HADES - Main pageAckr → Fundamentals of knowledge and culture

Fundamentals of knowledge and culture

Prolegomena, fundamentals of knowledge and culture, propaedeutics.

→ Fundamentals of knowledge and culture
Civilization, culture, progress@
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Acronym Sense Language Topics
BSI Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik In German Computer science
Central administration
BSI British Standards Institution (https://www.bsigroup.com) In English Organizations and associations
United Kingdom
BSI Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstecknik (www.bsi.de) In German Organizations and associations
Computer science
BSIG Bluetooth Special Interest Group (www.bluetooth.com) In English Organizations and associations
Networks, communication
BSMD Bahrain Standards & Metrology Directorate In English Standardization
BSML Bioinformatic Sequence Markup Language In English Data
Biological sciences
BSN Badan Standardisasi Nasional In Indonesian Standardization
BSN Backward Sequence Number In English Telecommunications
Networks, communication
BSN Bloc Secondaire Numérique In French Telecommunications
Networks, communication
BSOD Blue Screen of Death In English Computer science
BSR Broadband Services Router In English Networks, communication
BSS Begusch Software Systeme In German Software
BSTI Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution In English Standardization
BSW BFS Software In English Software
BTAE Bilişim Teknolojileri Araştırma Enstitüsü In Turkish Research institutes
Computer science
BTC Binary Time Code In English Computer science
BTN Bloc Tertiaire Numérique In French Telecommunications
Networks, communication
BTR Bus Transfer In English Computer science
BTSS Basic Time Sharing System In English Operating systems
BTU Bus Terminal Unit In English Computer science
BuBIH Bulletin Horaire du Bureau International de l'Heure In French Serial publications, periodicals
BUC Backup Computer In English Computer hardware
BVD Biometric Virus Detection In English Software
Computer infections
BVL Bundesvereinigung Logistik (www.bvl.de) In German Organizations and associations
Maintenance and logistics
BVN Byggebransjens Våtromsnorm In Norwegian Standardization
BVQI Bureau Veritas Qualité Internationale In French Quality management
BW Business Warehouse In English Maintenance and logistics
BXML Backbase eXtensible Markup Language In English Programming languages
C&W Cable & Wireless In English Networks, communication
C2T Cable Connect Technology In English Networks, communication
C4F2 Communication, Conduite du Changement, Culture Financière et Formation In French Management
CA Congés Annuels In French Personnel management
Labour, labour economics
CA Conditional Access In English Computer science
CA Certificate Authority In English Computer science
CA Computer Associates In English Software
CA Conseil d'Administration In French Management
CAA Component Application Architecture In English Software
CAA Computational Aeroacoustics In English Computer-based techniques
CAAE Certificat d'Aptitude à l'Administration des Entreprises In French Management
Specialized or polytechnical colleges
CAALIS Computer-Aided Assembly-Line Inspection System In English Computer-based techniques
CAAML Canadian Avalanche Association Markup Language In English Software
Earth sciences
CAAT Computer-Aided Assembly Tool In English Computer-based techniques
CAB Computer Address Bus In English Computer science
CACAO Cross-language Access to Catalogues And Online libraries (www.cacaoproject.eu) In English Documentation
CACCIA Contrôle des ACCès à l'Infrastructure Applicative In French Software
CAD Computer-Aided Design In English Computer-based techniques
CAD Computer-Aided Detection In English Diagnostics
Computer-based techniques
CADAM Computer Graphics Augmented Design and Manufacturing In English Computer simulation
CADAM Computer Augmented Design And Manufacturing In English Computer-based techniques
Engineering, technology
CADDS Computer-Aided Design and Drafting System In English Computer simulation
CADH Communications and Data Handling In English Telecommunications
Data processing
CADIST Centre d'Acquisition et de Diffusion de l'Information Scientifique et Technique In French Knowledge management
Mathematics and natural sciences
Applied sciences, technology
CADOPS Computer-Aided Design costing for Operations In English Computer-based techniques
CADS Computer-Aided Design System In English Computer-based techniques
CADU Control And Display Unit In English Human-computer interaction
CAE Computer-Aided Engineering In English Computer-based techniques
Engineering, technology
CAE Computer Aided Engineering In English Computer-based techniques
Engineering, technology
CAETI Centre d'Alta Especialització en Tecnologies de la Informació In Spanish Computer science
CAFM Computer Aided Facility Management In English Management
Computer-based techniques
CAI Computer-Aided Instruction In English Computer-based techniques
CAIT Computer-Aided Instruction Terminal In English Computer-based techniques
CAIT Computer-Aided Instruction Trainer In English Computer-based techniques
CAL Computer-Aided Logistics In English Computer-based techniques
CALICO Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (www.calico.org) In English Organizations and associations
Computer-based techniques
Language, linguistics, literature
CALMIT Center for Advanced Land Management Information Technologies In French Computer science
Agricultural sciences
CALS Computer-Aided Logistics System In English Maintenance and logistics
Computer-based techniques
CALS Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support In English Computer-based techniques
Maintenance and logistics
CAM Computer Annunciation Matrix In English Computer science
CAM Computer-Aided Manufacturing In English Computer-based techniques
CAM Content-Addressable Memory In English Memories
CAM Carte à Mémoire In French Memories
CAM Content Addressable Memory In English Memories
CAM Computer Aided Manutention In English Computer-based techniques
Maintenance and logistics
CAM Computer Aided Manufacture In English Computer-based techniques
Engineering, technology
CAMEL Customized Applications for Mobile networks Enhanced Logic In English Networks, communication
CAMP Computer-Aided Message Processing In English Software
CAMRa Context-Aware Movie Recommendation In English Computer-based techniques
Artificial intelligence
Cinema, movies
CAMS Cast Application Mining Suite In English Software
CANCER Computer Analysis of Nonlinear Circuits, Excluding Radiation In English Computer programs
Computer simulation
CANIS Community Architectures for Network Information Systems In English Networks, communication
CAO Conception Assistée par Ordinateur In French Computer-based techniques
Engineering, technology
CAO Chief Administrative Officer In English Management
CAP Computer Application Program In English Software
CAP Common Authentification Protocol In English Networks, communication
CAPA Corrective And Preventive Action In English Management
CAPE Coordonnateur des Améliorations des Processus d'Entreprise In French Management
CAPI Common Application Programing Interface In English Software
CAPP Computer-Aided Process Planning In English Management
Computer-based techniques
CAPRN Canada-Asia-Pacific Research Network In English Organizations and associations
Research policy
CAPS Compilation, Architectures Parallèles et Systèmes In French Research institutes
Computer science
CAPSS Computer-Aided Planning and Scheduling System In English Computer-based techniques
CAPTCHA Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart In English Human-computer interaction
Artificial intelligence
CAR Configuration and Acceptance Review In English Quality management
CAR Corrective Action Record/Report In English Records management
CAR Customer Acceptance Review In English Quality management
CAREP Centre Académique de Ressources pour l'Éducation Prioritaire In French Documentation
CARETAKER Content Analysis and REtrieval Technologies to Apply Knowledge Extraction to massive Recording In English Computer-based techniques
Records management
Knowledge management
CARI Central Asia Research Initiative In English Research policy
CARID Customer Acceptance Report Item Disposition In English Quality management
CARID Customer Acceptance Review Item Disposition In English Quality management
CARIF Centre d'Animation et de Ressources d'Information sur la Formation In French Documentation
Labour, labour economics
CARIMET Caribbean Metrology Cooperation
= CARIMET | Coopération Caribéenne de Métrologie | In French
= CARIMET | Cooperação Caribenha de Metrologia | In Portuguese
In English International relations
CARIMET Coopération Caribéenne de Métrologie
= (look above)
In French International relations
CARIMET Cooperação Caribenha de Metrologia
= (look above)
In Portuguese International relations
CARL Cerveau Analytique de Recherche et de Liaison In French Computer hardware
Artificial intelligence
Cinema, movies
CARN Central Asia Research Network In English Research policy
CARO Computer Antivirus Research Organization In English Organizations and associations
Computer infections
CARR Customer Acceptance Readiness Review In English Quality management
CARRE Central Asia Research and Remediation Exchange In English Research policy
CAS Content Addressed Storage In English Computer hardware
Knowledge management
CAS Common Access System In English Computer science
CAS Computer Aided Selling In English Software
CASB Cost Accounting Standards Board In English Organizations and associations
CASE Computer-Aided System Engineering In English Computer-based techniques
Engineering, technology
CASE Computer-Automated Software Engineering In English Software
CASE Computer Aided Software Engineering In English Software
CASE Conformity Assessment Systems Evaluation In English Quality management
CASIMIR Centre d'Appui et Simulation des Industries par les Moyens de l'Innovation et de la Recherche In French Research policy
Engineering, technology
CASOS Computational Analysis of Social and Organizational Systems In English Computer science
Social sciences
CAT Computer-Aided Test In English Computer-based techniques
CATER Contextualized Access of Tourism-Related Electronic Resources In English Software
CATIA Conception Assistée Tri-dimensionnelle InterActive In French Computer-based techniques
Engineering, technology
CATRENE Cluster for Application and Technology Research in Europe on NanoElectronics (www.catrene.org) In English Organizations and associations
Research policy
CAUCE Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email In English Organizations and associations
Networks, communication
CAURA Canadian Association of University Research Administrators
= ACARU | Association Canadienne d'Administrateurs de Recherche Universitaire | In French
In English Associations
Research policy
CBARS Competency-Based Assessment and Recruitment Solution (www.cbars.co.za) In English Personnel management
CBD Chinese Biographical Database In English Databases
CBD Concise Bounded Description In English Libraries
Networks, communication
CBEMA Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association In English Associations
Computer hardware
CBIR Content-Based Image Retrieval In English Computer-based techniques
CBL Composite Blocking List In English Software
Networks, communication
CBM Commodore Business Machines In English Organizations and associations
Computer hardware
CBQ Class Based Queuing In English Computer science
CBR Computers and Biomedical Research In English Serial publications, periodicals
Computer science
Biological sciences
CBR Constant Bit Rate In English Computer science
CBT Computer-Based Training In English Education
Computer-based techniques
CBU Contrôle Bibliographique Universel In French Documentation
CC Computer Center In English Computer hardware
CCAL Cahier des Clauses d'Acceptation Logiciel In French Contract law
CCbdx Collectif des Câblés de Bordeaux In French Networks, communication
Organizations and associations
CCC Central Computer Complex In English Computer science
CCC Command Control Console In English Human-computer interaction
CCC Computer Checkout Console In English Computer hardware
CCC Controller Checkout Console In English Human-computer interaction
CCC Coordinate Conversion Computer In English Computer hardware
CCCPA Chicago Chinese Computing Professional Association In English Associations
Computer science
United States
CCD Central Command Decoder In English Computer science
CCD Checkout Command Decoder In English Software
CCD Constants Change Display In English Human-computer interaction
CCD Common Core of Data In English Data
CCDR Contractor Critical Design Review In English Human-computer interaction
CCE Computer Command Engineer In English Computer science
CCF Central Computer Facility In English Computer science
CCF Contrôle en Cours de Formation In French Personnel management
CCI Corps Commun d'Inspection
= JIU | Joint Inspection Unit | In English
In French Quality management
CCI Compagnie Internationale d'Informatique In English Computer science
CCIM Command Computer Input Multiplexer In English Computer science
CCITT Certification for IT&T In English Networks, communication
CCK Centre de Calcul El Khawarizmi In French Computer science
CCL Core Component Library In English Software
CCL Concise Command Language In English Software
CCM Comment Ça Marche (www.commentcamarche.net) In French Networks, communication
Computer science
CCNP Cisco Certified Network Professional In English Education
Computer science
CCP Computer Control Panel In English Computer science
CCP Compression Control Protocol In English Computer science
CCP Console Command Processor In English Computer hardware
CCP Center for Computational Pharmacology In English Research institutes
Pharmacology, toxicology
Computer-based techniques
United States
CCR Configuration Control Record In English Records management
CCR Contract Change Record In English Records management
Contract law
CCR Centre Commun de Recherche In French Research policy
Mathematics and natural sciences
Applied sciences, technology
CCR Center for Computational Research In English Research institutes
Computer science
CCRF Consolidated Communication Recording Facility In English Records management
CCRRDT Comité Consultatif Régional pour la Recherche et le Développement Technologique In French Organizations and associations
Research policy
Engineering, technology
CCS Central Computer and Sequencer In English Computer science
CCS Computer Core Segment In English Computer hardware
CCS7 Common Channel Signalling System 7 In English Networks, communication
CCSC Computer and Communications Security Center In English Computer science
CCSI Comité de Coordinación de los Sistemas de Información
= ISCC | Information Systems Coordination Committee | In English
= CCSI | Comité de Coordination des Systèmes d'Information | In French
= CCSI | Comitê de Coordenação de Sistemas de Informação | In Portuguese
In Spanish Knowledge management
United Nations
CCSI Comité de Coordination des Systèmes d'Information
= ISCC (look above)
In French Knowledge management
United Nations
CCSI Comitê de Coordenação de Sistemas de Informação
= ISCC (look above)
In Portuguese Knowledge management
United Nations
CCSM Community Climate System Model (www.ccsm.ucar.edu) In English Computer simulation
Meteorology, climatology
CCSR Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility In English Computer science
CCSR Colorado Computer Systems Research In English Computer science
United States
CCSTI Centre de Culture Scientifique, Technique et Industrielle In French Civilization, culture, progress
Mathematics and natural sciences
Engineering, technology
CCT Computer-Compatible Tape In English Computer science
ccTLD Country code Top Level Domain In English Networks, communication
CCW Counterclockwise In English Horology
CCW Computer Center Werner (https://www.ccw-online.de) In English Organizations and associations
Computer science
CCW Continuous Composite WORM In English Memories
CD-R CD-Recordable In English Computer science
CD-ROM CD-Read Only Memory In English Computer science
CD-RW Compact Disk ReWritable In English Computer science
CDA Command and Data Acquisition In English Data processing
CDB Central Data Buffer In English Data
CDB Command Data Base In English Data
CDB Computer Data Bus In English Computer hardware
CDBFR Common Data Buffer In English Data
CDC Classified Document Control In English Records management
CDC Collins Defense Communications In English Networks, communication
CDC Command and Data Handling Console In English Computer hardware
Data processing
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