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Acronym Sense Language Topics
ECJS Éducation Civique, Juridique et Sociale In French Law, jurisprudence
Social sciences
ECL École Centrale de Lille (www.ec-lille.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
ECL École Centrale de Lyon (www.ec-lyon.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
ECM Episcopal Campus Ministry In English Higher education, universities
ECN École Centrale de Nantes (www.ec-nantes.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
ECN Examen Classant National In French Higher education, universities
ECP École Centrale de Paris (www.ecp.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
ECPM École européenne de Chimie, Polymères et Matériaux de Strasbourg (www-ecpm.u-strasbg.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Chemical technology
Plastic industry
Materials science
ECREA Ecumenical Centre for Research, Education & Advocacy In English Research policy
ECRIN Épreuves Communes de Recrutement pour écoles d'INgénieurs In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
ECU Edith Cowan University In English Higher education, universities
ECU East Carolina University (www.ecu.edu) In English Higher education, universities
United States
EDD Éducation au Développement Durable In French 5023
EdD Doctor of Education In English Higher education, universities
EDHEC École Des Hautes Études en Gestion, Informatique et Communication In French Higher education, universities
Computer science
EDHEC École De Hautes Études Commerciales du Nord In French Higher education, universities
EDM École Doctorale Médicament In French Higher education, universities
Pharmacology, toxicology
EDM École Des Managers In French Management
EE Éducation à l'Environnement In French Threats to the environment
EE École Émancipée In French Organizations and associations
Labour, labour economics
EEO Escuela de Estudios Orientales In Spanish Higher education, universities
Language, linguistics, literature
Geography, biography, history
EERQI European Educational Research Quality Indicators (www.eerqi.eu) In English Quality management
EESI École Européenne Supérieure de l'Image (www.eesi.eu) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Drawing and applied arts
EFAP École Française des Attachés de Presse (et des professionnels de la communication) (www.efap.com) In French Newspapers, journalism
Higher education, universities
EFCI École Francaise de Commerce International et d'Informatique (www.efci.info) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Computer science
EFDV École Française de Dressage de Veau In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Agricultural sciences
EFPG École Française de Papeterie et des industries Graphiques In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Paper and board industry
Graphic industries, printing, publishing
EGIM École d'Ingénieurs Généralistes de Marseille In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
EgO Ervaringsgericht Onderwijs In Dutch
EGS Eijkman Graduate School for Immunology and Infectious Diseases (www.eijkmanschool.org) In English Research institutes
Higher education, universities
Immunology and allergy
Infectious diseases
EHD École à l'Hôpital et à Domicile In French Associations
EHTP École Hassania des Travaux Publics (www.ehtp.ac.ma) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Military engineering
EICAT EMBL's International Centre for Advanced Training In German Biological sciences
Biochemistry, biophysics
EIER École Inter-états d'Ingénieurs de l'Équipement Rural In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Agricultural sciences
EIFAD École d'Ingénierie de la Formation à Distance In French
EIFR École Internationale de la Régulation Financière In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
EIGSI École d'Ingénieurs en Génie des Systèmes Industriels (www.eigsi.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
EISTI École Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de l'Information In French Computer science
Specialized or polytechnical colleges
EIUC European Inter-University Center In English Higher education, universities
EIUM École d'Ingénieurs de l'Université de Maurice In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
EJCM École de Journalisme et de Communication de la Méditerranée In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Newspapers, journalism
EJE Éducateur de Jeunes Enfants In French
EJEE European Journal of Engineering Education In English Serial publications, periodicals
Engineering, technology
EJSEd Electronic Journal of Science Education In English Serial publications, periodicals
Mathematics and natural sciences
EJT École de Journalisme de Toulouse In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Newspapers, journalism
ELI English Language Institute In English Language, linguistics, literature
ELIPSCE Étudiant de L'école doctorale de l'Ingénierie, Performance, Santé, Cognition et Environnement In French Organizations and associations
Higher education, universities
eloV Elektronische Leeromgeving Vlaanderen In Dutch Computer-based techniques
ELP English Language Program In English Linguistics
ELP Educational Leadership and Psychology In English Psychology
ELSA European Law Students Association (www.elsa.org) In English Associations
Law, jurisprudence
Higher education, universities
ELTE Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (https://www.elte.hu/) In Hungarian Higher education, universities
EMA École des Mines d'Alès (www.ema.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
EMAC École des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux (www.enstimac.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
EMCA École des Métiers du Cinéma d'Animation (www.angouleme-emca.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Drawing and applied arts
Cinema, movies
EMCI École des Métiers de la Création Infographique (www.angouleme-emci.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Computer-based techniques
Drawing and applied arts
EMD École des Mines de Douai In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
EMI École Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs (www.emi.ac.ma) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
EMI-HU Équipe Mixte Hospitalo-Universitaire In French Higher education, universities
EMILE Enseignement d'une Matière Intégrée à une Langue Étrangère In French Language, linguistics, literature
EMM École des Mines de Marrakech In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
EMN École des Mines de Nancy In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
EMN École des Mines de Nantes (www.emn.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
EMP École des Mines de Paris (www.ensmp.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
EMPDA Educational Material Production and Distribution Agency In English Organizations and associations
EMSE École des Mines de Saint-Étienne In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
EMSI École Marocaine des Sciences de l'Ingénieur (www.emsi.ma) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
EMU Europeeske Minderheidstalen yn it primêre Underwiis In Frisian Language, linguistics, literature
EN Associate of Science in Legal Assisting/Paralegal In English Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Law, jurisprudence
ENA École Nationale d'Administration In French Higher education, universities
Public administration, government
ENA École Nationale d'Agriculture In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Agricultural sciences
ENAC École Nationale de l'Aviation Civile In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENAC École Nationale des Arts Culinaires In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENAM École Nationale d'Agriculture de Meknès (www.enameknes.ac.ma) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Agricultural sciences
ENAM École Nationale d'Administration et de Magistrature In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Law, jurisprudence
Public administration, government
ENAP École Nationale d'Administration Publique In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Public administration, government
ENAP École Nationale d'Administration Pénitentiaire In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Law, jurisprudence
ENATT École Nationale d'Application des Techniques des Transports Terrestres In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Civil engineering and land transport
Vehicle engineering
ENC École Nationale de Commerce In French Higher education, universities
ENCG École Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion In French Higher education, universities
ENCGT École Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion de Tanger (www.encgt.ma) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENEF École Nationale des Eaux et Forêts In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Agricultural sciences
ENFI École Nationale Forestière des Ingénieurs In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENGREF École Nationale du Génie Rural, des Eaux et des Forêts In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Agricultural sciences
ENIB École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Bamako In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
ENIB École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Brest (www.enib.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
ENIC École Nouvelle d'Ingénieurs en Communication In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENIF École Nationale d'Informatique de Fianarantsoa In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Computer science
ENIG École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Gabès In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
ENIM École Nationale de l'Industrie Minérale (www.enim.ac.ma) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Earth sciences
ENIM École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Metz In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
ENIMR École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Monastir In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
ENIS École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Sfax In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
ENISE École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Saint-Étienne In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
ENIT École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis (www.enit.rnu.tn) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENIT École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tarbes In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
ENITA École Nationale d'Ingénieurs des Travaux Agricoles In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Agricultural sciences
ENITEF École Nationale des Ingénieurs des Travaux des Eaux et Forêts In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Agricultural sciences
ENITIAA École Nationale d'Ingénieurs des Techniques des Industries Agricoles et Alimentaires In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Agricultural sciences
Food technology
ENIVL École Nationale d'Ingénieurs du Val de Loire (www.enivl.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENJMIN École Nationale du Jeu et des Métiers Interactifs Numériques (www.enjmin.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Computer-based techniques
ENJMIN École Nationale des Jeux et Médias Interactifs Numériques (www.enjmin.net) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Computer-based techniques
ENM École Nationale de la Météorologie (www.enm.meteo.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Meteorology, climatology
ENOMM École Nationale des Officiers de la Marine Marchande In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Transport and postal services
ENP École Nationale Polytechnique In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
ENPC École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Civil engineering
ENPL École Nationale des Pilotes de Ligne de la RAM (www.ensam.ac.ma) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Transport and postal services
ENQA European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (www.enqa.eu) In English Associations
Quality management
Higher education, universities
ENREA École Nationale de Radiotechnique et d’Électricité Appliquée In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Electrical engineering
ENS École Normale Sociale de l'Ouest In French
ENS École Normale Supérieure (www.ens.rnu.tn) In French Higher education, universities
ENSA École nationale Supérieure Agronomique In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Agricultural sciences
ENSAD École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENSAE École Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Économique In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENSAE École Nationale Supérieure de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Aeronautics, aircraft
ENSAI École Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Analyse de l'Information In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Computer science
ENSAIT École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Textile industry
ENSAM École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
ENSAM École Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Montpellier In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Agricultural sciences
ENSAO École Nationale des Sciences Appliquées d'Oujda (http://ensa.univ-oujda.ac.ma) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENSAS École Nationale des Sciences Appliquées de Safi In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENSAT École Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Toulouse In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Agricultural sciences
ENSAT École Nationale des Sciences Appliquées de Tanger (www.ensat.ac.ma) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENSB École Nationale Supérieure de Bibliothécaires In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENSBA École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENSCCF École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENSCI École Nationale Supérieure de Création Industrielle (www.ensci.com) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENSCP École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris (www.enscp.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Chemical technology
ENSCPB École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie et Physique de Bordeaux In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENSCR École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes (www.ensc-rennes.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Chemical technology
ENSEA École Nationale Supérieure de Statistique et d'Économie Appliquée In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENSEA École Nationale Supérieure de l'Électronique et de ses Applications In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENSEEG École Nationale Supérieure d'Électrochimie et d'Électrométallurgie de Grenoble In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Chemical technology
ENSEEIHT École Nationale Supérieure d'Électrotechnique , d'Électronique, d'Informatique et d'Hydraulique In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Electrical engineering
Fundamentals of knowledge and culture
ENSEIRB École Nationale Supérieure d'Électronique, d'Informatique et de Radiocommunications de Bordeaux In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Computer science
ENSEM École Nationale Supérieure d'Électricité et de Mécanique (www.ensem-uh2c.ac.ma) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Mechanical engineering
Electrical engineering
ENSERG École Nationale Supérieure d'Électronique et de Radioélectricité de Grenoble In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Electrical engineering
ENSFA École Nationale Supérieure Féminine d'Agronomie In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Agricultural sciences
ENSG École Nationale Supérieure de Géologie In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Earth sciences
ENSG École Nationale des Sciences Géographiques (www.ensg.ign.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Geodesy, cartography
ENSH École Nationale Supérieure de l'Hydraulique In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENSH École Nationale Supérieure d'Horticulture In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENSI École Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
ENSI École Nationale des Sciences de l'Informatique (www.ensi.rnu.tn) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENSIA École Nationale Supérieure des Industries Agro-Alimentaires du Cameroun In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Agricultural sciences
Food technology
ENSIA École Nationale Supérieure des Industries Agricoles et Alimentaires In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Agricultural sciences
Food technology
ENSIACET École Nationale Supérieure des Ingénieurs en Arts Chimiques et Technologiques In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
Chemical technology
ENSIAME École Nationale Supérieure des Ingénieurs en Informatique, Automatique, Mécanique, Énergétique, Électronique In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Computer science
Mechanical engineering
ENSIAS École Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique et d'Analyse de Systèmes (www.ensias.ma) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Computer science
ENSIC École Nationale Supérieure des Industries Chimiques de Nancy (www.ensic.inpl-nancy.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Chemical technology
ENSICA École Nationale Supérieure de Constructions Aéronautiques In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Aeronautics, aircraft
ENSICA École Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Constructions Aéronautiques In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Aeronautics, aircraft
ENSICA École Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs des Constructions Aéronautiques In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Aeronautics, aircraft
ENSICAEN École Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Caen In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
ENSIETA École Nationale Supérieure des Ingénieurs des Études et Techniques d'Armement In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Military engineering
ENSIL École Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Lomé In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
ENSISA École Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs Sud Alsace (www.ensisa.uha.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENSIT École Nationale des Sciences Informatiques de Tunisie (www.ensi.rnu.tn) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Computer science
ENSITM École Nationale Supérieure des Industries Textiles de Mulhouse In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Textile industry
ENSLL École Nationale Supérieure Louis Lumière In French Higher education, universities
Engineering, technology
Cinema, movies
ENSMA École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d'Aérotechnique (www.ensma.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Mechanical engineering
Aeronautics, aircraft
Vehicle engineering
ENSMM École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et des Microtechniques In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Mechanical engineering
ENSO École Normale Supérieure de Ouargla In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENSO École Normale Sociale de l'Ouest (www.enso.fr) In French France
ENSOSP École Nationale Supérieure des Officiers de Sapeurs-Pompiers (www.ensosp.com) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENSP École Nationale de la Santé Publique (www.ensp.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Public health and hygiene
ENSP École Nationale Supérieure de Police In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Public administration, government
ENSPS École Nationale Supérieure de Physique de Strasbourg (www-ensps.u-strasbg.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
ENSPT École Nationale Supérieure des Postes et Télécommunications In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Postal services
ENSPY École Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Yaoundé In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
ENSS École Normale Supérieure de Saîda In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENSSAA École Nationale Supérieure des Aciences Agronomiques Appliquées In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Agricultural sciences
ENSSAT École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences Appliquées et de Technologies In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
ENSSIB École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de l'Information et des Bibliothèques In French Libraries
Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENSSP École Nationale Supérieure des Sapeurs-Pompiers In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENST École Nationale Supérieure des Télécoms In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENSTA École Nationale Supérieure des Techniques Avancées In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
ENSTPE École Nationale Supérieure des Travaux Publics de Yaoundé In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Civil engineering
ENSTPO École Nationale Supérieure des Travaux Publics de Yamoussoukro In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Civil engineering
ENSUT École Nationale Supérieure de Technologie In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
ENTC École Nationale de Télécommunications In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ENTO Employment National Training Organisation In English Organizations and associations
Labour, labour economics
ENTPA École Nationale des Travaux Publics d'Alger (www.entp.edu.dz) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Civil engineering
ENTPE École Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'État In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Civil engineering
ENTPJ École Nationale de Formation de Techniciens Supérieurs des Travaux Publics de Jijel In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Civil engineering
ENTPN École Nationale des Travaux Publics de N'jamena In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Civil engineering
ENTS École Nationale des Techniciens Supérieurs In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
ENV École Nationale de Voile In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Sport, physical exercises
EOC Educational Opportunity Center In English
EOET Ergonomie, Organisation et Espaces de Travail In French Higher education, universities
Labour, labour economics
EOGN École des Officiers de la Gendarmerie Nationale In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
EOO École d'Ostéopathie de l'ONREK In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
EOP Educational Opportunity Program In English
EOST École et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre (http://eost.u-strasbg.fr) In French Research institutes
Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Earth sciences
EPF École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
EPH École Parisienne d'Hôtesses et de Tourisme In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
EPHE École Pratique des Hautes Études In French
EPI Educational Policy Institute In English
EPI Enseignement Public et Informatique (www.epi.asso.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Computer science
EPIDe Établissement Public d'Insertion de la Défense In French
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