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Sport, physical exercises

→ Sport, physical exercises
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Acronym Sense Language Topics
COV Christelijke Ontspannings Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
CPLD Conseil de Prévention et de Lutte contre le Dopage In French
CREPS Centre Régional d'Éducation Physique et Sportive In French Education
CSA Canadian Soccer Association (www.canadasoccer.com) In English Associations
CSB Christelijke Sportclub Baflo In Dutch Organizations and associations
CSCA Christelijke Sport Club Actief In Dutch Organizations and associations
CSL Combinatie Sport Leeuwarderadeel In Dutch Organizations and associations
CSV Castricumse Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
CSV Christelijke Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
CSVC Christelijke Sport Vereniging Coevorden In Dutch Organizations and associations
CSVD Christelijke Sportclub Vitesse Delft In Dutch Organizations and associations
CSVH Christelijke Sport Vereniging Hoogkerk In Dutch Organizations and associations
CSW Combinatie Sportclub Wilnis In Dutch Organizations and associations
CTSB Cycle Training Standards Board (www.ctsb.org.uk) In English United Kingdom
CVBVB Christelijke Voetbal Vereniging Bedum In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
CVC Compascuumer Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
CVN Cercle de la Voile de Neuchâtel (www.cvn.ch) In French Organizations and associations
CVO Combinatie Vrouwenparochie Oude Leije In Dutch Organizations and associations
CVSB Christelijke Voetbalvereniging Scheemder Boys In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
CVV Charloise Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
CVVA Christelijke Voetbal Vereniging Arnhem In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
CVVO Christelijke Vereniging Voor Ontspanning In Dutch Organizations and associations
CVW Christelijke Voetbalclub Winschoten In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
DALTO De Aanval Leidt Tot Overwinning In Dutch Organizations and associations
DAVO Dordrecht Aan Vallen en Overwinnen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DAW De Aanhouder Wint In Dutch Organizations and associations
DBC Dordtse Boys Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
DBGC Don Bosco Grijsoord Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
DBH Dart Bezirksverband Hannover In German Organizations and associations
DBK Door Broederschap Krachtig In Dutch Organizations and associations
DBS Door Broederschap Sterk In Dutch Organizations and associations
DBSV Don Bosco Studenten Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
DBV Door Bevrijding Verkregen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DCG Door Combinatie Groot In Dutch Organizations and associations
DCL De Charloise Leeuw In Dutch Organizations and associations
DCO Door Combinatie Overwinning In Dutch Organizations and associations
DCS Door Combinatie Sterk In Dutch Organizations and associations
DCV Door Combinatie Verkregen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DDH De Drie Hoefijzers In Dutch Organizations and associations
DDJS Direction Départementale de la Jeunesse et des Sports In French Public administration, government
DDV Deutscher Dart-Verband (www.deutscherdartverband.de) In German Organizations and associations
DEB Door Eendracht Bereikt In Dutch Organizations and associations
DEES Door Eendracht En Samenspel In Dutch Organizations and associations
DEH Door Eendracht Hoger In Dutch Organizations and associations
DEK Door Eendracht Kracht In Dutch Organizations and associations
DEM Door Eendracht Macht In Dutch Organizations and associations
DEMOS De Eendracht Maakt Ons Sterker In Dutch Organizations and associations
DEO Dijkhoek En Omstreken In Dutch Organizations and associations
DES Door Eendracht Sterk In Dutch Organizations and associations
DESK Door Eendracht Sterk Kaatsheuvel In Dutch Organizations and associations
DESM Door Eendracht Sterk Moesdijk In Dutch Organizations and associations
DESO Door Eendracht Sterk Oss In Dutch Organizations and associations
DESS Door Eendracht Sterk Sijbekarspel In Dutch Organizations and associations
DESTO Door Edel Spel Tot Ontwikkeling In Dutch Organizations and associations
DESZ Door Eendracht Samen Zwartsluis In Dutch Organizations and associations
DETO Door Eendracht Tot Overwinning In Dutch Organizations and associations
DEV Door Eendracht Vereenigd In Dutch Organizations and associations
DEV De Elf Vrienden In Dutch Organizations and associations
DEVJO Door En Voor Jongeren Opgericht In Dutch Organizations and associations
DEVO Door Enige Vrienden Opgericht In Dutch Organizations and associations
DFA Deutsche Fußball-Akademie (www.deutsche-fussball-akademie.de) In German Football and rugby
DFC Dordtsche Football Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
DFS Door Fusie Sterk In Dutch Organizations and associations
DGS Deventer Gymnasiasten Sportclub In Dutch Organizations and associations
DGSP Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sportmedizin und Prävention (www.dgsp.de) In German Organizations and associations
DHC Delfia Hollandia Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
DHL De Hollandsche Leeuw In Dutch Organizations and associations
DHS Doorzetten Hinderen Schieten In Dutch Organizations and associations
DHV Den Hoek Vooruit In Dutch Organizations and associations
DHW Darp Havelte Wapserveen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DHZ Door Houvast Zegevieren In Dutch Organizations and associations
DIB Door Inzet Beloond In Dutch Organizations and associations
DINDUA Door Inspanning Nuttig Door Uitspanning Aangenaam In Dutch Organizations and associations
DIO Door Inspanning Ontspanning In Dutch Organizations and associations
DIO Door Inspanning Overwinning In Dutch Organizations and associations
DIOS Doelen Is Ons Streven In Dutch Organizations and associations
DIOSA Doelen Is Ons Streven Altijd In Dutch Organizations and associations
DIOSZ Door Inspanning Overwinnen Zegge In Dutch Organizations and associations
DIS Door Inspanning Sterk In Dutch Organizations and associations
DIVO Door Inspanning Volgt Overwinning In Dutch Organizations and associations
DJK De Jonge Kampioen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DJS De Jonge Spartaan In Dutch Organizations and associations
DKB De Krim Boys In Dutch Organizations and associations
DLO Door Lichamelijk Oefenen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DLVS De Leeuw Van Spangen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DMC De Merwe Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
DMC Domstad Majella Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
DNL De Nederlandsche Leeuw In Dutch Organizations and associations
DOB Door Oefening Beter In Dutch Organizations and associations
DOG De Oude Garde In Dutch Organizations and associations
DOK Door Oefening Kracht In Dutch Organizations and associations
DONK Doelt Onversaagd Naar Kampioen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DOO Door Oefenen Overwinnen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DORR Door Oefening Razend Rap In Dutch Organizations and associations
DOS Door Oefening Sterk In Dutch Organizations and associations
DOS Drogter-Op-Slagen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DOSB Door Oefening Steeds Beter In Dutch Organizations and associations
DOSC Dolderse Omni Sport Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
DOSK Door Oefening Sterk Kampen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DOSKO Door Ons Samenspel Komt Overwinning In Dutch Organizations and associations
DOSL Door Oefening Sterk Leende In Dutch Organizations and associations
DOSR Door Oefening Sterk Roelofarendsveen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DOSS Door Oefening Steeds Sterker In Dutch Organizations and associations
DOSV Deventer Onderlinge Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
DOTO Door Oefenen Tot Overwinnen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DOV Door Oefening Victorie In Dutch Organizations and associations
DOVO Door Onze Vrienden Opgericht In Dutch Organizations and associations
DOZ Door Oefening Zegevieren In Dutch Organizations and associations
DPSV Draka Polva Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
DQR Dragon Quad Racing (www.dqracing.co.uk) In English
DRC Durgerdamse Racing Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
DRJS Direction Régionale de la Jeunesse et des Sports In French Public administration, government
DRK De Rappe Klomp In Dutch Organizations and associations
DRL De Rotterdamse Leeuw In Dutch Organizations and associations
DRV Deutscher Rugby-Verband (www.rugby-verband.de) In German Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
DRV De Rotterdamsche Vrienden In Dutch Organizations and associations
DRZ De Roode Zon In Dutch Organizations and associations
DS Drecht Steden In Dutch Organizations and associations
DSC Doetinchemse Sport Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
DSC Drielse Sport Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
DSC Dalerveen Stieltjeskanaal Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
DSE De Sportvriend Etten In Dutch Organizations and associations
DSFS Deutscher Sportclub für Fußballstatistiken (www.dsfs.de) In German Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
DSK Door Samenspel Kampioen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DSMA Dallas Softball Managers Association (www.dsma.com) In English Associations
DSO Door Samenspel Overwinnen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DSOU Door Samenspel Overwinnen Utrecht In Dutch Organizations and associations
DSOV Door Samenspel Overwinnen Vijfhuizen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DSS Door Samenspel Sterk In Dutch Organizations and associations
DSS Door Samenwerking Sterk In Dutch Organizations and associations
DSV Door Sport Vriendschap In Dutch Organizations and associations
DSV Dongensche Sport Vereeniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
DSV De Snel Voeters In Dutch Organizations and associations
DSV Doornspijkse Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
DSVD Deurningse Sport Vereniging Deurningen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DSVP Door Samenwerking Verkregen Pijnacker In Dutch Organizations and associations
DSVV Delftsche Studenten Voetbal Vereeniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
Higher education, universities
DSZ Door Samenspel Zegevieren In Dutch Organizations and associations
DTD De Trije Doarpen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DTO Door Techniek Overwinnen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DTS Door Training Sterk In Dutch Organizations and associations
DUNOD Door Uithouding Naar Overwinning Doorwerth In Dutch Organizations and associations
DVAV Diemense Voetbal en Athletiek Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
DVBB Dartverband Berlin-Brandenburg In German Organizations and associations
DVC Delftsche Voetbal Club (www.dvcdelft.nl) In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
DVC Deventer Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
DVC Didamse Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
DVC Dordrechter Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
DVE Door Vriendschap Een In Dutch Organizations and associations
DVG De Vooruit Gang In Dutch Organizations and associations
DVH Door Vriendschap Hoger In Dutch Organizations and associations
DVO Dartverband Ostbayern In German Organizations and associations
DVO Door Vrienden Opgericht In Dutch Organizations and associations
DVO Door Vriendschap Overwinnen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DVOL Door Vriendschap Overwinnen Lent In Dutch Organizations and associations
DVOS Dartverband Oberschwaben In German Organizations and associations
DVOS Door Vriendschap Opgericht Staatsliedenkwartier In Dutch Organizations and associations
DVOV Door Vriendschap Overwinnen Velp In Dutch Organizations and associations
DVS Door Vriendschap Samen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DVS Door Vereniging Sterk In Dutch Organizations and associations
DVSA Door Vriendschap Sterk Amerongen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DVSE Door Vriendschap Samen Een In Dutch Organizations and associations
DVSG Door Vriendschap Samen Groesbeek In Dutch Organizations and associations
DVSU Door Vriendschap Saam Utrecht In Dutch Organizations and associations
DVSV Door Vriendschap Samen Vereend In Dutch Organizations and associations
DVV Duinoordsche Voetbal Vereeniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
DVV Duivense Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
DVVA Door Vriendschap Verenigd Amsterdam In Dutch Organizations and associations
DVVC Dongense Voetbal Vereniging Concordia In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
DVVS Diocesane Voetbal Vereniging Strijp In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
DWB De Weerse Boys In Dutch Organizations and associations
DWG Door Wilskracht Groot In Dutch Organizations and associations
DWO Door Wilskracht Omhoog In Dutch Organizations and associations
DWOW Door Wilskracht Overwinnen Wieringerwerf In Dutch Organizations and associations
DWP De Wite Peal In Dutch Organizations and associations
DWS Door Wilskracht Sterk In Dutch Organizations and associations
DWSM Door Wilskracht Sterk Maarssen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DWSV Door Wilskracht Steeds Verder In Dutch Organizations and associations
DWSV De Ware Sport Vriend In Dutch Organizations and associations
DWV Door Wilskracht Verkregen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DWZ De Wieke Zuidwending In Dutch Organizations and associations
DZB De Zomerhof Boys In Dutch Organizations and associations
DZC Doetinchemse Zaterdag Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
DZOH Drentse Zuid Oost Hoek In Dutch Organizations and associations
DZS De Zwarte Schapen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DZS De Zilveren Schapen In Dutch Organizations and associations
DZSV Dinxperlose Zaterdag Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
EASES Equestrian Arts and Sciences for Equestrian Sports In English
EBC Easterzee Bantega Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
EBO Eendracht Brengt Overwinning In Dutch Organizations and associations
EBOH Eendracht Brengt Ons Hoger In Dutch Organizations and associations
EBON Eendracht Brengt Ons Nader In Dutch Organizations and associations
ECSS European College of Sport Science In English Organizations and associations
EDN Ende Despereert Niet In Dutch Organizations and associations
EDO Eendracht Doet Overwinnen In Dutch Organizations and associations
EDOU Eenheid Door Overspel Utrecht In Dutch Organizations and associations
EDS Eendracht Doet Spelen In Dutch Organizations and associations
EDW Eendracht Doet Winnen In Dutch Organizations and associations
EEC Ees Eesergroen Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
EEV Eerste Evertsoordse Voetbalclub In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
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