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Sport, physical exercises

→ Sport, physical exercises
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Acronym Sense Language Topics
AAAD American Athletic Association of the Deaf In English Associations
United States
AAALF American Association for Active Lifestyles and Fitness In English Associations
United States
AAC Altforst Appeltern Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
AAC Amstel Athletische Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
AAC Arnhemsche Athletische Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
AAHFP American Academy of Health & Fitness Professionals In English Academies
United States
AAHPERD American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance In English Organizations and associations
United States
ABIM Alle Begin Is Moeilijk In Dutch Organizations and associations
ABS Algemene Bathmense Sportvereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
ACSM American College of Sports Medicine (www.acsm.org) In English Organizations and associations
United States
ACSPE Association Culturelle et Sportive des Parents d'Elèves de Malzéville In French Associations
Civilization, culture, progress
ACV Asser Christelijke Voetbalclub In Dutch Organizations and associations
Social sciences
Football and rugby
ACVVV Allevitische Culturele Voetbal Vereniging Venlo In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
ADAMS Anti-Doping Administration & Management System In English
ADE Alles Door Eendracht In Dutch Organizations and associations
ADM Aanpakken Doet Meetellen In Dutch Organizations and associations
ADO Anti-Doping Organization In English
ADO Alles Door Oefening In Dutch Organizations and associations
ADS Alles Door Samenspel In Dutch Organizations and associations
ADV Allgäuer Dartverband In German Organizations and associations
ADVEO Aangenaam Door Vriendschap En Oefening In Dutch Organizations and associations
ADW Alles Door Wilskrachtzo In Dutch Organizations and associations
AER Association Européenne de Rugby In French Associations
Football and rugby
AFA Asociación del Fútbol Argentino (www.afa.org.ar) In Spanish Associations
Football and rugby
AFA American Fence Association In English Associations
United States
AFC Amsterdamse Football Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
AFC Alkmaarsche Football Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
AFZ Akademischer Fechtclub Zürich In German Organizations and associations
AGB Amsterdam Gençler Birligi In Dutch Organizations and associations
AGOVV Alleen Gezamenlijk Oefenen Voert Verder In Dutch Organizations and associations
AGS Amsterdamse Grafische Sportvereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
AGSV Aartswoudse Gouwse Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
AGVV Amsterdamsche Gymnastiek & Voetbal Vereeniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
AGY Association Gestalt et Yoga (www.agy.org) In French Associations
AH Almere Huizen In Dutch Organizations and associations
AHL American Hockey League (www.theahl.com) In English Organizations and associations
United States
AIJC Association Internationale des Journalistes du Cyclisme In French Associations
Newspapers, journalism
AIR Associazione Italiana Rugbysti In Italian Associations
Football and rugby
AJOZ Jeugd Organisatie Zwijndrecht In Dutch Organizations and associations
ALASP Alaska Lost Ski Areas Project (www.alsap.org) In English
ALC Abbekerk Lambertzwaag Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
ALO Association Luxembourgeoise des Olympiens (www.olympiens.lu) In French Associations
AMJV Algemene Maatschappij Voor Jongeren In Dutch Organizations and associations
AMPM Arts Martiaux du Pays de la Mossig (www.ampm67.fr) In French France
ANPS Association Nationale des Podologues du Sport In English Associations
ANSR Amicale Nationale des Supporters de Rugby In French Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
AOSSM American Orthopeadic Society of Sports Medicine In English Organizations and associations
Surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology
United States
APCC Association pour la Promotion de la Course Croisière In French Associations
APGS Amsterdamse Politie Gymnastiek en Sportvereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
APS Activités Physiques et Sportives In French
APS Annapolis Performance Sailing (www.apsltd.com) In English United States
APWC Amersfoort Paars Wit Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
AS Association Sportive In French Associations
ASB Altijd Sportief Blijven In Dutch Organizations and associations
ASC Augustinusga Surhuizum Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
ASC Ajax Sportman Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
ASC Abcoudese Sport Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
ASCE Association Sportive et Culturelle de l'ENSI In French Associations
Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ASD Association Sportive Domarinoise In French Associations
ASH Algemene Sportvereniging Hellouw In Dutch Organizations and associations
ASO Amaury Sport Organisation In English Organizations and associations
ASONIA Andijker Sporters Op Nieuw In Actie In Dutch Organizations and associations
ASPS Association Suisse de Physiothérapie du Sport In English Associations
ASPS Association Suisse de Psychologie du Sport In English Associations
ASR Amsterdamse Stads Reiniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
ASSV Amsterdamse Spoorwegen Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
ASV Amsterdamse Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
ASV Aarler Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
ASV Algemene Sportvereniging Venhuizen In Dutch Organizations and associations
ASV Aadorper Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
ASV Ankeveense Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
ASVA Arbeiders Sport Vereniging Archipel In Dutch Organizations and associations
ASVB Arbeiders Sport Vereniging Blijham In Dutch Organizations and associations
ASVD Algemene Sport Vereniging Dronten In Dutch Organizations and associations
ASVK Amsterdamse Sport Vereniging Kattenburg In Dutch Organizations and associations
ASVO Algemene Sport Vereniging Overdinkel In Dutch Organizations and associations
ASW Altijd Sterker Worden In Dutch Organizations and associations
ATCC Avenir Triathlon Club de Charleroi In French Organizations and associations
ATCC Association Tennis Club de Chooz In French Organizations and associations
ATVV Alberdingk Thijmstraat Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
AUF Australian Ultralight Federation (www.auf.asn.au) In English Organizations and associations
Aeronautics, aircraft
AVA Actief Voetbal Afdeling In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
AVC Apeldoornsche Voetbal Vereeniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
AVC Algemene Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
AVIOS Altijd Vooruitgang Is Ons Streven In Dutch Organizations and associations
AVJC Athletenverein Jugendkraft / Concordia Zella-Mehlis (www.avjc.de) In German Organizations and associations
AVOG Alleen Voor Ons Genoegen In Dutch Organizations and associations
AVV Amsterdamsche Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
AVV Aester Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
AVW Arnhemse Voetbalclub Wilhelmina In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
AVW Altijd Voorwaarts Westervoort In Dutch Organizations and associations
AWA Allen Weerbaar Amsterdam In Dutch Organizations and associations
AWC Alverna Wijchen Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
AWF Australian Wrestling Federation (www.awfwrestling.com.au) In English Organizations and associations
AWF Australian Weightlifting Federation (www.awf.com.au) In English Organizations and associations
AZS Argonaut Zwarte Schapen In Dutch Organizations and associations
AZSV Aaltense Zaterdag Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
AZVV Axelse Zaterdag Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
BARLA British Amateur Rugby League Association (https://www.barla.org.uk/) In English Associations
Football and rugby
United Kingdom
BAS Biddinghuizener Algemene Sportvereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
BASC Nijmeegse Arbeiders Sport Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
BASPO Bundesamt für Sport
= OFSPO | Office Fédéral du Sport | In French
In German Central administration
BAVOS Bakelse Voetbal Sport In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
BAVV Bennekomse Arbeiders Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
BBDV Braunschweiger Bezirksdartverband In German Organizations and associations
BBMC Britain's Biggest Mountain Challenge In English United Kingdom
BBS Badminton Swiss Series In English Organizations and associations
BBS Behörde für Bildung und Sport In German Public administration, government
BCB Bande Cyclable Bidirectionnelle In French Road transport
BCU British Canoe Union (https://www.britishcanoeing.org.uk) In English Organizations and associations
United Kingdom
BCU Bande Cyclable Unidirectionnelle In French Road transport
BCV Bergumer Christelijke Voetbalclub In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
BCVS Bornese Christelijke Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
BDK Bok De Korver In Dutch Organizations and associations
BDV Bayerischer Dartverband In German Organizations and associations
BEC Blauw Wit Excelsior Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
BEMI Biciklista Esperantista Movado Internacia In Esperanto Organizations and associations
Artificial languages (linguistics)
BES Borkel En Schaft In Dutch Organizations and associations
BEVO Bij Eendracht Volgt Overwinning In Dutch Organizations and associations
BEW Blauw En Wit In Dutch Organizations and associations
BFC Bussumsche Football Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
BHCC Bernardo Heights Country Club (www.bhcc.net) In English Organizations and associations
BHCC Bob Hope Chrysler Classic In English
BHCC Black Hills Climbers Coalition In English Organizations and associations
BIC Brummen Incognito Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
BJK Beşiktaş Jimnastik Klübü (www.bjk.com.tr) In Turkish Organizations and associations
BJSA Bangsa Jawa Suriname Amsterdam In Dutch Organizations and associations
BKC Breezand-Kleine Sluis Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
BMC Berlicum Middelrode Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
BMT Biedt Moedig Tegenstand In Dutch Organizations and associations
BNC Bruvery Nova Zembla Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
BOC Boxtel Oranje Wit Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
BOL Broek Op Langedijk In Dutch Organizations and associations
BOZ Bergen Op Zoom In Dutch Organizations and associations
BPC Be Quick Pollux Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
BRC Blauw Rood Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
BSC Burgerhoutse Sport Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
BSM Blijft Steeds Moedig In Dutch Organizations and associations
BSV Bayerische Seglerverband In German Organizations and associations
BSV Berliner Segler-Verband In German Organizations and associations
BSV Budelse Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
BSVV Boven Smildener Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
BVC Biltse Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
BVC Beekse Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
BVC Bingelraadse Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
BVC Beatrix Voorwaarts Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
BVCB Bergschenhoekse Voetbal Club Bergschenhoek In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
BVH Buurt Vereniging Hommelseweg In Dutch Organizations and associations
BVV Bergsche Vereenigde Voetballers In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
BVV Bredasche Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
BVV Bossche Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
BVV Blitterswijckse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
BVV Blaricumse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
BWDV Baden-Württembergischer Dart Verband In German Organizations and associations
BWO Blauw Wit Oost In Dutch Organizations and associations
BWR Blauw Wit Roosendaal In Dutch Organizations and associations
BZC Bloemhof Zuiderster Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
BZS Beusichemse Zoelmondse Sportvereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
CAB Combinatie Achilles Bolsward In Dutch Organizations and associations
CAI Club Alpino Italiano In Italian Organizations and associations
CAMR Colin Archer Memorial Race (www.camr.nl) In English Netherlands
CAMS Certificat d'Aptitude en Médecine du Sport In French Education
CAMV Club Athlétique de Mantes-la-Ville (www.camv-athle.org) In French Organizations and associations
CAPEPS Certificat d'Aptitude au Professorat de l'Éducation Physique et Sportive In French Education
CAPO Club Athlétique Préparation Olympique In French Organizations and associations
CD Course Designer In English
CDS Combinatie Dordrecht Sultana In Dutch Organizations and associations
CDW Combinatie Dorestad Wijk bij Duurstede In Dutch Organizations and associations
CELIOS Club En Liefde Is Ons Streven In Dutch Organizations and associations
CEVO Compascumer Erfscheidense Voetbal en Ontspanningsvereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
CFA Championnat de France Amateur In French Football and rugby
CFIDC China Football Industry Development Corporation In English Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
CHA Canadian Hockey Association (www.hockeycanada.ca) In English Associations
CHA Certified Horsemanship Association In English Associations
CHRC Cito - Harten Rijn Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
CIO Comité International Olympique (www.olympic.org)
= IOC | International Olympic Committee | In English
= МОК | Международен олимпийски комитет | In Bulgarian
= MOO | Međunarodni olimpijski odbor | In Bosnian
= COI | Comitè Olímpic Internacional | In Catalan
= MOV | Mezinárodní olympijský výbor | In Czech
= IOK | Internationales Olympisches Komitee | In German
= ΔΟΕ | Διεθνής Ολυμπιακή Επιτροπή | In Greek
= IOK | Internacia Olimpika Komitato | In Esperanto
= COI | Comité Olímpico Internacional | In Spanish
= ROK | Rahvusvaheline Olümpiakomitee | In Estonian
= KOK | Kansainvälinen olympiakomitea | In Finnish
= COI | Comité Olímpico Internacional | In Galician
= MOO | Međunarodni olimpijski odbor | In Croatian
= NOB | Nemzetközi Olimpiai Bizottság | In Hungarian
= TOK | Tarptautinis olimpinis komitetas | In Lithuanian
= IOC | Internationaal Olympisch Comité | In Dutch
= IOK | (Den) internasjonale olympiske komité | In Norwegian
= MKOI | Międzynarodowy Komitet Olimpijski | In Polish
= COI | Comité Olímpico Internacional | In Portuguese
= МОК | Международный олимпийский комитет | In Russian
= MOK | Međunarodni olimpijski komitet | In Serbo-Croatian
= MOV | Medzinárodný olympijský výbor | In Slovak
= MOK | Mednarodni olimpijski komite | In Slovenian
= МОК | Међународни олимпијски комитет | In Serbian
= IOK | Internationella Olympiska Kommitté | In Swedish
= МОК | Міжнародний олімпійський комітет | In Ukrainian
In French Organizations and associations
CION Chevron Is Onze Naam In Dutch Organizations and associations
CIP Comité International Paralympique (https://www.paralympic.org/) In French Organizations and associations
CISM Conseil International du Sport Militaire In French Organizations and associations
Military affairs
CJVV Christelijke Jongelieden Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
CKC Capelle Kralingscheveer Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
CLM Courir Le Monde (http://courirlemonde.org) In French
CNIC Championnat National Individuel des Clubs In French
CNOSF Comité National Olympique et Sportif Français (www.comite-olympique.asso.fr) In French Associations
CNPL Comité Nautique du Pays de Lorient In French Organizations and associations
CNR Centre National de Rugby In French Football and rugby
CNS Commission Nationale Skateboard (www.cns-france.com) In French Organizations and associations
CNV Christelijke Noordwijkerhoutse Voetbalclub In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
COB Cercle Océanaute de Bordeaux In French Organizations and associations
COB Club Olympique de Billancourt In French Organizations and associations
COB Club Olympique de Bamako In French Organizations and associations
COB Club Olympique Briochin In French Organizations and associations
COI Comitè Olímpic Internacional (www.olympic.org)
In Catalan Organizations and associations
COI Comité Olímpico Internacional (www.olympic.org)
In Spanish Organizations and associations
COI Comité Olímpico Internacional (www.olympic.org)
In Galician Organizations and associations
COI Comité Olímpico Internacional (www.olympic.org)
In Portuguese Organizations and associations
COJO Comité d'Organisation des Jeux Olympiques In French
CONI Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano (www.coni.it) In Italian Organizations and associations
COSEC Complexe Sportif Évolutif Couvert In French
COSL Comité Olympique et Sportif Luxembourgeois In French Organizations and associations
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