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Sport, physical exercises

→ Sport, physical exercises
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Acronym Sense Language Topics
NAVC Nieuw Amsterdamse Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
NAWIRA North America West Indies Rugby Association In English Associations
Football and rugby
NBSC Nieuw Buinen Stadskanaal Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
NBSVV Nieuw Beijerlandse Sport en Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
NCG Neptune Club Gosselien In French Organizations and associations
NCM National Capital Marathon In English
NDSM Nu Door Samenspel Machtig In Dutch Organizations and associations
NDT Nijmeegse Doel Trappers In Dutch Organizations and associations
NDV Niedersächsischer Dartverband In German Organizations and associations
NEA Nuttig en Aangenaam In Dutch Organizations and associations
NEC Nijmegen Eendracht Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
NEC Nieuw Eindse Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
NELSAP New England Lost Ski Area Project (www.nelsap.org) In English
NEO Nederland En Oranje In Dutch Organizations and associations
NFC Nieuweramstelse Football Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
NHC Nijmeegsche Hees Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
NHS Naar Hoger Streven In Dutch Organizations and associations
NIRSA National Intramural Recreational Sports Association In English Associations
NIVO Na Inspanning Volgt Ontspanning In Dutch Organizations and associations
NKVV Nieuwe Krimse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
NLC Norbert Litta Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
NOAD Nooit Opgeven Altijd Doorzetten In Dutch Organizations and associations
NOAD Nooit Ophouden Altijd Doorgaan In Dutch Organizations and associations
NOB Nemzetközi Olimpiai Bizottság (www.olympic.org)
= CIO | Comité International Olympique | In French
= IOC | International Olympic Committee | In English
= МОК | Международен олимпийски комитет | In Bulgarian
= MOO | Međunarodni olimpijski odbor | In Bosnian
= COI | Comitè Olímpic Internacional | In Catalan
= MOV | Mezinárodní olympijský výbor | In Czech
= IOK | Internationales Olympisches Komitee | In German
= ΔΟΕ | Διεθνής Ολυμπιακή Επιτροπή | In Greek
= IOK | Internacia Olimpika Komitato | In Esperanto
= COI | Comité Olímpico Internacional | In Spanish
= ROK | Rahvusvaheline Olümpiakomitee | In Estonian
= KOK | Kansainvälinen olympiakomitea | In Finnish
= COI | Comité Olímpico Internacional | In Galician
= MOO | Međunarodni olimpijski odbor | In Croatian
= TOK | Tarptautinis olimpinis komitetas | In Lithuanian
= IOC | Internationaal Olympisch Comité | In Dutch
= IOK | (Den) internasjonale olympiske komité | In Norwegian
= MKOI | Międzynarodowy Komitet Olimpijski | In Polish
= COI | Comité Olímpico Internacional | In Portuguese
= МОК | Международный олимпийский комитет | In Russian
= MOK | Međunarodni olimpijski komitet | In Serbo-Croatian
= MOV | Medzinárodný olympijský výbor | In Slovak
= MOK | Mednarodni olimpijski komite | In Slovenian
= МОК | Међународни олимпијски комитет | In Serbian
= IOK | Internationella Olympiska Kommitté | In Swedish
= МОК | Міжнародний олімпійський комітет | In Ukrainian
In Hungarian Organizations and associations
NOGC North Oxford Golf Club (www.nogc.co.uk) In English Organizations and associations
United Kingdom
NOK Nijemirdum Oudemirdum Kombinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
NOS Na Oefening Sterk In Dutch Organizations and associations
NOVO Nieuwolda Onder Vrienden Opgericht In Dutch Organizations and associations
NRC Nieuwe Rotterdamse Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
NSC Nijkerkse Sport Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
NSU Nederlandse Scheepvaart Unie In Dutch Organizations and associations
NSV Nispense Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
NSV Noordense Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
NTNUI Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitets idrettsforening In Norwegian Organizations and associations
Higher education, universities
NTVV Nieuwe Tongense Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
NVC Netterdense Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
NVC Naarden De Vesting Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
NVS Nieuw Vossemeerse Sportvereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
NWC NOAD Wilhelmina Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
NWDV Nordrhein-Westfälischer Dartverband In German Organizations and associations
NWVV Nieuw Weerdinger Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
OAB Oost Arnhemse Boys In Dutch Organizations and associations
OB Onderling Bevriend In Dutch Organizations and associations
OBDV Oberbayerischer Dartverband In German Organizations and associations
OBV Order Bossche Voetbalclub In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
OBW Ooij's Blauw Wit In Dutch Organizations and associations
OCOGs Organising Committees for the Olympic Games In English Organizations and associations
OCS Olympic Club de Safi (www.ocs.ma) In French Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
ODB Ons Doel Bereikt In Dutch Organizations and associations
ODC Overwinning Door Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
ODE Overwinnen Door Eendracht In Dutch Organizations and associations
ODI Ontspanning Door Inspanning In Dutch Organizations and associations
ODIN Ons Doel Is Nuttig In Dutch Organizations and associations
ODIO Ons Doel Is Overwinnen In Dutch Organizations and associations
ODIZ Ons Doel Is Zegevieren In Dutch Organizations and associations
ODO Overwinnen Door Oefening In Dutch Organizations and associations
ODO Oefening Doet Overwinnen In Dutch Organizations and associations
ODS Oefening Doet Slagen In Dutch Organizations and associations
ODUPA Organización de Deporte Universitario Panamericano In Spanish Organizations and associations
Higher education, universities
ODV Ontspanning Door Voetbal In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
OFB Oost Flakkese Boys In Dutch Organizations and associations
OFC Oostzaanse Football Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
OFSPO Office Fédéral du Sport
= BASPO | Bundesamt für Sport | In German
In French Central administration
OHVV Ouden Hoornse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
OJC ODI Juliana Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
OKSV Overlangel en Keentse Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
OKVC Oldehoven Kommerzijlse Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
OL Olympique Lyonnais (www.olweb.fr) In French Organizations and associations
OLIVEO Onze Leus Is Vooruit En Overwinnen In Dutch Organizations and associations
OLIVIO Onze Leus Is Voorwaarts In Overwinning In Dutch Organizations and associations
OM Olympique de Marseille In French France
OMC OSS Merwesteijn Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
ONA Ontspanning Na Arbeid In Dutch Organizations and associations
ONB Op Nije Begon'n In Dutch Organizations and associations
ONDO Op Naar De Overwinning In Dutch Organizations and associations
ONI Ontspanning Na Inspanning In Dutch Organizations and associations
ONR Oranje Nassau Roden In Dutch Organizations and associations
ONS Oranje Nassau Sportvereeniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
ONS Oranje Nassau Sneek In Dutch Organizations and associations
ONT Opeinde Nijega en De Tike In Dutch Organizations and associations
ONV Op Nieuw Verenigd In Dutch Organizations and associations
OSC Ookmeer Schinkelhaven Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
OSC Olstse Sport Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
OSC Oosterhoutse Sport Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
OSC Orthense Sport Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
OSDO Ons Samenspel Doet Overwinnen In Dutch Organizations and associations
OSI Onze Sport Inspireert In Dutch Organizations and associations
OSM Omni Sportvereniging Maarssenbroek In Dutch Organizations and associations
OSO Omroep Sport Organisatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
OSS Oefening Staalt Spieren In Dutch Organizations and associations
OSSA Oxfordshire School Sports Association In English Associations
OSV Oostzaanse Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
OSV Overdinkelse Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
OVC Ommense Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
OVC Oijense Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
OVC Oosterbeekse Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
OVCS Ophovense Voetbal Club Sittard In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
OVH Ontspannings Vereniging Hercules In Dutch Organizations and associations
ÖVV Österreichischer Volleyball Verband (www.volleynet.at) In French Organizations and associations
OVV Oostvoornse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
OVV Oosteinder Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
OVVO Op Volharding Volgt Overwinning In Dutch Organizations and associations
OWIOS Over Winnen Is Ons Streven In Dutch Organizations and associations
OWL Ostwestfalen-Darts-Liga In German Organizations and associations
OZC ODIS Zorgvlied Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
OZC Ommer Zaterdag Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
OZK Oranje Zwart Kromhout In Dutch Organizations and associations
OZOD Overwinnen Zij Ons Doel In Dutch Organizations and associations
OZW Oud Zwart Wit In Dutch Organizations and associations
PAC Progres - Afrikaander Boys Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
PC Piste Cyclable In French Road transport
PCH Poney Club de La Houssaye In French Organizations and associations
PDK Promotie Door Krachtsinspanning In Dutch Organizations and associations
PEC Post Energie Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
PFC Puttense Football Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
PGEM Provinciale Gelderse Electriciteits Maatschappij In Dutch Organizations and associations
Electrical engineering
PIM Prague International Marathon (www.pim.cz) In English Czech Republic
PJC Pekelder Boys Jupiter Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
PKC Peizerweg Kring Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
POC Personeels Opvang Centrum Homburg In Dutch Organizations and associations
POPB Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy In French France
PPMR Préparation Physique, Mentale et Réathlétisation In French
PPSC Pro Patria Stormvogel Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
PRA Professional Rugby Players Association In English Associations
Football and rugby
PSCK Parochie Sport Club Kalf In Dutch Organizations and associations
PSG Paris Saint-Germain In English Football and rugby
PSK Philippiense Sport Kring In Dutch Organizations and associations
PSV Philips Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
PSV Posterholtse Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
PSZ Prettige Spelers Zegevieren In Dutch Organizations and associations
PTENS Physical Therapy, Exercise and Nutrition Science In English Medicine
PVC Pedo Volucri Cogimus In Dutch Organizations and associations
PVCV Patronaats Voetbal Club Vleuten In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
PVDV Plezierig Vertoeven Door Vriendschap In Dutch Organizations and associations
PVF Personeels Vereniging Fokker In Dutch Organizations and associations
PVS Parochie Voetbalclub Sint Servaas In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
PVSS Personeels Vereniging Stads Schouwburg In Dutch Organizations and associations
PVV Peaparkse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
PVWA Personeels Vereniging Werkspoor Amsterdam In Dutch Organizations and associations
PWC Pieterburen Westernieland Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
PZH Provincie Zuid Holland In Dutch Organizations and associations
QBF Qatar Basketball Federation In English Organizations and associations
QCV Quick Valken Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
QSC Quick Sparta Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
RAC Rijense Amateur Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
RACC Racing Athlétic Club Cheminots In French Organizations and associations
RAFA Rafael Athletiek en Voetbal Afdeling In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
RAP Run Amstel Progres In Dutch Organizations and associations
RAPID Roomse Adel Prijkt In Daden In Dutch Organizations and associations
RAS Rijks Ambtenaren Sportclub In Dutch Organizations and associations
RBC Roosendaalse Boys Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
RC&VV Rotterdamsche Cricket en Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
RCA Rugby Club Auxerrois In French Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
RCA Racing Club Amsterdam In Dutch Organizations and associations
RCAC Racing Club Animo Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
RCACP Rugby Club Agglomération Cergy Pontoise In French Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
RCAV Rugby Club Aubenas Vals In French Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
RCC Rugby Club Châteaurenard In French Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
RCD Rugby Club Dijonnais In French Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
RCD Racing Club Dordrecht In Dutch Organizations and associations
RCFI Rugby Club de Flandre Intérieure In French Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
RCGC Rugby Club Grand-Couronnais In French Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
RCGM Rugby Club Grande Motte In French Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
RCH Racing Club Haarlem In Dutch Organizations and associations
RCH Racing Club Heemstede In Dutch Organizations and associations
RCL Racing Club Leiderdorp In Dutch Organizations and associations
RCM Rugby Club de Montréal In French Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
RCMD Rugby Club Municipal Déolois In French Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
RCNM Racing Club Narbonne Méditerranée In French Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
RCO Rugby Club Orléans (www.rcorleans.com) In French Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
RCO Rugby Club Orangeois In French Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
RCP Rugby Club de Plabennec In French Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
RCR Racing Club Rotterdam In Dutch Organizations and associations
RCS Racing Club de Strasbourg In French Organizations and associations
RCS Racing Club Souburg In Dutch Organizations and associations
RCV Racing Club Verheul In Dutch Organizations and associations
RCVMT Rugby Club Vif Monestier Trièves In French Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
RCYC Royal Canadian Yacht Club In English Organizations and associations
RCYC Royal Cape Yacht Club In English Organizations and associations
RCYC Royal Corinthian Yacht Club In English Organizations and associations
RCYC Royal Cork Yacht Club In English Organizations and associations
RCYC Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club In English Organizations and associations
RCYC Richmond County Yacht Club In English Organizations and associations
RCZ Racing Club Zaandam In Dutch Organizations and associations
RDC RODA Daventria Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
RDM Rotterdamse Droogdok Maatschappij In Dutch Organizations and associations
REMO Reëel en Moreel In Dutch Organizations and associations
RES Rjucht En Sljucht In Dutch Organizations and associations
RESIA Rechtschapen En Sportief In Alles In Dutch Organizations and associations
REWIOD Rennen En Winnen Is Ons Doel In Dutch Organizations and associations
RFA The Rugby Fives Association In English Associations
Football and rugby
RFC Rotterdamse Football Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
RFC Rijswijkse Fusie Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
RFC Rotterdamse Fusie Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
RFU Rugby Football Union In English Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
RGC Riverside Golf Club In English
RGC Rotters Golf Club In English
RHC Rectoraat Heerderweg Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
RHF Roller Hockey France (www.rollerhockeyfrance.com) In French France
RIA Rooms In Alles In Dutch Organizations and associations
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