Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
AFM | Autoriteit Financiële Markten ( | In Dutch | → 3367 → Netherlands |
AFM | American Federation of Musicians ( | In English | → Organizations and associations → 78 → United States |
AFM | American Federation of Motorcyclists ( | In English | → Organizations and associations → Transport and postal services → United States |
AFM | Association Française de Musicothérapie | In French | → Associations → 6158 → 78 → France |
AFM | American Film Market ( | In English | → Trade → Cinema, movies → United States |
AFM | Association Française de Mécanique | In French | → Associations → 621 → France |
AFM+E | Außenhandelsverband für Mineralöl und Energie ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Trade → Energy economics → Mining → Germany |
AFMa | Air Force Magazine | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → 358 → Aeronautics, aircraft → United States |
AFMDC | Air Force Missile Development Center | In English | → 358 → Military engineering → United States |
AFME | Agence Française pour la Maîtrise de l'Énergie | In French | → Energy economics → France |
AFME | Association Francophone de Management Électronique | In French | → Associations → Knowledge management |
AFME | Association Française des Médecins Esthéticiens ( | In English | → Associations → Plastic surgery → France |
AFME | Asociación de Fabricantes de Material Eléctrico | In Spanish | → Associations → Electrical engineering |
AFML | Air Force Materials Laboratory | In English | → Research institutes → 358 → Military engineering → United States |
AFMTC | Air Force Missile Test Center | In English | → 358 → Military engineering → United States |
AFN | Alfabeti Fonetik Ndërkombëtar = AFI | Alfabetul Fonetic Internaţional | In Romanian = LFE | Lizherenneg Fonetikel Etrebroadel | In Breton = МФА | Международната фонетична азбука | In Bulgarian = IPA | Internationales Phonetisches Alphabet | In Tosk = AFI | Alfabet Fonètic Internacional | In Catalan = IFA | Internacia Fonetika Alfabeto | In Esperanto = IPA | International Phonetic Alphabet | In English = ΔΦΑ | Διεθνές Φωνητικό Αλφάβητο | In Greek = IPA | Internationales Phonetisches Alphabet | In German = API | Alphabet Phonétique International | In French = AFI | Alfabeto Fonético Internacional | In Spanish = AFI | Alfabeto Fonético Internacional | In Galician = NAF | Nazioarteko Alfabeto Fonetikoa | In Basque = IPA | Internationaalt Phonetescht Alphabet | In Letzeburgesh = AFI | Alfabeto Fonetico Internazionale | In Italian = МФА | Международный фонетический алфавит | In Russian = AFI | Alfabeto Fonético Internacional | In Portuguese = AFI | Alfabet Fonetic Internacionau | In Occitan = IFA | Internationoal Fonetisch Alfabet | In Vlaams = IFA | Internasionale Fonetiese Alfabet | In Afrikaans = AFI | Alfabetu Fonéticu Internacional | In Asturian = ХГЬА | Халкъаздагьоркьосеб гьаркьазул алфавит | In Avaric = IPA | Internationals Phonetischs Alphabet | In Austro-Bavarian = ХАФӘ́ | Халыҡ-ара фонетик алфавит | BA = МФА | Міжнародны фанетычны алфавіт | In Belarusian = AFE | Alfabèt Fonètico Entèrnacionâl | In Franco-Provençal = YFA | Ynternasjonaal Fonetysk Alfabet | In Frisian = AIF | Aibítir Idirnáisiúnta Foghraíochta | In Irish = API | Alphabeto Phonetic International | In Interlingua = IPA | Internasional a Ponetiko nga Alpabeto | ILO = IFA | Internaciona Fonetik Alfabeto | In Ido = AFN | Alfabeya Fonetîk a Navneteweyî | In Kurdish = API | Abecedarium Phoneticum Internationale | In Latin = AFI | Alfabeta Fonetical Internasional | LFN = TFA | Tarptautinė Fonetinė Abėcėlė | In Lithuanian = МФА | Меѓународна фонетска азбука | In Macedonian = AFA | Abjad Fonetik Antarabangsa | In Malay = AFI | Abc Fonético Anternacional | MWL = IPA | Internatschonal Phoneetsch Alphabet | In Low German = IFA | Internasjonale Fonetiske Alfabetet | In Norwegian = AFI | Alfabèt Fonétiko Internashonal | In Papiamento = IPA | Innernatiunaal Phoneddisch Alphebedd | PDC = EFA | Entanashunal Fonetikl Alfabet | In Pitcairn-Norfolk = MAF | Międzynarodowy Alfabet Fonetyczny | In Polish = AFI | Alfabet Fonétich Intërnassional | PMS = IPA | Internaitional Phonetic Alphabet | SCO = AFN | Alfabeti Fonetik Ndërkombëtar | SQ = МФА | Међународна фонетска абецеда | In Serbian = AFI | Alfabetu Fonétiku Internasionál | In Tetum = PPA | Pandaigdigang Ponetikong Alpabeto | In Tagalog = МФА | Міжнародний фонетичний алфавіт | In Ukrainian = LFB | Lafab Fonetik Bevünetik | VO |
In Albanian | → Alphabetic writing systems → Phonetics, phonology |
AFN | Alfabeya Fonetîk a Navneteweyî = AFI, LFE, МФА, IPA, IFA, ΔΦΑ, API, NAF, ХГЬА, ХАФӘ́, AFE, YFA, AIF, TFA, AFA, EFA, MAF, PPA, LFB (look above) |
In Kurdish | → Alphabetic writing systems → Phonetics, phonology |
AFN | Alfabeti Fonetik Ndërkombëtar = AFI, LFE, МФА, IPA, IFA, ΔΦΑ, API, NAF, ХГЬА, ХАФӘ́, AFE, YFA, AIF, TFA, AFA, EFA, MAF, PPA, LFB (look above) |
[SQ] | → Alphabetic writing systems → Phonetics, phonology |
AFNA | Aozadur Feur-emglev Norzh-Atlantel ( = OTAN | Organització del Tractat de l'Atlàntic Nord | In Catalan = NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organisation | In English = OTAN | Organizazión d'o Tratau de l'Atlantico Norte | In Aragonese = OTAN | Organización del Tratáu del Atlánticu Norte | In Asturian = OTAN | Organisation du Traité de l'Atlantique Nord | In French = ন্যাটো | উত্তর আটলান্টিক নিরাপত্তা জোট | In Bengali = NATO | Οργανισμός Βορειοατλαντικού Συμφώνου | In Greek = NATO | Nordatlantikvertrag-Organisation | In German = OTAN | Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte | In Spanish = NATO | Nord-Atlantika Traktat-Organizo | In Esperanto = NAFO | Noard-Atlantyske Ferdrachsorganisaasje | In Frisian = OTAN | Organización do Tratado do Atlántico Norte | In Galician = ნატო | ჩრდილოატლანტიკური თანამშრომლობის ორგანიზაცია | In Georgian = OTAN | Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte | In Portuguese = OTNA | Organizaciya le Tratatosko le Nordutne Atlantikosko | In Vlax Romani = OTAN | Organizaţia Tratatului Atlanticului de Nord | In Romanian = NATO | Organisatschoon vun den Noordatlantikverdrag | In Low German = NAVO | Noord-Atlantische Verdragsorganisatie | In Dutch |
In Breton | → International relations → Military affairs |
AFNET | Association Francophone des utilisateurs du NET, du e-business et de la société en réseau | In French | → Networks, communication → Associations → Trade → 65 |
AFNIC | Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération ( | In French | → Associations → Internet → Telecommunications → France |
AFNOR | Association Française de Normalisation ( | In French | → Associations → Standardization → France |
AfO | Archiv für Orientforschung | In German | → Language, linguistics, literature |
AFO | Abort From Orbit | In English | → Astronautics |
AFO | Announced Flight Opportunity | In English | → Aeronautics, aircraft → Astronautics |
AFO | Ateliers Français de l'Ouest | In French | → France |
AFO | Assemblée de la Francophonie de l'Ontario ( | In French | → Organizations and associations |
AFOEV | Bulletin de l'Association Française d'Observateurs d'Étoiles Variables | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Astronomy → France |
AFOM | Association Française des Opérateurs Mobiles ( | In French | → Associations → Telecommunications → France |
AFORM | Association Française des Opérateurs de Réseaux Multiservices | In French | → Associations → Telecommunications → Networks, communication → France |
AFORS | Association Française des Opérateurs de Réseaux et Services de Télécommunications ( | In French | → Associations → Telecommunications → Networks, communication → France |
AFOSEM | Association pour la Formation dans le Secteur des Métiers | In French | → Associations → Education |
AFOSH | Air Force Occupational Safety and Health | In English | → Labour, labour economics → 358 → Medicine → United States |
AFOTEC | Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center | In English | → 358 → Military engineering → United States |
AFP | Air Force Program | In English | → 358 → United States |
AFP | Advanced Flexible Processor | In English | |
AFP | Air Force Plant | In English | → 358 → United States |
AFP | Ariane-Furnished Property | In English | → Astronautics |
AFP | Agence France Presse ( | In French | → Newspapers, journalism → France |
AFP | Arbejdsgruppen Freinetpaedagoger | In Danish | → Organizations and associations → Education → Denmark |
AFP | Appareil de Faible Portée = SRD | Short Range Device | In English |
In French | → Telecommunications |
AFPA | Association nationale pour la Formation Professionnelle des Adultes | In French | → Associations → Education → Labour, labour economics → France |
AFPA | Agence nationale pour la Formation Professionnelle des Adultes ( | In French | → Central administration → Education → Labour, labour economics → France |
AFPA | Association pour la Formation Professionnelle des Adultes ( | In French | → Associations → Education → Labour, labour economics → France |
AFPA | Association Française de la Presse Automobile | In French | → Associations → Newspapers, journalism → Automobile manufacturing |
AFPA | Association Française de Pédiatrie Ambulatoire | In French | → Associations → Pediatry |
AFPC | Air Force Program Control | In English | → 358 → United States |
AFPC | Association Française pour la Programmation par Contraintes ( | In French | → Associations → Computer science |
AFPC | Association Française des Pôles de Compétitivité ( | In French | → Associations → Economics → Engineering, technology |
AFPD | Authorization For Program Development | In English | |
AFPE | Association de Formation Pour l'Emploi | In French | → Associations → Labour, labour economics |
AFPF | Association Française des Producteurs de Films et des programmes audiovisuels ( | In French | → Associations → Cinema, movies → France |
AFPLC | Association Française pour la Programmation en Logique et la programmation par Contraintes | In French | → Associations → Computer science |
AFPM | Air Force Program Manager | In English | → 358 → United States |
AFPPENN | Association pour la Formation Professionnelle du Personnel des Entreprises de distribution publique Non Nationalisées ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Personnel management → Education |
AFPR | Air Force Plant Representative | In English | → 358 → United States |
AFPRO | Air Force Plan Representative Office | In English | → 358 → United States |
AFPS | Association Française du Génie Parasismique ( | In French | → Associations → Seismology, earthquakes → France |
AFPS | Attestation au Formation de Premier Secours | In French | → Education → Traumatology |
AFPY | Association Francophone PYthon ( | In French | → Associations → Programming languages |
AFR | Air Force Regulation | In English | → 358 → United States |
AFR | Association Foncière de Remembrement | In French | → Associations → Regional planning |
AFR | Allocation de Formation-Reclassement | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Education |
AFR | Alternate Frame Rendering | In English | → Software |
AFRC | Armed Forces Recreation Center | In English | → Military affairs |
AFRC | Armed Forces Reserve Center | In English | → Military affairs |
AFRE | Alta Frequenza - Rivista di Elettronica | In Italian | → Serial publications, periodicals → Electronics |
AFRIF | Association Française pour la Reconnaissance et l'Interprétation des Formes ( | In French | → Associations → Computer science → France |
AFRPL | Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory | In English | → Research institutes → 358 → Astronautics → United States |
AFRRI | Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute ( | In English | → Research institutes → Biological sciences → Military affairs |
AFRS | Association Française des Revendeurs Spécialisés ( | In French | → Associations → Trade → Software → Entertainment → France |
AFRS | Association Fédérale des Responsables de la Sécurité ( = FASO | Federal Association of Security Officials | In English |
In English | → Associations → Canada |
AFRSI | Advanced Flexible Reusable Surface Insulation | In English | |
AFRTS | American Forces Radio and Television Service | In English | → Telecommunications → Military affairs |
AFS | Air Force Standard | In English | → Standardization → Military affairs → Military engineering → Aeronautics, aircraft → United States |
AFS | Air Force Station | In English | → Military affairs → Aeronautics, aircraft → United States |
AFS | Ascent Flight System | In English | → Aeronautics, aircraft → Astronautics |
AFS | American Foundry Society ( | In English | → Organizations and associations → Metallurgy → United States |
AFS | Association Française de Sociologie (http:// | In French | → Associations → Sociology → France |
AFS | Association Française de Stérilisation | In French | → Associations → Pharmacology, toxicology → France |
AFS | American Fisheries Society ( | In English | → Organizations and associations → Fishing, hunting → United States |
AFSA | Air Force Study and Analysis | In English | → 358 → United States |
AFSA | Attestation de Formation Spécialisée Approfondie | In French | → Education |
AFSA | Association Francophone des Soigneurs Animaliers | In French | → Associations → Agricultural sciences |
AFSAT | Air Force Satellite | In English | → 358 → Astronautics → United States |
AFSATCOM | Air Force Satellite Communication(s) | In English | → 358 → Astronautics → Telecommunications → United States |
AFSC | Air Force Space Command | In English | → 358 → Astronautics → United States |
AFSC | Air Force Specialty Code | In English | → 358 → United States |
AFSC | Air Force Systems Command | In English | → 358 → United States |
AFSCET | Association Française de Science des Systèmes Cybernétiques, Cognitifs et Techniques | In French | → Associations → Computer science → Electronics |
AFSCF | Air Force Satellite Control Facility | In English | → 358 → Astronautics → United States |
AFSCF | Air Force Space Command Facility | In English | → 358 → Astronautics → United States |
AFSCF | Air Force Systems Command Facility | In English | → 358 → United States |
AFSCME | American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees | In English | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Public administration, government → United States |
AFSCN | Air Force Satellite Control Network | In English | → 358 → Astronautics → United States |
AFSCN | Air Force Space Command Network | In English | → 358 → Astronomy → Astronautics → United States |
AFSCS | Air Force Satellite Communications System | In English | → 358 → Astronautics → Telecommunications → United States |
AFSD | Air Force Space Division | In English | → 358 → Astronomy → Astronautics → United States |
AFSIE | Air Force Standard Items and Equipment | In English | → 358 → United States |
AFSIG | Ascent Flight System Integration Group | In English | → Aeronautics, aircraft → Astronautics |
AFSLV | Air Force Space Launch Vehicle | In English | → 358 → Astronautics → United States |
AFSRT | Avionics Flight Systems Readiness Test | In English | → Aeronautics, aircraft |
AFSSA | Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments | In French | → Central administration → Medicine → Beverage industry → Food technology → France |
AFSSAPS | Agence Française de Sécurité SAnitaire des Produits de Santé ( | In French | → Central administration → Pharmacology, toxicology → France |
AFSSD | Air Force Space Systems Division | In English | → 358 → Astronautics → United States |
AFSSE | Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire Environnementale ( | In French | → Environmental protection → Medicine → France |
AFSSET | Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire de l'Environnement et du Travail ( | In French | → Central administration → Medicine → Labour, labour economics → France |
AFSTC | Air Force Satellite Test Center | In English | → 358 → Astronautics → United States |
AFSTC | Air Force Space Technology Center | In English | → 358 → Astronautics → United States |
AFSTC | Air Force Space Technology Command | In English | → 358 → Astronautics → United States |
AFSWC | Air Force Special Weapons Center | In English | → 358 → Military engineering → United States |
AFT | Active Fine Tracker | In English | |
AFT | Aerodynamic Flight Test | In English | → Aerodynamics → Aeronautics, aircraft |
AFT | Atmospheric Flight Test | In English | → Aeronautics, aircraft → Astronautics |
AFT | Association pour le développement de la Formation professionnelle dans les Transports | In French | → Associations → Education → Labour, labour economics → Transport and postal services |
AFT | Agence Ferroviaire de Télécommunications | In French | → Organizations and associations → Telecommunications → Rail transport engineering → Rail transport |
AFTA | Acoustic Fatigue Test Article | In English | → Acoustical engineering |
AFTA | Aft Frame Tilt Actuator | In English | → Astronautics |
AFTA | ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) Free Trade Area | In English | → International relations → International economic cooperation |
AFTEC | Air Force Test and Evaluation Center | In English | → 358 → United States |
AFTES | Association Française des Tunnels et de l'Espace Souterrain | In French | → Associations → Civil engineering |
AFTI | Advanced Fighter Technology Integration | In English | → Military engineering → Aeronautics, aircraft |
AFTOC | Air Force Tactical Operations Center | In English | → 358 → United States |
AFTP | Air Force Test Procedure | In English | → 358 → United States |
AFTP | Association Francophone des Types Psychologiques ( | In French | → Associations → Psychology |
AFTRI | Association Française des Transports Routiers Internationaux | In French | → Associations → Transport and postal services → France |
AFTRP | Agence Foncière et Technique de la Région Parisienne | In French | → France |
AFTS | Aft Fuselage Thrust Structure | In English | → Astronautics |
AFTT | Association Française du Télétravail et des Téléactivites ( | In French | → Associations → Labour, labour economics |
AFU | Association Française d'Urologie | In French | → Associations → Urology → France |
AFU | Association Foncière Urbaine | In French | → Associations → Accommodation |
AFU | African Virtual University | In English | → Networks, communication → Higher education, universities → Africa |
AFU | Aide au Freinage d'Urgence | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
AFUL | Association Francophone des Utilisateurs de Linux et des Logiciels Libres ( | In French | → Associations → Programming languages → Operating systems |
AFUP | Association Française des Utilisateurs de PHP ( | In French | → Associations → Programming languages → France |
AFUTT | Association Française des Utilisateurs des Télécommunications ( | In French | → Associations → Networks, communication → Telecommunications → France |
AFUTT | Association Française des Utilisateurs du Téléphone et des Télécommunications ( | In French | → Associations → Telecommunications |
AFUU | Association Française des Utilisateurs d'Unix | In French | → Associations → Operating systems → France |
AFVP | Association Française des Volontaires du Progrès ( | In French | → Associations → Development → France |
AFWAL | Air Force Weapons Analysis Laboratory | In English | → Research institutes → 358 → Military engineering → United States |
AFWAL | Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratory | In English | → Research institutes → 358 → Aeronautics, aircraft → United States |
AFWL | Air Force Weapons Laboratory | In English | → Research institutes → 358 → Military engineering → United States |
AFWPAL | Air Force Wright-Patterson Aeropropulsion Laboratory | In English | → Research institutes → Aeronautics, aircraft → 358 → United States |
AFWSG | Air Force Weapons System Group | In English | → 358 → Military engineering → United States |
AFWTR | Air Force Western Test Range | In English | → 358 → United States |
Afz | Astrofizika | In Russian | → Serial publications, periodicals → Astronomy |
AFZ | Association Française de Zootechnie ( | In French | → Associations → Zoology → Agricultural sciences → France |
AFZ | Allgemeine Fleischer Zeitung | In German | → Serial publications, periodicals → Food technology |
AFZ | Akademischer Fechtclub Zürich | In German | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
AfZ | Archiv für Zeitgeschichte | In German | → Serial publications, periodicals → History |
AG | Artificial Gravity | In English | → Astronautics |
AG | Advisory Group | In English | → Organizations and associations |
AG | Aktiengesellschaft = AB | Akcinė bendrovė | In Lithuanian = AK | Akcia Kompanio | In Esperanto = AT | Акцыянэрнае таварыства | In Bulgarian = AS | Aktsiaselts | In Estonian = DD | Dioničko Društvo | In Croatian = AS | Aksjeselskap | In Norwegian = SpA | Società per Azioni | In Italian = AS | Aktieselskab | In Danish = SA | Spółka Akcyjna | In Polish = SA | Societăţi pe Acţiuni | In Romanian = AB | Aktiebolag | In Swedish = AD | Akcionarsko Društvo | In Serbian = DD | Delniška Družba | In Slovenian = AS | Akciová Spoločnosť | In Slovak = AS | Akciová Společnost | In Czech = AT | Акціонерне товариство | In Ukrainian |
In German | → Economics |
AG | Agreement Group | In English | |
Ag | Argent = Ag | Silwer | In Afrikaans = Ag | ብር | AM = Ag | Archent | In Aragonese = Ag | فضة | In Arabic = Ag | Plata | In Asturian = Ag | Gümüş | In Azerbaijani = Ag | Серабро | In Belarusian = Ag | Сребро | In Bulgarian = Ag | রূপা | In Bengali = Ag | প্রাটা | BPY = Ag | Srebro | In Bosnian = Ag | Plata | In Catalan = Ag | Pilak | In Cebuano = Ag | Argentu | In Corsican = Ag | Stříbro | In Czech = Ag | Кĕмĕл | In Chuvash = Ag | Arian | In Welsh = Ag | Sølv | In Danish = Ag | Silber | In German = Ag | Sêm | In Dimli (Zazaki) = Ag | Άργυρος | In Greek = Ag | Silver | In English = Ag | Arĝento | In Esperanto = Ag | Plata | In Spanish = Ag | Hõbe | In Estonian = Ag | Zilar | In Basque = Ag | نقره | In Persian = Ag | Hopea | In Finnish = Ag | Arint | In Friulian = Ag | Airgead | In Irish = Ag | 銀 | GAN = Ag | Airgead | In Scottish Gaelic = Ag | Prata | In Galician = Ag | Itatĩ | GN = Ag | Argid | In Manx = Ag | Ngiùn | HAK = Ag | כסף | In Hebrew = Ag | ચાંદી | In Gujarati = Ag | चाँदी | In Hindi = Ag | Srebro | In Croatian = Ag | Ajan | In Haitian Creole = Ag | Ezüst | In Hungarian = Ag | Արծաթ | In Armenian = Ag | Perak | In Indonesian = Ag | Arjento | In Ido = Ag | Silfur | In Icelandic = Ag | Argento | In Italian = Ag | 銀 | In Japanese = Ag | rijno | In Lojban = Ag | Perak | JV = Ag | ვერცხლი | In Georgian = Ag | ಬೆಳ್ಳಿ | In Kannada = Ag | 은 | In Korean = Ag | Silber | In Kölsch = Ag | Zîv | In Kurdish = Ag | Эзысь | In Komi = Ag | Argentum | In Latin = Ag | Sëlwer | In Letzeburgesh = Ag | Zèlver | In Limburgish = Ag | Argento | In Ligurian = Ag | Sidabras | In Lithuanian = Ag | Sudrabs | In Latvian = Ag | Kawata | In Māori = Ag | Сребро | In Macedonian = Ag | വെള്ളി | In Malayalam = Ag | Мөнгө | In Mongolian = Ag | चांदी | In Marathi = Ag | Perak | In Malay = Ag | Сия | MYV = Ag | Iztāc teōcuitlatl | En Nahuatl = Ag | Sülver | In Low German = Ag | Zilver | In Dutch = Ag | Sølv | In Nynorsk = Ag | Sølv | In Norwegian = Ag | Ergent | In Norman = Ag | Argent | In Occitan = Ag | Æвзист | In Ossetian = Ag | ਚਾਂਦੀ | PA = Ag | Pilak | In Kapampangan = Ag | Srebro | In Polish = Ag | Prata | In Portuguese = Ag | Qullqi q'illay | In Quechua = Ag | Argint | In Romanian = Ag | Серебро | In Russian = Ag | रूप्यम् | In Sanskrit = Ag | Argentu | In Sicilian = Ag | Srebro | In Serbo-Croatian = Ag | Striebro | In Slovak = Ag | Srebro | In Slovenian = Ag | Argjendi | SQ = Ag | Сребро | In Serbian = Ag | Säälwer | In Saterland Frisian = Ag | Silver | In Swedish = Ag | Agenti | In Swahili = Ag | வெள்ளி | In Tamil = Ag | వెండి | In Telugu = Ag | Нуқра | In Tajik = Ag | เงิน | In Thai = Ag | Pilak | In Tagalog = Ag | Gümüş | In Turkish = Ag | Kömeş | In Tatar = Ag | كۈمۈش | In Uyghur = Ag | Срібло | In Ukrainian = Ag | چاندی | In Urdu = Ag | Kumush | In Uzbek = Ag | Arxento | VEC = Ag | Bạc | In Vietnamese = Ag | 銀 | In Wu Chinese = Ag | זילבער | In Yiddisch = Ag | Ngaenz | ZA = Ag | 銀 | In Chinese |
In French | → Chemistry |
Ag | Silwer = (look above) |
In Afrikaans | → Chemistry |
Ag | ብር = (look above) |
[AM] | → Chemistry |
Ag | Archent = (look above) |
In Aragonese | → Chemistry |
Ag | فضة = (look above) |
In Arabic | → Chemistry |
Ag | Plata = (look above) |
In Asturian | → Chemistry |
Ag | Gümüş = (look above) |
In Azerbaijani | → Chemistry |
Ag | Серабро = (look above) |
In Belarusian | → Chemistry |
Ag | Сребро = (look above) |
In Bulgarian | → Chemistry |
Ag | রূপা = (look above) |
In Bengali | → Chemistry |
Ag | প্রাটা = (look above) |
[BPY] | → Chemistry |
Ag | Srebro = (look above) |
In Bosnian | → Chemistry |
Ag | Plata = (look above) |
In Catalan | → Chemistry |
Ag | Pilak = (look above) |
In Cebuano | → Chemistry |
Ag | Argentu = (look above) |
In Corsican | → Chemistry |
Ag | Stříbro = (look above) |
In Czech | → Chemistry |
Ag | Кĕмĕл = (look above) |
In Chuvash | → Chemistry |
Ag | Arian = (look above) |
In Welsh | → Chemistry |
Ag | Sølv = (look above) |
In Danish | → Chemistry |
Ag | Silber = (look above) |
In German | → Chemistry |
Ag | Sêm = (look above) |
In Dimli (Zazaki) | → Chemistry |
Ag | Άργυρος = (look above) |
In Greek | → Chemistry |
Ag | Silver = (look above) |
In English | → Chemistry |
Ag | Arĝento = (look above) |
In Esperanto | → Chemistry |
Ag | Plata = (look above) |
In Spanish | → Chemistry |
Ag | Hõbe = (look above) |
In Estonian | → Chemistry |
Ag | Zilar = (look above) |
In Basque | → Chemistry |
Ag | نقره = (look above) |
In Persian | → Chemistry |
Ag | Hopea = (look above) |
In Finnish | → Chemistry |
Ag | Arint = (look above) |
In Friulian | → Chemistry |
Ag | Airgead = (look above) |
In Irish | → Chemistry |
Ag | 銀 = (look above) |
[GAN] | → Chemistry |
Ag | Airgead = (look above) |
In Scottish Gaelic | → Chemistry |
Ag | Prata = (look above) |
In Galician | → Chemistry |
Ag | Itatĩ = (look above) |
[GN] | → Chemistry |
Ag | Argid = (look above) |
In Manx | → Chemistry |
Ag | Ngiùn = (look above) |
[HAK] | → Chemistry |
Ag | כסף = (look above) |
In Hebrew | → Chemistry |
Ag | ચાંદી = (look above) |
In Gujarati | → Chemistry |
Ag | चाँदी = (look above) |
In Hindi | → Chemistry |
Ag | Srebro = (look above) |
In Croatian | → Chemistry |
Ag | Ajan = (look above) |
In Haitian Creole | → Chemistry |
Ag | Ezüst = (look above) |
In Hungarian | → Chemistry |
Ag | Արծաթ = (look above) |
In Armenian | → Chemistry |
Ag | Perak = (look above) |
In Indonesian | → Chemistry |
Ag | Arjento = (look above) |
In Ido | → Chemistry |