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Acronym Sense Language Topics
LSIC Large-Scale Integrated Circuit In English Electronics
LSIC Launch Support Integration Contractor In English Astronautics
LSIC Launch System Integration Contractor In English Astronautics
LSID Launch Sequence and Interlock Document In English Astronautics
LSJ Liddell-Scott-Jones In English Dictionaries
Language, linguistics, literature
LSM Life Science Module In English Biological sciences
LSM Logistics Support Manager In English Maintenance and logistics
LSM Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat
= ONGs | Organizações Não Governamentais | In Portuguese
= NGO | Non-Governmental Organization | In English
= NGO | Nichtregierungsorganisation | In German
= ANG | Aozadur Nann-Gouarnamantel | In Breton
= ONG | Organisation Non Gouvernementale | In French
= NRO | Ne-Registara Organizo | In Esperanto
= ONG | Organizzazione non governativa | In Italian
= ONG | Organización non gobernamental | In Galician
= GKE | Gobernuz Kanpoko Erakunde | In Basque
= ONG | Organización no gubernamental | In Spanish
= ΜΚΟ | Μη κυβερνητικές οργανώσεις | In Greek
= NNO | Nevládní nezisková organizace | In Czech
= ONG | Organització no governamental | In Catalan
= ННО | Неурядові неприбуткові організації | In Ukrainian
= ONG | Organização não governamental | In Portuguese
= NGO | Niet-gouvernementele organisatie | In Dutch
= NVO | Nevyriausybinė organizacija | In Lithuanian
In Indonesian Organizations and associations
LSMDB Logistics Simulation Models and Data Bases In English Maintenance and logistics
Knowledge management
LSMS Little Sisters of Mother of Sorrows In English Roman catholic church
LSO Landing Support Officer In English Astronautics
LSO Large Solar Observatory In English Observatories
Solar system
LSO Launch Support Operations In English Vehicle engineering
LSO Life Systems Officer In English Medicine
LSOC Launch Support Operations Contractor In English Astronautics
LSOC Lockheed Space Operations Company In English Astronautics
LSP Least Significant Portion In English
LSP Language for Specific Purposes In English Language, linguistics, literature
LSP Linguistic Society of the Philippines In English Organizations and associations
LSPCC Lot de Sauvetage et de Protection Contre les Chutes In French Firefighting
LSPDF Life Science Payload Development Facility In English Astronautics
Biological sciences
LSPPS Logistics Support Plan for Preoperational Support In English Maintenance and logistics
LSQ Langue des Signes Québécoise In French Linguistics
LSR Land-Sea Rescue In English
LSR Laser Scanning Radar In English
LSR Launch Site Recovery In English Astronautics
LSR Launch Support Request In English Astronautics
LSR Logistics Shop Release In English Maintenance and logistics
LSR Logistics Success Rate In English Maintenance and logistics
LSRM Life Science Research Module In English Biological sciences
LSRS Laboratory for Spintronics Research in Semiconductors In English Research institutes
LSS Landing and Separation Simulator In English Astronautics
LSS Large Space Structure In English Astronautics
LSS Launch Site Support In English Vehicle engineering
LSS Launch Support Services In English Vehicle engineering
LSS Life Support System In English Medicine
LSS Load Sensing System In English
LSS LightScribe System Software In English Computer science
LSSA Logistics Systems Support Agency In English Maintenance and logistics
LSSC Launch Site Support Contractor In English Vehicle engineering
LSSD Level-Sensitive Scan Design In English
LSSE Laser Sensor Support Equipment In English
LSSL Life Sciences Space Laboratory In English Research institutes
Biological sciences
LSSM Launch Site Support Manager In English Vehicle engineering
LSSP Launch Site Support Plan In English Vehicle engineering
LSSRC Life Sciences Shuttle Research Centrifuge In English Biological sciences
LSST Launch Site Support Team In English Vehicle engineering
LST Lithuanian Standards Board In English Standardization
LST Large Space Telescope In English Astronomy
LST Large Stellar Telescope In English Astronomy
LST Launch Support Team In English Vehicle engineering
LST Liquid Storage Tank In English
LST Local Standard Time In English Standardization
LSTA Laboratoire de Statistique Théorique et Appliquée In French Research institutes
LSTD Laser System Technology Demonstration In English
LSTE Launch Site Transportation Equipment In English Transport and postal services
LSTS Launch Site Test Set In English Astronautics
LSU Life Support Umbilical In English Medicine
LSU Lesben und Schwule in der Union (www.lsu-online.de) In German Organizations and associations
Christian-democratic parties
LSUR Launch Site Utilization Report In English Vehicle engineering
LSV Lennisheuvelse Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
LSV Leerdamse Sportvereniging Voorwaarts In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
LSV Lonnekerse Sport Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
LSVD Lesben- und Schwulenverband in Deutschland In German Organizations and associations
LSVV Langedijker Sport Vereniging Voorwaarts In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
LSVV Leidse Studenten Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Higher education, universities
Football and rugby
LT Long Terme In French
LTA Lower Torso Assembly In English
LTC Langedijk Talmastraat Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
LTC Long Term Care In English Medicine
LTCM Long Term Capital Management In English Financial markets
LTD Long-Term Disability In English
LTD Long Term Disability In English Medicine
LTDT Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel In English
LTE Long Term Evolution In English Telecommunications
LTE London Tests of English In English Education
Language, linguistics, literature
LTER Long-Term Ecological Research In English Ecology
LTF Ligue Trotskiste de France In French Communist parties
LTF Lyon Turin Ferroviaire In French Organizations and associations
Civil engineering and land transport
Rail transport engineering
Rail transport
LTG Linear Tangent Guidance In English
LTH Lethality and Target Hardening In English
LTHIS Laboratory Test Hardware Inventory Status In English Computer hardware
LTL Linear Temporal Logic In English Software
LTM Lead Time Matrix In English
LTM Load Transformation Matrix In English
LTN London Technology Network In English Organizations and associations
Engineering, technology
United Kingdom
LTO Land- en Tuinbouworganisatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
LTP Long-term potentiation In English Biological sciences
LTP Low Temperature Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
LTPS Low-Temperature Polycrystalline Silicon In English Metallurgy
LTR Long Terminal Repeat In English Genetics
LTR Laboratory Test Report In English
LTS Lagere Technische School In Dutch Specialized or polytechnical colleges
LTSI Laboratoire Traitement du Signal et Instrumentation In French Research institutes
LTT Laboratory of Thermal Turbomachines In English Research institutes
Mechanical engineering
LTTD Low Temperature Thermal Desalination In English Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
LTV Lunar Transfer Vehicle In English Vehicle engineering
LTV Latvijas Tirgotāju Asociācija In Latvian Organizations and associations
LTV Loan-to-Value In English Finance
LTVC Linear Terminal Velocity Constraint In English
LTWA Library of Tibetan Works & Archives In English Libraries
LTWG Launch Test Working Group In English Vehicle engineering
LU Lefèvre Utile In French Food technology
LubEn Lubrication Engineering In English Serial publications, periodicals
LUCA Last Universal Common Ancestor In English Biological sciences
LUCE L'Unione Cinematografica Educativa In Italian Organizations and associations
Cinema, movies
LUD Liga Universitaria de Deportes In Spanish Organizations and associations
Higher education, universities
Sport, physical exercises
LUG Linux Users' Groups
= GUL | Groupes d'Utilisateurs de Linux | In French
In English Organizations and associations
Operating systems
LUGOAL Linux User Group Of ALgeria (www.lugoal.org) In English Organizations and associations
Operating systems
LULAC League of United Latin American Citizens In English Organizations and associations
LULUCF Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry In English 5023
Agricultural sciences
LUM Lehrervereinigung der Urner Mittelschule In German Organizations and associations
LUMC Leiden University Medical Center (www.lumc.nl) In English Higher education, universities
LUMO Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital In English Chemistry
LUPI Laser Unequal Path Interferometer In English
LUPWT Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel In English
LUR Lettre Unique de Relance In French
LuRaQ Luft und Raumfahrt Quarter In German Serial publications, periodicals
Aeronautics, aircraft
LURE Laboratoire d'Utilisation du Rayonnement Électromagnétique In French Research institutes
Electricity, magnetism, electromagnetism
LUS Liquid Upper Stage In English
LUSSI Logique des Usages, Sciences Sociales et sciences de l'Information In French Sociology
Computer science
LUSSI Laboratoire UltraSons, Signaux et Instrumentation (www.lussi.univ-tours.fr) In French Research institutes
LUSU Laurentian University Staff Union
= SEUL | Syndicat des Employés de l'Université Laurentienne | In French
In English Organizations and associations
Labour, labour economics
Higher education, universities
LUT Launch Umbilical Tower In English Astronautics
LUT Limited User Test In English
LUTEA Land Use in Temperate East Asia In English Ecology
Agricultural sciences
LUV Large Unilamellar Vesicle In English Biotechnology
Pharmacology, toxicology
LV Launch Vehicle In English Vehicle engineering
LV Lift Vector In English
LV Low-Voltage In English Electrical engineering
LVA Lebensmittelversuchsanstalt In German Beverage industry
Food technology
LVA Laboratoire Vibrations-Acoustique In French Research institutes
LVA libération des Voies Aériennes In French Traumatology
LVC Leeuwarder Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
LVC Loppersumse Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
LVCSR Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition In English Computer-based techniques
LVD Low Voltage Directive In English Electrical engineering
LVDC Launch Vehicle Digital Computer In English Computer hardware
LVDT Linear Variable Differential Transformer In English
LVDT Linear Velocity Displacement Transducer In English
LVDT Linear Voltage Differential Transformer In English Electrical engineering
LVE Lille-Villeneuve-Espéranto In French Organizations and associations
Artificial languages (linguistics)
LVE Low-Voltage Electronics In English Electronics
LVE La Vie Électrique In French Serial publications, periodicals
Electrical engineering
LVE-CCC Low Voltage Electrical Equipment Certification Coordination Committee In English Electrical engineering
LVEF Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction
= FEVG | Fraction d’Éjection du Ventricule Gauche | In French
In English Cardiology
Blood and circulatory system
LVF Légion des Volontaires Français In French Military affairs
LVFO Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization In English Organizations and associations
Fishing, hunting
LVFRR Launch Vehicle Flight Readiness Review In English Aeronautics, aircraft
LVH Left Ventricular Hypertrophy In English Cardiology
LVIP Launch Vehicle Integration Plan In English Aeronautics, aircraft
LVIS Logistics Verification Information System In English Maintenance and logistics
LVLS Lietuvos Valstiečių Liaudininkų Sąjunga (www.lvls.lt) In Lithuanian Political parties and movements
LVO Launch Vehicle Operations In English Aeronautics, aircraft
LVP Low-Voltage Pressure In English Electrical engineering
LVPS Low-Voltage Power Supply In English Electrical engineering
LVR Low-Voltage Release In English Electrical engineering
LVRS Lung Volume Reduction Surgery In English Chest diseases
LVS Latvijas Standarts (www.lvs.lv) In Latvian Standardization
LVS Linux Virtual Server In English Operating systems
Networks, communication
LVS Launch Vehicle Simulator In English Aeronautics, aircraft
LVS Launch Vehicle System In English Vehicle engineering
LVSG Launch Vehicle Study Group In English Vehicle engineering
LVSSTS Launch Vehicle Safety System Test Set In English Vehicle engineering
LVT LPAR Validation Tool In English Software
LVTC Launch Vehicle Test Conductor In English Vehicle engineering
LVV Larense Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
LVV Leeuwarder Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
LVV Leidsche Voetbal Vereeniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
LWA Local Wavefront Analyzer In English
LWB Lothringisches Wörterbuch In German Dictionaries
LWBR Light Water Breeder Reactor In English Nuclear technology
LWCHWR Light Water Cooled Heavy Water Reactor In English Nuclear technology
LWD Launch Window Display In English Astronautics
LWG Logistics Working Group In English Maintenance and logistics
LWGR Light Water Cooled Graphite Reactor In English Nuclear technology
LWIR Long-Wavelength Infrared In English Physics
LWOO Leerwegondersteunend Onderwijs In Dutch Education
LWOP Leave without pay In English Labour, labour economics
LWS Lightning Warning System In English Meteorology, climatology
LWSH Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts In English Roman catholic church
LyoBu Bulletin de l'Observatoire de Lyon In French Serial publications, periodicals
LZH Laser Zentrum Hannover In German Optics
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