Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
BuO | Buitengewoon Onderwijs | In Dutch | |
BuSO | Buitengewoon Secundair Onderwijs | In Dutch | → Education |
BUTGB | Belgische Unie voor de Technische Goedkeuring in de Bouw | In Dutch | → Construction → Belgium |
BuZa | (Ministerie van) Buitenlandse Zaken ( | In Dutch | → Central administration → International relations → Netherlands |
BV | Besloten Vennootschap | In Dutch | → Economics |
BVC | Biltse Voetbal Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
BVC | Beekse Voetbal Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
BVC | Bingelraadse Voetbal Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
BVC | Beatrix Voorwaarts Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
BVCB | Bergschenhoekse Voetbal Club Bergschenhoek | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
BVD | Belgische Vereniging voor Documentatie ( = ABD | Association Belge de Documentation | In French |
In Dutch | → Associations → Libraries → Belgium |
BVD | Binnenlandse Veiligheids Dienst | In Dutch | → Public administration, government |
BVH | Buurt Vereniging Hommelseweg | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
BVL | Beroepsvoorbereidend Leerjaar | In Dutch | → Education |
BVLO | Bond voor Lichamelijke Opvoeding ( | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Belgium |
BVR | Besluit van de Vlaamse Regering | In Dutch | → Belgium |
BVV | Bergsche Vereenigde Voetballers | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
BVV | Bredasche Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
BVV | Bossche Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
BVV | Blitterswijckse Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
BVV | Blaricumse Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
BWO | Blauw Wit Oost | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
BWR | Blauw Wit Roosendaal | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
BWV | Bijzondere Wetenschappelijke Vorming | In Dutch | → Education → Mathematics and natural sciences |
BZC | Bloemhof Zuiderster Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
BZL | Begeleid Zelfstandig Leren | In Dutch | → Education |
BZS | Beusichemse Zoelmondse Sportvereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
C | Cysteïne = C | Cysteine | In English = C | Cisteïna | In Catalan = C | Cystein | In Czech = C | Cystein | In German = C | Cisteína | In Spanish = C | Cisteino | In Esperanto = C | Cystéine | In French = C | 시스테인 | In Korean = C | Sistein | In Indonesian = C | Cisteina | In Italian = C | ציסטאין | In Hebrew = C | Cisteīns | In Latvian = C | Cystein | In Letzeburgesh = C | Cisteinas | In Lithuanian = C | Cisztein | In Hungarian = C | システイン | In Japanese = C | Cystein | In Norwegian = C | Cysteina | In Polish = C | Cisteína | In Portuguese = C | Цистеин | In Russian = C | Kysteiini | In Finnish = C | Cystein | In Swedish = C | Цистеїн | In Ukrainian = C | 半胱氨酸 | In Chinese |
In Dutch | → Biochemistry, biophysics |
C | Cytosine = C | Cytosine | In French = C | Citosina | In Catalan = C | Cytosin | In Czech = C | Cytosin | In Danish = C | Cytosin | In German = C | Citosina | In Spanish = C | Citozino | In Esperanto = C | Cytosine | In English = C | Citosina | In Galician = C | Sitosin | In Indonesian = C | Citosina | In Italian = C | ציטוזין | In Hebrew = C | Citozinas | In Lithuanian = C | シトシン | In Japanese = C | Cytosin | In Norwegian = C | Cytozyna | In Polish = C | Citosina | In Portuguese = C | Цитозин | In Russian = C | Citozin | In Slovenian = C | Цитозин | In Serbian = C | Citozin | In Serbo-Croatian = C | Sytosiini | In Finnish = C | Cytosin | In Swedish = C | Cytosine | In Vietnamese = C | Sitozin | In Turkish = C | Цитозин | In Ukrainian = C | 胞嘧啶 | In Chinese |
In Dutch | → Genetics → Biochemistry, biophysics |
C | Koolstof = C | Carbone | In French = C | Koolstof | In Afrikaans = C | كربون | In Arabic = C | Carbonu | In Asturian = C | Karbon | In Azerbaijani = C | Вуглярод | In Belarusian = C | Въглерод | In Bulgarian = C | কার্বন | In Bengali = C | Carboni | In Catalan = C | Carboniu | In Corsican = C | Uhlík | In Czech = C | Carbon | In Welsh = C | Carbon | In Danish = C | Kohlenstoff | In German = C | Άνθρακας | In Greek = C | Carbon | In English = C | Karbono | In Esperanto = C | Carbono | In Spanish = C | Süsinik | In Estonian = C | Karbono | In Basque = C | کربن | In Persian = C | Hiili | In Finnish = C | Carboni | In Friulian = C | Carbón | In Irish = C | Gualan | In Galician = C | Carbono | In Galician = C | કાર્બન | In Gujarati = C | פחמן | In Hebrew = C | कार्बन | In Hindi = C | Ugljik | In Croatian = C | Kabòn | In Haitian Creole = C | Szén | In Hungarian = C | Ածխածին | In Armenian = C | Carbon | In Interlingua = C | Karbon | In Indonesian = C | Karbo | In Ido = C | Kolefni | In Icelandic = C | Carbonio | In Italian = C | 炭素 | In Japanese = C | tabno | In Lojban = C | ಇಂಗಾಲ | In Kannada = C | 탄소 | In Korean = C | Karbon | In Kurdish = C | Carbonium | In Latin = C | Kuelestoff | In Letzeburgesh = C | Koolstof | In Limburgish = C | Carbòni | In Lombard = C | Kaboni | In Lingala = C | Anglis | In Lithuanian = C | Ogleklis | In Latvian = C | Waro | In Māori = C | Јаглерод | In Macedonian = C | കാര്ബണ് | In Malayalam = C | Нүүрстөрөгч | In Mongolian = C | कार्बन | In Marathi = C | Karbon | In Malay = C | Tecolli | En Nahuatl = C | Kohlenstoff | In Low German = C | Karbon | In Nynorsk = C | Karbon | In Norwegian = C | Karbo | NOV = C | Carbòni | In Occitan = C | Węgiel | In Polish = C | Carbono | In Portuguese = C | K'illimsayaq | In Quechua = C | Carbon | In Romanian = C | Углерод | In Russian = C | Carbòniu | In Sicilian = C | Ugljenik | In Serbo-Croatian = C | Uhlík | In Slovak = C | Ogljik | In Slovenian = C | Karboni | In Albanian = C | Угљеник | In Serbian = C | Karbon | In Sundanese = C | Kol | In Swedish = C | Kaboni | In Swahili = C | கரிமம் | In Tamil = C | Карбон | In Tajik = C | คาร์บอน | In Thai = C | Karbon | In Tagalog = C | Karbon | In Turkish = C | Вуглець | In Ukrainian = C | Uglerod | In Uzbek = C | Cacbon | In Vietnamese = C | Carboun | In Vlaams = C | Carbone | In Walloon = C | 碳 | In Wu Chinese = C | קוילנשטאף | In Yiddisch = C | 碳 | In Chinese |
In Dutch | → Chemistry |
Ca | Calcium = Ca | Calcium | In English = Ca | Kalsium | In Afrikaans = Ca | Calciu | In Asturian = Ca | ক্যালসিয়াম | In Bengali = Ca | Kalcijum | In Bosnian = Ca | Калций | In Bulgarian = Ca | Calci | In Catalan = Ca | Vápník | In Czech = Ca | Calciu | In Corsican = Ca | Calsiwm | In Welsh = Ca | Calcium | In Danish = Ca | Calcium | In German = Ca | Kaltsium | In Estonian = Ca | Ασβέστιο | In Greek = Ca | Calcio | In Spanish = Ca | Kalcio | In Esperanto = Ca | Kaltzio | In Basque = Ca | Calcium | In French = Ca | Calci | In Friulian = Ca | Kelkium | In Manx = Ca | Calcio | In Galician = Ca | 칼슘 | In Korean = Ca | Կալցիում | In Armenian = Ca | काल्सियम | In Hindi = Ca | Kalcij | In Croatian = Ca | Kalcio | In Ido = Ca | Kalsium | In Indonesian = Ca | Kalsín | In Icelandic = Ca | Calcio | In Italian = Ca | Kalisi | In Swahili = Ca | Kalsyòm | In Haitian Creole = Ca | Kalsiyûm | In Kurdish = Ca | Calcium | In Latin = Ca | Kalcijs | In Latvian = Ca | Kalzium | In Letzeburgesh = Ca | Kalcis | In Lithuanian = Ca | bogjinme | In Lojban = Ca | Kalcium | In Hungarian = Ca | Калциум | In Macedonian = Ca | കാല്സ്യം | In Malayalam = Ca | Konupūmā | In Māori = Ca | Kalsium | In Malay = Ca | Tenextepoztli | En Nahuatl = Ca | カルシウム | In Japanese = Ca | Kalsium | In Norwegian = Ca | Kalsium | In Nynorsk = Ca | Calci | In Occitan = Ca | Kalsiy | In Uzbek = Ca | Calcium | In Low German = Ca | Wapń | In Polish = Ca | Cálcio | In Portuguese = Ca | Calciu | In Romanian = Ca | Isku q'illay | In Quechua = Ca | Кальций | In Russian = Ca | Kalciumi | In Albanian = Ca | Calciu | In Sicilian = Ca | Vápnik | In Slovak = Ca | Kalcij | In Slovenian = Ca | Калцијум | In Serbian = Ca | Kalcij | In Serbo-Croatian = Ca | Calcium | In Saterland Frisian = Ca | Kalsium | In Sundanese = Ca | Kalsium | In Finnish = Ca | Kalcium | In Swedish = Ca | கல்சியம் | In Tamil = Ca | కాల్షియమ్ | In Telugu = Ca | แคลเซียม | In Thai = Ca | Canxi | In Vietnamese = Ca | Калсий | In Tajik = Ca | Kalsiyum | In Turkish = Ca | Кальцій | In Ukrainian = Ca | 钙 | In Chinese |
In Dutch | → Chemistry |
CAB | Combinatie Achilles Bolsward | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
CABO | Commissie van Advies voor het Buitengewoon Onderwijs | In Dutch | → Education |
CAO | Collectieve Arbeidsovereenkomst | In Dutch | → Labour, labour economics |
CARA | Chronische Aspecifieke Respiratoire Aandoeningen | In Dutch | → Pathology |
CBG | College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Pharmacology, toxicology |
CBJ | Comité voor Bijzondere Jeugdzorg | In Dutch | |
CBL | Centraal Bureau Levensmiddelenhandel | In Dutch | → Public administration, government → Trade → Food technology |
CBO | Centraal Bureau voor Opsporingen | In Dutch | → Public administration, government |
CBR | Centraal Bureau voor de afgifte van Rijvaardigheidsbewijzen | In Dutch | → Public administration, government |
CBS | Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures ( | In Dutch | → Research institutes → Biological sciences → Netherlands |
CBS | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek | In Dutch | → Public administration, government → Statistics |
CBW | Centrale Branchevereniging Wonen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations |
CCR | Centrale Commissie voor de Rijnvaart = CCR | Commission Centrale pour la Navigation du Rhin | In French = CCR | Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine | In English = ZKR | Zentralkommission für die Rheinschifffahrt | In German |
In Dutch | → Transport and postal services |
Cd | Cadmium = Cd | Cadmium | In English = Cd | Kadmium | In Afrikaans = Cd | كادميوم | In Arabic = Cd | ক্যাডমিয়াম | In Bengali = Cd | Кадмій | In Belarusian = Cd | Kadmijum | In Bosnian = Cd | Кадмий | In Bulgarian = Cd | Cadmi | In Catalan = Cd | Kadmium | In Czech = Cd | Cadmiu | In Corsican = Cd | Cadmiwm | In Welsh = Cd | Cadmium | In Danish = Cd | Cadmium | In German = Cd | Kaadmium | In Estonian = Cd | Κάδμιο | In Greek = Cd | Cadmio | In Spanish = Cd | Kadmio | In Esperanto = Cd | Kadmio | In Basque = Cd | کادمیوم | In Persian = Cd | Cadmium | In French = Cd | Cadmi | In Friulian = Cd | Caidmiam | In Irish = Cd | Cadmium | In Manx = Cd | Cadmio | In Galician = Cd | Kak | HAK = Cd | 카드뮴 | In Korean = Cd | Կադմիում | In Armenian = Cd | काडमियम | In Hindi = Cd | Kadmij | In Croatian = Cd | Kadmio | In Ido = Cd | Kadmium | In Indonesian = Cd | Kadmín | In Icelandic = Cd | Cadmio | In Italian = Cd | קדמיום | In Hebrew = Cd | Kadmium | JV = Cd | ಕ್ಯಾಡ್ಮಿಯಂ | In Kannada = Cd | Cadimi | In Swahili = Cd | Kadmyòm | In Haitian Creole = Cd | Kadmiyûm | In Kurdish = Cd | Cadmium | In Latin = Cd | Kadmijs | In Latvian = Cd | Cadmium | In Letzeburgesh = Cd | Kadmis | In Lithuanian = Cd | Cadmio | In Ligurian = Cd | jinmrkadmu | In Lojban = Cd | Kadmium | In Hungarian = Cd | കാഡ്മിയം | In Malayalam = Cd | カドミウム | In Japanese = Cd | Kadmium | In Norwegian = Cd | Kadmium | In Nynorsk = Cd | Cadmi | In Occitan = Cd | Kadmiy | In Uzbek = Cd | Cadmium | In Low German = Cd | Kadm | In Polish = Cd | Cádmio | In Portuguese = Cd | Cadmiu | In Romanian = Cd | Kadmiyu | In Quechua = Cd | Кадмий | In Russian = Cd | Cadmium | In Saterland Frisian = Cd | Kadmiumi | SQ = Cd | Cadmiu | In Sicilian = Cd | Kadmium | In Slovak = Cd | Kadmij | In Slovenian = Cd | Кадмијум | In Serbian = Cd | Kadmijum | In Serbo-Croatian = Cd | Kadmium | In Finnish = Cd | Kadmium | In Swedish = Cd | காட்மியம் | In Tamil = Cd | แคดเมียม | In Thai = Cd | Kadmiyum | In Turkish = Cd | Кадмій | In Ukrainian = Cd | Cadmi | In Vietnamese = Cd | 镉 | In Chinese |
In Dutch | → Chemistry |
CD&V | Christen-Democratisch en Vlaams ( | In Dutch | → Christian-democratic parties → Belgium |
CDA | Christen-Democratisch Appèl ( | In Dutch | → Political parties and movements → Netherlands |
CDS | Combinatie Dordrecht Sultana | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
CDW | Combinatie Dorestad Wijk bij Duurstede | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
CELIOS | Club En Liefde Is Ons Streven | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
CEVO | Compascumer Erfscheidense Voetbal en Ontspanningsvereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby → Netherlands |
CGG | Centrum voor Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg | In Dutch | → Medicine |
CGVS | Commissariaat-generaal voor de Vluchtelingen en de Staatlozen ( = CGRA | Commissariat Général aux Réfugiés et aux Apatrides | In French |
In Dutch | → Migrations |
CHRC | Cito - Harten Rijn Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
CHU | Christelijk-Historische Unie | In Dutch | |
CION | Chevron Is Onze Naam | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
CITO | Centraal Instituut voor Toetsontwikkeling | In Dutch | → Research institutes → Education |
CJV | Christelijke Jongeren Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Christianity |
CJVV | Christelijke Jongelieden Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Christianity → Football and rugby |
CKC | Capelle Kralingscheveer Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
CKV | Culturele en Kunstzinnige Vorming | In Dutch | → Education → Arts |
CLB | Centraal Laboratorium voor de Bloedtransfusiedienst | In Dutch | → Research institutes → Blood and circulatory system |
CLB | Centrum voor Leerlingenbegeleiding | In Dutch | → Education |
CM | Christelijke Mutualiteit ( | In Dutch | → Social welfare → Medicine → Christianity → Belgium |
CMB | Centrale der Metaalindustrie van België | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Metallurgy → Belgium |
CMC | Centraal Missie Commissariaat | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Development |
CNTS | Centrum voor Nederlandse Taal en Spraak | In Dutch | → Research institutes → Language, linguistics, literature |
CNV | Christelijke Noordwijkerhoutse Voetbalclub | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Christianity → Football and rugby |
CNV | Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond ( | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Christianity → Netherlands |
Co | Kobalt = Co | Cobalt | In French = Co | Kobalt | In Afrikaans = Co | كوبالت | In Arabic = Co | Kobalt | In Azerbaijani = Co | Кобальт | In Belarusian = Co | Кобалт | In Bulgarian = Co | কোবাল্ট | In Bengali = Co | Kobalt | In Bosnian = Co | Cobalt | In Catalan = Co | Cobaltu | In Corsican = Co | Kobalt | In Czech = Co | Кобальт | In Chuvash = Co | Kobolt | In Danish = Co | Cobalt | In German = Co | Κοβάλτιο | In Greek = Co | Cobalt | In English = Co | Kobalto | In Esperanto = Co | Cobalto | In Spanish = Co | Koobalt | In Estonian = Co | Kobalto | In Basque = Co | کبالت | In Persian = Co | Koboltti | In Finnish = Co | Cobalt | In Friulian = Co | Cóbalt | In Irish = Co | Cobalto | In Galician = Co | Cobalt | In Manx = Co | קובלט | In Hebrew = Co | कोबाल्ट | In Hindi = Co | Kobalt | In Croatian = Co | Kobalt | In Hungarian = Co | Կոբալտ | In Armenian = Co | Kobal | In Indonesian = Co | Kobalto | In Ido = Co | Kóbolt | In Icelandic = Co | Cobalto | In Italian = Co | コバルト | In Japanese = Co | ridjinme | In Lojban = Co | ಕೊಬಾಲ್ಟ್ | In Kannada = Co | 코발트 | In Korean = Co | Kobalt | In Kurdish = Co | Cobaltum | In Latin = Co | Kobalt | In Letzeburgesh = Co | Kobaltas | In Lithuanian = Co | Kobalts | In Latvian = Co | Кобалт | In Macedonian = Co | കൊബാള്ട്ട് | In Malayalam = Co | कोबाल्ट | In Marathi = Co | Kobalt | In Low German = Co | Kobolt | In Nynorsk = Co | Kobolt | In Norwegian = Co | Cobalt | In Occitan = Co | Kobalt | In Polish = Co | Cobalto | In Portuguese = Co | Kubaltu | In Quechua = Co | Cobalt | In Romanian = Co | Кобальт | In Russian = Co | Kobalt | In Serbo-Croatian = Co | Kobalt | In Slovak = Co | Kobalt | In Slovenian = Co | Кобалт | In Serbian = Co | Cobalt | In Saterland Frisian = Co | Kobolt | In Swedish = Co | Kobalti | In Swahili = Co | Кобалт | In Tajik = Co | โคบอลต์ | In Thai = Co | Kobalt | In Turkish = Co | Кобальт | In Ukrainian = Co | Kobalt | In Uzbek = Co | Coban | In Vietnamese = Co | 钴 | In Chinese |
In Dutch | → Chemistry |
CO | Koolstofmonoxide = CO | Monoxyde de carbone | In French = CO | أول أكسيد الكربون | In Arabic = CO | Monòxid de carboni | In Catalan = CO | Oxid uhelnatý | In Czech = CO | Kulilte | In Danish = CO | Kohlenstoffmonoxid | In German = CO | Carbon monoxide | In English = CO | Karbona monooksido | In Esperanto = CO | Monóxido de carbono | In Spanish = CO | Vingugaas | In Estonian = CO | Karbono monoxido | In Basque = CO | منو اکسید کربن | In Persian = CO | Hiilimonoksidi | In Finnish = CO | Monóxido de carbono | In Galician = CO | Carboan monocseed | In Manx = CO | פחמן חד-חמצני | In Hebrew = CO | Ugljikov monoksid | In Croatian = CO | Wuhlikowy monoksid | In Upper Sorbian = CO | Szén-monoxid | In Hungarian = CO | Karbon monoksida | In Indonesian = CO | Kolmónoxíð | In Icelandic = CO | Monossido di carbonio | In Italian = CO | 一酸化炭素 | In Japanese = CO | 일산화 탄소 | In Korean = CO | Monoxidum Carbonis | In Latin = CO | Anglies monoksidas | In Lithuanian = CO | Oglekļa monoksīds | In Latvian = CO | Јаглерод моноксид | In Macedonian = CO | कार्बन मोनॉक्साईड | In Marathi = CO | Karbonmonoksid | In Nynorsk = CO | Karbonmonoksid | In Norwegian = CO | Tlenek węgla | In Polish = CO | Monóxido de carbono | In Portuguese = CO | Monoxid de carbon | In Romanian = CO | Монооксид углерода | In Russian = CO | Oxid uhoľnatý | In Slovak = CO | Ogljikov oksid | In Slovenian = CO | Karbon monoksida | In Sundanese = CO | Kolmonoxid | In Swedish = CO | Karbonmonoksit | In Turkish = CO | Монооксид вуглецю | In Ukrainian = CO | Mônôxít cacbon | In Vietnamese = CO | 一氧化碳 | In Chinese |
In Dutch | → Chemistry |
COBRA | Copenhagen, Brussel, Amsterdam | In Dutch | → Geography → Europe |
COO | Commissie voor Openbare Onderstand | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations |
COV | Centrum Ontmoeting der Volkeren | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Development |
COV | Christelijke Ontspannings Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises → Christianity |
CP | Centrumpartij | In Dutch | → Political parties and movements |
CPN | Communistische Partij Nederland | In Dutch | → Communist parties → Netherlands |
CPO | Collectief Particulier Opdrachtgeverschap | In Dutch | |
Cr | Chroom = Cr | Chrome | In French = Cr | Chroom | In Afrikaans = Cr | كروم | In Arabic = Cr | Cromu | In Asturian = Cr | Xrom | In Azerbaijani = Cr | Хром | In Belarusian = Cr | Хром | In Bulgarian = Cr | ক্রোমিয়াম | In Bengali = Cr | Hrom | In Bosnian = Cr | Crom | In Catalan = Cr | Cromu | In Corsican = Cr | Chróm | In Czech = Cr | Krom | In Danish = Cr | Chrom | In German = Cr | Χρώμιο | In Greek = Cr | Chromium | In English = Cr | Kromo | In Esperanto = Cr | Cromo | In Spanish = Cr | Kroom | In Estonian = Cr | Kromo | In Basque = Cr | کروم | In Persian = Cr | Kromi | In Finnish = Cr | Crom | In Friulian = Cr | Cromo | In Galician = Cr | Cromium | In Manx = Cr | כרום | In Hebrew = Cr | क्रोमियम | In Hindi = Cr | Krom | In Croatian = Cr | Kwòm | In Haitian Creole = Cr | Króm | In Hungarian = Cr | Քրոմ | In Armenian = Cr | Kromium | In Indonesian = Cr | Kromio | In Ido = Cr | Króm | In Icelandic = Cr | Cromo | In Italian = Cr | クロム | In Japanese = Cr | rogjinme | In Lojban = Cr | ಕ್ರೋಮಿಯಮ್ | In Kannada = Cr | 크로뮴 | In Korean = Cr | Krom | In Kurdish = Cr | Chromium | In Latin = Cr | Chrom | In Letzeburgesh = Cr | Chromas | In Lithuanian = Cr | Hroms | In Latvian = Cr | Konukita | In Māori = Cr | Хром | In Macedonian = Cr | ക്രോമിയം | In Malayalam = Cr | Kromium | In Malay = Cr | Tlapāltepoztli | En Nahuatl = Cr | Chrom | In Low German = Cr | Krom | In Nynorsk = Cr | Krom | In Norwegian = Cr | Cròme | In Occitan = Cr | Chrom | In Polish = Cr | Crômio | In Portuguese = Cr | Krumu | In Quechua = Cr | Crom | In Romanian = Cr | Хром | In Russian = Cr | Cromu | In Sicilian = Cr | Hrom | In Serbo-Croatian = Cr | Chróm | In Slovak = Cr | Krom | In Slovenian = Cr | Kromi | SQ = Cr | Хром | In Serbian = Cr | Chrom | In Saterland Frisian = Cr | Krom | In Swedish = Cr | Chromi | In Swahili = Cr | குரோமியம் | In Tamil = Cr | โครเมียม | In Thai = Cr | Krom | In Turkish = Cr | Хром | In Ukrainian = Cr | Xrom | In Uzbek = Cr | Crom | In Vietnamese = Cr | 铬 | In Chinese |
In Dutch | → Chemistry |
CSB | Christelijke Sportclub Baflo | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises → Christianity |
CSCA | Christelijke Sport Club Actief | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises → Christianity |
CSL | Combinatie Sport Leeuwarderadeel | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
CSV | Castricumse Sport Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
CSV | Christelijke Sport Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises → Christianity |
CSVC | Christelijke Sport Vereniging Coevorden | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises → Christianity |
CSVD | Christelijke Sportclub Vitesse Delft | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises → Christianity → Netherlands |
CSVH | Christelijke Sport Vereniging Hoogkerk | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises → Christianity |
CSW | Combinatie Sportclub Wilnis | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
CT | Coöperatieve Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
CTG | Centrum voor Technische Geowetenschappen ( = CTG | Centre for Technical Geoscience | In Dutch |
In Dutch | → Research institutes → Earth sciences → Netherlands |
CTG | Centre for Technical Geoscience ( = (look above) |
In Dutch | → Research institutes → Earth sciences → Netherlands |
CTIT | Centrum voor Telematica en Informatica Technologie | In Dutch | → Computer science → Telecommunications |
CTIT | Centrum voor Telematica en Informatietechnologie | In Dutch | → Research institutes → Telecommunications → Computer science |
CTTL | Centrum Taaldidactiek en Toegepaste Linguïstiek | In Dutch | → Research institutes → Linguistics |
Cu | Koper = Cu | Cuivre | In French = Cu | Koper | In Afrikaans = Cu | نحاس | In Arabic = Cu | Anti | In Aymara = Cu | Mis | In Azerbaijani = Cu | Медзь | In Belarusian = Cu | Мед | In Bulgarian = Cu | তামা | In Bengali = Cu | Bakar | In Bosnian = Cu | Coure | In Catalan = Cu | Ramu | In Corsican = Cu | Měď | In Czech = Cu | Пăхăр | In Chuvash = Cu | Copr | In Welsh = Cu | Kobber | In Danish = Cu | Kupfer | In German = Cu | Χαλκός | In Greek = Cu | Copper | In English = Cu | Kupro | In Esperanto = Cu | Cobre | In Spanish = Cu | Vask | In Estonian = Cu | Kobre | In Basque = Cu | مس | In Persian = Cu | Kupari | In Finnish = Cu | Ram | In Friulian = Cu | Copar | In Irish = Cu | Copar | In Scottish Gaelic = Cu | Cobre | In Galician = Cu | તાંબુ | In Gujarati = Cu | Cobbyr | In Manx = Cu | נחושת | In Hebrew = Cu | ताम्र | In Hindi = Cu | Bakar | In Croatian = Cu | Kuiv | In Haitian Creole = Cu | Réz | In Hungarian = Cu | Պղինձ | In Armenian = Cu | Tembaga | In Indonesian = Cu | Kupro | In Ido = Cu | Kopar | In Icelandic = Cu | Rame | In Italian = Cu | 銅 | In Japanese = Cu | tunka | In Lojban = Cu | Tembaga | JV = Cu | სპილენძი | In Georgian = Cu | Mutako | KG = Cu | 구리 | In Korean = Cu | Koffer | In Kölsch = Cu | Mis | In Kurdish = Cu | Kober | In Cornish = Cu | Cuprum | In Latin = Cu | Koffer | In Letzeburgesh = Cu | Koper | In Limburgish = Cu | Varis | In Lithuanian = Cu | Varš | In Latvian = Cu | Konukura | In Māori = Cu | Бакар | In Macedonian = Cu | ചെമ്പ് | In Malayalam = Cu | Зэс | In Mongolian = Cu | तांबे | In Marathi = Cu | Tembaga | In Malay = Cu | Пиже | MYV = Cu | Chīltic tepoztli | En Nahuatl = Cu | Kopper | In Low German = Cu | Kopar | In Nynorsk = Cu | Kobber | In Norwegian = Cu | Coire | In Occitan = Cu | Miedź | In Polish = Cu | Cobre | In Portuguese = Cu | Anta | In Quechua = Cu | Cupru | In Romanian = Cu | Медь | In Russian = Cu | ताम्रम् | In Sanskrit = Cu | Rami | In Sicilian = Cu | Bakar | In Serbo-Croatian = Cu | Meď | In Slovak = Cu | Baker | In Slovenian = Cu | Bakri | SQ = Cu | Бакар | In Serbian = Cu | Koppar | In Swedish = Cu | Shaba | In Swahili = Cu | செப்பு | In Tamil = Cu | రాగి | In Telugu = Cu | Мис | In Tajik = Cu | ทองแดง | In Thai = Cu | Tanso | In Tagalog = Cu | Bakır | In Turkish = Cu | Мідь | In Ukrainian = Cu | تانبا | In Urdu = Cu | Mis | In Uzbek = Cu | Đồng | In Vietnamese = Cu | קופער | In Yiddisch = Cu | 铜 | In Chinese = Cu | Umthofu | ZU |
In Dutch | → Chemistry |
CV | Commanditaire Vennootschap | In Dutch | → Economics |
CVAH | Centrale Vereniging voor Ambulante Handel | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Trade |
CVBVB | Christelijke Voetbal Vereniging Bedum | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Christianity → Football and rugby |
CVC | Compascuumer Voetbal Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
CVC | Centrum voor Vaktaal en Communicatie | In Dutch | → Research institutes → Telecommunications → Language, linguistics, literature |
CVE | Centrale Verwerkingseenheid | In Dutch | |
CvO | Commissie voor Onderzoek | In Dutch | → Education |
CVO | Combinatie Vrouwenparochie Oude Leije | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
CVS | Chronisch Vermoeidheidssyndroom | In Dutch | → Pathology |
CVSB | Christelijke Voetbalvereniging Scheemder Boys | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Christianity → Football and rugby |
CVV | Charloise Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
CVVA | Christelijke Voetbal Vereniging Arnhem | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Christianity → Football and rugby |
CVVO | Christelijke Vereniging Voor Ontspanning | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises → Christianity |
CVW | Christelijke Voetbalclub Winschoten | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Christianity → Football and rugby |
CW | Chemische Wetenschappen | In Dutch | → Chemistry |
CWI | Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica | In Dutch | → Computer science |
CWI | Centrum voor Werk en Inkomen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
D | Asparaginezuur = D | Aspartic Acid | In English = D | অ্যাস্পার্টিক অ্যাসিড | In Bengali = D | Kyselina asparagová | In Czech = D | Asparaginsäure | In German = D | Ácido aspártico | In Spanish = D | Asparta acido | In Esperanto = D | Acide aspartique | In French = D | 아스파르트산 | In Korean = D | Asam aspartat | In Indonesian = D | Acido aspartico | In Italian = D | Àcid aspàrtic | In Catalan = D | חומצה אספרטית | In Hebrew = D | Asparagīnskābe | In Latvian = D | Asparto rūgštis | In Lithuanian = D | Aszparaginsav | In Hungarian = D | アスパラギン酸 | In Japanese = D | Kwas asparaginowy | In Polish = D | Ácido aspártico | In Portuguese = D | Аспарагиновая кислота | In Russian = D | Asparagiinihappo | In Finnish = D | Asparaginsyra | In Swedish = D | Aspartat | In Turkish = D | Аспарагінова кислота | In Ukrainian |
In Dutch | → Biochemistry, biophysics |
DA | Drogisten Associatie | In Dutch | |
DAC | Derde Arbeidscircuit | In Dutch | → Labour, labour economics |
DAG | Dordtee Adviesraadvoor het Gehandicaptenbeleid | In Dutch | |
DALTO | De Aanval Leidt Tot Overwinning | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DAT | Differentiële Aanleg Testserie | In Dutch | → Education |
DAVO | Dordrecht Aan Vallen en Overwinnen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DAW | De Aanhouder Wint | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DBC | Dordtse Boys Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DBGC | Don Bosco Grijsoord Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DBK | Door Broederschap Krachtig | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DBS | Door Broederschap Sterk | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DBSV | Don Bosco Studenten Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DBV | Door Bevrijding Verkregen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DCG | Door Combinatie Groot | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DCL | De Charloise Leeuw | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DCO | Door Combinatie Overwinning | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DCS | Door Combinatie Sterk | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DCV | Door Combinatie Verkregen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DDH | De Drie Hoefijzers | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DDR | Duitse Democratische Republiek = GDR | Germana Demokratia Respubliko | In Esperanto = RDA | Republik Demokratel Alamagn | In Breton = RDA | República Democrática Alemana | In Spanish = RDA | République Démocratique Allemande | In French = DDR | Deutsche Demokratische Republik | In German = DDR | Duitse Demokratiese Republiek | In Afrikaans = NDR | Njemačka Demokratska Republika | In Bosnian = RDA | República Democràtica Alemanya | In Catalan = NDR | Německá demokratická republika | In Czech = ГДР | Германи Демократиллĕ Республики | In Chuvash = ΛΔΓ | Λαϊκή Δημοκρατία της Γερμανίας | In Greek = GDR | German Democratic Republic | In English = AED | Alemaniar Errepublika Demokratikoa | In Basque = NDK | Német Demokratikus Köztársaság | In Hungarian = RDT | Repubblica Democratica Tedesca | In Italian = RDG | Republica Democrată Germană | In Romanian = DAC | Demokratik Alman Cumhuriyeti | In Turkish |
In Dutch | → Geography → Germany |
DDT | Dichloordifenyltrichloorethaan = DDT | Dichlorodiphényltrichloréthane | In French = ДДТ | дихлоро-дифенил-трихлороетан | In Bulgarian = DDT | Dihlor-difenil-trihloretan | In Bosnian = DDT | Dicloro-difenil-tricloroetà | In Catalan = DDT | Dichlordiphenyltrichlorethan | In Danish = DDT | Dichlordiphenyltrichlorethan | In German = DDT | Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane | In English = DDT | Diklor-difenil-trikloretano | In Esperanto = DDT | Dicloro-difenil-tricloroetano | In Spanish = DDT | Diklorodifenüültrikloroetaan | In Estonian = DDT | Dikloori-difenyyli-trikloorietaani | In Finnish = די די טי | דיכלורו-דיפניל-טריכלורו-אתאן | In Hebrew = DDT | Diklór-difenil-triklór-etán | In Hungarian = DDT | Diclorodifeniltricloroetano | In Italian = DDT | Dichloro-Difenil-Trichloroetanas | In Lithuanian = DDT | Diklor-difenyl-trikloretan | In Nynorsk = DDT | Dichlorodifenylotrichloroetan | In Polish = DDT | Dicloro-Difenil-Tricloroetano | In Portuguese = DDT | Diclor-Difenil-Tricloretan | In Romanian = ДДТ | ДихлорДифенилТрихлорметилметан | In Russian = DDT | Dichlórdifenyltrichlóretán | In Slovak = DDT | Dikloro-Difenil-Trikloroetan | In Slovenian = ДДТ | Дихлор-дифенил-трихлоретан | In Serbian = DDT | Diklordifenyltrikloretan | In Swedish = DFS | Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH | In German |
In Dutch | → Chemicals → Agricultural sciences |
DEB | Door Eendracht Bereikt | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DEES | Door Eendracht En Samenspel | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DEH | Door Eendracht Hoger | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DEK | Door Eendracht Kracht | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DEM | Door Eendracht Macht | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DEMOS | De Eendracht Maakt Ons Sterker | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DEO | Dijkhoek En Omstreken | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DES | Door Eendracht Sterk | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DESK | Door Eendracht Sterk Kaatsheuvel | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DESM | Door Eendracht Sterk Moesdijk | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DESO | Door Eendracht Sterk Oss | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DESS | Door Eendracht Sterk Sijbekarspel | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DESTO | Door Edel Spel Tot Ontwikkeling | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DESZ | Door Eendracht Samen Zwartsluis | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DETO | Door Eendracht Tot Overwinning | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DEV | Door Eendracht Vereenigd | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DEV | De Elf Vrienden | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DEVJO | Door En Voor Jongeren Opgericht | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DEVO | Door Enige Vrienden Opgericht | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DF | Davidsfonds ( | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Civilization, culture, progress → Belgium |
DFC | Dordtsche Football Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
DFS | Door Fusie Sterk | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DGS | Deventer Gymnasiasten Sportclub | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DHC | Delfia Hollandia Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises → Netherlands |
DHL | De Hollandsche Leeuw | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises → Netherlands |
DHS | Doorzetten Hinderen Schieten | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DHV | Den Hoek Vooruit | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DHW | Darp Havelte Wapserveen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DHZ | Door Houvast Zegevieren | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DIB | Door Inzet Beloond | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DiBuO | Directies Buitengewoon Onderwijs Gemeenschapsonderwijs | In Dutch | → Education |
DIE | Dienst voor de Intellectuele Eigendom | In Dutch | → Industrial property → Artistic property |
DINDUA | Door Inspanning Nuttig Door Uitspanning Aangenaam | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DIO | Door Inspanning Ontspanning | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DIO | Door Inspanning Overwinning | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DIO | Diergeneeskunde in Ontwikkelingssamenwerking ( | In Dutch | → Foundations → Veterinary medicine → Netherlands |
DIOS | Doelen Is Ons Streven | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DIOSA | Doelen Is Ons Streven Altijd | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DIOSZ | Door Inspanning Overwinnen Zegge | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DIS | Door Inspanning Sterk | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DIVO | Door Inspanning Volgt Overwinning | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DIVO | Directies Vrij Onderwijs | In Dutch | → Education |
DJK | De Jonge Kampioen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DJS | De Jonge Spartaan | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DKB | De Krim Boys | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DLO | Door Lichamelijk Oefenen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DLVS | De Leeuw Van Spangen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DMC | De Merwe Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DMC | Domstad Majella Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DMF | Dimethylformamide = DMF | Diméthylformamide | In French = DMF | Dimethylformamid | In German = DMF | Dimethylformamide | In English = DMF | Dimetilformammide | In Italian = DMF | N,N-ジメチルホルムアミド | In Japanese = ДМФА | Диметилформамид | In Russian = DMF | Dimetylformamid | In Swedish = DMF | 二甲基甲醯胺 | In Chinese = DMF | ثنائي ميثيل فورماميد | In Arabic |
In Dutch | → Organic chemistry |
DNL | De Nederlandsche Leeuw | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises → Netherlands |
DOB | Door Oefening Beter | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DOG | De Oude Garde | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DOK | Door Oefening Kracht | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DONK | Doelt Onversaagd Naar Kampioen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DOO | Door Oefenen Overwinnen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DORR | Door Oefening Razend Rap | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DOS | Door Oefening Sterk | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DOS | Drogter-Op-Slagen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DOSB | Door Oefening Steeds Beter | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DOSC | Dolderse Omni Sport Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DOSK | Door Oefening Sterk Kampen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DOSKO | Door Ons Samenspel Komt Overwinning | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DOSL | Door Oefening Sterk Leende | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DOSR | Door Oefening Sterk Roelofarendsveen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
DOSS | Door Oefening Steeds Sterker | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |