Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
CROUS | Centre Régional des Œuvres Universitaires et Scolaires | In French | → Education |
CRPN | Caisse de Retraite du Personnel Navigant | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Insurance → Transport and postal services |
CRPNPAC | Caisse de Retraite du Personnel Navigant de l'Aéronautique Civile | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Insurance → Aeronautics, aircraft → Transport and postal services |
CSSTM | Centre de Sécurité Sociale des Travailleurs Migrants | In French | → Migrations → Insurance |
CUCS | Contrat Urbain de Cohésion Sociale | In French | → Regional planning |
DAL | Droit au Logement | In French | → Organizations and associations → Accommodation |
DASES | Direction de l'Action sociale, de l'Enfance et de la Santé | In French | → Public administration, government → Education → Medicine |
DASS | Direction de l'Action Sanitaire et Sociale | In French | → Public administration, government → Medicine |
DDASS | Direction Départementale des Affaires Sanitaires et Sociales | In French | → Regional administration → Medicine |
DDCCRF | Direction Départementale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes | In French | → Economics → Public administration, government → Consumerism |
DEH | Directorate of Engineering and Housing | In English | → Engineering, technology → Accommodation |
DGCCRF | Direction Générale de la Consommation, de la Concurrence et de la Répression des Fraudes | In French | → Public administration, government → Consumerism |
DGSS | Direction Générale de la Solidarité et de la Santé | In French | → Central administration → Medicine |
DGUHC | Direction Générale de l'Urbanisme, de l'Habitat et de la Construction | In French | → Central administration → Accommodation → Architecture → Construction |
DIDOL | Délégation Interministérielle pour Développer l'Offre de Logements | In French | → Central administration → Accommodation → France |
DIIESES | Délégation Interministérielle à l'Innovation, à l'Expérimentation Sociale et à l'Économie Sociale | In French | → Central administration → France |
DIRECCTE | Direction Régionale des Entreprises, de la Concurrence et de la Consommation, du Travail et de l'Emploi | In French | → Regional administration → Economics → Labour, labour economics → Consumerism |
DIRMI | Délégation Interministérielle du Revenu Minimum d'Insertion | In French | → Central administration |
DISS | Direction des Interventions Sanitaires et Sociales | In French | → Medicine |
DLA | Disability Living Allowance | In English | |
DOMP | Days on the Market Property | In English | → Accommodation |
DPAS | Département Prévention et Action Sociale | In French | |
DPSD | Direction de la Protection Sociale du Département | In French | → Regional administration |
DPU | Droit de Préemption Urbain | In French | → Regional planning → Accommodation |
DRASS | Direction Régionale des Affaires Sanitaires et Sociales | In French | → Regional administration → Medicine |
DRASSIF | Direction Régionale des Affaires Sanitaires et Sociales d'Île-de-France | In French | → Regional administration → Medicine → France |
DSQ | Développement Social des Quartiers | In French | → Regional planning |
DSS | Direction de la Sécurité Sociale | In French | → Insurance |
DSS | Department of Social Services | In English | |
DSSU | State Committee of Ukraine on Technical Regulation and Consumer Policy | In English | → Central administration → Consumerism → Standardization |
DSU | Développement Social Urbain | In French | → Regional planning |
DSUCS | Dotation de Solidarité Urbaine et de Cohésion Sociale | In French | → Regional planning |
DUCS | Déclaration Unifiée des Cotisations Sociales | In French | → Personnel management → Labour, labour economics → Insurance |
DWP | Department for Work and Pensions | In English | → Central administration → Labour, labour economics |
ECAP | Établissement Cantonal d'Assurance et de Prévention | In French | → Insurance |
EFREP | European Federation of Retired and Elderly Persons = FERPA | Fédération Européenne des Retraités et des Personnes Âgées | In French |
In English | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Insurance |
EFS | Europejski Fundusz Społeczny = ESF | European Social Fund | In English = FSE | Fonds Social Européen | In French = FSE | Fondo Social Europeo | In Spanish = FSE | Fondo Sociale Europeo | In Italian = ESF | Europees Sociaal Fonds | In Dutch = ESF | Europeiska socialfonden | In Swedish |
In Polish | → Public finance → European Union |
EHPAD | Établissement d'Hébergement pour Personnes Agées Dépendantes | In French | → Accommodation → Gerontology |
ENL | Engagement National pour le Logement | In French | → Accommodation |
EPHAD | Établissement d'Hébergement pour Personnes Âgées Dépendantes | In French | → Accommodation → Medicine |
ESF | European Social Fund = EFS, FSE (look above) |
In English | → Public finance → European Union |
ESF | Europees Sociaal Fonds = EFS, FSE (look above) |
In Dutch | → Public finance → European Union |
ESF | Europeiska socialfonden = EFS, FSE (look above) |
In Swedish | → Public finance → European Union |
ESI | École Supérieure de l'Immobilier | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Accommodation |
FAIL | Fonds d'Aide aux Impayés de Loyer | In French | → Finance → Accommodation |
FAO | Financial Aid Office | In English | → Finance |
FARG | Fonds d'Aide au Relogement Garanti | In French | → Finance → Accommodation |
FAS | Foyer d'Accueil Spécialisé | In French | → Accommodation |
FAS | Fonds d'Action Sociale pour les travailleurs immigrés et leurs familles | In French | → Finance → Migrations |
FASAP | Faculty and Staff Assistance Program | In English | → Higher education, universities |
FASIL | Fonds d'Action et de Soutien pour l'Intégration et la Lutte contre les discriminations | In French | |
FASSO | Fonds d'Action Sociale Obligatoire | In French | → Finance |
FCJT | Foyer Club des Jeunes Travailleurs de Provence | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Accommodation |
FEO | Federatie Evangelische Zorg-Organisaties ( | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Protestant churches → Social aid → Netherlands |
FERPA | Fédération Européenne des Retraitées et des Personnes Agées | In French | → Organizations and associations |
FERPA | Fédération Européenne des Retraités et des Personnes Âgées = EFREP (look above) |
In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Insurance |
FF2I | Fédération Française de l'Internet Immobilier ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Accommodation → Internet → France |
FFSA | Fédération Française des Sociétés d'Assurance ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Insurance → France |
FGAS | Fonds de Garantie à l'Accession Sociale à la Propriété | In French | → Finance → Accommodation |
FGAS | Fonds de Garantie de l'Accession Sociale | In French | → Finance |
FHA | Family Housing Administration | In English | → Public administration, government → Accommodation |
FIAIP | Federazione Italiana Agenti Immobiliari Professionali | In Italian | → Organizations and associations → Accommodation → Italia |
FICA | Federal Insurance Contribution Act | In English | → Central administration → Insurance |
FICA | Federal Insurance Contributions Act | In English | → Insurance |
FINESS | Fichier National des Établissements Sanitaires et Sociaux | In French | → Files → Medicine |
FIR | Fonds Immobilier Romand | In French | → Accommodation |
FMP | Fédération Mutualiste Parisienne ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → France |
FNAH | Fonds National d'Amélioration de l'Habitat | In French | → Finance → Accommodation |
FNAIM | Fédération NAtionale de l'IMmobilier | In French | → Organizations and associations → Accommodation |
FNAS | Fundo Nacional de Assistência Social | In Portuguese | |
FNAS | Fidelity National Agency Solutions | In English | → Insurance |
FNHDR | Fédération Nationale Habitat et Développement Rural | In French | → Organizations and associations → Accommodation → Regional planning |
FNMF | Fédération Nationale de la Mutualité Française | In French | → Organizations and associations → Insurance → France |
FRAII | Fonds Régional d'Aide aux Investissements Immatériels | In French | → Consumerism |
FRR | Fonds de Réserve pour les Retraites | In French | → Finance → Insurance → Labour, labour economics |
FSC | Fonds Social Collégien | In French | → Education |
FSE | Fonds Social Européen = EFS, ESF (look above) |
In French | → Public finance → European Union |
FSE | Foyer Socio-Éducatif | In French | → Education |
FSE | Fondo Social Europeo = EFS, ESF (look above) |
In Spanish | → Public finance → European Union |
FSE | Fondo Sociale Europeo = EFS, ESF (look above) |
In Italian | → Public finance → European Union |
FSL | Fonds de Solidarité pour le Logement | In French | → Public finance → Accommodation |
FSL | Fonds Solidarité Logement | In French | → Finance → Accommodation |
FSL | Fonds Social Lycéen | In French | → Education |
FSV | Fonds de Solidarité Vieillesse | In French | → Insurance |
FUI | Federal Unemployment Insurance | In English | → Labour, labour economics |
GAIN | Groupe d'Aide à l'Insertion | In French | → Organizations and associations |
GARP | Groupement des ASSEDIC de la Région Parisienne | In French | → Organizations and associations → Insurance → Labour, labour economics |
GCHG | Groupement des Coopératives d’Habitation Genevoises | In French | → Organizations and associations → Accommodation |
GECA | General Electric Capital Assurances | In English | → Insurance |
GEMA | Groupement des Entreprises Mutuelles d'Assurances | In French | → Organizations and associations → Insurance |
GER | Groupe Estrie-Richelieu ( | In French | → Insurance → Canada |
GfK | Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung | In German | → Organizations and associations → Consumerism |
GGF | La Gérance Générale Foncière | In French | → Accommodation → Electrical engineering |
GGF | Gérance Générale Foncière | In French | → Accommodation |
GLA | God's Littlest Angels | In English | |
GMF | Garantie mutuelle des fonctionnaires ( | In French | → Insurance → Public administration, government → France |
GSSS | General Secretariat of Social Security | In English | → Insurance |
GVfM | Good Value for Money | In English | → Insurance |
HAP | Homeowners Assistance Program | In English | → Accommodation |
HBM | Habitation à Bon Marché | In French | → Accommodation |
HE | Habitat Existant | In French | → Accommodation |
HLM | Habitation à Loyer Modéré | In French | → Accommodation |
HLM-O | Habitation à Loyer Modéré Ordinaire | In French | → Accommodation |
HOPE | Help Our People Excel ( | In English | |
HSSAZ | Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit Zürich | In German | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
IDCP | Invalité Décès Complément Prestations | In French | |
IFRAMES | Institut de Formation, de Recherche et d'Animation des Métiers Éducatifs et Sociaux | In French | → Social aid → Education |
IGH | Immeuble de Grande Hauteur | In French | → Construction → Accommodation |
IIA | Independent Insurance Advisors | In English | → Insurance |
IMSI | Institut du Management des Services Immobiliers ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Accommodation |
INAMI | Institut National d'Assurance Maladie-Invalidité ( = RIZIV | Rijksinstituut voor Ziekte- en Invaliditeitsverzekering | In Dutch |
In French | → Insurance → Medicine → Belgium |
INCSMPS | Institutul Naţional de Cercetare Ştiinţifică în Domeniul Muncii şi Protecţiei Sociale | In Romanian | |
IRCANTEC | Institution de Retraite Complémentaire des Agents Non Titulaires de l'État et des Collectivités locales | In French | → Insurance → Labour, labour economics → France |
IRES | Istituto di Ricerche Economiche e Sociali | In Italian | → Economics |
KGKK | Kärntner Gebietskrankenkasse | In German | → Insurance |
LCSW | Licensed Clinical Social Worker | In English | → Medicine → Psychology |
LISA | Logement Imposé Sans Astreinte | In French | → Accommodation |
LPIC | Ligue de Protection des Internautes Câblés | In French | → Internet → Organizations and associations → Consumerism → Telecommunications |
LPV | Logement du Pays de Vizille | In French | → Accommodation |
MAAIF | Mutuelle Assurance Automobile des Instituteurs de France | In French | → Insurance → Education → Automobile manufacturing → France |
MAIF | Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund | In English | → Insurance → Automobile manufacturing |
MAIF | Mutuelle d'Assurance des Instituteurs de France ( | In French | → Insurance → Education → France |
MARPA | Maison d'Accueil Rurale pour Personnes Âgées | In French | → Accommodation → Gerontology |
MAST | Ministère des Affaires Sociales et du Travail | In French | → Central administration → Labour, labour economics |
MCAE | Maison Communale d'Accueil de l'Enfance | In French | → Belgium |
MCH | Maison Conseil Habitat | In French | → Accommodation |
MCN | Mutuelle Cheminots Nord | In French | → Insurance → Rail transport engineering → Transport and postal services → France |
MEP | Mutuelle des Étudiants de Provence | In French | → Insurance → Education |
MFR | Maison Familiale et Rurale | In French | → Accommodation |
MGEL | Mutuelle Générale des Étudiants de l'Est | In French | → Insurance → Education |
MGEN | Mutuelle Générale de l'Éducation Nationale ( | In French | → Insurance → Education |
MLS | Multiple Listing Service | In English | → Accommodation |
MMSSF | Ministerul Muncii, Solidarităţii Sociale şi Familiei | In Romanian | → Central administration → Social aid |
MNEF | Mutuelle Nationale des Étudiants de France | In French | → Insurance → Education → France |
MOCF | Mutuelle de l'Orphelinat des Chemins de Fer Français | In French | → Transport and postal services → France |
MOUS | Maîtrise d'Oeuvre Urbaine et Sociale | In French | → Regional planning |
MPH | Maison du Prêt d'Honneur | In French | → Accommodation → Higher education, universities |
MSA | Mutualité Sociale Agricole | In French | → Insurance → Agricultural sciences |
MSW | Masters of Social Work | In English | → Higher education, universities |
NAR | National Association of Realtors | In English | → Associations → Accommodation |
NCA | National Care Association ( | In English | → Associations → Medicine |
NCPP | National Center for Children in Poverty | In English | |
NDLP | New Deal for Lone Parents | In English | |
NHA | Neighbourhood Housing Assistance | In English | → Accommodation |
NICM | Nationaal Informatie Centrum voor Mede-eigenaars ( = CNIC | Centre National d'Information pour Copropriétaires | In French |
In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Accommodation |
NÖGKK | Niederösterreichische Gebietskrankenkasse ( | In German | → Insurance → Medicine → Austria |
NÖGUS | Niederösterreichischer Gesundheits- und Sozialfonds ( | In German | → Medicine → Austria |
NSIL | Nouveau Système d'Information Logement | In French | → Accommodation |
NYPERL | New York State Public Employees and Retirees Long Term Care Insurance = FESNCE | Federazione Europea della Società Nazionali di Chirurgia Estetica | In Italian = FESNCE | Fédération Européenne des Sociétés Nationales de Chirurgie Esthétique | In French |
In English | → Insurance → Labour, labour economics → United States |
OBAC | Office Beninois Authentification et Anti-contrefaçon ( | In French | → Central administration → Consumerism |
ÖBV | Österreichische Beamtenversicherung ( | In German | → Labour, labour economics → Insurance → Austria |
OCAP | Ontario Coalition Against Poverty ( | In English | → Organizations and associations → Economics → Canada |
OFT | Office of Fair Trading ( | In English | → Central administration → Consumerism |
OGAF | Opérations Groupées d'Aménagement du Foncier | In French | → Regional planning → Accommodation |
OICA | Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy | In English | → Organizations and associations → Education → United States |
OMEGA | Outil pour les Mutuelles des Électriciens et GAziers | In French | → Software → Insurance → Energy economics → Electrical engineering |
OÖGKK | Oberösterreichische Gebietskrankenkassa ( | In German | → Insurance → Medicine → Austria |
OPAC | Office Public d'Aménagement et de Construction | In French | → Public administration, government → Construction → Accommodation |
OPAH | Opération Programmée d'Amélioration de l'Habitat | In French | → Accommodation |
OPC | Office de la Protection du Consommateur ( | In French | → Central administration → Consumerism |
OPESH | Observatoire de la Pauvreté et de l'Exclusion Sociale en Haïti | In French | → Organizations and associations |
ORU | Opération de Rénovation Urbaine | In French | → Accommodation → Architecture |
OSERS | Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services | In English | → Education |
ÖVI | Österreichischer Verband der Immobilientreuhänder ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Accommodation → Austria |
PAP | Personnel Assurance Program | In English | → Labour, labour economics → Insurance |
PAREL | Programme d'Aide à la Remise en État des Logements | In French | → Accommodation |
PAS | Prêt à l'Accession Sociale | In French | → Finance → Accommodation |
PCL | Prêt Conventionné Locatif | In French | → Finance → Accommodation |
PCLS | Prêt Conventionné Locatif Social | In French | → Finance → Accommodation |
PEAEC | Participation des Employeurs Agricoles à l'Effort de Construction | In French | → Taxes, duties → Construction → Accommodation |
PEEC | Participation des Employeurs à l'Effort de Construction | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Accommodation |
PEL | Plan d'Épargne Logement | In French | → Banks → Accommodation |
PELS | Projet d'Économie Locale et Sociale | In French | → Economics |
PF | Prestations Familiales | In French | |
PFCE | Prestation Fiscale Canadienne pour Enfants | In French | → Taxes, duties |
PGGM | Pensioenfonds voor de Gezondheid, Geestelijke en Maatschappelijke belangen | In Dutch | → Insurance → Medicine |
PLA | Prêt Locatif Aidé | In French | → Finance → Accommodation |
PLA-I | Prêt Locatif Aidé d'Intégration | In French | → Finance → Accommodation |
PLA-LM | Prêt Locatif Aidé à Loyer Minoré | In French | → Finance → Accommodation |
PLAI | Prêt Locatif Aidé d’Intégration | In French | → Banks → Accommodation |
PLI | Prêt Locatif Intermédiaire | In French | → Finance → Accommodation |
PLS | Prêt Locatif Social | In French | → Banks → Accommodation |
PLUS | Prêt Locatif à Usage Social | In French | → Banks → Accommodation |
PSU | Prestation de Service Unique | In French | → Education |
PSUA | Public Service and Urban Affairs | In English | → Regional planning |
RAP | Régime d'Accession à la Propriété | In French | → Accommodation |
RAQPA | Résidence d'Accueil de Quartier pour Personnes Agées | In French | → Accommodation → Gerontology |
RC | Responsabilité Civile | In French | → Insurance |
RCA | Responsabilité Civile Accident | In French | → Insurance → Accidents, risks, safety |
RCO | Retraite Complémentaire Obligatoire | In French | → Insurance → Labour, labour economics |
RDC | Rez-De-Chaussée | In French | → Accommodation → Construction |
REJ | Revue des Études Juives | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals |
REV | Recognised European Valuer | In English | → Finance → Accommodation |
RHF | Retirement Housing Foundation ( | In English | → Foundations → Accommodation |
RHF | Résidences Hotelières de France | In French | → Tourism → Accommodation → France |
RIZIV | Rijksinstituut voor Ziekte- en Invaliditeitsverzekering ( = INAMI (look above) |
In Dutch | → Insurance → Medicine → Belgium |
RMI | Revenu Minimum d'Insertion | In French | |
RSE | Responsabilité Sociale d'Entreprise | In French | → Economics |
RTAGV | Réseau Temporaire d'Accueil des Gens du Voyage | In French | → Social sciences → Accommodation |
SAAQ | Société de l'Assurance Automobile du Québec | In French | → Insurance → Automobile manufacturing → Transport and postal services → Canada |