Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
CE | Corps of Engineers | In English | |
CEA | Center for Extreme Ultraviolet Astrophysics | In English | → Research institutes → Astronomy → Optics → Astronautics |
CEA | Control Electronics Assembly | In English | → Electronics |
CEA | Consumer Electronics Association | In English | → Associations → Electronics |
CEA | Control Element Assembly | In English | |
CEA | Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique ( | In French | → Research institutes → 5931 → Energy economics → Nuclear technology → France |
CEAP | Cellule Anti-Pollution | In French | → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
CEAUD | Carnet d'Enregistrement des Appels pour Urgence ou Dépannage Gaz | In French | → Energy economics |
CEB | Comité Électrotechnique Belge = BEC | Belgisch Elektrotechnisch Comité | In Dutch |
In English | → Standardization → Electrical engineering → Belgium |
CEBTP | Centre d'Étude du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics | In French | → Civil engineering → Construction |
CEBTP | Centre Expérimental du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics | In French | → Research institutes → Civil engineering → Construction |
CEC | Civil Engineering Corps | In English | → Military affairs → Civil engineering |
CEC | Consolidated Electrodynamics Corporation | In English | → Electrical engineering |
CEC | Consolidated Electronics Corporation | In English | → Electronics |
CEC | Control Electronics Container | In English | → Electronics |
CECA | Comunidad Europea del Carbón y del Acero = EKSF | Europæiske Kul- og Stålfællesskab | In Danish = ESUO | Evropské společenství uhlí a oceli | In Czech = EZUČ | Europska zajednica za ugljen i čelik | In Croatian = CECA | Communauté Européenne du Charbon et de l'Acier | In French = EGKS | Europese Gemêenschap voo Kooln en Stoal | In Vlaams = ECSC | European Coal and Steel Community | In English = ЕОВС | Европейската общност за въглища и стомана | In Bulgarian = CECA | Comunitat Europea del Carbó i de l'Acer | In Catalan = EGKS | Europäische Gemeinschaft für Kohle und Stahl | In German = CECA | Comunidade Europea do Carbón e do Aceiro | In Galician = CECA | Comunità Europea del Carbone e dell'Acciaio | In Italian = EWWiS | Europejska Wspólnota Węgla i Stali | In Polish = CECA | Comunautat Europèa del Carbon e de l'Acièr | In Occitan = EKSF | Det europeiske kull- og stålfellesskap | In Norwegian = EGKS | Europese Gemeenschap voor Kolen en Staal | In Dutch = ESZAK | Európai Szén- és Acélközösség | In Hungarian = CECA | Comunidade Europeia do Carvão e do Aço | In Portuguese = CECO | Comunitatea Europeană a Cărbunelui şi Oţelului | In Romanian = ЕОУС | Европейское объединение угля и стали | In Russian = ESUO | Európske spoločenstvo pre uhlie a ocel | In Slovak = EHYT | Euroopan hiili- ja teräsyhteisö | In Finnish = EKSG | Europeiska kol- och stålgemenskapen | In Swedish = EAPB | Europos anglių ir plieno bendrija | In Lithuanian |
In Spanish | → International relations → International economic cooperation → Mining → Metallurgy |
CECA | Communauté Européenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = EKSF, ESUO, EZUČ, EGKS, ECSC, ЕОВС, EWWiS, ESZAK, CECO, ЕОУС, EHYT, EKSG, EAPB (look above) |
In French | → International relations → International economic cooperation → Mining → Metallurgy |
CECA | Comunitat Europea del Carbó i de l'Acer = EKSF, ESUO, EZUČ, EGKS, ECSC, ЕОВС, EWWiS, ESZAK, CECO, ЕОУС, EHYT, EKSG, EAPB (look above) |
In Catalan | → International relations → International economic cooperation → Mining → Metallurgy |
CECA | Comunidade Europea do Carbón e do Aceiro = EKSF, ESUO, EZUČ, EGKS, ECSC, ЕОВС, EWWiS, ESZAK, CECO, ЕОУС, EHYT, EKSG, EAPB (look above) |
In Galician | → International relations → International economic cooperation → Mining → Metallurgy |
CECA | Comunità Europea del Carbone e dell'Acciaio = EKSF, ESUO, EZUČ, EGKS, ECSC, ЕОВС, EWWiS, ESZAK, CECO, ЕОУС, EHYT, EKSG, EAPB (look above) |
In Italian | → International relations → International economic cooperation → Mining → Metallurgy |
CECA | Comunautat Europèa del Carbon e de l'Acièr = EKSF, ESUO, EZUČ, EGKS, ECSC, ЕОВС, EWWiS, ESZAK, CECO, ЕОУС, EHYT, EKSG, EAPB (look above) |
In Occitan | → International relations → International economic cooperation → Mining → Metallurgy |
CECA | Comunidade Europeia do Carvão e do Aço = EKSF, ESUO, EZUČ, EGKS, ECSC, ЕОВС, EWWiS, ESZAK, CECO, ЕОУС, EHYT, EKSG, EAPB (look above) |
In Portuguese | → International relations → International economic cooperation → Mining → Metallurgy |
CECC | CENELEC Electronic Components Committee | In English | → Electrical engineering → Electronics |
CECE | Committee for the European Construction Equipment ( | In English | → Organizations and associations → Civil engineering → Construction |
CECIMO | Comité Européen de Coopération des Industries de la Machine-Outil ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Mechanical engineering → Europe |
CECO | Comunitatea Europeană a Cărbunelui şi Oţelului = CECA, EKSF, ESUO, EZUČ, EGKS, ECSC, ЕОВС, EWWiS, ESZAK, ЕОУС, EHYT, EKSG, EAPB (look above) |
In Romanian | → International relations → International economic cooperation → Mining → Metallurgy |
CEDi | Continuous Electro-Deionisation | In English | → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
CEE | Computers and Electrical Engineering | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Computer science → Electrical engineering |
CEE | Certificat d'Économie d'Énergie | In French | → Energy economics |
CEEETA | Centro de Estudos em Economia da Energia, dos Transportes e do Ambiente | In Portuguese | → Research institutes → Environmental protection → Energy economics → Applied sciences, technology |
CEEJ | Canadian Electrical Engineering Journal | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Electrical engineering → Canada |
CEFIGRE | Centre de Formation Internationale à la Gestion des Ressources en Eau | In French | → 6281 |
CEGELY | Centre de Génie Électrique de Lyon | In French | → Research institutes → Electrical engineering → France |
CEGF | Compagnie des Entrepôts et Gares Frigorifiques | In French | → Transport and postal services → Rail transport engineering |
CeGIBAT | Centre d'information de Gaz de France pour l'Industrie et le Bâtiment | In French | → Documentation → Energy economics → Industry, industrial policy → Construction → France |
CEI | Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano ( | In Italian | → Organizations and associations → Electrical engineering → Italia |
CEI | Comisión Electrotécnica Internacional = IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission | In English = CEI | Commission Électrotechnique Internationale | In French = CEI | Comissão Eletrotécnica Internacional | In Portuguese |
In Spanish | → Electrical engineering |
CEI | Commission Électrotechnique Internationale = IEC (look above) |
In French | → Electrical engineering |
CEI | Comissão Eletrotécnica Internacional = IEC (look above) |
In Portuguese | → Electrical engineering |
CELAR | Centre d'Électronique de l'Armement | In French | → Electronics → Military engineering |
CELE | Committee on Evaporation Loss Estimation | In English | → Mining → 665 |
CELV | Commercial Expendable Launch Vehicle | In English | → Vehicle engineering |
CEMAS | Centre d'Évaluation des Microtechniques pour l'Analyse Sensorielle | In French | → Mechanical engineering → Vehicle engineering |
CEMEF | Centre de Mise en Forme des Matériaux ( | In French | → Research institutes → Materials science → France |
CEMES | Centre d'Élaboration de Matériaux et d'Études Structurales ( | In French | → Research institutes → Materials science → France |
CEMETE | Centre d'Essais des Matériaux et d'Études sur les Techniques d'Exécution | In French | → Research institutes → Materials science |
CEMPRE | Compromisso Empresarial para Reciclagem ( | In Portuguese | → Organizations and associations → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management → Brazil |
CEN | Centre d'Études Nucléaires | In French | → Research institutes → Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics → Nuclear technology |
CENEf | Center for Energy Efficiency | In English | → Energy economics |
CENELEC | Comité Européen de Normalisation Électrotechnique ( | In French | → Standardization → Electrical engineering → Europe |
CENG | Centre d'Études Nucléaires de Grenoble | In French | → Research institutes → Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics → Nuclear technology |
CENIDET | Centro Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico ( | In Spanish | → Research institutes → Research policy → Mexico |
CENTACS | Center for Tactical Communications Systems | In English | → Telecommunications → Military engineering |
CEnTp | Engineering Thermophysics China | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Thermodynamics → China |
CEO | Centro di Eccellenza Optronica | In Italian | → Optics → Electronics |
CEP | Centre Énergétique et Procédés | In French | → Energy economics |
CEP | Calcolatrice Elettronica Pisana | In Italian | → Computer science → Electronics |
CEPEL | Centro de Pesquisas de Energia Elétrica | In Portuguese | → Electrical engineering |
CERCHAR | Centre d'Études et de Recherches des Charbonnages | In French | → Research institutes → Mining |
CEREM | Centre d'Études et de Recherches sur les Matériaux | In French | → Research institutes → Materials science |
CEREN | Centre d'Études et de Recherche sur les Énergies | In French | → Research institutes → Energy economics |
CERES | Capacité de Renseignement Électromagnétique Spatiale | In French | → Military engineering → Astronautics |
CERGA | Centrale Électrique Rhénane de Gambsheim | In French | → Electrical engineering |
CERIB | Centre d'Études et de Recherches de l'Industrie du Béton | In French | → Research institutes → Civil engineering → Construction |
CERMA | Centre d'Études et de Recherches en Mécanismes et Automatismes | In French | → Mechanical engineering |
CERMA | Centre d'Études et de Recherches de Médecine Aéronautique | In French | → Medicine → Aeronautics, aircraft |
CERMO | Centre d'Études et de Recherches de la Machine-Outil | In French | → Research institutes → Mechanical engineering |
CERN | Centre Européen de Recherche Nucléaire ( | In French | → Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics → Nuclear technology |
CERTH | Centre for Research and Technology Hellas | In English | → Research policy |
CERTU | Centre d'Études sur les Réseaux, les Transports, l'Urbanisme et les constructions publiques | In French | → Research institutes → Civil engineering → Transport and postal services → Construction |
CES | Combined Earth Sensor | In English | → Astronautics |
CES | Conical Earth Sensor | In English | → Astronautics |
CES | Control Electronics Section | In English | → Electronics |
CES | Crew Escape System | In English | → Astronautics |
CES | Company for Energy Saving | In English | → Energy economics |
CES | Consumer Electronics Show ( | In English | → Computer science → Electronics |
CES | Conservation des Eaux et des Sols | In French | → Threats to the environment → Hydrology → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
CESA | Canadian Engineering Standards Association | In English | → Associations → Standardization → Canada |
CESAR | Centro de Estudos e Sistemas Avançados do Recife | In Portuguese | |
CESML | Coopérative d'Électricité de Saint-Martin de Londres (http:// | In French | → Organizations and associations → Electrical engineering → France |
CESTA | Centre d'Études des Systèmes et des Technologies Avancées | In French | |
CETE | Centre d'Étude Technique de l'Équipement | In French | → Civil engineering → Transport and postal services |
CETE | Centre d'Études Techniques de l'Équipement | In French | → Civil engineering |
CETE | Centre d'Expertise Technique Électricité | In French | → Electrical engineering |
CETEM | Centro de Tecnologia Mineral ( | In Portuguese | → Research institutes → Mining → Brazil |
CETG | Centre d'Expertise Technique Gaz | In French | → Energy economics |
CETHIL | Centre de Thermique de Lyon | In French | → Thermodynamics → Mechanical engineering → France |
CETIAT | Centre Technique des Industries Aérauliques et Thermiques | In French | |
CETIM | Centre Technique des Industries Mécaniques | In French | → Mechanical engineering |
CETS | Contractor Engineering and Technical Services | In English | |
CETS | Contractor Engineering Technical Support | In English | |
CETS | Contractor Engineering Technical Services | In English | |
CETU | Centre d'Études des Tunnels | In French | → Research institutes → Civil engineering |
CETU | Centre d'Études Techniques des Tunnels | In French | → Civil engineering |
CETUR | Centre d'Études Techniques des Transports Urbains | In French | → Vehicle engineering → Transport and postal services |
CEU | Control Electronics Unit | In English | → Electronics |
CEV | Crew Exploration Vehicle | In English | → Vehicle engineering |
CEVE | Comité Européen du Véhicule Expérimental | In French | → Vehicle engineering |
CFAE | Contractor-Furnished Airborne Equipment | In English | → Aeronautics, aircraft |
CFAO | Conception et Fabrication Assistées par Ordinateur | In French | → Computer-based techniques |
CFBR | Comité Français des Barrages et Réservoirs | In French | → Organizations and associations → Civil engineering → 626 → France |
CFC | Chemins de Fer de la Corse ( | In French | → Rail transport engineering → Transport and postal services |
CFCC | Comité Français de Coordination du Carburéacteur | In French | → Organizations and associations → Aeronautics, aircraft → France |
CFE | Comisión Federal de Electricidad | In Spanish | → Organizations and associations → Central administration → Electrical engineering |
CFF | Columbus Free Flyer | In English | → Astronautics |
CFGB | Comité Français des Grands Barrages | In French | → Organizations and associations → Civil engineering → 626 |
CFM | Compagnie Française du Méthane | In French | → Chemical technology → Mechanical engineering → France |
CFME | Centre de Formation aux Métiers de l'Environnement | In French | → Education → Threats to the environment → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
CFMN | Centre de Fabrication Mécanique pour la Neurophysiologie | In French | → Research institutes → Mechanical engineering → Physiology → Neurology |
CFP | Conceptual Flight Profile | In English | → Aeronautics, aircraft → Astronautics |
CFPET | Centre de Formation des Professeurs de l'Enseignement Technique | In French | → Education |
CFTE | Center for Transportation Excellence | In English | → Vehicle engineering → Transport and postal services |
CFTE | Centre de Formation aux Techniques de l'Eau | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
CGC | Compagnie Générale de Chauffe | In French | → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
CGE | Compagnie Générale d'Électricité | In French | → Electrical engineering |
CGE | Compagnie Générale des Eaux | In French | → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
CGEA | Compagnie Générale d'Entreprise Automobile | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
CGES | Centre de Géotechnique et d'Exploitation du Sous-sol | In French | → Earth sciences → Mining |
cGMP | Current Good Manufacturing Practices | In English | |
CGRO | Compton Gamma Ray Observatory | In English | → Astronautics → Astronomy |
CHAMP | Challenging Minisatellite Payload | In English | → Astronautics |
CHARTH | Compagnie Holding d'Applications et de Réalisations Thermiques et Hydrauliques | In French | → Organizations and associations → Energy economics → Mechanical engineering |
CHEAr | Centre des Hautes Études de l'Armement | In French | → Research institutes → Military engineering |
CHES | Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems | In English | → Computer hardware → Electronics |
ChIEJ | Chinese Institute of Engineers Journal | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → China |
CHIPS | Cosmic Hot Interstellar Spectrometer | In English | → Astronautics → Astronomy |
CHIR | Chirurgie, Informatique et Robotique | In French | → Computer science → Surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology → Mechanical engineering → Electronics |
ChJA | Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Aeronautics, aircraft → China |
ChJS | Chinese Journal of Semiconductors | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Electronics → China |
ChJSS | Chinese Journal of Space Science | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Astronomy → Astronautics → China |
CHMAC | Coopération Homme-Machine pour l'Assistance à la conduite | In French | → Human-computer interaction → Vehicle engineering → Transport and postal services |
ChSAJ | Chinese Society of Astronautics Journal | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Astronautics → China |
ChSMJ | Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers Journal | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Mechanical engineering → China |
ChSST | Chinese Space Science Technology | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Astronomy → Astronautics → China |
CIC | Chauffage Individuel Centralisé | In French | → Energy economics |
CICF | Chambre de l'Ingénierie et du Conseil de France | In French | → France |
CICF | Chambre des Ingénieurs-Conseil de France | In French | → Organizations and associations → France |
CIDEM | Compagnie Internationale de Développement Minier | In French | → Mining |
CIDEN | Centre d'Ingénierie Déconstruction et ENvironnement | In French | → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
CIE | Commission Internationale de l'Éclairage | In French | → Electrical engineering |
CIE | Cyprus Institute of Energy | In English | → Energy economics |
CIE | Civil Engineering | In English | → Civil engineering → Construction |
CIEEMG | Commission Interministérielle d'Étude des Exportations de Matériels de Guerre | In French | → Military engineering |
CIFTA | Convención Interamericana contra la Fabricación y el Tráfico Ilícitos de Armas de Fuego, Municiones, Explosivos y Otros Materiales Relacionados = CIFTA | Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials | In English = CIFTA | Convention Interaméricaine contre la Fabrication et le Trafic illicites d'Armes à feu, munitions, explosifs et autres matériels connexes | In French = CIFTA | Convenção Interamericana contra a Fabricação Ilícita e o Tráfico de Armas de Fogo, Munições, Explosivos, e Outros Materiais Relacionados | In Portuguese |
In Spanish | → International relations → Military engineering |
CIFTA | Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials = (look above) |
In English | → International relations → Military engineering |
CIFTA | Convention Interaméricaine contre la Fabrication et le Trafic illicites d'Armes à feu, munitions, explosifs et autres matériels connexes = (look above) |
In French | → International relations → Military engineering |
CIFTA | Convenção Interamericana contra a Fabricação Ilícita e o Tráfico de Armas de Fogo, Munições, Explosivos, e Outros Materiais Relacionados = (look above) |
In Portuguese | → International relations → Military engineering |
CIG | Centre d'Ingénierie Générale | In French | |
CIGRE | Conférence Internationale des Grands Réseaux Électriques à haute tension | In French | → Organizations and associations → Electrical engineering |
CIH | Centre d'Ingénierie Hydraulique | In French | → Mechanical engineering |
CIID | Commission Internationale pour les Irrigations et le Drainage = ICID | International Commission for Irrigation and Drainage | In English |
In French | → Organizations and associations → 627 → Agricultural sciences |
CIINB | Commission Interministérielle des Installations Nucléaires de Base | In French | → Central administration → Nuclear technology |
CILOMAG | CIrcuits LOgiques MAgnétiques | In French | → Computer hardware → Electronics |
CIM | Computer-Integrated Manufacturing | In English | → Computer hardware → Electronics |
CIMAC | Conseil International des Machines à Combustion | In French | → Organizations and associations → Mechanical engineering |
CIME | Centre Inter-régional des Mouvements d'Énergie | In French | → Energy economics |
CIMSA | Compagnie d'Informatique Militaire, Spatiale et Aéronautique | In French | → Computer science → Military engineering → Astronautics → Aeronautics, aircraft |
CINCNORAD | Commander-In-Chief, North American Aerospace | In English | → Military affairs → Aeronautics, aircraft → Astronautics |
CIPN | Centre d'Ingénierie du Parc Nucléaire en exploitation | In French | → Nuclear technology |
CIPN | Centre d'Ingénierie du Parc Nucléaire en exploitation | In French | → Nuclear technology |
CIPP | Cured-In-Place Piping | In English | → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
CIPR | Commission Internationale de Protection Radiologique | In French | → Nuclear technology |
CIPREL | Compagnie Ivoirienne de PRoduction d'ÉLectricité | In French | → Electrical engineering |
CIRA | Contrôle Industriel et Régulation Automatique | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Mechanical engineering |
CIRASTI | Collectif Interassociatif pour la Réalisation d'Activités Scientifiques et Techniques Internationales | In French | → Organizations and associations → International relations → Applied sciences, technology |
CIRCE | Confusion-limited Infrared Cosmology Explorer | In English | → Astronautics → Cosmology |
CIRIMAT | Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche et d'Ingénierie des Matériaux ( | In French | → Research institutes → Materials science → France |
CIRRIS | Cryogenic Infrared Radiance Instrument for Shuttle | In English | → Astronautics |
CIRRIS | Cryogenic Infrared Radiance Instrumentation for Shuttle | In English | → Astronautics |
CIS | Community Innovation Survey | In English | |
CIS | Contact Image Sensor | In English | → Electronics |
CIT | Centro de Información Tecnológica | In Spanish | → Libraries |
CIT | Centre d'Ingénierie Thermique | In French | → Energy economics |
CITE | Crédit d’Impôt Transition Énergétique | In French | → Taxes, duties → Energy economics |
CIUMR | Comisión Internacional de Unidades y Medidas Radiológicas = ICRU | International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements | In English = CIUMR | Commission Internationale des Unités et des Mesures de Radiation | In French = CIUMR | Comissão Internacional de Unidades e Medidas Radiação | In Portuguese |
In Spanish | → Standardization → Nuclear technology |
CIUMR | Commission Internationale des Unités et des Mesures de Radiation = ICRU (look above) |
In French | → Standardization → Nuclear technology |
CIUMR | Comissão Internacional de Unidades e Medidas Radiação = ICRU (look above) |
In Portuguese | → Standardization → Nuclear technology |
CJE | Compteur Jaune Électronique | In French | → Energy economics → Electronics |
CJECE | Canadian Journal of Electrical Computer Engineering | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Computer hardware → Electrical engineering → Canada |
CLAP | Comité de Liaison des Appareils à Pression | In French | → Mechanical engineering → Nuclear technology |
CLE | Compteur Libre Énergie | In French | → Energy economics → Electrical engineering |
CLEAN | Conformité à la Législation Environnementale des Activités Nucléaires | In French | → Software → 5023 → Nuclear technology |
CLER | Comité de Liaison Énergies Renouvelables | In French | → Energy economics |
CLI | Centre Lyonnais d'Ingénierie | In French | → France |
CLIS | Commission Locale d'Information et de Surveillance | In French | → Democracy → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
CLM | Circumlunar Mission | In English | → Astronautics |
CLOT | Combined Loads Orbiter Test | In English | → Astronautics |
CLS | Contingency Landing Site | In English | → Aeronautics, aircraft → Astronautics |
CLS | Collecte Localisation Satellites | In English | → Astronautics → Earth sciences |
CLSO | Contingency Landing Support Officer | In English | → 692973 → Astronautics |
CMA | Compagnie Maritime d'Affrètement | In French | → 6295 → Transport and postal services |
CMAG | Cruise Missile Advanced Guidance | In English | → Military engineering |
CMAME | Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Computer-based techniques → Mechanics → Mechanical engineering |
CME | Conseil Mondial de l'Énergie = CME | Consiliul Mondial al Energiei | In Romanian = WEC | World Energy Council | In English |
In French | → Organizations and associations → International relations → Energy economics |
CME | Consiliul Mondial al Energiei = WEC (look above) |
In Romanian | → Organizations and associations → International relations → Energy economics |
CME | Congrès Mondial de l'Énergie | In French | → Congresses → Energy economics |
CMIR | Cellule Mobile d'Intervention Radiologique | In French | → Firefighting → Nuclear technology |
CMISS | Carnegie Mellon Institute for Survivable Systems | In English | → Research institutes → Electronics |
CMMIC | Compagnie Minière et Métallurgique de l'Indo-Chine | In French | → Organizations and associations → Mining → Metallurgy |
CMMPE | Centre of Molecular Materials for Photonics and Electronics | In English | → Research institutes → Optics → Electromagnetism → Mechanical engineering |