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Acronym Sense Language Topics
UPTTS Utrechtse PTT Sportclub In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
USC Unitas Saturnus Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
USSR Unie van Socialistische Sovjetrepublieken
= URSS | Unaniezh ar Republikoù Sokialour Soviedel | In Breton
= URSS | Union des Républiques Socialistes Soviétiques | In French
= USSR | Unie van Sosialistiese Sowjetrepublieke | In Afrikaans
= USSR | Union of Soviet Socialist Republics | In English
= СССР | Сою́з Сове́тских Социалисти́ческих Респу́блик | In Russian
= CCCP | Съюзът на съветските социалистически републики | In Bulgarian
= SSSR | Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik | In Russian
= URSS | Unión de Republicas Sozialistas Sobieticas | In Aragonese
= XRSS | Xunión de les Repúbliques Socialistes Soviétiques | In Asturian
= SSRİ | Sovet Sosialist Respublikaları İttifaqı | In Azerbaijani
= TSRS | Tarybu Socialistiniu Respubliku Sajunga | In Baltic languages
= SSSR | Savez Sovjetskih Socijalističkih Republika | In Serbo-Croatian
= URSS | Unió de Repúbliques Socialistes Soviètiques | In Catalan
= SSSR | Svaz sovětských socialistických republik | In Czech
= USSR | Unio de Sovetaj Socialismaj Respublikoj | In Esperanto
= CCCP | Социаллă Совет Республикисен Союзĕ | In Chuvash
= USSR | Unionen af Socialistiske Sovjetrepublikker | In Danish
= URSS | Unione delle Repubbliche Socialiste Sovietiche | In Italian
= ZSRR | Związek Socjalistycznych Republik Radzieckich | In Polish
= SSKS | Szovjet Szocialista Köztársaságok Szövetsége | In Hungarian
= UdSSR | Union der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepubliken | In German
= ΕΣΣΔ | Ένωση Σοβιετικών Σοσιαλιστικών Δημοκρατιών | In Greek
= URSS | Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas | In Spanish
= NSVL | Nõukogude Sotsialistlike Vabariikide Liit | In Estonian
= SESB | Sobietar Errepublika Sozialisten Batasuna | In Basque
= USSR | Uny fan Sosjalistyske Sowjetrepublyken | In Frisian
= ԽՍՀՄ | Խորհրդային Սոցիալիստական Հանրապետությունների Միություն | In Armenian
= URSS | Unión das Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas | In Galician
= სსრკ | საბჭოთა სოციალისტური რესპუბლიკების კავშირი | In Georgian
= URSS | Unio Rerum Publicarum Socialisticarum Sovieticarum | In Latin
= CCPC | Советтик Социалисттик Республикалар Союзу | In Kirghiz
= UdSSR | Unioun vun de Sozialistesche Sowjetrepubliken | In Letzeburgesh
= PSRS | Padomju Sociālistisko Republiku Savienība | In Latvian
= СССР | Сојуз на Советските Социјалистички Републики | In Macedonian
= УРСС | Униуня Републичилор советиче Сочиалисте | In Moldavan
= KRSS | Kesatuan Republik Sosialis Soviet | In Malay
= SSSR | Sambandet av Sosialistiske Sovjet-Republikkar | In Nynorsk
= SSSR | Samveldet av sovjetiske sosialistrepublikker | In Norwegian
= URSS | Unnion d'Républyiques Socialistes Soviétiques | In Norman
= URSS | União das Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas | In Portuguese
= URSS | Union de las Republicas Socialistas Sovieticas | In Occitan
= SSRH | Susyalista Suwit Republikakunap Huñun | In Quechua
= ССРЦ | Советон Социалистон Республикæты Цæдис | In Ossetian
= URSS | Uniunea Republicilor Sovietice Socialiste | In Romanian
= URSS | Unioni dî ripùbblichi sucialisti suviètichi | In Sicilian
= ZSSR | Zveza sovjetskih socialističnih republik | In Slovenian
= СССР | Савез Совјетских Социјалистичких Република | In Serbian
= SSCB | Sovyet Sosyalist Cumhuriyetler Birliği | In Turkish
= СРСР | Союз Радянських Соціалістичних Республік | In Ukrainian
= SSRB | Sovet Sosialistik Republiklar Berlege | In Tatar
= SSRI | Sovet Sotsialistik Respublikalar Ittifoqi | In Uzbek
In Dutch International relations
USV Union Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
USVU Uitgeester Sport Vereniging Uitgeest In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
UTS Utrecht Türkiyemspor In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
UU Universiteit Utrecht (https://www.uu.nl) In Dutch Higher education, universities
UVS Uit Vriendschap Saam In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
UVV Utrechtse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
UVV Ulvenhoutse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
UVV Ulrumse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
UWV Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen In Dutch
V Valine
= V | Valine | In English
= V | Valina | In Catalan
= V | Valin | In Czech
= V | Valin | In Danish
= V | Valin | In German
= V | Valina | In Spanish
= V | Valino | In Esperanto
= V | Valine | In French
= V | 발린 | In Korean
= V | Valin | In Croatian
= V | Valin | In Indonesian
= V | Valina | In Italian
= V | :ולין | In Hebrew
= V | Valīns | In Latvian
= V | Valin | In Letzeburgesh
= V | Valinas | In Lithuanian
= V | バリン | In Japanese
= V | Walina | In Polish
= V | Valina | In Portuguese
= V | Валин | In Russian
= V | Valină | In Romanian
= V | Valiini | In Finnish
= V | Valin | In Swedish
= V | Valin | In Turkish
= V | Валін | In Ukrainian
= V | 缬氨酸 | In Chinese
In Dutch Biochemistry, biophysics
Va Vanadium
= V | Vanadium | In French
= Va | Vanadium | In Afrikaans
= Va | فاناديوم | In Arabic
= Va | Vanadiu | In Asturian
= Va | Ванадый | In Belarusian
= Va | Ванадий | In Bulgarian
= Va | ভ্যানাডিয়াম | In Bengali
= Va | Vanadijum | In Bosnian
= Va | Vanadi | In Catalan
= Va | Vanadiu | In Corsican
= Va | Vanad | In Czech
= Va | Vanadium | In Danish
= Va | Vanadium | In German
= Va | Βανάδιο | In Greek
= Va | Vanadium | In English
= Va | Vanado | In Esperanto
= Va | Vanadio | In Spanish
= Va | Vanaadium | In Estonian
= Va | Banadio | In Basque
= Va | وانادیوم | In Persian
= Va | Vanadiini | In Finnish
= Va | Vanadi | In Friulian
= Va | Vanadio | In Galician
= Va | Vanaadjum | In Manx
= Va | ונדיום | In Hebrew
= Va | वनडियम | In Hindi
= Va | Vanadij | In Croatian
= Va | Vanadyòm | In Haitian Creole
= Va | Vanádium | In Hungarian
= Va | Վանադիում | In Armenian
= Va | Vanadium | In Indonesian
= Va | Vanadio | In Ido
= Va | Vanadín | In Icelandic
= Va | Vanadio | In Italian
= Va | バナジウム | In Japanese
= Va | jinmrvanadi | In Lojban
= Va | Vanadium | JV
= Va | ವನಾಡಿಯಮ್ | In Kannada
= Va | 바나듐 | In Korean
= Va | Vanadyûm | In Kurdish
= Va | Vanadium | In Latin
= Va | Vanadium | In Letzeburgesh
= Va | Vanadis | In Lithuanian
= Va | Vanādijs | In Latvian
= Va | വനേഡിയം | In Malayalam
= Va | व्हेनेडियम | In Marathi
= Va | Vanadium | In Nynorsk
= Va | Vanadium | In Norwegian
= Va | Vanadi | In Occitan
= Va | Wanad | In Polish
= Va | Vanádio | In Portuguese
= Va | Wanadyu | In Quechua
= Va | Vanadiu | In Romanian
= Va | Ванадий | In Russian
= Va | Vanadiu | In Sicilian
= Va | Vanadijum | In Serbo-Croatian
= Va | Vanád | In Slovak
= Va | Vanadij | In Slovenian
= Va | Ванадијум | In Serbian
= Va | Vanadin | In Swedish
= Va | Vanadi | In Swahili
= Va | வனேடியம் | In Tamil
= Va | วาเนเดียม | In Thai
= Va | Vanadyum | In Turkish
= Va | Ванадій | In Ukrainian
= Va | Vanadiy | In Uzbek
= Va | Vanađi | In Vietnamese
= Va | 钒 | In Chinese
In Dutch Chemistry
VABO Voetbal Als Beste Ontspanning In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VABO Voetbalvereniging Almelose Boeren Organisatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VAC Victoria Achilles Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VAKO Vrieser Activiteit Kenmerkt Ons In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VAN Vereniging Algemeen Nederlands In Dutch Organizations and associations
VAR Vrij-Antirevolutioniare Partij In Dutch Political parties and movements
VARA Vereniging van Arbeiders Radio Amateurs In Dutch Organizations and associations
VBO Vereniging Bemiddeling Onroerend Goed In Dutch Organizations and associations
VBSG Vereniging van Belgische Steden en Gemeenten (www.uvcb-vbsg.be)
= UVCB | Union des Villes et Communes Belges | In French
In Dutch Organizations and associations
Municipal administration
VBVC Vlaamse Beroepsvereniging voor Veiligheids-Coordinatoren (www.vbvc.be) In Dutch Organizations and associations
VBW Centrale Vereniging Bloemendetailhandel In Dutch Organizations and associations
VCA Voetbal Club Agatha In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VCB Vlaamse Confederatie Bouw (www.vcb.be) In Dutch Organizations and associations
VCB Voetbal Club Biezenmortel In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VCDN Vlaggen Documentatie Centrum Nederland In Dutch Organizations and associations
Flags, banners
VCG Voetbal Club Geesbrug In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VCH Voetbal Club Horsterweg In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VCK Voetbal Club Koudekerke In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VCL Vliet Combinatie Leiden In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VCLM Vlaams Centrum Liturgische Muziek In Dutch Religion, theology
VCO Voetbal Club Oventje In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VCOS Vlaams Centrum voor Onderwijsgebonden Sport In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
VCOV Vlaamse Confederatie van Ouders en Onderwijsverenigingen In Dutch Organizations and associations
VCOV Vlaamse Confederatie van Ouders en Ouderverenigingen (www.vcov.be) In Dutch Organizations and associations
VCR Voetbal Club Rinsumageest In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VCS Voetbal Club Sparta In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VCT Voetbal Club Tuindorp In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VCV Voetbal Club Veenwouden In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VCW Voetbal Club Wagenberg In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VDAB Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling en Beroepsopleiding In Dutch Belgium
VDB Vereniging van Drogisterij- en parfumerie Bedrijven In Dutch Organizations and associations
VDK Vlaamse Diergeneeskundige Kring (http://fkserv.ugent.be/vdk/) In Dutch Organizations and associations
Higher education, universities
Veterinary medicine
VDL Van Der Lely In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VDN Vereniging Drankenhandel Nederland In Dutch Organizations and associations
VDO Volharding Doet Overwinnen In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VDS Vooruitgang Door Samenspel In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VDV Vooruitgang Door Vriendschap In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VDZ Volharding Doet Zegevieren In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VEB Vlaamse Esperantobond (www.esperanto.be/fel/nl/)
= FEL | Flandra Esperanto-Ligo | In Esperanto
In Dutch Organizations and associations
Artificial languages (linguistics)
VECO Voor Elke Combinatie Overleg In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VEG Vrije Evangelische Gemeenten In Dutch Protestant churches
VeLeWe Vereniging Leraars Wetenschappen (www.velewe.be) In Dutch Organizations and associations
Mathematics and natural sciences
VELO Verdedig En Loop Op In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VEN Vlaams Ecologisch Netwerk In Dutch Organizations and associations
VEN Vereniging Eetstoornis Net In Dutch Organizations and associations
VENO Via Eenheid Naar Ontplooiing In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VEP Vlug En Paraat In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VERON Vereniging voor Experimenteel Radio Onderzoek Nederland (www.veron.nl) In Dutch Organizations and associations
VES Vlug En Sterk In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VES Vriendschap En Sport In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VESDO Vlugheid En Samenspel Doet Overwinnnen In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VEV Verkeer En Vervoer In Dutch
VEV Vlug En Vaardig In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VEV Vlaams Economisch Verbond (www.vev.be) In Dutch Organizations and associations
VEW Volhardt En Werkt In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VFC Vlaardingsche Football Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VFC Vughtse Football Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VGL Vereniging van Grootwinkelbedrijven in Levensmiddelen In Dutch Organizations and associations
Food technology
VGS Vereniging van Grootwinkelbedrijven in Schoenen In Dutch Organizations and associations
VGSB Vereniging van Grootwinkelbedrijven in Speciale Branches In Dutch Organizations and associations
VGST Vereniging van Gereformeerde Studenten in Twente (http://vgst.nl) In Dutch Organizations and associations
Higher education, universities
VGT Vereniging van Grootwinkelbedrijven in Textiel In Dutch Organizations and associations
VGW Vereniging van Grootwinkelbedrijven in de Wonenbranche In Dutch Organizations and associations
VHC Vesting Boys Heuvelkwartier Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VHC Veenoord Holsloot Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VHK Vlug Heid en Kracht In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VHN Vereniging van Havenmeesters in Nederland In Dutch Organizations and associations
VHO Van Hopplynus Ophtalm In Dutch Ophthalmology
VHP Vlaams Huisartsenparlement In Dutch Organizations and associations
VHP Vakorganisatie van het Middelbaar en Hoger Personeel In Dutch Organizations and associations
Labour, labour economics
VIA Voetbal Is Alles In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VIBA Vereniging Integrale Biologische Architectuur In Dutch Organizations and associations
VIBE Vlaams Instituut voor Bio-Ecologisch bouwen en wonen In Dutch Construction
VIBOA Voetbal Is Bij Ons Aangenaam In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VIC Voetbalvereniging Ignatius College In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VIJDO Volhardende IJver Doet Overwinnen In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VIJW Voorwaarts IJlen Wij In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VIM Vlaams Instituut voor Mobiliteit (www.vim.be) In Dutch Organizations and associations
Transport and postal services
VIOD Vooruitgang Is Ons Doel In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VIOLA Voetbal Is Onze Lust Alphen In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VIOS Vooruitgang Is Ons Streven In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VIS Vlug Is Ons Streven In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VITO Vlaams Instituut voor Technologisch Onderzoek (www.vito.be) In Dutch Research institutes
Engineering, technology
VIVOO Voetbal Is Voor Ons Ontspanning In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VIZO Vlaams Instituut voor het Zelfstandig Ondernemen In Dutch Belgium
VKW Vlugheid en Kracht Westerbork In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VLA Vereniging Leraars Aardrijkskunde (www.vla-geo.be) In Dutch Organizations and associations
VLAFO Vlaams Fonds voor Sociale Integratie van Personen met een Handicap In Dutch Social welfare
VLAMO Vlaamse Amateurmuziekorganisatie (www.vlamo.be) In Dutch Organizations and associations
VLANEZO Vlaams-Nederlandse samenwerking in zeeonderzoek In Dutch
VLD Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten (www.vld.be) In Dutch Liberal parties
VLEW Vereniging van Leraren in de Economische Wetenschappen (www.vlew.be) In Dutch Organizations and associations
VLHORA Vlaamse Hogescholenraad (www.vlhora.be) In Dutch Organizations and associations
VLIR Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad In Dutch Organizations and associations
Higher education, universities
VLOR Vlaamse Onderwijsraad (www.vlor.be) In Dutch Organizations and associations
VLOT Vereniging Leerkrachten Oude Talen (www.vlot-vzw.be) In Dutch Organizations and associations
Language, linguistics, literature
VLVB Vereniging Leraren Beeldende Vakken (www.vlbv.nl) In Dutch Organizations and associations
VLVB Vlaanderens Liefhebbersvoetbal Bond (www.vlvb.be) In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VMBPO Voorbereidend middelbaar beroepsonderwijs In Dutch
VN Verenigde Naties (www.un.org)
= UN | Unuigintaj Nacioj | In Esperanto
= ONU | Organisation des Nations Unies | In French
= ONU | Organizazión d'as Nazions Unitas | In Aragonese
= ААН | Арганіза́цыя Аб'ядна́ных На́цый | In Belarusian
= VN | Verenigde Nasies | In Afrikaans
= ONU | Organización de les Naciones Uníes | In Asturian
= OOH | Организацията на обединените нации | In Bulgarian
= ABU | Aozadur ar Broadoù Unanet | In Breton
= ПНО | Пĕрлешнĕ Нацисен Организацийĕ | In Chuvash
= FN | Feriene Naasjes | In Frisian
= UN | United Nations | In English
= NBE | Nazio Batuen Erakundea | In Basque
= ONU | Organización das Nacións Unidas | In Occitan
= UN | Unuiĝinta Naciaro | In Esperanto
= UN | Ujedinjeni Narodi | In Bosnian
= CN | Consociatio Nationum | In Latin
= FN | Forenede Nationer | In Danish
= UN | Unionita Nacioni | In Ido
= ONU | Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite | In Italian
= KU | Kenedhlow Unys | In Cornish
= ONU | Organització de les Nacions Unides | In Catalan
= ΟΗΕ | Οργανισμός Ηνωμένων Εθνών | In Greek
= ΗΕ | Ηνωμένα Έθνη | In Greek
= ONU | Organización de las Naciones Unidas | In Spanish
= VN | Vereinte Nationen | In German
= VN | Vereent Natiounen | In Letzeburgesh
= ООН | Организация Oбъединённых Hаций | In Russian
= ONU | Organisacion des Nacions unies | In Franco-Provençal
= ONZ | Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych | In Polish
= BMT | Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti | In Uzbek
= ООН | Організація Об'єднаних Націй | In Ukrainian
= BM | Birleşmiş Milletler | In Turkish
= LHiQ | Liên Hiệp Quốc | In Vietnamese
= OKB | Organizata e Kombeve të Bashkuara | In Albanian
= OSN | Organizácia Spojených národov | In Slovak
= OZN | Organizacija Združenih Narodov | In Slovenian
= УН | Уједињене нације | In Serbian
= FN | Förenta nationerna | In Swedish
= UM | Umoja wa Mataifa | In Swahili
= NU | Nazzioni Uniti | In Sicilian
= ONU | Organizaţia Naţiunilor Unite | In Romanian
= ONU | Organização das Nações Unidas | In Portuguese
= VN | Vereenten Natschonen | In Low German
= ST | Sameindu Tjóðir | In Faroese
= HN | Huñusqa Nasyunkuna | In Quechua
= PBB | Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu | In Malay
= NA | Náisiúin Aontaithe | In Irish
= ÜRO | Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsioon | In Estonian
= SÞ | Sameinuðu þjóðanna | In Icelandic
In Dutch International relations
United Nations
VNA Voetbal Na Arbeid In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VNB Voetbal Na Bevrijding In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VNC Vereniging Nederlandse Cementindustrie In Dutch Organizations and associations
VND Vooruit Naar 't Doel In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VNL Voetbalvereniging Nieuw Leiden In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VNZ Vlaams Neutraal Ziekenfonds In Dutch Belgium
VO Voortgezet Onderwijs In Dutch Education
VOAB Van Onder Af Begonnen In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VOB Voetbal Op Bouw In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VOC Volharding Olympia Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VOCL Voortgezet Onderwijs Cohort Leerlingen In Dutch Education
VOET Vakoverschrijdende eindtermen In Dutch
VOG Voetbalclub Ons Genoegen In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VOG Voor Ons Genoegen In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VOGEL Voor Ons Genoegen En Lust In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VOGIDO Voor Ons Genoegen Is Deze Opgericht In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VON Vereniging voor het Onderwijs in het Nederlands (www.von.be) In Dutch Organizations and associations
VOP Voor Ons Plezier In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VOS Vooruitgang Ons Streven In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VOSTA Vooruit Omhoog Sportief Trots Alles In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VOV Voetbal Ons Vermaak In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VOW Voetbalvereniging Oranje Wit In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VPN Virtueel Particulier Netwerk
= VPN | Virtual Private Network | In English
= RPV | Réseau Privé Virtuel | In French
= RPV | Red Privada Virtual | In Spanish
= SPN | Skynprivaatnetwerk | In Afrikaans
= VPN | Virtuellt Privat Nätverk | In Swedish
In Dutch Networks, communication
VPRO Vrijzinnig Protestantse Radio Omroep In Dutch Telecommunications
Protestant churches
VRC Veenendaalse Racing Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VRI Verkeersregelinstallatie In Dutch Transport and postal services
VROM Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieubeheer (www.vrom.nl) In Dutch Central administration
VRT Vlaamse Radio- en Televisieomroep (www.vrt.be) In Dutch Telecommunications
VRZA Vereniging van Radiozendamateurs (www.vrza.org) In Dutch Organizations and associations
VSB Vereniging Surinaams Bedrijfsleven In Dutch Organizations and associations
VSBO Voorbereidend Secundair Beroeps Onderwijs In Dutch Education
VSCO Verenigde Sport Club Oosterwolde In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VSK Vrienden Sport Kring In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VSK Vlaamse Scholieren Koepel (www.vsknet.be) In Dutch Education
VSKO Vlaams Secretariaat van het Katholiek Onderwijs In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
VSO Vernieuwd Secundair Onderwijs In Dutch Education
VSO Voortgezet Speciaal Onderwijs In Dutch Education
VSV Velseroorder Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VSV Valkenswaardse Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VSW Voetbal Sport Windesheim In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VTA Visual Tree Assessment In Dutch Forestry
VTB Vlaamse Toeristenbond (www.vtb.be) In Dutch Organizations and associations
VTB Verbreding Techniek Basisonderwijs In Dutch 337
VTC Vlaamse Thermie Coordinate In Dutch Organizations and associations
Energy economics
VTL Vlug Trouw en Lenig In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VTV Vaalser Turn Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VU Volksunie In Dutch Political parties and movements
VUB Vrije Universiteit Brussel (www.vub.ac.be) In Dutch Higher education, universities
VUC Voorwaarts Utile Dulci Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
VUSF Vlaamse Universitaire Sport Federatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
Higher education, universities
VUT Vervroegde Uittreding In Dutch
VVA Voetbal Vereniging Amsterdam In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VVA Voetbal Vereniging Achterberg In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VVAC Voetbal Vereniging Alblasserwaard Centrum In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VVAK Voetbal Vereniging Alteveer Kerkenveld In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VVB Voetbal Vereniging Breesaap In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VVBED Vlaamse Vereniging voor Bibliotheek-, Archief- en Documentatiepersoneel In Dutch Organizations and associations
Demography, statistics, sociology
VVC Venlosche Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VVC Vennepse Voetbal Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VVC Voetbal Vereniging Central In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VVD Voetbal Vereniging Duinlaan In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VVD Voetbal Vereniging Droste In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VVD Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie (www.vvd.nl) In Dutch Political parties and movements
VVDL Voetbal Vereniging De Lutte In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VVE Voetbal Vereniging Excelsior In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VVG Voetbal Vereniging Groningen In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VVG Voetbal Vereniging Gaanderen In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VVG Vereniging Gentse Geografen In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVGA Voetbal Vereniging Gemeente Ambtenaren In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VVGZ Voetbal Vereniging Gelukvogels Zwijndrecht In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VVH Voetbal Vereniging Hercules In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VVH Voetbal Vereniging Heerlen In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VVI Voetbal Vereniging Idskenhuizen In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VVIJ Voetbal Vereniging IJsselstein In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VVJ Voetbal Vereniging Jaffa In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VVK Voetbal Vereniging Korreweg In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VVK Voetbal Vereniging Kethel In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VVKBaO Vlaams Verbond van het Katholiek Basisonderwijs In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
VVKBuO Vlaams Verbond van het Katholiek Buitengewoon Onderwijs In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
VVKHO Vlaams Verbond van het Katholiek Hoger Onderwijs In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
VVKSO Vlaams Verbond van het Katholiek Secundair Onderwijs (www.vvl-onderwijs.be) In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
VVL Voetbal Vereniging Lengel In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VVLE Vereniging Vlaamse Leerkrachten Engels In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVLG Vlaamse Vereniging Leraren Geschiedenis en Maatschappelijke Vorming In Dutch Organizations and associations
Social sciences
VVLK Voetbal Vereniging Leuth Kekerdom In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
VVLV Voetbal Vereniging Laurentius Voorschoten In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
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