Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
CCI-T | Comité Communiste Internationaliste-Trotskyste | In French | |
CEL | Communistes En Lutte | In French | |
CPN | Communistische Partij Nederland | In Dutch | → Netherlands |
CPV | Communist Party of Vietnam | In English | |
CPY | Communist Party of Yugoslavia | In English | |
EHAK | Euskal Herrialdeetako Alderdi Komunista | In Basque | |
FACM | Fédération Anarchiste Communiste du Midi | In French | → Organizations and associations → Anarchist organizations → France |
FACO | Fédération Anarchiste-Communiste d'Occitanie | In French | → Organizations and associations → Anarchist organizations → France |
FCA | Fédération Communiste Anarchiste | In French | → Organizations and associations → Anarchist organizations |
FCL | Fédération Communiste Libertaire | In French | → Anarchist organizations |
FRC | Fédération Révolutionnaire Communiste | In French | → Organizations and associations |
GCL | Groupe Communiste Libertaire | In French | → Anarchist organizations |
GCL | Groupement Communiste Libertaire de Belgique | In French | → Anarchist organizations → Belgium |
GML | Groep Marxisten-Leninisten | In Dutch | |
HOAC | Historians of American Communism | In English | → Organizations and associations → History → United States |
IKEK | Internacia Komunista Esperantista Kolektivo | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
JAC | Jeunesse Anarchiste Communiste | In French | → Organizations and associations → Anarchist organizations |
JC | Jeunesse Communiste | In French | |
KEN | Kommunistiese Eenheidsbeweging Nederland | In Dutch | |
KPdSU | Kommunistische Partei der Sowjetunion = PCUS | Parti Communiste de l'Union Soviétique | In French = SKUS | Strollad Komunour an Unaniezh Soviedel | In Breton = KПCC | Коммунистическая партия Советского Союза | In Russian = KПCC | Kommunistitscheskaja Partija Sowjetskogo Sojusa | In Russian = KSSR | Komunistická strana Sovětského svazu | In Czech = KPSU | Komunisma Partio de Soveta Unio | In Esperanto = PCUS | Partito Comunista dell'Unione Sovietica | In Italian |
In German | |
KPL | Kommunistesch Partei Lëtzebuerg ( | In Letzeburgesh | → Luxembourg |
KPRF | Kommunistische Partei der Russischen Föderation | In German | |
KPSU | Komunisma Partio de Soveta Unio = KPdSU, PCUS, SKUS, KПCC, KSSR (look above) |
In Esperanto | |
KSSR | Komunistická strana Sovětského svazu = KPdSU, PCUS, SKUS, KПCC, KPSU (look above) |
In Czech | |
KПCC | Коммунистическая партия Советского Союза = KPdSU, PCUS, SKUS, KSSR, KPSU (look above) |
In Russian | |
KПCC | Kommunistitscheskaja Partija Sowjetskogo Sojusa = KPdSU, PCUS, SKUS, KSSR, KPSU (look above) |
In Russian | |
LCR | Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire | In French | |
LTF | Ligue Trotskiste de France | In French | → France |
MCL | Mouvement Communiste Libertaire | In French | → Anarchist organizations |
OCL | Organisation Communiste Libertaire | In French | → Anarchist organizations |
ORPCF | Organisation pour la Reconstruction du Parti Communiste de France | In French | → France |
PCC | Parti Communiste Chinois | In French | |
PCF | Parti Communiste Français ( | In French | → France |
PCMLF | Parti Communiste Marxiste-Léniniste de France | In French | → France |
PCO | Partido Comunista de España ( | In Spanish | → Spain |
PCOF | Parti Communiste des Ouvriers de France | In French | → France |
PCP | Partido Comunista Português ( | In Portuguese | → Portugal |
PCUS | Parti Communiste de l'Union Soviétique = KPdSU, SKUS, KПCC, KSSR, KPSU (look above) |
In French | |
PCUS | Partito Comunista dell'Unione Sovietica = KPdSU, SKUS, KПCC, KSSR, KPSU (look above) |
In Italian | |
PKK | Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan | In Kurdish | |
PKM | Partit Komunista Malti | In Maltese | → Malta |
PRCF | Pôle de Renaissance Communiste en France | In French | → France |
PZPR | Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza | In Polish | → Poland |
SKUS | Strollad Komunour an Unaniezh Soviedel = KPdSU, PCUS, KПCC, KSSR, KPSU (look above) |
In Breton | |
TAC | Tribune Anarchiste Communiste | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Anarchist organizations |
UAC | Union Anarchiste Communiste | In French | → Anarchist organizations |
UACR | Union Anarchiste Communiste Révolutionnaire | In French | → Anarchist organizations |
UEC | Union des Étudiants Communistes | In French | → Higher education, universities |
UGAC | Union des Groupes Anarchistes Communistes | In French | → Organizations and associations → Anarchist organizations |
URCF | Union des Révolutionnaires-Communistes de France | In French | → France |
UTCL | Union des Travailleurs Communistes Libertaires | In French | → Organizations and associations → Anarchist organizations |