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Acronym Sense Language Topics
NLD Network Logistics Depot In English Maintenance and logistics
NMP National Maintenance Point In English Maintenance and logistics
NORGES Network of Offshore Records of Geology and Stratigraphy In English Records management
Earth sciences
NR Niveau de Rémunération In French Personnel management
NRM Nonrecurring Maintenance In English Maintenance and logistics
NSLD NASA Shuttle Logistics Depot In English Maintenance and logistics
United States
NSR Nouveau Système de Rémunération In French Personnel management
OALC Ogden Air Logistics Center In English Maintenance and logistics
Aeronautics, aircraft
OCALC Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center In English Maintenance and logistics
Aeronautics, aircraft
United States
OF Ordre de Fabrication In French Maintenance and logistics
OLAP On Line Analytical Processing In English Knowledge management
OMA Operations Maintenance Area In English Maintenance and logistics
OMA Orbiter Maintenance Area In English Maintenance and logistics
OMA Operation and Maintenance, Army In English Maintenance and logistics
Military affairs
OMAR Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve In English Maintenance and logistics
Military affairs
OMARNG Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard In English Maintenance and logistics
Military affairs
OMCF Operations and Maintenance Control File In English Maintenance and logistics
OMCF Orbiter Maintenance and Checkout Facility In English Maintenance and logistics
OMCS Operations and Maintenance Communications System In English Maintenance and logistics
OMD Operations and Maintenance Documentation In English Maintenance and logistics
OMDP Orbiter Maintenance Down Period In English Maintenance and logistics
OMDR Operations and Maintenance Data Record In English Records management
Maintenance and logistics
OMEWG Orbiter Maintenance Engineering Working Group In English Maintenance and logistics
OMI Operations and Maintenance Instruction In English Maintenance and logistics
OMIJC Operations and Maintenance Instruction Job Card In English Maintenance and logistics
OMISS Operation and Maintenance Instruction Summary Sheet In English Maintenance and logistics
OMMH Orbiter Maintenance Man-Hour In English Maintenance and logistics
OMP Operating Maintenance Plan In English Maintenance and logistics
OMP Operations and Maintenance Plan In English Maintenance and logistics
OMPF Official Military Personnel File In English Personnel management
Military affairs
OMPR Operational Maintainability Problem Reporting In English Maintenance and logistics
OMR Operations and Maintenance Requirement In English Maintenance and logistics
OMRC Operational Maintenance Requirements Catalog In English Maintenance and logistics
OMRF Orbiter Maintenance and Refurbishment Facility In English Maintenance and logistics
OMRF Orbiter Modification and Refurbishment Facility In English Maintenance and logistics
OMRP Operations and Maintenance Requirements Plan In English Maintenance and logistics
OMRS Operations and Maintenance Requirements and Specifications In English Maintenance and logistics
OMRS Operations and Maintenance Requirements System In English Maintenance and logistics
OMRSCB Operations and Maintenance Requirements and Control Board In English Maintenance and logistics
OMRSD Operations and Maintenance Requirements and Specifications Document In English Maintenance and logistics
OOMM Organizational Operations and Maintenance Manual In English Maintenance and logistics
OPM Office of Personnel Management In English Personnel management
ORCHIS Oak Ridge Computerized Hierarchical Information System In English Computer science
Knowledge management
ORIS Office of Research and Information Systems In English Knowledge management
ORLA Optimum Repair Level Analysis In English Maintenance and logistics
ORSDI Oak Ridge Selective Dissemination of Information In English Computer science
Knowledge management
OSCRS Orbital Spacecraft Consumables Resupply System In English Maintenance and logistics
OSMP Operational Support Maintenance Plan In English Maintenance and logistics
OTR Operating Time Record In English Records management
P&M Production and Maintenance In English Maintenance and logistics
P&MD Productivity and Manufacturing Development In English Maintenance and logistics
P&R Performance and Resources In English Maintenance and logistics
PACE Personal Achievement through Competency Evaluation In English Personnel management
Labour, labour economics
PAR Problem Accountability Record In English Records management
Quality management
PARS Property Accountability Record System In English Records management
PASOLS Pacific Area Senior Officer Logistics Seminar In English Maintenance and logistics
PCD Procurement Control Document In English Quality management
Maintenance and logistics
PDR Processed Data Recorder In English Records management
PEIR Project Equipment Inspection Record In English Records management
PEM Plant Engineering and Maintenance In English Maintenance and logistics
PEP Plant Engineering Procedure In English Maintenance and logistics
PERB Public Employment Relations Board In English Organizations and associations
Labour, labour economics
Personnel management
PFR Prime de Fonction et de Résultat In French Personnel management
Public administration, government
PGC Progiciel de Gestion du Contenu In French Software
Knowledge management
PHST Packaging, Handling, Storage, and Transportation In English Maintenance and logistics
Transport and postal services
PHTR Packaging, Handling, and Transportation Record In English Records management
Maintenance and logistics
Transport and postal services
PIC Process Information Cockpit In English Knowledge management
PIF Plan Individuel de Formation In French Education
Personnel management
PIO Provisioned Item Order In English Maintenance and logistics
PIP Personnel Incentive Program In English Labour, labour economics
Personnel management
PM Preventive Maintenance In English Maintenance and logistics
PM&P Parts, Materials, And Processes In English Maintenance and logistics
Engineering, technology
PMG Parts Management Group In English Organizations and associations
Maintenance and logistics
PMI Preventive Maintenance Instruction In English Maintenance and logistics
PMI Principal Maintenance Inspector In English Maintenance and logistics
PMIS Personal Management Information System In English Personnel management
PML Preliminary Materials List In English Maintenance and logistics
PMP Parts, Materials, and Processes In English Maintenance and logistics
PMPCB Parts, Materials, and Processes Control Board In English Maintenance and logistics
PMPCB Parts, Materials, and Processes Change Board In English Maintenance and logistics
PMPL Preferred Mechanical Parts List In English Maintenance and logistics
Electrical engineering
PMR Parts Material Request In English Maintenance and logistics
PMRB Primary Material Review Board In English Maintenance and logistics
PMSI Programme de Médicalisation des Systèmes d'Information In French Knowledge management
PMT Production Monitoring Test In English Maintenance and logistics
PMWO Preventive Maintenance Work Order In English Maintenance and logistics
POLAR Production Order Location and Record In English Records management
Maintenance and logistics
POLAR Production Order Location and Reporting In English Maintenance and logistics
PORB Production Operations Review Board In English Maintenance and logistics
PORCN Production Order Records Change Notice In English Records management
Maintenance and logistics
PP&LS Production Planning and Logistics Support In English Maintenance and logistics
PP&WC Process Planning and Work Control In English Maintenance and logistics
PPB Provisioning Parts Breakdown In English Maintenance and logistics
PPIL Priced Provisioned Item List In English Maintenance and logistics
PPL Planning Parts List In English Maintenance and logistics
PPL Preferred Parts List In English Maintenance and logistics
PPL Priced Parts List In English Maintenance and logistics
PPL Program Parts List In English Maintenance and logistics
PPL Provisioning Parts List In English Maintenance and logistics
PPP Projet Professionnel Personnalisé In French Personnel management
Labour, labour economics
PPSL Program Parts Selection List In English Maintenance and logistics
PR Position Record In English Records management
PRISME PRoduits d'Information Spécialisée et Médiation Électronique In French Knowledge management
PROJET Promotion Rurale pour l'Orientation des Jeunes dans l'Entreprise par le Travail In French Labour, labour economics
Personnel management
PROMIS Project-Oriented Management Information System In English Management
Knowledge management
PRP Personnel Reliability Program In English Personnel management
PRR Parts Replacement Request In English Maintenance and logistics
PRR Parts Rework or Replacement In English Maintenance and logistics
PRR Production Readiness Review In English Maintenance and logistics
PSA Producibility, Supportability, and Affordability In English Maintenance and logistics
PSBLS Permanent Space-Based Logistics System In English Maintenance and logistics
PSDR Planning and Scheduling Document Record In English Records management
PSICOSE Participation du Système d'Information à la COmpréhension du Social dans l'Entreprise In French Software
Personnel management
PSPL Priced Spare Parts List In English Maintenance and logistics
PSR Personal Services Regular In English Personnel management
PSRS Plant Service Recall System In English Maintenance and logistics
QPL Qualified Parts List In English Maintenance and logistics
QPL Qualified Products List In English Maintenance and logistics
QQPRI Qualitative and Quantitative Personnel Requirements Information In English Personnel management
R&U Repairs and Utilities In English Maintenance and logistics
R3S Rapid Records Retrieval System In English Records management
Knowledge management
RC Repos Compensateur In French Personnel management
Labour, labour economics
RC Rémunération Complémentaire In French Personnel management
Labour, labour economics
RCM Reliability-Centered Maintenance In English Quality management
Maintenance and logistics
RCM Reliability Centred Maintenance In English Maintenance and logistics
RCTT Réduction Collective du Temps de Travail In French Personnel management
Labour, labour economics
RDBMS Relational Database Management System
In English Data
Knowledge management
RDCIC Rémunération de la Disponibilité et de la Contribution Individuelle des Cadres In French Personnel management
Labour, labour economics
RGD Régie de Gestion des Données In French Public administration, government
Computer science
Knowledge management
RIM Resource Inventory Management In English Maintenance and logistics
RIMS Resource Inventory Management System In English Maintenance and logistics
RIS Research Information Systems In English Research policy
Knowledge management
RJC Réseau Jeunes Cadres In French Personnel management
Labour, labour economics
RLC Reconnaissance Locale de Compétence In French Personnel management
RM Remedial Maintenance In English Maintenance and logistics
RM Resource Management In English Maintenance and logistics
RM&P Reliability, Maintainability, and Producibility In English Maintenance and logistics
RM&QA Reliability, Maintainability, and Quality Assurance In English Quality management
Maintenance and logistics
RMA Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability In English Maintenance and logistics
RMOP Resource Management Operation Plan In English Maintenance and logistics
RMRS Recoverable Maintenance Recall System In English Maintenance and logistics
RMRS Repeatable Maintenance Recall System In English Maintenance and logistics
ROLAP Relational On Line Analytical Processing In English Knowledge management
RP Rémunération Principale In French Personnel management
RPCC Rémunération de la Performance Contractualisée des Cadres In French Personnel management
RPM Real Property Maintenance In English Maintenance and logistics
RPMA Real Property Maintenance Activities In English Maintenance and logistics
RPO Recruitment Process Outsourcing In English Personnel management
RPP Recrutement et Parcours Professionnel In French Personnel management
RPP Recueil des Prescriptions au Personnel In French Personnel management
Labour, labour economics
RSL Resource Support List In English Maintenance and logistics
RSPL Recommended Spare Parts List In English Maintenance and logistics
RSR Release Schedule Record In English Records management
RTOLAP Real-Time On Line Analytical Processing In English Knowledge management
S&TI Scientific and Technical Intelligence In English Knowledge management
S2R Système de Reconnaissance et de Rémunération In French Personnel management
SAALC San Antonio Air Logistics Center In English Maintenance and logistics
Aeronautics, aircraft
SABINE Services d'Accès à la Base d'INformations Élaborées In French Data
Personnel management
SADIEau Système Africain de Documentation et d'Information sur l'Eau
= AWIS | African Water Information (and Documentation) System | In English
In French Knowledge management
Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
SAE Système d'Archivage Électronique In French Knowledge management
SALC Sacramento Air Logistics Center In English Maintenance and logistics
Aeronautics, aircraft
SAM Site d'Accompagnement des Matériels In French Maintenance and logistics
SAN Storage Area Network In English Data
Knowledge management
SAPIR Search on Audio-visual content using Peer-to-peer Information Retrieval In English Computer-based techniques
Knowledge management
SARFS Student Academic Records and Financial Services In English Records management
Higher education, universities
SARP Shuttle Astronaut Recruitment Program In English Personnel management
SATO Supply and Transportation Operations In English Maintenance and logistics
SBO Systems Biology Ontology In English Programming languages
Knowledge management
Biological sciences
SCARS Serialized Control And Record System In English Records management
SCE Supply Chain Execution In English Maintenance and logistics
SCEM Supply Chain Event Management In English Maintenance and logistics
SCEPTRE Système de Collecte et consultation des Eléments de Personnel en TRansaction sur Écran-clavier In French Software
Maintenance and logistics
SCM Supply Chain Management In English Maintenance and logistics
SDM Security Document Management In English Knowledge management
SDP Service des Pensions In French Personnel management
Social welfare
SDR Sensor Data Record In English Records management
SDR Spacelab Disposition Record In English Records management
SEAPG Support Equipment Acquisition Planning Group In English Maintenance and logistics
SEBIS Semantics in Business Information Systems In English Knowledge management
SEI Support Equipment Installation In English Maintenance and logistics
SEICO Support Equipment Installation and Checkout In English Maintenance and logistics
SEMIDE Système Euro-Méditerranéen d'Information sur les savoir-faire dans le Domaine de l'Eau In French Knowledge management
Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
SERVAL SERVice Approvisionnement et Logistique In French Personnel management
SFP Service de la Formation Professionnelle In French Personnel management
SFPPL Short-Form Provisioning Parts List In English Maintenance and logistics
SGC Système de Gestion de Contenu(s)
= CMS | Content Management System | In English
In French Document processing
Knowledge management
SGDT Système de Gestion de Données Techniques In French Data
Knowledge management
SICA Secondary Inventory Control Activities In English Maintenance and logistics
SID Système d'Information Documentaire In French Knowledge management
SIE Système d'Information Environnementale In French Software
Knowledge management
Environmental protection
Threats to the environment
SIE Système d'Information sur l'Eau In French Knowledge management
Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
SIEM Système d'Information Emploi et Mobilité In French Personnel management
SIG Système d'Information Géographique
= GIS | Geographic(al) Information System | In English
= SIG | Sistema Informativo Geografico | In Italian
= SIG | Sistema de Información Geográfica | In Spanish
= SIG | Sistema d'informació geogràfica | In Catalan
= GIS | Geografický Informační Systém | In Czech
= ГИС | Географска информационна система | In Bulgarian
= ΓΣΠ | Γεωγραφικά Συστήματα Πληροφοριών | In Greek
= GIS | Geographisches Informationssystem | In German
= GIS | Geoinformationssystem | In German
= GIS | Geoinfosüsteem | In Estonian
= GIS | Geografski informacijski sustav | In Croatian
= ממ"ג | מערכת מידע גאוגרפית | In Hebrew
= GIS | Geografinė informacinė sistema | In Lithuanian
= SIG | Sistem Informasi Geografis | In Indonesian
= GIS | Geografisch Informatiesysteem | In Dutch
= GIS | Geografiske informasjonssystem | In Nynorsk
= GIS | Geografiske informasjonssystemer | In Norwegian
= SIG | Sistema de informação geográfica | In Portuguese
= ГИС | Географическая Информационная Система | In Russian
= GIS | Geografski informacijski sistem | In Slovenian
= GIS | Geografiskt InformationsSystem | In Swedish
= ГІС | Геоінформаційна система | In Ukrainian
In French Software
Knowledge management
SIG Sistema Informativo Geografico
= GIS, ГИС, ΓΣΠ, ממ"ג, ГІС (look above)
In Italian Software
Knowledge management
SIG Service d'Information du Gouvernement In French Knowledge management
Central administration
SIG Sistema de Información Geográfica
= GIS, ГИС, ΓΣΠ, ממ"ג, ГІС (look above)
In Spanish Software
Knowledge management
SIG Sistema d'informació geogràfica
= GIS, ГИС, ΓΣΠ, ממ"ג, ГІС (look above)
In Catalan Software
Knowledge management
SIG Sistem Informasi Geografis
= GIS, ГИС, ΓΣΠ, ממ"ג, ГІС (look above)
In Indonesian Software
Knowledge management
SIG Sistema de informação geográfica
= GIS, ГИС, ΓΣΠ, ממ"ג, ГІС (look above)
In Portuguese Software
Knowledge management
SIGB Système Intégré de Gestion de Bibliothèque
= ILS | Integrated Library System | In English
= АБИС | Автоматизированные библиотечные информационные системы | In Russian
In French Knowledge management
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