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Acronym Sense Language Topics
AEM Acoustical Emission Monitoring In English Acoustical engineering
AFTA Acoustic Fatigue Test Article In English Acoustical engineering
AIH Acoustical Imaging and Holography In English Serial publications, periodicals
Acoustical engineering
ALVIB Algorithm Payload Vibration In English Acoustical engineering
AMS Acoustic Measurement System In English Acoustics
Acoustical engineering
AMTF Acoustic Model Test Facility In English Acoustics
Acoustical engineering
AOM Acoustic-Optic Modulator In English Acoustical engineering
ApAc Applied Acoustics In English Serial publications, periodicals
Acoustical engineering
ASVIB Algorithm Scoreboard Vibrations In English Acoustical engineering
AVCOR Algorithm Vibration Correlation In English Acoustical engineering
CPDH Comité Professionnel de Développement de l'Horlogerie In French
ICASSP International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing In English Congresses
Acoustical engineering
IRCAM Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique (www.ircam.fr) In French Research institutes
Acoustical engineering
PAMA Professional Audio Manufacturers Alliance (www.pamalliance.org) In English Organizations and associations
Acoustical engineering
PASTI Public Address Speech Transmission Index In English Telecommunications
Acoustical engineering
PEAQ Perceptual Evaluation of Audio Quality In English Acoustical engineering
PFL Pre-Fade Listen In English Acoustical engineering
PMPO Peak Music Power Output In English Acoustical engineering
PMPO Peak Momentary Performance Output In English Acoustical engineering
PPM Peak Program Meter In English Acoustical engineering
PZM Pressure Zone Microphone In English Acoustical engineering
RASTI Rapid Speech Transmission Index In English Acoustical engineering
RvAc Revue d'Acoustique In French Serial publications, periodicals
Acoustical engineering
SAC Sound Absorption Coefficient In English Acoustical engineering
SBR Spectral Band Replication In English Data
Acoustical engineering
SDIF Sony Digital Interface Format In English Music
Acoustical engineering
SIAP System for Improved Acoustic Performance In English Acoustical engineering
SPARS Society of Professional Audio Recording Services (www.spars.com) In English Organizations and associations
Acoustical engineering
SPL Sound Pressure Level In English Acoustical engineering
TDA Technique Design Acoustique In French Acoustical engineering
TDIF Teac Digital Interface Format In English Acoustical engineering
TDS Time-Delay Spectrometry In English Acoustical engineering
TEF Time-Energy-Frequency In English Acoustical engineering
TERC Tuned Electromagnetic Resonance Collar In English Telecommunications
Acoustical engineering
UMRK Utility Muffin Research Kitchen In English Acoustical engineering
VARS Variable Room Acoustic System In English Acoustical engineering
VAT Vibroacoustic Test In English Acoustics
Mechanical engineering
Acoustical engineering
VATA Vibroacoustic Test Article In English Acoustics
Mechanical engineering
Acoustical engineering
VATF Vibration and Acoustic Test Facility In English Acoustics
Mechanical engineering
Acoustical engineering
VITC Vertical Interval Time Code In English Acoustical engineering
VOX Voice Operated Exchange In English Acoustical engineering
VTPS Vibroacoustic Test Plan Summary In English Acoustical engineering
VTS Vibroacoustic Test Summary In English Acoustical engineering
WFS Wavefield Synthesis In English Acoustical engineering
XBT Expendable Bathythermograph In English Acoustical engineering
XSV Expendable Sound Velocimeter In English Acoustical engineering

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