Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
AABB | American Association of Blood Banks | In English | → Associations → United States |
AACP | American Academy of Cardiovascular Perfusion | In English | → Academies → Cardiology → United States |
ABLES | Adult Blood Lead Epidemiology and Surveillance | In English | → Infectious diseases |
ABMTR | Autologus Blood & Marrow Transplant Registry | In English | |
ADHET | Association pour le Développement de l'Hématologie et de la Transfusion ( | In French | → Associations |
AES | Accident Exposant au Sang | In French | → Accidents, risks, safety |
AFH | Association Française des Hémophiles ( | In French | → Associations → Pathology → France |
aHUS | Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome | In English | → Pathology |
APTT | Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time | In English | |
ARC | Aggregation of Red Blood Cells | In English | |
ARFY | Atherosclerosis Risk-Factors in Female Youngsters | In English | → Cardiology |
ARMY | Atherosclerosis Risk-Factors in Male Youngsters | In English | → Cardiology |
AVIS | Associazione Volontari Italiani donatori Sangue | In Italian | → Associations → Italia |
BFI | Blood Flow Index | In English | |
BFI | Blood Flow Imaging | In English | → Diagnostics |
BKS | Blutkörperchensenkungsreaktion | In German | |
BKS | Blutkörperchensenkung | In German | |
BP | Blood Pressure | In English | |
BPMS | Blood Pressure Measuring System | In English | |
BSE | Bezinkingssnelheid van de Erythrocyten = ESR | Erythrozytensedimentationsrate | In German = ESR | Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate | In English = VES | Velocità di Eritrosedimentazione | In Italian = ENG | Eritrocitų Nusėdimo Greitis | In Lithuanian = СОЭ | Скорость оседания эритроцитов | In Russian = EÇS | Eritrositlərin Çökmə Sürəti | In Azerbaijani = ΤΚΕ | Ταχύτητα Καθιζήσεως Ερυθρών | In Greek = SE | Sedimentacija Eritrocita | In Serbo-Croatian = SE | Sedimentacija Eritrocita | In Serbian = ШОЕ | Швидкість Осідання Еритроцитів | In Ukrainian |
In Dutch | → Diagnostics |
BSG | Blutsenkungsgeschwindigkeit | In German | |
BSG | Blutkörperchensenkungsgeschwindigkeit | In German | |
BSR | Blutsenkungsreaktion | In German | |
BVI | Blood Volume Index | In English | |
CBC | Complete Blood Count | In English | |
CBF | Cerebral Blood Flow | In English | → Neurology |
CBR | Centre for Blood Research | In English | |
CBS | Canadian Blood Services ( | In English | → Organizations and associations → Canada |
CCAIMT | Common Carotid Artery Intima Media Thickness ( | In English | → Cardiology |
CCMH | Concentration Corpusculaire Moyenne en Hémoglobine = MCHC | Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration | In English = CHCM | Concentração de Hemoglobina Corpuscular Média | In Portuguese |
In French | → Diagnostics → Proteins |
CDTS | Centre Départemental de Transfusion Sanguine | In French | |
CEP | Concentré Érythrocytaire Phénotypé | In French | |
CFU-GEMM | Colony Forming Unit - Granulocyte-Erythroid-Makrophage-Megakaryocyte | In English | |
CFU-MK | Colony Forming Unit - MegaKaryocytic | In English | |
CGR | Concentré de Globules Rouges | In French | |
CGRP | Concentré de Globules Rouges Phénotypé | In French | |
CHARMS | Canadian Hemophilia Assessment and Resource Management Information System | In English | → Knowledge management → Pathology → Canada |
CHCM | Concentração de Hemoglobina Corpuscular Média = CCMH, MCHC (look above) |
In Portuguese | → Diagnostics → Proteins |
CIMT | Carotid Intima-Media Thickness | In English | → Cardiology |
CIVD | Coagulation Intravasculaire Disséminée | In French | |
CLB | Centraal Laboratorium voor de Bloedtransfusiedienst | In Dutch | → Research institutes |
CNTS | Centre National de Transfusion Sanguine | In French | → Pharmacology, toxicology |
CO | Cardiac Output | In English | → Cardiology |
CPB | Cardiopulmonary bypass | In English | → Cardiology |
CRCIL | Centre de Recherche Cardiovasculaire INSERM-Lariboisière | In French | → Research institutes → Cardiology |
CSF | Colony-Stimulating Factor | In English | → Proteins → Hormones → Immunology and allergy |
CTS | Centre de Transfusion Sanguine | In French | |
CTSA | Centre de Transfusion Sanguine des Armées | In French | → Military affairs |
CVP | Central Venous Pressure | In English | → Cardiology |
DGHO | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hämato-Onkologie ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Oncology → Germany |
DIC | Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation | In English | → Pathology |
DKUHD | Division of Kidney, Urologic, and Hematologic Diseases | In English | → Physiology → Pathology |
DRAA | Dialysis-Related Amyloid Arthropathy | In English | → Pathology |
DVT | Deep Vein Thrombosis | In English | → Pathology |
EBMT | European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation | In English | → Organizations and associations → Surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology |
ECA | Ecarin Chromogenic Assay | In English | → Diagnostics |
EÇS | Eritrositlərin Çökmə Sürəti = BSE, ESR, VES, ENG, СОЭ, ΤΚΕ, ШОЕ (look above) |
In Azerbaijani | → Diagnostics |
EHA | European Hematology Association | In English | → Associations |
EHC | European Haemophilia Consortium ( | In English | → Organizations and associations → Pathology → Europe |
EIM | Espace Intima Média = IMT | Intima Media Thickness | In English |
In French | → Cardiology |
ENG | Eritrocitų Nusėdimo Greitis = BSE, ESR, VES, СОЭ, EÇS, ΤΚΕ, ШОЕ (look above) |
In Lithuanian | → Diagnostics |
ESR | Erythrozytensedimentationsrate = BSE, VES, ENG, СОЭ, EÇS, ΤΚΕ, ШОЕ (look above) |
In German | → Diagnostics |
ESR | Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate = BSE, VES, ENG, СОЭ, EÇS, ΤΚΕ, ШОЕ (look above) |
In English | → Diagnostics |
FAST | Fukuoka Atherosclerosis Trial | In English | → Pathology |
FEVG | Fraction d’Éjection du Ventricule Gauche = LVEF | Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction | In English |
In French | → Cardiology |
FFDSB | Fédération Française pour le Don de Sang Bénévole ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → France |
G-CSF | Granulocyte Colony Stimulating-Factor | In English | → Proteins → Hormones → Immunology and allergy |
GFEV | Groupe Français d'Étude des Vascularites | In French | → Organizations and associations → Pathology → France |
GFM | Gélatine Fluide Modifiée | In French | |
GPVI | Glycoprotéine Plaquettaire VI | In French | → Proteins |
H5N1 | Hämagglutinin 5 Neuraminidase 1 | In German | → Enzymes → Cardiology |
HAP | Hipertensió Arterial Pulmonar = PAH | Pulmonalarterielle Hypertonie | In German = PH | Pulmonale Hypertonie | In German = PHT | Pulmonale Hypertonie | In German = HTAP | Hipertensió Arterial Pulmonar | In Catalan = PH | Pulmonary Hypertension | In English = HTP | Hipertensión Pulmonar | In Spanish = HTAP | Hypertension Artérielle Pulmonaire | In French = PH | Pulmonale Hypertensie | In Dutch = ЛГ | Лёгочная гиперте́нзия | In Russian = PAH | Pulmonal Arteriel Hypertension | In Danish = HTP | Hipertensión Pulmonar | In Galician = ԹՀ | Թոքային հիպերտենզիա | In Armenian = PAH | Pulmonal Arteriell Hypertensjon | In Norwegian = PH | Plućna Hipertenzija | In Serbian = PAH | Pulmonell Arteriell Hypertension | In Swedish = PH | Pulmoner Hipertansiyon | In Turkish |
In Catalan | → Cardiology → Chest diseases |
HCM | Hémoglobine Corpusculaire Moyenne = MCH | Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin | In English |
In French | → Diagnostics → Proteins |
HELLP | Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes and Low Platelet count | In English | → Diagnostics → Pathology → Enzymes |
HFA | Haemophilia Foundation Australia ( | In English | → Foundations → Pathology → Australia |
HgA1c | Hemoglobin A1c | In English | → Proteins |
HPPS | Human Plasma Product Services | In English | → Pharmacology, toxicology |
HPS | Hemophagocytic syndrome | In English | → Pathology |
HTAP | Hipertensió Arterial Pulmonar = HAP, PAH, PH, PHT, HTP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above) |
In Catalan | → Cardiology → Chest diseases |
HTAP | Hypertension Artérielle Pulmonaire = HAP, PAH, PH, PHT, HTP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above) |
In French | → Cardiology → Chest diseases |
HTP | Hipertensión Pulmonar = HAP, PAH, PH, PHT, HTAP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above) |
In Spanish | → Cardiology → Chest diseases |
HTP | Hipertensión Pulmonar = HAP, PAH, PH, PHT, HTAP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above) |
In Galician | → Cardiology → Chest diseases |
HUS | Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome = SUH | Síndrome Urémico Hemolítico | In Spanish = SHU | Syndrome Hémolytique et Urémique | In French = HUS | Hämolytisch-urämisches Syndrom | In German = HUS | Hemolytisk uremisk syndrom | In Nynorsk = HUS | Hemolytisk-uremisk syndrom | In Norwegian = ХУС | Хемолитички уремијски синдром | In Serbian = HÜS | Hemolitik üremik sendrom | In Turkish |
In English | → Pathology |
HUS | Hämolytisch-urämisches Syndrom = SUH, SHU, ХУС, HÜS (look above) |
In German | → Pathology |
HUS | Hemolytisk uremisk syndrom = SUH, SHU, ХУС, HÜS (look above) |
In Nynorsk | → Pathology |
HUS | Hemolytisk-uremisk syndrom = SUH, SHU, ХУС, HÜS (look above) |
In Norwegian | → Pathology |
HÜS | Hemolitik üremik sendrom = HUS, SUH, SHU, ХУС (look above) |
In Turkish | → Pathology |
IDVE | Indice de Déviation du Volume Érythrocytaire | In French | |
IMT | Intima Media Thickness = EIM (look above) |
In English | → Cardiology |
ISMCS | International Society for Mechanical Circulatory Support ( = ISRBP | International Society for Rotary Blood Pumps | In English |
In English | → Organizations and associations → Mechanical engineering → Cardiology |
ISRBP | International Society for Rotary Blood Pumps ( = ISMCS (look above) |
In English | → Organizations and associations → Mechanical engineering → Cardiology |
IVS | Institut des Vaisseaux et du Sang ( = VBI | Vessels and Blood Institute | In English |
In French | → Research institutes |
LA | Leucémie Aiguë | In French | → Pathology |
LAL | Leucémie Aiguë Lymphoïde | In French | → Pathology |
LAM | Leucémie Aiguë à Mégacaryocytes | In French | → Pathology |
LAM | Leucémie Aiguë Myéloïde | In French | → Pathology |
LEE | Locus of Enterocyte Effacement | In English | → Pathology |
LMC | Leucémie Myéloïde Chronique | In French | → Pathology |
LVEF | Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction = FEVG (look above) |
In English | → Cardiology |
MAP | Mean Arterial Pressure | In English | → Cardiology |
MAT | Microangiopathie thrombotique | In French | → Pathology |
MCH | Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin = HCM (look above) |
In English | → Diagnostics → Proteins |
MCHC | Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration = CCMH, CHCM (look above) |
In English | → Diagnostics → Proteins |
MCHC | Mean Cell Hemoglobin Concentration | In English | → Diagnostics → Proteins |
MCV | Mean Corpuscular Volume = VGM | Volume Globulaire Moyen | In French |
In English | |
MESA | Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis | In English | |
MMM | Myélofibrose avec Métaplasie Myéloïde | In French | → Pathology |
MTEV | Maladie Thromboembolique Veineuse | In French | |
MVO | Maladie Veino-Occlusive | In French | → Pathology |
NAN | Nombre Absolu de Neutrophiles | In French | |
NHF | National Hemophilia Foundation | In English | → Foundations → Pathology |
NHLBI | National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute ( | In English | → Research institutes → Cardiology → Medicine |
ÖGHO | Österreichische Gesellschaft für Hämatologie und Onkologie ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Oncology → Austria |
P-HUS | Pneumococcal-associated Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome | In English | → Pathology |
PAH | Pulmonalarterielle Hypertonie = HAP, PH, PHT, HTAP, HTP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above) |
In German | → Cardiology → Chest diseases |
PAH | Pulmonal Arteriel Hypertension = HAP, PH, PHT, HTAP, HTP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above) |
In Danish | → Cardiology → Chest diseases |
PAH | Pulmonal Arteriell Hypertensjon = HAP, PH, PHT, HTAP, HTP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above) |
In Norwegian | → Cardiology → Chest diseases |
PAH | Pulmonell Arteriell Hypertension = HAP, PH, PHT, HTAP, HTP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above) |
In Swedish | → Cardiology → Chest diseases |
PAI | Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor | In English | → Enzymes |
PAL | Phosphatase Alcaline Leucocytaire | In French | → Enzymes |
PBL | Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte | In English | → Immunology and allergy |
PBMC | Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell | In English | |
PCC | Prothrombin Complex Concentrate | In English | → Pharmacology, toxicology |
PFC | Plasma Frais Congelé | In French | → Pharmacology, toxicology |
PH | Pulmonale Hypertonie = HAP, PAH, PHT, HTAP, HTP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above) |
In German | → Cardiology → Chest diseases |
PH | Pulmonary Hypertension = HAP, PAH, PHT, HTAP, HTP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above) |
In English | → Cardiology → Chest diseases |
PH | Pulmonale Hypertensie = HAP, PAH, PHT, HTAP, HTP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above) |
In Dutch | → Cardiology → Chest diseases |
PH | Plućna Hipertenzija = HAP, PAH, PHT, HTAP, HTP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above) |
In Serbian | → Cardiology → Chest diseases |
PH | Pulmoner Hipertansiyon = HAP, PAH, PHT, HTAP, HTP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above) |
In Turkish | → Cardiology → Chest diseases |
PHT | Pulmonale Hypertonie = HAP, PAH, PH, HTAP, HTP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above) |
In German | → Cardiology → Chest diseases |
PiCT | Prothrombinase-induced Clotting Time | In English | → Diagnostics |
PNH | Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria | In English | → Pathology → Proteins |
PNH | Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinuria | In English | → Pathology → Proteins |
PSL | Produit Sanguin Labile | In French | → Pharmacology, toxicology |
PTC | Plasma Thromboplastin Component | In English | → Pharmacology, toxicology |
PTT | Purpura Thrombotique Thrombocytopénique | In French | → Pathology |
PV | Polyglobulie de Vaquez | In French | → Pathology |
PVA | Plasma Viro-Atténué | In French | |
RAAS | Renine, Angiotensine, Aldosteron Systeem | In Dutch | → Cardiology |
RBC | Red Blood Cells | In English | |
RBF | Regional Blood Flow | In English | |
SAA | Severe Aplastic Anemia | In English | → Pathology |
SAH | Sérum-Albumine Humaine | In French | → Pharmacology, toxicology |
SCA | Syndrome Coronarien Aigu | In French | → Cardiology |
SE | Sedimentacija Eritrocita = BESR, VES, ENG, СОЭ, EÇS, ΤΚΕ, ШОЕ (look above) |
In Serbo-Croatian | → Diagnostics |
SE | Sedimentacija Eritrocita = BESR, VES, ENG, СОЭ, EÇS, ΤΚΕ, ШОЕ (look above) |
In Serbian | → Diagnostics |
SFHTA | Société Française d'Hypertension Artérielle | In French | → Organizations and associations → Cardiology |
SHU | Syndrome Hémolytique et Urémique = HUS, SUH, ХУС, HÜS (look above) |
In French | → Pathology |
SMP | Syndrome Myéloprolifératif | In French | → Pathology |
SSIT | Système de Surveillance des Incidents Transfusionnels | In French | |
SUH | Síndrome Urémico Hemolítico = HUS, SHU, ХУС, HÜS (look above) |
In Spanish | → Pathology |
SVAS | Supravalvular aortic stenosis | In English | → Pathology |
SVR | Systemic vascular Resistance | In English | → Cardiology |
TBV | Total Blood Volume | In French | |
TCMH | Teneur Corpusculaire Moyenne en Hémoglobine | In French | → Diagnostics → Proteins |
TE | Thrombocytémie Essentielle | In French | → Pathology |
TGMH | Taux Globulaire Moyen d'Hémoglobine | In French | → Diagnostics → Proteins |
TIBC | Total Iron Binding Capacity | In English | |
TMA | Thrombotic Microangiopathy | In English | → Pathology |
TP | Temps de Prothrombine | In French | |
TPA | Tissue Plasminogen Activator | In English | → Enzymes |
TPR | Total Peripheral Resistance | In English | → Cardiology |
TTD | Temps de Thromboplastine Dilué | In French | |
TTP | Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura | In English | → Pathology |
TTPA | Temps de Thromboplastine Partielle Activée | In French | |
TVP | Thrombose Veineuse Profonde | In French | → Pathology |
UB | Unité Bethesda | In French | → Diagnostics → Immunology and allergy |
VBI | Vessels and Blood Institute ( = IVS (look above) |
In English | → Research institutes |
VES | Velocità di Eritrosedimentazione = BSE, ESR, ENG, СОЭ, EÇS, ΤΚΕ, ШОЕ (look above) |
In Italian | → Diagnostics |
VGM | Volume Globulaire Moyen = MCV (look above) |
In French | |
VIP | Vasoaktives intestinales Peptid | In German | → Biochemistry, biophysics |
VIVIT | Vorarlberg Institute for Vascular Investigation and Treatment | In English | |
VSMC | Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell | In English | → 5763 |
WBC | White Blood Cells | In English | |
WBCT | Whole Blood Clotting Time | In English | |
WFH | World Federation of Hemophilia ( | In English | → Organizations and associations → Pathology |
ΤΚΕ | Ταχύτητα Καθιζήσεως Ερυθρών = BSE, ESR, VES, ENG, СОЭ, EÇS, ШОЕ (look above) |
In Greek | → Diagnostics |
ЛГ | Лёгочная гиперте́нзия = HAP, PAH, PH, PHT, HTAP, HTP, ԹՀ (look above) |
In Russian | → Cardiology → Chest diseases |
СОЭ | Скорость оседания эритроцитов = BSE, ESR, VES, ENG, EÇS, ΤΚΕ, ШОЕ (look above) |
In Russian | → Diagnostics |
ХУС | Хемолитички уремијски синдром = HUS, SUH, SHU, HÜS (look above) |
In Serbian | → Pathology |
ШОЕ | Швидкість Осідання Еритроцитів = BSE, ESR, VES, ENG, СОЭ, EÇS, ΤΚΕ (look above) |
In Ukrainian | → Diagnostics |
ԹՀ | Թոքային հիպերտենզիա = HAP, PAH, PH, PHT, HTAP, HTP, ЛГ (look above) |
In Armenian | → Cardiology → Chest diseases |