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Acronym Sense Language Topics
VÖB Verband Österreichischer Beton- und Fertigteilwerke (www.voeb.com) In German Organizations and associations
VOEMEC Verband Österreichischer Modell-Eisenbahn-Clubs (www.voemec.at) In German Organizations and associations
Rail transport engineering
VOG Verein Österreichischer Gießereifachleute (www.voeg.at) In German Organizations and associations
VÖI Vereinigung Österreichischer Industrieller (www.industriellenvereinigung.at) In German Organizations and associations
Industry, industrial policy
VOR Verkehrsverbund Ostregion In German
VOR Verkehrsbund Ost-Region In German Transport and postal services
VossZ Vossische Zeitung In German Newspapers, journalism
VÖWG Verband der Öffentlichen Wirtschaft und Gemeinwirtschaft Österreichs In German Organizations and associations
Public administration, government
VÖZ Verband Österreichischer Zeitungen (www.voez.at) In German Organizations and associations
Newspapers, journalism
VÖZ Vereinigung der Österreichischen Zementindustrie (www.zement.at) In German Organizations and associations
VPTÖ Vereinigung zur Förderung der Modernisierung der Produktionstechnologien in Österreich In German Organizations and associations
Engineering, technology
VRV Voranschlags- und Rechnungsabschlußverordnung In German Public administration, government
VSAO Verband der Schweizer Assistenz- und Oberärzte/-ärztinnen
= ASMAC | Association Suisse des Médecins-Assistant(e)s et Chef(fe)s de clinique | In French
In German Associations
VSG Verein Slowakischer Gießereifachleute In German Organizations and associations
VSG Verein schweizerischer Gymnasialehrerinnen und Gymnasiallehrer (www.vsg-sspes.ch)
= SSPES | Societé Suisse des Professeurs de l'Enseignement Secondaire | In French
= SSISS | Società Svizzera degli Insegnanti delle Scuole Secondarie | In Italian
In German Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VSG Verein für Sozialprävention und Gemeinwesenarbeit In German Organizations and associations
Social welfare
VSG Vorschriften für Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz In German Public administration, government
VSG Verband Schweizerischer Graphologen In German Organizations and associations
VSG Verband Schweizerischer Gerbereien (www.leder-gerbereien.ch) In German Organizations and associations
Leather industry
VSG Verband zum Schutze des Greifensees In German Organizations and associations
Environmental protection
Threats to the environment
VSI Vereinigung Schweizer Innenarchitekten/architektinnen
= ASAI | Association Suisse des Architectes d'Intérieur | In French
= ASAI | Associazione Svizzera degli Architetti d'Interni | In Italian
In German Associations
VSMB Verband Schweizerischer Modellbaubetriebe (www.swiss-form.ch) In German Organizations and associations
Mechanical engineering
VSPB Vereinigung Schweizerischer Privatbankiers (www.swissprivatebankers.com)
= ABPS | Association des Banquiers Privés Suisses | In French
In German Associations
VSV Verband Schweizerischer Vermögensverwalter
= ASG | Association Suisse des Gérants de fortune | In French
In German Associations
VSW Verband Schweizerischer Werbegesellschaften (www.vsw-assp.ch)
= ASPP | Association des Sociétés Suisses de Publicité | In French
= ASSP | Associazione delle Società Svizzere di Pubblicità | In Italian
In German Associations
VTIU (Institut für) Verfahrenstechnik des industriellen Umweltschutzes In German Environmental protection
VTÖ Verband der Technologiezentren Österreichs (www.vto.at) In German Organizations and associations
Engineering, technology
VUW Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien (http://https://vetmeduni.ac.at/) In German Higher education, universities
Veterinary medicine
VWGÖ Verband wissenschaftlicher Gesellschaften Österreichs (www.vwgoe.at) In German Organizations and associations
Mathematics and natural sciences
W Tryptophan
= W | Tryptophan | In English
= W | ট্রিপ্টোফ্যান | In Bengali
= W | Triptòfan | In Catalan
= W | Tryptofan | In Danish
= W | Triptófano | In Spanish
= W | Triptofano | In Esperanto
= W | Tryptophane | In French
= W | 트립토판 | In Korean
= W | Triptofan | In Indonesian
= W | Triptofano | In Italian
= W | טריפטופן | In Hebrew
= W | Triptofāns | In Latvian
= W | Tryptophan | In Letzeburgesh
= W | Triptofanas | In Lithuanian
= W | Tryptofaan | In Dutch
= W | トリプトファン | In Japanese
= W | Tryptofan | In Norwegian
= W | Tryptofan | In Polish
= W | Triptófano | In Portuguese
= W | Triptofan | In Romanian
= W | Триптофан | In Russian
= W | Tryptofán | In Slovak
= W | Tryptofaani | In Finnish
= W | Tryptofan | In Swedish
= W | Triptofan | In Turkish
= W | Триптофан | In Ukrainian
= W | 色氨酸 | In Chinese
In German Biochemistry, biophysics
W&S Wärme und Stoffübertragung In German Serial publications, periodicals
WAA Wiener Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Astronomie In German Associations
WADA Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur
= WADA | World Anti-Doping Agency | In English
In German Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
WAFF Wiener ArbeitnehmerInnen Förderungsfonds In German Labour, labour economics
WBF Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Funk In German Telecommunications
WBZ Weiterbildungszentrale In German Education
WCV Wiener Coleopterologenverein In German Organizations and associations
WdF Wirtschaftsforum der Führungskräfte In German Organizations and associations
WDR Westdeutscher Rundfunk (www.wdr.de) In German Telecommunications
WdU Wahlpartei der Unabhängigen In German Political parties and movements
WDVS Wärmedämmverbundsystem In German Thermodynamics
WEU Westeuropäische Union
= WEU | Western European Union | In English
= UEO | Union de l'Europe Occidentale | In French
In German International relations
WI (Die) Welt des Islams In German Serial publications, periodicals
WiBiCo Wiener Bilanzbuchhalter/Controller Klub In German Organizations and associations
WIFO Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitut (www.wifo.ac.at) In German Research institutes
WIIW Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche In German Organizations and associations
WING Werkstoffinnovationen für Industrie und Gesellschaft In German Research policy
Materials science
WIP Wirtschaftsimpulsprogramm In German Economics
WisZe Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift In German Serial publications, periodicals
Mathematics and natural sciences
WKAS Wörterbuch der klassischen arabischen Sprache In German Dictionaries
WKBG Wiener Kreditbürgschaftsgeselschaft In German Finance
WKN Wertpapierkennnummer In German Finance
WKOÖ Wirtschaftskammer Oberösterreich (www.wko.at/ooe/) In German Organizations and associations
WKS Wirtschaftskammer Salzburg (www.wko.at/sbg) In German Economics
WKT Wirtschaftskammer Tirol In German Economics
WKV Welt Kinder Vereinigung In German Organizations and associations
WO (Die) Welt des Orients In German Serial publications, periodicals
Area studies
WPV Wiener Psychoanalytischen Vereinigung (www.wpv.at) In German Organizations and associations
WRKF Wiener Risikokapitalfonds In German Finance
WSTCM Wiener Schule für Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin In German Specialized or polytechnical colleges
WTB Wissenschaftliches und Technisches Bauzentrum In German Construction
WUA Wiener Umweltanwaltschaft (www.wien.gv.at/wua/) In German Municipal administration
WWER Wasser-Wasser-Energie-Reaktor
= WWER | Wodo-Wodianoj Eniergieticzeskij Rieaktor | In Polish
= ВВЕР | Водо-Водяной Энергетический Реак | In Russian
= VVER | Vodo-vodní energetický reaktor | In Czech
In German Nuclear technology
WWFF Wiener Wirtschaftsförderungsfonds In German Economics
WWTF Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds In German Research policy
Engineering, technology
WWW Wechselwegweisung In German
WWWF Wiener Wirtschaftsförderungsfonds In German Economics
WZKM Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes In German Serial publications, periodicals
Area studies
WZKS(O) Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Süd- (und Ost)asiens In German Serial publications, periodicals
Area studies
WZW Wissenschaftszentrum Wien In German Research policy
Y Tyrosin
= Y | Tyrosine | In English
= Y | تيروسين | In Arabic
= Y | Tirosina | In Catalan
= Y | Tyrosin | In Danish
= Y | Tirosina | In Spanish
= Y | Tirozino | In Esperanto
= Y | Tyrosine | In French
= Y | 티로신 | In Korean
= Y | Tirosin | In Indonesian
= Y | Tirosina | In Italian
= Y | טירוזין | In Hebrew
= Y | Tirozīns | In Latvian
= Y | Tyrosin | In Letzeburgesh
= Y | Tirozinas | In Lithuanian
= Y | Tyrosine | In Dutch
= Y | ja:チロシン | In Japanese
= Y | Tyrozyna | In Polish
= Y | Tirosina | In Portuguese
= Y | Тирозин | In Russian
= Y | Tirosin | In Sundanese
= Y | Tyrosiini | In Finnish
= Y | Tyrosin | In Swedish
= Y | Тирозин | In Ukrainian
= Y | 酪氨酸 | In Chinese
In German Biochemistry, biophysics
YAR Yemen Arab Republic
= JAR | Jemenitische Arabische Republik | In German
= JAR | Jemenitische Arabische Republiek | In Dutch
= RAY | République Arabe du Yémen | In French
= RAI | República Árabe do Iémen | In Portuguese
In German Geography
Z Impedanz
= Z | Impedance | In English
= Z | معاوقة | In Arabic
= Z | Импеданс | In Bulgarian
= Z | Impedància | In Catalan
= Z | Impedance | In Czech
= Z | Impedans | In Danish
= Z | Impedancia | In Spanish
= Z | Impedanco | In Esperanto
= Z | Inpedantzia | In Basque
= Z | Impédance | In French
= Z | 임피던스 | In Korean
= Z | Samviðnám | In Icelandic
= Z | Impedenza | In Italian
= Z | עכבה חשמלית | In Hebrew
= Z | Impedancia | In Hungarian
= Z | Impedantie | In Dutch
= Z | インピーダンス | In Japanese
= Z | Impedans | In Norwegian
= Z | Impedancja | In Polish
= Z | Impedância elétrica | In Portuguese
= Z | Impedanţă electrică | In Romanian
= Z | Электрический импеданс | In Russian
= Z | Impedancia | In Slovak
= Z | Impedanca | In Slovenian
= Z | Електрична импеданса | In Serbian
= Z | Električna impedansa | In Serbo-Croatian
= Z | Impedanssi | In Finnish
= Z | Impedans | In Swedish
= Z | மின்மறுப்பு | In Tamil
= Z | Trở kháng | In Vietnamese
= Z | Öz direnç | In Turkish
= Z | Імпеданс | In Ukrainian
= Z | 阻抗 | In Chinese
In German Electrical engineering
ZA Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZA Zeitschrift fur Astrophysik In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZAAC Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZAB ZukunftsAgentur Brandenburg In German Public administration, government
ZAGeo Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Geographie In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZAL Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZAMG Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik In German Meteorology, climatology
ZaMM Zeitschrift Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik In German Serial publications, periodicals
Mechanical engineering
ZaMP Zeitschrift Angewandte Mathematik und Physik In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZAPhy Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Physik In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZÄS Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZASR Zentrale Aufnahmestelle In German
ZASt Zeitschrift für Afrikastudien In German Serial publications, periodicals
Area studies
ZASt Zinsabschlagsteuer In German
ZAV Zentralstelle für Arbeitsvermittlung In German Labour, labour economics
ZAW Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft In German Serial publications, periodicals
zB Zum Beispiel In German
ZBW Zentrum für Bildwissenschaften In German Image processing
ZDAF Zertifikat Deutsch als Fremdsprache In German Education
ZDF Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (www.zdf.de) In German Telecommunications
ZDH Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks (www.zdh.de) In German Organizations and associations
ZDMG Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft In German Serial publications, periodicals
Language, linguistics, literature
Geography, biography, history
ZDPV Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins In German Serial publications, periodicals
Language, linguistics, literature
Geography, biography, history
ZE Zeitschrift für Ethnologie In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZEAPC Zeitschrift für Elektrochemie und Angewandte Physikalische Chemie In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZeIE Zeitschrift elektrische Informations- und Energietechnik In German Serial publications, periodicals
Energy economics
Electrical engineering
ZeiPh Zeitschrift Physik In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZeMet Zeitschrift fur Meteorologie In German Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
ZENAR Zentrum für Naturgefahren und Risikomanagement In German
ZEVGA Zeitschrift fur Eisenbahnwesen und Verkehrstechnik Glasers Annalen In German Serial publications, periodicals
Transport and postal services
Vehicle engineering
ZFE Zentrum für Elektronenmikroskopie In German
ZfG Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZFHDG Zeitschrift der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie in der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZFlu Zeitschrift fur Flugwissenschaften In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZFlWe Zeitschrift fur Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZfS Zeitschrift für Soziologie In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZGDV Zentrum für Graphische Datenverarbeitung (www.zgdv.de) In German Research institutes
Data processing
Graphical processing
ZGeo Zeitschrift fur Geophysik In German Serial publications, periodicals
Earth sciences
ZGlGl Zeitschrift fur Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie In German Serial publications, periodicals
Earth sciences
ZGMV Zucchinigelbmosaikvirus
= ZYMV | Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus | In English
In German Virology
Agricultural sciences
ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften In German Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ZHF Zeitschrift für historische Forschung In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZHW Zürcher Hochschule Winterthur In German Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ZID Zentraler Informatikdienst In German Computer science
ZIHP Zentrum für Integrative Humanphysiologie In German Physiology
ZIT Zentrum für Innovation und Technologie In German Engineering, technology
ZJK Zentrum für Jüdische Kulturgeschichte In German Organizations and associations
Language, linguistics, literature
Geography, biography, history
Civilization, culture, progress
ZKG Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte In German Serial publications, periodicals
Roman catholic church
ZKR Zentralkommission für die Rheinschifffahrt
= CCR | Centrale Commissie voor de Rijnvaart | In Dutch
= CCR | Commission Centrale pour la Navigation du Rhin | In French
= CCR | Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine | In English
In German Transport and postal services
ZKri Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZLB Zentrale Landesbibliothek In German Libraries
ZMBT Zentrum für Biomedizinische Technologie In German Research institutes
ZMetl Zeitschrift fur Metallkunde In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZMF Zentrum für Medizinische Grundlagenforschung In German Biological sciences
ZMG Zeitungsmarketing Gesellschaft (www.zmg.de) In German Organizations and associations
ZMP Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik In German Serial publications, periodicals
Zn Zink
= Zn | Zinc | In French
= Zn | Sink | In Afrikaans
= Zn | زنك | In Arabic
= Zn | Cinc | In Asturian
= Zn | Sink | In Azerbaijani
= Zn | Цынк | In Belarusian
= Zn | Цинк | In Bulgarian
= Zn | Cink | In Bosnian
= Zn | Zinc | In Catalan
= Zn | Zingu | In Corsican
= Zn | Zinek | In Czech
= Zn | Sinc | In Welsh
= Zn | Zink | In Danish
= Zn | Ψευδάργυρος | In Greek
= Zn | Zinc | In English
= Zn | Zinko | In Esperanto
= Zn | Zinc | In Spanish
= Zn | Tsink | In Estonian
= Zn | Zink | In Basque
= Zn | روی | In Persian
= Zn | Sinkki | In Finnish
= Zn | Zinc | In Friulian
= Zn | Sinc | In Irish
= Zn | Cinc | In Galician
= Zn | Shinc | In Manx
= Zn | אבץ | In Hebrew
= Zn | जस्ता | In Hindi
= Zn | Cink | In Croatian
= Zn | Zenk | In Haitian Creole
= Zn | Cink | In Hungarian
= Zn | Ցինկ | In Armenian
= Zn | Seng | In Indonesian
= Zn | Zinko | In Ido
= Zn | Sink | In Icelandic
= Zn | Zinco | In Italian
= Zn | 亜鉛 | In Japanese
= Zn | zinki | In Lojban
= Zn | Sèng | JV
= Zn | 아연 | In Korean
= Zn | Çînko | In Kurdish
= Zn | Zincum | In Latin
= Zn | Cinkas | In Lithuanian
= Zn | Cinks | In Latvian
= Zn | Konutea | In Māori
= Zn | Цинк | In Macedonian
= Zn | നാകം | In Malayalam
= Zn | Цайр | In Mongolian
= Zn | झिंक | In Marathi
= Zn | Zink | In Low German
= Zn | जिन्क | In Newari (Nepal Bhasa)
= Zn | Zink | In Dutch
= Zn | Sink | In Nynorsk
= Zn | Sink | In Norwegian
= Zn | Zinc | In Occitan
= Zn | Cynk | In Polish
= Zn | Zinco | In Portuguese
= Zn | Tsinku | In Quechua
= Zn | Zinc | In Romanian
= Zn | Цинк | In Russian
= Zn | वङ्गम् | In Sanskrit
= Zn | Zincu | In Sicilian
= Zn | Cink | In Serbo-Croatian
= Zn | Zinok | In Slovak
= Zn | Cink | In Slovenian
= Zn | Цинк | In Serbian
= Zn | Zink | In Swedish
= Zn | Zinki | In Swahili
= Zn | துத்தநாகம் | In Tamil
= Zn | Руҳ | In Tajik
= Zn | สังกะสี | In Thai
= Zn | Çinko | In Turkish
= Zn | Цинк | In Ukrainian
= Zn | خارصین | In Urdu
= Zn | Rux | In Uzbek
= Zn | Kẽm | In Vietnamese
= Zn | 锌 | In Chinese
In German Chemistry
ZNat Zeitschrift Naturforschung In German Serial publications, periodicals
Mathematics and natural sciences
ZNW Zeitschrift für die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der Älteren Kirche In German Serial publications, periodicals
Religion, theology
ZPC Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZPCF Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie Frankfurt In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZPCL Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie Leipzig In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZPCNF Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie Neue Folge In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZPCW Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie Wiesbaden In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZPhF Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung In German Serial publications, periodicals
Philosophy, psychology
ZPhy Zeitschrift fur Physik In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZREU Zentrum für rationelle Energieanwendung und Umwelt In German Energy economics
ZTG Zentrum Technik und Gesellschaft (www.ztg.tu-berlin.de) In German Research institutes
Social sciences
Applied sciences, technology
ZThK Zeitschrift fur Theologie und Kirche In German Serial publications, periodicals
Roman catholic church
ZU Zeppelin Universität In German Higher education, universities
ZUN Zentrum für Umwelt- und Naturschutz In German Environmental protection
Threats to the environment
ZVD Zen-Vereinigung Deutschland (www.zen-vereinigung.de) In German Organizations and associations
ZWer Zeitschrift Werkstofftechnik In German Serial publications, periodicals
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