Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
TIPS | Thruster Instability Protection System | In English | → Astronautics |
TIR | Terminal Imaging Radar | In English | → Geodesy, cartography → Astronautics |
TIROS | Television Infrared Observation Satellite | In English | → Astronautics → Telecommunications |
TIRU | Traitement Industriel des Résidus Urbains | In French | → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
TISI | Technologies de l'Information appliquées aux Systèmes Industriels | In French | → Computer-based techniques |
TK | Tehnilised Komiteed | In Estonian | → Organizations and associations |
TKSC | Tsukuba Space Center | In English | → Astronomy → Astronautics |
TLG | Tail Landing Gear | In English | → Aeronautics, aircraft |
TLI | Translunar Injection | In English | → Astronautics |
TLO | Technology Licensing Organization | In English | → Organizations and associations |
TLO | Technology Licensing Office | In English | |
TLO | Transport Lourd Offensif | In French | → Military engineering |
TLOBA | Transport Lourd Offensif en Basse Altitude | In French | → Military engineering |
TLV | Target Launch Vehicle | In English | → Astronautics |
TLV | Transporter-Loader Vehicle | In English | → Vehicle engineering |
TM | Torque Motor | In English | → Vehicle engineering |
TMA | Trans Mediterranean Airways | In English | → Aeronautics, aircraft → Transport and postal services |
TMA | Thermomechanical Analyzer | In English | → Mechanical engineering |
TMA | Terminal Manoeuvre Area | In English | → Aeronautics, aircraft → Transport and postal services |
TMA | Target Motion Analysis | In English | → Military engineering |
TMD | Theater Missile Defense | In English | → Military engineering |
TME | Transfer Multisort Electronic | In English | → Electronics |
TMECO | Time of Main Engine Cutoff | In English | → Astronautics |
TMG | Thermal Meteoroid Garment | In English | → Astronautics |
TMI | Transmars Injection | In English | → Astronautics |
tML | Tonne de Métal Lourd | In French | → Metallurgy → Nuclear technology |
TMP | Thermo-Mécanique et Plasticité | In French | → Materials science → Mechanical engineering → Chemical technology |
TMR | TOPEX Microwave Radiometer | In English | → Astronautics |
TMS | Thermal Management Solutions | In English | → Energy economics |
TNP | Traité de Non Prolifération des armes nucléaires | In French | → International relations → Military engineering → Nuclear technology |
TNS | Tahiti Nui Satellite ( | In French | → Astronautics → Telecommunications |
TNS | Total Network Solutions ( | In English | → Computer hardware → 6218 → Telecommunications → United Kingdom |
TNSC | Tanegashima Space Center | In English | → Research institutes → Astronautics |
TNT | Trinitrotoluol = TNT | Trinitrotoluè | In Catalan = TNT | Trinitrotoluen | In Czech = TNT | Trinitrotoluene | In English = TNT | Trinitrotolueno | In Esperanto = TNT | Trinitrotolueno | In Spanish = TNT | Trinitrotoluenori | In Basque = TNT | ترینیتروتولوئن | In Persian = TNT | Trinitrotoluène | In French = TNT | Trinitrotoluene | In Italian = TNT | Trinitrotoluolas | In Lithuanian = TNT | Trinitrotolueen | In Dutch = TNT | Trinitrotoluen | In Nynorsk = TNT | Trinitrotoluen | In Norwegian = TNT | Trinitrotolueno | In Portuguese = TNT | Trinitrotoluen | In Romanian = TNT | Тринитротолуол | In Russian = TNT | Trinitrotoluen | In Slovenian = ТНТ | Тринитротоулен | In Serbian = TNT | ทีเอ็นที | In Thai = TNT | Trinitrotoluen | In Turkish = ТНТ | Тринітротолуол | In Ukrainian |
In German | → Chemicals → Military engineering |
TNT | Trinitrotoluè = ТНТ (look above) |
In Catalan | → Chemicals → Military engineering |
TNT | Trinitrotoluen = ТНТ (look above) |
In Czech | → Chemicals → Military engineering |
TNT | Trinitrotoluene = ТНТ (look above) |
In English | → Chemicals → Military engineering |
TNT | Trinitrotolueno = ТНТ (look above) |
In Esperanto | → Chemicals → Military engineering |
TNT | Trinitrotolueno = ТНТ (look above) |
In Spanish | → Chemicals → Military engineering |
TNT | Trinitrotoluenori = ТНТ (look above) |
In Basque | → Chemicals → Military engineering |
TNT | ترینیتروتولوئن = ТНТ (look above) |
In Persian | → Chemicals → Military engineering |
TNT | Trinitrotoluène = ТНТ (look above) |
In French | → Chemicals → Military engineering |
TNT | Trinitrotoluene = ТНТ (look above) |
In Italian | → Chemicals → Military engineering |
TNT | Trinitrotoluolas = ТНТ (look above) |
In Lithuanian | → Chemicals → Military engineering |
TNT | Trinitrotolueen = ТНТ (look above) |
In Dutch | → Chemicals → Military engineering |
TNT | Trinitrotoluen = ТНТ (look above) |
In Nynorsk | → Chemicals → Military engineering |
TNT | Trinitrotoluen = ТНТ (look above) |
In Norwegian | → Chemicals → Military engineering |
TNT | Trinitrotolueno = ТНТ (look above) |
In Portuguese | → Chemicals → Military engineering |
TNT | Trinitrotoluen = ТНТ (look above) |
In Romanian | → Chemicals → Military engineering |
TNT | Тринитротолуол = ТНТ (look above) |
In Russian | → Chemicals → Military engineering |
TNT | Trinitrotoluen = ТНТ (look above) |
In Slovenian | → Chemicals → Military engineering |
TNT | ทีเอ็นที = ТНТ (look above) |
In Thai | → Chemicals → Military engineering |
TNT | Trinitrotoluen = ТНТ (look above) |
In Turkish | → Chemicals → Military engineering |
TO | Takeoff | In English | → Aeronautics, aircraft → Astronautics |
TOI | Transfer Orbit Insertion | In English | → Astronautics |
TOP | Technical Office Protocol | In English | |
TOPS | Transfer Orbit Perigee Stage | In English | → Astronautics |
TOS | Transfer Orbit Stage | In English | → Astronautics |
TOW | Tank and Orbiter Weight | In English | → Astronautics |
TOW | Tube-launched Optical-tracked Wire-guided missile | In English | → Military engineering |
TP | Time to Perigee | In English | → Astronautics |
TP | Turbopump | In English | → Mechanical engineering |
TPA | Turbopump Assembly | In English | → Mechanical engineering |
TPE | Terminal de Paiement Électronique | In English | → Computer hardware → Electronics |
TPL | Transpacific Landing | In English | → Astronautics |
TPMS | Tire Pressure Monitoring System | In English | → Automobile manufacturing |
TPOCP | Turbopump Oxidizer Cavity Purge | In English | → Mechanical engineering |
TPSGC | Travaux Publics et Services Gouvernementaux Canada ( = PWGSC | Public Works and Government Services Canada | In English |
In French | → Central administration → Civil engineering → Canada |
TPV | Technologiepark Villach | In German | |
TQFP | Thin Quad Flat Pack | In English | → Electronics |
TR | Time to Retrofire | In English | → Astronautics |
TR/SBS | TeleOperator Retrieval/Skylab Boost System | In English | → Astronautics |
TRDDS | Teal Ruby Data Documentation System | In English | → Knowledge management → Astronautics |
TRDF | Teal Ruby Data Formatter | In English | → Astronautics |
TRE | Teal Ruby Experiment | In English | → Astronautics |
TRE/ITU | Teal Ruby Experiment/Infrared Telescope Unit | In English | → Astronomy → Astronautics |
TREN | TRansport et ÉNergie | In French | → Energy economics → Transport and postal services |
TrGRC | Geothermal Resources Council Transactions | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Earth sciences → Energy economics |
TRICOT | TRansfert des Index des COmpteurs Télérelevables | In French | → Energy economics → Electrical engineering |
TRIZ | Teorija Rešenija Izobretatel´skich Zadač = TIPS | Theory of Inventive Problem Solving | In English |
In Russian | → Management |
TRKC | Transport Research Knowledge Centre | In English | → Documentation → Vehicle engineering → Transport and postal services |
TRL | Technology Readiness Level | In English | |
TRS | Teal Ruby Spacecraft | In English | → Astronautics |
TSE | Transportation Support Equipment | In English | → Vehicle engineering → Transport and postal services |
TSHD | Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger | In Dutch | → Vehicle engineering → Civil engineering |
TSO | Technisch Secundair Onderwijs | In Dutch | → Education |
TSP | Trajectory Shaping Program | In English | → Computer programs → Astronautics |
TSP | Trajectory Synthesis Program | In English | → Computer programs → Astronautics |
TsPK | Tsentr Podgotovka Kosmonavti | In Russian | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Astronautics |
TSS | Tethered Satellite System | In English | → Astronautics |
TSS | Tarif Spécial de Solidarité | In French | → Prices → Energy economics |
TST | Travaux Sous Tension | In French | → Electrical engineering |
TSV | Transformateur Service Vénissieux | In English | → Electrical engineering |
TT | Thrust Termination | In English | → Vehicle engineering |
TT&C | Telemetry, Tracking, and Communications | In English | → Astronautics → Telecommunications |
TT&C | Tracking, Telemetry, and Command | In English | → Astronautics |
TT&C | Tracking, Telemetry, and Control | In English | → Astronautics |
TTA | Thermomechanical Test Area | In English | → Mechanical engineering |
TTA | Time To Apogee | In English | → Astronomy → Astronautics |
TTBS | Thames Traditional Boat Society | In English | → Organizations and associations → 6295 |
TTC | Telemetry, Telecommand and Control | In English | → Astronautics |
TTCA | Thrust Translation Controller Assembly | In English | → Vehicle engineering |
TTCV | Tracking, Telemetry, Command, and Voice | In English | → Astronautics → Telecommunications |
TTENP | Transport Électricité Normandie Paris | In French | → Electrical engineering → France |
TTL | Transistor-Transistor Logic | In English | → Electronics |
TTL | Technology Transfer and Licensing | In English | → Industrial property |
TTO | Technology Transfer Office | In English | |
TTP | Time Triggered Protocol | In English | |
TTP | Time To Perigee | In English | → Astronomy → Astronautics |
TTX | TinyOS Technology Exchange | In English | → Congresses → Operating systems → Electronics |
TU | Technical Utilization | In English | |
TU | Technology Utilization | In English | |
TUASB | Tokyo University Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science Bulletin | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Astronomy → Aeronautics, aircraft → Astronautics |
TUASR | Tokyo University Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science Report | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Astronomy → Aeronautics, aircraft → Astronautics |
TÜBİTAK | Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu ( | In Turkish | → Organizations and associations → Research policy → Turkey |
TUFEJ | Tokyo University Faculty of Engineering Journal Series | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
TUFER | Tokyo Denki University Faculty of Engineering Research Reports | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
TURP | Tarifs d'Utilisation des Réseaux Publics | In French | → Electrical engineering |
TV | Target Vehicle | In English | → Vehicle engineering |
TV | Thrust Vector | In English | → Vehicle engineering |
TV | Transport(er) Vehicle | In English | → Vehicle engineering |
TVA | Thrust Vector Alignment | In English | → Astronautics |
TVC | Thrust Vector Control | In English | → Vehicle engineering |
TVCD | Thrust Vector Control Driver | In English | → Vehicle engineering |
TVCS | Thrust Vector Control System | In English | → Vehicle engineering |
TVE | Technology Validation Experiment | In English | |
TVS | Transient Voltage Suppressor | In English | → Electronics |
TVS | Transient Voltage Suppression | In English | → Electronics |
TVSA | Thrust Vector Servoamplifier | In English | → Vehicle engineering |
TVT | Toulon Var Technologies ( | In French | → Research policy → France |
TW | Technische Wetenschappen | In Dutch | |
TW/AA | Tactical Warning/Attack Assessment | In English | → Military affairs → Military engineering |
TxDOT | Texas Department of Transportation | In English | → Regional administration → Transport and postal services → Vehicle engineering → United States |
TZW | Technologiezentrum Wasser ( | In German | → Research institutes → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management → Germany |
U3P | Union pour la Promotion de la Propulsion Photonique ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Astronautics |
UAEA | Uluslararası Atom Enerji Ajansı ( = IAAE | Internacia Agentejo pri Atom-Energio | In Esperanto = IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency | In English = AIEA | Agence Internationale de l'Énergie Atomique | In French = AIEA | Agenţia Internaţională pentru Energie Atomică | In Romanian = МААЕ | Международна агенция за атомна енергия | In Bulgarian = AIEA | Agència Internacional de l'Energia Atòmica | In Catalan = MAAE | Mezinárodní agentura pro atomovou energii | In Czech = IAEA | Det Internationale Atomenergiagentur | In Danish = IAEO | Internationale Atomenergieorganisation | In German = OIEA | Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica | In Spanish = סבא"א | הסוכנות הבינלאומית לאנרגיה אטומית | In Hebrew = IAEA | International Atomenergie Agence | In Letzeburgesh = AIEA | Agenzia Internazionale per l'Energia Atomica | In Italian = IAEA | अंतर्राष्ट्रीय परमाणु ऊर्जा अधिकरण | In Hindi = MAAE | Меѓународна агенција за атомска енергија | In Macedonian = МАГАТЭ | Международное агентство по атомной энергии | In Russian = AIEA | Agência Internacional de Energia Atómica | In Portuguese = MAEA | Międzynarodowa Agencja Energii Atomowej | In Polish = МАГАТЕ | Міжнародне агентство з атомної енергії | In Ukrainian = IAEA | สำนักงานพลังงานปรมาณูระหว่างประเทศ | In Thai = EANA | Energia Atomikoaren Nazioarteko Agentzia | In Basque |
In Turkish | → International relations → Energy economics → Nuclear technology |
UAPET | Updates in Applied Physics and Electrical Technology | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Electrical engineering |
UAR | Upper Austrian Research ( | In English | → Research institutes → Research policy → Austria |
UARS | Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite | In English | → Meteorology, climatology → Astronautics |
UASER | Ultrasound Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation | In English | → Acoustics |
UAW | United Auto Workers | In English | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Automobile manufacturing |
UB | Utility Bridge | In English | → Civil engineering → Construction |
UB | Unité de Brillance | In French | → Lighting, illumination engineering |
UCAF | Universal Cardholder Authentication Field | In English | → Computer-based techniques → Electronics |
UCD | Urine Collection Device | In English | → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
UCPTE | Union pour la Coordination de la Production et du Transport d'Électricité | In French | → Organizations and associations → Electrical engineering |
UCTA | Urine Collection Transfer Assembly | In English | → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
UEA | United Energy Associates ( | In English | → Energy economics → Electrical engineering → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
UEA | Urban Exploration Alberta | In English | → Civil engineering → Canada |
UEPG | Union Européenne des Producteurs de Granulats ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Civil engineering → Construction → Europe |
UES | Unified Energy System = ЕЭС | Единые Энергетические Системы | In Russian |
In English | → Energy economics → Electrical engineering |
UFE | Union Française de l'Électricité | In French | → Organizations and associations → Electrical engineering → France |
UFO | Unidentifiziertes Flugobjekt = OVNI | Objet Volant Non Identifié | In French = OVNI | Objecte Volador No Identificat | In Catalan = НЛО | Неидентифициран летящ обект | In Bulgarian = OVNI | Objeto Volador No Identificado | In Spanish = UFO | Unidentified Flying Object | In English = UFO | Unknown Flying Object | In English = UFO | Uidentificeret flyvende objekt | In Danish = NIFO | Neidentigita Fluganta Objekto | In Esperanto = UFO | Unbekend fleanend objekt | In Frisian = עב"מ | עצם בלתי מזוהה | In Hebrew = OVNI | Oggetto Volante Non Identificato | In Italian = NLO | Neidentificēts lidojošs objekts | In Latvian = UFO | Uidentifisert flygende objekt | In Norwegian = UFO | Uidentifisert flygande objekt | In Nynorsk = NOL | Niezidentyfikowany Obiekt Latający | In Polish = OVNI | Objeto Voador Não Identificado | In Portuguese = OZN | Obiect Zburător Neidentificat | In Romanian = НЛО | Неопознанный летающий объект | In Russian = NLO | Neidentifikovani leteći objekat | In Serbo-Croatian |
In German | → Astronautics |
UFO | Unidentified Flying Object = OVNI, НЛО, NIFO, עב"מ, NLO, NOL, OZN (look above) |
In English | → Astronautics |
UFO | Unknown Flying Object = OVNI, НЛО, NIFO, עב"מ, NLO, NOL, OZN (look above) |
In English | → Astronautics |
UFO | Uidentificeret flyvende objekt = OVNI, НЛО, NIFO, עב"מ, NLO, NOL, OZN (look above) |
In Danish | → Astronautics |
UFO | Unbekend fleanend objekt = OVNI, НЛО, NIFO, עב"מ, NLO, NOL, OZN (look above) |
In Frisian | → Astronautics |
UFO | Uidentifisert flygende objekt = OVNI, НЛО, NIFO, עב"מ, NLO, NOL, OZN (look above) |
In Norwegian | → Astronautics |
UFO | Uidentifisert flygande objekt = OVNI, НЛО, NIFO, עב"מ, NLO, NOL, OZN (look above) |
In Nynorsk | → Astronautics |
UIC | Universal Instruments Corporation | In English | |
UICC | Universal Integrated Circuit Card | In English | → Electronics |
UIOM | Usine d'Incinération des Ordures Ménagères | In French | → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
UKAEA | United Kingdom Atomic Energy Agency | In English | → Public administration, government → Energy economics → Nuclear technology |
ULO | Unmanned Launch Operations | In English | → Astronautics |
ULV | Unmanned Launch Vehicle | In English | → Astronautics |
UMIF | Upper Mechanical Integration Frame | In English | → Mechanical engineering |
UMO | Unmanned Orbital | In English | → Astronautics |
UMPS | Unité de Médecine et Physiologie Spatiales | In French | → Medicine → Physiology → Astronautics |
UMVF | Unmanned Vertical Flight | In English | → Aeronautics, aircraft → Astronautics |
UNELEG | Union Nationale des Entreprises Locales d'Électricité et de Gaz | In French | → Organizations and associations → Electrical engineering → Energy economics |
UNGG | Uranium Naturel Graphite Gaz | In French | → Nuclear technology |
UNICEM | Union Nationale des Industries de Carrières et Matériaux de Construction ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Mining → Civil engineering → Construction → France |
UNIDIR | United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research ( | In English | → United Nations → Military engineering → Polemology |
UNIPE | Unité Nationale de l'Ingénierie du Parc en Exploitation | In French | → Energy economics → Electrical engineering |
UNIPEDE | UNion Internationale des Producteurs Et Distributeurs d'Énergie Électrique | In French | → Organizations and associations → Electrical engineering |
UNIT | Université Numérique Ingénierie et Technologie | In French | → Higher education, universities → Central administration |
UNITEC | Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana | In Spanish | → Higher education, universities |
UNOOSA | United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs | In English | → United Nations → Astronomy → Astronautics |
UNPG | Union Nationale des Producteurs de Granulats | In French | → Organizations and associations → Civil engineering → Construction |
UNPG | Union Nationale de Producteurs de Granulats ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Civil engineering → Construction → France |
UNPSA | United Nations Programme on Space Applications | In English | → United Nations → Astronomy → Astronautics |
UNSC | United Nations Space Command | In English | → Military affairs → United Nations → Astronautics |
UoSAT | University of Surrey Satellite | In English | → Higher education, universities → Astronautics |
UPB | Université Polytechnique de Bucarest | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Romania |
UPB | Universitatea Politehnica (din) Bucureşti | In Romanian | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
UPS | Uninterruptible Power System | In English | → Electrical engineering |
UPS | Upright Perigee Stage | In English | → Astronautics |
UPS | Uninterrupted Power Supply | In English | → Energy economics → Electrical engineering |
UPS | Uninterruptible Power Supply | In English | → Electrical engineering |
URA | Urine Receptacle Assembly | In English | → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
URCG | Unité de Reconditionnement des Compteurs Gaz | In French | → Energy economics |
URCSE | Unité de Recherche Conception des Systèmes Électroniques | In French | → Research institutes → Electronics |
URE | Uranium de Retraitement Enrichi | In French | → Nuclear technology |
URE | Uranium de Traitement Enrichi | In French | → Nuclear technology |
URGC | Unité de Recherche en Génie Civil | In French | → Civil engineering → Construction |
URT | Uranium de Retraitement | In French | → Nuclear technology |
URT | Uranium de Traitement | In French | → Nuclear technology |
USA | United Space Alliance ( | In English | → Astronautics |
USA/RC | Universities Space Automation/Robotics Consortium | In English | → Electrical engineering |
USAM | Ufficio Generale Spazio Aereo e Meteorologia | In Italian | → Meteorology, climatology → Aeronautics, aircraft |