Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
EJM | Épitaxie par Jets Moléculaires = MBE | Molecular Beam Epitaxy | In English |
In French | → Applied sciences, technology |
EJMF | European Journal of Mechanics - Fluids | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Fluid mechanics |
EJMS | European Journal of Mechanics - Solids | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Mechanics |
EJOS | Electronic Journal of Oriental Studies | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Language, linguistics, literature → Geography, biography, history |
EJPh | European Journal of Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Physics |
EJSEd | Electronic Journal of Science Education | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Mathematics and natural sciences → Education |
EJT | École de Journalisme de Toulouse | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Newspapers, journalism |
EJTP | Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Physics |
EJVS | Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Indian religions → Literature |
EK | Elinkeinoelämän keskusliitto | In Finnish | |
EK | Europana Komuneso = EC | European Community | In English = CE | Comunidad Europea | In Spanish = ES | Evropska skupnost | In Slovenian = CE | Communauté Européenne | In French = CE | Comunitat Europea | In Catalan = EG | Europäische Gemeinschaft | In German = ES | Evropské společenství | In Czech = EB | Evrópubandalagið | In Icelandic = GE | Gymuned Ewropeaidd | In Welsh = CE | Comunità Europea | In Italian = CE | Comunidade Europea | In Galician = EG | Europeiska gemenskapen | In Swedish = EY | Euroopan yhteisö | In Finnish = CE | Comunitatea Europeană | In Romanian = CE | Comunidade Europeia | In Portuguese = WE | Wspólnota Europejska | In Polish = EG | Europese Gemeenschap | In Dutch = EB | Europos Bendrija | In Lithuanian |
In Ido | → European Union → Europe |
EKB | Európai Központi Bank ( = EZB | Europäische Zentralbank | In German = ECB | European Central Bank | In English = BCE | Banque Centrale Européenne | In French = ЕЦБ | Европейската централна банка | In Bulgarian = ECB | Evropska centralna banka | In Bosnian = BCE | Banc Central Europeu | In Catalan = ECB | Evropská centrální banka | In Czech = ECB | Den Europæiske Centralbank | In Danish = ΕΚΤ | Ευρωπαϊκή Κεντρική Τράπεζα | In Greek = ECB | Eŭropa Centra Banko | In Esperanto = BCE | Banco Central Europeo | In Spanish = EKP | Euroopan keskuspankki | In Finnish = EKP | Euroopa Keskpanga | In Estonian = ECB | הבנק המרכזי האירופי | In Hebrew = ESB | Europska središnja banka | In Croatian = BCE | Banca centrale europea | In Italian = ECB | ევროპის ცენტრალური ბანკი | In Georgian = ECB | 유럽 중앙은행 | In Korean = EZB | Europäesch Zentralbank | In Letzeburgesh = ECB | Europos Centrinis Bankas | In Lithuanian = ЕЦБ | Европската централна банка | In Macedonian = ECB | Europese Centrale Bank | In Dutch = ESB | Den europeiske sentralbanken | In Norwegian = EBC | Europejski Bank Centralny | In Polish = BCE | Banco Central Europeu | In Portuguese = BCE | Banca Centrală Europeană | In Romanian = ЄЦБ | Європейський центральний банк | In Ukrainian = ECB | Európska centrálna banka | In Slovak = ЕЦБ | Европска централна банка | In Serbian = ECB | Europeiska centralbanken | In Swedish = AMB | Avrupa Merkez Bankası | In Turkish |
In Hungarian | → Banks → European Union |
EKB | Európai Közösségek Bírósága ( = EuGH | Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte | In German = CJEC | Court of Justice of the European Communities | In English = CJCE | Cour de Justice des Communautés Européennes | In French = TJCE | Tribunal de Justícia de les Comunitats Europees | In Catalan = LICE | Llys Cyfiawnder Ewrop | In Welsh = ΔΕΚ | Δικαστήριο των Ευρωπαϊκών Κοινοτήτων | In Greek = JKEK | Justica Kortumo de Eŭropaj Kortumoj | In Esperanto = TJCE | Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas | In Spanish = CGCE | Corte di Giustizia delle Comunità Europee | In Italian = HvJEG | Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen | In Dutch = EBTT | Europos Bendrijų Teisingumo Teismas | In Lithuanian = CEJ | Curtea Europeană de Justiţie | In Romanian = ETS | Europejski Trybunał Sprawiedliwośc | In Lithuanian = ESD | Evropský soudní dvůr | In Czech = ECJ | European Court of Justice | In English = CJE | Cour de Justice Européenne | In French = CBCE | Cúirt Bhreithiúnais na gComhphobal Eorpach | In Irish = ETT | Europos Teisingumo Teismas | In Lithuanian = ETS | Europejski Trybunał Sprawiedliwości | In Polish = TJUE | Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia | In Portuguese = ESP | Evropski sud pravde | In Serbo-Croatian = SES | Sodišče Evropskih skupnosti | In Slovenian = AAD | Avrupa Adalet Divanı | In Turkish |
In Hungarian | → Law, jurisprudence → European Union → Europe |
EKC | Eendracht Kanaries Combinatie | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
EKES | Europejski Komitet Ekonomiczno - Społeczny ( = EØSU | Europæiske Økonomiske og Sociale Udvalg | In Danish = ΕΟΚΕ | Ευρωπαϊκή Οικονομική και Κοινωνική Επιτροπή | In Greek = EWSA | Europäische Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss | In German = EHSV | Evropský Hospodářský a Sociální Výbor | In Czech = EMSK | Euroopa Majandus- ja Sotsiaalkomitee | In Estonian = EESC | European Economic and Social Committee | In English = CESE | Comité Económico y Social Europeo | In Spanish = CESE | Comité Économique et Social Européen | In French = CESE | Comitato Economico e Sociale Europeo | In Italian = EESK | Eiropas Ekonomikas un Sociālo lietu Komiteja | In Latvian = EESRK | Europos Ekonomikos ir Socialinių Reikalų Komitetas | In Lithuanian = EGSZB | Európai Gazdasági és Szociális Bizottság | In Hungarian = KESE | Kumitat Ekonomiku u Soċjali Ewropew | In Maltese = EESC | Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité | In Dutch = CESE | Comité Económico e Social Europeu | In Portuguese = EHSV | Európsky Hospodársky a Sociálny Výbor | In Slovak = EESO | Evropski Ekonomsko-Socialni Odbor | In Slovenian = ETSK | Euroopan Talous-ja Sosiaalikomitea | In Finnish = EESK | Europeiska Ekonomiska och Sociala Kommittén | In Swedish |
In Polish | → International relations → Economics → Europe |
EKF | Extended Kalmar Filter | In English | |
EKF | Extended Kalman Filter | In English | → Computer science → Electronics |
EKK | Eŭrovido-Kantokonkurso | In Esperanto | → Arts |
EKP | Euroopan keskuspankki ( = EKB, EZB, ECB, BCE, ЕЦБ, ΕΚΤ, ESB, EBC, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above) |
In Finnish | → Banks → European Union |
EKP | Euroopa Keskpanga ( = EKB, EZB, ECB, BCE, ЕЦБ, ΕΚΤ, ESB, EBC, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above) |
In Estonian | → Banks → European Union |
EKPS | Euroopa Keskpankade Süsteemi = SEBC | Système Européen de Banques Centrales | In French = ESCB | Europski sistem centralnih banaka | In Bosnian = SEBC | Sistema Europeu de Bancs Centrals | In Catalan = ESCB | Det Europæiske System af Centralbanker | In Danish = ESZB | Europäisches System der Zentralbanken | In German = ΕΣΚΤ | Ευρωπαϊκό Σύστημα Κεντρικών Τραπεζών | In Greek = ESCB | European System of Central Banks | In English = ESCB | Eŭropa Sistemo de Centraj Bankoj | In Esperanto = SEBC | Sistema Europeo de Bancos Centrales | In Spanish = KBER | Központi Bankok Európai Rendszere | In Hungarian = SEBC | Sistema Europeo delle Banche Centrali | In Italian = ESCB | Europees Stelsel van Centrale Banken | In Dutch = ESSB | Det europeiske systemet av sentralbanker | In Norwegian = ESBC | Europejski System Banków Centralnych | In Polish = SEBC | Sistema Europeu de Bancos Centrais | In Portuguese = ЄСЦБ | Європейська система центральних банків | In Ukrainian = ESCB | Európsky systém centrálnych bánk | In Slovak = ECBS | Europeiska centralbankssystemet | In Swedish |
In Estonian | → Banks → European Union |
EKS | Esperanto Koresponda Servo | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
EKSF | Europæiske Kul- og Stålfællesskab = ESUO | Evropské společenství uhlí a oceli | In Czech = EZUČ | Europska zajednica za ugljen i čelik | In Croatian = CECA | Comunidad Europea del Carbón y del Acero | In Spanish = CECA | Communauté Européenne du Charbon et de l'Acier | In French = EGKS | Europese Gemêenschap voo Kooln en Stoal | In Vlaams = ECSC | European Coal and Steel Community | In English = ЕОВС | Европейската общност за въглища и стомана | In Bulgarian = CECA | Comunitat Europea del Carbó i de l'Acer | In Catalan = EGKS | Europäische Gemeinschaft für Kohle und Stahl | In German = CECA | Comunidade Europea do Carbón e do Aceiro | In Galician = CECA | Comunità Europea del Carbone e dell'Acciaio | In Italian = EWWiS | Europejska Wspólnota Węgla i Stali | In Polish = CECA | Comunautat Europèa del Carbon e de l'Acièr | In Occitan = EKSF | Det europeiske kull- og stålfellesskap | In Norwegian = EGKS | Europese Gemeenschap voor Kolen en Staal | In Dutch = ESZAK | Európai Szén- és Acélközösség | In Hungarian = CECA | Comunidade Europeia do Carvão e do Aço | In Portuguese = CECO | Comunitatea Europeană a Cărbunelui şi Oţelului | In Romanian = ЕОУС | Европейское объединение угля и стали | In Russian = ESUO | Európske spoločenstvo pre uhlie a ocel | In Slovak = EHYT | Euroopan hiili- ja teräsyhteisö | In Finnish = EKSG | Europeiska kol- och stålgemenskapen | In Swedish = EAPB | Europos anglių ir plieno bendrija | In Lithuanian |
In Danish | → International relations → International economic cooperation → Mining → Metallurgy |
EKSF | Det europeiske kull- og stålfellesskap = ESUO, EZUČ, CECA, EGKS, ECSC, ЕОВС, EWWiS, ESZAK, CECO, ЕОУС, EHYT, EKSG, EAPB (look above) |
In Norwegian | → International relations → International economic cooperation → Mining → Metallurgy |
EKSG | Europeiska kol- och stålgemenskapen = EKSF, ESUO, EZUČ, CECA, EGKS, ECSC, ЕОВС, EWWiS, ESZAK, CECO, ЕОУС, EHYT, EAPB (look above) |
In Swedish | → International relations → International economic cooperation → Mining → Metallurgy |
EKT | Eŭropa Konstitucia Traktato | In Esperanto | → European Union → Europe |
EL | Europhysics Letters | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Physics |
EL | Elastic Limit | In English | |
EL | Electroluminescence | In English | |
EL | Equipment Laboratory | In English | → Research institutes |
ELA | Euzko Langilleen Alkartasuna = STV | Solidaridad de Trabajadores Vascos | In Spanish |
In Basque | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
ELACS | Extended-Life Attitude Control System | In English | → Astronautics |
ELB | Electrical Load Bank | In English | |
ElBah | Elektrische Bahnen | In German | → Serial publications, periodicals → Electrical engineering → Vehicle engineering |
ELC | European Lighting Council | In English | → Organizations and associations → Electrical engineering → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
ELC | Earth Limb Clutter | In English | |
ELCIDIS | ELectric CIty DIstribution System | In English | → Energy economics → Electrical engineering → Automobile manufacturing |
ELCVIA | Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Graphical processing → Image processing |
ELD | Entreprise Locale de Distribution | In French | |
ELDO | European Launcher Development Organisation | In English | → Organizations and associations → Astronautics |
ELDP | European Lake Drilling Project | In English | → Earth sciences |
ELDV | Electrically Operated Depressurization Valve | In English | |
ELE | Earth Limb Experiment | In English | |
Elecm | Electromagnetics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Electromagnetism |
ELER | Europäischer Landwirtschaftsfonds für die Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums = FEADER | Fonds Européen Agricol pour le Développement Rural | In French = FEADER | Fondo Europeo Agrícola de Desarrollo Rural | In Spanish = ELFUL | Europæiske Landbrugsfond for Udvikling af Landdistrikterne | In Danish = ΕΓΤΑΑ | Ευρωπαϊκό Γεωργικό Ταμείο Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης | In Greek = EAFRD | European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development | In English = FEASR | Fondo Europeo Agricolo per lo Sviluppo Rurale | In Italian = ELFPO | Europees Landbouwfonds voor Plattelandsontwikkeling | In Dutch = FEADER | Fundo Europeu Agrícola de Desenvolvimento Rural | In Portuguese = EJFLU | Europeiska jordbruksfonden för landsbygdsutveckling | In Swedish |
In German | → Agricultural sciences |
ELF | European Lung Foundation | In English | → Foundations → Chest diseases |
ELF | Earth Liberation Front | In English | → International relations → Threats to the environment |
ELF | EFREI Linux Formation | In French | → Organizations and associations → Operating systems |
ELF | Extremely Low Frequency | In English | |
ELF | Essences et Lubrifiants Français | In French | → Chemical technology → France |
ELF-AREK | Esperanto-Ligo Filatelista - Amika Rondo de Esperantaĵ-Kolektantoj | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Transport and postal services → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
ELFPO | Europees Landbouwfonds voor Plattelandsontwikkeling = ELER, FEADER, ELFUL, ΕΓΤΑΑ, EAFRD, FEASR, EJFLU (look above) |
In Dutch | → Agricultural sciences |
ELFUL | Europæiske Landbrugsfond for Udvikling af Landdistrikterne = ELER, FEADER, ΕΓΤΑΑ, EAFRD, FEASR, ELFPO, EJFLU (look above) |
In Danish | → Agricultural sciences |
ELI | Esperanto-Ligo en Israelo | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
ELI | English Language Institute | In English | → Education → Language, linguistics, literature |
ELIARE | Expérimentation Limousine d'Accompagnement vers la Recherche Européenne | In French | → Research policy → Regional administration |
ELINT | Electronic Intelligence Satellite | In English | → Electronics → Astronautics |
ELIPSCE | Étudiant de L'école doctorale de l'Ingénierie, Performance, Santé, Cognition et Environnement | In French | → Organizations and associations → Higher education, universities |
ELISA | Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay | In English | → Enzymes |
ELIXIR | Extension des Listes d'Informations eXtraites pour l'Intelligence des Ressources | In French | → Knowledge management |
ELKA | Eŭropa Liber-Komerca Asocio ( = EFTA | European Free Trade Association | In English = ESVO | Evropské sdružení volného obchodu | In Czech = AELE | Association Européenne de Libre-Échange | In French = JFA | Jeropeeske Frijhannelsassosjaasje | In Frisian = EMAE | Europako Merkataritza Askearen Elkartea | In Basque = AELE | Associacion eropèèna de libro-èchanjo | In Franco-Provençal = AELC | Asociación Europea de Libre Comercio | In Spanish = EFTA | 欧洲自由贸易联盟 | In Chinese = EVA | Europese Vrijhandelsassociatie | In Dutch = AELE | Associacion Europèa de Liure Escambi | In Occitan = ЕСТА | Европска Слободна Трговска Асоцијација | In Macedonian = AELS | Asociaţia Europeană a Liberului Schimb | In Romanian = ЄАВТ | Європейська асоціація вільної торгівлі | In Ukrainian = ЕФТА | Европска слободна трговинска асоцијација | In Serbian = EZVO | Európske združenie voľného obchodu | In Slovak = ЕАСТ | Европейская ассоциация свободной торговли | In Russian |
In Esperanto | → Associations → Trade |
ELKAR | Euskal Liburu eta Kanten ARgitaldaria | In Basque | |
ElL | Electronics Letters | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Electronics |
ElLC | Electrotechnical Laboratory Circulars | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Electrical engineering |
ElLR | Electrotechnical Laboratory Researches | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Electrical engineering |
ELM | Experimental Logistics Module | In English | → Maintenance and logistics |
ELMCD | Energy Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroism | In English | → Electricity, magnetism, electromagnetism → Materials science |
ELMO | Expedited Labour Market Opinion (Pilot Project) | In English | → Migrations → Labour, labour economics |
ElMod | Elektronnoe Modelirovanie = ElMod | Электронное моделирование | In Russian |
In Russian | → Serial publications, periodicals → Electrical engineering |
ElMod | Электронное моделирование = (look above) |
In Russian | → Serial publications, periodicals → Electrical engineering |
ELMS | Elastic-Loop Mobility System | In English | |
ELNA | Esperanto-Ligo por Norda Ameriko ( | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
ELNA | Esperanto-Ligo de Nord-Ameriko ( = ELNA | Esperanto League for North America | In English = ÖGAM | Österreichische Gesellschaft für Allgemein- und Familienmedizin | In German |
In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
ELNA | Esperanto League for North America = ÖGAM (look above) |
In English | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
ELNWS | European League for Non-Western Studies | In English | → Organizations and associations → Area studies |
ELOA | Esperanto-Ligo de Okcidenta Auxstralio | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
ELORA | Ermittlung des lokalen Radonpotentials | In German | → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management → Construction |
eloV | Elektronische Leeromgeving Vlaanderen | In Dutch | → Education → Computer-based techniques |
ElP | Electronics Power | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Electronics |
ELP | English Language Program | In English | → Education → Linguistics |
ELP | Educational Leadership and Psychology | In English | → Education → Psychology |
ELP | Embarcation de Lutte contre la Pollution | In French | → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
ElPro | Electronic Progress | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Electronics |
ELPS | Ejército de Liberación del Pueblo de Sudán = APLS | Armée Populaire de Libération du Soudan | In French = SPLA | Sudan People's Liberation Army | In English = SLOA | Súdánská lidově osvobozenecká armáda | In Czech |
In Spanish | → Political parties and movements → Military affairs |
ELRA | European Language Resources Association ( | In English | → Associations → Linguistics |
ELRAD | Earth Limb Radiance | In English | |
ELRS | Esperanto-Ligo de Respubliko Srpska ( | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
ELS | Encyclopedia of Life Sciences | In English | → Encyclopaedias, reference works → Biological sciences |
ELS | Eastern Launch Site | In English | → Astronautics |
ELS | Elevon Load System | In English | |
ELS | External Lighting System | In English | |
ELS | Embarcation Légère de Sauvetage | In French | |
ELSA | Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects | In English | → Ethics → Law, jurisprudence → Biological sciences → Medicine |
ELSA | European Law Students Association ( | In English | → Associations → Law, jurisprudence → Higher education, universities |
ELSECOM | European Electrotechnical Sectoral Committee for Testing and Certification | In English | → Organizations and associations → Quality management → Electrical engineering |
ELT | Extremely Large Telescope | In English | → Astronomy |
ELT | Emergency Locator Transmitter | In English | |
ElTA | Elektronnaia Tekhnika Avtomatike | In Russian | → Serial publications, periodicals → Mechanical engineering |
ELTE | Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem ( | In Hungarian | → Higher education, universities → Hungary |
ELV | Expendable Launch Vehicle | In English | → Aeronautics, aircraft → Astronautics |
ELV | End-of-Life Vehicule | In French | → Vehicle engineering |
ELV | Earth Launch Vehicle | In English | → Aeronautics, aircraft → Astronautics |
ELVIS | Elektronisches Landtags-Vorgangsbearbeitungs- und Informationssystem | In German | → Knowledge management → Public administration, government |
ELWA | Esperanto League of Western Australia ( | In English | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Australia |
ElWG | Elektrizitätswesengesetz | In German | → Energy economics → Electrical engineering |
EM | Elektro-Material AG | In German | → 6212 |
EM | Electronic Music | In English | → Music |
EM | Engineering Model | In English | |
EM | Exception Monitor | In English | |
EM | Endüstri mühendisliği | In Turkish | |
EM&IAS | Electromechanical and Integrated Avionics Subsystem | In English | → Mechanical engineering → Aeronautics, aircraft |
EM&P | Earth, Moon and Planets | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Solar system |
EM&P | Energétique, Matériaux & Procédés | In French | → Materials science → Energy economics |
EMA | École des Mines d'Alès ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Engineering, technology → France |
EMA | Espace Métro Accords | In French | → Transport and postal services → Music |
EMA | Espéranto Moulins-Allier | In French | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → France |
EMA | Electromagnetic Analysis | In English | |
EMA | Electromechanical Actuator | In English | → Mechanical engineering → Electrical engineering |
EMA | Engineering and Manufacturing Aid | In English | |
EMA | Elephant Manager's Association ( | In English | → Associations → Zoology |
EMA | État-Major des Armées | In French | → Military affairs |
EMAA | État-Major de l'Armée de l'Air | In French | → Military affairs |
EMAC | École des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
EMAD | Employers Making a Difference ( | In English | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Australia |
EMAE | Europako Merkataritza Askearen Elkartea ( = ELKA, EFTA, ESVO, AELE, JFA, AELC, EVA, ЕСТА, AELS, ЄАВТ, ЕФТА, EZVO, ЕАСТ (look above) |
In Basque | → Associations → Trade |
EMAG | ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) MIS Advisory Group | In English | → Telecommunications |
EMAS | Environmental Managment and Audit System | In English | → Environmental protection |
EMAS | Eco Management Audit Scheme | In English | |
EMAS | Esperantista Manĉa Asocio ( = AME | Asociación Manchega de Esperanto | In Spanish |
In Esperanto | → Associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
EMAT | État-Major de l'Armée de Terre | In French | → Military affairs |
EMBC | European Molecular Biology Conference | In English | → Congresses → Biological sciences |
EMBEE | Eerste Machinefabriek Breda En Electron | In Dutch | |
EMBIC | Embryo Implantation Control | In English | → Reproductive biology |
EMBL | European Molecular Biology Laboratory ( | In English | → Research institutes → Biochemistry, biophysics → Europe |
EMC | Electromagnetic Compatibility | In English | |
EMĈ | Esperantista Motorciklanta Ĉeno | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Vehicle engineering → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
EMC | Entreprise Minière et Chimique | In French | → Mining → Chemical technology |
EMC | Électro-Mécanique du Cinéma | In French | → Electrical engineering → Cinema, movies |
EMC | Electromagnetic Capability | In English | |
EMC | Electromagnetic Control | In English | |
EMC | Equivalent Mission Cycle | In English | |
EMCA | École des Métiers du Cinéma d'Animation ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Drawing and applied arts → Cinema, movies → France |
EMCC | Emergency MIssion Control Center | In English | |
EMCD | Electromechanical Control Diagram | In English | → Mechanical engineering → Electrical engineering |
EMCDGAG | EMC Director-General's Advisory Gro | In English | |
EMCEF | European Mine Chemical and Energy Workers Federation | In English | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Energy economics → Mining |
EMCEF | European Mine, Chemical and Energy Workers Federation ( | In English | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Mining → Chemical technology → Energy economics |
EMCFA | Electromagnetic Compatibility Frequency Analysis | In English | |
EMCI | Engineering Model Configuration Inspection | In English | → Engineering, technology |
EMCI | École des Métiers de la Création Infographique ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Computer-based techniques → Drawing and applied arts → France |
EMCIT | (Agreement Group for) European Testing of Electromagnetic Compatibility of IT Products | In English | → Quality management → Electronics → Telecommunications |
EMCP | Electromagnetic Compatibility Program | In English | → Electronics |
EMD | École des Mines de Douai | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Engineering, technology |
EMD | Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedsdomstol ( = ECHR | European Court of Human Rights | In English = CEDH | Cour Européenne des Droits de l'Homme | In French = TEDH | Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos | In Spanish = ESLP | Evropský soud pro lidská práva | In Czech = EGMR | Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte | In German = ΕΔΑΔ | Ευρωπαϊκό Δικαστήριο Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων | In Greek = EIT | Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin | In Finnish = AİHM | Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi | In Turkish = ЕСЉП | Европски суд за људска права | In Serbian = ЕСПЧ | Европейский Суд по правам человека | In Russian = CEDO | Curtea Europeană a Drepturilor Omului | In Romanian = ETPC | Europejski Trybunał Praw Człowieka | In Polish = EMD | Den europeiske menneskerettsdomstol | In Norwegian = EMD | Den europeiske menneskerettsdomstolen | In Nynorsk = EHRM | Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens | In Dutch = EŽTT | Europos Žmogaus Teisių Teismas | In Lithuanian = CEDU | Corte Europea dei diritti dell'uomo | In Italian |
In Danish | → International law → Human rights → Fundamental rights |
EMD | Den europeiske menneskerettsdomstol ( = ECHR, CEDH, TEDH, ESLP, EGMR, ΕΔΑΔ, EIT, AİHM, ЕСЉП, ЕСПЧ, CEDO, ETPC, EHRM, EŽTT, CEDU (look above) |
In Norwegian | → International law → Human rights → Fundamental rights |
EMD | Den europeiske menneskerettsdomstolen ( = ECHR, CEDH, TEDH, ESLP, EGMR, ΕΔΑΔ, EIT, AİHM, ЕСЉП, ЕСПЧ, CEDO, ETPC, EHRM, EŽTT, CEDU (look above) |
In Nynorsk | → International law → Human rights → Fundamental rights |
EMD | Entry Monitor Display | In English | → Human-computer interaction |
EMD | Électronique Marcel Dassault | In French | → Electronics |
EMDM | Enhanced Multiplexer/Demultiplexer | In English | → Computer science → Telecommunications |
EMEA | European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal products | In English | → Pharmacology, toxicology |
EMEC | Electromagnetic Effects Capability | In English | |
EMEC | Electromagnetic Effects Compatibility | In English | |
EMEC | Enhanced Master Events Controller | In English | |
EMEDCA | European Active Medical Devices Certification Agreement | In English | → Quality management → Medicine |
EMERALD | Electronic Management Research Library Database | In English | → Libraries → Software |
EMES | Electrical, Mechanical, and Environmental Systems | In English | → Electrical engineering → Mechanical engineering |
EMF | Ecological Management Foundation | In English | → Foundations → 5023 |
EMF | Electromotive Force | In English | |
EMG | Elektromyogramm | In German | → Cardiology |
EMG | Electromyogram | In English | → Diagnostics → Cardiology |
EMG | Electromyograph | In English | → Diagnostics → Cardiology |
EMG | Electromyography | In English | → Diagnostics → Cardiology |
EMGO | (Instituut voor) Extramuraal Geneeskundig Onderzoek ( | In Dutch | → Research institutes → Medicine → Netherlands |
EMH | Editiones Medicorum Helveticorum | In Latin | → Serial publications, periodicals → Medicine → Switzerland |
EMHV | Ester Méthylique d'Huile Végétale | In French | → Biotechnology → Chemical technology |
EMI | Équipe mixte INSERM | In French | → Research institutes → Research policy → Medicine |
EMI | Építésügyi Minõségellenõrzõ Innovációs | In Hungarian | |
EMI | École Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Morocco |
EMI | European Monetary Institute = EWI | Europäisches Währungsinstitut | In German = EMI | Európai Monetáris Intézet | In Hungarian = ERI | Euroopan rahapoliittinen instituutti | In Finnish = EMI | Europees Monetair Instituut | In Dutch = IME | Institut Monétaire Européen | In French |
In English | → Banks → European Union |
EMI | Európai Monetáris Intézet = EWI, ERI, IME (look above) |
In Hungarian | → Banks → European Union |
EMI | Europees Monetair Instituut = EWI, ERI, IME (look above) |
In Dutch | → Banks → European Union |
EMI | Electromagnetic Interface | In English | |
EMI | Electromagnetic Interference | In English | |
EMI-HU | Équipe Mixte Hospitalo-Universitaire | In French | → Higher education, universities → Medicine |
EMIA-FE | État-major Interarmées de Force et d'Entraînement | In French | → Military affairs |
EMIDA | Emerging Infectious Diseases of Animals | In English | → Infectious diseases → Agricultural sciences |
EMILE | Enseignement d'une Matière Intégrée à une Langue Étrangère | In French | → Education → Language, linguistics, literature |
EMIRAcle | European Manufacturing and Innovation Research Association ( | In English | → Associations → Applied sciences, technology → Europe |
EMISM | Electromagnetic Interference Safety Margin | In English | |
EMJNet | (The) Early Modern Japan Network | In English | → Organizations and associations → History |
EMK | Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedskonvention | In Danish | → International law → Fundamental rights |
EMK | Emergency Medical Kit | In English | → Medicine |
EMK | Eenheid Maakt Kracht | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
EML | Electromagnetic Laboratory | In English | |
EML | Electromagnetic Launcher | In English | |
EMLC | European Mask and Lithography Conference | In English | → Engineering, technology |
EMLMF | Euro-Mediterranean Legal Metrology Forum | In English | → Standardization |
eMLPP | Enhanced Multi Level Precedence and Preemption | In English | → Telecommunications |
EMM | École des Mines de Marrakech | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Mining |
EMM | Établissement de Maintenance du Matériel | In French | → Maintenance and logistics → Transport and postal services |