Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
GDEF | Grand Dictionnaire Estonien-Français | In French | → Dictionaries |
GEA | Germana Esperanto-Asocio ( | In Esperanto | → Associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Germany |
GEE | Groupement des Enseignants Espérantophones | In French | → Organizations and associations → Education → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
GEJ | Germana Esperanto-Junularo ( | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Germany |
GEJ | Guanabara Esperanto Junularo | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
GEL | Germana Esperanto-Ligo | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Germany |
GELAHN | Groupe des Enseignants de Langues Anciennes de Normandie | In French | → Organizations and associations → Education |
GEOD | Groupe d'Étude sur l'Oral et le Dialogue | In French | |
GEPRAF | Grupo de Esperanto-Parolantaj Radio-Amatoroj en Francio | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Telecommunications → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
GETALP | Groupe d'Étude pour la Traduction/le Traitement Automatique des Langues et de la Parole | In French | → Research institutes → Computer-based techniques |
GEV | Grajnoj en Vento | In Esperanto | → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
GICAS | Grammatological Informatics based on Corpora of Asian Scripts | In English | |
GOLD | General Ontology for Linguistic Description | In English | → Programming languages |
GTPB | Groupe de Traitement de la Parole et de Biométrie | In French | → Computer-based techniques |
GWB | Goethe-Wörterbuch | In German | → Dictionaries |
HanEA | Hanoja Esperanto-Asocio | In Esperanto | → Associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
HdE | Heroldo de Esperanto | In Esperanto | → Newspapers, journalism → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
HEA | Hungara Esperanto-Asocio = MESZ | Magyarországi Eszperantó Szövetség | In Hungarian |
In Esperanto | → Associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Hungary |
HEF | Hispana Esperanto-Federacio ( = FEE | Federación Española de Esperanto | In Spanish |
In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Spain |
HEJ | Hungara Esperanto-Junularo = MIESZ | Magyar Ifjúsági Eszperantó Szövetség | In Hungarian |
In Esperanto | → Associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Hungary |
HEJS | Hispana Esperantista Junulara Societo ( | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Spain |
HEK | Hispana Esperanto-Kongreso | In Esperanto | → Congresses → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Spain |
HEM | Hrvatska Esperantska Mladež = KEJA | Kroata Esperanto-Junulara Asocio | In Esperanto |
In Croatian | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
HITS | Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search | In English | → Internet → Computer-based techniques |
HKEA | Honkonga Esperanto-Asocio | In Esperanto | → Associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
HKJEA | Honkonga Junulara Esperanto-Asocio = HKJEA | 香港の青年エスペラント団体です | In Japanese |
In Esperanto | → Associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
HMMMMM | Holistic, Manipulative, Multi-modal and Mimetic, Musical and Mimetic | In English | → Music |
HPSG | Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar | In English | → Computer-based techniques |
IACL | International Association of Chinese Linguistics | In English | → Associations → China |
IAdEM | Internacia Asocio de Esperantistaj Matematikistoj | In Esperanto | → Associations → Mathematics → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
IAEA | Internacia Agrikultura Esperanto-Asocio | In Esperanto | → Associations → Agricultural sciences → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
IAMT | International Association for Machine Translation | In English | → Associations → Computer-based techniques → Translation |
IC | Islamic Culture | In English | → Islam → Civilization, culture, progress → Literature |
ICASSP | International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing | In English | → Congresses → Acoustical engineering → Telecommunications |
ICLEF | Interactive Cross-Language Evaluation Forum | In English | → Computer-based techniques |
ICNEM | Internacia Centro de la Neŭtrala Esperanto-Movado | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
ICSLP | International Conference on Spoken Language Processing | In English | → Congresses → Computer-based techniques |
IE | Israela Esperantisto | In Esperanto | → Serial publications, periodicals → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
IEED | Indo-European Etymological Dictionary | In English | → Dictionaries |
IEJ | Itala Esperantista Junularo ( | In Esperanto | → Associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Italia |
IEKA | Internacia Esperanto-Klubo Aŭtomobilista | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Vehicle engineering → Transport and postal services → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
IEM | Internacia Esperanto-Muzeo | In Esperanto | → Museums → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
IFA | Internacia Fonetika Alfabeto = AFI | Alfabetul Fonetic Internaţional | In Romanian = LFE | Lizherenneg Fonetikel Etrebroadel | In Breton = МФА | Международната фонетична азбука | In Bulgarian = IPA | Internationales Phonetisches Alphabet | In Tosk = AFI | Alfabet Fonètic Internacional | In Catalan = IPA | International Phonetic Alphabet | In English = ΔΦΑ | Διεθνές Φωνητικό Αλφάβητο | In Greek = IPA | Internationales Phonetisches Alphabet | In German = API | Alphabet Phonétique International | In French = AFI | Alfabeto Fonético Internacional | In Spanish = AFI | Alfabeto Fonético Internacional | In Galician = NAF | Nazioarteko Alfabeto Fonetikoa | In Basque = IPA | Internationaalt Phonetescht Alphabet | In Letzeburgesh = AFI | Alfabeto Fonetico Internazionale | In Italian = МФА | Международный фонетический алфавит | In Russian = AFI | Alfabeto Fonético Internacional | In Portuguese = AFI | Alfabet Fonetic Internacionau | In Occitan = IFA | Internationoal Fonetisch Alfabet | In Vlaams = AFN | Alfabeti Fonetik Ndërkombëtar | In Albanian = IFA | Internasionale Fonetiese Alfabet | In Afrikaans = AFI | Alfabetu Fonéticu Internacional | In Asturian = ХГЬА | Халкъаздагьоркьосеб гьаркьазул алфавит | In Avaric = IPA | Internationals Phonetischs Alphabet | In Austro-Bavarian = ХАФӘ́ | Халыҡ-ара фонетик алфавит | BA = МФА | Міжнародны фанетычны алфавіт | In Belarusian = AFE | Alfabèt Fonètico Entèrnacionâl | In Franco-Provençal = YFA | Ynternasjonaal Fonetysk Alfabet | In Frisian = AIF | Aibítir Idirnáisiúnta Foghraíochta | In Irish = API | Alphabeto Phonetic International | In Interlingua = IPA | Internasional a Ponetiko nga Alpabeto | ILO = IFA | Internaciona Fonetik Alfabeto | In Ido = AFN | Alfabeya Fonetîk a Navneteweyî | In Kurdish = API | Abecedarium Phoneticum Internationale | In Latin = AFI | Alfabeta Fonetical Internasional | LFN = TFA | Tarptautinė Fonetinė Abėcėlė | In Lithuanian = МФА | Меѓународна фонетска азбука | In Macedonian = AFA | Abjad Fonetik Antarabangsa | In Malay = AFI | Abc Fonético Anternacional | MWL = IPA | Internatschonal Phoneetsch Alphabet | In Low German = IFA | Internasjonale Fonetiske Alfabetet | In Norwegian = AFI | Alfabèt Fonétiko Internashonal | In Papiamento = IPA | Innernatiunaal Phoneddisch Alphebedd | PDC = EFA | Entanashunal Fonetikl Alfabet | In Pitcairn-Norfolk = MAF | Międzynarodowy Alfabet Fonetyczny | In Polish = AFI | Alfabet Fonétich Intërnassional | PMS = IPA | Internaitional Phonetic Alphabet | SCO = AFN | Alfabeti Fonetik Ndërkombëtar | SQ = МФА | Међународна фонетска абецеда | In Serbian = AFI | Alfabetu Fonétiku Internasionál | In Tetum = PPA | Pandaigdigang Ponetikong Alpabeto | In Tagalog = МФА | Міжнародний фонетичний алфавіт | In Ukrainian = LFB | Lafab Fonetik Bevünetik | VO |
In Esperanto | → Alphabetic writing systems → Phonetics, phonology |
IFA | Internationoal Fonetisch Alfabet = AFI, LFE, МФА, IPA, ΔΦΑ, API, NAF, AFN, ХГЬА, ХАФӘ́, AFE, YFA, AIF, TFA, AFA, EFA, MAF, PPA, LFB (look above) |
In Vlaams | → Alphabetic writing systems → Phonetics, phonology |
IFA | Internasionale Fonetiese Alfabet = AFI, LFE, МФА, IPA, ΔΦΑ, API, NAF, AFN, ХГЬА, ХАФӘ́, AFE, YFA, AIF, TFA, AFA, EFA, MAF, PPA, LFB (look above) |
In Afrikaans | → Alphabetic writing systems → Phonetics, phonology |
IFA | Internaciona Fonetik Alfabeto = AFI, LFE, МФА, IPA, ΔΦΑ, API, NAF, AFN, ХГЬА, ХАФӘ́, AFE, YFA, AIF, TFA, AFA, EFA, MAF, PPA, LFB (look above) |
In Ido | → Alphabetic writing systems → Phonetics, phonology |
IFA | Internasjonale Fonetiske Alfabetet = AFI, LFE, МФА, IPA, ΔΦΑ, API, NAF, AFN, ХГЬА, ХАФӘ́, AFE, YFA, AIF, TFA, AFA, EFA, MAF, PPA, LFB (look above) |
In Norwegian | → Alphabetic writing systems → Phonetics, phonology |
IFEF | Internacia Fervojista Esperanto Federacio | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Rail transport engineering → Transport and postal services → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
IFRE | Internacia Forstista Rondo Esperantlingva | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Agricultural sciences → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
IFT | International Federation of Translators ( = FIT | Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs | In French |
In English | → Organizations and associations |
IG | International Gesture | In English | |
IKEK | Internacia Komunista Esperantista Kolektivo | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Communist parties → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
IKEO | Internacia Kooperativa Esperanto-Organizo | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
IKKE | Interreta Konferenco de Komercemaj Esperantoparolantoj | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Trade → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
IKUE | Internacia Katolika Unuigo Esperantista | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Roman catholic church → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
IL | Intermediate Language | In English | |
ILC | Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale | In Italian | → Computer-based techniques |
ILEI | Internacia Ligo de Esperantistaj Instruistoj | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Education → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
ILERA | Internacia Ligo de Esperantistaj Radioamatoroj | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Telecommunications → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
ILERA | Internacia Ligo de Esperantistaj Radio-Amatoroj | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Telecommunications → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
ILF | Institut de Linguistique Française ( | In French | → Research institutes → France |
ILPS | Information and Language Processing Systems | In English | → Computer-based techniques |
ILSP | Institute for Language and Speech Processing | In English | → Research institutes → Computer-based techniques |
INOE | Internacia Naturista Organizo Esperantista | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
IODT | Integrated Ontology Development Toolkit | In English | → Programming languages → Data |
IOQS | International Organization of Qumran Studies | In English | → Archeology |
IPA | Internationales Phonetisches Alphabet = IFA, AFI, LFE, МФА, ΔΦΑ, API, NAF, AFN, ХГЬА, ХАФӘ́, AFE, YFA, AIF, TFA, AFA, EFA, MAF, PPA, LFB (look above) |
In Tosk | → Alphabetic writing systems → Phonetics, phonology |
IPA | International Phonetic Alphabet = IFA, AFI, LFE, МФА, ΔΦΑ, API, NAF, AFN, ХГЬА, ХАФӘ́, AFE, YFA, AIF, TFA, AFA, EFA, MAF, PPA, LFB (look above) |
In English | → Alphabetic writing systems → Phonetics, phonology |
IPA | Internationales Phonetisches Alphabet = IFA, AFI, LFE, МФА, ΔΦΑ, API, NAF, AFN, ХГЬА, ХАФӘ́, AFE, YFA, AIF, TFA, AFA, EFA, MAF, PPA, LFB (look above) |
In German | → Alphabetic writing systems → Phonetics, phonology |
IPA | Internationaalt Phonetescht Alphabet = IFA, AFI, LFE, МФА, ΔΦΑ, API, NAF, AFN, ХГЬА, ХАФӘ́, AFE, YFA, AIF, TFA, AFA, EFA, MAF, PPA, LFB (look above) |
In Letzeburgesh | → Alphabetic writing systems → Phonetics, phonology |
IPA | International Phonetic Association ( | In English | → Associations → Alphabetic writing systems → Phonetics, phonology |
IPA | Internationals Phonetischs Alphabet = IFA, AFI, LFE, МФА, ΔΦΑ, API, NAF, AFN, ХГЬА, ХАФӘ́, AFE, YFA, AIF, TFA, AFA, EFA, MAF, PPA, LFB (look above) |
In Austro-Bavarian | → Alphabetic writing systems → Phonetics, phonology |
IPA | Internasional a Ponetiko nga Alpabeto = IFA, AFI, LFE, МФА, ΔΦΑ, API, NAF, AFN, ХГЬА, ХАФӘ́, AFE, YFA, AIF, TFA, AFA, EFA, MAF, PPA, LFB (look above) |
[ILO] | → Alphabetic writing systems → Phonetics, phonology |
IPA | Internatschonal Phoneetsch Alphabet = IFA, AFI, LFE, МФА, ΔΦΑ, API, NAF, AFN, ХГЬА, ХАФӘ́, AFE, YFA, AIF, TFA, AFA, EFA, MAF, PPA, LFB (look above) |
In Low German | → Alphabetic writing systems → Phonetics, phonology |
IPA | Innernatiunaal Phoneddisch Alphebedd = IFA, AFI, LFE, МФА, ΔΦΑ, API, NAF, AFN, ХГЬА, ХАФӘ́, AFE, YFA, AIF, TFA, AFA, EFA, MAF, PPA, LFB (look above) |
[PDC] | → Alphabetic writing systems → Phonetics, phonology |
IPA | Internaitional Phonetic Alphabet = IFA, AFI, LFE, МФА, ΔΦΑ, API, NAF, AFN, ХГЬА, ХАФӘ́, AFE, YFA, AIF, TFA, AFA, EFA, MAF, PPA, LFB (look above) |
[SCO] | → Alphabetic writing systems → Phonetics, phonology |
IPKK | Internacia Perfektiga Kurso de Esperanto | In Esperanto | → Education → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
IPTEA | Internacia Poŝtista kaj Telekomunikista Esperanto-Asocio | In Esperanto | → Associations → Telecommunications → Transport and postal services → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
IRAL | International Review of Applied Linguistics ( | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals |
IRCL | International Review of Chinese Linguistics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → China |
IREA | Irana Esperanto-Asocio | In Esperanto | → Associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
IREJO | Irana Esperantista Junulara Organizo | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
IRIS | Institut de Recherches sur les Implications de la langue des Signes | In French | → Research institutes |
IRK | Internacia Respondkupono | In Esperanto | → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
IS | International Sign | In English | |
ISAE | Internacia Scienca Asocio Esperantista | In Esperanto | → Associations → Mathematics and natural sciences → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
ISE | Internacia Semajnfino Esperantista | In Esperanto | → Congresses → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
ISH | Insert Sarcasm Here | In English | |
ISL | International Sign Language | In English | |
ISV | International Scientific Vocabulary | In English | → Mathematics and natural sciences |
ITRE | Internacia Traduk-Reto per Esperanto | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Translation → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
JA | Juna Amiko | In Esperanto | → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
JALT | Japan Association for Language Teaching ( | In English | → Associations → Education → Japan |
JBLE | Japana Budhana Ligo Esperantista | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Buddhism → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
JCL | Journal of Chinese Linguistics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → China |
JCLTA | Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Associations → China |
JEA | Junularo Esperantista Apula | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
JEB | Junaj Esperantistoj en Britio | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → United Kingdom |
JEB | Junularo Esperantista Brita | In Esperanto | → Associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → United Kingdom |
JEFO | Junulara Esperantista Franca Organizo | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → France |
JEI | Japana Esperanto-Instituto | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Japan |
JEJ | Japana Esperanto-Junularo = JEJ | 日本青年エスペラント連絡会 | In Japanese |
In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
JEK | Junularo Esperantista Kanada | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Canada |
JELI | Junulara Esperanto-Ligo Israela | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
JER | Junulara Esperanta Renkontiĝo | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
JER | Jokohama Esperanto-Rondo | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
JES | Junularo Esperantista Svislanda ( | In Esperanto | → Associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Switzerland |
JOTE | Junulara Organizo de Togolandaj Esperantistoj | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
KAEM | Komisiono pri Azia Esperanto-Movado | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
KAEST | Konferenco pri Aplikoj de Esperanto en Scienco kaj Tekniko | In Esperanto | → Congresses → Mathematics and natural sciences → Applied sciences, technology → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
KAFE | Kultura Arta Festivalo en Esperanto | In Esperanto | → Civilization, culture, progress → Arts → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
KantEA | Kantabra Esperanto-Asocio | In Esperanto | → Associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
KarEsA | Kartvelia Esperanto-Asocio | In Esperanto | → Associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
KCE | Kultura Centro de Esperanto | In Esperanto | → Civilization, culture, progress → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
KEA | Kanada Esperanto-Asocio ( | In Esperanto | → Associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Canada |
KEA | Kuba Esperanto-Asocio | In Esperanto | → Associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
KEA | Kataluna Esperanto-Asocio | In Esperanto | → Associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Spain |
KEJ | Korea Esperanto-Junularo | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
KEJ | Kataluna Esperanto-Junularo ( | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Spain |
KEJA | Kroata Esperanto-Junulara Asocio ( = HEM (look above) |
In Esperanto | → Associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
KEJO | Kebekia Esperantista Junulara Organizo | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Canada |
KEK | Københavns Esperanto-Klub = KEK | Konversacia Esperantista Klubo Kopenhago | In Esperanto |
In Danish | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Denmark |
KEK | Konversacia Esperantista Klubo Kopenhago = (look above) |
In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Denmark |
KEKG | Kopenhaga Esperanto-Kulturgrupo = KEKG | Københavns Esperanto-Kulturgruppe | In Danish |
In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Civilization, culture, progress → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Denmark |
KEKG | Københavns Esperanto-Kulturgruppe = (look above) |
In Danish | → Organizations and associations → Civilization, culture, progress → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Denmark |
KELI | Kristana Esperantista Ligo Internacia | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Christianity → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
KER | Konga Esperanto-Rondo | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
KEV | Konciza Etimologia Vortaro | In Esperanto | → Dictionaries → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
KKES | Kvakera Esperanto-Servo | In Esperanto | → Christianity → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
KMCI | Knowledge Map Concept Identifier | In English | |
KREA | Kostarika Esperanto-Asocio | In Esperanto | → Associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
KSM | Koresponda Servo Mondskala | In Esperanto | → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
LADL | Laboratoire d'Automatisme Documentaire et Linguistique | In French | → Research institutes → Computer science → Libraries |
LADL | Laboratoire d'Automatique Documentaire et Linguistique | In French | → Research institutes → Documentation |
LE | Linguistic Engineering | In English | |
LEJL | Litova Esperantista Junulara Ligo | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
LEJL | Litovia Esperantista Junulara Ligo | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
LES | Lucerna Esperanto-Societo | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
LES | Laŭzana Esperanto Societo | In Spanish | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Switzerland |
LFB | Lafab Fonetik Bevünetik = IFA, AFI, LFE, МФА, IPA, ΔΦΑ, API, NAF, AFN, ХГЬА, ХАФӘ́, AFE, YFA, AIF, TFA, AFA, EFA, MAF, PPA (look above) |
[VO] | → Alphabetic writing systems → Phonetics, phonology |
LFE | Lizherenneg Fonetikel Etrebroadel = IFA, AFI, МФА, IPA, ΔΦΑ, API, NAF, AFN, ХГЬА, ХАФӘ́, AFE, YFA, AIF, TFA, AFA, EFA, MAF, PPA, LFB (look above) |
In Breton | → Alphabetic writing systems → Phonetics, phonology |
LI | Lingvo Internacia | In Esperanto | → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
LI | Lingvisticæ Investigationes | In Latin | |
LIBE | Ligo Internacia de Blindaj Esperantistoj | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
LK | Lingva Komitato | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations |
LK | Lingva Komitatano | In Esperanto | |
LLI | Laboratoire de Linguistique Informatique | In French | → Research institutes → Computer science |
LLZ | Lazaro Ludoviko Zamenhof | In Esperanto | → Biography → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
LOdE | La Ondo de Esperanto | In Esperanto | → Newspapers, journalism → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
LSG | Ligo de Samseksamaj Geesperantistoj | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
LSP | Linguistic Society of the Philippines | In English | → Organizations and associations |
LSQ | Langue des Signes Québécoise | In French | |
LVCSR | Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition | In English | → Computer-based techniques |
LVE | Lille-Villeneuve-Espéranto | In French | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → France |
LWB | Lothringisches Wörterbuch | In German | → Dictionaries |
MAF | Międzynarodowy Alfabet Fonetyczny = IFA, AFI, LFE, МФА, IPA, ΔΦΑ, API, NAF, AFN, ХГЬА, ХАФӘ́, AFE, YFA, AIF, TFA, AFA, EFA, PPA, LFB (look above) |
In Polish | → Alphabetic writing systems → Phonetics, phonology |
MCJLE | Melbourne Centre for Japanese Language Education | In English | → Education |
MEKARO | MezKanada Renkontiĝo de Esperanto | In Esperanto | → Congresses → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Canada |
MEL | Muzika Esperanto Ligo | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Music → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
MEM | Mondpaca Esperantista Movado | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Politics → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
MEMO | Montreal Esperanto Movement = MEMO | Mouvement Espéranto-Montréal | In French = MEMO | Montreala Esperanta Movado | In Esperanto |
In English | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Canada |
MEMO | Mouvement Espéranto-Montréal = (look above) |
In French | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Canada |
MEMO | Montreala Esperanta Movado = (look above) |
In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Canada |
MESZ | Magyarországi Eszperantó Szövetség = HEA (look above) |
In Hungarian | → Associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Hungary |
MFC | Mel Frequency Cepstral | In English | → Computer-based techniques |
MFCC | Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients | In English | → Computer-based techniques |
MGSA | Modern Greek Studies Association | In English | → Associations |
MIESZ | Magyar Ifjúsági Eszperantó Szövetség = HEJ (look above) |
In Hungarian | → Associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Hungary |
MMIE | Maximum Mutual Information Estimation | In English | → Computer science |
MSLC | Miscellanea di Studi di Letteratura Cristiana | In Italian | → Serial publications, periodicals → Christianity |
MVR | Multilingual Vocabulary Repository | In English | → Knowledge management |
NAF | Nazioarteko Alfabeto Fonetikoa = IFA, AFI, LFE, МФА, IPA, ΔΦΑ, API, AFN, ХГЬА, ХАФӘ́, AFE, YFA, AIF, TFA, AFA, EFA, MAF, PPA, LFB (look above) |
In Basque | → Alphabetic writing systems → Phonetics, phonology |
NAMIC | News Agencies Multilingual Information Categorization | In English | → Knowledge management → Newspapers, journalism |
NCOLR | National Council on Orientalist Library Resources | In English | → Libraries → Organizations and associations |
NEALRC | National East Asian Languages Resource Center | In English | |
NEJ | Nederlanda Esperanta Junularo ( = NEJ | Nederlandse Esperantojongeren | In Dutch |
In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Netherlands |
NEJ | Nederlandse Esperantojongeren ( = (look above) |
In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Netherlands |
NEK | Nordjyllands Esperanto-Klub = NEK | Nordjutlanda Esperanto-Klubo | In Esperanto |
In Danish | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Denmark |
NEK | Nordjutlanda Esperanto-Klubo = (look above) |
In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Denmark |
NEL | Norvega Esperantista Ligo ( | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Norway |
NELC | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | In English | → Civilization, culture, progress |
NELC | Near Eastern Languages and Cultures | In English | → Civilization, culture, progress |
NEM | Neŭtrala Esperanto-Movado | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
NER | Named Entity Recognition | In English | → Computer-based techniques |
NEU | Næstved Esperanto-Union | In Danish | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Denmark |
NJE | Norvega Junularo Esperantista | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Norway |
NJECD | New Japanese-English Character Dictionary | In English | → Dictionaries |
NLP | Natural Language Processing | In English | → Computer-based techniques |
NLP | Neuro-Linguïstisch Programmeren = PNL | Programmation Neuro-Linguistique | In French |
In Dutch | → Psychology |
NMELRC | National Middle East Language Resource Center | In English | → Libraries |
NOGESO | NOrda Grupo de Esperanto-StudadO | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
NoJEF | Norwich Jubilee Esperanto Foundation | In English | → Foundations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
NPIV | Nova Plena Ilustrita Vortaro | In Esperanto | → Dictionaries → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
NR | Novjara Renkontiĵo | In Esperanto | → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
NRhWB | Rheinisches Wörterbuch Nachträge | In German | → Dictionaries |
NTU | Nederlandse Taalunie ( | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations |
NZEA | Nov-Zelanda Esperanto-Asocio ( = NZEA | New Zealand Esperanto Association | In English |
In Esperanto | → Associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
NZEA | New Zealand Esperanto Association ( = (look above) |
In English | → Associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
OED | Oxford English Dictionary | In English | → Dictionaries |
OESI | Oficina del Español en la Sociedad de la Información ( | In Spanish | → Organizations and associations → Computer science |