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Acronym Sense Language Topics
GSMaP Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation In English Astronautics
Meteorology, climatology
GSSPs Global Boundary Stratotype Sections and Points In English Stratigraphy
HARIMAU Hydrometeorological Array for ISV-Monsoon Automonitoring (www.jamstec.go.jp/iorgc/harimau/) In English Meteorology, climatology
HNMS Hellenic National Meteorological Service In English Meteorology, climatology
HOLIVAR Holocene Climate Variability In English Meteorology, climatology
HOME Hawaii Ocean-Mixing Experiment In English Marine research, oceanography
HOPS Harvard Ocean Prediction System (http://mseas.mit.edu/archive/HOPS/) In English Marine research, oceanography
HWRF Hurricane and Weather Research Forecasting In English Meteorology, climatology
HyARC Hydrospheric Atmospheric Research Center In English Research institutes
Marine research, oceanography
Earth sciences
HYCOM Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (http://hycom.rsmas.miami.edu) In English Marine research, oceanography
IAMAS International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (www.iamas.org)
= AIMSA | Association Internationale de Météorologie et des Sciences de l'Atmosphère | In French
In English Associations
Meteorology, climatology
IAPSO International Association for Physical Sciences of the Oceans In English Associations
Marine research, oceanography
IARC International Arctic Research Center (www.iarc.uaf.edu) In English Associations
Meteorology, climatology
IASI Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer In English Meteorology, climatology
IAVCEI International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (www.iavcei.org) In English Associations
ICES International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (www.ices.inst.dk) In English Organizations and associations
Marine research, oceanography
ICORSMI Interagency Committee on Ocean Science and Resource Management Integration In English Marine research, oceanography
ICS International Commission on Stratigraphy In English Organizations and associations
IFM Institut Français de la Mer In French Organizations and associations
Threats to the environment
Marine research, oceanography
IFREMER Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (www.ifremer.fr) In French Research institutes
Marine research, oceanography
IfT Institut für Troposphärenforschung In German Meteorology, climatology
IJBm International Journal of Biometeorology In English Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
IJCli International Journal of Climatology In English Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
IJMHG Indian Journal of Meteorology, Hydrology, and Geophysics In English Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
IMBER Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (www.imber.info) In English Ecology
Marine research, oceanography
IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions In English Aeronautics, aircraft
Meteorology, climatology
IMO International Maritime Organization
= IMO | Internacia Mar-Organizo | In Esperanto
= OMI | Organisation Maritime Internationale | In French
In English International relations
Marine research, oceanography
Agricultural sciences
IMO Internacia Mar-Organizo
= OMI (look above)
In Esperanto International relations
Marine research, oceanography
Agricultural sciences
IMO Icelandic Meteorological Office In English Meteorology, climatology
IMP Institut für Meteorologie und Physik In German Physics
Meteorology, climatology
IMP Instituto de Meteorologia de Portugal (www.meteo.pt) In Portuguese Meteorology, climatology
INA International Nanoplankton Association In English Associations
Marine research, oceanography
INDUS Individualisiertes, Dynamisches Unwettersystem In German Meteorology, climatology
INGV Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (www.ingv.it) In Italian Research institutes
INM Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia In Spanish Meteorology, climatology
INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite In English Marine research, oceanography
INOCAR Instituto Oceanográfico de la Armada In Spanish Marine research, oceanography
INTMK Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki Seriia Meteorologiia i Klimatologiia In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
INTSO Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki Seriia Okeanologiia In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
Marine research, oceanography
IOC Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission In English Organizations and associations
Marine research, oceanography
IODP Integrated Ocean Drilling Project In English Marine research, oceanography
IOM Interoceanmetal Joint Organization In English Organizations and associations
Marine research, oceanography
IOM Inverse Ocean Modeling In English Marine research, oceanography
IOMAC Indian Ocean Marine Affairs Cooperation In English International relations
Marine research, oceanography
Fishing, hunting
IOPAN Instytut Oceanologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk (www.iopan.gda.pl) In Polish Research institutes
Marine research, oceanography
IORGC Institute of Observational Research for Global Change (www.jamstec.go.jp/iorgc/) In English Research institutes
Meteorology, climatology
IOT Institute for Ocean Technology
= ITO | Institut des Technologies Océaniques | In French
In English Marine research, oceanography
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (https://www.ipcc.ch) In English Organizations and associations
United Nations
Meteorology, climatology
Threats to the environment
IPRC International Pacific Research Center (http://iprc.soest.hawaii.edu) In English Research institutes
Meteorology, climatology
IRM Institut Royal Météorologique de Belgique
= KMI | Koninklijk Meteorologisch Instituut | In Dutch
In French Meteorology, climatology
IRMB Institut Royal Météorologique de Belgique In French Meteorology, climatology
IRMBP Institut Royal Météorologique de Belgique, Publications In French Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
ISA International Seabed Authority (www.isa.org.jm) In English Organizations and associations
International relations
Marine research, oceanography
ISCCP International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (http://isccp.giss.nasa.gov) In English Astronautics
Meteorology, climatology
ISM Institut Supérieur Maritime In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Marine research, oceanography
Vehicle engineering
ITO Institut des Technologies Océaniques
= IOT (look above)
In French Marine research, oceanography
IUEM Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer In French Marine research, oceanography
JAerS Journal of Aerosol Science In English Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
JAMSTEC Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (www.jamstec.go.jp) In English Research institutes
Marine research, oceanography
JApMe Journal of Applied Meteorology In English Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
JASMINE Joint Air-Sea Monsoon Interaction Experiment In English Meteorology, climatology
JAtC Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry In English Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
JAtOT Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology In English Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
Marine research, oceanography
JATP Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
JAtS Journal of Atmospheric Sciences In English Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
JCAM Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology In English Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
JCli Journal of Climate In English Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
JClim Journal of Climatology In English Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
JCOPE Japan Coastal Ocean Predictability Experiment In English Marine research, oceanography
JCSEPA Japanese Cloud Seeding Experiment for Precipitation Augmentation In English Marine research, oceanography
JGeo Journal of Geodynamics In English Serial publications, periodicals
JGOFS Joint Global Ocean Flux Study In English Marine research, oceanography
Threats to the environment
JGOFS Joint Global Ocean Flux Study In English Marine research, oceanography
JMA Japan Meteorological Agency (www.jma.go.jp) In English Central administration
Meteorology, climatology
JMS Journal of Marine Systems In English Serial publications, periodicals
Threats to the environment
Marine research, oceanography
JO Journal of Oceanography In English Serial publications, periodicals
Marine research, oceanography
JODC Japan Oceanographic Data Center (www.jodc.go.jp) In English Research institutes
Marine research, oceanography
JPO Journal of Physical Oceanography In English Serial publications, periodicals
Marine research, oceanography
JReAt Journal de Recherches Atmosphériques In French Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
JSAPJ Japan Society of Air Pollution Journal In English Serial publications, periodicals
Environmental protection
Threats to the environment
Meteorology, climatology
JVGR Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research In English Serial publications, periodicals
JWUDF Jahns Wöchentliche Unterhaltungen für Dilettanten und Freunde der Astronomie, Geographie und Witterungskunde In German Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
KAM Kwetsbaarheid, Adaptatie, Mitigatie In Dutch Social sciences
Meteorology, climatology
KEA Klimaschutz- und Energieagentur In German Meteorology, climatology
Energy economics
KliBA Klimaschutz- und Energie-Beratungsagentur In German Meteorology, climatology
Energy economics
KMI Koninklijk Meteorologisch Instituut
= IRM (look above)
In Dutch Meteorology, climatology
KNMI Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (www.knmi.nl) In Dutch Research institutes
Meteorology, climatology
KOPS Korea Ocean Prediction System (http://kops.kordi.re.kr) In English Marine research, oceanography
Meteorology, climatology
LACIS Leipzig Aerosol Cloud Interaction Simulator In English Meteorology, climatology
LAF Lagged Average Forecast In English Computer simulation
Meteorology, climatology
LAF Lagged Average Forecasting In English Computer simulation
Meteorology, climatology
LEGMA Latvian Environment, Geological and Meterological Agency In English Environmental protection
Threats to the environment
Earth sciences
Meteorology, climatology
LIS Lightning Imaging Sensor In English Meteorology, climatology
LISA Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques (www.lisa.univ-paris12.fr) In French Research institutes
Meteorology, climatology
Threats to the environment
LLC Low Level Circulation In English Meteorology, climatology
LMD Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique In French Research institutes
Meteorology, climatology
LOICZ Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (www.loicz.org) In English Meteorology, climatology
Marine research, oceanography
LPLWS Launch Pad Lightning Warning System In English Meteorology, climatology
LRTAP Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution In English Meteorology, climatology
LSCE Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement In French Threats to the environment
Meteorology, climatology
LWS Lightning Warning System In English Meteorology, climatology
MAHASRI Monsoon Asian Hydro-Atmosphere Scientific Research and Prediction Initiative (http://mahasri.cr.chiba-u.ac.jp) In English Meteorology, climatology
MAP Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
MAPS Measurement of Air Pollution from Satellites In English Environmental protection
Meteorology, climatology
MarGR Marine Geophysical Researches In English Serial publications, periodicals
Marine research, oceanography
MARNIS Maritime Navigation and Information Services In English Marine research, oceanography
Transport and postal services
MAT Meteorological Atmospheric Turbulence In English Meteorology, climatology
MCC Mesoscale Convective Complex In English Meteorology, climatology
MDAS Meteorological Data Acquisition System In English Data
Meteorology, climatology
MeApp Meteorological Applications In English Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
MEMMS Modélisation des Écosystemes Marins et Monitoring par Satellites In French Threats to the environment
Marine research, oceanography
MERSAT Meteorology and Earth Observation Satellite In English Astronautics
Earth sciences
Meteorology, climatology
MERSEA Marine EnviRonment and Security for the European Area (www.mersea.eu.org) In English Marine research, oceanography
MeSJJ Meteorological Society of Japan Journal In English Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
MetMa Meteorological Magazine In English Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
MetRu Meteorologische Rundschau In German Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
MetZe Meteorologische Zeitschrift In German Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
MICOM Miami Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model (http://oceanmodeling.rsmas.miami.edu/micom/) In English Marine research, oceanography
United States
MIDDS Meteorological Interactive Data Display System In English Human-computer interaction
Meteorology, climatology
MIRC Marine Information Research Center (www.mirc.jha.or.jp) In English Research institutes
Marine research, oceanography
MIROC Model for Interdisciplinary Research On Climate In English Meteorology, climatology
MISMO Mirai Indian ocean cruise for the Study of the MJO-convection Onset (www.jamstec.go.jp/iorgc/mismo/) In English Marine research, oceanography
MJO Madden-Julian Oscilation In English Meteorology, climatology
MJO Madden-Julian Oscillation
= OMJ | Oscillation de Madden-Julian | In French
In English Meteorology, climatology
MLE Mesoscale Lightning Experiment In English Meteorology, climatology
MMO Monda Meteologia Organizo (www.wmo.int)
= WMO | World Meteorological Organization | In English
= OMM | Organisation Météorologique Mondiale | In French
In Esperanto Organizations and associations
Meteorology, climatology
United Nations
MOC Meridional Overturning Circulation In English Meteorology, climatology
MOCS Multichannel Ocean Color Sensor In English Marine research, oceanography
MOLARCH MOLecular ARCHIves of climatic history: exploring patterns of genomic differentiation in endemic species radiations of ancient lakes In English Genetics
Meteorology, climatology
MOM Modular Ocean Model In English Meteorology, climatology
MOPITT Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere In English Environmental protection
Meteorology, climatology
MORB Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt In English Petrology
MPC Meteorological Prediction Center In English Meteorology, climatology
MRCC Modéle Régional Climatique Canadien In French Meteorology, climatology
MRI Meteorological Research Institute In English Research institutes
Meteorology, climatology
MSC Meteorological Service of Canada In English Central administration
Meteorology, climatology
MSCTN Meteorological Satellite Center Technical Note In English Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
MSJ Meteorological Society of Japan (wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/msj/) In English Organizations and associations
Meteorology, climatology
MSLP Mean Sea Level Pressure In English Meteorology, climatology
MVO Montserrat Volcano Observatory (www.mvo.ms) In English Research institutes
MWRv Monthly Weather Review In English Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
NAM North American Mesoscale (Model) In English Meteorology, climatology
NAO North Atlantic Oscillation In English Meteorology, climatology
NARR North American Regional Reanalysis In English Meteorology, climatology
NASOH North American Society for Oceanic History In English Organizations and associations
Marine research, oceanography
NCAR National Center for Atmospheric Research (www.ncar.ucar.edu) In English Research institutes
Meteorology, climatology
NEBROC NEtherlands BRemen OCeanography In English Marine research, oceanography
NEC North Equatorial Current In English Meteorology, climatology
NEMURO North Pacific Ecosystem Model for Understanding Regional Oceanography In English Threats to the environment
Marine research, oceanography
NHC National Hurricane Center (www.nhc.noaa.gov) In English Central administration
Meteorology, climatology
Natural disasters
NICAM Nonhydrostatic ICosahedral Atmospheric Model (www.nicam.jp) In English Meteorology, climatology
NIOZ (Koninklijk) Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee In Dutch Marine research, oceanography
NMC National Meteorological Center In English Meteorology, climatology
NMI National Maritime Institute In English Marine research, oceanography
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration In English Central administration
Marine research, oceanography
Meteorology, climatology
NODC National Oceanographic Data Center (www.nodc.noaa.gov) In English Data
Marine research, oceanography
NOGAPS Navy Operational Global Prediction Center System In English Meteorology, climatology
NOOP National Oceanographic Partnership Program In English Marine research, oceanography
NORGES Network of Offshore Records of Geology and Stratigraphy In English Records management
Earth sciences
NOSL Night/Day Optical Survey Of Thunderstorm Lightning In English Meteorology, climatology
NOSS National Oceanic Satellite System In English Marine research, oceanography
NPACNFS North Pacific Ocean Nowcast/Forecast System In English Meteorology, climatology
Marine research, oceanography
NPIW North Pacific Intermediate Water In English Marine research, oceanography
NSIPP NASA Seasonal-to-Interannual Prediction Project In English Meteorology, climatology
United States
NWP Numerical Weather Prediction In English Computer simulation
Meteorology, climatology
NWS National Weather Service In English Meteorology, climatology
OCCAM Ocean Circulation and Climate Advanced Modelling Project In English Marine research, oceanography
Meteorology, climatology
OcDyn Ocean Dynamics In English Serial publications, periodicals
Marine research, oceanography
OCE Ocean Color Experiment In English Marine research, oceanography
OcEng Ocean Engineering In English Serial publications, periodicals
Marine research, oceanography
OcMod Ocean Modelling In English Serial publications, periodicals
Marine research, oceanography
OcPhE Ocean Physics and Engineering In English Serial publications, periodicals
Marine research, oceanography
OcSci Ocean Science In English Serial publications, periodicals
Marine research, oceanography
OCTS Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner In English Marine research, oceanography
Meteorology, climatology
ODP Ocean Drilling Programm In English Marine research, oceanography
OFES OGCM for the Earth Simulator In English Marine research, oceanography
Computer simulation
OGCM Ocean General Circulation Model In English Marine research, oceanography
OMI Organisation Maritime Internationale
= IMO (look above)
In French International relations
Marine research, oceanography
Agricultural sciences
OMJ Oscillation de Madden-Julian
= MJO (look above)
In French Meteorology, climatology
OMM Organisation Météorologique Mondiale (www.wmo.int)
= MMO, WMO (look above)
In French Organizations and associations
Meteorology, climatology
United Nations
OMSZ Országos Meteorológiai Szolgálat In Hungarian Meteorology, climatology
OPA Océan PArallélisé In French Marine research, oceanography
ORI Ocean Research Institute (www.ori.u-tokyo.ac.jp) In English Research institutes
Marine research, oceanography
OSJaJ Oceanographical Society of Japan Journal In English Serial publications, periodicals
Marine research, oceanography
OzSE Ozone: Science and Engineering In English Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
PAGES Past Global Changes In English Threats to the environment
Meteorology, climatology
PalOc Paleoceanography In English Serial publications, periodicals
Marine research, oceanography
PDO Pacific Decadal Oscillation In English Meteorology, climatology
PECT Plan Énergie Climat Territorial In French Regional administration
Energy economics
Meteorology, climatology
Environmental protection
PMEL Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (www.pmel.noaa.gov) In English Research institutes
Marine research, oceanography
PMetR Papers in Meteorological Research In English Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
PMG Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics In English Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
PMRC Programme Mondial de Recherche sur le Climat In French Meteorology, climatology
PNCA Programme National de la Chimie Atmosphérique In French Chemistry
Meteorology, climatology
PNEDC Programme National d'Étude du Climat In French Meteorology, climatology
PNEM Programme National d'Écotoxicologie Marine In French Marine research, oceanography
Biological sciences
PNLCC Programme National de Lutte contre le Changement Climatique In French Central administration
Meteorology, climatology
Environmental protection
PNOC Programme National d'Océanographie Côtière In French Marine research, oceanography
POCM Parallel Ocean Climate Model In English Marine research, oceanography
PODAAC Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (http://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov) In English Data
Marine research, oceanography
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