Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
VVM | Voetbal Vereniging Maasstraat | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
VVN | Voetbal Vereniging Noordschans | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
VVO | Voetbal Vereniging Olympia | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
VVOG | Voetbal Voor Ons Genoegen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
VVOH | Voetbal Vereniging Ons Huis | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
VVOM | Voetbal Vereniging Overvecht Minerva | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
VVOO | Voetbal Vereniging Onder Ons | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
VVOP | Voetballen Voor Ons Plezier | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
VVOR | Voetbal Vereniging Oost Rotterdam | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby → Netherlands |
VVP | Voetbal Vereniging Pancratius | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
VVR | Voetbal Vereniging Rijsbergen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
VVRA | Voetbal Vereniging Rijks Ambtenaren | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
VVS | Voetbal Vereniging Stratum | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
VVS | Voetbal Vereniging Sparta | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
VVS | Voetbal Vereniging Spanbroek | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
VVS | Voetbal Vereniging Smit | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
VVS | Vlaamse Vereniging van Studenten | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Higher education, universities → Belgium |
VVSB | Voetbal Vereniging Sint Bavo | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
VVSN | Vier Vereenigde Sportclubs Nijmegen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
VVT | Voetbal Vereniging Twijzelerheide | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
VVT | Vlaamse Vereniging van Tandartsen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Belgium |
VVV | Venlose Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
VVW | Volharding Vergt Wilskracht | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
VVWL | Vlaamse Vereniging van Wiskundeleraren ( | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Education → Mathematics → Belgium |
VVZ | Voetbal Vereniging Zaandam | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
VVZ | Voetbal Vereeniging Zwolle | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
VVZ | Voetbal Vereniging Zonnegloren | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
VVZA | Voetbal Vereniging Zeehelden Amersfoort | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
VWA | Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit ( | In Dutch | → Central administration → Consumerism → Food technology → Netherlands |
VWDHZ | Vereniging van Winkelketens in de Doe Het Zelf Branche | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Trade |
VWO | Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs | In Dutch | → Education → Mathematics and natural sciences |
VWS | Van Wijk Sportvereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
VZVV | Vereenigde Zaandamsche Voetbal Vereenigingen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
VZW | Vereniging Zonder Winstoogmerk | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations |
W | Tryptofaan = W | Tryptophan | In English = W | ট্রিপ্টোফ্যান | In Bengali = W | Triptòfan | In Catalan = W | Tryptofan | In Danish = W | Tryptophan | In German = W | Triptófano | In Spanish = W | Triptofano | In Esperanto = W | Tryptophane | In French = W | 트립토판 | In Korean = W | Triptofan | In Indonesian = W | Triptofano | In Italian = W | טריפטופן | In Hebrew = W | Triptofāns | In Latvian = W | Tryptophan | In Letzeburgesh = W | Triptofanas | In Lithuanian = W | トリプトファン | In Japanese = W | Tryptofan | In Norwegian = W | Tryptofan | In Polish = W | Triptófano | In Portuguese = W | Triptofan | In Romanian = W | Триптофан | In Russian = W | Tryptofán | In Slovak = W | Tryptofaani | In Finnish = W | Tryptofan | In Swedish = W | Triptofan | In Turkish = W | Триптофан | In Ukrainian = W | 色氨酸 | In Chinese |
In Dutch | → Biochemistry, biophysics |
W&D | Woord en Daad | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations |
WA | Wettelijke Aansprakelijkheid | In Dutch | |
WADA | Wereld Anti Doping Agentschap ( | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WALVIS | Wet administratieve lastenverlichting en vereenvoudiging in sociale verzekeringswetten | In Dutch | |
WAVV | Wageningse Arbeiders Voetbal Verenigng | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
WBSV | West Beemster Sport Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WCA | Woonwagen Centrum Arnhem | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WCR | Willibrordus Club Rhoon | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WDS | Waarder Driebruggen Samen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WDZ | Wilskracht Doet Zegevieren | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WEB | Wet Educatie en Beroepsonderwijs | In Dutch | → Education |
WEC | Wet op de Expertise Centra | In Dutch | → Education |
WEC | Wijbosch Eerde Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WENK | (Hogeschool voor) Wetenschap en Kunst | In Dutch | → Education |
WEO | Woldendorp En Omgeving | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WEU | West-Europese Unie | In Dutch | → International relations |
WF | Wilton Fijenoord | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WFB | West Flakkeese Boys | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WFC | Wormerveerse Football Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
WGW | Wit Geel Wit | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WHC | Wezep Hattemerbroek Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WHCZ | Wilhelmina Hercules Combinatie Zutphen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WHS | Wij Houden Stand | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WHV | Wij Houden Vol | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WICO | Willibrordus Ignatius Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WIGW | Weduwen, Invaliden, Gepensioneerden en Wezen | In Dutch | → Social welfare → Medicine |
WIK | Willen Is Kunnen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WIS | Werkzoekende Informatie Systeem van de VDAB | In Dutch | |
WIVOS | Willibrordus Voor Ontspanning en Spel | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WK | Wereldkampioenschap | In Dutch | |
WKE | Woonwagen Kamp Emmen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WKH | Woonwagen Kamp Hoogeveen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WL | Waterloopkundig Laboratorium | In Dutch | → Research institutes |
WL | Westerlengte | In Dutch | |
WMBO | Voorbereidend Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs | In Dutch | → Education |
WMC | Waard Molenboys Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WMHO | Wie Moed Houdt Overwint | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WMS | Wilskracht Maakt Sterk | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WNC | Waardenburg Neerijnen Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WOL | Wie Oefent Leert | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WOS | Westlandse Omroep Stichting ( | In Dutch | → Foundations → Telecommunications → Netherlands |
WPO | Wet op Primair Onderwijs | In Dutch | → Education |
WRW | Wit Rood Wit | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WS | Waalwijkse Sport Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WSE | Waddinxveense Sportvereniging Excelsior | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WSJ | Willebrord Sint Jozef | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WSV | Wormse Sport Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WSV | Wijdenesser Sportvereniging Wilskracht | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WTCB | Wetenschappelijk en Technisch Centrum voor het Bouwbedrijf = CSTC | Centre Scientifique et Technique de la Construction | In French |
In Dutch | → Construction |
WTO | Wie Traint Overwint | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WTOC | Westergeest Triemen Oudwoude Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WVC | Winterswijkse Voetbal Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
WVF | Westenholte Voorst Frankhuis | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WVO | Wet Voortgezet Onderwijs | In Dutch | → Education |
WVO | Wapen Van Oosterhout | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WVS | Wilskracht Voor Spierkracht | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WVS | Wapen Van Steenbergen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WvS | Wetboek van Strafrecht | In Dutch | → Law, jurisprudence |
WVSD | Wetenschappelijke Vereniging Voor Seksuele Disfuncties | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sexual problems → Urology |
WVV | Winschoter Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
WVV | Witte Vrouwen Veld | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WVV | Wegdamse Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby → Netherlands |
WVV | Woensdrechtse Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby → Netherlands |
WVVZ | Woenselse Voetbal Vereniging Zuid | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby → Netherlands |
WVW | Wie Volhoudt Wint | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WWNA | Wenum Wiesel Noord Apeldoorn | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WWS | Wirdum Wijtgaard Swichum | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WWV | Wij Willen Vooruit | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WYSIWYG | What You See Is What You Get | In Dutch | → Computer science |
WZC | Wapenveldse Zaterdag Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
WZS | Wit Zwart Sneek | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
Y | Tyrosine = Y | Tyrosine | In English = Y | تيروسين | In Arabic = Y | Tirosina | In Catalan = Y | Tyrosin | In Danish = Y | Tyrosin | In German = Y | Tirosina | In Spanish = Y | Tirozino | In Esperanto = Y | Tyrosine | In French = Y | 티로신 | In Korean = Y | Tirosin | In Indonesian = Y | Tirosina | In Italian = Y | טירוזין | In Hebrew = Y | Tirozīns | In Latvian = Y | Tyrosin | In Letzeburgesh = Y | Tirozinas | In Lithuanian = Y | ja:チロシン | In Japanese = Y | Tyrozyna | In Polish = Y | Tirosina | In Portuguese = Y | Тирозин | In Russian = Y | Tirosin | In Sundanese = Y | Tyrosiini | In Finnish = Y | Tyrosin | In Swedish = Y | Тирозин | In Ukrainian = Y | 酪氨酸 | In Chinese |
In Dutch | → Biochemistry, biophysics |
Z | Impedantie = Z | Impedance | In English = Z | معاوقة | In Arabic = Z | Импеданс | In Bulgarian = Z | Impedància | In Catalan = Z | Impedance | In Czech = Z | Impedans | In Danish = Z | Impedanz | In German = Z | Impedancia | In Spanish = Z | Impedanco | In Esperanto = Z | Inpedantzia | In Basque = Z | Impédance | In French = Z | 임피던스 | In Korean = Z | Samviðnám | In Icelandic = Z | Impedenza | In Italian = Z | עכבה חשמלית | In Hebrew = Z | Impedancia | In Hungarian = Z | インピーダンス | In Japanese = Z | Impedans | In Norwegian = Z | Impedancja | In Polish = Z | Impedância elétrica | In Portuguese = Z | Impedanţă electrică | In Romanian = Z | Электрический импеданс | In Russian = Z | Impedancia | In Slovak = Z | Impedanca | In Slovenian = Z | Електрична импеданса | In Serbian = Z | Električna impedansa | In Serbo-Croatian = Z | Impedanssi | In Finnish = Z | Impedans | In Swedish = Z | மின்மறுப்பு | In Tamil = Z | Trở kháng | In Vietnamese = Z | Öz direnç | In Turkish = Z | Імпеданс | In Ukrainian = Z | 阻抗 | In Chinese |
In Dutch | → Electrical engineering → Electronics |
ZAC | Zwolse Athletische Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ZAP | Zwaluwen Anna Paulowna | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises → Netherlands |
ZBC | Zweeloo Benneveld Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ZBC | Zwijndrecht Bakestein Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ZBVH | Zuid Beijerlandse Voetbalvereniging Hercules | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby → Netherlands |
ZBVV | Zalt Bommeler Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
ZCFC | Zaandamse Christelijke Football Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby → Christianity → Netherlands |
ZDH | Zwaluwen Den Hoorn | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ZEC | Zandeweer Eppenhuizen Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ZFC | Zaanlandsche Football Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
ZGC | ZWZ Geldrop Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
ZGG | Zending Gereformeerde Gemeenten | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations |
ZH | Zijne Heiligheid | In Dutch | |
ZHK | Zijne Koninklijke Hoogheid | In Dutch | |
ZIGO | Zonder Inspanning Geen Overwinning | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ZLC | Zuidkwartier LDTS Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ZM | Zijne Majesteit | In Dutch | |
ZMLK | Zeer Moeilijk Lerende Kinderen | In Dutch | → Education |
ZMOK | Zeer Moeilijk Opvoedbare Kinderen | In Dutch | → Education |
Zn | Zink = Zn | Zinc | In French = Zn | Sink | In Afrikaans = Zn | زنك | In Arabic = Zn | Cinc | In Asturian = Zn | Sink | In Azerbaijani = Zn | Цынк | In Belarusian = Zn | Цинк | In Bulgarian = Zn | Cink | In Bosnian = Zn | Zinc | In Catalan = Zn | Zingu | In Corsican = Zn | Zinek | In Czech = Zn | Sinc | In Welsh = Zn | Zink | In Danish = Zn | Zink | In German = Zn | Ψευδάργυρος | In Greek = Zn | Zinc | In English = Zn | Zinko | In Esperanto = Zn | Zinc | In Spanish = Zn | Tsink | In Estonian = Zn | Zink | In Basque = Zn | روی | In Persian = Zn | Sinkki | In Finnish = Zn | Zinc | In Friulian = Zn | Sinc | In Irish = Zn | Cinc | In Galician = Zn | Shinc | In Manx = Zn | אבץ | In Hebrew = Zn | जस्ता | In Hindi = Zn | Cink | In Croatian = Zn | Zenk | In Haitian Creole = Zn | Cink | In Hungarian = Zn | Ցինկ | In Armenian = Zn | Seng | In Indonesian = Zn | Zinko | In Ido = Zn | Sink | In Icelandic = Zn | Zinco | In Italian = Zn | 亜鉛 | In Japanese = Zn | zinki | In Lojban = Zn | Sèng | JV = Zn | 아연 | In Korean = Zn | Çînko | In Kurdish = Zn | Zincum | In Latin = Zn | Cinkas | In Lithuanian = Zn | Cinks | In Latvian = Zn | Konutea | In Māori = Zn | Цинк | In Macedonian = Zn | നാകം | In Malayalam = Zn | Цайр | In Mongolian = Zn | झिंक | In Marathi = Zn | Zink | In Low German = Zn | जिन्क | In Newari (Nepal Bhasa) = Zn | Sink | In Nynorsk = Zn | Sink | In Norwegian = Zn | Zinc | In Occitan = Zn | Cynk | In Polish = Zn | Zinco | In Portuguese = Zn | Tsinku | In Quechua = Zn | Zinc | In Romanian = Zn | Цинк | In Russian = Zn | वङ्गम् | In Sanskrit = Zn | Zincu | In Sicilian = Zn | Cink | In Serbo-Croatian = Zn | Zinok | In Slovak = Zn | Cink | In Slovenian = Zn | Цинк | In Serbian = Zn | Zink | In Swedish = Zn | Zinki | In Swahili = Zn | துத்தநாகம் | In Tamil = Zn | Руҳ | In Tajik = Zn | สังกะสี | In Thai = Zn | Çinko | In Turkish = Zn | Цинк | In Ukrainian = Zn | خارصین | In Urdu = Zn | Rux | In Uzbek = Zn | Kẽm | In Vietnamese = Zn | 锌 | In Chinese |
In Dutch | → Chemistry |
ZNC | Zeister Nieuwe Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ZNC | Zuidbroek Noordbroek Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ZOB | Zuid Oost Beemster | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ZPC | Zegevieren door Plaatsen en Combineren | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ZPR | Zeeuwse Parel Rozenoord | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ZRC | Zwaluwen RODA Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ZSC | Zwaluwen Sparta Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ZSC | Zwolsche Sport Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ZSC | Zwaluwen Stormvogels Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ZSC | Zandvoortse Sport Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ZSGO | Zonder Samenspel Geen Overwinning | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ZSV | Zeilbergse Sport Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ZSV | Zwolse Sport Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ZVV | Zaansche Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
ZVV | Zandvoortsche Voetbal Vereeniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
ZVV | Zwolsche Voetbal Vereeniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
ZVV | Zevenhuizense Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
ZVVC | Zeeland Vooruit Vlissingen Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ZVZ | Zaterdag Voetbalclub Zuidlaren | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
ZW | Zwart Wit | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ZWSH | Zwart Wit Steeds Hooger | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ZWZ | Zwart Wit Zwart | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ZZG | Zeister Zendingsgenootschap | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations |
ZZVV | Zuidwolder Zaterdag Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby → Netherlands |