Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
CSAF | Chef des Services Administratifs et Financiers | In French | → Public finance |
CSEF | Chef des Services Économiques et Financiers | In French | |
CSNA | Capital Souscrit Non Appelé | In French | → Accounting |
CSSF | Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier | In French | |
CT | Certificat de Trésorerie | In French | |
CTF | Clean Technology Fund | In English | → Environmental protection → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
CTPS | Crédit pour la Taxe sur les Produits et Services | In French | → Taxes, duties |
CUP | China Union Pay ( | In English | → Banks → China |
CVG | Certificat de Valeur Garantie | In French | |
CVN | Card Verification Number | In English | → Banks |
DAF | Division des Affaires Financières | In French | |
DAF | Direction des Affaires Financières | In French | |
DAX | Deutscher Aktienindex | In German | → Financial markets → Germany |
DBM | Décision Budgétaire Modificative | In French | → Public finance |
DBOF | Defense Business Operations Fund | In English | → Military affairs |
DCM | Debt Capital Market | In English | → Financial markets |
DCU | Digital Federal Credit Union | In English | → Banks → United States |
DECF | Diplôme d'Études Comptables et Financières | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Accounting |
DEG | Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft ( | In German | → Development |
DESCF | Diplôme d'Études Supérieures Comptables et Financières | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Accounting |
DF | Direction Financière | In French | |
DFA | Dimensional Fund Advisors ( | In English | → Financial markets |
DFA | Department of Finance and Administration | In English | → Management |
DFAS | Defense Finance and Accounting Service | In English | → Accounting → Military affairs |
DFG | Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Research policy → Germany |
DFR | Délégué Financier Régional | In French | |
DGD | Dotation Générale de Décentralisation | In French | → Public finance → Public administration, government |
DGDDI | Direction Générale des Douanes et Droits Indirects ( | In French | → Central administration → Taxes, duties → France |
DGDE | Dotation Globale Départementale d'Équipement | In French | → Public finance → Regional administration |
DGE | Dotation Globale d'Équipement | In French | → Public finance → Public administration, government |
DGF | Dotation Globale de Fonctionnement | In French | → Public finance → Public administration, government |
DGI | Direction Générale des Impôts | In French | → Central administration → Taxes, duties |
DGID | Direction Générale des Impôts et Domaines | In French | → Central administration → Taxes, duties |
DIRD | Dépense Intérieure de Recherche et de Développement | In French | → Research policy → Public finance → Engineering, technology |
DIRDA | Dépense Intérieure de Recherche et Développement des Administrations | In French | → Research policy → Public finance → Central administration |
DIRDE | Dépense Intérieure de Recherche et Développement des Entreprises | In French | → Research policy → Public finance → Engineering, technology |
DISICF | Département Ingénierie du Système d'Information Comptable et Financier | In French | → Accounting |
DJA | Dotation aux Jeunes Agriculteurs | In French | → Public finance → Agricultural sciences |
DNEF | Direction Nationale d'Enquêtes Fiscales | In French | → Central administration → Taxes, duties |
DNRD | Dépense Nationale de Recherche et Développement | In French | → Research policy → Public finance |
DOAAT | Direction Optimisation Amont/Aval et Trading | In French | → Electrical engineering → Energy economics → Financial markets |
DPAFI | Direction de la Programmation, des Affaires Financières et Immobilières | In French | → Public finance → Construction |
DPECF | Diplôme Préparatoire aux Études Comptables et Financières | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Accounting |
DPH | Daň z přidané hodnoty = BTW | Belasting op Toegevoegde Waarde | In Afrikaans = IVA | Impost sobre el valor afegit | In Catalan = PDV | Porez na dodatu vrijednost | In Bosnian = ДДС | Данъкът върху добавената стойност | In Bulgarian = VAT | Value Added Tax | In English = AVI | Aldonvalora imposto | In Esperanto = ΦΠΑ | Φόρος Προστιθέμενης Αξίας | In Greek = Moms | Meromsætningsafgift | In Danish = IVA | Impuesto al Valor Agregado | In Spanish = MwSt | Mehrwertsteuer | In German = BTW | Belasting over de Toegevoegde Waarde | In Dutch = MVA | Merverdiavgift | In Norwegian = PVM | Pridėtinės vertės mokestis | In Lithuanian = IVA | Imposta sul Valore Aggiunto | In Italian = VASK | Virðisaukaskattur | In Icelandic = PPN | Pajak Pertambahan Nilai | In Indonesian = Áfa | Általános forgalmi adó | In Hungarian = PDV | Porez na dodanu vrijednost | In Croatian = ALV | Arvonlisävero | In Finnish = מע"מ | מס ערך מוסף | In Hebrew = KDV | Katma Değer Vergisi | In Turkish = VAT | ภาษีมูลค่าเพิ่ม | In Thai = VAT | மதிப்புக் கூட்டு வரி | In Tamil = DPH | Daň z pridanej hodnoty | In Slovak = НДС | Налог на добавленную стоимость | In Russian = TVA | Taxa pe valoarea adăugată | In Romanian = IVA | Imposto sobre o Valor Acrescentado | In Portuguese = VAT | 增值税 | In Chinese |
In Czech | → Taxes, duties |
DPH | Daň z pridanej hodnoty = BTW, IVA, PDV, ДДС, VAT, AVI, ΦΠΑ, Moms, MwSt, MVA, PVM, VASK, PPN, Áfa, ALV, מע"מ, KDV, НДС, TVA (look above) |
In Slovak | → Taxes, duties |
DRES | Dotation Régionale de l'Équipement Scolaire | In French | → Public finance → Education |
DRI | Dépenses Réelles d'Investissement | In French | → Public finance |
DSF | Direction des Services Financiers | In French | |
DSFJ | Direction des Service Financiers et Juridiques | In French | → Management → Law, jurisprudence |
DSFS | Desert Schools Financial Services | In English | |
DSFS | Direction des Services Financiers Spécialisés | In French | → Banks |
DSOF | Direction Stratégie et Opérations Financières | In French | |
DSS | Dematerialised Securities System = ΣΑΤ | Σύστημα Άϋλων Τίτλων | In Greek |
In English | |
DVNI | Direction des Vérifications Nationales et Internationales | In French | → Central administration → Taxes, duties → Accounting |
DVP | Division Valorisation du Portefeuille d'actifs | In French | |
EBAN | European Business Angel Network | In English | → Organizations and associations → Financial markets |
EBC | Europejski Bank Centralny ( = EZB | Europäische Zentralbank | In German = ECB | European Central Bank | In English = BCE | Banque Centrale Européenne | In French = ЕЦБ | Европейската централна банка | In Bulgarian = ECB | Evropska centralna banka | In Bosnian = BCE | Banc Central Europeu | In Catalan = ECB | Evropská centrální banka | In Czech = ECB | Den Europæiske Centralbank | In Danish = ΕΚΤ | Ευρωπαϊκή Κεντρική Τράπεζα | In Greek = ECB | Eŭropa Centra Banko | In Esperanto = BCE | Banco Central Europeo | In Spanish = EKP | Euroopan keskuspankki | In Finnish = EKP | Euroopa Keskpanga | In Estonian = ECB | הבנק המרכזי האירופי | In Hebrew = ESB | Europska središnja banka | In Croatian = EKB | Európai Központi Bank | In Hungarian = BCE | Banca centrale europea | In Italian = ECB | ევროპის ცენტრალური ბანკი | In Georgian = ECB | 유럽 중앙은행 | In Korean = EZB | Europäesch Zentralbank | In Letzeburgesh = ECB | Europos Centrinis Bankas | In Lithuanian = ЕЦБ | Европската централна банка | In Macedonian = ECB | Europese Centrale Bank | In Dutch = ESB | Den europeiske sentralbanken | In Norwegian = BCE | Banco Central Europeu | In Portuguese = BCE | Banca Centrală Europeană | In Romanian = ЄЦБ | Європейський центральний банк | In Ukrainian = ECB | Európska centrálna banka | In Slovak = ЕЦБ | Европска централна банка | In Serbian = ECB | Europeiska centralbanken | In Swedish = AMB | Avrupa Merkez Bankası | In Turkish |
In Polish | → Banks → European Union |
EBI | Eŭropa Banko por Investoj ( = EIB | European Investment Bank | In English = BEI | Banque Européenne d'Investissement | In French = EIB | Europese Investeringsbank | In Dutch = BEI | Banca Europeană de Investiţii | In Romanian = EIB | European Investment Bank | In French = ЕИБ | Европейска инвестиционна банка | In Bulgarian = BEI | Banc Europeu d'Inversions | In Catalan = EIB | Europäische Investitionsbank | In German = EIB | Evropská investiční banka | In Czech = EIB | Europäesch Investitiounsbank | In Letzeburgesh = BEI | Banco Europeo de Investimento | In Galician = BEI | Banca Europea degli Investimenti | In Italian = BIE | Bank Investasi Eropa | In Indonesian = ЕИБ | Европска инвестициона банка | In Macedonian = EIB | 欧州投資銀行 | In Japanese = EBI | Europejski Bank Inwestycyjny | In Polish = EIB | Európska investičná banka | In Slovak = ЄІБ | Європейський інвестиційний банк | In Ukrainian = EIP | Euroopan investointipankki | In Finnish = ЕИБ | Европска инвестициона банка | In Serbian |
In Esperanto | → Banks → European Union |
EBI | Europejski Bank Inwestycyjny ( = EIB, BEI, ЕИБ, BIE, ЄІБ, EIP (look above) |
In Polish | → Banks → European Union |
EBIT | Earnings Before Interest and Tax | In English | → Economics → Taxes, duties |
EBITDA | Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization | In English | → Accounting |
EBOR | Europejski Bank Odbudowy i Rozwoju = EBRD | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development | In English = BERD | Banque Européenne pour la Reconstruction et le Développement | In French = ЕБВР | Европейската банка за възстановяване и развитие | In Bulgarian = EBWE | Europäische Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung | In German = BERS | Banca Europea per la Ricostruzione e lo Sviluppo | In Italian = BERD | Banco Europeo para la Reconstrucción y el Desarrollo | In Spanish = EBRE | Eŭropa Banko por Rekonstruo kaj Evoluigo | In Esperanto = ЕБРР | Европейский банк реконструкции и развития | In Russian = BERD | Banca Europeană pentru Reconstrucţie şi Dezvoltare | In Romanian = EBRD | Evropská banka pro obnovu a rozvoj | In Czech = ЄБРР | Європейський банк реконструкції та розвитку | In Ukrainian |
In Polish | → International relations → Banks → Development |
EBRD | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development = EBOR, BERD, ЕБВР, EBWE, BERS, EBRE, ЕБРР, ЄБРР (look above) |
In English | → International relations → Banks → Development |
EBRD | Evropská banka pro obnovu a rozvoj = EBOR, BERD, ЕБВР, EBWE, BERS, EBRE, ЕБРР, ЄБРР (look above) |
In Czech | → International relations → Banks → Development |
EBRE | Eŭropa Banko por Rekonstruo kaj Evoluigo = EBOR, EBRD, BERD, ЕБВР, EBWE, BERS, ЕБРР, ЄБРР (look above) |
In Esperanto | → International relations → Banks → Development |
EBT | Earnings Before Tax | In English | → Economics → Taxes, duties |
EBWE | Europäische Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung = EBOR, EBRD, BERD, ЕБВР, BERS, EBRE, ЕБРР, ЄБРР (look above) |
In German | → International relations → Banks → Development |
ECB | European Central Bank ( = EBC, EZB, BCE, ЕЦБ, ΕΚΤ, EKP, ESB, EKB, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above) |
In English | → Banks → European Union |
ECB | Evropska centralna banka ( = EBC, EZB, BCE, ЕЦБ, ΕΚΤ, EKP, ESB, EKB, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above) |
In Bosnian | → Banks → European Union |
ECB | Evropská centrální banka ( = EBC, EZB, BCE, ЕЦБ, ΕΚΤ, EKP, ESB, EKB, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above) |
In Czech | → Banks → European Union |
ECB | Den Europæiske Centralbank ( = EBC, EZB, BCE, ЕЦБ, ΕΚΤ, EKP, ESB, EKB, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above) |
In Danish | → Banks → European Union |
ECB | Eŭropa Centra Banko ( = EBC, EZB, BCE, ЕЦБ, ΕΚΤ, EKP, ESB, EKB, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above) |
In Esperanto | → Banks → European Union |
ECB | הבנק המרכזי האירופי ( = EBC, EZB, BCE, ЕЦБ, ΕΚΤ, EKP, ESB, EKB, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above) |
In Hebrew | → Banks → European Union |
ECB | ევროპის ცენტრალური ბანკი ( = EBC, EZB, BCE, ЕЦБ, ΕΚΤ, EKP, ESB, EKB, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above) |
In Georgian | → Banks → European Union |
ECB | 유럽 중앙은행 ( = EBC, EZB, BCE, ЕЦБ, ΕΚΤ, EKP, ESB, EKB, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above) |
In Korean | → Banks → European Union |
ECB | Europos Centrinis Bankas ( = EBC, EZB, BCE, ЕЦБ, ΕΚΤ, EKP, ESB, EKB, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above) |
In Lithuanian | → Banks → European Union |
ECB | Europese Centrale Bank ( = EBC, EZB, BCE, ЕЦБ, ΕΚΤ, EKP, ESB, EKB, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above) |
In Dutch | → Banks → European Union |
ECB | Európska centrálna banka ( = EBC, EZB, BCE, ЕЦБ, ΕΚΤ, EKP, ESB, EKB, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above) |
In Slovak | → Banks → European Union |
ECB | Europeiska centralbanken ( = EBC, EZB, BCE, ЕЦБ, ΕΚΤ, EKP, ESB, EKB, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above) |
In Swedish | → Banks → European Union |
ECBS | European Committee for Banking Standards ( | In English | → Standardization → Banks → Europe |
ECBS | Europeiska centralbankssystemet = SEBC | Système Européen de Banques Centrales | In French = ESCB | Europski sistem centralnih banaka | In Bosnian = SEBC | Sistema Europeu de Bancs Centrals | In Catalan = ESCB | Det Europæiske System af Centralbanker | In Danish = ESZB | Europäisches System der Zentralbanken | In German = ΕΣΚΤ | Ευρωπαϊκό Σύστημα Κεντρικών Τραπεζών | In Greek = ESCB | European System of Central Banks | In English = ESCB | Eŭropa Sistemo de Centraj Bankoj | In Esperanto = SEBC | Sistema Europeo de Bancos Centrales | In Spanish = EKPS | Euroopa Keskpankade Süsteemi | In Estonian = KBER | Központi Bankok Európai Rendszere | In Hungarian = SEBC | Sistema Europeo delle Banche Centrali | In Italian = ESCB | Europees Stelsel van Centrale Banken | In Dutch = ESSB | Det europeiske systemet av sentralbanker | In Norwegian = ESBC | Europejski System Banków Centralnych | In Polish = SEBC | Sistema Europeu de Bancos Centrais | In Portuguese = ЄСЦБ | Європейська система центральних банків | In Ukrainian = ESCB | Európsky systém centrálnych bánk | In Slovak |
In Swedish | → Banks → European Union |
ECM | Equity Capital Market | In English | → Financial markets |
ECU | European Currency Unit | In English | → Europe |
EDF | European Development Fund = EUF | Den Europæiske Udviklingsfond | In Danish = ЄФР | Європейський фонд розвитку | In Ukrainian |
In English | → Financial markets → Development |
EDF-T | Électricité de France-Trading | In French | → Electrical engineering → France |
EFAMA | European Fund and Asset Management Association | In English | → Associations |
EFS | Europejski Fundusz Społeczny = ESF | European Social Fund | In English = FSE | Fonds Social Européen | In French = FSE | Fondo Social Europeo | In Spanish = FSE | Fondo Sociale Europeo | In Italian = ESF | Europees Sociaal Fonds | In Dutch = ESF | Europeiska socialfonden | In Swedish |
In Polish | → Public finance → European Union → Social welfare |
EGSE | EVE Galactic Stock Exchange | In English | |
EIB | European Investment Bank ( = EBI, BEI, ЕИБ, BIE, ЄІБ, EIP (look above) |
In English | → Banks → European Union |
EIB | Europese Investeringsbank ( = EBI, BEI, ЕИБ, BIE, ЄІБ, EIP (look above) |
In Dutch | → Banks → European Union |
EIB | European Investment Bank ( = EBI, BEI, ЕИБ, BIE, ЄІБ, EIP (look above) |
In French | → Banks → European Union |
EIB | Europäische Investitionsbank ( = EBI, BEI, ЕИБ, BIE, ЄІБ, EIP (look above) |
In German | → Banks → European Union |
EIB | Evropská investiční banka ( = EBI, BEI, ЕИБ, BIE, ЄІБ, EIP (look above) |
In Czech | → Banks → European Union |
EIB | Europäesch Investitiounsbank ( = EBI, BEI, ЕИБ, BIE, ЄІБ, EIP (look above) |
In Letzeburgesh | → Banks → European Union |
EIB | 欧州投資銀行 ( = EBI, BEI, ЕИБ, BIE, ЄІБ, EIP (look above) |
In Japanese | → Banks → European Union |
EIB | Európska investičná banka ( = EBI, BEI, ЕИБ, BIE, ЄІБ, EIP (look above) |
In Slovak | → Banks → European Union |
EIFR | École Internationale de la Régulation Financière | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
EIP | Euroopan investointipankki ( = EBI, EIB, BEI, ЕИБ, BIE, ЄІБ (look above) |
In Finnish | → Banks → European Union |
eIRR | Expected Internal Rate of Return | In English | → Accounting |
EITC | Earned Income Tax Credit | In English | → Taxes, duties |
EKB | Európai Központi Bank ( = EBC, EZB, ECB, BCE, ЕЦБ, ΕΚΤ, EKP, ESB, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above) |
In Hungarian | → Banks → European Union |
EKP | Euroopan keskuspankki ( = EBC, EZB, ECB, BCE, ЕЦБ, ΕΚΤ, ESB, EKB, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above) |
In Finnish | → Banks → European Union |
EKP | Euroopa Keskpanga ( = EBC, EZB, ECB, BCE, ЕЦБ, ΕΚΤ, ESB, EKB, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above) |
In Estonian | → Banks → European Union |
EKPS | Euroopa Keskpankade Süsteemi = ECBS, SEBC, ESCB, ESZB, ΕΣΚΤ, KBER, ESSB, ESBC, ЄСЦБ (look above) |
In Estonian | → Banks → European Union |
EMI | European Monetary Institute = EWI | Europäisches Währungsinstitut | In German = EMI | Európai Monetáris Intézet | In Hungarian = ERI | Euroopan rahapoliittinen instituutti | In Finnish = EMI | Europees Monetair Instituut | In Dutch = IME | Institut Monétaire Européen | In French |
In English | → Banks → European Union |
EMI | Európai Monetáris Intézet = EWI, ERI, IME (look above) |
In Hungarian | → Banks → European Union |
EMI | Europees Monetair Instituut = EWI, ERI, IME (look above) |
In Dutch | → Banks → European Union |
EMV | Europay, MasterCard and VISA | In English | |
ENPV | Expected Net Present Value | In English | |
ENPV | Expanded Net Present Value | In English | |
EONIA | Euro OverNight Index Average | In English | |
EPRD | État Prévisionnel des Recettes et des Dépenses | In French | |
ERDE | État Récapitulatif des Dépenses Éligibles | In French | |
ERI | Euroopan rahapoliittinen instituutti = EMI, EWI, IME (look above) |
In Finnish | → Banks → European Union |
ESB | Europska središnja banka ( = EBC, EZB, ECB, BCE, ЕЦБ, ΕΚΤ, EKP, EKB, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above) |
In Croatian | → Banks → European Union |
ESB | Den europeiske sentralbanken ( = EBC, EZB, ECB, BCE, ЕЦБ, ΕΚΤ, EKP, EKB, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above) |
In Norwegian | → Banks → European Union |
ESBC | Europejski System Banków Centralnych = ECBS, SEBC, ESCB, ESZB, ΕΣΚΤ, EKPS, KBER, ESSB, ЄСЦБ (look above) |
In Polish | → Banks → European Union |
ESBC | European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Financial markets → Mining |
ESCB | Europski sistem centralnih banaka = ECBS, SEBC, ESZB, ΕΣΚΤ, EKPS, KBER, ESSB, ESBC, ЄСЦБ (look above) |
In Bosnian | → Banks → European Union |
ESCB | Det Europæiske System af Centralbanker = ECBS, SEBC, ESZB, ΕΣΚΤ, EKPS, KBER, ESSB, ESBC, ЄСЦБ (look above) |
In Danish | → Banks → European Union |
ESCB | European System of Central Banks = ECBS, SEBC, ESZB, ΕΣΚΤ, EKPS, KBER, ESSB, ESBC, ЄСЦБ (look above) |
In English | → Banks → European Union |
ESCB | Eŭropa Sistemo de Centraj Bankoj = ECBS, SEBC, ESZB, ΕΣΚΤ, EKPS, KBER, ESSB, ESBC, ЄСЦБ (look above) |
In Esperanto | → Banks → European Union |
ESCB | Europees Stelsel van Centrale Banken = ECBS, SEBC, ESZB, ΕΣΚΤ, EKPS, KBER, ESSB, ESBC, ЄСЦБ (look above) |
In Dutch | → Banks → European Union |
ESCB | Európsky systém centrálnych bánk = ECBS, SEBC, ESZB, ΕΣΚΤ, EKPS, KBER, ESSB, ESBC, ЄСЦБ (look above) |
In Slovak | → Banks → European Union |
ESF | European Social Fund = EFS, FSE (look above) |
In English | → Public finance → European Union → Social welfare |
ESF | Europees Sociaal Fonds = EFS, FSE (look above) |
In Dutch | → Public finance → European Union → Social welfare |
ESF | Europeiska socialfonden = EFS, FSE (look above) |
In Swedish | → Public finance → European Union → Social welfare |
ESGF | École Supérieure de Gestion et Finance ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Economics |
ESSB | Det europeiske systemet av sentralbanker = ECBS, SEBC, ESCB, ESZB, ΕΣΚΤ, EKPS, KBER, ESBC, ЄСЦБ (look above) |
In Norwegian | → Banks → European Union |
ESZB | Europäisches System der Zentralbanken = ECBS, SEBC, ESCB, ΕΣΚΤ, EKPS, KBER, ESSB, ESBC, ЄСЦБ (look above) |
In German | → Banks → European Union |
ETEBAC | Échanges Télématiques Banque/Client | In French | → Computer science → Banks → Telecommunications |
EUF | Den Europæiske Udviklingsfond = EDF, ЄФР (look above) |
In Danish | → Financial markets → Development |
EWI | Europäisches Währungsinstitut = EMI, ERI, IME (look above) |
In German | → Banks → European Union |
EZB | Europäische Zentralbank ( = EBC, ECB, BCE, ЕЦБ, ΕΚΤ, EKP, ESB, EKB, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above) |
In German | → Banks → European Union |
EZB | Europäesch Zentralbank ( = EBC, ECB, BCE, ЕЦБ, ΕΚΤ, EKP, ESB, EKB, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above) |
In Letzeburgesh | → Banks → European Union |
F&A | Finance & Accounting | In English | → Accounting |
FAC | Fonds Académique de Compensation | In French | → Education |
FAC | Fonds d'Action Culturelle | In French | → Civilization, culture, progress |
FADIP | Fonds d'Aménagement et de Développement des Îles de Polynésie française | In French | → Development |
FAF | Fonds d'Assurance Formation | In French | → Education |
FAFEA | Fonds d'Assurance Formation des Exploitants Agricoles | In French | → Education → Agricultural sciences |
FAIL | Fonds d'Aide aux Impayés de Loyer | In French | → Accommodation |
FAJ | Fonds d'Aide aux Jeunes | In French | |
FAO | Financial Aid Office | In English | → Social welfare |
FAO | Finance and Accounting Office | In English | → Accounting |
FARG | Fonds d'Aide au Relogement Garanti | In French | → Accommodation |
FARIF | Fonds d'Aménagement Régional d'Île-de-france | In French | → Regional planning → France |
FARPI | Fonds Académique de Rémunération des Personnels d'Internat | In French | → Education |
FAS | Fonds d'Action Sociale pour les travailleurs immigrés et leurs familles | In French | → Social welfare → Migrations |
FASASA | Fonds d'Action Sociale pour l'Aménagement des Structures Agricoles | In French | → Agricultural sciences |
FASEP | Fonds d'Aide au SEcteur Privé | In French | |
FASSO | Fonds d'Action Sociale Obligatoire | In French | → Social welfare |
FAST | Financial Aid Systems Technologies | In English | |
FATF | Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering | In English | → Organizations and associations |
FBF | Fédération Bancaire Française ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Banks → France |
FC | Finance Committee | In English | |
FCC | Farm Credit Canada | In English | → Financial markets → Agricultural sciences → Canada |
FCC | Fichier Central des Chèques | In French | → Files → Financial markets |
FCC | Fonds Commun de Créances | In French | |
FCJE | Fonds de Co-investissement pour les Jeunes Entreprises | In French | → Financial markets |
FCPE | Fonds Commun de Placement d'Entreprise | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
FCPI | Fonds Commun de Placements pour l'Innovation | In French | |
FCPI | Fonds Commun de Placement dans l'Innovation | In French | → Banks → Engineering, technology |
FCPR | Fonds Commun de Placement à Risque | In French | |
FCPR | Fonds Commun de Placement à Risques | In French | |
FCTVA | Fonds de Compensation pour la Taxe sur la Valeur Ajoutée | In French | → Taxes, duties |
FCTVA | Fonds de Compensation de la Taxe sur la Valeur Ajoutée | In French | → Taxes, duties |
FCV | Fonds de Crédits pour les Villages | In French | → Regional planning |
FDPTP | Fonds Départemental de Péréquation de la Taxe Professionnelle | In French | → 3363 → Labour, labour economics |
FDSR | Financial Data Submission and Reconciliation = PRDF | Présentation et de Rapprochement des Données Financières | In French |
In English | |
FDTPE | Fonds Départemental d'Aide aux Très Petites Entreprises | In French | → Economics |
FECL | Fonds d'Équipement pour les Collectivités Locales | In French | → Public finance → Municipal administration |
FED | Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo | In Spanish | → European Union → Europe |
FEEIC | Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council | In English | → Organizations and associations |
FEI | Financial Executives International ( | In English | → Organizations and associations |
FEI | Fonds Européen d'Investissement | In French | → European Union |
FEPNC | Fonds d'Équipement et de Promotion de la Nouvelle-Calédonie | In French | → Regional planning |
FFEM | Fonds Français pour l'Environnement Mondial | In French | → 5023 → France |
FFIEC | Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council ( | In English | → Central administration |
FFU | Fonden för Fiskets Utveckling = IFOP | Instrument Financier d'Orientation de la Pêche | In French = FIAF | Finanzinstrument für die Ausrichtung der Fischerei | In German = SFOP | Strumento Finanziario di Orientamento della Pesca | In Italian = FIFG | Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance | In English |
In Swedish | → European Union → Fishing, hunting |
FGAS | Fonds de Garantie à l'Accession Sociale à la Propriété | In French | → Accommodation |
FGAS | Fonds de Garantie de l'Accession Sociale | In French | → Social welfare |
FIA | Financial Inventory Accounting | In English | → Accounting |
FIAF | Finanzinstrument für die Ausrichtung der Fischerei = FFU, IFOP, SFOP, FIFG (look above) |
In German | → European Union → Fishing, hunting |
FICOBA | Fichier des Comptes Bancaires | In French | → Files → Banks |
FICOBA | Fichier national des Comptes Bancaires et Assimilés | In French | → Files → Financial markets |
FIDA | Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola ( = IFAD | International Fund for Agricultural Development | In English = FIDA | Fonds International de Développement Agricole | In French = FIDA | Fundo Internacional de Desenvolvimento Agrícola | In Portuguese |
In Spanish | → United Nations → Agricultural sciences |
FIDA | Fonds International de Développement Agricole ( = IFAD (look above) |
In French | → United Nations → Agricultural sciences |
FIDA | Fundo Internacional de Desenvolvimento Agrícola ( = IFAD (look above) |
In Portuguese | → United Nations → Agricultural sciences |
FIDES | Fonds d'Investissement et de Développement Économique et Social | In French | → Development |
FIFG | Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance = FFU, IFOP, FIAF, SFOP (look above) |
In English | → European Union → Fishing, hunting |
FIMF | Fonds d'Impulsion de la Microfinance | In French | → Development |
FINEL | Finanziaria di Partecipazioni Elettriche | In Italian | → Electrical engineering |
FIOD | Fiscale Inlichtingen en Opsporingsdienst | In Dutch | → Central administration → Taxes, duties |
FIP | Fonds d'Investissement de Proximité | In French | → Banks |
FIR | France Initiative Réseau ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → France |
FMA | Finanzmarktaufsicht | In German | |
FMI | Fonds Monétaire International ( = IMF | Internacia Mon-Fonduso | In Esperanto = IMF | International Monetary Fund | In English = FMI | Fondul Monetar Internaţional | In Romanian = IMF | Internationaal Monetair Fonds | In Dutch |
In French | → International relations |
FMI | Fondul Monetar Internaţional ( = IMF (look above) |
In Romanian | → International relations |
FMW | Fair Market Value | In English |