Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
GMI | Gregor Mendel-Institut für Molekulare Pflanzenbiologie ( | In German | → Research institutes → Biological sciences → Botany → Austria |
GMuD | Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung | In German | → Organizations and associations → Mathematics → Data processing |
GNPÖ | Gesellschaft für Neuropsychologie Österreich ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Psychology → Neurology → Austria |
GÖCH | Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Chemistry → Chemical technology → Austria |
GÖD | Gewerkschaft Öffentlicher Dienst | In German | → Labour, labour economics → Public administration, government |
GPA | Gewerkschaft der Privatangestellten | In German | |
GPT | Glutamat-Pyruvat-Transaminase = GPT | Glutamate Pyruvate Transaminase | In English = GPT | Glutamate Pyruvate Transaminase | In French = TGP | Transaminase Glutâmico Pirúvica | In Portuguese |
In German | → Enzymes |
GRF | Großer Roter Fleck | In German | |
GSI | Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung | In German | → Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics |
GSSMT | German Society for Sexual Medicine and Sexual Therapy | In German | → Organizations and associations → Urology → Gynaecology → Psychology → Germany |
GST | Gesellschaft Schweizerischer Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte ( = SVS | Société des Vétérinaires Suisses | In French |
In German | → Organizations and associations → Veterinary medicine → Switzerland |
GSV | Gesellschaft für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen | In German | → Organizations and associations → Civil engineering → Transport and postal services |
GTAZ | Gemeinsames Terrorismusabwehrzentrum | In German | → Police |
GTP | Guanosintriphosphat | In German | → Biochemistry, biophysics |
GTZ | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Applied sciences, technology → Development → Germany |
GTZ | Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit | In German | → Organizations and associations |
GUL | Geschichte und Lichtwechsel der Veränderlichen Sterne | In German | → Serial publications, periodicals → Astronomy |
GUS | Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Staaten | In German | → International relations |
GVC | Gesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Chemical technology |
GVP | Gentechnisch veränderte Pflanzen | In German | → Biotechnology → Agricultural sciences |
GVS | Gießerei-Verband der Schweiz ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Metallurgy → Switzerland |
GVS | Gazversorgung Süddeutschland | In German | → Energy economics → Germany |
GWB | Goethe-Wörterbuch | In German | → Dictionaries → Linguistics |
GWDG | Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung Göttingen ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Data processing → Germany |
GwG | Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Gesprächspsychotherapie | In German | → Organizations and associations → Psychology |
GWU | Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht | In German | → History |
H | Histidin = H | Histidine | In English = H | Histidin | In Bosnian = H | Histidina | In Catalan = H | Histidin | In Czech = H | Histidina | In Spanish = H | Histidino | In Esperanto = H | Histidine | In French = H | 히스티딘 | In Korean = H | Histidin | In Croatian = H | Histidin | In Indonesian = H | Istidina | In Italian = H | היסטידין | In Hebrew = H | Histidīns | In Latvian = H | Histidin | In Letzeburgesh = H | Histidinas | In Lithuanian = H | Hisztidin | LU = H | Histidine | In Dutch = H | ヒスチジン | In Japanese = H | Histidin | In Norwegian = H | Histydyna | In Polish = H | Histidina | In Portuguese = H | Гистидин | In Russian = H | Histidiini | In Finnish = H | Histidin | In Swedish = H | Histidin | In Turkish = H | Гістидин | In Ukrainian = H | 組氨酸 | In Chinese |
In German | → Biochemistry, biophysics |
H | Wasserstoff = H | Hydrogène | In French = H | Waterstof | In Afrikaans = H | هيدروجين | In Arabic = H | Hidróxenu | In Asturian = H | Hidrogen | In Azerbaijani = H | Wassastoff | In Austro-Bavarian = H | Вадарод | In Belarusian = H | Водород | In Bulgarian = H | হাইড্রোজেন | In Bengali = H | Hidrogen | In Breton = H | Vodonik | In Bosnian = H | Hidrogen | In Catalan = H | Idroheno | In Cebuano = H | Idrogenu | In Corsican = H | Vodík | In Czech = H | Водород | In Chuvash = H | Hydrogen | In Welsh = H | Brint | In Danish = H | Υδρογόνο | In Greek = H | Hydrogen | In English = H | Hidrogeno | In Esperanto = H | Hidrógeno | In Spanish = H | Vesinik | In Estonian = H | Hidrogeno | In Basque = H | هیدروژن | In Persian = H | Vety | In Finnish = H | Hydrogen | In Faroese = H | Idrogjen | In Friulian = H | Hidrigin | In Irish = H | Haidreagain | In Scottish Gaelic = H | Hidróxeno | In Galician = H | હાઈડ્રોજન | In Gujarati = H | מימן | In Hebrew = H | हाइड्रोजन | In Hindi = H | Vodik | In Croatian = H | Idwojèn | In Haitian Creole = H | Hidrogén | In Hungarian = H | Ջրածին | In Armenian = H | Hydrogeno | In Interlingua = H | Hidrogen | In Indonesian = H | Hidrogeno | In Ido = H | Vetni | In Icelandic = H | Idrogeno | In Italian = H | 水素 | In Japanese = H | წყალბადი | In Georgian = H | អ៊ីដ្រូសែន | In Khmer (Cambodian) = H | ಜಲಜನಕ | In Kannada = H | 수소 | In Korean = H | Hîdrojen | In Kurdish = H | Hydrogenium | In Latin = H | Waasserstoff | In Letzeburgesh = H | Waterstof | In Limburgish = H | Idrògen | In Lombard = H | Idrojɛ́ní | In Lingala = H | Vandenilis | In Lithuanian = H | Ūdeņradis | In Latvian = H | Hauwai | In Māori = H | Водород | In Macedonian = H | ഹൈഡ്രജന് | In Malayalam = H | Устөрөгч | In Mongolian = H | हायड्रोजन | In Marathi = H | Hidrogen | In Malay = H | Āyōcoxqui | En Nahuatl = H | Waterstoff | In Low German = H | Waterstof | In Dutch = H | Hydrogen | In Nynorsk = H | Hydrogen | In Norwegian = H | Hidrogene | NOV = H | Idrogèn | In Occitan = H | Hiidrojen | In Pitcairn-Norfolk = H | Wodór | In Polish = H | Hidrogénio | In Portuguese = H | Yakuchaq | In Quechua = H | Hidrogen | In Romanian = H | Водород | In Russian = H | हाइड्रोजन | In Sanskrit = H | Idrògginu | In Sicilian = H | Vodik | In Serbo-Croatian = H | Vodík | In Slovak = H | Vodik | In Slovenian = H | Hidrogjeni | In Albanian = H | Водоник | In Serbian = H | Hidrogén | In Sundanese = H | Väte | In Swedish = H | Hidrojeni | In Swahili = H | ஹைட்ரஜன் | In Tamil = H | హైడ్రోజన్ | In Telugu = H | Ҳидроген | In Tajik = H | ไฮโดรเจน | In Thai = H | Idroheno | In Tagalog = H | Hidrojen | In Turkish = H | Водень | In Ukrainian = H | آبگر | In Urdu = H | Vodorod | In Uzbek = H | Hiđrô | In Vietnamese = H | Woaterstof | In Vlaams = H | Idrodjinne | In Walloon = H | 氢 | In Wu Chinese = H | היידראזשן | In Yiddisch = H | 氢 | In Chinese |
In German | → Chemistry |
H5N1 | Hämagglutinin 5 Neuraminidase 1 | In German | → Enzymes → Blood and circulatory system → Cardiology |
HABM | Harmonisierungsamt für den Binnenmarkt ( = OHIM | Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market | In English = OHMI | Oficina per a l'Harmonització del Mercat Interior | In Catalan = OAMI | Oficina de Armonización del Mercado Interior | In Spanish = UAMI | Ufficio per l'Armonizzazione nel Mercato Interno | In Italian = OHMI | Office de l'Harmonisation dans le Marché Intérieur | In French = IHMI | Instituto de Harmonização do Mercado Interno | In Portuguese |
In German | → European Union → Industrial property → Artistic property → Europe |
HamS | Hamburger Sternwarte Sonderdrucke | In German | → Serial publications, periodicals → Astronomy |
HAP | Hochschule für Angewandte Psychologie Zürich | In German | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Psychology |
HAPhG | Heidelberger Abhandlungen zur Philosophie und ihrer Geschichte | In German | → Serial publications, periodicals → Philosophy, psychology → History |
HarZi | Harthaer Beobachtungs-Zirkular | In German | → Serial publications, periodicals → Astronomy |
HBDV | Hansestadt Bremen Dart Verband | In German | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HBGP | Honigbienen-Genomprojekt ( = HBGP | Honey Bee Genome Project | In English |
In German | → Genetics |
hBGP | Human Biliary Glycoprotein | In German | → Proteins |
HDA | Handbuch der Astrophysik | In German | → Serial publications, periodicals → Astronomy |
HDE | Hauptverband des Deutschen Einzelhandels ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Trade → Germany |
HdO | Handbuch der Orientalistik | In German | → Encyclopaedias, reference works → Language, linguistics, literature |
HDP | Handbuch der Physik | In German | → Serial publications, periodicals → Physics |
HDV | Hessischer Dartverband | In German | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
He | Helium = He | Helium | In English = He | Hélium | In French = He | Гелій | In Belarusian = He | Хелий | In Bulgarian = He | Heli | In Catalan = He | Helijum | In Czech = He | Eliu | In Corsican = He | হিলিয়াম | In Bengali = He | Heliwm | In Welsh = He | Ήλιο | In Greek = He | Helio | In Spanish = He | Heliumo | In Esperanto = He | هيليوم | In Arabic = He | Heelium | In Estonian = He | هلیوم | In Persian = He | הליום | In Hebrew = He | હીલિયમ | In Gujarati = He | Eli | In Friulian = He | Héiliam | In Irish = He | हीलियम | In Hindi = He | Elyòm | In Haitian Creole = He | Հելիում | In Armenian = He | Helín | In Icelandic = He | ヘリウム | In Japanese = He | ჰელიუმი | In Georgian = He | 헬륨 | In Korean = He | Hêlyûm | In Kurdish = He | Haumāmā | In Māori = He | Хелиум | In Macedonian = He | Eliyúmu | In Lingala = He | Éli | In Lombard = He | ഹീലിയം | In Malayalam = He | हेलियम | In Marathi = He | Хелијум | In Serbian = He | Гелий | In Russian = He | Heliu | In Romanian = He | Tōnatiuyoh | En Nahuatl = He | Ilyu | In Quechua = He | ஹீலியம் | In Tamil = He | Гелій | In Ukrainian = He | 氦 | In Chinese = He | Geliy | In Uzbek = He | ฮีเลียม | In Thai |
In German | → Chemistry |
HEW | Hamburgische Elektrizitätswerkstatt | In German | → Electrical engineering |
HFA | Holzforschung Austria ( | In German | → Research institutes → Forestry → Austria |
HGB | Handelsgesetzbuch | In German | → Commercial law |
HGF | Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Forschungszentren ( | In German | → Research institutes → Research policy → Germany |
HGM | Heeresgeschichtliches Museum ( | In German | → Museums → Military affairs → Austria |
HHI | Heinrich-Hertz-Institut ( | In German | → Research institutes → Telecommunications → Germany |
HIB | Höhere Internatsschule des Bundes | In German | → 371 |
HISTU | Hypermediale Informationssystem für die Technische Universität Wien | In German | → Computer science → Higher education, universities → Austria |
HKI | Hans Knöll Institut ( | In German | → Research institutes → Pathology → Pharmacology, toxicology → Infectious diseases → Germany |
HMPV | Humanes Metapneumovirus | In German | → Virology → Infectious diseases |
HNO | Hals-, Nasen-, und Ohrenheilkunde | In German | → Pathology |
HOPS | Holografisch-Optische Projektionsscheiben | In German | → Optics |
HORA | Hochwasserrisikoflächen Austria | In German | → Austria |
HSSAZ | Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit Zürich | In German | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Social welfare |
HSW | Hochschule Wädenswil | In German | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
HTL | Höhere Technische Bundeslehranstalt | In German | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
HUS | Hämolytisch-urämisches Syndrom = HUS | Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome | In English = SUH | Síndrome Urémico Hemolítico | In Spanish = SHU | Syndrome Hémolytique et Urémique | In French = HUS | Hemolytisk uremisk syndrom | In Nynorsk = HUS | Hemolytisk-uremisk syndrom | In Norwegian = ХУС | Хемолитички уремијски синдром | In Serbian = HÜS | Hemolitik üremik sendrom | In Turkish |
In German | → Blood and circulatory system → Pathology |
HZ | Historische Zeitschrift | In German | → Serial publications, periodicals → History |
I | Isoleucin = I | Isoleucine | In English = I | Isoleucina | In Catalan = I | Isoleucin | In Danish = I | Isoleucina | In Spanish = I | Izoleŭcino | In Esperanto = I | Isoleucine | In French = I | 이소류신 | In Korean = I | Izoleucin | In Croatian = I | Isoleusin | In Indonesian = I | Isoleucina | In Italian = I | איזולאוצין | In Hebrew = I | Izoleicīns | In Latvian = I | Isoleucin | In Letzeburgesh = I | Izoleucinas | In Lithuanian = I | Isoleucine | In Dutch = I | イソロイシン | In Japanese = I | Izoleucyna | In Polish = I | Isoleucina | In Portuguese = I | Изолейцин | In Russian = I | Isoleusiini | In Finnish = I | Isoleucin | In Swedish = I | İzolösin | In Turkish = I | Ізолейцин | In Ukrainian = I | 異亮氨酸 | In Chinese |
In German | → Biochemistry, biophysics |
IAEO | Internationale Atomenergieorganisation ( = IAAE | Internacia Agentejo pri Atom-Energio | In Esperanto = IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency | In English = AIEA | Agence Internationale de l'Énergie Atomique | In French = AIEA | Agenţia Internaţională pentru Energie Atomică | In Romanian = МААЕ | Международна агенция за атомна енергия | In Bulgarian = AIEA | Agència Internacional de l'Energia Atòmica | In Catalan = MAAE | Mezinárodní agentura pro atomovou energii | In Czech = IAEA | Det Internationale Atomenergiagentur | In Danish = OIEA | Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica | In Spanish = סבא"א | הסוכנות הבינלאומית לאנרגיה אטומית | In Hebrew = IAEA | International Atomenergie Agence | In Letzeburgesh = AIEA | Agenzia Internazionale per l'Energia Atomica | In Italian = IAEA | अंतर्राष्ट्रीय परमाणु ऊर्जा अधिकरण | In Hindi = MAAE | Меѓународна агенција за атомска енергија | In Macedonian = МАГАТЭ | Международное агентство по атомной энергии | In Russian = AIEA | Agência Internacional de Energia Atómica | In Portuguese = MAEA | Międzynarodowa Agencja Energii Atomowej | In Polish = МАГАТЕ | Міжнародне агентство з атомної енергії | In Ukrainian = UAEA | Uluslararası Atom Enerji Ajansı | In Turkish = IAEA | สำนักงานพลังงานปรมาณูระหว่างประเทศ | In Thai = EANA | Energia Atomikoaren Nazioarteko Agentzia | In Basque |
In German | → International relations → Energy economics → Nuclear technology |
IAF | Institut für Angewandte Festkörperphysik | In German | → Physics |
IAF | Institut für Axiologische Forschungen | In German | → Research institutes |
IAF | Interessengemeinschaft Ausbildung im Finanzbereich | In German | → Organizations and associations → Finance → Education |
IAF | Institut für angewandte Forschung | In German | → Research institutes → Research policy |
IAF | Internationales Afrikaforum | In German | → Africa |
IAGZ | Institut für Angewandte Genetik und Zellbiologie = IAGC | Institute of Applied Genetics and Cell Biology | In English |
In German | → Research institutes → Genetics → Cytology |
IAIK | Institut für Angewandte Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikationstechnologie ( | In German | → Research institutes → Computer science → Telecommunications → Austria |
IAO | Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation ( | In German | → Research institutes → Labour, labour economics → Germany |
IAP | Institut für Allgemeine Physik | In German | → Physics |
IAS | Institut für Angewandte Systemtechnik | In German | |
IAS | Identifizierung, Authentifizierung, Signierung | In German | → Telecommunications |
IB | Institut für Bodenforschung ( | In German | → Research institutes → Agricultural sciences |
IBB | Institut für Bildung und Beratung | In German | → Education |
IBB | Investitionsbank Berlin | In German | → Banks |
IBB | Institut für Berufliche Bildung | In German | → Education → Labour, labour economics |
IBB | Internationales Bildungs- und Begegnungswerk | In German | |
IBB | Internationales Bankhaus Bodensee | In German | → Banks |
IBB | Institut für Betonbau | In German | → Construction |
IBB | Institut für Bildungsrecht und Bildungspolitik | In German | → Law, jurisprudence → Education |
IBF | Institut für Bauschadensforschung | In German | → Construction |
IBLB | Institut für Ingenieurbiologie und Landschaftsbau | In German | |
IBMG | Internationales Büro für Maß und Gewicht ( = BIPM | Bureau International des Poids et Mesures | In French = BIPM | Bureau Internacional de Pesos e Medidas | In Portuguese = BIPM | Buroo Internacia pri Pezoj kaj Mezuroj | In Esperanto |
In German | → Standardization |
IBN | Institut für Biophysik und Nanosystemforschung | In German | → Biochemistry, biophysics → Biotechnology |
IBO | Österreichisches Institut für Baubiologie und -ökologie ( | In German | → Construction → 5023 → Austria |
IBR | Institut für Biophysik und Röntgenstrukturforschung | In German | → Biological sciences → Biochemistry, biophysics |
IBT | Internationaler Bund der Tierversuchsgegner ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Environmental protection → Pharmacology, toxicology |
IDEM | Informations- und Dokumentationsstelle Ethik in der Medizin | In German | → Libraries → Ethics → Medicine |
IDM | Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa | In German | → Research institutes → International relations → Area studies |
IDM | Internationale Deutsche Motorradmeisterschaft | In German | → Vehicle engineering |
IDW | Informationsdienst Wissenschaft | In German | → Libraries → Mathematics and natural sciences |
IEA | Internationale Energieagentur = AIE | Agence Internationale de l'Énergie | In French = IEA | International Energy Agency | In English = МЭА | Международное энергетическое агентство | In Russian = MAE | Międzynarodowa Agencja Energii[edytuj] | In Polish = IEA | Internationaal Energie Agentschap | In Dutch = IEA | 国際エネルギー機関 | In Japanese = AIE | Agencia Internacional de la Energía | In Spanish |
In German | → International relations → Energy economics |
IEE | Intelligente Energie Europa = IEE | Intelligent Energy Europe | In English |
In German | → Energy economics |
IEE | Institut für Entwicklungsforschung und Entwicklungspolitik | In German | → International relations |
IEE | Institut für Elektrische Energietechnik | In German | → Electrical engineering |
IEE | Institut für Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik und Elektronik | In German | → Electrical engineering → Electronics |
IEEkQ | Institut zur Erforschung und Erschließung kirchlicher Quellen | In German | → Roman catholic church |
IEF | Institut für Ehe- und Familientherapie | In German | → Psychology |
IEMW | Institut für Industrielle Elektronik und Materialwissenschaften ( | In German | → Research institutes → Materials science → Electronics → Austria |
IER | Internationale Elektronische Rundschau | In German | → Serial publications, periodicals → Electronics |
IES | Information und Einsatz im Sanitätsdienst | In German | → Medicine |
IETD | Interaktive Elektronische Techniche Dokumentation | In German | → Documentation → Computer science |
IF | Indogermanische Forschungen | In German | → Language, linguistics, literature → Geography, biography, history |
IFA | Institut für Asienkunde | In German | → Area studies |
IFBS | Institut zur Förderung von Brandschutz und Sicherheit | In German | → Artistic property |
IFEU | Institut für Energie und Umweltforschung | In German | → Energy economics |
IFIG | Internationales Forschungs- und Informationszentrum für öffentliche Wirtschaft, Sozialwirtschaft und Genossenschaftswesen = CIRIEC | Centre International de Recherches et d'Information sur l'Économie Publique, Sociale et Coopérative | In French |
In German | → Organizations and associations → Economics |
IFK | Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften ( | In German | → Research institutes → Civilization, culture, progress → Austria |
IFM | Internationales Forum Mechatronik | In German | → Mechanical engineering → Electronics |
IFSH | Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik | In German | → Research institutes → Polemology |
IfT | Institut für Troposphärenforschung | In German | → Meteorology, climatology |
IFU | Institut für Unternehmensführung | In German | → Organizations and associations → Management |
IGDD | Internationale Gesellschaft für Dialektologie des Deutschen ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Language, linguistics, literature |
IGEPA | Internationale Gewerkschaft im Europäischen Patentamt | In German | → Labour, labour economics → Industrial property |
IGF | Industrielle Gemeinschaftsforschung | In German | → Research policy → Engineering, technology |
IGGoÖ | Islamische Glaubensgemeinschaft in Österreich ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Islam → Austria |
IGH | Internationaler Gerichtshof ( = CIJ | Cour Internationale de Justice | In French = CIJ | Corte Internacional de Justicia | In Spanish = ICJ | International Court of Justice | In English = CIJ | Corte Internacional de Justiça | In Portuguese = CIJ | Cort Internacional de Justícia | In Catalan = MSD | Mezinárodní soudní dvůr | In Czech = ΔΔΔ | Διεθνές Δικαστήριο της Δικαιοσύνης | In Greek = IK | Internacia Kortumo | In Esperanto = ICJ | 국제사법재판소 | In Korean = TTT | Tarptautinis Teisingumo Teismas | In Lithuanian = MTS | Międzynarodowy Trybunał Sprawiedliwości | In Polish = MSD | Medzinárodný súdny dvor | In Slovak = МСП | Међународни суд правде | In Serbian = MSP | Međunarodni sud pravde | In Serbo-Croatian |
In German | → International relations → Law, jurisprudence |
IGOR | Institut für Gewebe- und Organrekonstruktion ( | In German | → Research institutes → Biotechnology → Medicine → Austria |
IGOST | Interdisziplinäre Gesellschaft für Orthopädische Schmerztherapie | In German | → Organizations and associations → Surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology |
IGRW | Interessengemeinschaft Regenwassernutzung | In German | |
IGS | Ingenieur-Geometer Schweiz ( = IGS | Ingénieurs-Géomètres Suisses | In French |
In German | → Organizations and associations → Geodesy, cartography → Switzerland |
IGV | Institut für Getreideverarbeitung | In German | → Agricultural sciences |
IHF | Internationale Helsinki-Föderation für Menschenrechte ( = IHF | International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights | In English = IHF-HR | International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights | In English = МХФ | Международная хельсинская федерация по правам человека | In Russian |
In German | → Organizations and associations → Human rights → Fundamental rights |
IHK | Industrie- und Handelskammer | In German | → Organizations and associations → Trade |
IHS | Institut für Höhere Studien | In German | |
IHV | Innerschweizer Handballverband ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Handball → Switzerland |
IHV | Internationaler Hunde Verein ( | In German | → Organizations and associations |
IHV | Industrie- und Handelsvereinigung | In German | → Organizations and associations → Industry, industrial policy → Trade |
IHV | Islamische Hochschulvereinigung | In German | → Organizations and associations → Higher education, universities → Islam |
IIA | Interinstitutionelles Abkommen | In German | |
IIASA | Internationales Institut für Angewandte Systemanalyse | In German | |
IIAW | Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften | In German | → Area studies |
IJZ | Internationales Journalismus Zentrum | In German | → Newspapers, journalism |
IKMA | Industrielles Kompetenzzentrum für Mechatronik und Automation | In German | → Mechanical engineering |
IKT | Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie = TIC | Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación | In Spanish = TIC | Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication | In French = ICT | Information and Communications Technology | In English = IKT | Informations- og kommunikationsteknologi | In Danish = IKT | Inligtings- en kommunikasietegnologie | In Afrikaans = ICT | Informatie- en Communicatietechnologie | In Dutch = TMK | Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi | In Malay = IKT | Informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi | In Norwegian = TIC | Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació | In Catalan = IKT | Informazio eta Komunikazio Teknologia | In Basque = TIC | Tecnologia dell'Informazione e della Comunicazione | In Italian = IKT | Informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi | In Nynorsk |
In German | → Computer science → Telecommunications |
ILA | Institut für Luftfahrtantriebe | In German | → Aeronautics, aircraft |
ILM | Internationales Logistikmanagement | In German | → Maintenance and logistics |
ILM | Institut für Laboratoriumsmedizin, Klinische Chemie und Molekulare Diagnostik | In German | → Research institutes → Biochemistry, biophysics → Pharmacology, toxicology → 6160 |
IMA | Information, Medien, Agrar | In German | → Newspapers, journalism → Agricultural sciences |
IMAREAL | Institut für Realienkunde des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit | In German | → Research institutes → History |
IMC | Institut für Materialchemie | In German | → Chemistry |
IMP | Institut für Meteorologie und Physik | In German | → Physics → Meteorology, climatology |
In | Indium = In | Indium | In English = In | Indium | In Afrikaans = In | إنديوم | In Arabic = In | ইন্ডিয়াম | In Bengali = In | Індый | In Belarusian = In | Indijum | In Bosnian = In | Индий | In Bulgarian = In | Indi | In Catalan = In | Indium | In Czech = In | Indiu | In Corsican = In | Indiwm | In Welsh = In | Indium | In Danish = In | Indium | In Estonian = In | Ίνδιο | In Greek = In | Indio | In Spanish = In | Indio | In Esperanto = In | Indio | In Basque = In | ایندیوم | In Persian = In | Indium | In French = In | Indi | In Friulian = In | Indiam | In Irish = In | Indjum | In Manx = In | Indio | In Galician = In | Yîn | HAK = In | 인듐 | In Korean = In | Ինդիում | In Armenian = In | इण्डियम | In Hindi = In | Indij | In Croatian = In | Indio | In Ido = In | Indium | In Indonesian = In | Indín | In Icelandic = In | Indio | In Italian = In | אינדיום | In Hebrew = In | Indium | JV = In | Indi | In Swahili = In | Endyòm | In Haitian Creole = In | Îndiyûm | In Kurdish = In | Indium | In Latin = In | Indijs | In Latvian = In | Indium | In Letzeburgesh = In | Indis | In Lithuanian = In | Indio | In Ligurian = In | Indium | In Limburgish = In | blajinme | In Lojban = In | Indium | In Hungarian = In | Индиум | In Macedonian = In | ഇന്ഡിയം | In Malayalam = In | इंडियम | In Marathi = In | Indium | In Dutch = In | インジウム | In Japanese = In | Indium | In Norwegian = In | Indium | In Nynorsk = In | Indi | In Occitan = In | Indiy | In Uzbek = In | Ind | In Polish = In | Índio | In Portuguese = In | Indiu | In Romanian = In | Indyu | In Quechua = In | Индий | In Russian = In | Indium | In Saterland Frisian = In | Ìndiu | In Sicilian = In | Indium | In Slovak = In | Indij | In Slovenian = In | Индијум | In Serbian = In | Indijum | In Serbo-Croatian = In | Indium | In Finnish = In | Indium | In Swedish = In | இண்டியம் | In Tamil = In | อินเดียม | In Thai = In | İndiyum | In Turkish = In | Індій | In Ukrainian = In | Indi | In Vietnamese = In | 铟 | In Chinese |
In German | → Chemistry |
INDUS | Individualisiertes, Dynamisches Unwettersystem | In German | → Meteorology, climatology |
IngAr | Ingenieur Archiv | In German | → Serial publications, periodicals → Engineering, technology |
InGe-St | Initiative Gehirnforschung Steiermark | In German | → Organizations and associations → Neurology → Austria |
InWEnt | Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung gGmbH ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Education |
IOK | Internationales Olympisches Komitee ( = CIO | Comité International Olympique | In French = IOC | International Olympic Committee | In English = МОК | Международен олимпийски комитет | In Bulgarian = MOO | Međunarodni olimpijski odbor | In Bosnian = COI | Comitè Olímpic Internacional | In Catalan = MOV | Mezinárodní olympijský výbor | In Czech = ΔΟΕ | Διεθνής Ολυμπιακή Επιτροπή | In Greek = IOK | Internacia Olimpika Komitato | In Esperanto = COI | Comité Olímpico Internacional | In Spanish = ROK | Rahvusvaheline Olümpiakomitee | In Estonian = KOK | Kansainvälinen olympiakomitea | In Finnish = COI | Comité Olímpico Internacional | In Galician = MOO | Međunarodni olimpijski odbor | In Croatian = NOB | Nemzetközi Olimpiai Bizottság | In Hungarian = TOK | Tarptautinis olimpinis komitetas | In Lithuanian = IOC | Internationaal Olympisch Comité | In Dutch = IOK | (Den) internasjonale olympiske komité | In Norwegian = MKOI | Międzynarodowy Komitet Olimpijski | In Polish = COI | Comité Olímpico Internacional | In Portuguese = МОК | Международный олимпийский комитет | In Russian = MOK | Međunarodni olimpijski komitet | In Serbo-Croatian = MOV | Medzinárodný olympijský výbor | In Slovak = MOK | Mednarodni olimpijski komite | In Slovenian = МОК | Међународни олимпијски комитет | In Serbian = IOK | Internationella Olympiska Kommitté | In Swedish = МОК | Міжнародний олімпійський комітет | In Ukrainian |
In German | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
IOM | Internationale Organisation für Migration ( = IOM | International Organization for Migration | In English = OIM | Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations | In French = ΔΟΜ | Διεθνής Οργανισμός Μετανάστευσης | In Greek = OIM | Organización Internacional para las Migraciones | In Spanish = OIM | Organizzazione Internazionale per le Migrazioni | In Italian = LNBM | Lisangá lya nkóta na bokei o mitili | In Lingala = TMO | Tarptautinė Migracijos Organizacija | In Lithuanian = IOM | Internationale Organisatie voor Migratie | In Dutch = МОМ | Международная организация по миграции | In Russian = МОМ | Міжнародна організація з міграції | In Ukrainian |
In German | → International organizations → Migrations |
IOT | Individuum Organisation Technologie | In German | → Computer science → 659 |
IOT | Institut für Oberflächentechnik | In German | → Engineering, technology |
IPA | Internet Privatstiftung Austria | In German | → Foundations → Internet → Telecommunications → Austria |
IPA | Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung | In German | → Research institutes → Engineering, technology |
IPA | Interparlamentarische Arbeitsgemeinschaft | In German | → Associations → Parliaments, representation |
IPA | Internationales Phonetisches Alphabet = AFI | Alfabetul Fonetic Internaţional | In Romanian = LFE | Lizherenneg Fonetikel Etrebroadel | In Breton = МФА | Международната фонетична азбука | In Bulgarian = IPA | Internationales Phonetisches Alphabet | In Tosk = AFI | Alfabet Fonètic Internacional | In Catalan = IFA | Internacia Fonetika Alfabeto | In Esperanto = IPA | International Phonetic Alphabet | In English = ΔΦΑ | Διεθνές Φωνητικό Αλφάβητο | In Greek = API | Alphabet Phonétique International | In French = AFI | Alfabeto Fonético Internacional | In Spanish = AFI | Alfabeto Fonético Internacional | In Galician = NAF | Nazioarteko Alfabeto Fonetikoa | In Basque = IPA | Internationaalt Phonetescht Alphabet | In Letzeburgesh = AFI | Alfabeto Fonetico Internazionale | In Italian = МФА | Международный фонетический алфавит | In Russian = AFI | Alfabeto Fonético Internacional | In Portuguese = AFI | Alfabet Fonetic Internacionau | In Occitan = IFA | Internationoal Fonetisch Alfabet | In Vlaams = AFN | Alfabeti Fonetik Ndërkombëtar | In Albanian = IFA | Internasionale Fonetiese Alfabet | In Afrikaans = AFI | Alfabetu Fonéticu Internacional | In Asturian = ХГЬА | Халкъаздагьоркьосеб гьаркьазул алфавит | In Avaric = IPA | Internationals Phonetischs Alphabet | In Austro-Bavarian = ХАФӘ́ | Халыҡ-ара фонетик алфавит | BA = МФА | Міжнародны фанетычны алфавіт | In Belarusian = AFE | Alfabèt Fonètico Entèrnacionâl | In Franco-Provençal = YFA | Ynternasjonaal Fonetysk Alfabet | In Frisian = AIF | Aibítir Idirnáisiúnta Foghraíochta | In Irish = API | Alphabeto Phonetic International | In Interlingua = IPA | Internasional a Ponetiko nga Alpabeto | ILO = IFA | Internaciona Fonetik Alfabeto | In Ido = AFN | Alfabeya Fonetîk a Navneteweyî | In Kurdish = API | Abecedarium Phoneticum Internationale | In Latin = AFI | Alfabeta Fonetical Internasional | LFN = TFA | Tarptautinė Fonetinė Abėcėlė | In Lithuanian = МФА | Меѓународна фонетска азбука | In Macedonian = AFA | Abjad Fonetik Antarabangsa | In Malay = AFI | Abc Fonético Anternacional | MWL = IPA | Internatschonal Phoneetsch Alphabet | In Low German = IFA | Internasjonale Fonetiske Alfabetet | In Norwegian = AFI | Alfabèt Fonétiko Internashonal | In Papiamento = IPA | Innernatiunaal Phoneddisch Alphebedd | PDC = EFA | Entanashunal Fonetikl Alfabet | In Pitcairn-Norfolk = MAF | Międzynarodowy Alfabet Fonetyczny | In Polish = AFI | Alfabet Fonétich Intërnassional | PMS = IPA | Internaitional Phonetic Alphabet | SCO = AFN | Alfabeti Fonetik Ndërkombëtar | SQ = МФА | Међународна фонетска абецеда | In Serbian = AFI | Alfabetu Fonétiku Internasionál | In Tetum = PPA | Pandaigdigang Ponetikong Alpabeto | In Tagalog = МФА | Міжнародний фонетичний алфавіт | In Ukrainian = LFB | Lafab Fonetik Bevünetik | VO |
In German | → Alphabetic writing systems → Phonetics, phonology |
IPC | Institut für Physikalische Chemie | In German | → Physics → Chemistry |
IPK | Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik ( | In German | → Research institutes → Construction → Germany |
IPN | Institut für Biophysik und Nanosystemforschung | In German | → Research institutes → Biochemistry, biophysics |
IPPS | Internationaler-Prostate-Symptom-Score | In German | → Pathology |
IPSI | Institut für Integrierte Publikations- und Informationssysteme ( | In German | → Computer science → Knowledge management → Germany |
IQOQI | Institut für Quantenoptik und Quantenkommunikation ( = IQOQI | Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information | In English |
In German | → Research institutes → Optics → Quantum mechanics → Austria |
IRAS | Interreligiöse Arbeitsgemeinschaft in der Schweiz | In German | → Associations → Religion, theology → Switzerland |
IRF | Interreligiöses Forum Basel | In German | → Religion, theology |
IRKS | Institut für Rechts- und Kriminalsoziologie | In German | → Sociology → Law, jurisprudence |
IRNIK | Institut für das Recht der Netzwirtschaften, Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie ( | In German | → Research institutes → Law, jurisprudence → Computer science → Telecommunications |
IRT | Institut für Rundfunktechnik ( | In German | → Research institutes → Telecommunications → Germany |
ISAS | Institut für Sensor- und Aktuatorsysteme | In German | → Electronics |
ISBS | Internationales Symposium für Biomechanik im Sport | In German | → Congresses → Biological sciences → Sport, physical exercises |
ISET | Institut für Solare Energieversorgungstechnik | In German | → Energy economics |
ISETEC | Innovative Seehafentechnologien | In German | → 627 |
ISIR | Institut für Statistik und internationale Registrierungen | In German | → Research institutes → Statistics |
ISIS | Institut für Softwartechnik und Interaktive Systeme | In German | → Organizations and associations → Software → Human-computer interaction |
ISS | Industrielle Sensorsysteme | In German | → Electronics |
ISST | Institut für Stimm- und Sprachtherapie | In German | → Pathology |
ISST | Institut für Software- und Systemtechnik = ISST | Institute for Software and Systems | In English |
In German | → Software |
IStGHJ | Internationaler Strafgerichtshof für das ehemalige Jugoslawien ( = TPIY | Tribunal Pénal International pour l'ex-Yougoslavie | In French = ICTY | International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia | In English = MKSJ | Međunarodni krivični sud za bivšu Jugoslaviju | In Bosnian = TPI | Tribunalul Penal Internaţional pentru fosta Iugoslavie | In Romanian = МБТЮ | Международный трибунал по бывшей Югославии | In Russian = MTTJ | Medzinárodný trestný tribunál pre bývalú Juhosláviu | In Slovak = МНТБЮ | Международен наказателен трибунал за бивша Югославия | In Bulgarian = TPII | Tribunal Penal Internacional per a l'antiga Iugoslàvia | In Catalan = TPIY | Tribunal Penal Internacional para la ex Yugoslavia | In Spanish = MTKJ | Międzynarodowy Trybunał Karny dla byłej Jugosławii | In Polish = TPIY | Tribunal Penal Internacional para a antiga Jugoslávia | In Portuguese = МТКЮ | Міжнародний трибунал по колишній Югославії | In Ukrainian |
In German | → United Nations → 349 |
IT | Informationstechnik = IT | Information Technology | In English = IT | Inligtingstegnologie | In Afrikaans = TI | Tecnologia da Informação | In Portuguese = TI | Tecnoloxías da información | In Galician = OT | Ohjelmistotekniikka | In Finnish = UT | Upplýsingatækni | In Icelandic = IT | Informationsteknik | In Swedish = IT | Informacijska Tehnologija | In Slovenian = IT | Informačné Technológie | In Slovak = ІТ | Інформаційні технології | In Ukrainian = ИТ | Информационные технологии | In Russian = IT | Informa Teknologio | In Esperanto = TI | Tecnologías de la Información | In Spanish = IT | Informacinės Technologijos | In Lithuanian = IT | Informācijas Tehnoloģijas | In Latvian |
In German | → Computer science → Telecommunications |
ITA | Institut für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung | In German | → Applied sciences, technology |
ITA | Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung | In German | |
ITAS | Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse | In German | → Engineering, technology |
ITG | Innovations- und Technologietransfer Salzburg GmbH ( | In German | → Engineering, technology → Austria |
ITI | Internationales Theologisches Institut | In German | → Religion, theology |
ITU | Institut für Transurane | In German | → Research institutes → Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics → Nuclear technology |
IUT | Institut für Umwelttechnik | In German | → Agricultural sciences → Environmental protection → Threats to the environment |
IV | Industriellenvereinigung ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Industry, industrial policy → Austria |
IvEph | (Die) Inschriften von Ephesos | In German | → Serial publications, periodicals → Archeology |
IVG | Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik | In German | → Organizations and associations → Language, linguistics, literature |
IVK | Institut für Verbrennungskraftmaschinen und Kraftfahrzeugbau ( | In German | → Research institutes → Mechanical engineering → Vehicle engineering → Austria |
IVV | (Fraunhofer-)Institut für Verfahrenstechnik und Verpackung | In German | |
IVV | Ingenieurgesellschaft für Verkehrsplanung und Verkehrssicherung | In German | → Organizations and associations → Transport and postal services |
IWF | Institut für Weltraumforschung ( | In German | → Research institutes → Astronomy → Astronautics → Austria |
IWI | Industriewissenschaftliches Institut | In German | → Research institutes → Industry, industrial policy → Engineering, technology |
IWM | Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen ( | In German | → Research institutes → Social sciences → Austria |
IWU | Institut Wohnen und Umwelt | In German | → Construction |
IZA | Innsbrucker Zeitungsarchiv ( | In German | → Databases → Newspapers, journalism → Austria |
IZES | Institut für ZukunftsEnergieSysteme | In German | → Energy economics |
IZEW | Interfakultäres Zentrum für Ethik in den Wissenschaften ( | In German | → Research institutes → Ethics → Mathematics and natural sciences → Germany |
IZMF | Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Mittelalter und Frühneuzeit | In German | → Research institutes → History |