Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
A2F | Alternat Bi-Fréquence | In French | → Telecommunications |
AACN | American Association of Critical-Care Nurses | In English | → Associations → United States |
AAEM | American Academy of Emergency Medicine ( | In English | → Academies → United States |
AAETS | American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress | In English | → Academies → United States |
AASCIN | American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Nurses | In English | → Associations → Neurology → United States |
AASCIPSW | American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers | In English | → Associations → Neurology → United States |
AAST | American Association for the Surgery of Trauma ( | In English | → Associations → United States |
AAWM | American Academy of Wound Management ( | In English | → Academies → United States |
ABEM | American Board of Emergency Medicine ( | In English | → Organizations and associations → United States |
ABNS | American Board of Neurological Surgery ( | In English | → Organizations and associations → Neurology → United States |
ACR | Arrêt Cardio-Respiratoire | In French | |
AFCPSAM | Attestation de Formation Complémentaire aux Premiers Secours Avec Matériels | In French | → Education |
AFCPSR | Attestation de Formation Complémentaire aux Premiers Secours Sur la Route | In French | → Education |
AFPS | Attestation au Formation de Premier Secours | In French | → Education |
AGAI | Anesthesia and Intensive Care Association | In English | → Associations → Anesthesiology |
AGN | Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Notfallmedizin | In German | → Associations |
AR | Ambulance de Réanimation | In French | |
AR | Antenne de Réanimation | In French | |
AVP | Accident sur Voie Publique | In French | → Accidents, risks, safety |
BAAC | Bulletin d'Analyse des Accidents Corporels (de la circulation) | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Accidents, risks, safety → Transport and postal services |
BCLS | Base Cardiac Life Support | In English | → Cardiology |
BG | Blessé Grave | In French | |
BL | Blessé Léger | In French | |
BNIS | Brevet National d'Instructeur de Secourisme | In French | → Education |
BNMPS | Brevet National de Moniteur de Premiers Secours | In French | → Education |
BNSSA | Brevet National de Secours Subaquatique | In French | → Education |
CASDIS | Conseil d'Administration du Service Départemental d'Incendie et de Secours | In French | → Regional administration → Firefighting |
CEAR | Cellule Assistance Respiratoire | In French | |
CFAPSE | Certificat de Formation aux Activités de Premiers Secours en Équipe | In French | → Education → Medicine → France |
CFAPSR | Certificat de Formation aux Activités de Premiers Secours Routiers | In French | → Education → Medicine → France |
CODIS | Centre Opérationnel Départemental d'Incendie et de Secours | In French | → Regional administration → Firefighting → France |
COS | Commandant des Opérations de Secours | In French | → Firefighting |
COSSIM | Centre Opérationnel des Services de Secours et d'Incendie de Marseille | In French | → Firefighting |
CUMP | Cellule d'Urgence Médicale Psychologique | In French | → Psychology |
DAC | Détachement d'Appui Chirurgical | In French | |
DAE | Défibrillateur Automatisé Externe | In French | → Cardiology |
DAI | Death from Accidental Injury | In English | → Pathology |
DAMHo | Détachement d'Appui Médical et d'Hospitalisation | In French | |
DDSIS | Direction Départementale des Services d'Incendie et de Secours | In French | → Regional administration → Firefighting |
DICA | Détachement d'Intervention de Catastrophe Aéromobile | In French | |
DIVI | Deutsche Interdisziplinäre Vereinigung für Intensiv- und Notfallmedizin ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Germany |
DOS | Directeur des Opérations de Secours | In French | → Firefighting |
DSA | Défibrillateur Semi-Automatique | In French | → Cardiology |
DSI | Directeur des Secours Incendie | In French | → Firefighting |
DSM | Directeur des Secours Médicaux | In French | |
ER | Emergency Room | In English | |
ESCRIM | Elément de Sécurité Civile Rapide d'Intervention Médicale | In French | |
FV | Fibrillation Ventriculaire | In French | → Cardiology |
IC | Intensive Care | In English | |
ICE | In Case of Emergency | In English | → Telecommunications |
ICORD | International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries | In English | → Organizations and associations → Neurology |
LAB | Laboratoire d'Accidentologie et de Biomécanique | In French | → Research institutes → Transport and postal services |
LVA | libération des Voies Aériennes | In French | |
ÖGARI | Österreichische Gesellschaft für Anaesthesiologie, Reanimation und Intensivmedizin ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Anesthesiology → Austria |
PARACHUTE | Participation in RAndomized trials Compromised by widely Held beliefs aboUt lack of Treatment Equipoise | In English | → Aeronautics, aircraft |
PARM | Permanencier Auxiliaire de Régulation Médicale | In French | |
PCI | Perte de Connaissance Initiale | In French | |
PLS | Position Latérale de Sécurité | In French | |
PPMU | Plan Provincial Médical d'Urgence | In French | |
PRV | Point de Regroupement des Victimes | In French | → Firefighting |
PSC1 | Prévention et Secours Civiques de niveau 1 | In French | |
RCP | Réanimation cardiopulmonaire | In French | |
RCP | RCP : Réanimation Cardio-Pulmonaire | In French | → Cardiology |
RPU | Résumé de Passage aux Urgences | In French | |
SAFER | Stavanger Acute Medicine Foundation for Education and Research | In English | → Foundations → Education |
SAME | Servicio o Sistema de Atención Médica de Emergencia | In Spanish | |
SAMU | Service d'Aide Médicale d'Urgence | In French | |
SAMU | Servicio o Sistema de Asistencia Médica de Urgencias | In Spanish | |
SAMU | Service d'Aide Médicale Urgente | In French | |
SAMU | Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência | In Portuguese | |
SDIS | Sercice Départemental d'Incendie et de Secours | In French | → Regional administration → Firefighting |
SHT | Schädel-Hirn-Trauma | In German | |
SI | Soins Intensifs | In French | |
SIEM | Sistema Integrado de Emergência Médica | In Portuguese | |
SIUM | Servicio Integrado de Urgencia Médica | In Spanish | |
SMUH | Service Médical d'Urgence Héliporté | In French | |
SMUR | Service Mobile d'Urgence et de Réanimation | In French | |
SOFCOT | SOciété Française de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology → France |
SOFCOT | Société Française de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologie | In French | → Organizations and associations → Surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology → France |
SR | Secours Routier | In French | |
SSU | Secours et Soins d'Urgence | In French | |
TRI | Total Recordable Injuries | In English | |
UA | Urgence Absolue | In French | |
UMH | Unité Mobile Hospitalière | In French | |
UR | Urgence Relative | In French | |
USA | Unidades de Socorro Avançado | In Portuguese | |
USB | Unidades de Socorro Básico | In Portuguese | |
VA | Ventilation Assistée | In French | |
VSAB | Véhicule de Secours aux Asphyxiés et Blessés | In French | → Automobile manufacturing → Firefighting → 6122 |
VSABTT | Véhicule de Secours aux Asphyxiés et Blessés Tout Terrain | In French | → Automobile manufacturing → Firefighting → 6122 |
VSAV | Véhicule de Secours et d'Assistance aux Victimes | In French | → Automobile manufacturing → Firefighting |
VSR | Véhicule de Secours Routier | In French | |
VSRHR | Véhicule de Secours Routier Hors-Route | In French | |
VSRM | Vehicule de Secours Routier Moyen | In French |