Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
TLO | Telhaie Loisirs Organisation | In French | → Organizations and associations → 3798 → France |
TLO | Texas Legislature Online | In English | → Law, jurisprudence |
TM | Taxe Municipale | In French | → Taxes, duties |
TMF | Training Mission Facility | In English | → Education |
TMG | Trident Media Guard | In English | → Artistic property |
TMI | Taxa de Mortalidade Infantil = ММВБ | Московская межбанковская валютная биржа | In Russian = MICEX | Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange | In English = МБВБ | Мускав банксен валютă биржи | In Chuvash = AKB | Angka Kematian Bayi | In Indonesian = IMR | Infant Mortality Rate | In English = TMI | Taux de Mortalité Infantile | In French = TMI | Taxa de Mortalitat Infantil | In Catalan |
In Portuguese | → Statistics → Pediatry |
TMI | Taux de Mortalité Infantile = ММВБ, MICEX, МБВБ, AKB, IMR (look above) |
In French | → Statistics → Pediatry |
TMI | Taxa de Mortalitat Infantil = ММВБ, MICEX, МБВБ, AKB, IMR (look above) |
In Catalan | → Statistics → Pediatry |
TMO | Tarptautinė Migracijos Organizacija ( = IOM | International Organization for Migration | In English = OIM | Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations | In French = IOM | Internationale Organisation für Migration | In German = ΔΟΜ | Διεθνής Οργανισμός Μετανάστευσης | In Greek = OIM | Organización Internacional para las Migraciones | In Spanish = OIM | Organizzazione Internazionale per le Migrazioni | In Italian = LNBM | Lisangá lya nkóta na bokei o mitili | In Lingala = IOM | Internationale Organisatie voor Migratie | In Dutch = МОМ | Международная организация по миграции | In Russian = МОМ | Міжнародна організація з міграції | In Ukrainian |
In Lithuanian | → International organizations → Migrations |
TNC | Trade Negotiations Committee = CNC | Comité de Negociaciones Comerciales | In Spanish = CNC | Comité des Négociations Commerciales | In French = CNC | Comitê de Negociações Comerciais | In Portuguese |
In English | → International economic cooperation |
TNF | Technisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät | In German | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
TNP | Traité de Non Prolifération des armes nucléaires | In French | → International relations → Military engineering → Nuclear technology |
TNS | Taylor Nelson Sofres | In many languages | → Statistics |
TOC | Tactical Operations Center | In English | → Military affairs |
TOEFL | Test of English as a Foreign Language | In English | → Education → Language, linguistics, literature |
TOEIC | Test of English for International Communication | In English | → Education → Language, linguistics, literature |
TOI | Transport Okonomik Institut | In Norwegian | → Economics → Transport and postal services |
TOLEDO | Toetsen en leren doeltreffend ondersteunen, elektronische leeromgeving | In Dutch | → Education → Computer-based techniques |
TOM | Territoire d'Outre-Mer | In French | → Regional administration → Geography → France |
TOR | Terms of Reference | In English | → Law, jurisprudence |
ToS | Terms of Service | In English | → Law, jurisprudence |
TP | Training Plan | In English | → Education |
TP | Travaux Pratiques | In French | → Education |
TPE | Toplum ve Politika Enstitüsü | In Turkish | → Politics |
TPE | Travaux Personnels Encadrés | In French | → Education |
TPF | Total Package Fielding | In English | → Military affairs |
TPG | Trésorier Payeur Général | In French | → Public finance |
TPH | Table des Prix Horaires | In French | → Prices → Accounting |
TPI | Titre au Porteur Identifiable | In French | → Finance |
TPI | Tribunalul Penal Internaţional pentru fosta Iugoslavie ( = TPIY | Tribunal Pénal International pour l'ex-Yougoslavie | In French = ICTY | International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia | In English = MKSJ | Međunarodni krivični sud za bivšu Jugoslaviju | In Bosnian = МБТЮ | Международный трибунал по бывшей Югославии | In Russian = MTTJ | Medzinárodný trestný tribunál pre bývalú Juhosláviu | In Slovak = МНТБЮ | Международен наказателен трибунал за бивша Югославия | In Bulgarian = TPII | Tribunal Penal Internacional per a l'antiga Iugoslàvia | In Catalan = IStGHJ | Internationaler Strafgerichtshof für das ehemalige Jugoslawien | In German = TPIY | Tribunal Penal Internacional para la ex Yugoslavia | In Spanish = MTKJ | Międzynarodowy Trybunał Karny dla byłej Jugosławii | In Polish = TPIY | Tribunal Penal Internacional para a antiga Jugoslávia | In Portuguese = МТКЮ | Міжнародний трибунал по колишній Югославії | In Ukrainian |
In Romanian | → United Nations → 349 |
TPII | Tribunal Penal Internacional per a l'antiga Iugoslàvia ( = TPI, TPIY, ICTY, MKSJ, МБТЮ, MTTJ, МНТБЮ, IStGHJ, MTKJ, МТКЮ (look above) |
In Catalan | → United Nations → 349 |
TPIR | Tribunal Penal Internacional para Ruanda ( = ICTR | International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda | In English = TPIR | Tribunal Pénal International pour le Rwanda | In French = MTKR | Międzynarodowy Trybunał Karny dla Rwandy | In Polish = MTTR | Medzinárodný Trestný Tribunál pre Rwandu | In Slovak |
In Spanish | → United Nations → 349 |
TPIR | Tribunal Pénal International pour le Rwanda ( = ICTR, MTKR, MTTR (look above) |
In French | → United Nations → 349 |
TPIY | Tribunal Pénal International pour l'ex-Yougoslavie ( = TPI, ICTY, MKSJ, МБТЮ, MTTJ, МНТБЮ, TPII, IStGHJ, MTKJ, МТКЮ (look above) |
In French | → United Nations → 349 |
TPIY | Tribunal Penal Internacional para la ex Yugoslavia ( = TPI, ICTY, MKSJ, МБТЮ, MTTJ, МНТБЮ, TPII, IStGHJ, MTKJ, МТКЮ (look above) |
In Spanish | → United Nations → 349 |
TPIY | Tribunal Penal Internacional para a antiga Jugoslávia ( = TPI, ICTY, MKSJ, МБТЮ, MTTJ, МНТБЮ, TPII, IStGHJ, MTKJ, МТКЮ (look above) |
In Portuguese | → United Nations → 349 |
TPM | Tujuan Pembangunan Milenium = OMD | Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement | In French = MDG | Millennium Development Goals | In German = OSM | Obiettivi di Sviluppo del Millennio | In Italian = ODM | Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio | In Spanish = MDM | Metas de Desenvolvimento do Milênio | In Portuguese |
In Indonesian | → United Nations → Development |
TPMS | Tai Po Methodist School | In English | → Christianity → Education |
TPMs | Technological Protection Measures | In English | → Software → Artistic property |
TPN | Tarif de Première Nécessité | In French | → Prices |
TPR | Training Personnel Requirement | In English | → Education → Labour, labour economics |
TPR | Trade Policy Review | In English | → Trade |
TPS | Training Planning System | In English | → Education |
TPS | Taxe sur les Produits et Services | In French | → Taxes, duties |
TPSGC | Travaux Publics et Services Gouvernementaux Canada ( = PWGSC | Public Works and Government Services Canada | In English |
In French | → Central administration → Civil engineering → Canada |
TRA | Training Requirements Analysis | In English | → Education |
TRADOC | Training And Doctrine Command | In English | → Military affairs → Education |
TRAFO | Transdisziplinäres Forschen Geistes-, Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften | In German | → Civilization, culture, progress |
TRE | Taux de Rendement Économique | In French | → Economics |
TRE | Training Equipment | In English | → Education |
TRG | Taux de Rendement Global | In French | → Economics |
TRMD | Tableau de Répartition des Moyens et des Disciplines | In French | → Education |
TRN | Task Requirements Notice | In English | → Labour, labour economics |
TRS | Taux de Rendement Synthétique | In French | → Economics |
TRS | Training Record System | In English | → Records management → Education |
TRS | Teachers Retirement System | In English | → Labour, labour economics → Education |
TRT | Tribunal Regional do Trabalho | In Portuguese | → Law, jurisprudence |
TRUDIE | Trust Relationships in the Underground Economy | In English | → Computer science → Economics |
TSB | Trustee Savings Bank | In English | → Banks |
TSCDb | Terrorist Screening Center database | In English | → Data → Police |
TSCP | Training Simulator Control Panel | In English | → Education |
TSE | Tribunal Superior Eleitoral | In Portuguese | → Law, jurisprudence → Elections |
TSE | Tribunal Supremo Electoral | In Spanish | → Law, jurisprudence → Elections |
TSEG | Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis | In Dutch | → Serial publications, periodicals → Sociology → Economics → History |
TSO | Technisch Secundair Onderwijs | In Dutch | → Education → Engineering, technology |
TsPK | Tsentr Podgotovka Kosmonavti | In Russian | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Astronautics |
TSRS | Tarybu Socialistiniu Respubliku Sajunga = URSS | Unaniezh ar Republikoù Sokialour Soviedel | In Breton = URSS | Union des Républiques Socialistes Soviétiques | In French = USSR | Unie van Sosialistiese Sowjetrepublieke | In Afrikaans = USSR | Union of Soviet Socialist Republics | In English = СССР | Сою́з Сове́тских Социалисти́ческих Респу́блик | In Russian = CCCP | Съюзът на съветските социалистически републики | In Bulgarian = SSSR | Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik | In Russian = URSS | Unión de Republicas Sozialistas Sobieticas | In Aragonese = XRSS | Xunión de les Repúbliques Socialistes Soviétiques | In Asturian = SSRİ | Sovet Sosialist Respublikaları İttifaqı | In Azerbaijani = SSSR | Savez Sovjetskih Socijalističkih Republika | In Serbo-Croatian = URSS | Unió de Repúbliques Socialistes Soviètiques | In Catalan = SSSR | Svaz sovětských socialistických republik | In Czech = USSR | Unio de Sovetaj Socialismaj Respublikoj | In Esperanto = CCCP | Социаллă Совет Республикисен Союзĕ | In Chuvash = USSR | Unionen af Socialistiske Sovjetrepublikker | In Danish = URSS | Unione delle Repubbliche Socialiste Sovietiche | In Italian = ZSRR | Związek Socjalistycznych Republik Radzieckich | In Polish = SSKS | Szovjet Szocialista Köztársaságok Szövetsége | In Hungarian = UdSSR | Union der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepubliken | In German = ΕΣΣΔ | Ένωση Σοβιετικών Σοσιαλιστικών Δημοκρατιών | In Greek = URSS | Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas | In Spanish = NSVL | Nõukogude Sotsialistlike Vabariikide Liit | In Estonian = SESB | Sobietar Errepublika Sozialisten Batasuna | In Basque = USSR | Uny fan Sosjalistyske Sowjetrepublyken | In Frisian = ԽՍՀՄ | Խորհրդային Սոցիալիստական Հանրապետությունների Միություն | In Armenian = URSS | Unión das Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas | In Galician = სსრკ | საბჭოთა სოციალისტური რესპუბლიკების კავშირი | In Georgian = URSS | Unio Rerum Publicarum Socialisticarum Sovieticarum | In Latin = CCPC | Советтик Социалисттик Республикалар Союзу | In Kirghiz = UdSSR | Unioun vun de Sozialistesche Sowjetrepubliken | In Letzeburgesh = PSRS | Padomju Sociālistisko Republiku Savienība | In Latvian = СССР | Сојуз на Советските Социјалистички Републики | In Macedonian = УРСС | Униуня Републичилор советиче Сочиалисте | In Moldavan = KRSS | Kesatuan Republik Sosialis Soviet | In Malay = USSR | Unie van Socialistische Sovjetrepublieken | In Dutch = SSSR | Sambandet av Sosialistiske Sovjet-Republikkar | In Nynorsk = SSSR | Samveldet av sovjetiske sosialistrepublikker | In Norwegian = URSS | Unnion d'Républyiques Socialistes Soviétiques | In Norman = URSS | União das Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas | In Portuguese = URSS | Union de las Republicas Socialistas Sovieticas | In Occitan = SSRH | Susyalista Suwit Republikakunap Huñun | In Quechua = ССРЦ | Советон Социалистон Республикæты Цæдис | In Ossetian = URSS | Uniunea Republicilor Sovietice Socialiste | In Romanian = URSS | Unioni dî ripùbblichi sucialisti suviètichi | In Sicilian = ZSSR | Zveza sovjetskih socialističnih republik | In Slovenian = СССР | Савез Совјетских Социјалистичких Република | In Serbian = SSCB | Sovyet Sosyalist Cumhuriyetler Birliği | In Turkish = СРСР | Союз Радянських Соціалістичних Республік | In Ukrainian = SSRB | Sovet Sosialistik Republiklar Berlege | In Tatar = SSRI | Sovet Sotsialistik Respublikalar Ittifoqi | In Uzbek |
In Baltic languages | → International relations → Geography |
TSS | Tarif Spécial de Solidarité | In French | → Prices → Energy economics |
TSSG | Trondheimstudentenes Speidergruppe | In Norwegian | → Organizations and associations → Higher education, universities |
TTA | Tramway Touristique de l'Aisne ( | In French | → Rail transport → Tourism → Belgium |
TTBS | Trade Technology Business Show | In English | → Trade |
TTC | Toutes Taxes Comprises | In French | → Taxes, duties → Accounting |
TTL | Technology Transfer and Licensing | In English | → Industrial property → Engineering, technology |
TTO | Tweetalig Onderwijs | In Dutch | → Education |
TTRA | Travel and Tourism Research Association ( | In English | → Associations → Tourism |
TTS | Titre de Travail Simplifié | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
TTT | Tarptautinis Teisingumo Teismas ( = CIJ | Cour Internationale de Justice | In French = CIJ | Corte Internacional de Justicia | In Spanish = ICJ | International Court of Justice | In English = CIJ | Corte Internacional de Justiça | In Portuguese = CIJ | Cort Internacional de Justícia | In Catalan = MSD | Mezinárodní soudní dvůr | In Czech = IGH | Internationaler Gerichtshof | In German = ΔΔΔ | Διεθνές Δικαστήριο της Δικαιοσύνης | In Greek = IK | Internacia Kortumo | In Esperanto = ICJ | 국제사법재판소 | In Korean = MTS | Międzynarodowy Trybunał Sprawiedliwości | In Polish = MSD | Medzinárodný súdny dvor | In Slovak = МСП | Међународни суд правде | In Serbian = MSP | Međunarodni sud pravde | In Serbo-Croatian |
In Lithuanian | → International relations → Law, jurisprudence |
TU | Toimihenkilöunioni | In Finnish | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
TUC | Trades Union Congress | In English | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
TUD | Technische Universiteit Delft ( | In Dutch | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Higher education, universities → Netherlands |
TUE | Tratado de la Unión Europea | In Spanish | → International relations |
TUHH | Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg | In German | → Higher education, universities |
TUM | Technische Universität München ( | In German | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Higher education, universities → Germany |
TUS | Tıpta Uzmanlık Eğitimi Giriş Sınavı | In Turkish | → Higher education, universities → Medicine |
TÜSİAD | Türk Sanayicileri ve İşadamları Derneği (http:// ) | In Turkish | → Associations → Industry, industrial policy → Trade → Turkey |
TVA | Taxe sur la Valeur Ajoutée | In French | → Taxes, duties → Accounting |
TVA | Taxa pe valoarea adăugată = BTW | Belasting op Toegevoegde Waarde | In Afrikaans = IVA | Impost sobre el valor afegit | In Catalan = PDV | Porez na dodatu vrijednost | In Bosnian = ДДС | Данъкът върху добавената стойност | In Bulgarian = VAT | Value Added Tax | In English = AVI | Aldonvalora imposto | In Esperanto = ΦΠΑ | Φόρος Προστιθέμενης Αξίας | In Greek = DPH | Daň z přidané hodnoty | In Czech = Moms | Meromsætningsafgift | In Danish = IVA | Impuesto al Valor Agregado | In Spanish = MwSt | Mehrwertsteuer | In German = BTW | Belasting over de Toegevoegde Waarde | In Dutch = MVA | Merverdiavgift | In Norwegian = PVM | Pridėtinės vertės mokestis | In Lithuanian = IVA | Imposta sul Valore Aggiunto | In Italian = VASK | Virðisaukaskattur | In Icelandic = PPN | Pajak Pertambahan Nilai | In Indonesian = Áfa | Általános forgalmi adó | In Hungarian = PDV | Porez na dodanu vrijednost | In Croatian = ALV | Arvonlisävero | In Finnish = מע"מ | מס ערך מוסף | In Hebrew = KDV | Katma Değer Vergisi | In Turkish = VAT | ภาษีมูลค่าเพิ่ม | In Thai = VAT | மதிப்புக் கூட்டு வரி | In Tamil = DPH | Daň z pridanej hodnoty | In Slovak = НДС | Налог на добавленную стоимость | In Russian = IVA | Imposto sobre o Valor Acrescentado | In Portuguese = VAT | 增值税 | In Chinese |
In Romanian | → Taxes, duties |
TVH | Taxe de Vente Harmonisée | In French | → Taxes, duties |
TW/AA | Tactical Warning/Attack Assessment | In English | → Military affairs → Military engineering |
TWFF | Tiroler Wirtschaftsförderungsfonds | In German | → Finance |
TWU | Transportation Workers Union of America ( | In English | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Transport and postal services → United States |
TxDOT | Texas Department of Transportation | In English | → Regional administration → Transport and postal services → Vehicle engineering → United States |
U2R | Union des Républicains Radicaux | In French | → Political parties and movements |
U3M | Université du Troisième Millénaire | In French | → Higher education, universities |
UA | Urban Anthropology | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Anthropology → Sociology |
UA | Union des Anarchistes | In French | → Organizations and associations → Anarchist organizations |
UA | Uniform Allowance | In English | → Military affairs |
UA | Union Anarchiste | In French | → Organizations and associations → Anarchist organizations |
UAB | Uždara akcinė bendrovė | In Lithuanian | → Economics |
UAC | Union Anarchiste Communiste | In French | → Anarchist organizations → Communist parties |
UACR | Union Anarchiste Communiste Révolutionnaire | In French | → Anarchist organizations → Communist parties |
UAE | Université Abdelmalek Essadi ( | In French | → Higher education, universities → Morocco |
UAE | Union des Avocats Européens ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Law, jurisprudence → Europe |
UAE | Union des Auto-Entrepreneurs ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Economics → Labour, labour economics |
UAEA | Uluslararası Atom Enerji Ajansı ( = IAAE | Internacia Agentejo pri Atom-Energio | In Esperanto = IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency | In English = AIEA | Agence Internationale de l'Énergie Atomique | In French = AIEA | Agenţia Internaţională pentru Energie Atomică | In Romanian = МААЕ | Международна агенция за атомна енергия | In Bulgarian = AIEA | Agència Internacional de l'Energia Atòmica | In Catalan = MAAE | Mezinárodní agentura pro atomovou energii | In Czech = IAEA | Det Internationale Atomenergiagentur | In Danish = IAEO | Internationale Atomenergieorganisation | In German = OIEA | Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica | In Spanish = סבא"א | הסוכנות הבינלאומית לאנרגיה אטומית | In Hebrew = IAEA | International Atomenergie Agence | In Letzeburgesh = AIEA | Agenzia Internazionale per l'Energia Atomica | In Italian = IAEA | अंतर्राष्ट्रीय परमाणु ऊर्जा अधिकरण | In Hindi = MAAE | Меѓународна агенција за атомска енергија | In Macedonian = МАГАТЭ | Международное агентство по атомной энергии | In Russian = AIEA | Agência Internacional de Energia Atómica | In Portuguese = MAEA | Międzynarodowa Agencja Energii Atomowej | In Polish = МАГАТЕ | Міжнародне агентство з атомної енергії | In Ukrainian = IAEA | สำนักงานพลังงานปรมาณูระหว่างประเทศ | In Thai = EANA | Energia Atomikoaren Nazioarteko Agentzia | In Basque |
In Turkish | → International relations → Energy economics → Nuclear technology |
uAEM | Universities Allied for Essential Medicines | In English | → Higher education, universities → Medicine |
UAIC | Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza ( | In Romanian | → Higher education, universities |
UAM | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid ( | In Spanish | → Higher education, universities → Spain |
UAM | Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana ( | In Spanish | → Higher education, universities → Mexico |
UAM | Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza ( | In Polish | → Higher education, universities → Poland |
UAM | Universidad Autónoma de Manizales ( | In Spanish | → Higher education, universities |
UAM | University Art Museum | In English | → Museums → Higher education, universities → Arts |
UAMI | Ufficio per l'Armonizzazione nel Mercato Interno ( = OHIM | Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market | In English = OHMI | Oficina per a l'Harmonització del Mercat Interior | In Catalan = HABM | Harmonisierungsamt für den Binnenmarkt | In German = OAMI | Oficina de Armonización del Mercado Interior | In Spanish = OHMI | Office de l'Harmonisation dans le Marché Intérieur | In French = IHMI | Instituto de Harmonização do Mercado Interno | In Portuguese |
In Italian | → European Union → Industrial property → Artistic property → Europe |
UAMS | University of Antwerp Management School | In English | → Higher education, universities → Management → Belgium |
UAPV | Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse | In French | → Higher education, universities |
UAS | Union des Anarcho-Syndicalistes | In French | → Anarchist organizations |
UAW | United Auto Workers | In English | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Automobile manufacturing |
UB | Universiteitsbibliotheek | In Dutch | → Libraries → Higher education, universities |
UB | Universitat de Barcelona ( | In Catalan | → Higher education, universities → Spain |
UBA | Umweltbundesamt | In German | → Central administration → Threats to the environment |
UBAA | University at Buffalo Alumni Association ( | In English | → Associations → Higher education, universities |
UBB | Universitatea Babes-Bolyai ( | In Romanian | → Higher education, universities |
UBE | Université Bouddhique Européenne ( | In French | → Education → Buddhism |
UBE | Uluslararası Bilgisayar Enstitüsü | In Turkish | → Computer science → Higher education, universities |
UBE | University at Buffalo Experience | In English | → Higher education, universities |
UBF | University of Buffalo Foundation ( | In English | → Foundations → Higher education, universities |
UBMD | University at Buffalo Medical Doctor | In English | → Higher education, universities → Medicine |
UBO | Université de Bretagne Occidentale ( | In French | → Higher education, universities → France |
UBP | Université Blaise Pascal | In French | → Higher education, universities |
UBS | Université de Bretagne-Sud ( | In French | → Higher education, universities → France |
UBS | Union de Banques Suisses ( | In French | → Banks → Switzerland |
UC | Unitat Catalana | In Catalan | → Political parties and movements |
UC | Unité de Compte | In French | → Finance |
UC3M | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid ( | In Spanish | → Higher education, universities → Spain |
UCB | Union du Crédit pour le Bâtiment | In French | → Banks → Construction → France |
UCBL | Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 | In French | → Higher education, universities → France |
UCBRP | Union pour la Coopération Bourgogne/Rhénanie-Palatinat | In French | → Organizations and associations → International relations |
UCC | Uniform Commercial Code | In English | → Trade |
UCDDU | Union Compagnonnique des Devoirs Unis | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
UCE | Union des Candidats Émergents | In French | → Political parties and movements |
UCESG | Union du Corps Enseignant Secondaire Genevois | In French | → Organizations and associations → Education |
UCI | University Community Initiative | In English | → Higher education, universities |
UCIJ | Uni(e)s Contre une Immigration Jetable | In French | → Organizations and associations → Migrations |
UCL | University College London ( | In English | → Higher education, universities → United Kingdom |
UCL | Université Catholique de Louvain | In French | → Roman catholic church → Higher education, universities |
UCLA | University of California, Los Angeles ( | In English | → Higher education, universities → United States |
UCLAT | Unité de Coordination de la Lutte Anti-Terroriste | In French | → Public administration, government |
UCLM | Universidad de Castilla la Mancha | In Spanish | → Higher education, universities |
UCM | Union de Classes Moyennes | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
UCM | Universidad Complutense de Madrid ( | In Spanish | → Higher education, universities → Spain |
UCODEP | Unity and Cooperation for Development of People | In English | → Organizations and associations → Development |
UCRAM | Unité de Coordination et de Recherches Anti-Mafia | In French | → Police |
UCSC | University of California at Santa Cruz ( | In English | → Higher education, universities → United States |
UCSEI | Ufficio Centrale Studenti Esteri in Italia | In Italian | → Organizations and associations → Higher education, universities → Italia |
UCSG | Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil | In Spanish | → Roman catholic church → Higher education, universities |
UCV | Union du Commerce de Centre-Ville | In French | → Organizations and associations → Trade |
UCW | Understanding Children's Work and its Impact | In English | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Fundamental rights |
UDA | Université d'Auvergne ( | In French | → Higher education, universities → France |
UDC | Unione dei Democratici Cristiani e di Centro | In Italian | → Christian-democratic parties |
UDF | Union pour la Démocratie Française | In French | → Political parties and movements → France |
UDHR | Universala Deklaracio de Homaj Rajtoj = DUDH | Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l'Homme | In French = UDHR | Universal Declaration of Human Rights | In English = DUDH | Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos | In Spanish = GEAU | Giza Eskubideen Aldarrikapen Unibertsala | In Basque = VDLP | Všeobecná deklarace lidských práv | In Czech = UVMR | Universele Verklaring van Menseregte | In Afrikaans = DUDH | Declaración Universal dos Dereitos Humanos | In Galician = MSÞ | Mannréttindayfirlýsing Sameinuðu þjóðanna | In Icelandic = DUDU | Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti Umani | In Italian = PDPC | Powszechna Deklaracja Praw Człowieka | In Polish = DUDH | Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos | In Portuguese = DUDO | Declaraţia Universală a Drepturilor Omului | In Romanian = ВДПЧ | Всеобщая декларация прав человека | In Russian = İHEB | İnsan Hakları Evrensel Bildirisi | In Turkish |
In Esperanto | → Human rights |
UDHR | Universal Declaration of Human Rights = DUDH, GEAU, VDLP, UVMR, MSÞ, DUDU, PDPC, DUDO, ВДПЧ, İHEB (look above) |
In English | → Human rights |
UDIC | Union française des Distributeurs, Grossistes et Importateurs en Chaussures | In French | → Organizations and associations → Trade → Leather industry → France |
UdM | Université des Montagnes ( | In French | → Higher education, universities |
UdPPC | Union des Professeurs de Physique et de Chimie | In French | → Education → Physics → Chemistry |
UDR | Union pour la Défense de la République | In French | → Political parties and movements |
UDR | Union des Démocrates pour la République | In French | → Political parties and movements |
ÜDS | Üniversiteler Arası Yabancı Dil Sınavı | In Turkish | → Higher education, universities → Linguistics |
UDSF | United Democratic Sudan Forum | In English | → Political parties and movements |
UDSR | Union Démocratique et Socialiste de la Résistance | In French | → Socialist parties → History |
UdSSR | Union der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepubliken = TSRS, URSS, USSR, СССР, CCCP, SSSR, XRSS, SSRİ, ZSRR, SSKS, ΕΣΣΔ, NSVL, SESB, ԽՍՀՄ, სსრკ, CCPC, PSRS, УРСС, KRSS, SSRH, ССРЦ, ZSSR, SSCB, СРСР, SSRB, SSRI (look above) |
In German | → International relations → Geography |
UdSSR | Unioun vun de Sozialistesche Sowjetrepubliken = TSRS, URSS, USSR, СССР, CCCP, SSSR, XRSS, SSRİ, ZSRR, SSKS, ΕΣΣΔ, NSVL, SESB, ԽՍՀՄ, სსრკ, CCPC, PSRS, УРСС, KRSS, SSRH, ССРЦ, ZSSR, SSCB, СРСР, SSRB, SSRI (look above) |
In Letzeburgesh | → International relations → Geography |
UDT | Union Démocratique du Travail | In French | → Political parties and movements |
UE | Union Européenne ( = EU | European Union | In English = UE | Unió Europea | In Catalan = UE | Unaniezh Europa | In Breton = EU | Europäische Union | In German = UE | Unia Europejska | In Polish = EU | Europese Unie | In Afrikaans = UE | Unión Europeya | In Aragonese = EU | Evropská Unie | In Czech = ЕС | Европейският съюз | In Bulgarian = EU | Eùropejskô Ùnijô | In Kashubian = ΕΕ | Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση | In Greek = EU | Europæiske Union | In Danish = UE | Undeb Ewropeaidd | In Welsh = EU | Eŭropa Unio | In Esperanto = JU | Jeropeeske Uny | In Frisian = AE | An tAontas Eorpach | In Irish = EB | Europar Batasuna | In Basque = EU | Europska Unija | In Croatian = UE | Unión Europea | In Spanish = EU | Euroopan unioni | In Finnish = EU | Evropska Unija | In Bosnian = UÛ | Unnion Ûropéenne | In Norman = ES | Europas Sājonga | In Baltic languages = UE | Uniaun Europeia | In Tetum = UE | Unyong Europeo | In Tagalog = EU | Európai Unió | In Hungarian = EU | Europeiska unionen | In Swedish = EU | Europana Uniono | In Ido = UE | Uni Eropa | In Indonesian = ESB | Evrópusambandið | In Icelandic |
In French | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
UE | Unió Europea ( = EU, ЕС, ΕΕ, JU, AE, EB, UÛ, ES, ESB (look above) |
In Catalan | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
UE | Unaniezh Europa ( = EU, ЕС, ΕΕ, JU, AE, EB, UÛ, ES, ESB (look above) |
In Breton | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
UE | Unia Europejska ( = EU, ЕС, ΕΕ, JU, AE, EB, UÛ, ES, ESB (look above) |
In Polish | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
UE | Unión Europeya ( = EU, ЕС, ΕΕ, JU, AE, EB, UÛ, ES, ESB (look above) |
In Aragonese | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
UE | Undeb Ewropeaidd ( = EU, ЕС, ΕΕ, JU, AE, EB, UÛ, ES, ESB (look above) |
In Welsh | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
UE | Unión Europea ( = EU, ЕС, ΕΕ, JU, AE, EB, UÛ, ES, ESB (look above) |
In Spanish | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
UE | Unité d'Enseignement | In French | → Education |
UE | Uniaun Europeia ( = EU, ЕС, ΕΕ, JU, AE, EB, UÛ, ES, ESB (look above) |
In Tetum | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
UE | Unyong Europeo ( = EU, ЕС, ΕΕ, JU, AE, EB, UÛ, ES, ESB (look above) |
In Tagalog | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
UE | Uni Eropa ( = EU, ЕС, ΕΕ, JU, AE, EB, UÛ, ES, ESB (look above) |
In Indonesian | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
UEA | University of East Anglia ( | In English | → Higher education, universities → United Kingdom |
UEA | Utah Education Association | In English | → Associations → Education → United States |
UEA | Universidade do Estado do Amazonas | In Portuguese | → Higher education, universities |
UEAF | Union des Étudiants Algériens de France | In French | → Organizations and associations → Higher education, universities → France |
UEAPME | Union Européenne de l'Artisanat et des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises | In French | → Organizations and associations → 3384 → Europe |
UEC | Union des Étudiants Communistes | In French | → Communist parties → Higher education, universities |
UEF | Unio de la Europaj Federistoj = UEF | Union of European Federalists | In English |
In Esperanto | → Political parties and movements |
UEF | Union of European Federalists = (look above) |
In English | → Political parties and movements |
UEF | Unité d'Enseignement et de Recherche | In French | → Research policy → Education |
UEM | Unión Económica y Monetaria = EMU | Economische Monetaire Unie | In Vlaams = EMU | Economic and Monetary Union | In English = EMU | Ekonomiska och monetära unionen | In Swedish = UGiW | Unia Gospodarcza i Walutowa | In Polish = EMU | Economische en Monetaire Unie | In Dutch = EWG | Europäesch Wirtschafts- a Währungsunioun | In Letzeburgesh = EGMU | Európai Gazdasági és Monetáris Unió | In Hungarian = UEM | Union économique et monétaire | In French = EWWU | Europäische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion | In German = ØMU | Økonomiske og Monetære Union | In Danish = EMU | Evropská měnová unie | In Czech = UEM | Unione Economica e Monetaria | In Italian = UEM | Unió econòmica i monetària | In Catalan |
In Spanish | → Economics → European Union |
UEM | Union En Mouvement | In French | → Political parties and movements |
UEM | Union économique et monétaire = EMU, UGiW, EWG, EGMU, EWWU, ØMU (look above) |
In French | → Economics → European Union |
UEM | Unione Economica e Monetaria = EMU, UGiW, EWG, EGMU, EWWU, ØMU (look above) |
In Italian | → Economics → European Union |
UEM | Unió econòmica i monetària = EMU, UGiW, EWG, EGMU, EWWU, ØMU (look above) |
In Catalan | → Economics → European Union |
UEMOA | Union Économique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine = UEMOA | Unió Econòmica i Monetària de l'Oest d'Àfrica | In Catalan |
In French | → International economic cooperation → Africa |
UEMOA | Unió Econòmica i Monetària de l'Oest d'Àfrica = (look above) |
In Catalan | → International economic cooperation → Africa |