotion Ouvrière | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
POH | Prix d'Ordre Horaire | In French | → Prices |
POT | Polska Organizacja Turystyczna ( | In Polish | → Organizations and associations → Tourism → Poland |
PPA | Pôle Paris Alternance ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Trade → France |
PPC | Perfectionnement Professionnel Continu | In French | → Education → Labour, labour economics |
PPCP | Projet Pluridisciplinaire à Caractère Professionnel | In French | → Education → Labour, labour economics |
PPN | Pajak Pertambahan Nilai = PDV, BTW, IVA, ДДС, VAT, AVI, ΦΠΑ, DPH, Moms, MwSt, MVA, PVM, VASK, Áfa, ALV, מע"מ, KDV, НДС, TVA (look above) |
In Indonesian | → Taxes, duties |
PPP | Projet Professionnel Personnalisé | In French | → Personnel management → Labour, labour economics |
PR | Prix de Revient | In French | → Prices |
PRATIC | PRocédure d'Analyse et de Traitement des Informations Commerciales | In French | → Software → Trade → Energy economics |
PRCC | Programme de Renforcement des Capacités Commerciales | In French | → Trade → Development |
PRCTE | Programme Régional de la Création et de la Transmission d'Entreprises | In French | → Economic policy |
PRDF | Présentation et de Rapprochement des Données Financières = FDSR | Financial Data Submission and Reconciliation | In English |
In French | → Finance |
PRDFP | Plan Régional de Développement des Formations Professionnelles des jeunes et des adultes | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Education |
PRDFP | Plan Régional de Développement des Formations Professionnelles | In French | → Education → Labour, labour economics |
PRIDES | Pôle Régional d'Innovation et de Développement Économique Solidaire | In French | → Organizations and associations → Research policy |
PRISM | Pacific Roundtable on Industry, Society and Management | In English | → Management → Social sciences |
PRisMa | Portfolio Risk Management | In English | → Management → Finance → Financial markets |
PRITI | Pays à Revenu Intermédiaire Tranche Inférieure | In French | → Geography → Development |
PRK | Prix de Revient Kilométrique | In French | → Prices → Automobile manufacturing |
PROJET | Promotion Rurale pour l'Orientation des Jeunes dans l'Entreprise par le Travail | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Personnel management |
ProTon | Public Research Organisations Transfer Office Network | In English | → Organizations and associations → Research policy → Industry, industrial policy → Research institutes |
PRSC | Poverty Reduction Support Credit | In English | → Finance → Development |
PSAD | Plate-forme de Suivi et d'Appui aux Décrocheurs | In French | → Education → Labour, labour economics |
PSIP | Public Service Internship Program | In English | → Public administration, government → Labour, labour economics |
PSQ | Personnel Security Questionnaire | In English | → Labour, labour economics |
PSS | Professional Staff Senate | In English | → Labour, labour economics |
PSS | Permanents Syndicaux ou Sociaux | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
PT | Palvelutyönantajat | In Finnish | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → 33846 |
PT | Perusahaan Terbatas | In Indonesian | |
PTJ | Petits Travaux Journaliers | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
PTZ | Prêt à Taux Zéro | In French | → Finance |
PU | Prix Unitaire | In French | → Prices |
PUMA | Prix Unitaire Moyen des ouvrages gAz | In French | → Prices → Energy economics |
PUMP | Prix Unitaire Moyen Pondéré | In French | → Prices |
PUMSUD | Pour Un Mouvement Syndical Uni et Démocratique | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
PUND | Programo de la Unuiĝintaj Nacioj pri Disvolvado = PNUD, UNDP, ПРООН (look above) |
In Esperanto | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
PVA | Psychische Vermoeidheid in de Arbeidssituatie | In Dutch | → Psychology → Labour, labour economics |
PVD | Pays en Voie de Développement | In French | → Geography → Development |
PVLA | Purchase Versus Lease Analysis | In English | → 33745 → Prices |
PVM | Pridėtinės vertės mokestis = PDV, BTW, IVA, ДДС, VAT, AVI, ΦΠΑ, DPH, Moms, MwSt, MVA, VASK, PPN, Áfa, ALV, מע"מ, KDV, НДС, TVA (look above) |
In Lithuanian | → Taxes, duties |
PVS | Paesi in via di sviluppo |
In Italian | → Development → Geography |
PWS | Pricing Work Statement | In English | → Prices |
QCA | Quartier Central des Affaires | In French | |
QCD | Qualité, Coûts, Délais | In French | → Quality management → Prices |
QCG | Qualification in Career Guidance | In English | → Labour, labour economics |
QfB | Qualifizierungsförderung für Beschäftigte | In German | → Labour, labour economics → Education |
QIS | Quantitative Impact Study | In English | → Banks |
QRIP | Quick Return on Investment Program | In English | → Finance |
QuFin | Quantitative Finance | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Mathematics → Finance |
R2I | Réseau Industriel d'Innovation | In French | → Research policy → Industry, industrial policy → Engineering, technology |
RAEP | Reconnaissance des Acquis de l'Expérience Professionnelle | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
RAI | Résultat Avant Impôt | In French | → Accounting → Taxes, duties |
RAO | Rossijskoje Akcionernoe Obščestvo = RJSC | Russian Joint Stock Company | In English = РАО | Российское акционерное общество | In Russian |
In Russian | → Russia |
RAPID | Revolutionary Avalanche Photodiode Infrared Detector | In English | → Electronics → Tourism |
RB | Rapprochement Bancaire | In French | → Banks |
RC | Recurring Cost | In English | → Prices |
RC | Repos Compensateur | In French | → Personnel management → Labour, labour economics |
RC | Rémunération Complémentaire | In French | → Personnel management → Labour, labour economics |
RC | Revenu Cadastral | In French | → Taxes, duties |
RCAI | Résultat Courant avant Impôt | In French | → Accounting → Taxes, duties |
RCD | Regional Cooperation for Development | In English | → Development |
RCDÉC | Réseau Canadien de Développement Économique Communautaire ( | In French | → Organizations and associations |
RCO | Radio Comptoir de l'Ouest | In French | → Trade → Electronics |
RCO | Renseignement Contraignant sur l'Origine | In French | → Trade |
RCO | Retraite Complémentaire Obligatoire | In French | → Insurance → Labour, labour economics |
RCS | Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés | In French | → Economic policy → Trade |
RCS | Registre Commercial des Sociétés | In French | |
RCTT | Réduction Collective du Temps de Travail | In French | → Personnel management → Labour, labour economics |
RDCIC | Rémunération de la Disponibilité et de la Contribution Individuelle des Cadres | In French | → Personnel management → Labour, labour economics |
RDFP | Rural Development Foundation of Pakistan | In English | → Foundations → Development → Regional planning → Pakistan |
REER | Régime Enregistré d'Épargne-Retraite | In French | → Finance → Labour, labour economics |
REOM | Redevance sur Enlèvement des Ordures Ménagères | In French | → Taxes, duties → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
RES | Real-Time Enterprise Services | In English | |
RET | Risque Exceptionnel de Travail | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
RETL | Reeducation Through Labor | In English | → Labour, labour economics → Education |
REV | Recognised European Valuer | In English | → Finance → Accommodation |
RFM | Remboursement Forfaitaire Minimum | In French | → Finance |
RGW | Rat für gegenseitige Wirtschaftshilfe = СЭВ | Совет экономической взаимопомощи | In Russian = CAEM | Conseil d'Assistance Économique Mutuelle | In French = СИВ | Съвет за икономическа взаимопомощ | In Bulgarian = CAEM | Consell d'Assistència Econòmica Mútua | In Catalan = COMECON | Council of Mutual Economic Assistance | In English = KREH | Konsilio de Reciproka Ekonomia Helpo | In Esperanto = CAME | Consejo de Ayuda Mutua Económica | In Spanish = KGST | Kölcsönös Gazdasági Segítség Tanácsa | In Hungarian = SEV | Sovet Ekonomitšeskoi Vzaimopomoštši | In Russian = KNER | Këshilli i Ndihmës Ekonomike Reciproke | In Albanian = RVHP | Rada vzájemné hospodářské pomoci | In Czech = RWPG | Rada Wzajemnej Pomocy Gospodarczej | In Polish = CAER | Consiliul de Ajutor Economic Reciproc | In Romanian = RVHP | Rada vzájomnej hospodárskej pomoci | In Slovak = HĐTTKT | Hội đồng Tương trợ kinh tế | In Vietnamese = РЕВ | Рада Економічної Взаємодопомоги | In Ukrainian = CAME | Consello de Axuda Mutua Económica | In Galician |
In German | → International relations |
RH | Rechnungshof | In German | → Central administration → Public finance |
RHF | Résidences Hotelières de France | In French | → Tourism → Accommodation → France |
RI | Relief International | In English | → Organizations and associations → Development |
RIAAO | Rhode Island Association of Assessing Officers ( | In English | → Associations → 332 |
RIB | Relevé d'Identité Bancaire | In French | → Banks |
RICE | Rélévé d'Identité Caisse d'Épargne | In French | → Banks |
RIP | Relevé d'Identité Postale | In French | → Banks → Postal services → France |
RISDP | Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan | In English | → International relations → Development |
RJC | Réseau Jeunes Cadres | In French | → Personnel management → Labour, labour economics |
RJSC | Russian Joint Stock Company = RAO, РАО (look above) |
In English | → Russia |
RLB | Raiffeisenlandesbank | In German | → 3321 → Banks |
RMABA | Rocky Mountain Antiquarian Booksellers Association ( | In English | → Associations → Trade → Graphic industries, printing, publishing |
RND | Raad Nederlandse Detailhandel ( | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Trade → Netherlands |