Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
UIT | Union Internationale des Télécommunications = ITU | International Telecommunication Union | In English = IUT | Internacia Unio pri Telekomunikado | In Esperanto |
In French | → Organizations and associations → Telecommunications |
UIUC | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | In English | → Higher education, universities → United States |
UIUC DLI | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Digital Library Initiative | In English | → Libraries → Data → United States |
UIV | Urographie intraveineuse | In French | → Diagnostics |
UIWG | User Interface Working Group | In English | → Human-computer interaction |
UJI | Universitat Jaume I | In Spanish | → Higher education, universities |
UJP | Union des Jeunes pour le Progrès | In French | → Political parties and movements |
UJRF | Union de la Jeunesse Républicaine de France | In French | → Political parties and movements → France |
UK | Universala Kongreso | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations |
UK | United Kingdom | In English | → Geography |
UKAEA | United Kingdom Atomic Energy Agency | In English | → Public administration, government → Energy economics → Nuclear technology |
UKBM | Usaha Kesehatan Bersumberdaya Masyarakat | In Indonesian | |
UKERF | University of Kentucky Equine Research Foundation | In English | → Foundations → Zoology |
UKERNA | United Kingdom Education and Research Networking Association | In English | → Associations → Education → Research policy |
UkFiZ | Ukrainskii Fizicheskii Zhurnal | In Russian | → Serial publications, periodicals → Physics |
UKG | Ultraschallkardiographie | In German | → Diagnostics → Cardiology |
UKIB | United Kingdom Independent Broadcasting | In English | → Telecommunications |
UKIE | Urząd Komitetu Integracji Europejskiej | In Polish | → European Union |
UKIERI | United Kingdom-India Education Research Initiative ( | In English | → Education |
UKIMWI | Upungufu wa Kinga Mwilini = AIDS | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome | In English = SIDA | Syndrome d'Immuno-Déficience Acquise | In French = VIGS | Verworwe Immuniteitsgebreksindroom | In Afrikaans = SIDA | Síndrome de Inmuno-Deficiencia Adquirida | In Occitan = SIDA | Sindromo di Imuno-Defekteso Aquirita | In Ido = AIDS | Akirita Imuno-Deficita Simptomaro | In Esperanto = SIDA | Sindrome d'inmunodefizienzia aquirita | In Aragonese = СПИН | Синдром на придобитата имунна недостатъчност | In Bulgarian = QİÇS | Qazanılmış İmmun Çatışmazlığı Sindromu | In Azerbaijani = SIDA | Síndrome d'Immunodeficiència Adquirida | In Catalan = HIES | Hartutako Immuno Eskasiaren Sindromea | In Basque = SIDA | Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida | In Spanish = SEIF | Siondróm Easpa Imdhíonachta Faighte | In Irish = AIDS | Annlochd Inneamh Dìon-Slàinte | In Scottish Gaelic = ՁԻԱՀ | Ձեռքբերովի Իմունային Անբավարվածության Համախտանիշ | In Armenian = SCDI | Syndromis Comparatis Defectu Immunitatis | In Latin = 에이즈 | 후천성 면역 결핍 증후군 | In Korean = შიდსი | შეძენილი იმუნური დეფიციტის სინდრომი | In Georgian = СИДА | Синдромот на стекнат имунолошки дефицит | In Macedonian = СИДА | синдром стеченог имунолошког дефицита | In Serbian = AIDS | Akvirírani imúnski deficítni sindróm | In Slovenian = СПИД | Синдром приобретённого иммунного дефицита | In Russian = SIDA | Sindromul Imunodeficienţei Autodobândite | In Romanian = UHCW | Unquy hark'aypa chaskisqa waqlliynin | In Quechua = SIDA | Síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida | In Portuguese = AIDS | Hội chứng Suy giảm Miễn dịch Mắc phải | In Vietnamese = СНІД | Cиндром набутого імунодефіциту | In Ukrainian = AIDS | Alınğan İmmun Defisit Síndromı | In Tatar |
In Swahili | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
UKIPG | United Kingdom Interprofessional Group | In English | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
UkMaZ | Ukrainskii Matematicheskii Zhurnal = UkMJ | Ukranian Mathematical Journal | In English |
In Russian | → Serial publications, periodicals → Mathematics |
UkMJ | Ukranian Mathematical Journal = UkMaZ (look above) |
In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Mathematics |
UKrEA | Ukraina Esperanto-Asocio | In Esperanto | → Associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
UKRI | United Kingdom Research and Innovation ( | In English | → Organizations and associations → Research policy → United Kingdom |
UKSG | United Kingdom Serials Group | In English | → Organizations and associations → Libraries → Serial publications, periodicals |
UKUSA | United Kingdom - USA Security Agreement | In English | → Military affairs |
UKW | Ultrakurzwelle = УКВ | Ультракороткие волны | In Russian = UHF | Ultra High Frequency | In English |
In German | → Telecommunications |
UL-LSIMS | Ultra Short-Laser Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy | In English | → Chromatography, mass spectrography |
UL-LSNMS | Ultra Short-Laser Secondary Neutral Mass Spectroscopy | In English | → Chromatography, mass spectrography |
ULA | Union der Leitenden Angestellten | In German | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
ULAS | Union List of Astronomy Serials | In English | → Libraries → Astronomy |
ULB | Université Libre de Bruxelles | In French | → Higher education, universities → Belgium |
ULC | Unpressurized Logistics Carrier | In English | |
ULCI | Unpressurized Logistics Carrier Interface | In English | |
ULCO | Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale | In French | → Higher education, universities |
ULD | Unité Logique Documentaire | In French | → Documentation |
ULDB | Uncertainty-Lineage Database | In English | → Databases |
ULEJ | Ukrainia Ligo de Esperantista Junularo | In Esperanto | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
ULg | Université de Liège | In French | → Higher education, universities |
ULI | Underwriters' Laboratories, Incorporated | In English | |
ULI | Uniono por la Linguo Internaciona ( | In Ido | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
ULM | Unpressurized Logistics Module | In English | |
ULO | Unmanned Launch Operations | In English | → Astronautics |
ULP | Université Louis Pasteur | In French | → Higher education, universities |
ULSF | University Leaders for a Sustainable Future | In English | → Higher education, universities |
ULSI | Ultra-Large-Scale Integration | In English | → Computer hardware |
UltIm | Ultrasonic Imaging | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Physics |
Ultmi | Ultramicroscopy | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals, |
Ultra | Ultrasonics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Physics → Acoustics |
ULV | Unmanned Launch Vehicle | In English | → Astronautics |
UM | Unité de Manutention | In French | |
UM | Umoja wa Mataifa = UN | Unuigintaj Nacioj | In Esperanto = ONU | Organisation des Nations Unies | In French = ONU | Organizazión d'as Nazions Unitas | In Aragonese = ААН | Арганіза́цыя Аб'ядна́ных На́цый | In Belarusian = VN | Verenigde Nasies | In Afrikaans = ONU | Organización de les Naciones Uníes | In Asturian = OOH | Организацията на обединените нации | In Bulgarian = ABU | Aozadur ar Broadoù Unanet | In Breton = ПНО | Пĕрлешнĕ Нацисен Организацийĕ | In Chuvash = FN | Feriene Naasjes | In Frisian = UN | United Nations | In English = NBE | Nazio Batuen Erakundea | In Basque = ONU | Organización das Nacións Unidas | In Occitan = UN | Unuiĝinta Naciaro | In Esperanto = UN | Ujedinjeni Narodi | In Bosnian = CN | Consociatio Nationum | In Latin = FN | Forenede Nationer | In Danish = UN | Unionita Nacioni | In Ido = ONU | Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite | In Italian = KU | Kenedhlow Unys | In Cornish = ONU | Organització de les Nacions Unides | In Catalan = ΟΗΕ | Οργανισμός Ηνωμένων Εθνών | In Greek = ΗΕ | Ηνωμένα Έθνη | In Greek = ONU | Organización de las Naciones Unidas | In Spanish = VN | Vereinte Nationen | In German = VN | Verenigde Naties | In Dutch = VN | Vereent Natiounen | In Letzeburgesh = ООН | Организация Oбъединённых Hаций | In Russian = ONU | Organisacion des Nacions unies | In Franco-Provençal = ONZ | Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych | In Polish = BMT | Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti | In Uzbek = ООН | Організація Об'єднаних Націй | In Ukrainian = BM | Birleşmiş Milletler | In Turkish = LHiQ | Liên Hiệp Quốc | In Vietnamese = OKB | Organizata e Kombeve të Bashkuara | In Albanian = OSN | Organizácia Spojených národov | In Slovak = OZN | Organizacija Združenih Narodov | In Slovenian = УН | Уједињене нације | In Serbian = FN | Förenta nationerna | In Swedish = NU | Nazzioni Uniti | In Sicilian = ONU | Organizaţia Naţiunilor Unite | In Romanian = ONU | Organização das Nações Unidas | In Portuguese = VN | Vereenten Natschonen | In Low German = ST | Sameindu Tjóðir | In Faroese = HN | Huñusqa Nasyunkuna | In Quechua = PBB | Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu | In Malay = NA | Náisiúin Aontaithe | In Irish = ÜRO | Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsioon | In Estonian = SÞ | Sameinuðu þjóðanna | In Icelandic |
In Swahili | → International relations → United Nations |
UM | Unscheduled Maintenance | In English | → Maintenance and logistics |
UM | Unified Messaging | In English | → Computer science |
UMA | Union du Maghreb Arabe = SAM | Svaz arabského Maghrebu | In Czech = UMA | Unaniezh Maghrib Arab | In Breton = UMA | Unión del Magreb Árabe | In Spanish = AMU | Arabische Maghreb-Union | In German = UMA | Unione del Maghreb Arabo | In Italian = UMA | União do Maghreb Árabe | In Portuguese = САМ | Союз арабского Магриба | In Russian |
In French | → International relations |
UMA | Unaniezh Maghrib Arab = SAM, AMU, САМ (look above) |
In Breton | → International relations |
UMA | Unión del Magreb Árabe = SAM, AMU, САМ (look above) |
In Spanish | → International relations |
UMA | Unione del Maghreb Arabo = SAM, AMU, САМ (look above) |
In Italian | → International relations |
UMA | União do Maghreb Árabe = SAM, AMU, САМ (look above) |
In Portuguese | → International relations |
UMA | Unión de Mujeres Antifascistas | In Spanish | → Organizations and associations → Feminism |
UMC | Universitair Medisch Centrum | In Dutch | → Higher education, universities → Medicine |
UMCC | University Malaya Medical Centre | In English | → Higher education, universities → Medicine |
UMCPG | Union des Mutuelles des Cheminots et des Personnels du Groupe SNCF | In French | → Transport and postal services |
UME | Ulusal Metroloji Enstitüsü | In Turkish | → Organizations and associations → Standardization |
UMEA | Universala Medicina Esperanto Asocio | In Esperanto | → Associations → Medicine → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
UMGO | Union de la Maçonnerie et du Gros Oeuvre ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Construction → France |
UMH | Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche ( | In Spanish | → Higher education, universities → Spain |
UMH | Unité Mobile Hospitalière | In French | → Traumatology |
UMI | Ursulines of Mary Immaculate | In English | → Roman catholic church |
UMI | Unité Mixte Internationale | In French | → Research policy |
UMIB | Unione Matematica Italiana Bollettino | In Italian | → Serial publications, periodicals → Mathematics → Italia |
UMIC | Unidade de Missão Inovação e Conhecimento | In Portuguese | |
UMIF | Upper Mechanical Integration Frame | In English | → Mechanical engineering |
UML | Unified Modeling Language | In English | → Computer science → Management |
UMLS | Unified Medical Language System | In English | → Computer science → Artificial intelligence → Linguistics → Medicine |
UMMI | Unione Medico Missionaria Italiana | In Italian | → Organizations and associations → Medicine → Italia |
UMMISCO | Unité de Modélisation Mathématique et Informatique de Systèmes COmplexes ( | In French | → Research institutes → Mathematics → Computer science |
UMO | Unmanned Orbital | In English | → Astronautics |
UMP | Union pour un Mouvement Populaire | In French | → Political parties and movements |
UMP | Unique Medical Proposition | In English | → Medicine |
UMP | Union pour la Majorité Présidentielle | In French | → Political parties and movements |
UMP | Upah Minimum Propinsi | In Indonesian | |
UMPS | Unité de Médecine et Physiologie Spatiales | In French | → Medicine → Physiology → Astronautics |
UMR | Unité Mixte de Recherche | In French | → Research policy |
UMR | Unité Mixte de Recherche | In English | → Research policy |
UMRK | Utility Muffin Research Kitchen | In English | → Acoustical engineering → Music |
UMS | Urganizazziun mundiala da la Santaa = MOS | Monda Organiz(aĵ)o pri Sano | In Esperanto = WHO | World Health Organization | In English = OMS | Organisation Mondiale de la Santé | In Esperanto = OMS | Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità | In Italian = WGO | Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie | In Afrikaans = OMS | Organización Mundial de la Salú | In Asturian = СЗО | Световната здравна огранизация | In Bulgarian = SZO | Světová zdravotnická organizace | In Czech = OMS | Organització Mundial de la Salut | In Catalan = OMS | Organización Mundial de la Salud | In Spanish = MTO | Maailma Terviseorganisatsioon | In Estonian = MOE | Munduko Osasun Erakundea | In Basque = OMS | Organisacion mondiâla de la sandât | In Franco-Provençal = OMS | Organización Mundial da Saúde | In Galician = SZO | Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija | In Croatian = RTD | Rêxistina Tendurustiyê ya Dinyayê | In Kurdish = PSO | Pasaulio sveikatos organizacija | In Lithuanian = PVO | Pasaules veselības organizācija | In Latvian = ÜST | Ümumdünya Səhiyyə Təşkilatı | In Turkish |
In Lombard | → United Nations → Medicine |
UMSNH | Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo ( | In Spanish | → Higher education, universities → Mexico |
UMTS | Universal Mobile Telecommunications System | In English | → Telecommunications |
UMVF | Université Médicale Virtuelle Francophone ( | In French | → Higher education, universities → Medicine → Internet → France |
UMVF | Unmanned Vertical Flight | In English | → Aeronautics, aircraft → Astronautics |
UN | Unuigintaj Nacioj ( = UM, ONU, ААН, VN, OOH, ABU, ПНО, FN, NBE, CN, KU, ΟΗΕ, ООН, ONZ, BMT, LHiQ, OKB, OSN, OZN, УН, ST, HN, PBB, NA, ÜRO, SÞ (look above) |
In Esperanto | → International relations → United Nations |
UN | United Nations ( = UM, ONU, ААН, VN, OOH, ABU, ПНО, FN, NBE, CN, KU, ΟΗΕ, ООН, ONZ, BMT, LHiQ, OKB, OSN, OZN, УН, ST, HN, PBB, NA, ÜRO, SÞ (look above) |
In English | → International relations → United Nations |
UN | Unuiĝinta Naciaro ( = UM, ONU, ААН, VN, OOH, ABU, ПНО, FN, NBE, CN, KU, ΟΗΕ, ООН, ONZ, BMT, LHiQ, OKB, OSN, OZN, УН, ST, HN, PBB, NA, ÜRO, SÞ (look above) |
In Esperanto | → International relations → United Nations |
UN | Ujedinjeni Narodi ( = UM, ONU, ААН, VN, OOH, ABU, ПНО, FN, NBE, CN, KU, ΟΗΕ, ООН, ONZ, BMT, LHiQ, OKB, OSN, OZN, УН, ST, HN, PBB, NA, ÜRO, SÞ (look above) |
In Bosnian | → International relations → United Nations |
UN | Unionita Nacioni ( = UM, ONU, ААН, VN, OOH, ABU, ПНО, FN, NBE, CN, KU, ΟΗΕ, ООН, ONZ, BMT, LHiQ, OKB, OSN, OZN, УН, ST, HN, PBB, NA, ÜRO, SÞ (look above) |
In Ido | → International relations → United Nations |
UN/CEFACT | United Nations Centre for the Facilitation of procedures and practices for Administration, Commerce and Transport | In English | |
UN/ECE | United Nations/Economic and Social Council | In English | → United Nations → Politics → Economics |
UNA | Union Nationale de l'Aide, des soins et des services aux domiciles ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → 33846 → France |
UNA | Uitspanning Na Arbeid | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
UNAAPE | Union Nationale des Associations Autonomes de Parents d'Élèves | In French | → Organizations and associations → Associations → Education |
UNAC | Unione Nazionale Autori e Cinetecnici | In Italian | → Organizations and associations → Cinema, movies |
UNACH | Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo | In Spanish | → Higher education, universities |
UNAMA | United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan | In English | → United Nations |
UNAPEI | Union Nationale des Associations de Parents d'Enfants Inadaptés | In French | → Organizations and associations → Associations → Education |
UNAPEL | Union Nationale des Associations de Parents d'Élèves de l'Enseignement Libre | In French | → Organizations and associations → Associations → Education |
UNAPL | Union Nationale des Professions Libérales | In French | → Organizations and associations → 33846 |
UNASP | Unione Nazionale Arti e Spettacolo | In Italian | → Organizations and associations → Arts → Cinema, movies |
UNBR | Uniunea Naţională a Barourilor din România | In Romanian | → Organizations and associations → Law, jurisprudence → Romania |
UNBR | Union Nationale des Barreaux de Roumanie | In French | → Law, jurisprudence |
UNBRO | United Nations Border Relief Operations | In English | → United Nations → Migrations |
UNC | University of North Carolina ( | In English | → Higher education, universities → United States |
UNCCAS | Union Nationale des Centres Communaux d'Action Sociale ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Social welfare |
UNCCD | United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification | In English | → United Nations → 5023 |
UNCGFL | Union Nationale de Commerce en Gros de Fruits et Légumes | In French | → Organizations and associations → Trade → Food technology |
UNCHS | United Nations Centre for Human Settlements = CNUEH | Centre des Nations Unies pour les Établissements Humains | In French = CNUAH | Centro de las Naciones Unidas para los Asentamientos Humanos | In Spanish = CNUAH | Centro das Nações Unidas sobre Assentamentos Humanos | In Portuguese |
In English | → United Nations → Accommodation |
UNCI | Unione Nazionale Cooperative Italiane | In Italian | → Organizations and associations → Trade → Italia |
UNCITRAL | United Nations Commission on International Trade Law ( = CNUDCI | Commission des Nations Unies pour le Droit Commercial International | In French = ЮНСИТРАЛ | Комиссия Организации Объединенных Наций по праву международной торговли | In Russian = CNUDMI | Comisión de las Naciones Unidas para el Derecho Mercantil Internacional | In Spanish = NTU | Natsionalna Telekompaniya Ukraïny | In Ukrainian = НТУ | Національна Телекомпанія України | In Ukrainian |
In English | → United Nations → International law → Commercial law |
UNCMI | Union Nationale des Constructeurs de Maisons Individuelles ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Construction |
UNCPIE | Union Nationale des Centres Permanents d'Initiative pour l'Environnement ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → 5023 |
UNCTAD | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development ( = CNUCED | Conférence des Nations Unies sur le Commerce et le Développement | In French = ЮНКТАД | Конференция на ООН за търговия и развитие | In Bulgarian = CNUCYD | Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo | In Spanish = KUNKD | Konferenco de la Unuiĝintaj Nacioj pri Komerco kaj Disvolvado | In Esperanto = UNCTAD | გაეროს ვაჭრობისა და განვითარების კონფერენცია | In Georgian = UNCTAD | การประชุมสหประชาชาติว่าด้วยการค้าและการพัฒนา | In Thai = UNCTAD | 聯合國貿易及發展委員會 | In Chinese |
In English | → United Nations → Trade → Development |
UNCTAD | გაეროს ვაჭრობისა და განვითარების კონფერენცია ( = CNUCED, ЮНКТАД, CNUCYD, KUNKD (look above) |
In Georgian | → United Nations → Trade → Development |
UNCTAD | การประชุมสหประชาชาติว่าด้วยการค้าและการพัฒนา ( = CNUCED, ЮНКТАД, CNUCYD, KUNKD (look above) |
In Thai | → United Nations → Trade → Development |
UNCTAD | 聯合國貿易及發展委員會 ( = CNUCED, ЮНКТАД, CNUCYD, KUNKD (look above) |
In Chinese | → United Nations → Trade → Development |
UNDOF | United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (http:// = FNUOD | Force des Nations Unies chargée d'Observer le Désengagement | In French = FNUOS | Fuerza de las Naciones Unidas de Observación de la Separación | In Spanish = FNUOS | Força das Nações Unidas de Observação da Separação | In Portuguese = СООННР | Силы Организации Объединенных Наций по Наблюдению за Разъединением | In Russian |
In English | → United Nations → Polemology |
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme = PNUD | Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement | In French = PNUD | Programa de les Naciones Uníes pa'l Desendolcu | In Asturian = PNUD | Programul Naţiunilor Unite pentru Dezvoltare | In Romanian = PUND | Programo de la Unuiĝintaj Nacioj pri Disvolvado | In Esperanto = PNUD | Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo | In Spanish = PNUD | Programa de les Nacions Unides per al Desenvolupament | In Catalan = UNDP | გაეროს განვითარების პროგრამა | In Georgian = UNDP | জাতিসংঘ উন্নয়ন কর্মসূচী | In Bengali = PNUD | Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento | In Portuguese = ПРООН | Программа развития ООН | In Russian = UNDP | สำนักงานโครงการพัฒนาแห่งสหประชาชาติ | In Thai = UNDP | ஐக்கிய நாடுகள் வளர்ச்சித் திட்டம் | In Tamil = UNDP | 联合国开发计划署 | In Chinese |
In English | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
UNDP | გაეროს განვითარების პროგრამა = PNUD, PUND, ПРООН (look above) |
In Georgian | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
UNDP | জাতিসংঘ উন্নয়ন কর্মসূচী = PNUD, PUND, ПРООН (look above) |
In Bengali | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
UNDP | สำนักงานโครงการพัฒนาแห่งสหประชาชาติ = PNUD, PUND, ПРООН (look above) |
In Thai | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
UNDP | ஐக்கிய நாடுகள் வளர்ச்சித் திட்டம் = PNUD, PUND, ПРООН (look above) |
In Tamil | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
UNDP | 联合国开发计划署 = PNUD, PUND, ПРООН (look above) |
In Chinese | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
UNDRO | Office of the United Nations Desaster Relief Coordinator = OKUNHK | Oficejo de la Kunordiganto de la Unuiĝintaj Nacioj por Helpo kaze de Katastrofo | In Esperanto |
In English | → United Nations → Natural disasters |
UNDTA | United Nations Declaration on Territorial Asylum | In English | → United Nations → Migrations |
UNE | Unbundled Network Elements | In English | → Networks, communication → Telecommunications |
UNE | Union Nationale Espagnole | In French | → Political parties and movements |
UNE | Unionen för nationernas Europa ( = UEN | Union pour l'Europe des nations | In French = UEN | Union für ein Europa der Nationen | In German = UEN | Unio por Eŭropo de Nacioj | In Esperanto = UEN | Unión por la Europa de las Naciones | In Spanish = UEN | Unión pola Europa das Nacións | In Galician = UEN | Unione per l'Europa delle Nazioni | In Italian = UEN | Unie voor een Europa van Nationale Staten | In Dutch = UEN | Unia na rzecz Europy Narodów | In Polish = UEN | União para a Europa das Nações | In Portuguese = UEN | Union for Europe of the Nations | In English |
In Swedish | → Political parties and movements → European Union |
UNECA | United Nations Economic Commission for Africa ( = ECA | Economic Commission for Africa | In English = CEPA | Comisión Económica para África | In Spanish = CEA | Comissão Econômica para África | In Portuguese |
In English | → International economic cooperation → United Nations → Africa |
UNECE | United Nations Economic Commission for Europe ( = CEPE | Comisión Económica para Europa | In Spanish = ECE | Economic Commission for Europe | In English = CEE | Commission Économique pour l'Europe | In French = CEE | Comissão Econômica para Europa | In Portuguese = CEE-ONU | Commission Économique pour l'Europe de l'Organisation des Nations Unies | In French |
In English | → International economic cooperation → United Nations |
UnECR | University Electro-Communications Reports | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Telecommunications |
UNEDIC | Union Nationale interprofessionnelle pour l'Emploi dans l'Industrie et le Commerce | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Industry, industrial policy → Trade |
UNEF | Union Nationale des Étudiants de France | In French | → Organizations and associations → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Higher education, universities → France |
UNEF | United Nations Emergency Force | In English | → United Nations |
UNEF | Unidade de Ensino Superior de Feira de Santana | In Portuguese | → Organizations and associations |
UNEFA | Unione Esportatori Film e Audivisivi | In Italian | → Organizations and associations → Cinema, movies |
UNEJ | Union Nationale des Entreprises de gros, d'importation et exportation en Jouets | In French | → Organizations and associations → Trade → Entertainment |
UNEJR | Uniunea Naţională a Executorilor Judecătoreşti din România | In Romanian | → Organizations and associations → Law, jurisprudence → Romania |
UNELEG | Union Nationale des Entreprises Locales d'Électricité et de Gaz | In French | → Organizations and associations → Electrical engineering → Energy economics |
UNEMI | Universidad Estatal de Milagro | In Spanish | → Higher education, universities |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization | In English | → United Nations → Education → Mathematics and natural sciences → Civilization, culture, progress |
UNETEL | Union Nationale des Entreprises de Télécommunications | In French | → Organizations and associations → Telecommunications |
UNEVI | Union de l'Édition Vidéo Indépendante | In French | → Organizations and associations → Cinema, movies |
UNFCCC | United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ( = CMNUCC | Convenio Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático | In Spanish = CCNUCC | Convention-Cadre des Nations Unies sur les Changements Climatiques | In French = CQNUMC | Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança de Clima | In Portuguese = UNFCCC | 聯合國氣候變化綱要公約 | In Chinese = КИК | Рамочная конвенция ООН об изменении климата | In Russian = UNFCCC | 気候変動枠組条約 | In Japanese = UNFCCC | 기후 변화에 관한 국제 연합 기본 협약 | In Korean |
In English | → United Nations → Meteorology, climatology |
UNFCCC | 聯合國氣候變化綱要公約 ( = CMNUCC, CCNUCC, CQNUMC, КИК (look above) |
In Chinese | → United Nations → Meteorology, climatology |
UNFCCC | 気候変動枠組条約 ( = CMNUCC, CCNUCC, CQNUMC, КИК (look above) |
In Japanese | → United Nations → Meteorology, climatology |
UNFCCC | 기후 변화에 관한 국제 연합 기본 협약 ( = CMNUCC, CCNUCC, CQNUMC, КИК (look above) |
In Korean | → United Nations → Meteorology, climatology |
UNGG | Uranium Naturel Graphite Gaz | In French | → Nuclear technology |
UNHCHR | United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights | In English | → United Nations → Human rights → Fundamental rights |
UNHCR | Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les Réfugiés | In French | → United Nations → Polemology |
UNHCR | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ( | In English | → United Nations → Migrations |
UNI | Uitspanning Na Inspanning | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
UNIC | Union Internationale des Cinémas | In French | → Organizations and associations → Cinema, movies |
UNIC | Union Nationale de l'Imprimerie et de la Communication graphique | In French | → Organizations and associations → Graphic industries, printing, publishing |
UNICE | Union of Industrial and Employers' Confederations of Europe ( | In English | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Europe |
UNICE | Union des Industries de la Communauté Européenne | In French | → Economics |
UNICE | Union des Confédérations de l'Industrie et des Employeurs d'Europe | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Industry, industrial policy → Europe |
UNICEF | United Nations Children's Fund ( | In English | → United Nations |
UNICEM | Union Nationale des Industries de Carrières et Matériaux de Construction ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Mining → Civil engineering → Construction → France |
UNICRI | United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Centre | In English | → United Nations → Law, jurisprudence |
UNICRI | United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute ( | In English | → Research institutes → United Nations → Law, jurisprudence → Criminology → Italia |
UNIDIR | United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research ( | In English | → United Nations → Military engineering → Polemology |
UNIDO | United Nations Industrial Development Organization ( = OUNID | Organizo de la Unuiĝintaj Nacioj por Industria Disvolvado | In Esperanto |
In English | → International relations → Industry, industrial policy → United Nations |
UNIFA | Union Nationale des Industries Françaises de l'Ameublement | In French | → Organizations and associations → 68 → France |
UNIFEM | United Nations Development Fund for Women | In English | → United Nations → Development → Feminism |
UNIFIL | United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (http:// | In English | → United Nations |
UNIO | Uw Naam Is Overwinnaar | In Dutch | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
UNIPE | Unité Nationale de l'Ingénierie du Parc en Exploitation | In French | → Energy economics → Electrical engineering |
UNIPEDE | UNion Internationale des Producteurs Et Distributeurs d'Énergie Électrique | In French | → Organizations and associations → Electrical engineering |
UNIT | Université Numérique Ingénierie et Technologie | In French | → Higher education, universities → Engineering, technology → Central administration |
UNITAR | United Nations Institute for Training and Research | In English | → United Nations → Education → Research policy |
UNITEC | Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana | In Spanish | → Higher education, universities → Engineering, technology |
UNITEC | Unione Nazionale Industrie Tecniche Cinematografiche Audiovisive | In Italian | → Organizations and associations → Cinema, movies |
UNJF | Université Numérique Juridique Francophone | In French | → Higher education, universities → Law, jurisprudence → Central administration |
UNKRA | United Nations Korean Relief Agency | In English | → United Nations |
UNL | Universidade Nova de Lisboa | In Portuguese | → Higher education, universities |
UNL | Universidad Nacional de Loja | In Spanish | → Higher education, universities |
UNL | Universal Network Language | In English | → United Nations → Language, linguistics, literature |
UNL | University of Nebraska-Lincoln ( | In English | → Higher education, universities → United States |
UNL | Union Nationale Lycéenne | In French | → Organizations and associations → Education |
UNL | Universal Networking Language | In English | → Computer-based techniques → Linguistics |
ÚNMZ | Úřadu pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví | In Czech | → Standardization |
UNNPR | Uniunea Naţională a Notarilor Publici din România | In Romanian | → Organizations and associations → Law, jurisprudence → Romania |
UNNSM | United States National Slavery Museum | In English | → Museums → Slavery → United States |
UNOOSA | United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs | In English | → United Nations → Astronomy → Astronautics |
UNOSDP | United Nations Office of Sport for Development and Peace | In English | → United Nations → Sport, physical exercises |
UNOSTRA | Union Nationale des Organisations Syndicales de Transport Routier Automobile | In French | → Organizations and associations → Transport and postal services |
UNPAC | United Platform for Action | In English | → United Nations |
UNPG | Union Nationale des Producteurs de Granulats | In French | → Organizations and associations → Civil engineering → Construction |
UNPG | Union Nationale de Producteurs de Granulats ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Civil engineering → Construction → France |
UNPLIB | Union Nationale des Professions Libérales et Intellectuelles de Belgique | In French | → Organizations and associations → 33846 → Belgium |