Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
AAA | American Allergy Association | In English | → Associations → Immunology and allergy → United States |
AAAAI | American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology ( | In English | → Academies → Immunology and allergy → United States |
AADMC | Allergy and Asthma Disease Management Center | In English | → Immunology and allergy |
AAFA | Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America | In English | → Foundations → Immunology and allergy → United States |
AAI | American Association of Immunologists ( | In English | → Associations → Immunology and allergy → United States |
AAIQ | Association des Allergologues et Immunologues du Québec | In French | → Associations → Immunology and allergy → Canada |
AAIR | Asthma and Allergy Information and Research | In English | → Immunology and allergy |
AANMA | Allergy and Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics | In English | → Organizations and associations → Immunology and allergy |
AAOA | American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy | In English | → Academies → Immunology and allergy → United States |
AARDA | American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association | In English | → Associations → Pathology → Immunology and allergy → United States |
AAVI | American Association of Veterinary Immunologists ( | In English | → Associations → Immunology and allergy → Veterinary medicine → United States |
ABAI | American Board of Allergy & Immunology | In English | → Organizations and associations → Immunology and allergy → United States |
ACIP | Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices | In English | → Organizations and associations → Immunology and allergy → Pharmacology, toxicology |
AGEP | Acute Generalised Exanthematous Pustulosis = PEAG | Pustulose Exanthématique Aiguë Généralisée | In French |
In English | → Dermatology → Immunology and allergy → Pharmacology, toxicology |
AIDS | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome = SIDA | Syndrome d'Immuno-Déficience Acquise | In French = VIGS | Verworwe Immuniteitsgebreksindroom | In Afrikaans = SIDA | Síndrome de Inmuno-Deficiencia Adquirida | In Occitan = SIDA | Sindromo di Imuno-Defekteso Aquirita | In Ido = AIDS | Akirita Imuno-Deficita Simptomaro | In Esperanto = SIDA | Sindrome d'inmunodefizienzia aquirita | In Aragonese = СПИН | Синдром на придобитата имунна недостатъчност | In Bulgarian = QİÇS | Qazanılmış İmmun Çatışmazlığı Sindromu | In Azerbaijani = SIDA | Síndrome d'Immunodeficiència Adquirida | In Catalan = HIES | Hartutako Immuno Eskasiaren Sindromea | In Basque = SIDA | Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida | In Spanish = SEIF | Siondróm Easpa Imdhíonachta Faighte | In Irish = AIDS | Annlochd Inneamh Dìon-Slàinte | In Scottish Gaelic = ՁԻԱՀ | Ձեռքբերովի Իմունային Անբավարվածության Համախտանիշ | In Armenian = SCDI | Syndromis Comparatis Defectu Immunitatis | In Latin = 에이즈 | 후천성 면역 결핍 증후군 | In Korean = შიდსი | შეძენილი იმუნური დეფიციტის სინდრომი | In Georgian = СИДА | Синдромот на стекнат имунолошки дефицит | In Macedonian = СИДА | синдром стеченог имунолошког дефицита | In Serbian = AIDS | Akvirírani imúnski deficítni sindróm | In Slovenian = СПИД | Синдром приобретённого иммунного дефицита | In Russian = SIDA | Sindromul Imunodeficienţei Autodobândite | In Romanian = UHCW | Unquy hark'aypa chaskisqa waqlliynin | In Quechua = SIDA | Síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida | In Portuguese = AIDS | Hội chứng Suy giảm Miễn dịch Mắc phải | In Vietnamese = СНІД | Cиндром набутого імунодефіциту | In Ukrainian = AIDS | Alınğan İmmun Defisit Síndromı | In Tatar = UKIMWI | Upungufu wa Kinga Mwilini | In Swahili |
In English | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
AIDS | Akirita Imuno-Deficita Simptomaro = SIDA, VIGS, СПИН, QİÇS, HIES, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, 에이즈, შიდსი, СИДА, СПИД, UHCW, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Esperanto | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
AIDS | Annlochd Inneamh Dìon-Slàinte = SIDA, VIGS, СПИН, QİÇS, HIES, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, 에이즈, შიდსი, СИДА, СПИД, UHCW, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Scottish Gaelic | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
AIDS | Akvirírani imúnski deficítni sindróm = SIDA, VIGS, СПИН, QİÇS, HIES, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, 에이즈, შიდსი, СИДА, СПИД, UHCW, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Slovenian | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
AIDS | Hội chứng Suy giảm Miễn dịch Mắc phải = SIDA, VIGS, СПИН, QİÇS, HIES, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, 에이즈, შიდსი, СИДА, СПИД, UHCW, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Vietnamese | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
AIDS | Alınğan İmmun Defisit Síndromı = SIDA, VIGS, СПИН, QİÇS, HIES, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, 에이즈, შიდსი, СИДА, СПИД, UHCW, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Tatar | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
AVA | Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed | In English | → Infectious diseases → Immunology and allergy |
AVACI | Academy of Veterinary Allergy and Clinical Immunology ( | In English | → Academies → Immunology and allergy → Veterinary medicine |
AVIP | Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program | In English | → Immunology and allergy → Pharmacology, toxicology |
CAB | Complement Activation Blocker | In English | → Biochemistry, biophysics → Immunology and allergy |
CAMBI | Center for Advanced Molecular Biology and Immunology | In English | → Research institutes → Biochemistry, biophysics → Immunology and allergy |
CAS | Conjonctivite Allergique Saisonnière | In French | → Pathology → Ophthalmology → Immunology and allergy |
CCNI | Comité Consultatif National de l'Immunisation | In French | → Organizations and associations → Immunology and allergy → Pharmacology, toxicology |
CCP | Complement Control Protein (modules) | In English | → Proteins → Immunology and allergy |
CEREDIH | CEntre de REférence des Déficits Immunitaires Héréditaires | In French | → Pathology → Immunology and allergy |
CHAVI | Center for HIV-AIDS Vaccine Immunology | In English | → Research institutes → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
CMH | Complexe Majeur d'Histocompatibilité | In French | → Biological sciences → Immunology and allergy |
CSF | Colony-Stimulating Factor | In English | → Proteins → Hormones → Blood and circulatory system → Immunology and allergy |
CTL | cytotoxic T-Lymphocytes | In English | → Immunology and allergy |
DIAID | Division of Immunology, Allergy & Infectious Diseases | In English | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
DIP | Déficit Immunitaire Primitif | In French | → Immunology and allergy → Pathology |
EAACI | European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology ( | In English | → Academies → Immunology and allergy → Europe |
EGS | Eijkman Graduate School for Immunology and Infectious Diseases ( | In English | → Research institutes → Higher education, universities → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
FAIDS | Feline Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome | In English | → Immunology and allergy → Veterinary medicine |
FIV | Feline Immunodeficiency Virus | In English | → Virology → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
G-CSF | Granulocyte Colony Stimulating-Factor | In English | → Proteins → Hormones → Blood and circulatory system → Immunology and allergy |
GIB | Giza Immunoeskasiaren Birusa = VIH | Virus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine | In French = HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus | In English = VIH | Virus d'Inmunodeficencia Humana | In Asturian = VIH | Vírus da imunodeficiência humana | In Portuguese = VIDH | Virus Immunitarii Defectus Humanae | In Latin = ŽIV | Žmogaus Imunodeficito Virusas | In Lithuanian = ХИВ | Хумане имунодефицијенције | In Serbian = MIV | Menslike Immuniteitsgebreksvirus | In Afrikaans = HIV | Humani Imunodeficientni Virus | In Slovenian = ВИЧ | Вирус иммунодефицита человека | In Russian = HIV | Humaan Immunodeficiëntie Virus | In Dutch |
In Basque | → Virology → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
HAR | Hyperacute rejection | In English | → Immunology and allergy → Surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology |
HIES | Hartutako Immuno Eskasiaren Sindromea = AIDS, SIDA, VIGS, СПИН, QİÇS, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, 에이즈, შიდსი, СИДА, СПИД, UHCW, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Basque | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus = GIB, VIH, VIDH, ŽIV, ХИВ, MIV, ВИЧ (look above) |
In English | → Virology → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
HIV | Humani Imunodeficientni Virus = GIB, VIH, VIDH, ŽIV, ХИВ, MIV, ВИЧ (look above) |
In Slovenian | → Virology → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
HIV | Humaan Immunodeficiëntie Virus = GIB, VIH, VIDH, ŽIV, ХИВ, MIV, ВИЧ (look above) |
In Dutch | → Virology → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
IAVI | International AIDS Vaccine Initiative | In English | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
IBD | Inflammatory Bowel Disease | In English | → Immunology and allergy |
IgG | Immunoglobuline G | In French | → Biochemistry, biophysics → Immunology and allergy |
IgIV | Immunoglobuline intraveineuse | In French | → Biochemistry, biophysics → Immunology and allergy |
IIBHG | Institute of Immunobiology and Human Genetics = IIBHG | Institut za Imunobiologija i Humana Genetika | In Macedonian |
In English | → Research institutes → Genetics → Immunology and allergy |
IMD | Immune Mediated Disease | In English | → Immunology and allergy |
ISIR | International Society for Immunology of Reproduction | In English | → Organizations and associations → Immunology and allergy → Reproductive biology |
IVIg | Intravenous Immunoglobulin | In English | → Immunology and allergy |
LEAD | Lupus Érythémateux Aigu Disséminé | In French | → Immunology and allergy → Pathology |
LES | Lupus Érythémateux Systémique = SLE | Systemic Lupus Erythematosus | In English |
In French | → Immunology and allergy → Pathology |
MAP | Multiple Antigenic Peptide | In English | → Biochemistry, biophysics → Immunology and allergy |
MCP | Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein | In English | → Proteins → Immunology and allergy |
MIV | Menslike Immuniteitsgebreksvirus = GIB, VIH, HIV, VIDH, ŽIV, ХИВ, ВИЧ (look above) |
In Afrikaans | → Virology → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
MSBCIA | Macedonian Society for Basic, Clinical Immunology and Allergology | In English | → Organizations and associations → Immunology and allergy |
NET | Nécrolyse Épidermique Toxique = TEN | Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis | In English |
In French | → Dermatology → Immunology and allergy → Pharmacology, toxicology |
ÖGAI | Österreichische Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Immunologie ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Immunology and allergy → Austria |
PAVC | Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Vaccine Consortium | In English | → Organizations and associations → Immunology and allergy |
PBL | Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte | In English | → Blood and circulatory system → Immunology and allergy |
PEAG | Pustulose Exanthématique Aiguë Généralisée = AGEP (look above) |
In French | → Dermatology → Immunology and allergy → Pharmacology, toxicology |
PIA | Pristane-Induced Arthritis | In English | → Immunology and allergy → Pathology → Gerontology |
QİÇS | Qazanılmış İmmun Çatışmazlığı Sindromu = AIDS, SIDA, VIGS, СПИН, HIES, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, 에이즈, შიდსი, СИДА, СПИД, UHCW, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Azerbaijani | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
SAL | Sérum antilymphocytaire | In French | → Immunology and allergy |
SCAIC | Société Canadienne d'Allergie et d'Immunologie Clinique | In French | → Organizations and associations → Immunology and allergy → Canada |
SCDI | Syndromis Comparatis Defectu Immunitatis = AIDS, SIDA, VIGS, СПИН, QİÇS, HIES, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, 에이즈, შიდსი, СИДА, СПИД, UHCW, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Latin | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
SCID | Severe Combined Immunodeficiency | In English | → Immunology and allergy |
SCID | Severe Combined Immunodeficient | In English | → Biological sciences → Immunology and allergy |
SCORTEN | Severity-of-illness Score for Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis | In English | → Dermatology → Immunology and allergy → Pharmacology, toxicology |
SEIF | Siondróm Easpa Imdhíonachta Faighte = AIDS, SIDA, VIGS, СПИН, QİÇS, HIES, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, 에이즈, შიდსი, СИДА, СПИД, UHCW, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Irish | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
SEP-PP | Sclérose en Plaques Progressive Primaire | In French | → Immunology and allergy → Neurology |
SEP-PR | Sclérose en Plaques Récurrente-Progressive | In French | → Immunology and allergy → Neurology |
SEP-RR | Sclérose en Plaques Récurrente-Rémittente | In French | → Immunology and allergy → Neurology |
SEP-SP | Sclérose en Plaques Progressive Secondaire | In French | → Immunology and allergy → Neurology |
SFAIC | Société Française d'Allergologie et d'Immunologie Clinique ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Immunology and allergy → France |
SIDA | Syndrome d'Immuno-Déficience Acquise = AIDS, VIGS, СПИН, QİÇS, HIES, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, 에이즈, შიდსი, СИДА, СПИД, UHCW, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In French | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
SIDA | Síndrome de Inmuno-Deficiencia Adquirida = AIDS, VIGS, СПИН, QİÇS, HIES, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, 에이즈, შიდსი, СИДА, СПИД, UHCW, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Occitan | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
SIDA | Sindromo di Imuno-Defekteso Aquirita = AIDS, VIGS, СПИН, QİÇS, HIES, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, 에이즈, შიდსი, СИДА, СПИД, UHCW, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Ido | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
SIDA | Sindrome d'inmunodefizienzia aquirita = AIDS, VIGS, СПИН, QİÇS, HIES, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, 에이즈, შიდსი, СИДА, СПИД, UHCW, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Aragonese | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
SIDA | Síndrome d'Immunodeficiència Adquirida = AIDS, VIGS, СПИН, QİÇS, HIES, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, 에이즈, შიდსი, СИДА, СПИД, UHCW, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Catalan | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
SIDA | Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida = AIDS, VIGS, СПИН, QİÇS, HIES, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, 에이즈, შიდსი, СИДА, СПИД, UHCW, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Spanish | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
SIDA | Sindromul Imunodeficienţei Autodobândite = AIDS, VIGS, СПИН, QİÇS, HIES, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, 에이즈, შიდსი, СИДА, СПИД, UHCW, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Romanian | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
SIDA | Síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida = AIDS, VIGS, СПИН, QİÇS, HIES, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, 에이즈, შიდსი, СИДА, СПИД, UHCW, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Portuguese | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
SIV | Simian Immunodeficiency Virus | In English | → Virology → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
SJQ | Stevens-Johnson Syndrome | In English | → Dermatology → Immunology and allergy → Pharmacology, toxicology |
SLE | Systemic Lupus Erythematosus = LES (look above) |
In English | → Immunology and allergy → Pathology |
SSI | Statens Serum Institut | In Danish | → Research institutes → Biological sciences → Immunology and allergy → Denmark |
TCR | T-Cell Receptor | In English | → Immunology and allergy |
TEN | Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis = NET (look above) |
In English | → Dermatology → Immunology and allergy → Pharmacology, toxicology |
TIH | Thrombopénie Immunologique à l'Héparine | In French | → Immunology and allergy → Pathology |
UB | Unité Bethesda | In French | → Diagnostics → Blood and circulatory system → Immunology and allergy |
UHCW | Unquy hark'aypa chaskisqa waqlliynin = AIDS, SIDA, VIGS, СПИН, QİÇS, HIES, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, 에이즈, შიდსი, СИДА, СПИД, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Quechua | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
UKIMWI | Upungufu wa Kinga Mwilini = AIDS, SIDA, VIGS, СПИН, QİÇS, HIES, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, 에이즈, შიდსი, СИДА, СПИД, UHCW, СНІД (look above) |
In Swahili | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
VIDH | Virus Immunitarii Defectus Humanae = GIB, VIH, HIV, ŽIV, ХИВ, MIV, ВИЧ (look above) |
In Latin | → Virology → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
VIDO | Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization | In English | → Organizations and associations → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
VIGS | Verworwe Immuniteitsgebreksindroom = AIDS, SIDA, СПИН, QİÇS, HIES, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, 에이즈, შიდსი, СИДА, СПИД, UHCW, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Afrikaans | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
VIH | Virus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine = GIB, HIV, VIDH, ŽIV, ХИВ, MIV, ВИЧ (look above) |
In French | → Virology → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
VIH | Virus d'Inmunodeficencia Humana = GIB, HIV, VIDH, ŽIV, ХИВ, MIV, ВИЧ (look above) |
In Asturian | → Virology → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
VIH | Vírus da imunodeficiência humana = GIB, HIV, VIDH, ŽIV, ХИВ, MIV, ВИЧ (look above) |
In Portuguese | → Virology → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
VISI | Vaccine Identification Standards Initiative ( | In English | → Immunology and allergy |
ŽIV | Žmogaus Imunodeficito Virusas = GIB, VIH, HIV, VIDH, ХИВ, MIV, ВИЧ (look above) |
In Lithuanian | → Virology → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
ВИЧ | Вирус иммунодефицита человека = GIB, VIH, HIV, VIDH, ŽIV, ХИВ, MIV (look above) |
In Russian | → Virology → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
СИДА | Синдромот на стекнат имунолошки дефицит = AIDS, SIDA, VIGS, СПИН, QİÇS, HIES, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, 에이즈, შიდსი, СПИД, UHCW, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Macedonian | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
СИДА | синдром стеченог имунолошког дефицита = AIDS, SIDA, VIGS, СПИН, QİÇS, HIES, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, 에이즈, შიდსი, СПИД, UHCW, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Serbian | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
СНІД | Cиндром набутого імунодефіциту = AIDS, SIDA, VIGS, СПИН, QİÇS, HIES, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, 에이즈, შიდსი, СИДА, СПИД, UHCW, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Ukrainian | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
СПИД | Синдром приобретённого иммунного дефицита = AIDS, SIDA, VIGS, СПИН, QİÇS, HIES, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, 에이즈, შიდსი, СИДА, UHCW, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Russian | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
СПИН | Синдром на придобитата имунна недостатъчност = AIDS, SIDA, VIGS, QİÇS, HIES, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, 에이즈, შიდსი, СИДА, СПИД, UHCW, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Bulgarian | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
ХИВ | Хумане имунодефицијенције = GIB, VIH, HIV, VIDH, ŽIV, MIV, ВИЧ (look above) |
In Serbian | → Virology → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
ՁԻԱՀ | Ձեռքբերովի Իմունային Անբավարվածության Համախտանիշ = AIDS, SIDA, VIGS, СПИН, QİÇS, HIES, SEIF, SCDI, 에이즈, შიდსი, СИДА, СПИД, UHCW, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Armenian | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
შიდსი | შეძენილი იმუნური დეფიციტის სინდრომი = AIDS, SIDA, VIGS, СПИН, QİÇS, HIES, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, 에이즈, СИДА, СПИД, UHCW, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Georgian | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
에이즈 | 후천성 면역 결핍 증후군 = AIDS, SIDA, VIGS, СПИН, QİÇS, HIES, SEIF, ՁԻԱՀ, SCDI, შიდსი, СИДА, СПИД, UHCW, СНІД, UKIMWI (look above) |
In Korean | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |