Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
FIFTA | Foreign Investment and Foreign Trade Agency | In English | → 33972 |
FIMA | Federazione Italiana Mercante d'Arte | In Italian | → Organizations and associations → Trade → Arts → Italia |
FIMF | Fonds d'Impulsion de la Microfinance | In French | → Finance → Development |
FINEL | Finanziaria di Partecipazioni Elettriche | In Italian | → Finance → Electrical engineering |
FIOD | Fiscale Inlichtingen en Opsporingsdienst | In Dutch | → Central administration → Taxes, duties |
FIP | Fonds d'Investissement de Proximité | In French | → Banks |
FIPA | Foreign Investment Promotion Agency | In English | → 33972 |
FIR | France Initiative Réseau ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Finance → France |
FISB | Foreign Investment Services Bureau | In English | → 33972 |
FISR | Fédération Internationale Syndicaliste Révolutionnaire | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Anarchist organizations |
FIST | France Innovation Scientifique et Transfert ( | In French | → Research policy → Industry, industrial policy → France |
FITB | Fiji Islands Trade & Investment Board | In English | → 33972 |
FITEQA | Federación de Industrias Textil-Piel, Químicas y Afines | In Spanish | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Chemical technology → Textile industry |
FLDDPS | Fonds de Lutte contre la Désertification et de Développement du Pastoralisme et de la Steppe | In French | → Development → Agricultural sciences |
FLTL | Fédération Luxembourgeoise des Travailleurs du Livre | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Graphic industries, printing, publishing → Luxembourg |
FM | Federación Minerometalúrgica | In Spanish | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Metallurgy |
FMA | Finanzmarktaufsicht | In German | → Finance |
FMI | Fonds Monétaire International ( = IMF | Internacia Mon-Fonduso | In Esperanto = IMF | International Monetary Fund | In English = FMI | Fondul Monetar Internaţional | In Romanian = IMF | Internationaal Monetair Fonds | In Dutch |
In French | → International relations → Finance |
FMI | Fondul Monetar Internaţional ( = IMF (look above) |
In Romanian | → International relations → Finance |
FMW | Fair Market Value | In English | → Finance |
FNA | Fédération du Négoce Agricole | In French | → Organizations and associations → Trade → Agricultural sciences |
FNAARC | Federazione Nazionale Associazioni Agenti e Rappresentanti di Commercio | In Italian | → Organizations and associations → Trade |
FNAC | Fonds National d'Art Contemporain | In French | → Finance → Arts |
FNAFU | Fonds National d'Aménagement Foncier et d'Urbanisme | In French | → Finance → Regional planning → Architecture |
FNAH | Fonds National d'Amélioration de l'Habitat | In French | → Finance → Accommodation |
FNAS | Fédération (Française) des Négociants en Appareils Sanitaires | In French | → Organizations and associations → Trade → France |
FNCRM | Fédération Nationale du Commerce et de la Réparation du Cycle et Motocycle ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Vehicle engineering → Trade |
FNDAE | Fonds National de Développement et des Adductions d'Eau | In French | → Finance → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
FNE | Fonds National pour l'Emploi | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
FNEGE | Fondation Nationale pour l'Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises | In French | → Foundations |
FNGA | Fonds National de la Gestion Administrative | In French | → Public administration, government |
FNGCA | Fonds National de Garantie des Calamités Agricoles | In French | → Finance → Agricultural sciences |
FNIC | Fonds National Interconsulaire de Compensation | In French | → Finance |
FNME | Fédération Nationale des Mines et de l'Énergie ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Mining → Energy economics → France |
FNMF | Fonds National de la Micro-Finance | In French | → Finance → Development |
FNV | Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Netherlands |
FNV | Federatie Nederlands Vakverbond ( | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Netherlands |
FO | Force Ouvrière ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → France |
FOD | Fiche d'Ordonnancement des Dotations | In French | → Finance → Accounting |
FOFOS | Forum zur Förderung der Selbständigkeit | In German | |
FONGECIF | Fonds de Gestion du Congé Individuel de Formation | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Education |
FORBA | Forschungs- und Beratungsstelle Arbeitswelt | In German | → Labour, labour economics |
FORBA | Forschungs- und Beratungsstelle Arbeitswelt | In German | → Labour, labour economics |
FOSC | Feuille Officielle Suisse du Commerce | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Trade |
FP | Fixed Price | In English | |
FPA | Formation Professionnelle des Adultes | In French | → Education → Labour, labour economics |
FPC | Fixed-Price Contractor | In English | → Contract law → Prices |
FPC | Formation Professionnelle Continue | In French | → Education → Labour, labour economics |
FPCAE | Formation Professionnelle Cadre Associée à un Emploi | In French | → Education → Labour, labour economics |
FPCIE | Formation Professionnelle Cadre à l'Initiative de l'Entreprise | In French | → Education → Labour, labour economics |
FPI | Fixed-Price Incentive | In English | |
FPIF | Fixed-Price Incentive Fee | In English | |
FPJ | Federación de Estatal Pensionistas y Jubilados | In Spanish | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
FPMAE | Formation Professionnelle Maîtrise Associée à un Emploi | In French | → Education → Labour, labour economics |
FPP | Fichier du Personnel Pensionné | In French | → Personnel management → Labour, labour economics |
FPPR | Fixed Price With Price Revision | In English | |
FPS | Amazon Flexible Payments Service | In English | → Software → Internet → Finance |
FQBB | Fare Quote Best Buy | In English | → Prices |
FRR | Fonds de Réserve pour les Retraites | In French | → Finance → Insurance → Labour, labour economics |
FSA | Financial Services Authority ( | In English | → Central administration → Finance |
FSAI | Fonds Spécial d'Adaptation Industrielle | In French | → Finance → Industry, industrial policy |
FSAP | Federación de Servicios y Administraciones Públicas | In Spanish | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Public administration, government |
FSB | Federation of Small Businesses | In English | → Organizations and associations → Economic policy |
FSC | Fonds de Stabilisation des Changes | In French | → Finance |
FSD | Fonds Social de Développement | In French | → Development |
FSE | Fonds Social Européen = ESF | European Social Fund | In English = FSE | Fondo Social Europeo | In Spanish = FSE | Fondo Sociale Europeo | In Italian = ESF | Europees Sociaal Fonds | In Dutch = EFS | Europejski Fundusz Społeczny | In Polish = ESF | Europeiska socialfonden | In Swedish |
In French | → Public finance → European Union → Social welfare |
FSE | Fondo Social Europeo = ESF, EFS (look above) |
In Spanish | → Public finance → European Union → Social welfare |
FSE | Fondo Sociale Europeo = ESF, EFS (look above) |
In Italian | → Public finance → European Union → Social welfare |
FSE | Fonds de Solidarité Énergie | In French | → Finance → Energy economics |
FSER | Fonds de Soutien à l'Expression Radiophonique | In French | → Public finance → Telecommunications |
FSGT | Fonds Spécial des Grands Travaux | In French | → Public finance → Civil engineering → Construction |
FSH | Fonds de Soutien aux Hydrocarbures | In French | → Public finance → Chemical technology |
FSIP | Fonds de Soutien aux Industries de Programmes | In French | → Public finance |
FSIR | Fonds Spécial d'Investissement Routier | In French | → Public finance → Civil engineering and land transport → Transport and postal services |
FSL | Fonds de Solidarité pour le Logement | In French | → Public finance → Accommodation |
FSL | Fonds Solidarité Logement | In French | → Finance → Accommodation |
FSMS | Florida Association of Cadastral Mappers ( | In English | → Associations → 332 → United States |
FSN | Fiscal Station Number | In English | → Finance |
FSP | Fonds de Solidarité Prioritaire | In French | → Development |
FSPPE | Fonds du Service Public de la Production d'Électricité | In French | → Finance → Energy economics → Electrical engineering |
FSU | Fédération Syndicale Unitaire | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
FT | Finance & Technologie | In French | → Finance → Engineering, technology |
FTA | Fair Trade Audit | In English | → Trade |
FTE | Full-Time Equivalent Employee | In English | → Labour, labour economics |
FTF | Funktionærernes og Tjenestemændenes Fællesråd ( | In Danish | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Public administration, government → Denmark |
FTF | Finance, Trésorerie, Fiscalité | In French | → Finance → Accounting → Taxes, duties |
FTI | Fondation pour les Terrains Industriels | In French | → Industry, industrial policy |
FTQ | Fédération des Travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
FTSE | Financial Times Stock Exchange ( | In English | → Finance |
FTT | Fulltime Temporary | In English | → Labour, labour economics |
FUI | Federal Unemployment Insurance | In English | → Labour, labour economics → Social welfare |
FUSP | Felles utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk = CFSP | Common Foreign and Security Policy | In English = GASP | Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik | In German = WPZiB | Wspólna polityka zagraniczna i bezpieczeństwa | In Polish = PESC | Politique Étrangère et de Sécurité Commune | In French = GBVB | Gemeenschappelijk Buitenlands en Veiligheidsbeleid | In Dutch = PESC | Politica Estera e di Sicurezza Comune | In Italian = SZPB | Společná zahraniční a bezpečnostní politika | In Czech = СЗБП | Спільна зовнішня та безпекова політика | In Ukrainian = SZPB | Spoločná zahraničná a bezpečnostná politika | In Slovak = PESC | Política Externa e de Segurança Comum | In Portuguese |
In Norwegian | → European Union → International relations → Police |
FUTA | Federal Unemployment Tax | In English | → Labour, labour economics → Taxes, duties |
FV | Force de Vente | In French | → Trade |
FWF | Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung ( | In German | → Central administration → Finance → Research policy → Austria |
FY | Fiscal Year | In English | → Finance |
GAAO | Georgia Association of Assessing Officials ( | In English | → Associations → 332 → United States |
GABA | Georgia Antiquarian Booksellers' Association ( | In English | → Associations → Trade → Graphic industries, printing, publishing → United States |
GACO | Gestion Administrative et Commerciale | In French | → Management |
GAEC | Gestion Anticipée des Emplois et Compétences | In French | → Personnel management → Labour, labour economics |
GAP | Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik = PAC | Politique Agricole Commune | In French = PAC | Política Agrícola Comunitària | In Catalan = SZP | Společná Zemědělská Politika | In Czech = ΚΑΠ | Κοινή αγροτική πολιτική | In Greek = KAP | Komuna Agrikultura Politiko | In Esperanto = PAC | Política Agrícola Común | In Spanish = KAP | Közös agrárpolitika | In Hungarian = PAC | Politica Agricola Comune | In Italian = BŽŪP | Bendroji žemės ūkio politika | In Lithuanian = GLB | Gemeenschappelijk Landbouwbeleid | In Dutch = CAP | Common Agricultural Policy | In English = WPR | Wspólna polityka rolna | In Polish = ССП | Спільна сільськогосподарська політика | In Ukrainian |
In German | → European Union → Agricultural sciences |
GAPMO | Gestion Appliquée aux Petites et Moyennes Organisations | In French | → Management |
GARP | Global Association of Risk Professionals ( | In English | → Associations → Finance → Financial markets |
GARP | Groupement des ASSEDIC de la Région Parisienne | In French | → Organizations and associations → Insurance → Labour, labour economics |
GASP | Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik = FUSP, CFSP, WPZiB, PESC, GBVB, SZPB, СЗБП (look above) |
In German | → European Union → International relations → Police |
GATT | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade = ГДТЦ | Генерален Договор за Трговија и Царини | In Macedonian = ГАТТ | Генеральное соглашение по тарифам и торговле | In Russian = แกตต์ | ความตกลงทั่วไปว่าด้วยการค้าและภาษีศุลกากร | In Thai |
In English | → International economic cooperation |
GBA | Groupe des Banques Affiliées | In French | → Banks |
GBD | Government Business Division | In English | |
GBP | Great-Britain Pound | In English | → United Kingdom |
GBVB | Gemeenschappelijk Buitenlands en Veiligheidsbeleid = FUSP, CFSP, GASP, WPZiB, PESC, SZPB, СЗБП (look above) |
In Dutch | → European Union → International relations → Police |
GCLW | General Confederation for Lebanese Workers | In English | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
GCP | Gamma Capital Partners ( | In English | → Finance |
GCT | Gestion du Contrat de Travail | In French | → Personnel management → Labour, labour economics |
GdG | Gewerkschaft der Gemeindebediensteten ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Municipal administration → Austria |
GDG | Global Development Gateway | In English | → Development |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product = PIB | Produit Intérieur Brut | In French = MEP | Malneta Enlanda Produkto | In Esperanto = BKT | Bruttokansantuote | In Finnish = PIB | Producte Interior Brut | In Catalan = PIL | Prodotto Interno Lordo | In Italian = BNO | Bruto Nationoal Product | In Vlaams = BBP | Bruto Binnenlands Product | In Dutch |
In English | |
GDS | Global Distribution System | In English | → Software → Tourism |
GE | General Electric | In English | → 33893 → Electrical engineering |
GE | Gymuned Ewropeaidd = EC | European Community | In English = CE | Comunidad Europea | In Spanish = ES | Evropska skupnost | In Slovenian = CE | Communauté Européenne | In French = CE | Comunitat Europea | In Catalan = EG | Europäische Gemeinschaft | In German = ES | Evropské společenství | In Czech = EB | Evrópubandalagið | In Icelandic = EK | Europana Komuneso | In Ido = CE | Comunità Europea | In Italian = CE | Comunidade Europea | In Galician = EG | Europeiska gemenskapen | In Swedish = EY | Euroopan yhteisö | In Finnish = CE | Comunitatea Europeană | In Romanian = CE | Comunidade Europeia | In Portuguese = WE | Wspólnota Europejska | In Polish = EG | Europese Gemeenschap | In Dutch = EB | Europos Bendrija | In Lithuanian |
In Welsh | → European Union → Europe |
GEA | Gestion des Entreprises et des Administrations | In French | → Management → Public administration, government |
GEAI | Groupement d'Entrepreneurs Accompagnés Individuellement | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
GEB | Games and Economic Behavior | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
GED-DF | Gestion Électronique de la Documentation de la Direction Financière | In French | → Software → Knowledge management → Documentation → Finance |
GEDA | Gauteng Economic Development Agency | In English | |
GEE | Gymuned Economaidd Ewropeaidd = CEE | Comunitat Econòmica Europea | In Catalan = EEZ | Europska ekonomska zajednica | In Croatian = CEE | Comunidad Económica Europea | In Spanish = CEE | Communauté Économique Européenne | In French = EEG | Europese Economische Gemêenschap | In Vlaams = EHS | Evropské hospodářské společenství | In Czech = EEC | European Economic Community | In English = ЕИО | Европейската икономическа общност | In Bulgarian = CEE | Comunidade Económica Europea | In Galician = EEE | Europako Ekonomia Erkidegoa | In Basque = EWG | Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft | In German = CEE | Comunità Economica Europea | In Italian = EBE | Efnahagsbandalag Evrópu | In Icelandic = EEB | Europos Ekonominė Bendrija | In Lithuanian = CEE | Comunitatea Economică Europeană | In Romanian = CEE | Comunidade Económica Europeia | In Portuguese = CEE | Comunautat Economica Europèa | In Occitan = ЄЕС | Європейська економічна спільнота | In Ukrainian = AET | Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluğu | In Turkish = EEG | Europeiska ekonomiska gemenskapen | In Swedish = ETY | Euroopan talousyhteisö | In Finnish = EEG | Europese Economische Gemeenschap | In Dutch |
In Welsh | → International relations → European Union |
GEFM | Gerência de Fiscalização e Monitoramento | In Portuguese | → Management |
GEIE | Groupement Européen d'Intérêt Économique | In French | → European Union |
GEM | Global Enterprise Management | In English | → Management |
GEP | Global Equity Partners | In English | → Finance |
GERPA | Groupe d'Études Ressources Prospectives | In French | |
GFCI | Global Financial Centres Index | In English | → Finance |
GFI | Groupe des Fédérations Industrielles ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Industry, industrial policy |
GFI | Gestion Financière des Investissements | In French | → Finance |
GGD | Goudreau Gage Dubuc ( | In many languages | → Artistic property |
GIA | General Investment Authority | In English | → 33972 |
GIC | Groupe d'Intervention Clientèle | In French | → Trade |
GIDC | Grenada Industrial Development Corporation | In English | → 33972 |
GIDEP | Government and Industry Data Exchange Group | In English | → Organizations and associations → Public administration, government → Industry, industrial policy |
GIE | Groupement d'Intérêt Économique | In French | → Organizations and associations |
GIPC | Ghana Investment Promotion Centre | In English | → 33972 |
GIPFZA | Gambia Investment Promotion and Free Zones Agency | In English | → 33972 |
GITT | Groupement des Industries du Transport et du Tourisme | In French | → Organizations and associations → Transport and postal services → Tourism |
GLA | Gangmasters Licensing Authority ( | In English | → Labour, labour economics → Agricultural sciences |
GLB | Gemeenschappelijk Landbouwbeleid = GAP, PAC, SZP, ΚΑΠ, KAP, BŽŪP, CAP, WPR, ССП (look above) |
In Dutch | → European Union → Agricultural sciences |
GNIEPA | Georgian National Investment and Export Promotion Agency | In English | → 33972 → United States |
GNP | Gross National Product | In English | |
GOBTP | Groupement pour le financement des Ouvrages du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics | In French | → Organizations and associations → Finance → Construction → Civil engineering |
GÖD | Gewerkschaft Öffentlicher Dienst | In German | → Labour, labour economics → Public administration, government |
GOER | Governor's Office of Employee Relations | In English | → Labour, labour economics |
GOPC | Gestion Opérationnelle du Pôle Client | In French | → Trade |
GPALS | Global Protection Against Limited Strikes | In English | → Labour, labour economics |
GPEC | Gestion Prévisionnelle des Emplois et des Compétences | In French | → 00495 → Labour, labour economics |
GPF | Grant Agreement Preparation Form | In English | → European Union → Research policy |
GRC | Gestion de la Relation Client = CRM | Customer Relationship Management | In English |
In French | |
GRESICO | Groupe d'Étude en Santé, Travail, Information et Comportements | In French | → Sociology → Labour, labour economics → Medicine |
GRI | Global Reporting Initiative | In English | |
GSA | Galileo Supervisory Authority ( = GSA | European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Supervisory Authority | In English |
In English | → European Union → Astronautics → Geodesy, cartography → Europe |
GSA | European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Supervisory Authority ( = (look above) |
In English | → European Union → Astronautics → Geodesy, cartography → Europe |
GSID | Graduate School of International Development ( | In English | → Higher education, universities → International economic cooperation → Development → Japan |
GSIT | Groupement pour un Système Interbancaire de Télécompensation | In French | → Banks |
GSRH | Gestion Stratégique des Ressources Humaines | In French | → Higher education, universities → Labour, labour economics |
GSVC | Global Social Venture Competition | In English | |
GTZ | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Applied sciences, technology → Development → Germany |
GU | Groupement d'Usines | In French | → Industry, industrial policy |
GUITARES | GUIde de la TArification du RÉSidentiel | In French | → Prices → Energy economics |
HABM | Harmonisierungsamt für den Binnenmarkt ( = OHIM | Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market | In English = OHMI | Oficina per a l'Harmonització del Mercat Interior | In Catalan = OAMI | Oficina de Armonización del Mercado Interior | In Spanish = UAMI | Ufficio per l'Armonizzazione nel Mercato Interno | In Italian = OHMI | Office de l'Harmonisation dans le Marché Intérieur | In French = IHMI | Instituto de Harmonização do Mercado Interno | In Portuguese |
In German | → European Union → Industrial property → Artistic property → Europe |
HAPIN | (Stichting) Hulp Aan Papua's In Nood | In Dutch | → Foundations → Development |
HCDB | Historical Cost Data Base | In English | → Prices |
HDE | Hauptverband des Deutschen Einzelhandels ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Trade → Germany |
HEAO | Hoger Economisch en Adminstratief Onderwijs | In Dutch | → Education → Public administration, government |
HEC | École des Hautes Études Commerciales du Maroc ( | In French | → Higher education, universities → Morocco |
HEC | École des Hautes Études Commerciales | In French | → Higher education, universities |
HECF | (École des) Hautes Études Comptables et Financières | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Finance → Accounting → Morocco |
HECI | Hautes Études Commerciales et Informatiques ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Computer science |
HEEC | École des Hautes Études Économiques et Commerciales de Marrakech ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Trade → Morocco |
HEMA | Hollandsche Eenheidsprijzen Maatschappij Amsterdam ( | In Dutch | → Trade → Netherlands |
HESC | Hemispheric Energy Steering Committee = CDEH | Comité Directivo para la Energía del Hemisferio | In Spanish = CDEH | Comité Directeur pour l'Énergie dans l'Hémisphère | In French = CDEH | Comitê Diretor para a Energia do Hemisfério | In Portuguese |
In English | → International economic cooperation → Energy economics |
HHN | Hors Horaires Normaux | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
HI | Heure Imputée | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
HID | Himalayan Institute of Development | In English | → Development |
HIFIP | Harvard Islamic Finance Information Program | In English | → Islam → Finance |
HIVA | Hoger Instituut voor de Arbeid | In Dutch | → Labour, labour economics |
HIVA | Higher Institute of Labour Studies | In English | → Sociology → Labour, labour economics |
HIVA | Hoger Instituut Van de Arbeid ( | In Dutch | → Research institutes → Labour, labour economics → Politics → Belgium |
HIVOS | Humanistisch Instituut voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Development |
HND | Hmong National Development | In English | → Organizations and associations → Development |
HR-XML | Human Resources eXtensible Markup Language | In English | → Programming languages → Personnel management → Labour, labour economics |
HS | Heure Supplémentaire | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Personnel management |
HSE | Helsinki School of Economics | In English | → Higher education, universities → Finland |
HSE | Heures Supplémentaires Effectives | In French | → Personnel management → Labour, labour economics |
HSEEE | Helsinki School of Economic Executive Education | In English | → Higher education, universities → Finland |
HSSSA | Hospodářské společenství států střední Afriky | In Czech | → International economic cooperation |
HSZS | Hospodářské společenství západoafrických států | In Czech | → International economic cooperation |
HT | Hors Taxes | In French | → Prices → Taxes, duties |
HvJEG | Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen ( = EuGH | Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte | In German = CJEC | Court of Justice of the European Communities | In English = CJCE | Cour de Justice des Communautés Européennes | In French = TJCE | Tribunal de Justícia de les Comunitats Europees | In Catalan = LICE | Llys Cyfiawnder Ewrop | In Welsh = ΔΕΚ | Δικαστήριο των Ευρωπαϊκών Κοινοτήτων | In Greek = JKEK | Justica Kortumo de Eŭropaj Kortumoj | In Esperanto = TJCE | Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas | In Spanish = CGCE | Corte di Giustizia delle Comunità Europee | In Italian = EBTT | Europos Bendrijų Teisingumo Teismas | In Lithuanian = CEJ | Curtea Europeană de Justiţie | In Romanian = ETS | Europejski Trybunał Sprawiedliwośc | In Lithuanian = ESD | Evropský soudní dvůr | In Czech = ECJ | European Court of Justice | In English = CJE | Cour de Justice Européenne | In French = CBCE | Cúirt Bhreithiúnais na gComhphobal Eorpach | In Irish = EKB | Európai Közösségek Bírósága | In Hungarian = ETT | Europos Teisingumo Teismas | In Lithuanian = ETS | Europejski Trybunał Sprawiedliwości | In Polish = TJUE | Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia | In Portuguese = ESP | Evropski sud pravde | In Serbo-Croatian = SES | Sodišče Evropskih skupnosti | In Slovenian = AAD | Avrupa Adalet Divanı | In Turkish |
In Dutch | → Law, jurisprudence → European Union → Europe |
HVSL | Holidays, Vacation, and Sick Leave | In English | → Labour, labour economics |
HĐTTKT | Hội đồng Tương trợ kinh tế = СЭВ | Совет экономической взаимопомощи | In Russian = CAEM | Conseil d'Assistance Économique Mutuelle | In French = СИВ | Съвет за икономическа взаимопомощ | In Bulgarian = CAEM | Consell d'Assistència Econòmica Mútua | In Catalan = COMECON | Council of Mutual Economic Assistance | In English = KREH | Konsilio de Reciproka Ekonomia Helpo | In Esperanto = RGW | Rat für gegenseitige Wirtschaftshilfe | In German = CAME | Consejo de Ayuda Mutua Económica | In Spanish = KGST | Kölcsönös Gazdasági Segítség Tanácsa | In Hungarian = SEV | Sovet Ekonomitšeskoi Vzaimopomoštši | In Russian = KNER | Këshilli i Ndihmës Ekonomike Reciproke | In Albanian = RVHP | Rada vzájemné hospodářské pomoci | In Czech = RWPG | Rada Wzajemnej Pomocy Gospodarczej | In Polish = CAER | Consiliul de Ajutor Economic Reciproc | In Romanian = RVHP | Rada vzájomnej hospodárskej pomoci | In Slovak = РЕВ | Рада Економічної Взаємодопомоги | In Ukrainian = CAME | Consello de Axuda Mutua Económica | In Galician |
In Vietnamese | → International relations |
IACE | Institut Arabe des Chefs d'Entreprise | In French | |
IADB | Inter-American Development Bank ( = BID | Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo | In Spanish = IDB | Inter-American Development Bank | In English = BID | Banque Interaméricaine de Développement | In French = BID | Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento | In Portuguese |
In English | → Banks → Development |
IAE | Institut d'Administration des Entreprises | In French | → Management |