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Acronym Sense Language Topics
EVA Elément Variable d'Activité In French
EVA Economic Value Analysis In English Economics
EVAAM Établissement pour la Valorisation des Activités Aquacoles et Maritimes In French Marine research, oceanography
Fishing, hunting
EVAL Earth-Viewing Applications Laboratory In English Research institutes
Earth sciences
EVAN European Virtual Anthropology Network (www.evan.at) In English Anthropology
EVAS Extravehicular Activity System In English Astronautics
EVATA Extravehicular Activity Translational Aid In English Astronautics
EVB Erklärung von Bern In German
EVB Europäischer Verband der Binnenhäfen
= FEPI | Fédération Européenne des Ports Intérieurs | In French
= EFIP | European Federation of Inland Ports | In English
In German Organizations and associations
Transport and postal services
EVC Extravehicular Communications In English Astronautics
EVC Edamse Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
EVC Eindhovensche Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
EVC Elderveldse Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
EVCAM European Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods In English Pharmacology, toxicology
EVCF Eastern Vehicle Checkout Facility In English Astronautics
EVCS Extravehicular Communications System In English Astronautics
EVCU Extravehicular Communications Umbilical In English Astronautics
EVD External Visual Display In English
EVD Elektronik Veri Değişimi In Turkish
EVDE External Visual Display Equipment In English
EVDO Evolution Data Optimized In English Telecommunications
EVE Ente Vasco de la Energía (www.eve.es) In Spanish Energy economics
EVE Etimologia Vortaro de Esperanto In Esperanto Dictionaries
Artificial languages (linguistics)
EVEA Europäische Vereinigung für Eifel und Ardennen In German Organizations and associations
EVER European Association for Vision and Eye Research (www.ever.be) In English Associations
EVest Elektrotehniški Vestnik In Hungarian Serial publications, periodicals
Electrical engineering
EVF Equipment Visibility File In English Files
EVG Europäische Verteidigungsgemeinschaft
= EDC | European Defence Community | In English
= CED | Communauté Européenne de Défense | In French
= CED | Comunità Europea di Difesa | In Italian
= EDG | Europese Defensie Gemeenschap | In Dutch
= EWO | Europejska Wspólnota Obronna | In Polish
= CED | Comunidade Europeia de Defesa | In Portuguese
In German European Union
Military affairs
EVI-GTI The European Virtual Institute for Gas Turbine Instrumentation In English Energy economics
Mechanical engineering
EVLG European Veterinary Libraries Group In English Organizations and associations
Veterinary medicine
EVLSS Extravehicular Life Support System In English Astronautics
EVM Earth-Viewing Module In English Astronautics
Earth sciences
EVMU Extravehicular Mobility Unit In English Astronautics
EVO Engineering Verification Order In English Engineering, technology
EVO Educatieve Vereniging voor Ouderwerking in het Officieel onderwijs (www.evovzw.be) In Dutch Organizations and associations
EVOCS European Virtual OPAC for Chinese Studies In English Libraries
Language, linguistics, literature
Geography, biography, history
EVOP Europese Vereniging voor Onderwijzend Personeel In Dutch Organizations and associations
Labour, labour economics
EVP Evangelische Volkspartei (www.evppev.ch)
= PEV | Parti Évangélique | In French
In German Political parties and movements
EvQ Evangelical Quarterly In English Serial publications, periodicals
EVS Eesti Standardikeskus (www.evs.ee) In Estonian Standardization
EVS European Voluntary Service In English
EVS Euroopa Vabatahtliku Teenistuse In Estonian
EVS Equipment Visibility System In English
EVS Extravehicular Suit In English Astronautics
EVS Environnement, Ville et Société, Développement Urbain In French Environmental protection
Regional planning
EVS Emploi de Vie Scolaire In French Education
EVSC Extravehicular Suit Communications In English Astronautics
EVSS Extravehicular Space Suit In English Astronautics
EVSTC Extravehicular Suit Telecommunications In English Astronautics
EVSU Extravehicular Space Unit In English Astronautics
EVT Extravehicular Transfer In English Astronautics
EVV Europees Verbond van Vakverenigingen (www.etuc.org)
= CES | Confédération Européenne des Syndicats | In French
= ETUC | European Trade Union Confederation | In English
= CES | Confederación Europea de Sindicatos | In Spanish
In Dutch Organizations and associations
Labour, labour economics
EVV Echtse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
EVV Enschedesche Voetbal Vereeniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
EVV Eendracht Verwerft Victorie In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
EVVC Eerste Vinkelse Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
EVVS Eindhovense Voetbal Vereniging Scheerkwasten In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
EW Exacte Wetenschappen In Dutch Mathematics and natural sciences
EW Electronic Warfare In English Military engineering
EW Elektrociepłownie Warszawskie In Polish Electrical engineering
EWA Estimated Warehouse Arrival In English
EWA European Water Association In English Associations
Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
EWAS Elektronisches Waggon-Alarmierungssystem In German Transport and postal services
EWB Elsässisches Wörterbuch In German Dictionaries
EWBI The Equine Well-Being Institute In English Agricultural sciences
EWC East-West Center In English Area studies
EWC Erica Wallaria Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
EWCM Egg White Cervical Mucous In English Gynaecology
EWE Emergency Window Escape In English
EWG Environmental Working Group (www.ewg.org) In English Organizations and associations
Threats to the environment
EWG Europäesch Wirtschafts- a Währungsunioun
= UEM | Unión Económica y Monetaria | In Spanish
= EMU | Economische Monetaire Unie | In Vlaams
= EMU | Economic and Monetary Union | In English
= EMU | Ekonomiska och monetära unionen | In Swedish
= UGiW | Unia Gospodarcza i Walutowa | In Polish
= EMU | Economische en Monetaire Unie | In Dutch
= EGMU | Európai Gazdasági és Monetáris Unió | In Hungarian
= UEM | Union économique et monétaire | In French
= EWWU | Europäische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion | In German
= ØMU | Økonomiske og Monetære Union | In Danish
= EMU | Evropská měnová unie | In Czech
= UEM | Unione Economica e Monetaria | In Italian
= UEM | Unió econòmica i monetària | In Catalan
In Letzeburgesh Economics
European Union
EWG Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft
= CEE | Comunitat Econòmica Europea | In Catalan
= EEZ | Europska ekonomska zajednica | In Croatian
= CEE | Comunidad Económica Europea | In Spanish
= CEE | Communauté Économique Européenne | In French
= EEG | Europese Economische Gemêenschap | In Vlaams
= EHS | Evropské hospodářské společenství | In Czech
= EEC | European Economic Community | In English
= ЕИО | Европейската икономическа общност | In Bulgarian
= CEE | Comunidade Económica Europea | In Galician
= EEE | Europako Ekonomia Erkidegoa | In Basque
= CEE | Comunità Economica Europea | In Italian
= EBE | Efnahagsbandalag Evrópu | In Icelandic
= EEB | Europos Ekonominė Bendrija | In Lithuanian
= CEE | Comunitatea Economică Europeană | In Romanian
= CEE | Comunidade Económica Europeia | In Portuguese
= CEE | Comunautat Economica Europèa | In Occitan
= ЄЕС | Європейська економічна спільнота | In Ukrainian
= AET | Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluğu | In Turkish
= EEG | Europeiska ekonomiska gemenskapen | In Swedish
= ETY | Euroopan talousyhteisö | In Finnish
= EEG | Europese Economische Gemeenschap | In Dutch
= GEE | Gymuned Economaidd Ewropeaidd | In Welsh
In German International relations
European Union
EWG Eurowings In English Transport and postal services
EWG European Wholesale Group (www.ewg-group.com) In English Computer hardware
EWG Eiffel Wrapper Generator (http://ewg.sourceforge.net) In English Software
EWG Energy Working Group In English Organizations and associations
Energy economics
International relations
EWG Einwohnergleichwert In German Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
EWG Erdkunde-Wirtschaftskunde-Gemeinschaftskunde In German Education
Geography, biography, history
EWG Executive Working Group In English Organizations and associations
EWG EDIFACT Working Group In English United Nations
International economic cooperation
EWG Executive Women in Government (www.execwomeningov.org) In English Organizations and associations
Central administration
EWI East-West Institute In English
EWI Eureka Wood Initiative In French Forestry
EWI Europäisches Währungsinstitut
= EMI | European Monetary Institute | In English
= EMI | Európai Monetáris Intézet | In Hungarian
= ERI | Euroopan rahapoliittinen instituutti | In Finnish
= EMI | Europees Monetair Instituut | In Dutch
= IME | Institut Monétaire Européen | In French
In German Banks
European Union
EWIC Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures In English Encyclopaedias, reference works
Civilization, culture, progress
EWM Engineering Wring-out Meeting In English Engineering, technology
EWO Engineering Work Order In English Engineering, technology
EWO Europejska Wspólnota Obronna
= EVG, EDC, CED, EDG (look above)
In Polish European Union
Military affairs
EWOS European Workshop for Open Systems In English Congresses
EWR Engineering Work Request In English Engineering, technology
EWR Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum
= EEA | European Economic Area | In English
= EEE | Espace Économique Européen | In French
= ЕИЗ | Европейска икономическа зона | In Bulgarian
= EHP | Evropský hospodářský prostor | In Czech
= EØS | Europæisk Økonomisk Samarbejdsområde | In Danish
= EEA | Eŭropa Ekonomia Areo | In Esperanto
= ΕΟΖ | Ευρωπαϊκή Οικονομική Ζώνη | In Greek
= EES | Evrópska efnahagssvæðið | In Icelandic
= SEE | Spazio Economico Europeo | In Italian
= EES | Europeiska Ekonomiska Samarbetsområdet | In Swedish
= EWR | Europäesche Wirtschaftsraum | In Letzeburgesh
= EGT | Európai Gazdasági Térség | In Hungarian
= EER | Europese Economische Ruimte | In Dutch
= EEA | 欧州経済領域 | In Japanese
= EØS | Det europeiske økonomiske samarbeidsområde | In Norwegian
= EØS | Det Europeiske Økonomiske Samarbeidsområdet | In Nynorsk
= EOG | Europejski Obszar Gospodarczy | In Polish
= EEE | Espaço Económico Europeu | In Portuguese
= ЕЭЗ | Европейская экономическая зона | In Russian
= EHP | Európsky hospodársky priestor | In Slovak
= ЕЕП | Европски економски простор | In Serbian
= ETA | Euroopan talousalue | In Finnish
In German Economics
European Union
EWR Europäesche Wirtschaftsraum
In Letzeburgesh Economics
European Union
EWSA Europäische Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss (www.eesc.europa.eu)
= EØSU | Europæiske Økonomiske og Sociale Udvalg | In Danish
= ΕΟΚΕ | Ευρωπαϊκή Οικονομική και Κοινωνική Επιτροπή | In Greek
= EHSV | Evropský Hospodářský a Sociální Výbor | In Czech
= EMSK | Euroopa Majandus- ja Sotsiaalkomitee | In Estonian
= EESC | European Economic and Social Committee | In English
= CESE | Comité Económico y Social Europeo | In Spanish
= CESE | Comité Économique et Social Européen | In French
= CESE | Comitato Economico e Sociale Europeo | In Italian
= EESK | Eiropas Ekonomikas un Sociālo lietu Komiteja | In Latvian
= EESRK | Europos Ekonomikos ir Socialinių Reikalų Komitetas | In Lithuanian
= EGSZB | Európai Gazdasági és Szociális Bizottság | In Hungarian
= KESE | Kumitat Ekonomiku u Soċjali Ewropew | In Maltese
= EESC | Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité | In Dutch
= EKES | Europejski Komitet Ekonomiczno - Społeczny | In Polish
= CESE | Comité Económico e Social Europeu | In Portuguese
= EHSV | Európsky Hospodársky a Sociálny Výbor | In Slovak
= EESO | Evropski Ekonomsko-Socialni Odbor | In Slovenian
= ETSK | Euroopan Talous-ja Sosiaalikomitea | In Finnish
= EESK | Europeiska Ekonomiska och Sociala Kommittén | In Swedish
In German International relations
EWV Europäische Wandervereinigung (www.era-ewv-ferp.org)
= ERA | European Ramblers Association | In English
= FERP | Fédération Européenne de Randonnée Pédestre | In French
In French Associations
Sport, physical exercises
EWV Eck en Wiel Vooruit In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
EWW Extended Workweek In English
EWWiS Europejska Wspólnota Węgla i Stali
= EKSF | Europæiske Kul- og Stålfællesskab | In Danish
= ESUO | Evropské společenství uhlí a oceli | In Czech
= EZUČ | Europska zajednica za ugljen i čelik | In Croatian
= CECA | Comunidad Europea del Carbón y del Acero | In Spanish
= CECA | Communauté Européenne du Charbon et de l'Acier | In French
= EGKS | Europese Gemêenschap voo Kooln en Stoal | In Vlaams
= ECSC | European Coal and Steel Community | In English
= ЕОВС | Европейската общност за въглища и стомана | In Bulgarian
= CECA | Comunitat Europea del Carbó i de l'Acer | In Catalan
= EGKS | Europäische Gemeinschaft für Kohle und Stahl | In German
= CECA | Comunidade Europea do Carbón e do Aceiro | In Galician
= CECA | Comunità Europea del Carbone e dell'Acciaio | In Italian
= CECA | Comunautat Europèa del Carbon e de l'Acièr | In Occitan
= EKSF | Det europeiske kull- og stålfellesskap | In Norwegian
= EGKS | Europese Gemeenschap voor Kolen en Staal | In Dutch
= ESZAK | Európai Szén- és Acélközösség | In Hungarian
= CECA | Comunidade Europeia do Carvão e do Aço | In Portuguese
= CECO | Comunitatea Europeană a Cărbunelui şi Oţelului | In Romanian
= ЕОУС | Европейское объединение угля и стали | In Russian
= ESUO | Európske spoločenstvo pre uhlie a ocel | In Slovak
= EHYT | Euroopan hiili- ja teräsyhteisö | In Finnish
= EKSG | Europeiska kol- och stålgemenskapen | In Swedish
= EAPB | Europos anglių ir plieno bendrija | In Lithuanian
In Polish International relations
International economic cooperation
EWWU Europäische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion
= EWG, UEM, EMU, UGiW, EGMU, ØMU (look above)
In German Economics
European Union
ExA Experimental Astronomy In English Serial publications, periodicals
EXC Experiment Computer In English Computer hardware
EXCIFF European Exchange Circle on Flood Forecasting In English Natural disasters
ExEAS Expanding East Asian Studies Columbia In English Higher education, universities
Area studies
ExFl Experiments in Fluids In English Serial publications, periodicals
Fluid mechanics
EXH Exchange Hardware In English Computer hardware
ExHT Experimental Heat Transfer In English Serial publications, periodicals
ExM Experimental Mechanics In English Serial publications, periodicals
EXMATCH Expert Drawing Matching System In English
ExMPS Experimental Methods in the Physical Sciences In English Serial publications, periodicals
EXO Experiment Operator In English
EXT Experiment Terminal In English
ExT Experimental Techniques In English Serial publications, periodicals
Mathematics and natural sciences
ExTFS Experimental Thermal Fluid Science In English Serial publications, periodicals
Fluid mechanics
EXTRAJ Ascent Trajectory In English
EY Euroopan yhteisö
= EC | European Community | In English
= CE | Comunidad Europea | In Spanish
= ES | Evropska skupnost | In Slovenian
= CE | Communauté Européenne | In French
= CE | Comunitat Europea | In Catalan
= EG | Europäische Gemeinschaft | In German
= ES | Evropské společenství | In Czech
= EB | Evrópubandalagið | In Icelandic
= GE | Gymuned Ewropeaidd | In Welsh
= EK | Europana Komuneso | In Ido
= CE | Comunità Europea | In Italian
= CE | Comunidade Europea | In Galician
= EG | Europeiska gemenskapen | In Swedish
= CE | Comunitatea Europeană | In Romanian
= CE | Comunidade Europeia | In Portuguese
= WE | Wspólnota Europejska | In Polish
= EG | Europese Gemeenschap | In Dutch
= EB | Europos Bendrija | In Lithuanian
In Finnish European Union
EZB Europäische Zentralbank (www.ecb.int)
= ECB | European Central Bank | In English
= BCE | Banque Centrale Européenne | In French
= ЕЦБ | Европейската централна банка | In Bulgarian
= ECB | Evropska centralna banka | In Bosnian
= BCE | Banc Central Europeu | In Catalan
= ECB | Evropská centrální banka | In Czech
= ECB | Den Europæiske Centralbank | In Danish
= ΕΚΤ | Ευρωπαϊκή Κεντρική Τράπεζα | In Greek
= ECB | Eŭropa Centra Banko | In Esperanto
= BCE | Banco Central Europeo | In Spanish
= EKP | Euroopan keskuspankki | In Finnish
= EKP | Euroopa Keskpanga | In Estonian
= ECB | הבנק המרכזי האירופי | In Hebrew
= ESB | Europska središnja banka | In Croatian
= EKB | Európai Központi Bank | In Hungarian
= BCE | Banca centrale europea | In Italian
= ECB | ევროპის ცენტრალური ბანკი | In Georgian
= ECB | 유럽 중앙은행 | In Korean
= EZB | Europäesch Zentralbank | In Letzeburgesh
= ECB | Europos Centrinis Bankas | In Lithuanian
= ЕЦБ | Европската централна банка | In Macedonian
= ECB | Europese Centrale Bank | In Dutch
= ESB | Den europeiske sentralbanken | In Norwegian
= EBC | Europejski Bank Centralny | In Polish
= BCE | Banco Central Europeu | In Portuguese
= BCE | Banca Centrală Europeană | In Romanian
= ЄЦБ | Європейський центральний банк | In Ukrainian
= ECB | Európska centrálna banka | In Slovak
= ЕЦБ | Европска централна банка | In Serbian
= ECB | Europeiska centralbanken | In Swedish
= AMB | Avrupa Merkez Bankası | In Turkish
In German Banks
European Union
EZB Europäesch Zentralbank (www.ecb.int)
= ECB, BCE, ЕЦБ, ΕΚΤ, EKP, ESB, EKB, EBC, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above)
In Letzeburgesh Banks
European Union
EZC Epe Zaterdag Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
EŽTT Europos Žmogaus Teisių Teismas (www.echr.coe.int)
= ECHR | European Court of Human Rights | In English
= CEDH | Cour Européenne des Droits de l'Homme | In French
= TEDH | Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos | In Spanish
= ESLP | Evropský soud pro lidská práva | In Czech
= EMD | Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedsdomstol | In Danish
= EGMR | Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte | In German
= ΕΔΑΔ | Ευρωπαϊκό Δικαστήριο Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων | In Greek
= EIT | Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin | In Finnish
= AİHM | Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi | In Turkish
= ЕСЉП | Европски суд за људска права | In Serbian
= ЕСПЧ | Европейский Суд по правам человека | In Russian
= CEDO | Curtea Europeană a Drepturilor Omului | In Romanian
= ETPC | Europejski Trybunał Praw Człowieka | In Polish
= EMD | Den europeiske menneskerettsdomstol | In Norwegian
= EMD | Den europeiske menneskerettsdomstolen | In Nynorsk
= EHRM | Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens | In Dutch
= CEDU | Corte Europea dei diritti dell'uomo | In Italian
In Lithuanian International law
Human rights
Fundamental rights
EZU Electrotechnical Testing Institute In English Electrical engineering
EZUČ Europska zajednica za ugljen i čelik
In Croatian International relations
International economic cooperation
EZVO Európske združenie voľného obchodu (www.efta.int)
= EFTA | European Free Trade Association | In English
= ESVO | Evropské sdružení volného obchodu | In Czech
= AELE | Association Européenne de Libre-Échange | In French
= JFA | Jeropeeske Frijhannelsassosjaasje | In Frisian
= EMAE | Europako Merkataritza Askearen Elkartea | In Basque
= AELE | Associacion eropèèna de libro-èchanjo | In Franco-Provençal
= AELC | Asociación Europea de Libre Comercio | In Spanish
= ELKA | Eŭropa Liber-Komerca Asocio | In Esperanto
= EFTA | 欧洲自由贸易联盟 | In Chinese
= EVA | Europese Vrijhandelsassociatie | In Dutch
= AELE | Associacion Europèa de Liure Escambi | In Occitan
= ЕСТА | Европска Слободна Трговска Асоцијација | In Macedonian
= AELS | Asociaţia Europeană a Liberului Schimb | In Romanian
= ЄАВТ | Європейська асоціація вільної торгівлі | In Ukrainian
= ЕФТА | Европска слободна трговинска асоцијација | In Serbian
= ЕАСТ | Европейская ассоциация свободной торговли | In Russian
In Slovak Associations
EØS Europæisk Økonomisk Samarbejdsområde
In Danish Economics
European Union
EØS Det europeiske økonomiske samarbeidsområde
In Norwegian Economics
European Union
EØS Det Europeiske Økonomiske Samarbeidsområdet
In Nynorsk Economics
European Union
EØSU Europæiske Økonomiske og Sociale Udvalg (www.eesc.europa.eu)
In Danish International relations
EΠΣΕ Ελληνικό Παρατηρητήριο των Συμφωνιών του Ελσίνκι In Greek Greece
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