HADES - Main pageAckr → VES


Acronym Sense Language Topics
VES Validation des acquis d'Études Supérieures In French Education
VES Velocità di Eritrosedimentazione
= BSE | Bezinkingssnelheid van de Erythrocyten | In Dutch
= ESR | Erythrozytensedimentationsrate | In German
= ESR | Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate | In English
= ENG | Eritrocitų Nusėdimo Greitis | In Lithuanian
= СОЭ | Скорость оседания эритроцитов | In Russian
= EÇS | Eritrositlərin Çökmə Sürəti | In Azerbaijani
= ΤΚΕ | Ταχύτητα Καθιζήσεως Ερυθρών | In Greek
= SE | Sedimentacija Eritrocita | In Serbo-Croatian
= SE | Sedimentacija Eritrocita | In Serbian
= ШОЕ | Швидкість Осідання Еритроцитів | In Ukrainian
In Italian Blood and circulatory system
VES Vlug En Sterk In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VES Vriendschap En Sport In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VES Véhicule d'Extinction et de Sauvetage In French Automobile manufacturing

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