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Acronym Sense Language Topics
GASPI Gimbal Angle, Surface Position Indicator In English Astronautics
GAT Groupe Applicatif de Toulouse In French Software
GATE Generic Automatic Test Equipment In English
GATE General Architecture for Text Engineering In English Computer-based techniques
GATiB Genome Austria Tissue Bank In English Genetics
GATP Ground Acceptance Test Procedure In English Quality management
GATP Ground Article Test Procedure In English
GATT Gate-Assisted Turnoff Thyristor In English Electronics
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
= ГДТЦ | Генерален Договор за Трговија и Царини | In Macedonian
= ГАТТ | Генеральное соглашение по тарифам и торговле | In Russian
= แกตต์ | ความตกลงทั่วไปว่าด้วยการค้าและภาษีศุลกากร | In Thai
In English International economic cooperation
GAU Größter Anzunehmender Unfall In German Nuclear technology
GAVC Grouwse Arbeiders Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
GAVC Grouwster Athletiek Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
GazT Gazodinamika i Teploobmen In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
GB Governing Board In English Management
GB Groot-Brittannië In Dutch Geography
United Kingdom
GBA Groupe des Banques Affiliées In French Banks
GBB Glass Bottom Boat In English 6295
GBC Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (www.gbcimpact.org) In English Organizations and associations
Infectious diseases
GBC George Brown College (www.georgebrown.ca) In English Education
GBC Gibraltar Broadcasting Corporation (www.gbc.gi) In English Telecommunications
GBC Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (www.gbcghana.com) In English Telecommunications
GBC Game Boy Color In English Computer hardware
GBCF Groupe de Biocatalyse et de Chimie Fine In French Biochemistry, biophysics
Chemical technology
GBD Global Burst Detector In English
GBD Government Business Division In English Economics
GBDe Global Business Dialogue on e-Commerce In English
GBF Gesellschaft für Biotechnologische Forschung In German Organizations and associations
GBF Geographic Base Files In English Data
Geodesy, cartography
GBI Grand Bahama Island In English
GBIF Global Biodiversity Information Facility In English Threats to the environment
GBioC Global Biogeochemical Cycles In English Serial publications, periodicals
GBL Ground-Based Laser In English
GBL Government Bill of Lading In English Public administration, government
GBM Globular Basement Membrane In English Biological sciences
GBO Groupement Belge des Omnipraticiens In French Organizations and associations
GBOTV Ground-Based OTV In English
GBP Great-Britain Pound In English Economics
United Kingdom
GBR Ground-Based Radar In English
GBS Ground-Based Software In English Software
GBS Google Books Search In English Libraries
Networks, communication
GBS Groupement Belge des Spécialistes In French Organizations and associations
GBS Guillain Barre Syndrome In English Pathology
GBSS Ground-Based Surveillance System In English
GBT Gyro Bias Calibration Value In English
GBV Gemeinsamer Bibliotheksverbund In German Organizations and associations
GBVB Gemeenschappelijk Buitenlands en Veiligheidsbeleid
= CFSP | Common Foreign and Security Policy | In English
= GASP | Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik | In German
= WPZiB | Wspólna polityka zagraniczna i bezpieczeństwa | In Polish
= PESC | Politique Étrangère et de Sécurité Commune | In French
= PESC | Politica Estera e di Sicurezza Comune | In Italian
= SZPB | Společná zahraniční a bezpečnostní politika | In Czech
= СЗБП | Спільна зовнішня та безпекова політика | In Ukrainian
= SZPB | Spoločná zahraničná a bezpečnostná politika | In Slovak
= PESC | Política Externa e de Segurança Comum | In Portuguese
= FUSP | Felles utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk | In Norwegian
In Dutch European Union
International relations
GBW-W Grüne Bildungswerkstatt-Wien In German Austria
GBzG Gerlands Beiträge zur Geophysik In German Serial publications, periodicals
GC Gas Chromatography In English
GC Gyrocompass In English
GC Gimbal Case In English Astronautics
GC Ground Computer In English Computer hardware
GC Ground Contact In English
GC Ground Control(ler) In English
GC Guidance Computer In English Computer hardware
GC Guidance Control In English
GC Génie Civil In French Civil engineering
GC Gestionnaire Comptable In French Accounting
GC Geneva Convention
= CG | Convention de Genève | In French
In English International law
GCA Ground-Controlled Approach In English Aeronautics, aircraft
Transport by air
GCA Guidance Coupler Assembly In English Mechanical engineering
Aeronautics, aircraft
GCB Groupe Consultatif des Bailleurs In French Organizations and associations
GCC Ground Communications Coordinator In English Telecommunications
GCC Ground Control Center In English
GCC GNU Compiler Collection (http://gcc.gnu.org) In English Software
GCCC Ground Control Computer Center In English Computer hardware
GCCO Ground Control Checkout In English
GCD Greatest Common Divisor In English Mathematics
GCDC Ground Checkout Display and Control In English
GCDS Ground Checkout Display and Control System In English
GCE GPS Cargo Element In English
GCE General Certificate of Education In English Education
GCEAL General Certicate of Education Advanced Level In English Education
GCF Greatest Common Factor In English Mathematics
GCF Ground Communications Facility In English Telecommunications
GCFI Giornale Critico della Filosofia Italiana In Italian Serial publications, periodicals
Philosophy, psychology
GCFI Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institut (www.gcfi.org) In English Organizations and associations
Fishing, hunting
GCGH Grand Challenges in Global Health In English Medicine
GCh Génie Chimique In French Chemical technology
GCHG Groupement des Coopératives d’Habitation Genevoises In French Organizations and associations
GCHWR Gas Cooled Heavy Water Reactor In English Nuclear technology
GCHX Ground Cooling Heat Exchanger In English
GCI Graphical Computer Interface In English Human-computer interaction
GCI Ground-Controlled Interception In English
GCID Ground Computer Interface Device In English Human-computer interaction
GCIL Ground Command Interface Logic In English Human-computer interaction
GCIL Ground Control Interface Logic In English Human-computer interaction
GCILC Ground Command Interface Logic Controller In English
GCILU Ground Control Interface Logic Unit In English
GCL Ground Control Landing In English Aeronautics, aircraft
GCL Groupe Communiste Libertaire In French Communist parties
Anarchist organizations
GCL Groupement Communiste Libertaire de Belgique In French Communist parties
Anarchist organizations
GCLW General Confederation for Lebanese Workers In English Organizations and associations
Labour, labour economics
GCM General Circulation Model In English Meteorology, climatology
GCN Ground Communications Network In English Telecommunications
Networks, communication
GCN Ground Control Network In English Networks, communication
GCN Groupe Combustible Nucléaire In French Nuclear technology
GCNew Galactic Center Newsletter In English Serial publications, periodicals
GCO Ground Checkout In English Engineering, technology
GCOS General Computer Operational System In English Computer science
GCOS Ground Computer Operating System In English Operating systems
GCOS Global Climate Observation System In English Meteorology, climatology
GCP Gamma Capital Partners (www.gamma-capital.com) In English Finance
GCP Gestion intégrée des Cycles de Projet In French Management
GCP Good Clinical Practice In English Pharmacology, toxicology
GCR Ground-Controlled Radar In English Engineering, technology
GCR Group-Coded Recording In English Engineering, technology
GCR Gas Cooled Reactor In English Nuclear technology
GCR Gardes Civiques Républicaines In French
GCRAI Groupe Consultatif pour la Recherche Agronomique Internationale In French Organizations and associations
Biological sciences
Agricultural sciences
GCS Global Communication & Services GmbH In English
GCS Ground Communications System In English Telecommunications
GCS Ground Control Station In English
GCS Guidance Cutoff Signal In English Telecommunications
GCS Groupe de Continuité de Services In French Quality management
GCSV Groningse Christelijke Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
GCT Gestion du Contrat de Travail In French Personnel management
Labour, labour economics
GCTS Gas Component Test Stand In English Engineering, technology
GCTS Ground Communication Tracking System In English Telecommunications
GCU General Control Unit In English Engineering, technology
GCU Generator Control Unit In English Mechanical engineering
GCU Ground Cooling Unit In English
GCU Gyro Coupling Unit In English
GDA General Dynamics Astronautics In English Astronautics
GDA Gimbal Drive Actuator In English Astronautics
GDA Gimbal Drive Assembly In English Astronautics
GDA Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie In German Organizations and associations
GDA Gabriël del Adalorata In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
GDA Guideline Daily Amounts In English Nutrition
GDBS Generalized Data Base System In English Databases
GDC General Dynamics Corporation In English
GDC Gyro Display Coupler In English
GDC Genderen Drongelen Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
GDCA General Dynamics Convair Aircraft In English Aeronautics, aircraft
GDCh Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (www.gdch.de) In German Organizations and associations
GDCLS General Dynamics Commercial Launch Services In English
GDD Guilde Des Doctorants In French Organizations and associations
Higher education, universities
Research policy
GDDM Graphical Data Display Manager In English Human-computer interaction
GDEF Grand Dictionnaire Estonien-Français In French Dictionaries
GDF Gaz de France (www.gazdefrance.com) In French Energy economics
GdG Gens de Gland (www.gdg-gland.ch) In French Organizations and associations
GDG Generation Data Group In English Files
GDG Generic Database Gateway In English Computer science
GDG Gettysburg Discussion Group (www.gdg.org) In English Organizations and associations
GdG Gewerkschaft der Gemeindebediensteten (www.gdg.at) In German Organizations and associations
Labour, labour economics
Municipal administration
GDG Global Development Gateway In English Development
GDI Graphical Device Interface In English Human-computer interaction
GDIP General Defense Intelligence Program In English Military affairs
GDMI Groupe de Développement et Maintenance Informatique In French Software
GDMS Generic Data Management System In English Data
Knowledge management
GDMS Ground Data Management System In English Data
Knowledge management
GDN Gestion Numérique des Droits
= DRM | Digital Rights Management | In English
In French Document processing
Industrial property
Artistic property
GDO Grande Distribuzione Organizzata In Italian Organizations and associations
Transport and postal services
GDOP Geometric Dilution Of Precision In English
GDP Generalized Documentation Processor In English Knowledge management
GDP Gross Domestic Product
= PIB | Produit Intérieur Brut | In French
= MEP | Malneta Enlanda Produkto | In Esperanto
= BKT | Bruttokansantuote | In Finnish
= PIB | Producte Interior Brut | In Catalan
= PIL | Prodotto Interno Lordo | In Italian
= BNO | Bruto Nationoal Product | In Vlaams
= BBP | Bruto Binnenlands Product | In Dutch
In English Economics
GDR Germana Demokratia Respubliko
= RDA | Republik Demokratel Alamagn | In Breton
= RDA | República Democrática Alemana | In Spanish
= RDA | République Démocratique Allemande | In French
= DDR | Deutsche Demokratische Republik | In German
= DDR | Duitse Demokratiese Republiek | In Afrikaans
= NDR | Njemačka Demokratska Republika | In Bosnian
= RDA | República Democràtica Alemanya | In Catalan
= NDR | Německá demokratická republika | In Czech
= ГДР | Германи Демократиллĕ Республики | In Chuvash
= ΛΔΓ | Λαϊκή Δημοκρατία της Γερμανίας | In Greek
= GDR | German Democratic Republic | In English
= AED | Alemaniar Errepublika Demokratikoa | In Basque
= NDK | Német Demokratikus Köztársaság | In Hungarian
= RDT | Repubblica Democratica Tedesca | In Italian
= DDR | Duitse Democratische Republiek | In Dutch
= RDG | Republica Democrată Germană | In Romanian
= DAC | Demokratik Alman Cumhuriyeti | In Turkish
In Esperanto Geography
GDR Geophysical Data Record In English Records management
GDR German Democratic Republic
= RDA, DDR, NDR, ГДР, ΛΔΓ, AED, NDK, RDT, RDG, DAC (look above)
In English Geography
GDRH Groupe Développement Ressources Humaines In French Personnel management
GDS Geophysical Developments Series In English Serial publications, periodicals
GDS Groot Door Samenwerking In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
GDS Geriatric Depression Scale In English Neurology
GDS Global Distribution System In English Software
GDSD Ground Data Systems DIvision In English Data
GDSM Ground Data Systems Manager In English Data
GDSO Ground Data Systems Officer In English Data
GDSS Group Decision Support Systems In English Management
GDTA Groupement pour le Développement de la Télédétection Aérospatiale In French Organizations and associations
Aeronautics, aircraft
GDZ Göttinger Digitalisierungszentrum In German Document processing
GE Gigabit Ethernet In English Networks, communication
GE General Electric In English 33893
Ge Germanium
= Ge | جرمانيوم | In Arabic
= Ge | Germanium | In English
= Ge | জার্মেনিয়াম | In Bengali
= Ge | Германій | In Belarusian
= Ge | Germanijum | In Bosnian
= Ge | Германий | In Bulgarian
= Ge | Germani | In Catalan
= Ge | Germanium | In Czech
= Ge | Germaniu | In Corsican
= Ge | Germaniwm | In Welsh
= Ge | Germanium | In Danish
= Ge | Germanium | In German
= Ge | Germaanium | In Estonian
= Ge | Γερμάνιο | In Greek
= Ge | Germanio | In Spanish
= Ge | Germaniumo | In Esperanto
= Ge | Germanio | In Basque
= Ge | ژرمانیوم | In Persian
= Ge | Germanium | In French
= Ge | Gjermani | In Friulian
= Ge | Gearmáiniam | In Irish
= Ge | Germaanium | In Manx
= Ge | Xermanio | In Galician
= Ge | 저마늄 | In Korean
= Ge | Գերմանիում | In Armenian
= Ge | जर्मेनियम | In Hindi
= Ge | Germanij | In Croatian
= Ge | Germanio | In Ido
= Ge | Germanium | In Indonesian
= Ge | German | In Icelandic
= Ge | Germanio | In Italian
= Ge | גרמניום | In Hebrew
= Ge | Germanium | JV
= Ge | Gerimani | In Swahili
= Ge | Jèmanyòm | In Haitian Creole
= Ge | Germanyûm | In Kurdish
= Ge | Germanium | In Latin
= Ge | Germānijs | In Latvian
= Ge | Germanium | In Letzeburgesh
= Ge | Germanis | In Lithuanian
= Ge | dotyjinme | In Lojban
= Ge | Germánium | In Hungarian
= Ge | ജെര്‍മേനിയം | In Malayalam
= Ge | जर्मेनियम | In Marathi
= Ge | Germanium | In Malay
= Ge | Germanium | In Dutch
= Ge | ゲルマニウム | In Japanese
= Ge | Germanium | In Norwegian
= Ge | Germanium | In Nynorsk
= Ge | Germani | In Occitan
= Ge | Germaniy | In Uzbek
= Ge | Germanium | In Low German
= Ge | German | In Polish
= Ge | Germânio | In Portuguese
= Ge | Germaniu | In Romanian
= Ge | Germanyu | In Quechua
= Ge | Германий | In Russian
= Ge | Girmaniu | In Sicilian
= Ge | Germánium | In Slovak
= Ge | Germanij | In Slovenian
= Ge | Германијум | In Serbian
= Ge | Germanijum | In Serbo-Croatian
= Ge | Germanium | In Finnish
= Ge | Germanium | In Swedish
= Ge | ஜேர்மானியம் | In Tamil
= Ge | เจอร์เมเนียม | In Thai
= Ge | Gecmani | In Vietnamese
= Ge | Germanyum | In Turkish
= Ge | Германій | In Ukrainian
= Ge | جرمانیئم | In Urdu
= Ge | 锗 | In Chinese
In Afrikaans Chemistry
Ge جرمانيوم
= (look above)
In Arabic Chemistry
GE Gymuned Ewropeaidd
= EC | European Community | In English
= CE | Comunidad Europea | In Spanish
= ES | Evropska skupnost | In Slovenian
= CE | Communauté Européenne | In French
= CE | Comunitat Europea | In Catalan
= EG | Europäische Gemeinschaft | In German
= ES | Evropské společenství | In Czech
= EB | Evrópubandalagið | In Icelandic
= EK | Europana Komuneso | In Ido
= CE | Comunità Europea | In Italian
= CE | Comunidade Europea | In Galician
= EG | Europeiska gemenskapen | In Swedish
= EY | Euroopan yhteisö | In Finnish
= CE | Comunitatea Europeană | In Romanian
= CE | Comunidade Europeia | In Portuguese
= WE | Wspólnota Europejska | In Polish
= EG | Europese Gemeenschap | In Dutch
= EB | Europos Bendrija | In Lithuanian
In Welsh European Union
Ge Germanium
= (look above)
In English Chemistry
Ge জার্মেনিয়াম
= (look above)
In Bengali Chemistry
Ge Германій
= (look above)
In Belarusian Chemistry
Ge Germanijum
= (look above)
In Bosnian Chemistry
Ge Германий
= (look above)
In Bulgarian Chemistry
Ge Germani
= (look above)
In Catalan Chemistry
Ge Germanium
= (look above)
In Czech Chemistry
Ge Germaniu
= (look above)
In Corsican Chemistry
Ge Germaniwm
= (look above)
In Welsh Chemistry
Ge Germanium
= (look above)
In Danish Chemistry
Ge Germanium
= (look above)
In German Chemistry
Ge Germaanium
= (look above)
In Estonian Chemistry
Ge Γερμάνιο
= (look above)
In Greek Chemistry
Ge Germanio
= (look above)
In Spanish Chemistry
Ge Germaniumo
= (look above)
In Esperanto Chemistry
Ge Germanio
= (look above)
In Basque Chemistry
Ge ژرمانیوم
= (look above)
In Persian Chemistry
Ge Germanium
= (look above)
In French Chemistry
Ge Gjermani
= (look above)
In Friulian Chemistry
Ge Gearmáiniam
= (look above)
In Irish Chemistry
Ge Germaanium
= (look above)
In Manx Chemistry
Ge Xermanio
= (look above)
In Galician Chemistry
Ge 저마늄
= (look above)
In Korean Chemistry
Ge Գերմանիում
= (look above)
In Armenian Chemistry
Ge जर्मेनियम
= (look above)
In Hindi Chemistry
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