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→ Acoustics
Acoustical engineering@
Acronym Sense Language Topics
AcAcu Acta Acustica In Latin Serial publications, periodicals
AcouL Acoustics Letters In English Serial publications, periodicals
Acu Acustica In Latin Serial publications, periodicals
AIH Acoustical Imaging and Holography In English Serial publications, periodicals
Acoustical engineering
AkTek Akustika i Ul'trazvukovaia Tekhnika In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
AkZh Akusticheskii Zhurnal In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
AMS Acoustic Measurement System In English Acoustical engineering
AMTF Acoustic Model Test Facility In English Acoustical engineering
ApAc Applied Acoustics In English Serial publications, periodicals
Acoustical engineering
APhy Acoustical Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
ArAco Archives Acoustics In English Serial publications, periodicals
ArAku Archiwum Akustyki In Polish Serial publications, periodicals
ASAJ Acoustical Society of America Journal In English Serial publications, periodicals
United States
CAA Computational Aeroacoustics In English Computer-based techniques
CREDO Cabin noise Reduction by Experimental and numerical Design Optimization In French Aeronautics, aircraft
DAP Décodage Acoustico-Phonétique In French Computer-based techniques
Phonetics, phonology
FNL Fluctuation and Noise Letters In English Serial publications, periodicals
GVL Ground Vibrations Laboratory In English Research institutes
GVT Ground Vibration Test In English
GVTA Ground Vibration Test Article In English
HGVT Horizontal Ground Vibration Test In English
ICSV International Congress on Sound and Vibration In English Congresses
IIAV International Institute of Acoustics and Vibrations In English
ITASS IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing In English Serial publications, periodicals
Language, linguistics, literature
ITSU IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Transactions on Sonics Ultrasonics In English Serial publications, periodicals
ITUFF IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control In English Serial publications, periodicals
Electricity, magnetism, electromagnetism
JAco Journal d'Acoustique In French Serial publications, periodicals
JAE Journal of Acoustic Emission In English Serial publications, periodicals
JAES Journal of Audio Engineering Society In English Serial publications, periodicals
JASJa Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan In English Serial publications, periodicals
JCA Journal of Computational Acoustics In English Computer science
Serial publications, periodicals
JMOA Journal of Microwaves Optics and Acoustics In English Serial publications, periodicals
JSV Journal of Sound Vibration In English Serial publications, periodicals
JVC Journal of Vibration and Control In English Serial publications, periodicals
JVE Journal of Vibration Engineering In English Serial publications, periodicals
LVA Laboratoire Vibrations-Acoustique In French Research institutes
MESSIAN Methods for the Efficient Simulation of Aircraft engine Noise In English Aeronautics, aircraft
PhAco Physical Acoustics In English Serial publications, periodicals
PrVP Proceedings of Vibration Problems In English Serial publications, periodicals
RvAc Revue d'Acoustique In French Serial publications, periodicals
Acoustical engineering
SAW Surface Acoustic Wave In English
ShWav Shock Waves In English Serial publications, periodicals
SNGR Stochastic Noise Generation and Radiation In English
SOURDINE Study of Optimisation procedURes for Decreasing the Impact of NoisE In English
SV Shock and Vibration In English Serial publications, periodicals
SVD Shock Vibration Digest In English Serial publications, periodicals
SVICB Shock Vibration Information Center - Shock Vibration Bulletin In English Serial publications, periodicals
SVICD Shock Vibration Information Center - Shock Vibration Digest In English Serial publications, periodicals
SVICI Shock Vibration Information Center - Shock Vibration Inform Digest In English Serial publications, periodicals
SVICP Shock Vibration Information Center - Shock Vibration Computer Programs In English Computer programs
SvPAC Soviet Physics Acoustics In English Serial publications, periodicals
TIMPAN Technology to IMProve Airframe Noise In English
UASER Ultrasound Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation In English Engineering, technology
Ultra Ultrasonics In English Serial publications, periodicals
VAPEPS Vibroacoustic Payload Environment Prediction System In English Astronautics
VAT Vibroacoustic Test In English Mechanical engineering
Acoustical engineering
VATA Vibroacoustic Test Article In English Mechanical engineering
Acoustical engineering
VATF Vibration and Acoustic Test Facility In English Mechanical engineering
Acoustical engineering

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