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→ Urology
Acronym Sense Language Topics
AACU American Association of Clinical Urologists In English Associations
United States
AAMSH American Academy of Male Sexual Health In English Academies
Sexual problems
United States
AFU Association Française d'Urologie In French Associations
AMSR Asociaţia pentru Medicina Sexualităţii din România In Romanian Associations
Sexual problems
APSIR Asia Pacific Society for Impotence Research In English Organizations and associations
Sexual problems
ARDE Asociaţia Română a Disfuncţiei Erectile In Romanian Associations
Sexual problems
ASESA Asociación Española de Andrología In Spanish Organizations and associations
Sexual problems
ASSM Austrian Society for Sexual Medicine (www.assm.at) In English Organizations and associations
AUA American Urological Association (www.auanet.org) In English Associations
United States
BDU Berufsverband der Deutschen Urologen In German Organizations and associations
BJU British Journal of Urology In English Serial publications, periodicals
United Kingdom
BSSM British Society for Sexual Medicine (www.bssm.org.uk) In English Organizations and associations
Sexual problems
Gynaecology, obstetrics
United Kingdom
BvU Berufsverband der österreichischen Urologen (www.urologisch.at) In German Organizations and associations
DGSMT Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sexualmedizin und Sexualtherapie (www.dgsmt.de) In German Organizations and associations
DGU Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie In German Organizations and associations
EAU European Assocation of Urology In French Associations
EAU European Association of Urology In English Associations
ESDA European Sexual Dysfunction Alliance In English Organizations and associations
Sexual problems
Applied sciences, technology
ESSM European Society of Sexual Medicine In English Organizations and associations
ESU European School of Urology In English Specialized or polytechnical colleges
FABIR Fédération des Associations Belges d'Insuffisants Rénaux In French Associations
FCRI Fondation Canadienne pour la Recherche sur l'Incontinence In French Foundations
GSSMT German Society for Sexual Medicine and Sexual Therapy In German Organizations and associations
HSMWG Hungarian Sexual Medicine Working Group In English Organizations and associations
Sexual problems
Applied sciences, technology
ICS International Continence Society (www.icsoffice.org) In English Organizations and associations
IJIR International Journal of Impotence Research In English Serial publications, periodicals
Sexual problems
ILSSM Israeli Society for Sexual Medicine In English Organizations and associations
Sexual problems
Applied sciences, technology
ISSIR International Society for Sexual and Impotence Research In English Organizations and associations
Sexual problems
Applied sciences, technology
ISSM International Society for Sexual Medicine In English Organizations and associations
JMHG Journal of Men's Health & Gender In English Serial publications, periodicals
Sexual problems
MUSE Medicated Urethral System for Erection In English 3926
PAAR Professional Association of Andrologists of Russia In English Associations
Sexual problems
PSSM Polish Society for Sexual Medicine In English Organizations and associations
Sexual problems
Applied sciences, technology
SFMS Societé Francophone de Médecine Sexuelle In French Organizations and associations
Sexual problems
Applied sciences, technology
SIA Società Italiana di Andrologia In Italian Organizations and associations
Sexual problems
SIU Société Internationale d'Urologie In French Organizations and associations
SPA Sociedade Portuguesa de Andrologia (www.spandrologia.pt) In Portuguese Organizations and associations
Sexual problems
SSMS Society for Sexual Medicine of Slovenia In English Organizations and associations
Sexual problems
Applied sciences, technology
SSSM Scandinavian Society for Sexual Medicine In English Organizations and associations
Sexual problems
Applied sciences, technology
UTI Urinary Tract Infection In English Infectious diseases
VCUG Voiding Cysto-Urethrogram In English Diagnostics
WCMH World Congress on Men's Health & Gender In English Congresses
Sexual problems
WVSD Wetenschappelijke Vereniging Voor Seksuele Disfuncties In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sexual problems

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