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Acronym Sense Language Topics
GL Guideline In English
GLA Greater London Authority (https://www.london.gov.uk) In English Municipal administration
United Kingdom
GLA Gangmasters Licensing Authority (www.gla.gov.uk) In English Labour, labour economics
Agricultural sciences
GLA God's Littlest Angels In English Social welfare
GLA Global Logistics Associates (www.glanetwork.com) In English Maintenance and logistics
Transport and postal services
GLA Gamma-Linolenic Acid In English Biochemistry, biophysics
GLAADS Gun Low-Altitude Air Defense System In English Military engineering
Aeronautics, aircraft
GLAD Goal: Language Arts Development In English Arts
GLANCE GlobAL Computer ScieNCE In English Computer science
GLAST Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope In English Astronautics
GLATC Graphics and Languages Testing and Certification In English
GLB Gemeenschappelijk Landbouwbeleid
= PAC | Politique Agricole Commune | In French
= PAC | Política Agrícola Comunitària | In Catalan
= SZP | Společná Zemědělská Politika | In Czech
= GAP | Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik | In German
= ΚΑΠ | Κοινή αγροτική πολιτική | In Greek
= KAP | Komuna Agrikultura Politiko | In Esperanto
= PAC | Política Agrícola Común | In Spanish
= KAP | Közös agrárpolitika | In Hungarian
= PAC | Politica Agricola Comune | In Italian
= BŽŪP | Bendroji žemės ūkio politika | In Lithuanian
= CAP | Common Agricultural Policy | In English
= WPR | Wspólna polityka rolna | In Polish
= ССП | Спільна сільськогосподарська політика | In Ukrainian
In Dutch European Union
Agricultural sciences
GLC Generator Line Contractor In English
GLCM Ground-Launched Cruise Missile In English Military engineering
GLCM Ground Launched Cruise Missile In English Military engineering
GLECS Groupe Linguistique d'Études Chamito-Sémitiques In French Language, linguistics, literature
GLFA Groupement des Lamineurs et Fileurs d'Aluminium In French Organizations and associations
GLIP Grain Legumes Integrated Project In English Agricultural sciences
GLIS Geac Library Information System In English Libraries
GLLD Ground Locator Laser Designator In English
GlMaJ Glasgow Mathematical Journal In English Serial publications, periodicals
United Kingdom
GLNR Gaz Liivré Non Relevé In French Energy economics
GLNR Gaz Livré Non Relevé In French Energy economics
GLOCOM (Center for) Global Communications In English
GLOMR Global Low-Orbiting Message Relay In English Astronautics
GLORe Goethe Link Observatory Reprints In English Serial publications, periodicals
GLORIA Global Research in International Affairs In English International relations
GLORIA Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments In English Earth sciences
GLOW Gross Lift-Off Weight In English
GLOW Ground Lift-Off Weight In English
GLP GOAL Language Processor In English Software
GLRA German Leprosy and Tuberculosis Relief Association In English Associations
Infectious diseases
GLS Ground Launch Sequencer In English
GLT Gestion Logistique et Transport In French Maintenance and logistics
Transport and postal services
GLZ Geestdrift Leert Zegevieren In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
GM Giornale di Metafisica In Italian Serial publications, periodicals
GM Gaseous Mixture In English
GM Geometric Mean In English Mathematics
GM Garrett-Munk In many languages
GM Gent-McWilliams In many languages
GM Geografische Mijl In Dutch Geodesy, cartography
GM General Merit In English
GM Guided Missile In English Military engineering
GM Gestionnaire Matériel In French Maintenance and logistics
GMA Gruppo Missioni Asmara In Italian Organizations and associations
GMA Grocery Manufacturers Association (www.gmabrands.com) In English Associations
Beverage industry
Food technology
GMA Grocery Manufacturers of America In English Associations
Beverage industry
Food technology
GMA Good Morning America In English Entertainment
GMA Graphics Media Accelerator In English Computer hardware
GMA Gestion des Miniatures Agricoles In French Software
Agricultural sciences
GMA Geneviève Molin Aménagement In French Architecture
GMA Génie Mécanique et Automatique In French Mechanical engineering
GMA (Stichting voor) Gezondheid en Milieu in Afrika In Dutch Foundations
GMAL General Electric Macro Assembly Language In English Electrical engineering
GMAL Gosseyn Machine Actor Language In English Artificial intelligence
GMAL Grid Multi Agent Language In English Artificial intelligence
GMAO Gestion de la Maintenance Assistée par Ordinateur In French Maintenance and logistics
Computer-based techniques
GMAT General Management Aptitude Test In English Management
GMAW Gas Metal Arc Welding In English Metallurgy
GMB Globaal Medisch Dossier In Dutch Medicine
GMCC Ground Mobile Control Center In English
GMCL Ground Measurements Command List In English
GME Gimbal Module Electronics In English Electronics
GMEC Global Medical Excellence Cluster (www.gmecuk.com) In English Organizations and associations
GMES Global Monitoring for Environmental and Security In English Environmental protection
Threats to the environment
GMES Global Monitoring for Environment and Security In English
GMF Garantie mutuelle des fonctionnaires (https://www.gmf.fr/) In French Insurance
Public administration, government
GMF Ground Module Force In English
GMFCS Guided Missile Fire Control System In English Military engineering
GMHM Groupe Militaire de Haute Montagne In French Military affairs
GMI Gregor Mendel-Institut für Molekulare Pflanzenbiologie (www.gmi.oeaw.ac.at) In German Research institutes
Biological sciences
GMI Groupement des Métiers de l'Imprimerie (www.gmi.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Graphic industries, printing, publishing
GMI Görsel İşitsel Merkez In Turkish
GMIP Government Mandatory Inspection Point In English Public administration, government
GMIP Graphical Models and Image Processing In English Serial publications, periodicals
Graphical processing
Image processing
GMIS Ground STDN Management Information System In English Data
GMIS GSSC Management Information System In English Data
GML General Measurement Loop In English
GML Geo-Marine Letters In English Serial publications, periodicals
Marine research, oceanography
GML Geography Markup Language In English Programming languages
GML Guided Missile Launcher In English Military engineering
GML George Massenburg Labs In English Applied sciences, technology
GML Graph Modelling Language In English Programming languages
Graphical processing
GML Generalized Markup Language In English Programming languages
GML Game Maker Language In English Programming languages
GML Generative Modelling Language In English Programming languages
Graphical processing
GML Groep Marxisten-Leninisten In Dutch Communist parties
GML Government Metallurgical Laboratory In English Research institutes
GML General MIDI Lite In English
GML Glycerol Monolaurate In English Chemicals
Food technology
GMLCC Ground Mobile Launch Control Center In English
GMLS Guided Missile Launching System In English Military engineering
GMM Geometric Morphometrics In English Anthropology
GMM Geometrical Math Model In English Mathematics
GMM Gaussian Mixture Model In English Statistics
GMM Gruppo Missionario Merano In Italian Organizations and associations
GMMAFG Global Multimedia Mobility Architecture Framework Group In English Organizations and associations
GMMCG Global Multimedia Mobility Co-ordination Group In English Organizations and associations
GMP Good Manufacturing Practice In English Engineering, technology
GMP Génie Mécanique et Productique In French Mechanical engineering
GMPLS Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching In English Networks, communication
GMR Groupe Mobile de Réserve In French Police
GMR Groupes Mobiles de Réserve In French Military affairs
GMS Geostationary Meterological Satellite In English Meteorology, climatology
GMS Geostationary Meteorological Satellite In English Astronautics
Meteorology, climatology
GMSC Gateway Mobile Service Switching Center In English Telecommunications
GMT Greenwich Mean Time In English Standardization
GMU Guided Missile Unit In English Military engineering
GMuD Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung In German Organizations and associations
Data processing
GMULL Groupe Mareuillais d'Utilisateurs de Logiciels Libres In French Software
GN Ground Network In English
GN Glomérulonéphrite In French Pathology
GN&C Guidance, Navigation, and Control In English Vehicle engineering
GN&CS Guidance, Navigation, and Control Subsystem In English Vehicle engineering
GN-SAN Gijodai-Nihongo-South Asian Net In English
GNA Glomérulonéphrite aiguë In French Pathology
GNC Guidance, Navigation, and Control In English Vehicle engineering
GNC Guidance and Navigation Computer In English Computer hardware
Vehicle engineering
GNC Glomérulonéphrite chronique In French Pathology
GNCFTS Guidance, Navigation, and Control Flight Test Station In English Aeronautics, aircraft
GNCIS Guidance, Navigation, and Control Integration Simulator In English Vehicle engineering
GNCR Groupement National des Cinémas de Recherche (www.cinemas-de-recherche.com) In French Organizations and associations
Cinema, movies
GNCSIM Guidance, Navigation, and Control Simulation In English Vehicle engineering
GNCTS Guidance, Navigation, and Control Test Station In English Vehicle engineering
GNDF Glial cell-line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor In English Biochemistry, biophysics
GNE Guidance and Navigational Electronics In English Electronics
Vehicle engineering
GNI Grenoble Network Initiative In English Regional planning
GNIEPA Georgian National Investment and Export Promotion Agency In English 33972
United States
GNL Gaz Naturel Liquefié In French Energy economics
Chemical technology
GNN Global Network Navigator In English Computer science
GNOME GNU Network Object Model Environment In English Software
GNP Gross National Product In English Economics
GNPI Gesellschaft für Neonatologie und Pädiatrische Intensivmedizin In English Organizations and associations
GNPÖ Gesellschaft für Neuropsychologie Österreich (www.gnpoe.at) In German Organizations and associations
GNR Guide National de Référence In French
GNR Gasoil Non routier In French Chemicals
GNRP Glomérulonéphrite rapidement progressive In French Pathology
GNS Guidance and Navigation Simulator In English Vehicle engineering
GNS Guidance Navigation System In English Vehicle engineering
GNS Global Navigation System In English Transport and postal services
GNU GNU's Not Unix In English Software
GNV Gaz Naturel pour les Véhicules In French Vehicle engineering
GNV Gaz Naturel Véhicule In French Energy economics
Vehicle engineering
GNV Gruppo Nazionale per la Vulcanologia (http://gnv.ingv.it) In Italian Research institutes
GO Gene Ontology In English Biological sciences
GO General Order In English
GO-NE Government Office for the North East In English Public administration, government
GO-SW Government Office for the South West In English Public administration, government
GOAL Ground Operations Aerospace Language In English Aeronautics, aircraft
GOAPI Grupo de Óptica Aplicada y Procesado de Imágenes In Spanish Graphical processing
Image processing
GOAPI Grup d'Òptica Aplicada i Processament d'Imatges In Catalan
GOASEX Gulf Of Alaska Seasat Experiment In English
GOBTP Groupement pour le financement des Ouvrages du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics In French Organizations and associations
Civil engineering
GOC Ground Operations Coordinator In English
GOC Gestion Opérationnelle de Commandement In French Military affairs
GOCA Ground Operations Control Area In English
GÖCH Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker (www.goech.at) In German Organizations and associations
Chemical technology
GOCNAE Grupo de Organização da Comissão Nacional de Atividades Espaciais In Portuguese Astronomy
GOCO Government-Owned, Contractor-Operated In English
GÖD Gewerkschaft Öffentlicher Dienst In German Labour, labour economics
Public administration, government
GODAC Global Oceanographic Data Center In English Research institutes
Marine research, oceanography
GODAE Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (www.godae.org) In English Marine research, oceanography
GOE Great Oxidation Event In English
GOE Ground Operating Equipment In English
GOE Ground Outfitting Equipment In English
GOER Governor's Office of Employee Relations In English Labour, labour economics
GOES Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite In English Threats to the environment
GOES Geostationary Operational Environment Satellite In English Earth sciences
GOES Geosynchronous Operational Environmental Satellite In English Earth sciences
GOES Gezamenlijk Opwaarts, Eendrachtig Sterker In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
GOK Gelijke Onderwijskansen In Dutch
GOLD Genomics of Lipid-associated Disorders In English Genetics
GOLD Global initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease In English Chest diseases
GOLD General Ontology for Linguistic Description In English Programming languages
GOLD Gestion Online des Listes de Diffusion In French Networks, communication
GOLTO Grondig Oefenen Leidt Tot Overwinnen In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
GOMEX Gulf Of MEXico In English Geography
GOMMS Ground Operations and Material Management System In English
GOMOS Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Stars In English
GOMOS Gezamenlijk Oefenen Maakt Ons Sterker In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
GOMR Global Ozone Monitoring Radiometer In English
GOMS Ground Operations Management System In English
GOn Geïntegreerd onderwijs In Dutch Education
GONA Gezonde Ontspanning Na Arbeid In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
GONLO Groupe d'Optique Non-Linéaire et d'Optoélectronique In French Optics
GOOS Global Ocean Observation System (www.ioc-goos.org) In English Marine research, oceanography
GOP Ground Operations Panel In English
GOP Ground Operations Plan In English
GOPC Gestion Opérationnelle du Pôle Client In French Trade
GOPG Ground Operations Planning Group In English
GOR Ground Operations Review In English
GORD Ground Operations Requirements Document In English
GORK Gemeentelijk Onderwijs Regio Kortrijk (http://users.telenet.be/gork) In Dutch Education
GORP Ground Operations Review Panel In English
GORP Ground Operations Requirements Plan In English
GORR Ground Operation(s) Readiness Review In English
GORS Ground Observer RF System In English
GOS Ground Operations System In English
GOS Grand Orchestre du Splendid (www.splendid.fr) In French Music
GOSAMOR Global Ocean Salinity MonitORing In English Marine research, oceanography
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