Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
A3F | Agent Formant un Film Flottant = AFFF | Agent Formant un Film Flottant | In French |
In French | → Chemicals |
ABE | Avion Bombardier d'Eau | In French | → Aeronautics, aircraft |
AFFF | Agent Formant un Film Flottant = A3F (look above) |
In French | → Chemicals |
AFFF | Aqueous Film Forming Foam | In English | → Chemicals |
AFFFP | Agent Formant un Film Flottant Protéinique | In French | → Chemicals → Proteins |
ALARME | Alerte Liée Aux Risques Méteorologiques Exceptionnels | In French | → Meteorology, climatology |
AMM | Agent Mouillant Moussant | In French | → Chemicals |
ANPVP | Appareil Normal de Protection à Visière Panoramique | In French | |
APPPP | Agent Produisant une Pellicule Protectrice Polyvalente | In French | → Chemicals |
AR-AFFF | Alcohol-Resistant Aqueous Film Forming Foam | In English | → Chemicals |
AR-FFFP | Alcohol-Resistant Film Forming Fluoroprotein | In English | → Proteins → Chemicals |
AR-FP | Alcohol-Resistant Fluoroprotein Foam | In English | → Proteins → Chemicals |
ARI | Appareil Respiratoire Isolant | In French | |
ARICF | Appareil Respiratoire Isolant à Circuit Fermé | In French | |
ARICO | Appareil Respiratoire Isolant à Circuit Ouvert | In French | |
BA | Breathing Apparatus | In English | |
BAL | Binôme d'ALimentation | In French | |
BAT | Binôme d'ATtaque | In French | |
BI | Bouche Incendie | In French | |
BMPM | Bataillon des Marins-Pompiers de Marseille ( | In French | → Military affairs → France |
BSPP | Brigade des Sapeurs Pompiers de Paris ( | In French | → France |
CA | Chef d'Agrès | In French | → Education |
CABA | Compressed Air Breathing Apparatus | In English | |
CASDIS | Conseil d'Administration du Service Départemental d'Incendie et de Secours | In French | → Regional administration → Traumatology |
CCF | Camion Citerne Forestier | In French | → Automobile manufacturing → Forestry |
CCFF | Comité Communal Feu de Fôret | In French | → Regional administration → Forestry |
CCFL | Camion Citerne Forestier Léger | In French | → Automobile manufacturing → Forestry |
CCFM | Camion Citerne Forestier Moyen | In French | → Automobile manufacturing → Forestry |
CCFS | Camion Citerne Forestier Super | In French | → Automobile manufacturing → Forestry |
CCGC | Camion Citerne Grande Capacité | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
CCI | Camion Citerne d'Incendie | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
CCRM | Camion Citerne Rural Moyen | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
CDHR | Camion Dévidoir Hors-Route | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
CDO | Congé pour Difficulté Operationnelle | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
CDSP | Corps Départemental de Sapeurs-Pompiers | In French | → Regional administration |
CEMF | Cellule Manoeuvre de Force | In French | |
CEPARI | Centre d'Entraînement au Port de l'Appareil Respiratoire Isolant | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
CH | Colonne Humide | In French | |
CIFSC | Centre Interrégional de Formation de la Sécurité Civile | In French | → Regional administration → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Medicine |
CIRCOSC | Centre Interrégional de Coordination des Opérations de Sécurité Civile | In French | → Regional administration → Medicine |
CMIC | Cellule Mobile d'Intervention Chimique | In French | → Chemical technology |
CMIR | Cellule Mobile d'Intervention Radiologique | In French | → Nuclear technology |
CMSI | Centralisateur de Mise en Sécurité Incendie | In French | |
CODIS | Centre Opérationnel Départemental d'Incendie et de Secours | In French | → Regional administration → Traumatology → France |
COS | Commandant des Opérations de Secours | In French | → Traumatology |
COSSIM | Centre Opérationnel des Services de Secours et d'Incendie de Marseille | In French | → Traumatology |
CPI | Centre de Première Intervention | In French | |
CRAU | Centre de Réception d'Alerte d'Urgence | In French | |
CS | Centre de Secours | In French | |
CSP | Centre de Secours Principal | In French | |
CTA | Centre de Traitement de l'Alerte | In French | |
DA | Dévidoir Automobile | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
DAL | Dévidoir Automatique Léger | In French | |
DAP | Dévidoir Automobile Prémélangeur | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
DATT | Dévidoir Automobile Tout-Terrain | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
DCHR | Dévidoir Citerne Hors Route | In French | |
DDSIS | Direction Départementale des Services d'Incendie et de Secours | In French | → Regional administration → Traumatology |
DFCI | Défense des Forêts Contre l'Incendie | In French | → Forestry |
DFT | Dispositif de Franchissement de Tuyaux | In French | |
DMR | Diffuseur Mixte Réglable | In French | |
DMRS | Diffuseur Mixte Réglable Stabilisé | In French | |
DOS | Directeur des Opérations de Secours | In French | → Traumatology |
DR | Dévidoir Remorquable | In French | |
DSFS | Delaware State Fire School | In English | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → United States |
DSI | Directeur des Secours Incendie | In French | → Traumatology |
EF | Explosion de Fumée | In French | |
EFI | Ensemble Fourgon d'Incendie | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
EGE | Embrasement Généralisé Éclair | In French | |
EMP | Échelle Motorisée sur Porteur | In French | |
ENSOSP | École Nationale Supérieure des Officiers de Sapeurs-Pompiers ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → France |
ENSSP | École Nationale Supérieure des Sapeurs-Pompiers | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → France |
EP | Engin-Pompe | In French | |
EPA | Échelle Pivotante Automatique | In French | |
EPAC | Échelle Pivotante Automatique Continue | In French | |
EPAS | Échelle Pivotante Automatique Séquentielle | In French | |
EPSA | Échelle Pivotante Semi-Automatique | In French | |
FA | Fourgon d'Appui | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
FAA | Fréquence Analogique d'Alerte | In French | → Telecommunications |
FFFP | Film Forming Fluoroprotein | In English | → Proteins → Chemicals |
FMOGP | Fourgon Mousse Grande Puissance | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
FNSPF | Fédération Nationale des Sapeurs-Pompiers de France | In French | → Organizations and associations → France |
FP | Fluoroprotein Foam | In English | → Proteins → Chemicals |
FPT | Fourgon Pompe-Tonne | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
FPTGP | Fourgon Pompe-Tonne Grande Puissance | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
FPTL | Fourgon Pompe-Tonne Léger | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
FTEX | Fourgon Tri-EXtincteur | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
GAAR | Guet Aérien Armé | In French | → Aeronautics, aircraft |
GFR | Gros Filet Rond | In French | |
GIP | Groupe d'Intervention Préventif | In French | |
GREP | Groupe de Recherche et d'Exploration Profonde | In French | |
GRIMP | Groupe de Recherche et d'Intervention en Milieu Périlleux | In French | |
ISP | Infirmier Sapeur-Pompier | In French | → Medicine |
JSP | Jeune Sapeur-Pompier | In French | |
LDMR | Lance à Débit Mixte Réglable | In French | |
LDT | Lance sur Dévidoir Tournant | In French | |
LDV | Lance à Débit Variable | In French | |
LSPCC | Lot de Sauvetage et de Protection Contre les Chutes | In French | |
MPR | Moto-Pompe Remorquable | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
OBNT | Ordre de Base National des Transmissions | In French | → Telecommunications |
PATRACDR | Personnel, Armement, Tenue, Radio, Alimentation, Commandement, Déroulement, Rendez-vous | In French | → Telecommunications |
PCPS | Plan Communal de Prévention et de Secours | In French | → Municipal administration |
PI | Poteau Incendie | In French | |
PRM | Point de Regroupement des Moyens | In French | |
PRV | Point de Regroupement des Victimes | In French | → Traumatology |
RIA | Robinet Incendie Armé | In French | |
SCBA | Self Contained Breathing Apparatus | In English | |
SDI | Service Départemental Incendie | In French | → Regional administration |
SDIS | Sercice Départemental d'Incendie et de Secours | In French | → Regional administration → Traumatology |
SPA | Sapeur-Pompier Auxiliaire | In French | |
SPP | Sapeur-Pompier Professionnel | In French | |
SPV | Sapeur-Pompier Volontaire | In French | |
SSI | Système de Sécurité Incendie | In French | |
TOOTEM | Toucher, Observer, Ouvrir, Tester, Engagement Minimum | In French | |
UDSP | Union Départementale des Sapeurs-Pompiers | In French | → Organizations and associations |
VACH | Véhicule d'Appui Chimique | In French | → Automobile manufacturing → Chemical technology |
VACLED | Véhicule d'Appui du Camion de Levage et de Déblaiement | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
VEPAR | Véhicule d'Entraînement au Port de l'Appareil Respiratoire | In French | → Automobile manufacturing → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
VES | Véhicule d'Extinction et de Sauvetage | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
VFC | Véhicule Feux de Cheminée | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
VFS | Véhicule Feux Spéciaux | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
VHA | Ventilateur Hydraulique Antidéflagrant | In French | |
VHR | Ventilateur Hydraulique Remorquable | In French | |
VIC | Véhicule d'Intervention Chimique | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
VID | Véhicule d'Intervention Diverse | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
VIP | Véhicule d'Interventions Polyvalent | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
VO | Ventilation Opérationnelle | In French | |
VPI | Véhicule de Première Intervention | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
VPIL | Véhicule de Première Intervention Léger | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
VPP | Ventilation à Pression Positive | In French | |
VSAB | Véhicule de Secours aux Asphyxiés et Blessés | In French | → Automobile manufacturing → Traumatology → 6122 |
VSABTT | Véhicule de Secours aux Asphyxiés et Blessés Tout Terrain | In French | → Automobile manufacturing → Traumatology → 6122 |
VSAV | Véhicule de Secours et d'Assistance aux Victimes | In French | → Automobile manufacturing → Traumatology |
ZD | Zone de Danger Liquide | In French | |
ZDV | Zone de Danger Vapeur | In French |