Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
FENAC | Federatie van Nederlandse Audiologische Centra ( | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Medicine → Netherlands |
FEO | Federatie Evangelische Zorg-Organisaties ( | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Protestant churches → Social aid → Netherlands |
FHS | Friden Holland Sport | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises → Netherlands |
FIOD | Fiscale Inlichtingen en Opsporingsdienst | In Dutch | → Central administration → Taxes, duties |
FIOS | Fier Is Ons Streven | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
FJCT | Federatie Christelijk Jeugdwurk Tytsjerksteradiel | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Christianity |
FLO | Functioneel Leeftijdsontslag | In Dutch | |
FM | Frequentie Modulatie | In Dutch | → Telecommunications |
FNV | Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Netherlands |
FNV | Federatie Nederlands Vakverbond ( | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Netherlands |
FOD | Federale Overheidsdienst | In Dutch | → Public administration, government |
FOKUZ | Fundamenteel Onderzoek van Kust en Zee | In Dutch | → Earth sciences |
FOM | (Stichting voor) Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie ( | In Dutch | → Foundations → Materials science → Netherlands |
FPU | Flexibel Pensioen en Uittreden | In Dutch | |
FSC | Fortuna Sittardia Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
FSV | Fijnaartse Sport Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
FSV | Feijenoordse Sport Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
FVC | Friese Voetbal Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
FVV | Foxholter Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
FZO | Flats Zeist Oost | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
G | Glycine = G | Glycine | In English = G | গ্লাইসিন | In Bengali = G | Glicina | In Catalan = G | Glycin | In Czech = G | Glycin | In Danish = G | Glycin | In German = G | Glicina | In Spanish = G | Glicino | In Esperanto = G | Glycine | In French = G | 글리신 | In Korean = G | Glicin | In Croatian = G | Glisin | In Indonesian = G | Glicina | In Italian = G | גליצין | In Hebrew = G | Glicīns | In Latvian = G | Glycin | In Letzeburgesh = G | Glicinas | In Lithuanian = G | Glicin | In Hungarian = G | グリシン | In Japanese = G | Glycin | In Norwegian = G | Glicyna | In Polish = G | Glicina | In Portuguese = G | Глицин | In Russian = G | Глицин | In Serbian = G | Glisin | In Sundanese = G | Glysiini | In Finnish = G | Glycin | In Swedish = G | Glisin | In Turkish = G | Гліцин | In Ukrainian = G | 甘氨酸 | In Chinese |
In Dutch | → Biochemistry, biophysics |
Ga | Gallium = Ga | Gallium | In French = Ga | Gallium | In Afrikaans = Ga | غاليوم | In Arabic = Ga | Галій | In Belarusian = Ga | Галий | In Bulgarian = Ga | গ্যালিয়াম | In Bengali = Ga | Galijum | In Bosnian = Ga | Gal·li | In Catalan = Ga | Galliu | In Corsican = Ga | Gallium | In Czech = Ga | Galiwm | In Welsh = Ga | Gallium | In Danish = Ga | Gallium | In German = Ga | Γάλλιο | In Greek = Ga | Gallium | In English = Ga | Galiumo | In Esperanto = Ga | Galio | In Spanish = Ga | Gallium | In Estonian = Ga | Galio | In Basque = Ga | گالیوم | In Persian = Ga | Gallium | In Finnish = Ga | Gali | In Friulian = Ga | Gailliam | In Irish = Ga | Galio | In Galician = Ga | Gallium | In Manx = Ga | גליום | In Hebrew = Ga | गैलिअम | In Hindi = Ga | Galij | In Croatian = Ga | Galyòm | In Haitian Creole = Ga | Gallium | In Hungarian = Ga | Գալիում | In Armenian = Ga | Galium | In Indonesian = Ga | Galio | In Ido = Ga | Gallín | In Icelandic = Ga | Gallio | In Italian = Ga | ガリウム | In Japanese = Ga | fasyjinme | In Lojban = Ga | Galium | JV = Ga | 갈륨 | In Korean = Ga | Galyûm | In Kurdish = Ga | Gallium | In Latin = Ga | Gallium | In Letzeburgesh = Ga | Galis | In Lithuanian = Ga | Gallijs | In Latvian = Ga | ഗാലിയം | In Malayalam = Ga | Gallium | In Nynorsk = Ga | Gallium | In Norwegian = Ga | Galli | In Occitan = Ga | Gal | In Polish = Ga | Gálio | In Portuguese = Ga | Galyu | In Quechua = Ga | Галлий | In Russian = Ga | Galliu | In Sicilian = Ga | Galijum | In Serbo-Croatian = Ga | Gálium | In Slovak = Ga | Galij | In Slovenian = Ga | Галијум | In Serbian = Ga | Gallium | In Swedish = Ga | Gali | In Swahili = Ga | காலியம் | In Tamil = Ga | แกลเลียม | In Thai = Ga | Galyum | In Turkish = Ga | Галій | In Ukrainian = Ga | Galliy | In Uzbek = Ga | Gali | In Vietnamese = Ga | 镓 | In Chinese |
In Dutch | → Chemistry |
GAG | Jongeren Activiteiten Groep | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations |
GaMON | Gamma-onderzoek milieu, omgeving natuur | In Dutch | |
GAVC | Grouwse Arbeiders Voetbal Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
GAVC | Grouwster Athletiek Voetbal Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
GB | Groot-Brittannië | In Dutch | → Geography → United Kingdom |
GBVB | Gemeenschappelijk Buitenlands en Veiligheidsbeleid = CFSP | Common Foreign and Security Policy | In English = GASP | Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik | In German = WPZiB | Wspólna polityka zagraniczna i bezpieczeństwa | In Polish = PESC | Politique Étrangère et de Sécurité Commune | In French = PESC | Politica Estera e di Sicurezza Comune | In Italian = SZPB | Společná zahraniční a bezpečnostní politika | In Czech = СЗБП | Спільна зовнішня та безпекова політика | In Ukrainian = SZPB | Spoločná zahraničná a bezpečnostná politika | In Slovak = PESC | Política Externa e de Segurança Comum | In Portuguese = FUSP | Felles utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk | In Norwegian |
In Dutch | → European Union → International relations → Police |
GCSV | Groningse Christelijke Sport Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises → Christianity |
GDA | Gabriël del Adalorata | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GDC | Genderen Drongelen Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GDS | Groot Door Samenwerking | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
Ge | Germanium = Ge | Germanium | In Afrikaans = Ge | جرمانيوم | In Arabic = Ge | Germanium | In English = Ge | জার্মেনিয়াম | In Bengali = Ge | Германій | In Belarusian = Ge | Germanijum | In Bosnian = Ge | Германий | In Bulgarian = Ge | Germani | In Catalan = Ge | Germanium | In Czech = Ge | Germaniu | In Corsican = Ge | Germaniwm | In Welsh = Ge | Germanium | In Danish = Ge | Germanium | In German = Ge | Germaanium | In Estonian = Ge | Γερμάνιο | In Greek = Ge | Germanio | In Spanish = Ge | Germaniumo | In Esperanto = Ge | Germanio | In Basque = Ge | ژرمانیوم | In Persian = Ge | Germanium | In French = Ge | Gjermani | In Friulian = Ge | Gearmáiniam | In Irish = Ge | Germaanium | In Manx = Ge | Xermanio | In Galician = Ge | 저마늄 | In Korean = Ge | Գերմանիում | In Armenian = Ge | जर्मेनियम | In Hindi = Ge | Germanij | In Croatian = Ge | Germanio | In Ido = Ge | Germanium | In Indonesian = Ge | German | In Icelandic = Ge | Germanio | In Italian = Ge | גרמניום | In Hebrew = Ge | Germanium | JV = Ge | Gerimani | In Swahili = Ge | Jèmanyòm | In Haitian Creole = Ge | Germanyûm | In Kurdish = Ge | Germanium | In Latin = Ge | Germānijs | In Latvian = Ge | Germanium | In Letzeburgesh = Ge | Germanis | In Lithuanian = Ge | dotyjinme | In Lojban = Ge | Germánium | In Hungarian = Ge | ജെര്മേനിയം | In Malayalam = Ge | जर्मेनियम | In Marathi = Ge | Germanium | In Malay = Ge | ゲルマニウム | In Japanese = Ge | Germanium | In Norwegian = Ge | Germanium | In Nynorsk = Ge | Germani | In Occitan = Ge | Germaniy | In Uzbek = Ge | Germanium | In Low German = Ge | German | In Polish = Ge | Germânio | In Portuguese = Ge | Germaniu | In Romanian = Ge | Germanyu | In Quechua = Ge | Германий | In Russian = Ge | Girmaniu | In Sicilian = Ge | Germánium | In Slovak = Ge | Germanij | In Slovenian = Ge | Германијум | In Serbian = Ge | Germanijum | In Serbo-Croatian = Ge | Germanium | In Finnish = Ge | Germanium | In Swedish = Ge | ஜேர்மானியம் | In Tamil = Ge | เจอร์เมเนียม | In Thai = Ge | Gecmani | In Vietnamese = Ge | Germanyum | In Turkish = Ge | Германій | In Ukrainian = Ge | جرمانیئم | In Urdu = Ge | 锗 | In Chinese |
In Dutch | → Chemistry |
GEB | Gemeentelijke Energie Boys | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GEO | Garmerwolde En Omstreken | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GESTA | Galder En Strijbeek Ten Aanval | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GFC | Goorsche Football Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
GFC | Grubbenvorster Football Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
GG | Gouverneur Generaal | In Dutch | → Public administration, government |
GGD | Grootste Gemene Deler | In Dutch | → Mathematics |
GGD | Gemeentelijke Gezondheidsdienst | In Dutch | → Medicine |
GGK | Gemeentelijk Gasbedrijf Keileweg | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GHC | Groene Hart Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GIP | Geïntegreerde Proef | In Dutch | → Education |
GIS | Geografisch Informatiesysteem = SIG | Système d'Information Géographique | In French = GIS | Geographic(al) Information System | In English = SIG | Sistema Informativo Geografico | In Italian = SIG | Sistema de Información Geográfica | In Spanish = SIG | Sistema d'informació geogràfica | In Catalan = GIS | Geografický Informační Systém | In Czech = ГИС | Географска информационна система | In Bulgarian = ΓΣΠ | Γεωγραφικά Συστήματα Πληροφοριών | In Greek = GIS | Geographisches Informationssystem | In German = GIS | Geoinformationssystem | In German = GIS | Geoinfosüsteem | In Estonian = GIS | Geografski informacijski sustav | In Croatian = ממ"ג | מערכת מידע גאוגרפית | In Hebrew = GIS | Geografinė informacinė sistema | In Lithuanian = SIG | Sistem Informasi Geografis | In Indonesian = GIS | Geografiske informasjonssystem | In Nynorsk = GIS | Geografiske informasjonssystemer | In Norwegian = SIG | Sistema de informação geográfica | In Portuguese = ГИС | Географическая Информационная Система | In Russian = GIS | Geografski informacijski sistem | In Slovenian = GIS | Geografiskt InformationsSystem | In Swedish = ГІС | Геоінформаційна система | In Ukrainian |
In Dutch | → Software → Databases → Knowledge management → Geography |
GIT | Groninger Intelligentietest | In Dutch | → Education |
GJS | Gorkumse Jonge Spartaan | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GKC | Gasselte Kostvlies Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GLB | Gemeenschappelijk Landbouwbeleid = PAC | Politique Agricole Commune | In French = PAC | Política Agrícola Comunitària | In Catalan = SZP | Společná Zemědělská Politika | In Czech = GAP | Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik | In German = ΚΑΠ | Κοινή αγροτική πολιτική | In Greek = KAP | Komuna Agrikultura Politiko | In Esperanto = PAC | Política Agrícola Común | In Spanish = KAP | Közös agrárpolitika | In Hungarian = PAC | Politica Agricola Comune | In Italian = BŽŪP | Bendroji žemės ūkio politika | In Lithuanian = CAP | Common Agricultural Policy | In English = WPR | Wspólna polityka rolna | In Polish = ССП | Спільна сільськогосподарська політика | In Ukrainian |
In Dutch | → European Union → Agricultural sciences |
GLZ | Geestdrift Leert Zegevieren | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GM | Geografische Mijl | In Dutch | → Geodesy, cartography → Geography |
GMA | (Stichting voor) Gezondheid en Milieu in Afrika | In Dutch | → Foundations → Medicine |
GMB | Globaal Medisch Dossier | In Dutch | → Medicine |
GML | Groep Marxisten-Leninisten | In Dutch | → Communist parties |
GOES | Gezamenlijk Opwaarts, Eendrachtig Sterker | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GOK | Gelijke Onderwijskansen | In Dutch | |
GOLTO | Grondig Oefenen Leidt Tot Overwinnen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GOMOS | Gezamenlijk Oefenen Maakt Ons Sterker | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GOn | Geïntegreerd onderwijs | In Dutch | → Education |
GONA | Gezonde Ontspanning Na Arbeid | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GORK | Gemeentelijk Onderwijs Regio Kortrijk ( | In Dutch | → Education |
GOVA | Giro Ontspannings Vereniging Arnhem | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GOZ | Gemengd Oranje Zwart | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GPC | Gemeentelijke Post Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GPV | Gereformeerd Politiek Verbond | In Dutch | → Political parties and movements |
GS | Gedeputeerde Staten | In Dutch | |
GS | Generale Staf | In Dutch | |
GSBW | Goirlese Sportvereniging Blauw Wit | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GSC | Gelukvogels Stadspolders Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GSC | Germanicus Sparta Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GSS | Goede Sport Staalt | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GSV | Glaner Sport Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GSV | Goudse Sport Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GSV | Groot Schermerse Voetbalclub | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
GSV | Genhoutse Sport Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GSV | Giesbeekse Sport Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GSV | Geesterse Sport Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GSVV | Gerkesklooster Stroobos Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
GSVV | Groninger Studenten Voetbal Vereeniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby → Netherlands |
GTB | Geen Tegenstander Beter | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GUDOK | Goed Uit De Ogen Kijken | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GV | Gravese Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
GVA | Gijsbrecht Van Amstel | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GVAV | Groninger Voetbal en Athletiek Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises → Football and rugby |
GVB | Grootegaster Voetbal Boys | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
GVCG | Guttecovener Voetbal Club Guttecoven | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
GVO | Gestaag Volharden Overwint | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GVR | Groot Varkenoord Rotterdam | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises → Netherlands |
GVV | Geldermalsense Voetbal Vereniging ( | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby → Netherlands |
GVV | Ginnekensche Voetbal Vereeniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
GVV | Goessche Voetbal Vereeniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
GVV | Groninger Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
GVV | Gemertse Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
GVV | Gamerense Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
GVVV | Gelders Veenendaalse Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby → Netherlands |
GW | Geesteswetenschappen | In Dutch | → Social sciences |
GWB | Groen Wit Boys | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GWL | Grote Wilskracht Loont | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GWS | Goede Wilskracht Sterkt | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GWVV | Geel Wit Varsselder Veldhunten | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
GZB | Gereformeerde Zendingsbond | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations |
GZG | Groen Zwart Geel | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
H | Histidine = H | Histidine | In English = H | Histidin | In Bosnian = H | Histidina | In Catalan = H | Histidin | In Czech = H | Histidin | In German = H | Histidina | In Spanish = H | Histidino | In Esperanto = H | Histidine | In French = H | 히스티딘 | In Korean = H | Histidin | In Croatian = H | Histidin | In Indonesian = H | Istidina | In Italian = H | היסטידין | In Hebrew = H | Histidīns | In Latvian = H | Histidin | In Letzeburgesh = H | Histidinas | In Lithuanian = H | Hisztidin | LU = H | ヒスチジン | In Japanese = H | Histidin | In Norwegian = H | Histydyna | In Polish = H | Histidina | In Portuguese = H | Гистидин | In Russian = H | Histidiini | In Finnish = H | Histidin | In Swedish = H | Histidin | In Turkish = H | Гістидин | In Ukrainian = H | 組氨酸 | In Chinese |
In Dutch | → Biochemistry, biophysics |
H | Waterstof = H | Hydrogène | In French = H | Waterstof | In Afrikaans = H | هيدروجين | In Arabic = H | Hidróxenu | In Asturian = H | Hidrogen | In Azerbaijani = H | Wassastoff | In Austro-Bavarian = H | Вадарод | In Belarusian = H | Водород | In Bulgarian = H | হাইড্রোজেন | In Bengali = H | Hidrogen | In Breton = H | Vodonik | In Bosnian = H | Hidrogen | In Catalan = H | Idroheno | In Cebuano = H | Idrogenu | In Corsican = H | Vodík | In Czech = H | Водород | In Chuvash = H | Hydrogen | In Welsh = H | Brint | In Danish = H | Wasserstoff | In German = H | Υδρογόνο | In Greek = H | Hydrogen | In English = H | Hidrogeno | In Esperanto = H | Hidrógeno | In Spanish = H | Vesinik | In Estonian = H | Hidrogeno | In Basque = H | هیدروژن | In Persian = H | Vety | In Finnish = H | Hydrogen | In Faroese = H | Idrogjen | In Friulian = H | Hidrigin | In Irish = H | Haidreagain | In Scottish Gaelic = H | Hidróxeno | In Galician = H | હાઈડ્રોજન | In Gujarati = H | מימן | In Hebrew = H | हाइड्रोजन | In Hindi = H | Vodik | In Croatian = H | Idwojèn | In Haitian Creole = H | Hidrogén | In Hungarian = H | Ջրածին | In Armenian = H | Hydrogeno | In Interlingua = H | Hidrogen | In Indonesian = H | Hidrogeno | In Ido = H | Vetni | In Icelandic = H | Idrogeno | In Italian = H | 水素 | In Japanese = H | წყალბადი | In Georgian = H | អ៊ីដ្រូសែន | In Khmer (Cambodian) = H | ಜಲಜನಕ | In Kannada = H | 수소 | In Korean = H | Hîdrojen | In Kurdish = H | Hydrogenium | In Latin = H | Waasserstoff | In Letzeburgesh = H | Waterstof | In Limburgish = H | Idrògen | In Lombard = H | Idrojɛ́ní | In Lingala = H | Vandenilis | In Lithuanian = H | Ūdeņradis | In Latvian = H | Hauwai | In Māori = H | Водород | In Macedonian = H | ഹൈഡ്രജന് | In Malayalam = H | Устөрөгч | In Mongolian = H | हायड्रोजन | In Marathi = H | Hidrogen | In Malay = H | Āyōcoxqui | En Nahuatl = H | Waterstoff | In Low German = H | Hydrogen | In Nynorsk = H | Hydrogen | In Norwegian = H | Hidrogene | NOV = H | Idrogèn | In Occitan = H | Hiidrojen | In Pitcairn-Norfolk = H | Wodór | In Polish = H | Hidrogénio | In Portuguese = H | Yakuchaq | In Quechua = H | Hidrogen | In Romanian = H | Водород | In Russian = H | हाइड्रोजन | In Sanskrit = H | Idrògginu | In Sicilian = H | Vodik | In Serbo-Croatian = H | Vodík | In Slovak = H | Vodik | In Slovenian = H | Hidrogjeni | In Albanian = H | Водоник | In Serbian = H | Hidrogén | In Sundanese = H | Väte | In Swedish = H | Hidrojeni | In Swahili = H | ஹைட்ரஜன் | In Tamil = H | హైడ్రోజన్ | In Telugu = H | Ҳидроген | In Tajik = H | ไฮโดรเจน | In Thai = H | Idroheno | In Tagalog = H | Hidrojen | In Turkish = H | Водень | In Ukrainian = H | آبگر | In Urdu = H | Vodorod | In Uzbek = H | Hiđrô | In Vietnamese = H | Woaterstof | In Vlaams = H | Idrodjinne | In Walloon = H | 氢 | In Wu Chinese = H | היידראזשן | In Yiddisch = H | 氢 | In Chinese |
In Dutch | → Chemistry |
HAPIN | (Stichting) Hulp Aan Papua's In Nood | In Dutch | → Foundations → Development |
HAVO | Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs | In Dutch | → Education |
HBC | Heemstede Berkenrode Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HBO | Hoger beroepsonderwijs | In Dutch | → Education |
HBOK | Het Begon Op Klompen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HBS | Hoogere Burger School | In Dutch | → Education |
HBS | Houdt Braef Standt | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HBS | Hogere Burgerschool | In Dutch | → Education |
HBSS | Houdt Braaf Stand Schiedam | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HBSV | Hout-Blerickse Sport Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HC | Hessen Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HCSC | Helderse Christelijke Sport Centrale | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises → Christianity |
HDS | Hoger Door Samenwerking | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HDT | Hou Dy Taai | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HDV | Houdt Dapper Vol | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HEAO | Hoger Economisch en Adminstratief Onderwijs | In Dutch | → Education → Economics → Public administration, government |
HEC | Hercules Eendracht Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HEDW | Hortus - Eendracht Doet Winnen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HELIOS | Het Eendrachtig Leven Is Ons Streven | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HEMA | Hollandsche Eenheidsprijzen Maatschappij Amsterdam ( | In Dutch | → Trade → Netherlands |
HemD | Hemel en Dampkring | In Dutch | → Serial publications, periodicals → Astronomy |
HFA | Hoogfunctionerend Autisme = AHN | Autisme à Haut Niveau de fonctionnement | In French = HFA | High-Functioning Autism | In English = HFO | Hoogfunksionerende Outisme | In Afrikaans = AAF | Autisme d'Alt Funcionament | In Catalan = AAF | Autismo de Alto Funcionamiento | In Spanish = AAF | Autismo de Alta Funcionalidade | In Portuguese |
In Dutch | → Psychology → Developmental psychology → Neurology |
HFC | Haarlemsche Football Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
HGVV | Haagsche Gymnasiasten Voetbal Vereeniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
HHC | Hardenberg Heemse Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HION | Hollandia Is Onze Naam | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises → Netherlands |
HIV | Humaan Immunodeficiëntie Virus = VIH | Virus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine | In French = HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus | In English = VIH | Virus d'Inmunodeficencia Humana | In Asturian = VIH | Vírus da imunodeficiência humana | In Portuguese = VIDH | Virus Immunitarii Defectus Humanae | In Latin = ŽIV | Žmogaus Imunodeficito Virusas | In Lithuanian = ХИВ | Хумане имунодефицијенције | In Serbian = MIV | Menslike Immuniteitsgebreksvirus | In Afrikaans = HIV | Humani Imunodeficientni Virus | In Slovenian = ВИЧ | Вирус иммунодефицита человека | In Russian = GIB | Giza Immunoeskasiaren Birusa | In Basque |
In Dutch | → Virology → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
HIVA | Hoger Instituut voor de Arbeid | In Dutch | → Labour, labour economics |
HIVA | Hoger Instituut Van de Arbeid ( | In Dutch | → Research institutes → Labour, labour economics → Politics → Belgium |
HIVOS | Humanistisch Instituut voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Development |
HJSC | Hommerts Jutrijpse Sport Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HKC | Hansweert Kruiningen Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HKI | Hendrik Kraemer Instituut | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations |
HKI | Hollandsche Kunstzijde Industrie | In Dutch | → Netherlands |
HKK | Hare Koninklijke Hoogheid | In Dutch | |
HM | Hare Majesteit | In Dutch | |
HMC | Haagse Marokkanen Chabab | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises → Netherlands |
HMS | Houdt Moedig Stand | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HMSH | Houdt Moedig Stand den Haag | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HMVV | Hooge Mierdense Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
HNC | Heelsum Nederrijn Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises → Netherlands |
HNC | Heistraat Nieuwevaart Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HOBU | Hoger Onderwijs Buiten de Universiteit | In Dutch | → Higher education, universities |
HODO | Hollandscheveld Overwint Door Oefening | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises → Netherlands |
HOM | Humanistisch Overleg Mensenrechten | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Fundamental rights |
HOV | Hoop Op Vooruitgang | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HPSV | Haagse Politie Sport Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Police → Sport, physical exercises |
HRC | Helderse Racing Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HRC | Herleving Rimpelt Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HRSMC | Holland Research School of Molecular Chemistry ( | In Dutch | → Research institutes → Biochemistry, biophysics → Netherlands |
HS | Hoogezand Sappemeer | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HSA | Holtenbroek, Stadshagen, Aa-landen | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HSC | Haaksbergense Sport Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HSC | Heerlese Sport Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HSC | Hollandiaan Satelliet Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises → Netherlands |
HSL | Hogesnelheidslijn | In Dutch | |
HSSC | Hei en Boeicopse Schoonrewoerdse Sport Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HST | Hogesnelheidstrein | In Dutch | |
HSV | Hoekse Sport Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HSV | Haarlemsche Sport Vereeniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HSV | Heilose Sport Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HSV | Hunnerbergse Sport Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HSV | Hoefse Sport Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HTC | Holtenbroek Tuinders Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HTS | Hogere Technische School | In Dutch | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
HTSV | Haagse Tram Sport Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HVC | Hollandia Victoria Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises → Netherlands |
HVCH | Heescher Voetbal Club Heesch | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
HVG | Hertog Van Gelre | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HvJEG | Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen ( = EuGH | Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte | In German = CJEC | Court of Justice of the European Communities | In English = CJCE | Cour de Justice des Communautés Européennes | In French = TJCE | Tribunal de Justícia de les Comunitats Europees | In Catalan = LICE | Llys Cyfiawnder Ewrop | In Welsh = ΔΕΚ | Δικαστήριο των Ευρωπαϊκών Κοινοτήτων | In Greek = JKEK | Justica Kortumo de Eŭropaj Kortumoj | In Esperanto = TJCE | Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas | In Spanish = CGCE | Corte di Giustizia delle Comunità Europee | In Italian = EBTT | Europos Bendrijų Teisingumo Teismas | In Lithuanian = CEJ | Curtea Europeană de Justiţie | In Romanian = ETS | Europejski Trybunał Sprawiedliwośc | In Lithuanian = ESD | Evropský soudní dvůr | In Czech = ECJ | European Court of Justice | In English = CJE | Cour de Justice Européenne | In French = CBCE | Cúirt Bhreithiúnais na gComhphobal Eorpach | In Irish = EKB | Európai Közösségek Bírósága | In Hungarian = ETT | Europos Teisingumo Teismas | In Lithuanian = ETS | Europejski Trybunał Sprawiedliwości | In Polish = TJUE | Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia | In Portuguese = ESP | Evropski sud pravde | In Serbo-Croatian = SES | Sodišče Evropskih skupnosti | In Slovenian = AAD | Avrupa Adalet Divanı | In Turkish |
In Dutch | → Law, jurisprudence → European Union → Europe |
HVO | Hechte Vriendschap Onderling | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HVV | Haagse Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
HVV | Hoekse Voetbal Vereeniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
HVV | Hulster Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
HVZ | Heineken Voetbalclub Zoeterwoude | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
HWD | Het Witte Dorp | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HYBVENT | Hybride ventilatie in kantoor- en schoolgebouwen | In Dutch | → Construction |
HZ | Hooge Zwaluwe | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
HZC | Harlingen Zeevaartschool Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Education → Sport, physical exercises |
HZVV | Hoogeveense Zaterdag Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
I | Isoleucine = I | Isoleucine | In English = I | Isoleucina | In Catalan = I | Isoleucin | In Danish = I | Isoleucin | In German = I | Isoleucina | In Spanish = I | Izoleŭcino | In Esperanto = I | Isoleucine | In French = I | 이소류신 | In Korean = I | Izoleucin | In Croatian = I | Isoleusin | In Indonesian = I | Isoleucina | In Italian = I | איזולאוצין | In Hebrew = I | Izoleicīns | In Latvian = I | Isoleucin | In Letzeburgesh = I | Izoleucinas | In Lithuanian = I | イソロイシン | In Japanese = I | Izoleucyna | In Polish = I | Isoleucina | In Portuguese = I | Изолейцин | In Russian = I | Isoleusiini | In Finnish = I | Isoleucin | In Swedish = I | İzolösin | In Turkish = I | Ізолейцин | In Ukrainian = I | 異亮氨酸 | In Chinese |
In Dutch | → Biochemistry, biophysics |
IASON | In Aangename Samenwerking Overwinning Nastreven | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
IBA | Individuele Behandeling Afvalwater | In Dutch | |
IBC | Itteren Borgharen Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
IC | Introductiecommissie | In Dutch | |
ICCO | Interkerkelijke organisatie voor ontwikkelingssamenwerking | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Development |
ICG | Inter-universitair Centrum voor Geo-ecologisch Onderzoek ( | In Dutch | → Research institutes → Higher education, universities → Ecology → Earth sciences |
ICO | Interuniversitair Centrum voor Onderwijskundig Onderzoek | In Dutch | → Research institutes → Higher education, universities → Education |
ICS | Onderzoekschool Interuniversitair Centrum voor Sociaalwetenschappelijke Theorievorming en Methodenontwikkeling ( | In Dutch | → Research institutes → Social sciences → Netherlands |
ICT | Informatie- en Communicatietechnologie = TIC | Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación | In Spanish = IKT | Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie | In German = TIC | Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication | In French = ICT | Information and Communications Technology | In English = IKT | Informations- og kommunikationsteknologi | In Danish = IKT | Inligtings- en kommunikasietegnologie | In Afrikaans = TMK | Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi | In Malay = IKT | Informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi | In Norwegian = TIC | Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació | In Catalan = IKT | Informazio eta Komunikazio Teknologia | In Basque = TIC | Tecnologia dell'Informazione e della Comunicazione | In Italian = IKT | Informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi | In Nynorsk |
In Dutch | → Computer science → Telecommunications |
IDEG | Integratie van Duurzame Energie-toepassingen in Gebouwen | In Dutch | → Construction |
IDsW | InformatieDesk standaarden Water | In Dutch | → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
IEA | Internationaal Energie Agentschap = AIE | Agence Internationale de l'Énergie | In French = IEA | International Energy Agency | In English = IEA | Internationale Energieagentur | In German = МЭА | Международное энергетическое агентство | In Russian = MAE | Międzynarodowa Agencja Energii[edytuj] | In Polish = IEA | 国際エネルギー機関 | In Japanese = AIE | Agencia Internacional de la Energía | In Spanish |
In Dutch | → International relations → Energy economics |
IEV | In Eendracht Vooruit | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
IFC | Idose Football Club | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby |
IFD | Industrieel, Flexibel en Demontabel (Bouwen) | In Dutch | → Construction |