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Fundamentals of knowledge and culture

Prolegomena, fundamentals of knowledge and culture, propaedeutics.

→ Fundamentals of knowledge and culture
Civilization, culture, progress@
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Acronym Sense Language Topics
OS3B Open Software Blanc Bleu Belge In French Organizations and associations
OSCAR Outils de Services, Conseils et Assistance Rapide In French Computer science
OSCF Operations Support Computing Facility In English Computer science
OSCR Orbiter Software Change Request In English Software
OSCRS Orbital Spacecraft Consumables Resupply System In English Maintenance and logistics
OSDL Open Source Development Labs In English Software
OSDL Open Source Development Lab In English Software
OSE Open System Environment In English Computer science
OSERA Ohio Scientific Education & Research Association (www.osera.org) In English Associations
Research policy
United States
OSF Open Software Foundation In English Foundations
OSGi Open Services Gateway initiative (www.osgi.org) In English Organizations and associations
OSI Open Source Initiative In English Software
OSID Operating System Interface Definition In English Operating systems
Human-computer interaction
OSIM Open Source In Morocco In English Organizations and associations
OSIRIS Outil de Synthèse Informatique des Résultats et Indicateurs Standardisés In French Software
OSIRIS Organisation et Système Informatisé de Rangement des Informations Stratégiques In French Software
OSIRIS Observatoire des Systèmes d'Informations, des Réseaux et des Inforoutes au Sénégal (www.osiris.sn) In French Organizations and associations
Networks, communication
OSM Operational Status Monitoring In English Management
OSMP Operational Support Maintenance Plan In English Maintenance and logistics
OSPF Open Shortest Path First In English Internet
OSRBD Operational Software Reliability Benchmark Development In English Software
OSSIU Orbiter-Space Station Interface Unit In English Human-computer interaction
OSSTMM Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual In English Computer science
OSTDS Office of Space Tracking and Data Systems In English Data
OSTP Office of Science and Technology Policy In English Research policy
Engineering, technology
OSWA Organizational Systems Wireless Auditor In English Computer science
OT Ohjelmistotekniikka
= IT | Information Technology | In English
= IT | Informationstechnik | In German
= IT | Inligtingstegnologie | In Afrikaans
= TI | Tecnologia da Informação | In Portuguese
= TI | Tecnoloxías da información | In Galician
= UT | Upplýsingatækni | In Icelandic
= IT | Informationsteknik | In Swedish
= IT | Informacijska Tehnologija | In Slovenian
= IT | Informačné Technológie | In Slovak
= ІТ | Інформаційні технології | In Ukrainian
= ИТ | Информационные технологии | In Russian
= IT | Informa Teknologio | In Esperanto
= TI | Tecnologías de la Información | In Spanish
= IT | Informacinės Technologijos | In Lithuanian
= IT | Informācijas Tehnoloģijas | In Latvian
In Finnish Computer science
OTDA Office of Tracking And Data Acquisition In English Data
OTP One-Time Password In English Computer science
OTR Operating Time Record In English Records management
OVAL Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language In English Computer science
OVI Operational Validation Inspection In English Management
Engineering, technology
OVPR Office of the Vice President for Research In English Research policy
ÖWA Österreichische Webanalyse (www.oewa.at) In German Organizations and associations
OWASP Open Web Application Security Project (www.owasp.org) In English Software
ÖWiG Österreischische Wissenschaftsgesellschaft (www.oewig.at) In German Organizations and associations
Research policy
OWL Web Ontology Language In English Programming languages
OWL-D Ontology Web Language Description Logics In English Programming languages
OWL-S Web Ontology Language for Web Services In English Programming languages
OWSE OSSTMM Wireless Security Expert In English Computer science
P&D Panels and Displays In English Human-computer interaction
P&D Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento
= R&D | Recherche et développement | In French
= F&E | Forschung und Entwicklung | In German
= R&D | Research and Development | In English
= I+D | Investigación y Desarrollo | In Spanish
= R&S | Ricerca e Sviluppo | In Italian
= O&O | Onderzoek en Ontwikkeling | In Dutch
= FoU | Forsøk og Utvikling | In Norwegian
In Portuguese Research policy
Engineering, technology
P&I Performance and Interface In English Human-computer interaction
P&M Production and Maintenance In English Maintenance and logistics
P&MD Productivity and Manufacturing Development In English Maintenance and logistics
P&P Policies and Procedures In English Management
P&PQ Productivity and Product Quality In English Quality management
P&PQI Productivity and Product Quality Improvement In English Quality management
P&PQIC Productivity and Product Quality Improvement Council In English Quality management
P&Q Productivity and Quality In English Quality management
P&R Performance and Resources In English Maintenance and logistics
P2I Preplanned Productivity Increase In English Management
P2IC Programme Interne aux Instituts Carnot In French Research policy
P2P Peer-to-Peer In English Networks, communication
P3I Preplanned Product Improvement In English Management
P3I Preplanned Production Improvement In English Management
P3P Platform for Privacy Preferences In English Software
PaaS Platform as a Service In English Computer science
PACE Product Acceptance Configuration Element In English Quality management
PACE Personal Achievement through Competency Evaluation In English Personnel management
Labour, labour economics
PACLIDO Protocoles et Algorithmes Cryptographiques Légers pour l’Internet Des Objets In French Networks, communication
PACS Picture Archiving and Communication System In English Image processing
PADSIM Probabilistic Adaptive Simulation Model In English Computer simulation
PAE Problem Assessment Engineering In English Quality management
PAI Public Authority for Industry In English Standardization
Public administration, government
PAIR Portal to Asian Internet Resources In English Libraries
PAL Programmable Array Logic In English Computer hardware
PALP Programme d'Armement à Logiciel Prépondérant In French Military engineering
PAMI Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence In English Artificial intelligence
Computer-based techniques
PAMPAS Pioneering Advanced Mobile Privacy and Security (www.pampas.eu.org) In English Computer-based techniques
PANS Personal Area Network System In English Networks, communication
PANTER Poste Auxiliaire de Numérisation, de Tracé et d'Études de Réseaux In French Computer-based techniques
Energy economics
Electrical engineering
PAP Projet Annuel de Performance In French Management
PAPG Plan d'Amélioration de la Productivité Globale In French Management
PAPI Point d'Accès Public à Internet In French Internet
PAQ Plan d'Assurance Qualité In French Quality management
PAR Problem Accountability Record In English Records management
Quality management
PAR Product Acceptance Review In English Quality management
ParC Parallel Computing In English Serial publications, periodicals
Computer science
PARC Palo Alto Research Center (www.parc.com) In English Research institutes
Computer science
PaReL Pattern Recognition Letters In English Serial publications, periodicals
Computer-based techniques
PARS Property Accountability Record System In English Records management
PARS Programmed Airline Reservation System In English Software
Transport by air
PAS Publicly Available Specifications In English Standardization
PASC Pacific Area Standards Congress In English Congresses
PASCAL Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning (www.pascal-network.org) In English Artificial intelligence
PASO Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture In English Software
PASOLS Pacific Area Senior Officer Logistics Seminar In English Maintenance and logistics
PASS Primary Avionics Software System In English Software
Aeronautics, aircraft
PASSaGE Pattern Analysis, Spatial Statistics and Geographic Exegesis In English Computer-based techniques
PASTEL Plateforme d'Assistance Technique Européenne en Lorraine In French Research policy
Regional administration
PASTISS Professional Analysis Software Tool for Inflatable Space Structures In English Software
Mechanical engineering
PAT Production Acceptance Test In English Quality management
PATRIARCHE Patrimoine Archéologique In French Databases
PauLLA Pau Logiciels Libres Association In French Associations
Operating systems
PBB Provider Backbone Bridge In English Networks, communication
PBB-TE Provider Backbone Bridge - Traffic Engineering In English Networks, communication
PBBN Provider Backbone Bridge Network In English Networks, communication
PBEB Provider Backbone Edge Bridge In English Networks, communication
PBIC Programmable Buffer Interface Card In English Computer hardware
PBIM Programmable Buffer Interface Module In English Software
Human-computer interaction
PBL Policy Block List In English Software
Networks, communication
PBM Program Business Management In English Management
PBS Portable Batch System In English Software
Networks, communication
PBS Print Batch Services In English Software
Peripheral devices
PBT Provider Backbone Transport In English Networks, communication
PC Programming Committee In English Management
PC Personal Computer
= PK | Persoanlike kompjûter | In Frisian
In English Computer hardware
PC&PM Program Control and Performance Management In English Software
PC-DOS Personal Computer Disk Operating System In English Operating systems
PCA Popular Culture Association In English Associations
Civilization, culture, progress
PCA Programme Commun d'Activités In French Management
PCAM Punched-Card Accounting Machine In English Computer hardware
PCBC Polskie Centrum Badań i Certyfikacji (www.pcbc.gov.pl) In Polish Central administration
PCD Procurement Control Document In English Quality management
Maintenance and logistics
PCDATA Parsed Character Data In English Data
PCGI Perl Common Gateway Interface In English Programming languages
Networks, communication
PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect In English Computer hardware
PCI Peripheral Controller Interface In English Human-computer interaction
PCI-E Peripheral Component Interconnect Express In English Computer science
PCL Programming Checklist In English Software
PCM Pulse Code Modulation In English Computer-based techniques
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association In English Associations
PCMU Programmable Control and Monitor Unit In English Computer science
PCP Program/Project Change Proposal In English Management
PCP Project Cost Plan In English Management
PCR Power Change Request In English Quality management
Electrical engineering
PCR Procedure Change Request In English Quality management
PCR Program Change Request In English Quality management
PCR Project Control Room In English Management
PCR Publication Change Request In English Quality management
PCR Projet Collectif de Recherche In French Organizations and associations
Research policy
PCRAM Phase Change Random Acces Memory In English Memories
PCRD Programme-Cadre de Recherche et de Développement In French Research policy
Engineering, technology
PCRE Perl-Compatible Regular Expression In English Software
PCS Professional Clinical Software In English Software
PCS Program Control System In English Management
PCS Project Control System In English Management
PCS Performance Control System In English Management
PCS Planning and Control System In English Management
PCSI Projet de Coopération Scientifique Inter-universitaire In French Research policy
Higher education, universities
PCTR Protocol Conformance Test Report In English Standardization
PDA Personal Digital Assistant In English Computer science
PDA Pushdown Automaton In English Computer science
PDA Plan de Développement Annuel In French Management
PDAR Program Description and Requirements In English Management
PDB Project Development Brochure In English Management
PDCA Plan, Do, Check, Act In English Quality management
PDD Program Definition Document In English Management
PDD Program Description Document In English Management
PDES Product Data Exchange Specification/Standard In English Standardization
PDF Portable Document Format In English Programming languages
Document processing
PDG Président Directeur Général In French Management
PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy In English Telecommunications
Networks, communication
PDI Praktijkdiploma Informatica In Dutch Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Computer science
PDL Plan de Développement Logiciel In French Software
PDM Product Data Management In French Management
PDM Processor Data Monitor In English Human-computer interaction
PDP Program Development Plan In English Management
PDP Project Definition Phase In English Management
PDP-1 Programmed Data Processor-1 In English Computer hardware
PDR Processed Data Recorder In English Records management
PDR Program Design Review In English Management
PDS Plan de Développement Stratégique In French Management
PDSDL Python-based Dynamic System Description Language In English Programming languages
PDU Protocol Data Unit In English Networks, communication
PDU Pilot Display Unit In English Human-computer interaction
Aeronautics, aircraft
PE Parity Error In English Computer science
PEB Performance Evaluation Board In English Management
PEC Proposal Evaluation Criteria In English Management
PEGASUS Preliminary Expert Ground Analysis Scheduler In English Management
PEIR Project Equipment Inspection Record In English Records management
PEM Plant Engineering and Maintenance In English Maintenance and logistics
PEM Privacy Enhanced Mail In English Software
PENELOP Protocole Étendu et Normalisé d'Échanges en Ligne pour les Opérations Patrimoniales In French Networks, communication
PEO Program Executive Officer In English Management
PEP Plant Engineering Procedure In English Maintenance and logistics
PEP Proposal Evaluation Panel In English Management
PEPITE Projet d'Évolution du PIlotage de Toutes les Entités In French Management
PER Plan d'Exposition aux Risques In French Management
Accidents, risks, safety
PER Preliminary Engineering Report In English Management
Engineering, technology
PERB Public Employment Relations Board In English Organizations and associations
Labour, labour economics
Personnel management
PERL Practical Extraction and Report Language In English Computer programs
PERM Programmgesteuerte Elektronische Rechenanlage In German Computer hardware
PERT Program Evaluation Research Task In English Research policy
PERT Program Evaluation and Review Technique In English Management
Engineering, technology
PESSL Parallel Engineering and Scientific Subroutine Library In English Programming languages
Mathematics and natural sciences
Engineering, technology
PET Persona-Enabling Toolkit In English Networks, communication
PET Performance Enhancement Team In English Management
PET Personal Electronic Transactor In English Computer hardware
PETSCII PET Standard Code of Information Interchange In English Computer science
PEXI Pupitre d'EXploitation Informatisé In French Computer hardware
PF Projet de formation In French Research policy
PF Performance Factor In English Quality management
PFB Payload Forward Bus In English Computer architecture
PFR Prime de Fonction et de Résultat In French Personnel management
Public administration, government
PFS Primary Flight Software In English Software
Aeronautics, aircraft
PGC Progiciel de Gestion du Contenu In French Software
Knowledge management
PGI Progiciel de Gestion Intégrée In English Software
PGI Progiciel de Gestion Intégré In French Software
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