Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
AAMOP | Advances in Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
AdAMP | Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
AdEEP | Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → 53912 → Electronics |
ADIEP | Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → 53912 |
ADNDT | Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
AdNuP | Advances in Nuclear Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
AEEPS | Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics Supplement | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → 53912 → Electronics |
AMOP | Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
APD | Area Passive Dosimeter | In English | → Radioactivity |
ARNPS | Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
ARPE | Association française de Résonance Paramagnétique Électronique | In French | → Associations → France |
ASACUSA | Atomic Spectroscopy And Collisions Using Slow Antiprotons | In English | → Chromatography, mass spectrography |
ASDHE | Advanced Series on Directions in High Energy Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
AtEn | Atomnaia Energiia = AtEn | Атомная энергия | In Russian |
In Russian | → Serial publications, periodicals → Nuclear technology |
AtEn | Атомная энергия = (look above) |
In Russian | → Serial publications, periodicals |
AtERv | Atomic Energy Review | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Energy economics → Mechanical engineering |
AtPhy | Atomic Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
BEC | Bose-Einstein Condensation | In English | |
CEA | Cambridge Electron Accelerator | In English | → United States |
CECAM | Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire | In French | |
CEN | Centre d'Études Nucléaires | In French | → Research institutes → Nuclear technology |
CENG | Centre d'Études Nucléaires de Grenoble | In French | → Research institutes → Nuclear technology |
CERN | Centre Européen de Recherche Nucléaire ( | In French | → Nuclear technology |
CFIS | Calculateur du Fractionnement des Isotopes Stables = SIFC | Stable Isotope Fractionation Calculator | In English |
In French | → Atomic physics |
ChJNP | Chinese Journal of Nuclear Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → China |
CNS | Canadian Nuclear Society ( | In English | → Organizations and associations → Nuclear technology → Canada |
CSNSM | Centre de Spectrométrie Nucléaire et de Spectrométrie de Masse | In French | → Nuclei → Chromatography, mass spectrography |
DUBBLE | Dutch-Belgian Beamline | In English | → Optics |
EFDA | European Fusion Development Association ( | In English | → Associations → 53912 → Nuclear technology |
ENDF | Evaluated Neutron Data File | In English | → Files |
FANP | Fundamental and Applied Nuclear Physics Series | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Nuclear technology |
FANTOM | (International Research School for) Fundamental and Applied Nuclear and aTOMic physics | In English | → Research institutes → Higher education, universities → Mechanical engineering |
fMRI | Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging | In English | → Diagnostics |
GIRSE | Gruppo Italiano di Risonanza di Spin Elettronico | In Italian | → Italia |
GQA | Groupe des Questions Atomiques | In French | → Organizations and associations → Nuclear technology |
GSI | Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung | In German | |
HCT | Hot Cell Technology | In English | → 54458 → Nuclear technology |
HEPNP | High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
IadEn | Iadernaia Energiia = IadEN | ядерная энергия | In Russian |
In Russian | → Serial publications, periodicals → Nuclear technology |
IadEN | ядерная энергия = IadEn (look above) |
In Russian | → Serial publications, periodicals → Nuclear technology |
IFIN-HH | Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizică şi Inginerie Nucleară 'Horia Hulubei' | In Romanian | → Nuclear technology |
IJRAI | International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Radioactivity |
IJRB | International Journal of Radiation Biology | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Radioactivity → Biological sciences |
IN2P3 | Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules | In French | → 539 |
INSTM | Institut National des Sciences et des Techniques Nucléaires | In French | → Research institutes → Nuclear technology |
IPBS | Isotopes in the Physical and Biomedical Sciences | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Radioactivity → Biological sciences → Medicine |
IRM | Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique = MRI | Magnetic Resonance Imagery | In English |
In French | → Medicine |
IRNP | International Review of Nuclear Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
ITNS | IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Transactions on Nuclear Science | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Nuclear technology |
ITU | Institut für Transurane | In German | → Research institutes → Nuclear technology |
ITU | Institute for Transuranium Elements | In English | → 54458 → Nuclear technology |
JAAS | Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Chromatography, mass spectrography |
JAEA | Japan Atomic Energy Agency ( | In English | → Central administration → Energy economics → Nuclear technology → Japan |
JET | Joint European Torus ( | In English | → 53912 → Nuclear technology |
JHENP | Journal of High Energy and Nuclear Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Nuclei |
JHEP | Journal of High Energy Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
JHEPC | Journal of High Energy Physics Conference Proceedings | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Nuclei |
JMagR | Journal of Magnetic Resonance | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Magnetism |
JNuE | Journal of Nuclear Energy | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Nuclei → Nuclear technology |
JNuM | Journal of Nuclear Materials | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Nuclei → Materials science → Engineering, technology |
JQSRT | Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Analytical chemistry |
JRE | Jahrbuch der Radioaktivität und Elektronik | In German | → Serial publications, periodicals → Electronics |
JSRP | Journal of the Society for Radiological Protection | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
JXST | Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Electromagnetism |
KAERI | Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute ( | In English | → Research institutes → Atomic physics |
LAPP | Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules | In French | → Research institutes → France |
LDA | Local Density Approximation | In English | → Atomic physics |
LEP | Large Electron Positron collider | In French | |
LHC | Large Hadron Collider | In French | |
LO | Local Orbitals | In English | → Atomic physics |
LPES | Laboratoire de Physique Électronique des Solides | In French | → Research institutes → 53912 |
LSDA | Local Spin Density Approximation | In English | → Atomic physics |
MolPh | Molecular Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
MoPhR | Molecular Physics Reports | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
MoSim | Molecular Simulation | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
MR | Magnetska ili magnetna rezonancija | In Croatian | → Medicine |
MRI | Magnetic Resonance Imagery = IRM (look above) |
In English | → Medicine |
MRT | Magnetresonanz-Tomografie = MRT | Magnetresonanstomografi | In Swedish |
In German | → Medicine |
MRT | Magnetresonanstomografi = (look above) |
In Swedish | → Medicine |
MSB | Methods in Subnuclear Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
NDS | Nuclear Data Sheets | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Nuclei → Nuclear technology |
NIFS | National Institute for Fusion Science | In English | → Research institutes → Nuclear technology |
NIMP | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Nuclei → Nuclear technology |
NMR | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance = RMN | Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire | In French = RMN | Ressonància Magnètica Nuclear | In Catalan = RMN | Risonanza Magnetica Nucleare | In Italian = תמ"ג | תהודה מגנטית גרעינית | In Hebrew = ЯМР | Я́дерного магни́тного резона́нса | In Russian = НМР | Нуклеарна магнетна резонанција | In Serbian |
In English | → Medicine → Nuclear technology |
NPB | Neutral Particle Beam | In English | |
NPDS | Nuclear Particle Detection Subsystem | In English | → Nuclei |
NPNDS | Neutron Physics and Nuclear Data in Science and Technology | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
NSE | Nuclear Science Engineering | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Nuclei → Nuclear technology |
NucFS | Nuclear Fusion Special Supplement | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Nuclei → Nuclear technology |
NucFu | Nuclear Fusion | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Nuclei → Nuclear technology |
NucIM | Nuclear Instruments and Methods | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Nuclei → Nuclear technology |
NucPh | Nuclear Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Nuclei |
NucTe | Nuclear Technology | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Nuclei → Nuclear technology |
NucTF | Nuclear Technology Fusion | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Nuclei → Nuclear technology |
NuEnD | Nuclear Engineering and Design | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Nuclei → Nuclear technology |
NuGeo | Nuclear Geophysics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Nuclei → Geophysics |
OARME | Oxygen Atom Reaction Materials Experiment | In English | → Nuclear technology |
ORM | Operational Reactivity Margin | In English | → 53912 → Nuclear technology |
PAN | Physics of Atomic Nuclei | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Nuclei |
PCHEI | Physics in Collision: High-Energy ee/ep/pp Interactions | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
PEFPN | Physica Energiae Fortis et Physica Nuclearis | In Latin | → Serial publications, periodicals |
PhLF | Physics Laser Fusion | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Electricity, magnetism, electromagnetism |
PhQE | Physics of Quantum Electronics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Quantum mechanics |
PIXE | Particle-Induced X-ray Emission | In English | → Radioactivity |
PIXE | Proton Induced X-ray Emission | In English | → Radioactivity |
PNDDO | Partial Neglect of Diatomic Differential Overlap | In English | |
PNDO | Partial Neglect of Differential Overlap | In English | |
PNTPM | Physique Nucléaire Théorique et Physique Mathématique | In French | → Mathematics → Physics |
PPN | Physics of Particles and Nuclei | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
PrPNP | Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
PTPPB | Physics and Technology of Particle and Photon Beams | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
RADO | Radiation Dosimetry | In English | → Radioactivity → Astronautics → Astronomy |
RADO-HTR | Radiation Dosimetry - High Temperature Ratio | In English | → Radioactivity → Astronautics → Astronomy |
REM | Roentgen Equivalent Man | In English | → Radioactivity → Medicine |
RGN | Revue Générale Nucléaire | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Nuclear technology |
RMN | Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire = NMR, תמ"ג, ЯМР, НМР (look above) |
In French | → Medicine → Nuclear technology |
RMN | Ressonància Magnètica Nuclear = NMR, תמ"ג, ЯМР, НМР (look above) |
In Catalan | → Medicine → Nuclear technology |
RMN | Risonanza Magnetica Nucleare = NMR, תמ"ג, ЯМР, НМР (look above) |
In Italian | → Medicine → Nuclear technology |
RSO | Radiological Safety Office | In English | → Accidents, risks, safety → Radioactivity |
SGX | Service Général des Rayons X | In French | |
SHEP | Surveys in High Energy Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
SIFC | Stable Isotope Fractionation Calculator = CFIS (look above) |
In English | → Atomic physics |
SLAC | Stanford Linear Accelerator Center | In English | |
SMI | Stefan Meyer Instituts für subatomare Physik | In German | |
SNC | Société Nucléaire Canadienne ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Nuclear technology → Canada |
SP2M | Service de Physique des Matériaux et Microstructures | In French | |
SPIO-MRI | Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide-enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging | In English | → Medicine |
StHCG | Studies in High Energy Physics Cosmology and Gravitation | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Cosmology |
StHEP | Studies in High Energy Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
SvJNP | Soviet Journal of Nuclear Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Nuclei |
SvJQE | Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Quantum mechanics |
TEPC | Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter | In English | → Radioactivity |
НМР | Нуклеарна магнетна резонанција = NMR, RMN, תמ"ג, ЯМР (look above) |
In Serbian | → Medicine → Nuclear technology |
ПМР | Протонный магнитный резонанс | In Russian | → Medicine |
РБМК | Реактор Большой Мощности Канальный | In Russian | → Nuclear technology → 53912 |
ЯМР | Я́дерного магни́тного резона́нса = NMR, RMN, תמ"ג, НМР (look above) |
In Russian | → Medicine → Nuclear technology |
תמ"ג | תהודה מגנטית גרעינית = NMR, RMN, תמ"ג, ЯМР, НМР (look above) |
In Hebrew | → Medicine → Nuclear technology |