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Acronym Sense Language Topics
CCP Change Control Panel In English
CCP Change Control Package In English
CCP Commercial Change Proposal In English
CCP Computer Control Panel In English Computer science
CCP Configuration Change Point In English
CCP Configuration Control Panel In English
CCP Configuration Control Phase In English
CCP Configuration Control Point In English
CCP Compte Chèque Postal In French 33671
CCP Confederación de Cuadros y Profesionales In Spanish Organizations and associations
CCP Confederação do Comércio e Serviços de Portugal (www.ccp.pt) In Portuguese Organizations and associations
CCP Complement Control Protein (modules) In English 577122
CCP Conseil Canadien du Porc (https://www.cpc-ccp.com/)
= CPC | Canadian Pork Council | In English
In French Organizations and associations
Agricultural sciences
CCP Containerization Consolidation Point In English
CCP Centre de Compétences Projet In French
CCP Compression Control Protocol In English Computer science
CCP Console Command Processor In English Computer hardware
CCP Center for Computational Pharmacology In English Research institutes
United States
CCPA Conseils et Compétences en Productions Animales In French Agricultural sciences
CCPA Communauté de Communes du Pays de l'Arbresle In French Municipal administration
CCPA Conseil Canadien de Protection des Animaux In French Organizations and associations
CCPA Communauté de Communes de Plabennec et des Abers In French Municipal administration
CCPC Советтик Социалисттик Республикалар Союзу
= URSS | Unaniezh ar Republikoù Sokialour Soviedel | In Breton
= URSS | Union des Républiques Socialistes Soviétiques | In French
= USSR | Unie van Sosialistiese Sowjetrepublieke | In Afrikaans
= USSR | Union of Soviet Socialist Republics | In English
= СССР | Сою́з Сове́тских Социалисти́ческих Респу́блик | In Russian
= CCCP | Съюзът на съветските социалистически републики | In Bulgarian
= SSSR | Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik | In Russian
= URSS | Unión de Republicas Sozialistas Sobieticas | In Aragonese
= XRSS | Xunión de les Repúbliques Socialistes Soviétiques | In Asturian
= SSRİ | Sovet Sosialist Respublikaları İttifaqı | In Azerbaijani
= TSRS | Tarybu Socialistiniu Respubliku Sajunga | In Baltic languages
= SSSR | Savez Sovjetskih Socijalističkih Republika | In Serbo-Croatian
= URSS | Unió de Repúbliques Socialistes Soviètiques | In Catalan
= SSSR | Svaz sovětských socialistických republik | In Czech
= USSR | Unio de Sovetaj Socialismaj Respublikoj | In Esperanto
= CCCP | Социаллă Совет Республикисен Союзĕ | In Chuvash
= USSR | Unionen af Socialistiske Sovjetrepublikker | In Danish
= URSS | Unione delle Repubbliche Socialiste Sovietiche | In Italian
= ZSRR | Związek Socjalistycznych Republik Radzieckich | In Polish
= SSKS | Szovjet Szocialista Köztársaságok Szövetsége | In Hungarian
= UdSSR | Union der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepubliken | In German
= ΕΣΣΔ | Ένωση Σοβιετικών Σοσιαλιστικών Δημοκρατιών | In Greek
= URSS | Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas | In Spanish
= NSVL | Nõukogude Sotsialistlike Vabariikide Liit | In Estonian
= SESB | Sobietar Errepublika Sozialisten Batasuna | In Basque
= USSR | Uny fan Sosjalistyske Sowjetrepublyken | In Frisian
= ԽՍՀՄ | Խորհրդային Սոցիալիստական Հանրապետությունների Միություն | In Armenian
= URSS | Unión das Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas | In Galician
= სსრკ | საბჭოთა სოციალისტური რესპუბლიკების კავშირი | In Georgian
= URSS | Unio Rerum Publicarum Socialisticarum Sovieticarum | In Latin
= UdSSR | Unioun vun de Sozialistesche Sowjetrepubliken | In Letzeburgesh
= PSRS | Padomju Sociālistisko Republiku Savienība | In Latvian
= СССР | Сојуз на Советските Социјалистички Републики | In Macedonian
= УРСС | Униуня Републичилор советиче Сочиалисте | In Moldavan
= KRSS | Kesatuan Republik Sosialis Soviet | In Malay
= USSR | Unie van Socialistische Sovjetrepublieken | In Dutch
= SSSR | Sambandet av Sosialistiske Sovjet-Republikkar | In Nynorsk
= SSSR | Samveldet av sovjetiske sosialistrepublikker | In Norwegian
= URSS | Unnion d'Républyiques Socialistes Soviétiques | In Norman
= URSS | União das Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas | In Portuguese
= URSS | Union de las Republicas Socialistas Sovieticas | In Occitan
= SSRH | Susyalista Suwit Republikakunap Huñun | In Quechua
= ССРЦ | Советон Социалистон Республикæты Цæдис | In Ossetian
= URSS | Uniunea Republicilor Sovietice Socialiste | In Romanian
= URSS | Unioni dî ripùbblichi sucialisti suviètichi | In Sicilian
= ZSSR | Zveza sovjetskih socialističnih republik | In Slovenian
= СССР | Савез Совјетских Социјалистичких Република | In Serbian
= SSCB | Sovyet Sosyalist Cumhuriyetler Birliği | In Turkish
= СРСР | Союз Радянських Соціалістичних Республік | In Ukrainian
= SSRB | Sovet Sosialistik Republiklar Berlege | In Tatar
= SSRI | Sovet Sotsialistik Respublikalar Ittifoqi | In Uzbek
In Kirghiz International relations
CCPCE Current Contents Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences In English Serial publications, periodicals
Earth sciences
CCPD Center for Communication and Policy Development In English Politics
CCPDSR Common Center Processing and Display System Replacement In English
CCPI Commission de Confiscation des Profits In French
CCPM Comité Central des Pêches Maritimes In French Organizations and associations
Fishing, hunting
CCPMA Caisse Centrale de Prévoyance Mutuelle Agricole In French Insurance
Agricultural sciences
CCPRB Comité Consultatif de Protection des Personnes dans la Recherche Biomédicale In French Organizations and associations
Biological sciences
CCQ Commission de la Construction du Québec (www.ccq.org) In French Organizations and associations
CCQ Centre de Conservation du Québec (www.ccq.mcc.gouv.qc.ca) In French Museums
CCR Cargo Compatibility Review In English
CCR Configuration Control Record In English Records management
CCR Contract Change Record In English Records management
Contract law
CCR Contract Change Request In English Contract law
CCR Contractor Change Review In English Contract law
CCR Control Center Rack In English
CCR Centre Commun de Recherche In French Research policy
Mathematics and natural sciences
Applied sciences, technology
CCR Centrale Commissie voor de Rijnvaart
= CCR | Commission Centrale pour la Navigation du Rhin | In French
= CCR | Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine | In English
= ZKR | Zentralkommission für die Rheinschifffahrt | In German
In Dutch Transport and postal services
CCR Commission Centrale pour la Navigation du Rhin
= ZKR (look above)
In French Transport and postal services
CCR Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine
= ZKR (look above)
In English Transport and postal services
CCR Caisse Centrale de Réassurance In French Insurance
CCR Center for Computational Research In English Research institutes
Computer science
CCR Commission Consultative des Radiocommunications In English Organizations and associations
CCRA Cape Canaveral Reference Atmosphere In English Meteorology, climatology
CCRF Consolidated Communication Recording Facility In English Records management
CCRM Camion Citerne Rural Moyen In French Automobile manufacturing
CCRRDT Comité Consultatif Régional pour la Recherche et le Développement Technologique In French Organizations and associations
Research policy
Engineering, technology
CCRS Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca) In English Research institutes
Earth sciences
CCS Center for Chinese Studies In English Language, linguistics, literature
Geography, biography, history
CCS Central Computer and Sequencer In English Computer science
CCS Central Control Section In English
CCS Central Control Station In English
CCS Command and Communication System In English Telecommunications
CCS Complex Control Set In English
CCS Computer Core Segment In English Computer hardware
CCS Console Communication System In English Telecommunications
CCS Contamination Control System In English
CCS Contract Control System In English Contract law
CCS Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage In English
CCS Competence Center Suderburg In English
CCS Cargo Community System In French Transport and postal services
CCS Comité Consultatif Scientifique In French Organizations and associations
Mathematics and natural sciences
CCS Centre de Coût de Structure In French Accounting
CCS Çavuşoğlu Çanta Sanayi In Turkish
CCS7 Common Channel Signalling System 7 In English Networks, communication
CCSA Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (www.ccsa.ca)
= CCLAT | Centre Canadien de Lutte contre l'Alcoolisme et les Toxicomanies | In French
In English Medicine
CCSBT Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna In English Environmental protection
Fishing, hunting
CCSC Computer and Communications Security Center In English Computer science
CCSD Chrysler Corporation Space Division In English Astronautics
CCSD Collins Communications Systems Division In English Telecommunications
CCSD Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe In French Mathematics and natural sciences
CCSD Centre de Communication Scientifique Directe In French Libraries
CCSD Commission de Circonscription du Second Degré In French Education
CCSDS Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems In English Organizations and associations
CCSEAS Canadian Council of Southeast Asian Studies In English Organizations and associations
Area studies
CCSF Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier In French Finance
CCSI Canadian Conference of Secular Institutes
= CCIS | Conférence Canadienne des Instituts Séculiers | In French
In English Organizations and associations
CCSI Comité de Coordinación de los Sistemas de Información
= ISCC | Information Systems Coordination Committee | In English
= CCSI | Comité de Coordination des Systèmes d'Information | In French
= CCSI | Comitê de Coordenação de Sistemas de Informação | In Portuguese
In Spanish Knowledge management
United Nations
CCSI Comité de Coordination des Systèmes d'Information
= ISCC (look above)
In French Knowledge management
United Nations
CCSI Comitê de Coordenação de Sistemas de Informação
= ISCC (look above)
In Portuguese Knowledge management
United Nations
CCSL Center for Chinese Studies Library In English Libraries
Language, linguistics, literature
Geography, biography, history
CCSM Community Climate System Model (www.ccsm.ucar.edu) In English Computer simulation
Meteorology, climatology
CCSMAF Cours Canadien de Sécurité dans le Maniement des Armes à Feu In French Fishing, hunting
CCSR Carbon-Carbon Survivable Radiator In English
CCSR Crew Compartment Stowage Review In English
CCSR Cathie Marsh Centre for Census and Survey Research In English Sociology
CCSR Center for Climate System Reseach (www.ccsr.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
= CCSR | 東京大学の『気候システム研究センタ | In Japanese
In English Research institutes
Meteorology, climatology
CCSR 東京大学の『気候システム研究センタ (www.ccsr.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
= (look above)
In Japanese Research institutes
Meteorology, climatology
CCSR Center for Corporate Social Responsibility In English Economics
CCSR Communauté de Communes Sologne des Rivières In French Municipal administration
CCSR Centre for Communication Systems Research In English Research institutes
CCSR Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility In English Computer science
CCSR Colorado Computer Systems Research In English Computer science
United States
CCSRP Collège de Contrôle et de Surveillance des Ressources Pétrolières In French Organizations and associations
Economic geology
CCSTI Centre de Culture Scientifique, Technique et Industrielle In French Civilization, culture, progress
Mathematics and natural sciences
Engineering, technology
CCT Computer-Compatible Tape In English Computer science
CCT Centre de Coûts Techniques In French Accounting
CCTCF Communication Circuit Technical Control Facility In English
CCTD Centre Canadien des Technologies de Déminage
= CCMAT | Canadian Centre for Mine Action Technologies | In English
In French Military engineering
CCTG Cahier des Clauses Techniques Générales In French Public administration, government
ccTLD Country code Top Level Domain In English Networks, communication
CCTP Cahier des Clauses Techniques Particulières In French Contract law
CCTS Call Center Test System In English Telecommunications
CCTV Closed-Circuit Television In English Telecommunications
CCU Camera Control Unit In English
CCU Central Control Unit In English
CCU Communications Carrier Umbilical In English Telecommunications
CCU Communications Carrier Unit In English Telecommunications
CCU Coupling Control Unit In English
CCU Crew Communications Unit In English Telecommunications
CCU Crew Compartment Umbilical In English
CCU Crewman Communications Umbilical In English Telecommunications
CCUJ Center for Coal Utilization In English Energy economics
CCV Chamber Coolant Valve In English
CCV Carmelite Sisters of Charity of Vedruna In English Roman catholic church
CCVA Chamber Coolant Valve Actuator In English
CCW Counterclockwise In English Horology
CCW Confédération Construction Wallonne In French Organizations and associations
CCW Countryside Council for Wales
= CCGC | Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru | In Welsh
In English Regional administration
Environmental protection
United Kingdom
CCW Carneval Club Weisenau In German Organizations and associations
CCW Computer Center Werner (https://www.ccw-online.de) In English Organizations and associations
Computer science
CCW CulturCentrum Wolkenstein (www.ccw.st) In German Organizations and associations
CCW Carlisle Coatings and Waterproofing (https://www.carlisleccw.com) In English Organizations and associations
United States
CCW Continuous Composite WORM In English Memories
CCWH Coordinating Council for Women in History In English Organizations and associations
CCZ Command and Control Zone In English
CD Call Director In English
CD Command Decoder In English
CD Components Demonstration In English
CD Committee Draft In English
CD Compact Disc
= KD | Kompakta Disko | In Esperanto
In English Music
Cinema, movies
CD Commissaire Divisionnaire In French Police
CD Cycle Day In English Gynaecology
CD Corps Diplomatique In French International relations
CD Course Designer In English Sport, physical exercises
Cd Cadmium
= Cd | Kadmium | In Afrikaans
= Cd | كادميوم | In Arabic
= Cd | ক্যাডমিয়াম | In Bengali
= Cd | Кадмій | In Belarusian
= Cd | Kadmijum | In Bosnian
= Cd | Кадмий | In Bulgarian
= Cd | Cadmi | In Catalan
= Cd | Kadmium | In Czech
= Cd | Cadmiu | In Corsican
= Cd | Cadmiwm | In Welsh
= Cd | Cadmium | In Danish
= Cd | Cadmium | In German
= Cd | Kaadmium | In Estonian
= Cd | Κάδμιο | In Greek
= Cd | Cadmio | In Spanish
= Cd | Kadmio | In Esperanto
= Cd | Kadmio | In Basque
= Cd | کادمیوم | In Persian
= Cd | Cadmium | In French
= Cd | Cadmi | In Friulian
= Cd | Caidmiam | In Irish
= Cd | Cadmium | In Manx
= Cd | Cadmio | In Galician
= Cd | Kak | HAK
= Cd | 카드뮴 | In Korean
= Cd | Կադմիում | In Armenian
= Cd | काडमियम | In Hindi
= Cd | Kadmij | In Croatian
= Cd | Kadmio | In Ido
= Cd | Kadmium | In Indonesian
= Cd | Kadmín | In Icelandic
= Cd | Cadmio | In Italian
= Cd | קדמיום | In Hebrew
= Cd | Kadmium | JV
= Cd | ಕ್ಯಾಡ್ಮಿಯಂ | In Kannada
= Cd | Cadimi | In Swahili
= Cd | Kadmyòm | In Haitian Creole
= Cd | Kadmiyûm | In Kurdish
= Cd | Cadmium | In Latin
= Cd | Kadmijs | In Latvian
= Cd | Cadmium | In Letzeburgesh
= Cd | Kadmis | In Lithuanian
= Cd | Cadmio | In Ligurian
= Cd | jinmrkadmu | In Lojban
= Cd | Kadmium | In Hungarian
= Cd | കാഡ്മിയം | In Malayalam
= Cd | Cadmium | In Dutch
= Cd | カドミウム | In Japanese
= Cd | Kadmium | In Norwegian
= Cd | Kadmium | In Nynorsk
= Cd | Cadmi | In Occitan
= Cd | Kadmiy | In Uzbek
= Cd | Cadmium | In Low German
= Cd | Kadm | In Polish
= Cd | Cádmio | In Portuguese
= Cd | Cadmiu | In Romanian
= Cd | Kadmiyu | In Quechua
= Cd | Кадмий | In Russian
= Cd | Cadmium | In Saterland Frisian
= Cd | Kadmiumi | SQ
= Cd | Cadmiu | In Sicilian
= Cd | Kadmium | In Slovak
= Cd | Kadmij | In Slovenian
= Cd | Кадмијум | In Serbian
= Cd | Kadmijum | In Serbo-Croatian
= Cd | Kadmium | In Finnish
= Cd | Kadmium | In Swedish
= Cd | காட்மியம் | In Tamil
= Cd | แคดเมียม | In Thai
= Cd | Kadmiyum | In Turkish
= Cd | Кадмій | In Ukrainian
= Cd | Cadmi | In Vietnamese
= Cd | 镉 | In Chinese
In English Chemistry
Cd Kadmium
= (look above)
In Afrikaans Chemistry
Cd كادميوم
= (look above)
In Arabic Chemistry
Cd ক্যাডমিয়াম
= (look above)
In Bengali Chemistry
Cd Кадмій
= (look above)
In Belarusian Chemistry
Cd Kadmijum
= (look above)
In Bosnian Chemistry
Cd Кадмий
= (look above)
In Bulgarian Chemistry
Cd Cadmi
= (look above)
In Catalan Chemistry
Cd Kadmium
= (look above)
In Czech Chemistry
Cd Cadmiu
= (look above)
In Corsican Chemistry
Cd Cadmiwm
= (look above)
In Welsh Chemistry
Cd Cadmium
= (look above)
In Danish Chemistry
Cd Cadmium
= (look above)
In German Chemistry
Cd Kaadmium
= (look above)
In Estonian Chemistry
Cd Κάδμιο
= (look above)
In Greek Chemistry
Cd Cadmio
= (look above)
In Spanish Chemistry
Cd Kadmio
= (look above)
In Esperanto Chemistry
Cd Kadmio
= (look above)
In Basque Chemistry
Cd کادمیوم
= (look above)
In Persian Chemistry
Cd Cadmium
= (look above)
In French Chemistry
Cd Cadmi
= (look above)
In Friulian Chemistry
Cd Caidmiam
= (look above)
In Irish Chemistry
Cd Cadmium
= (look above)
In Manx Chemistry
Cd Cadmio
= (look above)
In Galician Chemistry
Cd Kak
= (look above)
[HAK] Chemistry
Cd 카드뮴
= (look above)
In Korean Chemistry
Cd Կադմիում
= (look above)
In Armenian Chemistry
Cd काडमियम
= (look above)
In Hindi Chemistry
Cd Kadmij
= (look above)
In Croatian Chemistry
Cd Kadmio
= (look above)
In Ido Chemistry
Cd Kadmium
= (look above)
In Indonesian Chemistry
Cd Kadmín
= (look above)
In Icelandic Chemistry
Cd Cadmio
= (look above)
In Italian Chemistry
Cd קדמיום
= (look above)
In Hebrew Chemistry
Cd Kadmium
= (look above)
[JV] Chemistry
Cd ಕ್ಯಾಡ್ಮಿಯಂ
= (look above)
In Kannada Chemistry
Cd Cadimi
= (look above)
In Swahili Chemistry
Cd Kadmyòm
= (look above)
In Haitian Creole Chemistry
Cd Kadmiyûm
= (look above)
In Kurdish Chemistry
Cd Cadmium
= (look above)
In Latin Chemistry
Cd Kadmijs
= (look above)
In Latvian Chemistry
Cd Cadmium
= (look above)
In Letzeburgesh Chemistry
Cd Kadmis
= (look above)
In Lithuanian Chemistry
Cd Cadmio
= (look above)
In Ligurian Chemistry
Cd jinmrkadmu
= (look above)
In Lojban Chemistry
Cd Kadmium
= (look above)
In Hungarian Chemistry
Cd കാഡ്മിയം
= (look above)
In Malayalam Chemistry
Cd Cadmium
= (look above)
In Dutch Chemistry
Cd カドミウム
= (look above)
In Japanese Chemistry
Cd Kadmium
= (look above)
In Norwegian Chemistry
Cd Kadmium
= (look above)
In Nynorsk Chemistry
Cd Cadmi
= (look above)
In Occitan Chemistry
Cd Kadmiy
= (look above)
In Uzbek Chemistry
Cd Cadmium
= (look above)
In Low German Chemistry
Cd Kadm
= (look above)
In Polish Chemistry
Cd Cádmio
= (look above)
In Portuguese Chemistry
Cd Cadmiu
= (look above)
In Romanian Chemistry
Cd Kadmiyu
= (look above)
In Quechua Chemistry
Cd Кадмий
= (look above)
In Russian Chemistry
Cd Cadmium
= (look above)
In Saterland Frisian Chemistry
Cd Kadmiumi
= (look above)
[SQ] Chemistry
Cd Cadmiu
= (look above)
In Sicilian Chemistry
Cd Kadmium
= (look above)
In Slovak Chemistry
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