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Acronym Sense Language Topics
EPD Établissement Public Départemental In French Regional administration
EPDB Experiment Power Distribution Box In English Electrical engineering
EPDC Electrical Power Distribution and Control In English Electrical engineering
EPDCS Electrical Power Distribution and Control Subsystem In English Electrical engineering
EPDM Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer In English Chemical technology
Plastic industry
EPDM Éthylène Propylène Diène Monomère In French Plastic industry
EPDS Electrical Power Distribution System In English Electrical engineering
EPDU Electrical Power Distribution Unit In English Electrical engineering
EPE Étude de Planification Énergétique In French Energy economics
EPE Exercice de Prospective Exploratoire In French 0018
EPEM European Producers of Electrofused Minerals In English Organizations and associations
EPER European Pollutant Emission Register In English 503
EPF European Property Federation (www.epf-fepi.com)
= FEPI | Fédération Européenne de la Propriété Immobilière | In French
In English Organizations and associations
EPF Établissement Public Foncier In French Public administration, government
EPF Europäische Psychoanalytische Föderation (www.epf-eu.org)
= FEP | Fédération Européenne de Psychanalyse | In French
= EPF | European Psychoanalytical Federation | In English
In German Organizations and associations
EPF European Psychoanalytical Federation (www.epf-eu.org)
= FEP (look above)
In English Organizations and associations
EPF École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
EPF The Equine Preservation Foundation In English Foundations
Agricultural sciences
EPFA European Plasma Fractionation Association In English Associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
EPG Entertainment Program Guide In English Entertainment
EPG Electrical Power Generator In English Electrical engineering
EPGCS Electrical Power Generation and Control Subsystem In English Electrical engineering
EPGS Electrical Power Generation Subsystem In English Electrical engineering
EPH École Parisienne d'Hôtesses et de Tourisme In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
EPHAD Établissement d'Hébergement pour Personnes Âgées Dépendantes In French Accommodation
EPHE École Pratique des Hautes Études In French Education
EPHOS European Procurement Handbook for Open Systems In English Computer science
EPHTA Ecoregional Programme for Humid and Subhumid Tropics of Subsaharan Africa
= PETHA | Programme Ecorégional pour les Tropiques Humides et Subhumides de l'Afrique Subsaharienne | In French
In English 5023
EPI Educational Policy Institute In English Education
EPI Enseignement Public et Informatique (www.epi.asso.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Computer science
EPIA European Photovoltaic Industry Association In English Associations
Energy economics
Electrical engineering
EPIA Encontro Português de Inteligência Artificial In Portuguese Congresses
Artificial intelligence
EPIC European Project on Information Infrastructure Co-ordination Group In English Telecommunications
EPIC Établissement Public à Caractère Industriel et Commercial In French Central administration
Industry, industrial policy
EPIC Eastern Pacific Investigations of Climate In English Meteorology, climatology
EPIC Equatorial Processes Including Coupling In English Earth sciences
EPICA European Project for Ice Coring in Antartica In English Earth sciences
EPICEA Entreprise de Promotion de l'Innovation au Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique In French Nuclear technology
EPIDe Établissement Public d'Insertion de la Défense In French Education
EPIGN Escadron Parachutiste et d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale In French Police
EPIISG European Project on Information Infrastructure Starter Group In English Telecommunications
EPIRSS Extended-Performance Infrared Search Set In English
EPITA École Pour l'Informatique et les Techniques Avancées In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Computer science
EPJ European Physical Journal In English Serial publications, periodicals
EPJAP European Physical Journal - Applied Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
EPL Electrical Power Level In English Electrical engineering
EPL Electronic, Electrical, and Electromechanical Parts List In English Electrical engineering
EPL Emergency Power Level In English
EPL Expected Power Level In English
EPL Établissement Public Local In French Public administration, government
EPL Eclipse Public License In English Artistic property
Programming languages
EPLA European Patent Litigation Agreement In English International economic cooperation
Industrial property
EPLA Établissement Public Local Agricole In French Public administration, government
Agricultural sciences
EPLD Electrically Erasable Programmable Logic Device In English Computer hardware
EPLE Établissement Public Local d'Enseignement In French Education
EPLEA Établissement Public Local d'Enseignement Agricole In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Agricultural sciences
EPLS European Pediatric Life Support In English Pediatry
EPM École Polytechnique de Masuku In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
EPM Engineering Project Manager In English Engineering, technology
EPML Établissement Public de la Métropole Lorraine In French Public administration, government
Regional planning
EPMS Engineering Performance Management System In English Engineering, technology
EPN Escuela Politécnica Nacional In Spanish Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
EPNS European Paediatric Neurology Society (www.epns.info) In English Organizations and associations
EPO Emergency Planning Officer In English
EPO Element Project Office In English
EPO European Patent Office (www.epo.org)
= OEP | Oficina Europea de Patentes | In Spanish
= OEB | Office Européen des Brevets | In French
= EOB | Europees Octrooibureau | In Dutch
= IEP | Instituto Europeu de Patentes | In Portuguese
= EAP | Europäisches Patentamt | In German
In English International economic cooperation
Industrial property
EPO Europäische Patentorganisation
= EPO | European Patent Organisation | In English
= ΕΟΔΕ | Ευρωπαϊκός Οργανισμός Διπλωμάτων Ευρεσιτεχνίας | In Greek
In German International economic cooperation
Industrial property
EPO European Patent Organisation
= ΕΟΔΕ (look above)
In English International economic cooperation
Industrial property
EPOB Établissement Public de l'Opéra Bastille In French Music
EPOC External Payload Operations Center In English Astronautics
EPOC Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica
= BPCO | Broncho-Pneumopathie Chronique Obstructive | In French
= COPD | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | In English
= MPOC | Maladie Pulmonaire Obstructive Chronique | In French
= COLD | Chronic Obstructive Airway Disease | In English
= COAD | Chronisch obstruktive Atemwegserkrankung | In German
= BPCO | Broncopneumopatia Cronica Ostruttiva | In Italian
= DPOC | Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crónica | In Portuguese
= KOAH | Kronik Obstrüktif Akciğer Hastalığı | In Turkish
In Spanish Chest diseases
EPOS Experimenteel Psychologische Onderzoekschool (http://epos.fmg.uva.nl) In Dutch Research institutes
Higher education, universities
EPOSS European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration (www.smart-systems-integration.org) In English Organizations and associations
EPP European Passive Plant In English Nuclear technology
EPP Onderzoekschool Experimentele Psychopathologie (www.dmkep.unimaas.nl/epp/) In Dutch Research institutes
Higher education, universities
EPP Ejército del Pueblo Paraguayo In Spanish Political parties and movements
EPP Enterprise Plugin Packs In English Software
EPPC European Paleobotany-Palynology Conference In English Congresses
Paleobotany, palynology
EPPOA European Pure Plant Oil Association In English Associations
Agricultural sciences
Chemical technology
EPPREP École de Presse, de Publicité et de Relations Publiques In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Newspapers, journalism
Public relations
EPPSS Electrical Power/Pyro Sequential System In English Electrical engineering
EPR Engine Pressure Ratio In English Engineering, technology
EPR Engineering Purchase Request In English 34745
Engineering, technology
EPR European Pressurized Reactor In English Nuclear technology
EPRD État Prévisionnel de Recettes et Dépenses In French Accounting
EPRD État Prévisionnel des Recettes et des Dépenses In French Finance
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute (www.epri.com) In English Research institutes
Electrical engineering
EPRN Emergency Program Release Notice In English
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory In English Memories
EPS European Polar System In English Earth sciences
EPS Europe Pacific Solidarity In English International relations
EPS Electrical Power System In English Electrical engineering
EPS Emergency Power System In English Electrical engineering
EPS Experimental Power Supply In English Electrical engineering
EPS Éducation Physique et Sportive In French Education
Sport, physical exercises
EPS Ensemble Prediction Systems In English Computer simulation
EPSA Empresa Publica Del Suelo De Andalucia In Spanish
EPSA Échelle Pivotante Semi-Automatique In French Firefighting
EPSC Escola Politècnica Superior de Castelldefels (www.epsc.upc.edu) In Spanish Specialized or polytechnical colleges
EPSEM Escola Politècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Manresa (www.epsem.upc.edu) In Spanish Specialized or polytechnical colleges
EPSEVG Escola Politècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Vilanova i la Geltrú (www.epsevg.upc.edu) In Spanish Specialized or polytechnical colleges
EPSI École Privée des Sciences Informatiques In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Computer science
EPSIEL École Polyvalente Supérieure d'Informatique et d'Électronique (www.epsiel.net) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Computer science
EPSMA European Power Supply Manufacturers Association (www.epsma.org) In English Associations
Energy economics
Electrical engineering
EPSN European Passive Safety Netwok In English Transport and postal services
EPSP Experiment Power Switching Panel In English Electrical engineering
EPSR Équipe de Préparation et de Suite du Reclassement In French Labour, labour economics
EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council In English Physics
Engineering, technology
EPSS Electronic Proposal Submission System In English Networks, communication
EPSS Electronic Proposal Submission Service In English Research policy
European Union
EPSS Experimental Packet Switching System In English Telecommunications
Networks, communication
EPST Établissement Public à caractère Scientifique et Technologique In French Central administration
Mathematics and natural sciences
Applied sciences, technology
EPST Établissement Public (à caractère) Scientifique et Technologique In French Mathematics and natural sciences
Engineering, technology
EPSTF Electrical Power System Test Facility In English Electrical engineering
EPSU European Public Service Union (www.epsu.org) In English Organizations and associations
Labour, labour economics
EPT École Polytechnique de Tunisie (www.ept.rnu.tn) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
EPT Emergency Procedure Trainer In English
EPT Environmental Proof Test In English
EPT Ethylene Propylene Terpolymer In English Chemical technology
Plastic industry
EPT External Pipe Thread In English
EPTA European Power Tool Association (www.epta.eu) In English Associations
Mechanical engineering
EPTA European Piano Teachers Association In Dutch Associations
EPTS École Polytechnique de Thiès In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
EPTU Events Per Time Unit In English
EPU Ein-Personen-Unternehmen In German Economics
EPU European University Center for Peace Studies In English
EPU Europäisches Patentübereinkommen
= CBE | Convention sur le Brevet Européen | In French
= EPC | European Patent Convention | In English
= CPE | Convenio sobre la Patente Europea | In Spanish
= EOV | Europees Octrooiverdrag | In Dutch
In German International economic cooperation
Industrial property
EPW Economic and Political Weekly In English Serial publications, periodicals
EPWG Environmental Projects Working Group In English
EPWG Experiment Planning Working Group In English
EPY Electronic Control Assembly Pitch And Yaw In English Electronics
EPZA Export Processing Zones Authority In English Trade
EQ Emotional (Intelligence) Quotient In English Psychology
EQ Education Queensland In English Education
EQ Expert Qualité In French Quality management
EQD Electrodinàmica Quàntica
= QED | Quantum Electrodynamics | In English
In Catalan Quantum mechanics
EQE Event Queue Element In English
EQR Europäischer Qualifikationsrahmen In German Education
European Union
EQTP Équivalent Temps Plein In French Personnel management
Labour, labour economics
ER Endosplasmic Reticulum In English
ER Established Reliability In English
ER Explanation Report In English
ER Extended Reliability In English
ER Europe Résistance In French Political parties and movements
ER Entity Resolution In English Writing systems
ER Électrification Rurale In French Electrical engineering
ER Est Républicain (www.estrepublicain.fr) In French Newspapers, journalism
ER Emergency Room In English Traumatology
ERA Esperanto Radikala Asocio In Esperanto Associations
Political parties and movements
Artificial languages (linguistics)
ERA Electrical Replaceable Assembly In English Electrical engineering
ERA Element-Relationship-Attribute In English
ERA Équipe de Recherche Associée In French Research policy
ERA Engineering Research Associates In English
ERA European Ramblers Association (www.era-ewv-ferp.org)
= EWV | Europäische Wandervereinigung | In French
= FERP | Fédération Européenne de Randonnée Pédestre | In French
In English Associations
Sport, physical exercises
ERA École Royale de l'Air In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Transport and postal services
ERAC European Rail Research Advisory Council In English Organizations and associations
Rail transport engineering
Transport and postal services
ERAD Endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation In English Cytology
ERAMS E-Resource Access and Management Services In English Document processing
Knowledge management
ERAP Earth Resources Aircraft Program In English Aeronautics, aircraft
Earth sciences
ERAP Entreprise de Recherches et d'Activités Pétrolières In French Mining
ERAREN Ermeni Araştırmaları Enstitüsü In Turkish
ERAS Enhaced Recovery After Surgery In English Surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology
ERASMUS European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students In English Higher education, universities
European Union
ERATO Extended Range Automatic Targeting of Otomat missile In English Military engineering
ERB Engineering Review Board In English Engineering, technology
ERB École de Radiotélégraphie de Bordeaux In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ERBE Earth Radiation Budget Experiment In English
ERBM Extended-Range Ballistic Missile In English Military engineering
ERBS Earth Radiation Budget Satellite In English Astronautics
ERC Employee Recognition Center In English
ERC Event Recorder In English Records management
ERC Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya In Catalan Political parties and movements
ERC Emergency Relief Coordinator In English Accidents, risks, safety
ERCA Équipe de Recherche Clinique Associée In French Medicine
ERCB Energy Resources Control Board In English
ERCIM European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (www.ercim.org) In English Computer science
ERCM Engineering Requirements and Change Management In English Engineering, technology
ERCOFTAC European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion In English Aerodynamics
ERCOMER European Research Center on Migrations and Ethnic Relations In English Research institutes
ERCS Extended Reference Concrete Syntaxes In English Data
ERCS Équipe Recommandée par le Conseil Scientifique In French Research policy
ERD Evoked Response Detector In English
ERD EDF Réseau de Distribution In French Electrical engineering
ERD Entity Relationship Diagram In English Data
ERDA Energy and Research Development Authority In English Energy economics
ERDE État Récapitulatif des Dépenses Éligibles In French Finance
ERDF European Regional Development Fund
= EFRE | Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung | In German
= FEDER | Fonds Européen de Développement Régional | In French
= FESR | Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale | In Italian
= EFRR | Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego | In Polish
= ERUF | Europeiska regionala utvecklingsfonden | In Swedish
In English International relations
European Union
Regional planning
ERE Espace Rentrée Étudiant In French Higher education, universities
ERE Éducation Relative à l'Environnement In French Education
Threats to the environment
ERE Estrogen-Responsive Enhancer Element In English Biochemistry, biophysics
EREA Établissements de Recherche Européens de l'Aéronautique In French Aeronautics, aircraft
EREA Établissement Régional d'Enseignement Adapté In French Education
EREP Earth Resources Package In English
ERETS Edwards Rocket Engine Test Site In English
EREVA État Récapitulatif des Éléments Variables d'Activité In French
ERG Electroretinogram In English
ERG Electroretinograph(y) In English
ERG Energy Research Group In English Energy economics
ERG (Marie Curie) European Reintegration Grants In English Research policy
Labour, labour economics
ERG Examen des Résultats de Gestion In French Accounting
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