Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
SECO | State Secretariat for Economic Affairs | In English | → Economics → Central administration → 33972 |
SEE | Spazio Economico Europeo = EEA | European Economic Area | In English = EEE | Espace Économique Européen | In French = EWR | Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum | In German = ЕИЗ | Европейска икономическа зона | In Bulgarian = EHP | Evropský hospodářský prostor | In Czech = EØS | Europæisk Økonomisk Samarbejdsområde | In Danish = EEA | Eŭropa Ekonomia Areo | In Esperanto = ΕΟΖ | Ευρωπαϊκή Οικονομική Ζώνη | In Greek = EES | Evrópska efnahagssvæðið | In Icelandic = EES | Europeiska Ekonomiska Samarbetsområdet | In Swedish = EWR | Europäesche Wirtschaftsraum | In Letzeburgesh = EGT | Európai Gazdasági Térség | In Hungarian = EER | Europese Economische Ruimte | In Dutch = EEA | 欧州経済領域 | In Japanese = EØS | Det europeiske økonomiske samarbeidsområde | In Norwegian = EØS | Det Europeiske Økonomiske Samarbeidsområdet | In Nynorsk = EOG | Europejski Obszar Gospodarczy | In Polish = EEE | Espaço Económico Europeu | In Portuguese = ЕЭЗ | Европейская экономическая зона | In Russian = EHP | Európsky hospodársky priestor | In Slovak = ЕЕП | Европски економски простор | In Serbian = ETA | Euroopan talousalue | In Finnish |
In Italian | → Economics → European Union |
SES | Sodišče Evropskih skupnosti ( = EuGH | Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte | In German = CJEC | Court of Justice of the European Communities | In English = CJCE | Cour de Justice des Communautés Européennes | In French = TJCE | Tribunal de Justícia de les Comunitats Europees | In Catalan = LICE | Llys Cyfiawnder Ewrop | In Welsh = ΔΕΚ | Δικαστήριο των Ευρωπαϊκών Κοινοτήτων | In Greek = JKEK | Justica Kortumo de Eŭropaj Kortumoj | In Esperanto = TJCE | Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas | In Spanish = CGCE | Corte di Giustizia delle Comunità Europee | In Italian = HvJEG | Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen | In Dutch = EBTT | Europos Bendrijų Teisingumo Teismas | In Lithuanian = CEJ | Curtea Europeană de Justiţie | In Romanian = ETS | Europejski Trybunał Sprawiedliwośc | In Lithuanian = ESD | Evropský soudní dvůr | In Czech = ECJ | European Court of Justice | In English = CJE | Cour de Justice Européenne | In French = CBCE | Cúirt Bhreithiúnais na gComhphobal Eorpach | In Irish = EKB | Európai Közösségek Bírósága | In Hungarian = ETT | Europos Teisingumo Teismas | In Lithuanian = ETS | Europejski Trybunał Sprawiedliwości | In Polish = TJUE | Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia | In Portuguese = ESP | Evropski sud pravde | In Serbo-Croatian = AAD | Avrupa Adalet Divanı | In Turkish |
In Slovenian | → Law, jurisprudence → European Union → Europe |
SFOP | Strumento Finanziario di Orientamento della Pesca = IFOP | Instrument Financier d'Orientation de la Pêche | In French = FIAF | Finanzinstrument für die Ausrichtung der Fischerei | In German = FIFG | Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance | In English = FFU | Fonden för Fiskets Utveckling | In Swedish |
In Italian | → Finance → European Union → Fishing, hunting |
SIB | Seychelles Investment Bureau | In English | → 33972 |
SIBA | Seychelles International Business Authority | In English | → 33972 |
SIC | Système d'Information Commerciale | In French | → Software |
SICA | Specific International Cooperation Action | In English | → Research policy → International economic cooperation |
SICR | Syndicat de l'Importation et du Commerce de la Réunion | In French | → Organizations and associations |
SIECLE | Serveur Intranet des Enquêtes CLientèle EDF-GDF | In French | → Software → Energy economics |
SIEPA | Serbia Investment and Export Promotion Agency | In English | → 33972 |
SIGMUND | Semantik- und emotionsbasiertes Gesprächs-Management in der Kundenberatung | In German | → Psychology |
SIPO | Strategic Indicative Plan of the Organ | In English | → International relations → Development |
SLAM | Syndicat national de la Librairie Ancienne et Moderne ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Graphic industries, printing, publishing → France |
SNC | SADC (Southern African Development Community) National Committee | In English | → International relations → Development → Africa |
SNCC | Syndicat National des Courtiers en Céréales | In French | → Organizations and associations → Agricultural sciences |
SNCO | Syndicat National des Courtiers en Graines Oléagineuses, Huiles et Corps Gras | In French | → Organizations and associations → Agricultural sciences → Food technology |
SNCPL | Syndicat National des Courtiers en Produits Laitiers | In French | → Organizations and associations → Food technology |
SNCTP | Syndicat National des Courtiers en Tourteaux et Protéines | In French | → Organizations and associations → Agricultural sciences → Proteins |
SNF | Stichting Nederlandse Fotovakhandel | In Dutch | → Foundations → Netherlands |
SOAC | Système Ouest Africain d'Accréditation | In French | → International economic cooperation → Standardization → Quality management |
SOAMET | Secrétariat Ouest-Africain de Métrologie | In French | → International economic cooperation → Standardization → Quality management |
SOFRES | Société Française d'Exportation de Systèmes d'Armements | In French | → Military engineering |
SOPEXA | Société Pour l'Expansion des ventes des produits Agricoles et Alimentaires | In French | → Agricultural sciences |
SRA | Secrétariat Régional d'Accréditation | In French | → International economic cooperation → Standardization → Quality management |
SREP | Scaling-up Renewable Energy Programme for Low-Income Countries | In English | → Energy economics → Development |
SSIC | Selangor State Investment Centre | In English | → 33972 |
SUCOS | Solidarietà Uomo Cooperazione Sviluppo | In Italian | → Organizations and associations → Development |
SVME | Schweizerischer Verband für Materialwirtschaft und Einkauf ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Materials science → Switzerland |
SZBP | Společná zahraniční a bezpečnostní politika | In Czech | → European Union |
SZP | Společná Zemědělská Politika = PAC | Politique Agricole Commune | In French = PAC | Política Agrícola Comunitària | In Catalan = GAP | Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik | In German = ΚΑΠ | Κοινή αγροτική πολιτική | In Greek = KAP | Komuna Agrikultura Politiko | In Esperanto = PAC | Política Agrícola Común | In Spanish = KAP | Közös agrárpolitika | In Hungarian = PAC | Politica Agricola Comune | In Italian = BŽŪP | Bendroji žemės ūkio politika | In Lithuanian = GLB | Gemeenschappelijk Landbouwbeleid | In Dutch = CAP | Common Agricultural Policy | In English = WPR | Wspólna polityka rolna | In Polish = ССП | Спільна сільськогосподарська політика | In Ukrainian |
In Czech | → European Union → Agricultural sciences |
SZPB | Společná zahraniční a bezpečnostní politika = CFSP | Common Foreign and Security Policy | In English = GASP | Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik | In German = WPZiB | Wspólna polityka zagraniczna i bezpieczeństwa | In Polish = PESC | Politique Étrangère et de Sécurité Commune | In French = GBVB | Gemeenschappelijk Buitenlands en Veiligheidsbeleid | In Dutch = PESC | Politica Estera e di Sicurezza Comune | In Italian = СЗБП | Спільна зовнішня та безпекова політика | In Ukrainian = SZPB | Spoločná zahraničná a bezpečnostná politika | In Slovak = PESC | Política Externa e de Segurança Comum | In Portuguese = FUSP | Felles utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk | In Norwegian |
In Czech | → European Union → International relations → Police |
SZPB | Spoločná zahraničná a bezpečnostná politika = CFSP, GASP, WPZiB, PESC, GBVB, СЗБП, FUSP (look above) |
In Slovak | → European Union → International relations → Police |
TACA | Taxe d'Aide au Commerce et à l'Artisanat | In French | → 3363 |
TAN | Transaction Authentication Number | In English | |
TAPSA | Transition Agroécologique Paysanne pour la Souveraineté Alimentaire | In French | → Development → Agricultural sciences → Environmental protection |
TBG | Trade and Business Processes Group | In English | → United Nations → International economic cooperation |
TCS | Transactions Commerciales Sortantes | In French | |
TDA | Trade Development Alliance | In English | |
TEF | Traktaten om Det Europæiske Fælleskab | In Danish | → European Union |
TFC | Taxe sur les Friches Commerciales | In French | → Taxes, duties → Regional planning |
THP | The Hunger Project | In English | → Development |
TIC | Tanzania Investment Centre | In English | → 33972 |
TIK | Trade and Investment KwaZulu-Natal | In English | → 33972 |
TİKA | Türk İşbirliği ve Kalkınma İdaresi Başkanlığı ( | In Turkish | → International relations → Development → Turkey |
TIL | Trade and Investment Limpopo | In English | → 33972 |
TISA | Trade and Investment South Africa | In English | → 33972 |
TJCE | Tribunal de Justícia de les Comunitats Europees ( = SES, EuGH, CJEC, CJCE, LICE, ΔΕΚ, JKEK, CGCE, HvJEG, EBTT, CEJ, ETS, ESD, ECJ, CBCE, EKB, ETT, TJUE, ESP, AAD (look above) |
In Catalan | → Law, jurisprudence → European Union → Europe |
TJCE | Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas ( = SES, EuGH, CJEC, CJCE, LICE, ΔΕΚ, JKEK, CGCE, HvJEG, EBTT, CEJ, ETS, ESD, ECJ, CBCE, EKB, ETT, TJUE, ESP, AAD (look above) |
In Spanish | → Law, jurisprudence → European Union → Europe |
TJUE | Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia ( = SES, EuGH, CJEC, CJCE, TJCE, LICE, ΔΕΚ, JKEK, CGCE, HvJEG, EBTT, CEJ, ETS, ESD, ECJ, CBCE, EKB, ETT, ESP, AAD (look above) |
In Portuguese | → Law, jurisprudence → European Union → Europe |
TKPK | Tim Koordinasi Penanggulangan Kemiskinan ( = TKPKRI | Tim Koordinasi Penanggulangan Kemiskinan Republik Indonesia | In Indonesian |
In Indonesian | → Central administration → Development |
TKPKRI | Tim Koordinasi Penanggulangan Kemiskinan Republik Indonesia ( = TKPK (look above) |
In Indonesian | → Central administration → Development |
TLC | Tratado de Libre Comercio | In Spanish | |
TNC | Trade Negotiations Committee = CNC | Comité de Negociaciones Comerciales | In Spanish = CNC | Comité des Négociations Commerciales | In French = CNC | Comitê de Negociações Comerciais | In Portuguese |
In English | → International economic cooperation |
TPM | Tujuan Pembangunan Milenium = OMD | Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement | In French = MDG | Millennium Development Goals | In German = OSM | Obiettivi di Sviluppo del Millennio | In Italian = ODM | Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio | In Spanish = MDM | Metas de Desenvolvimento do Milênio | In Portuguese |
In Indonesian | → United Nations → Development |
TPR | Trade Policy Review | In English | |
TTBS | Trade Technology Business Show | In English | |
TÜSİAD | Türk Sanayicileri ve İşadamları Derneği (http:// ) | In Turkish | → Associations → Industry, industrial policy → Turkey |
UAMI | Ufficio per l'Armonizzazione nel Mercato Interno ( = OHIM | Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market | In English = OHMI | Oficina per a l'Harmonització del Mercat Interior | In Catalan = HABM | Harmonisierungsamt für den Binnenmarkt | In German = OAMI | Oficina de Armonización del Mercado Interior | In Spanish = OHMI | Office de l'Harmonisation dans le Marché Intérieur | In French = IHMI | Instituto de Harmonização do Mercado Interno | In Portuguese |
In Italian | → European Union → Industrial property → Artistic property → Europe |
UCC | Uniform Commercial Code | In English | |
UCODEP | Unity and Cooperation for Development of People | In English | → Organizations and associations → Development |
UCV | Union du Commerce de Centre-Ville | In French | → Organizations and associations |
UDIC | Union française des Distributeurs, Grossistes et Importateurs en Chaussures | In French | → Organizations and associations → Leather industry → France |
UE | Union Européenne ( = EU | European Union | In English = UE | Unió Europea | In Catalan = UE | Unaniezh Europa | In Breton = EU | Europäische Union | In German = UE | Unia Europejska | In Polish = EU | Europese Unie | In Afrikaans = UE | Unión Europeya | In Aragonese = EU | Evropská Unie | In Czech = ЕС | Европейският съюз | In Bulgarian = EU | Eùropejskô Ùnijô | In Kashubian = ΕΕ | Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση | In Greek = EU | Europæiske Union | In Danish = UE | Undeb Ewropeaidd | In Welsh = EU | Eŭropa Unio | In Esperanto = JU | Jeropeeske Uny | In Frisian = AE | An tAontas Eorpach | In Irish = EB | Europar Batasuna | In Basque = EU | Europska Unija | In Croatian = UE | Unión Europea | In Spanish = EU | Euroopan unioni | In Finnish = EU | Evropska Unija | In Bosnian = UÛ | Unnion Ûropéenne | In Norman = ES | Europas Sājonga | In Baltic languages = UE | Uniaun Europeia | In Tetum = UE | Unyong Europeo | In Tagalog = EU | Európai Unió | In Hungarian = EU | Europeiska unionen | In Swedish = EU | Europana Uniono | In Ido = UE | Uni Eropa | In Indonesian = ESB | Evrópusambandið | In Icelandic |
In French | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
UE | Unió Europea ( = EU, ЕС, ΕΕ, JU, AE, EB, UÛ, ES, ESB (look above) |
In Catalan | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
UE | Unaniezh Europa ( = EU, ЕС, ΕΕ, JU, AE, EB, UÛ, ES, ESB (look above) |
In Breton | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
UE | Unia Europejska ( = EU, ЕС, ΕΕ, JU, AE, EB, UÛ, ES, ESB (look above) |
In Polish | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
UE | Unión Europeya ( = EU, ЕС, ΕΕ, JU, AE, EB, UÛ, ES, ESB (look above) |
In Aragonese | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
UE | Undeb Ewropeaidd ( = EU, ЕС, ΕΕ, JU, AE, EB, UÛ, ES, ESB (look above) |
In Welsh | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
UE | Unión Europea ( = EU, ЕС, ΕΕ, JU, AE, EB, UÛ, ES, ESB (look above) |
In Spanish | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
UE | Uniaun Europeia ( = EU, ЕС, ΕΕ, JU, AE, EB, UÛ, ES, ESB (look above) |
In Tetum | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
UE | Unyong Europeo ( = EU, ЕС, ΕΕ, JU, AE, EB, UÛ, ES, ESB (look above) |
In Tagalog | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
UE | Uni Eropa ( = EU, ЕС, ΕΕ, JU, AE, EB, UÛ, ES, ESB (look above) |
In Indonesian | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
UEM | Unión Económica y Monetaria = EMU | Economische Monetaire Unie | In Vlaams = EMU | Economic and Monetary Union | In English = EMU | Ekonomiska och monetära unionen | In Swedish = UGiW | Unia Gospodarcza i Walutowa | In Polish = EMU | Economische en Monetaire Unie | In Dutch = EWG | Europäesch Wirtschafts- a Währungsunioun | In Letzeburgesh = EGMU | Európai Gazdasági és Monetáris Unió | In Hungarian = UEM | Union économique et monétaire | In French = EWWU | Europäische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion | In German = ØMU | Økonomiske og Monetære Union | In Danish = EMU | Evropská měnová unie | In Czech = UEM | Unione Economica e Monetaria | In Italian = UEM | Unió econòmica i monetària | In Catalan |
In Spanish | → Economics → European Union |
UEM | Union économique et monétaire = EMU, UGiW, EWG, EGMU, EWWU, ØMU (look above) |
In French | → Economics → European Union |
UEM | Unione Economica e Monetaria = EMU, UGiW, EWG, EGMU, EWWU, ØMU (look above) |
In Italian | → Economics → European Union |
UEM | Unió econòmica i monetària = EMU, UGiW, EWG, EGMU, EWWU, ØMU (look above) |
In Catalan | → Economics → European Union |
UEMOA | Union Économique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine = UEMOA | Unió Econòmica i Monetària de l'Oest d'Àfrica | In Catalan |
In French | → International economic cooperation → Africa |
UEMOA | Unió Econòmica i Monetària de l'Oest d'Àfrica = (look above) |
In Catalan | → International economic cooperation → Africa |
UEN | Union pour l'Europe des nations ( = UEN | Union für ein Europa der Nationen | In German = UEN | Unio por Eŭropo de Nacioj | In Esperanto = UEN | Unión por la Europa de las Naciones | In Spanish = UEN | Unión pola Europa das Nacións | In Galician = UEN | Unione per l'Europa delle Nazioni | In Italian = UEN | Unie voor een Europa van Nationale Staten | In Dutch = UEN | Unia na rzecz Europy Narodów | In Polish = UEN | União para a Europa das Nações | In Portuguese = UNE | Unionen för nationernas Europa | In Swedish = UEN | Union for Europe of the Nations | In English |
In French | → Political parties and movements → European Union |
UEN | Union für ein Europa der Nationen ( = UNE (look above) |
In German | → Political parties and movements → European Union |
UEN | Unio por Eŭropo de Nacioj ( = UNE (look above) |
In Esperanto | → Political parties and movements → European Union |
UEN | Unión por la Europa de las Naciones ( = UNE (look above) |
In Spanish | → Political parties and movements → European Union |
UEN | Unión pola Europa das Nacións ( = UNE (look above) |
In Galician | → Political parties and movements → European Union |
UEN | Unione per l'Europa delle Nazioni ( = UNE (look above) |
In Italian | → Political parties and movements → European Union |
UEN | Unie voor een Europa van Nationale Staten ( = UNE (look above) |
In Dutch | → Political parties and movements → European Union |
UEN | Unia na rzecz Europy Narodów ( = UNE (look above) |
In Polish | → Political parties and movements → European Union |
UEN | União para a Europa das Nações ( = UNE (look above) |
In Portuguese | → Political parties and movements → European Union |
UEN | Union for Europe of the Nations ( = UNE (look above) |
In English | → Political parties and movements → European Union |
UFCC | Union Française du Commerce Chimique | In French | → Organizations and associations → Food technology → France |
UGiW | Unia Gospodarcza i Walutowa = UEM, EMU, EWG, EGMU, EWWU, ØMU (look above) |
In Polish | → Economics → European Union |
UHCCI | Union of Hellenic Chambers of Commerce and Industry | In English | → Organizations and associations → Industry, industrial policy → Greece |
UIA | Uganda Investment Authority | In English | → 33972 |
UKIE | Urząd Komitetu Integracji Europejskiej | In Polish | → European Union |
UNCGFL | Union Nationale de Commerce en Gros de Fruits et Légumes | In French | → Organizations and associations → Food technology |
UNCI | Unione Nazionale Cooperative Italiane | In Italian | → Organizations and associations → Italia |
UNCTAD | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development ( = CNUCED | Conférence des Nations Unies sur le Commerce et le Développement | In French = ЮНКТАД | Конференция на ООН за търговия и развитие | In Bulgarian = CNUCYD | Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo | In Spanish = KUNKD | Konferenco de la Unuiĝintaj Nacioj pri Komerco kaj Disvolvado | In Esperanto = UNCTAD | გაეროს ვაჭრობისა და განვითარების კონფერენცია | In Georgian = UNCTAD | การประชุมสหประชาชาติว่าด้วยการค้าและการพัฒนา | In Thai = UNCTAD | 聯合國貿易及發展委員會 | In Chinese |
In English | → United Nations → Development |
UNCTAD | გაეროს ვაჭრობისა და განვითარების კონფერენცია ( = CNUCED, ЮНКТАД, CNUCYD, KUNKD (look above) |
In Georgian | → United Nations → Development |
UNCTAD | การประชุมสหประชาชาติว่าด้วยการค้าและการพัฒนา ( = CNUCED, ЮНКТАД, CNUCYD, KUNKD (look above) |
In Thai | → United Nations → Development |
UNCTAD | 聯合國貿易及發展委員會 ( = CNUCED, ЮНКТАД, CNUCYD, KUNKD (look above) |
In Chinese | → United Nations → Development |
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme = PNUD | Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement | In French = PNUD | Programa de les Naciones Uníes pa'l Desendolcu | In Asturian = PNUD | Programul Naţiunilor Unite pentru Dezvoltare | In Romanian = PUND | Programo de la Unuiĝintaj Nacioj pri Disvolvado | In Esperanto = PNUD | Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo | In Spanish = PNUD | Programa de les Nacions Unides per al Desenvolupament | In Catalan = UNDP | გაეროს განვითარების პროგრამა | In Georgian = UNDP | জাতিসংঘ উন্নয়ন কর্মসূচী | In Bengali = PNUD | Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento | In Portuguese = ПРООН | Программа развития ООН | In Russian = UNDP | สำนักงานโครงการพัฒนาแห่งสหประชาชาติ | In Thai = UNDP | ஐக்கிய நாடுகள் வளர்ச்சித் திட்டம் | In Tamil = UNDP | 联合国开发计划署 | In Chinese |
In English | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
UNDP | გაეროს განვითარების პროგრამა = PNUD, PUND, ПРООН (look above) |
In Georgian | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
UNDP | জাতিসংঘ উন্নয়ন কর্মসূচী = PNUD, PUND, ПРООН (look above) |
In Bengali | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
UNDP | สำนักงานโครงการพัฒนาแห่งสหประชาชาติ = PNUD, PUND, ПРООН (look above) |
In Thai | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
UNDP | ஐக்கிய நாடுகள் வளர்ச்சித் திட்டம் = PNUD, PUND, ПРООН (look above) |
In Tamil | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
UNDP | 联合国开发计划署 = PNUD, PUND, ПРООН (look above) |
In Chinese | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
UNE | Unionen för nationernas Europa ( = UEN (look above) |
In Swedish | → Political parties and movements → European Union |
UNECA | United Nations Economic Commission for Africa ( = ECA | Economic Commission for Africa | In English = CEPA | Comisión Económica para África | In Spanish = CEA | Comissão Econômica para África | In Portuguese |
In English | → International economic cooperation → United Nations → Africa |
UNECE | United Nations Economic Commission for Europe ( = CEPE | Comisión Económica para Europa | In Spanish = ECE | Economic Commission for Europe | In English = CEE | Commission Économique pour l'Europe | In French = CEE | Comissão Econômica para Europa | In Portuguese = CEE-ONU | Commission Économique pour l'Europe de l'Organisation des Nations Unies | In French |
In English | → International economic cooperation → United Nations |
UNEDIC | Union Nationale interprofessionnelle pour l'Emploi dans l'Industrie et le Commerce | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Industry, industrial policy |
UNEJ | Union Nationale des Entreprises de gros, d'importation et exportation en Jouets | In French | → Organizations and associations → Entertainment |
UNIFEM | United Nations Development Fund for Women | In English | → United Nations → Development → Feminism |
UNRISD | United Nations Research Institute for Social Development | In English | → Research institutes → United Nations → Social sciences |
URF | Unique Registration Facility | In English | → European Union |
USAID | United States Agency for International Development ( | In English | → Central administration → Development → United States |
UÛ | Unnion Ûropéenne ( = UE, EU, ЕС, ΕΕ, JU, AE, EB, ES, ESB (look above) |
In Norman | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
UVISP | Unione Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo e la Pace | In Italian | → Organizations and associations → Development |
VABA | Vermont Antiquarian Booksellers Association | In English | → Associations → Graphic industries, printing, publishing |
VAD | Vente à Distance | In French | |
VASAT | Virtual Academy for the Semi-Arid Tropics | In English | → Academies → Development → Agricultural sciences |
VBW | Centrale Vereniging Bloemendetailhandel | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations |
VDC | Voyageurs du Cœur | In French | → Associations → Development |
VDN | Vereniging Drankenhandel Nederland | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Netherlands |
VGL | Vereniging van Grootwinkelbedrijven in Levensmiddelen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Food technology |
VGS | Vereniging van Grootwinkelbedrijven in Schoenen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations |
VGT | Vereniging van Grootwinkelbedrijven in Textiel | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations |
VGW | Vereniging van Grootwinkelbedrijven in de Wonenbranche | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations |
VIDES | Volontariato Internazionale Donna Educazione Sviluppo | In Italian | → Organizations and associations → Education → Development |
VIES | VAT Information Exchange System | In English | → Taxes, duties → European Union |
VIP | Vojvodina Investment Promotion | In English | → 33972 |
VIPA | Vanuatu Investment Promotion Authority | In English | → 33972 |
VIS | Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo | In Italian | → Organizations and associations → Development |
VWDHZ | Vereniging van Winkelketens in de Doe Het Zelf Branche | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations |
WABA | Washington Antiquarian Booksellers Association ( | In English | → Associations → Graphic industries, printing, publishing → United States |
WAMI | West African Monetary Institute ( = IMAO | Institut Monétaire de l'Afrique de l'Ouest | In French |
In English | → International economic cooperation → Africa |
WCED | World Commission on Environment and Development | In English | → International relations → 5023 → Development |
WE | Wspólnota Europejska = EC | European Community | In English = CE | Comunidad Europea | In Spanish = ES | Evropska skupnost | In Slovenian = CE | Communauté Européenne | In French = CE | Comunitat Europea | In Catalan = EG | Europäische Gemeinschaft | In German = ES | Evropské společenství | In Czech = EB | Evrópubandalagið | In Icelandic = GE | Gymuned Ewropeaidd | In Welsh = EK | Europana Komuneso | In Ido = CE | Comunità Europea | In Italian = CE | Comunidade Europea | In Galician = EG | Europeiska gemenskapen | In Swedish = EY | Euroopan yhteisö | In Finnish = CE | Comunitatea Europeană | In Romanian = CE | Comunidade Europeia | In Portuguese = EG | Europese Gemeenschap | In Dutch = EB | Europos Bendrija | In Lithuanian |
In Polish | → European Union → Europe |
WEDO | Women's Environment and Development Organization | In English | → Organizations and associations → Development |
WFIA | West-Holland Foreign Investment Agency | In English | → 33972 → Netherlands |
WPR | Wspólna polityka rolna = SZP, PAC, GAP, ΚΑΠ, KAP, BŽŪP, GLB, CAP, ССП (look above) |
In Polish | → European Union → Agricultural sciences |
WPZiB | Wspólna polityka zagraniczna i bezpieczeństwa = SZPB, CFSP, GASP, PESC, GBVB, СЗБП, FUSP (look above) |
In Polish | → European Union → International relations → Police |
WTO | World Trade Organization = MOK | Monda Organiz(aĵ)o pri Komerco | In Esperanto = MKO | Monda Komerca Organizaĵo | In Esperanto = OMC | Organisation Mondiale du Commerce | In French |
In English | → International relations |
ZIC | Zambia Investment Centre | In English | → 33972 |
ZIPA | Zanzibar Investment Promotion Agency | In English | → 33972 |
ZLEEM | Zone de Libre-Échange Euro-Méditerranéenne | In French | → International economic cooperation |
ZSP | Zone de Solidarité Prioritaire | In French | → Development |
ØMU | Økonomiske og Monetære Union = UEM, EMU, UGiW, EWG, EGMU, EWWU (look above) |
In Danish | → Economics → European Union |
ΔΕΚ | Δικαστήριο των Ευρωπαϊκών Κοινοτήτων ( = SES, EuGH, CJEC, CJCE, TJCE, LICE, JKEK, CGCE, HvJEG, EBTT, CEJ, ETS, ESD, ECJ, CBCE, EKB, ETT, TJUE, ESP, AAD (look above) |
In Greek | → Law, jurisprudence → European Union → Europe |
ΕΒΕΑ | Εμπορικό και Βιομηχανικό Επιμελητήριο Αθηνών = ACCI | Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry | In English |
In Greek | → Organizations and associations → Industry, industrial policy → Greece |
ΕΕ | Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση ( = UE, EU, ЕС, JU, AE, EB, UÛ, ES, ESB (look above) |
In Greek | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
ΕΚ | Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο ( = PE | Parlamento Europeo | In Spanish = EP | Eŭropa Parlamento | In Esperanto = EP | European Parliament | In English = EP | Europäisches Parlament | In German = EP | Evropský parlament | In Czech = PE | Parlament Europeu | In Catalan = ЕП | Европейски парламент | In Bulgarian = AP | Avropa Parlamenti | In Azerbaijani = PE | Parlement Européen | In French = EP | Europäescht Parlament | In Letzeburgesh = PE | Parlamento Europeo | In Italian = EP | Európai Parlament | In Hungarian = EP | Európsky parlament | In Slovak = PE | Parlamentul European | In Romanian = PE | Parlamento Europeu | In Portuguese = PE | Parlament Europejski | In Polish = EP | Europees Parlement | In Dutch |
In Greek | → Parliaments, representation → European Union → Europe |
ΕΚΤ | Ευρωπαϊκή Κεντρική Τράπεζα ( = EZB | Europäische Zentralbank | In German = ECB | European Central Bank | In English = BCE | Banque Centrale Européenne | In French = ЕЦБ | Европейската централна банка | In Bulgarian = ECB | Evropska centralna banka | In Bosnian = BCE | Banc Central Europeu | In Catalan = ECB | Evropská centrální banka | In Czech = ECB | Den Europæiske Centralbank | In Danish = ECB | Eŭropa Centra Banko | In Esperanto = BCE | Banco Central Europeo | In Spanish = EKP | Euroopan keskuspankki | In Finnish = EKP | Euroopa Keskpanga | In Estonian = ECB | הבנק המרכזי האירופי | In Hebrew = ESB | Europska središnja banka | In Croatian = EKB | Európai Központi Bank | In Hungarian = BCE | Banca centrale europea | In Italian = ECB | ევროპის ცენტრალური ბანკი | In Georgian = ECB | 유럽 중앙은행 | In Korean = EZB | Europäesch Zentralbank | In Letzeburgesh = ECB | Europos Centrinis Bankas | In Lithuanian = ЕЦБ | Европската централна банка | In Macedonian = ECB | Europese Centrale Bank | In Dutch = ESB | Den europeiske sentralbanken | In Norwegian = EBC | Europejski Bank Centralny | In Polish = BCE | Banco Central Europeu | In Portuguese = BCE | Banca Centrală Europeană | In Romanian = ЄЦБ | Європейський центральний банк | In Ukrainian = ECB | Európska centrálna banka | In Slovak = ЕЦБ | Европска централна банка | In Serbian = ECB | Europeiska centralbanken | In Swedish = AMB | Avrupa Merkez Bankası | In Turkish |
In Greek | → Banks → European Union |
ΕΟΔΕ | Ευρωπαϊκός Οργανισμός Διπλωμάτων Ευρεσιτεχνίας = EPO | Europäische Patentorganisation | In German = EPO | European Patent Organisation | In English |
In Greek | → International economic cooperation → Industrial property |
ΕΟΖ | Ευρωπαϊκή Οικονομική Ζώνη = SEE, EEA, EEE, EWR, ЕИЗ, EHP, EØS, EES, EGT, EER, EOG, ЕЭЗ, ЕЕП, ETA (look above) |
In Greek | → Economics → European Union |
ΕΣΑ | Εμπορικός Σύλλογος Αθηνών = ATA | Athens Traders' Association | In English |
In Greek | → Organizations and associations |
ΕΣΚΤ | Ευρωπαϊκό Σύστημα Κεντρικών Τραπεζών = SEBC | Système Européen de Banques Centrales | In French = ESCB | Europski sistem centralnih banaka | In Bosnian = SEBC | Sistema Europeu de Bancs Centrals | In Catalan = ESCB | Det Europæiske System af Centralbanker | In Danish = ESZB | Europäisches System der Zentralbanken | In German = ESCB | European System of Central Banks | In English = ESCB | Eŭropa Sistemo de Centraj Bankoj | In Esperanto = SEBC | Sistema Europeo de Bancos Centrales | In Spanish = EKPS | Euroopa Keskpankade Süsteemi | In Estonian = KBER | Központi Bankok Európai Rendszere | In Hungarian = SEBC | Sistema Europeo delle Banche Centrali | In Italian = ESCB | Europees Stelsel van Centrale Banken | In Dutch = ESSB | Det europeiske systemet av sentralbanker | In Norwegian = ESBC | Europejski System Banków Centralnych | In Polish = SEBC | Sistema Europeu de Bancos Centrais | In Portuguese = ЄСЦБ | Європейська система центральних банків | In Ukrainian = ESCB | Európsky systém centrálnych bánk | In Slovak = ECBS | Europeiska centralbankssystemet | In Swedish |
In Greek | → Banks → European Union |
ΚΑΠ | Κοινή αγροτική πολιτική = SZP, PAC, GAP, KAP, BŽŪP, GLB, CAP, WPR, ССП (look above) |
In Greek | → European Union → Agricultural sciences |
ΟΕΟΣ | Οργανισμός Ευρωπαϊκής Οικονομικής Συνεργασίας = OECE | Organisation Européenne de Coopération Économique | In French = OEES | Organisasie vir Europese Ekonomiese Samewerking | In Afrikaans = OCEE | Organització per a la Cooperació Econòmica Europea | In Catalan = OEEC | Organisation for European Economic Co-operation | In English = OECE | Organizzazione Europea per la Cooperazione Economica | In Italian = OCEE | Organizaţia pentru Cooperare Economică Europeană | In Romanian = OECE | Organização para a Cooperação Económica Europeia | In Portuguese |
In Greek | → International relations → International economic cooperation |
ΟΟΣΑ | Οργανισμός Οικονομικής Συνεργασίας και Ανάπτυξης ( = OECD | Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development | In English = OCDE | Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Économique | In French = OCDE | Organizaţia de Cooperare şi Dezvoltare Economică | In Romanian = OESO | Organisasie vir Ekonomiese Samewerking en Ontwikkeling | In Afrikaans = OCDE | Organització per a la Cooperació i el Desenvolupament Econòmic | In Catalan = ОИСР | Организация за икономическо сътрудничество и развитие | In Bulgarian = OECD | منظمة التعاون والتنمية الاقتصادية | In Arabic = OESO | Organisatie voor Economische Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling | In Dutch = OEKE | Organizaĵo pri Ekonomiaj Kunlaboro kaj Evoluigo | In Esperanto = OCDE | Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico | In Spanish = KHEE | Kooperazio eta Hazkunde Ekonomikorako Erakundea | In Basque = OCDE | Organisation de cooperation e de developament economic | In Interlingue = OECD | 경제 협력 개발 기구 | In Korean = OECD | 経済協力開発機構 | In Japanese = OCSE | Organizzazione per la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo Economico | In Italian = OECD | 经济合作与发展组织 | In Chinese = OECD | Tổ chức Hợp tác và Phát triển Kinh tế | In Vietnamese = OECD | องค์การเพื่อความร่วมมือทางเศรษฐกิจและการพัฒนา | In Thai = ОЭСР | Организация экономического сотрудничества и развития | In Russian = OCDE | Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Económico | In Portuguese |
In Greek | → International relations → International economic cooperation |
ЄІБ | Європейський інвестиційний банк ( = EIB | European Investment Bank | In English = BEI | Banque Européenne d'Investissement | In French = EIB | Europese Investeringsbank | In Dutch = BEI | Banca Europeană de Investiţii | In Romanian = EIB | European Investment Bank | In French = ЕИБ | Европейска инвестиционна банка | In Bulgarian = BEI | Banc Europeu d'Inversions | In Catalan = EIB | Europäische Investitionsbank | In German = EIB | Evropská investiční banka | In Czech = EBI | Eŭropa Banko por Investoj | In Esperanto = EIB | Europäesch Investitiounsbank | In Letzeburgesh = BEI | Banco Europeo de Investimento | In Galician = BEI | Banca Europea degli Investimenti | In Italian = BIE | Bank Investasi Eropa | In Indonesian = ЕИБ | Европска инвестициона банка | In Macedonian = EIB | 欧州投資銀行 | In Japanese = EBI | Europejski Bank Inwestycyjny | In Polish = EIB | Európska investičná banka | In Slovak = EIP | Euroopan investointipankki | In Finnish = ЕИБ | Европска инвестициона банка | In Serbian |
In Ukrainian | → Banks → European Union |
ЄАВТ | Європейська асоціація вільної торгівлі ( = EFTA | European Free Trade Association | In English = ESVO | Evropské sdružení volného obchodu | In Czech = AELE | Association Européenne de Libre-Échange | In French = JFA | Jeropeeske Frijhannelsassosjaasje | In Frisian = EMAE | Europako Merkataritza Askearen Elkartea | In Basque = AELE | Associacion eropèèna de libro-èchanjo | In Franco-Provençal = AELC | Asociación Europea de Libre Comercio | In Spanish = ELKA | Eŭropa Liber-Komerca Asocio | In Esperanto = EFTA | 欧洲自由贸易联盟 | In Chinese = EVA | Europese Vrijhandelsassociatie | In Dutch = AELE | Associacion Europèa de Liure Escambi | In Occitan = ЕСТА | Европска Слободна Трговска Асоцијација | In Macedonian = AELS | Asociaţia Europeană a Liberului Schimb | In Romanian = ЕФТА | Европска слободна трговинска асоцијација | In Serbian = EZVO | Európske združenie voľného obchodu | In Slovak = ЕАСТ | Европейская ассоциация свободной торговли | In Russian |
In Ukrainian | → Associations |
ЄБРР | Європейський банк реконструкції та розвитку = EBRD | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development | In English = BERD | Banque Européenne pour la Reconstruction et le Développement | In French = ЕБВР | Европейската банка за възстановяване и развитие | In Bulgarian = EBWE | Europäische Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung | In German = BERS | Banca Europea per la Ricostruzione e lo Sviluppo | In Italian = BERD | Banco Europeo para la Reconstrucción y el Desarrollo | In Spanish = EBRE | Eŭropa Banko por Rekonstruo kaj Evoluigo | In Esperanto = EBOR | Europejski Bank Odbudowy i Rozwoju | In Polish = ЕБРР | Европейский банк реконструкции и развития | In Russian = BERD | Banca Europeană pentru Reconstrucţie şi Dezvoltare | In Romanian = EBRD | Evropská banka pro obnovu a rozvoj | In Czech |
In Ukrainian | → International relations → Banks → Development |
ЄЕС | Європейська економічна спільнота = CEE | Comunitat Econòmica Europea | In Catalan = EEZ | Europska ekonomska zajednica | In Croatian = CEE | Comunidad Económica Europea | In Spanish = CEE | Communauté Économique Européenne | In French = EEG | Europese Economische Gemêenschap | In Vlaams = EHS | Evropské hospodářské společenství | In Czech = EEC | European Economic Community | In English = ЕИО | Европейската икономическа общност | In Bulgarian = CEE | Comunidade Económica Europea | In Galician = EEE | Europako Ekonomia Erkidegoa | In Basque = EWG | Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft | In German = CEE | Comunità Economica Europea | In Italian = EBE | Efnahagsbandalag Evrópu | In Icelandic = EEB | Europos Ekonominė Bendrija | In Lithuanian = CEE | Comunitatea Economică Europeană | In Romanian = CEE | Comunidade Económica Europeia | In Portuguese = CEE | Comunautat Economica Europèa | In Occitan = AET | Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluğu | In Turkish = EEG | Europeiska ekonomiska gemenskapen | In Swedish = ETY | Euroopan talousyhteisö | In Finnish = EEG | Europese Economische Gemeenschap | In Dutch = GEE | Gymuned Economaidd Ewropeaidd | In Welsh |
In Ukrainian | → International relations → European Union |
ЄСЦБ | Європейська система центральних банків = ΕΣΚΤ, SEBC, ESCB, ESZB, EKPS, KBER, ESSB, ESBC, ECBS (look above) |
In Ukrainian | → Banks → European Union |
ЄФР | Європейський фонд розвитку = EDF | European Development Fund | In English = EUF | Den Europæiske Udviklingsfond | In Danish |
In Ukrainian | → Financial markets → Development |
ЄЦБ | Європейський центральний банк ( = ΕΚΤ, EZB, ECB, BCE, ЕЦБ, EKP, ESB, EKB, EBC, AMB (look above) |
In Ukrainian | → Banks → European Union |
АБР | Азиатский банк развития = ADB | Asian Development Bank | In English = BAD | Banque Asiatique de Développement | In French = AsEB | Asiatische Entwicklungsbank | In German = BDA | Banco de Desenvolvimento da Ásia | In Portuguese |
In Russian | → Banks → Development |
АБР | Африканский банк развития ( = ADB | African Development Bank | In English = BAD | Banque Africaine de Développement | In French = BAD | Banco Africano de Desenvolvimento | In Portuguese |
In Russian | → Banks → Development → Africa |
ГАТТ | Генеральное соглашение по тарифам и торговле = GATT | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade | In English = ГДТЦ | Генерален Договор за Трговија и Царини | In Macedonian = แกตต์ | ความตกลงทั่วไปว่าด้วยการค้าและภาษีศุลกากร | In Thai |
In Russian | → International economic cooperation |
ГДТЦ | Генерален Договор за Трговија и Царини = ГАТТ, GATT, แกตต์ (look above) |
In Macedonian | → International economic cooperation |
ЕАСТ | Европейская ассоциация свободной торговли ( = ЄАВТ, EFTA, ESVO, AELE, JFA, EMAE, AELC, ELKA, EVA, ЕСТА, AELS, ЕФТА, EZVO (look above) |
In Russian | → Associations |
ЕБВР | Европейската банка за възстановяване и развитие = ЄБРР, EBRD, BERD, EBWE, BERS, EBRE, EBOR, ЕБРР (look above) |
In Bulgarian | → International relations → Banks → Development |
ЕБРР | Европейский банк реконструкции и развития = ЄБРР, EBRD, BERD, ЕБВР, EBWE, BERS, EBRE, EBOR (look above) |
In Russian | → International relations → Banks → Development |
ЕЕП | Европски економски простор = SEE, EEA, EEE, EWR, ЕИЗ, EHP, EØS, ΕΟΖ, EES, EGT, EER, EOG, ЕЭЗ, ETA (look above) |
In Serbian | → Economics → European Union |
ЕИБ | Европейска инвестиционна банка ( = ЄІБ, EIB, BEI, EBI, BIE, EIP (look above) |
In Bulgarian | → Banks → European Union |
ЕИБ | Европска инвестициона банка ( = ЄІБ, EIB, BEI, EBI, BIE, EIP (look above) |
In Macedonian | → Banks → European Union |
ЕИБ | Европска инвестициона банка ( = ЄІБ, EIB, BEI, EBI, BIE, EIP (look above) |
In Serbian | → Banks → European Union |
ЕИЗ | Европейска икономическа зона = SEE, EEA, EEE, EWR, EHP, EØS, ΕΟΖ, EES, EGT, EER, EOG, ЕЭЗ, ЕЕП, ETA (look above) |
In Bulgarian | → Economics → European Union |
ЕИО | Европейската икономическа общност = ЄЕС, CEE, EEZ, EEG, EHS, EEC, EEE, EWG, EBE, EEB, AET, ETY, GEE (look above) |
In Bulgarian | → International relations → European Union |
ЕОВС | Европейската общност за въглища и стомана = EKSF | Europæiske Kul- og Stålfællesskab | In Danish = ESUO | Evropské společenství uhlí a oceli | In Czech = EZUČ | Europska zajednica za ugljen i čelik | In Croatian = CECA | Comunidad Europea del Carbón y del Acero | In Spanish = CECA | Communauté Européenne du Charbon et de l'Acier | In French = EGKS | Europese Gemêenschap voo Kooln en Stoal | In Vlaams = ECSC | European Coal and Steel Community | In English = CECA | Comunitat Europea del Carbó i de l'Acer | In Catalan = EGKS | Europäische Gemeinschaft für Kohle und Stahl | In German = CECA | Comunidade Europea do Carbón e do Aceiro | In Galician = CECA | Comunità Europea del Carbone e dell'Acciaio | In Italian = EWWiS | Europejska Wspólnota Węgla i Stali | In Polish = CECA | Comunautat Europèa del Carbon e de l'Acièr | In Occitan = EKSF | Det europeiske kull- og stålfellesskap | In Norwegian = EGKS | Europese Gemeenschap voor Kolen en Staal | In Dutch = ESZAK | Európai Szén- és Acélközösség | In Hungarian = CECA | Comunidade Europeia do Carvão e do Aço | In Portuguese = CECO | Comunitatea Europeană a Cărbunelui şi Oţelului | In Romanian = ЕОУС | Европейское объединение угля и стали | In Russian = ESUO | Európske spoločenstvo pre uhlie a ocel | In Slovak = EHYT | Euroopan hiili- ja teräsyhteisö | In Finnish = EKSG | Europeiska kol- och stålgemenskapen | In Swedish = EAPB | Europos anglių ir plieno bendrija | In Lithuanian |
In Bulgarian | → International relations → International economic cooperation → Mining → Metallurgy |
ЕОУС | Европейское объединение угля и стали = ЕОВС, EKSF, ESUO, EZUČ, CECA, EGKS, ECSC, EWWiS, ESZAK, CECO, EHYT, EKSG, EAPB (look above) |
In Russian | → International relations → International economic cooperation → Mining → Metallurgy |
ЕП | Европейски парламент ( = ΕΚ, PE, EP, AP (look above) |
In Bulgarian | → Parliaments, representation → European Union → Europe |
ЕС | Европейският съюз ( = UE, EU, ΕΕ, JU, AE, EB, UÛ, ES, ESB (look above) |
In Bulgarian | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
ЕСТА | Европска Слободна Трговска Асоцијација ( = ЄАВТ, EFTA, ESVO, AELE, JFA, EMAE, AELC, ELKA, EVA, AELS, ЕФТА, EZVO, ЕАСТ (look above) |
In Macedonian | → Associations |
ЕФТА | Европска слободна трговинска асоцијација ( = ЄАВТ, EFTA, ESVO, AELE, JFA, EMAE, AELC, ELKA, EVA, ЕСТА, AELS, EZVO, ЕАСТ (look above) |
In Serbian | → Associations |
ЕЦБ | Европейската централна банка ( = ΕΚΤ, EZB, ECB, BCE, EKP, ESB, EKB, EBC, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above) |
In Bulgarian | → Banks → European Union |
ЕЦБ | Европската централна банка ( = ΕΚΤ, EZB, ECB, BCE, EKP, ESB, EKB, EBC, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above) |
In Macedonian | → Banks → European Union |
ЕЦБ | Европска централна банка ( = ΕΚΤ, EZB, ECB, BCE, EKP, ESB, EKB, EBC, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above) |
In Serbian | → Banks → European Union |
ЕЭЗ | Европейская экономическая зона = SEE, EEA, EEE, EWR, ЕИЗ, EHP, EØS, ΕΟΖ, EES, EGT, EER, EOG, ЕЕП, ETA (look above) |
In Russian | → Economics → European Union |
МАР | Международная ассоциация развития ( = IDA | International Development Association | In English = AID | Association Internationale de Développement | In French = AIF | Asociación Internacional de Fomento | In Spanish = AID | Associação Internacional de Desenvolvimento | In Portuguese = MAP | Міжнародна асоціація розвитку | In Serbian |
In Russian | → Associations → Development |
ОИСР | Организация за икономическо сътрудничество и развитие ( = ΟΟΣΑ, OECD, OCDE, OESO, OEKE, KHEE, OCSE, ОЭСР (look above) |
In Bulgarian | → International relations → International economic cooperation |
ОЭСР | Организация экономического сотрудничества и развития ( = ΟΟΣΑ, OECD, OCDE, OESO, ОИСР, OEKE, KHEE, OCSE (look above) |
In Russian | → International relations → International economic cooperation |
ПРООН | Программа развития ООН = UNDP, PNUD, PUND (look above) |
In Russian | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
СЗБП | Спільна зовнішня та безпекова політика = SZPB, CFSP, GASP, WPZiB, PESC, GBVB, FUSP (look above) |
In Ukrainian | → European Union → International relations → Police |
ССП | Спільна сільськогосподарська політика = SZP, PAC, GAP, ΚΑΠ, KAP, BŽŪP, GLB, CAP, WPR (look above) |
In Ukrainian | → European Union → Agricultural sciences |
ЮНКТАД | Конференция на ООН за търговия и развитие ( = UNCTAD, CNUCED, CNUCYD, KUNKD (look above) |
In Bulgarian | → United Nations → Development |
แกตต์ | ความตกลงทั่วไปว่าด้วยการค้าและภาษีศุลกากร = ГАТТ, GATT, ГДТЦ (look above) |
In Thai | → International economic cooperation |