Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
EPA | Établissement Public Administratif | In French | → Public administration, government |
EPA | Economic Partnership Agreements | In English | → International economic cooperation → European Union |
EPAD | Établissement Public d'aménagement de La Défense | In French | → Municipal administration → Regional planning |
EPAN | European Public Administration Network | In English | → Public administration, government |
EPBS | Établissement Public de la Basse-Seine | In French | → Public administration, government → Regional planning |
EPC | European Patent Convention = CBE | Convention sur le Brevet Européen | In French = EPU | Europäisches Patentübereinkommen | In German = CPE | Convenio sobre la Patente Europea | In Spanish = EOV | Europees Octrooiverdrag | In Dutch |
In English | → International economic cooperation → Industrial property |
EPCI | Établissement Public de Coopération Intercommunale | In French | → Public administration, government |
EPCI | Établissement Public à Coopération Intercommunale | In French | → Municipal administration |
EPCI | Établissement Public Communal et Intercommunal | In French | → Municipal administration |
EPCP | État Prévisionnel de la Commande Publique | In French | → Public administration, government |
EPCReN | Eurasia Political Culture Research Network | In English | → Politics |
EPCS | Établissement Public de Coopération Scientifique | In French | → Central administration → Mathematics and natural sciences |
EPCSCP | Établissement Public à Caractère Scientifique, Culturel et Professionnel | In French | → Central administration → Mathematics and natural sciences → Civilization, culture, progress → Labour, labour economics |
EPD | Établissement Public Départemental | In French | → Regional administration |
EPF | European Property Federation ( = FEPI | Fédération Européenne de la Propriété Immobilière | In French |
In English | → Organizations and associations → 3328 → Europe |
EPF | Établissement Public Foncier | In French | → Public administration, government |
EPF | École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
EPH | École Parisienne d'Hôtesses et de Tourisme | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Tourism → France |
EPHAD | Établissement d'Hébergement pour Personnes Âgées Dépendantes | In French | → Accommodation → Medicine |
EPHE | École Pratique des Hautes Études | In French | → Education |
EPI | Educational Policy Institute | In English | → Education |
EPI | Enseignement Public et Informatique ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Education → Computer science |
EPIC | Établissement Public à Caractère Industriel et Commercial | In French | → Central administration → Industry, industrial policy → Trade |
EPIDe | Établissement Public d'Insertion de la Défense | In French | → Education |
EPIGN | Escadron Parachutiste et d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale | In French | → Police |
EPITA | École Pour l'Informatique et les Techniques Avancées | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Computer science |
EPL | Établissement Public Local | In French | → Public administration, government |
EPL | Eclipse Public License | In English | → Artistic property → Programming languages |
EPLA | European Patent Litigation Agreement | In English | → International economic cooperation → Industrial property |
EPLA | Établissement Public Local Agricole | In French | → Public administration, government → Agricultural sciences |
EPLE | Établissement Public Local d'Enseignement | In French | → Education |
EPLEA | Établissement Public Local d'Enseignement Agricole | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Agricultural sciences |
EPM | École Polytechnique de Masuku | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Engineering, technology |
EPML | Établissement Public de la Métropole Lorraine | In French | → Public administration, government → Regional planning |
EPN | Escuela Politécnica Nacional | In Spanish | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Engineering, technology |
EPO | European Patent Office ( = OEP | Oficina Europea de Patentes | In Spanish = OEB | Office Européen des Brevets | In French = EOB | Europees Octrooibureau | In Dutch = IEP | Instituto Europeu de Patentes | In Portuguese = EAP | Europäisches Patentamt | In German |
In English | → International economic cooperation → Industrial property |
EPO | Europäische Patentorganisation = EPO | European Patent Organisation | In English = ΕΟΔΕ | Ευρωπαϊκός Οργανισμός Διπλωμάτων Ευρεσιτεχνίας | In Greek |
In German | → International economic cooperation → Industrial property |
EPO | European Patent Organisation = ΕΟΔΕ (look above) |
In English | → International economic cooperation → Industrial property |
EPOS | Experimenteel Psychologische Onderzoekschool ( | In Dutch | → Research institutes → Higher education, universities → Psychology → Netherlands |
EPP | Onderzoekschool Experimentele Psychopathologie ( | In Dutch | → Research institutes → Higher education, universities → Psychology |
EPP | Ejército del Pueblo Paraguayo | In Spanish | → Political parties and movements |
EPPREP | École de Presse, de Publicité et de Relations Publiques | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Newspapers, journalism → Advertising → Public relations |
EPR | Engineering Purchase Request | In English | → 34745 → Engineering, technology |
EPRD | État Prévisionnel des Recettes et des Dépenses | In French | → Finance |
EPS | Europe Pacific Solidarity | In English | → International relations |
EPS | Éducation Physique et Sportive | In French | → Education → Sport, physical exercises |
EPSC | Escola Politècnica Superior de Castelldefels ( | In Spanish | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
EPSEM | Escola Politècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Manresa ( | In Spanish | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Spain |
EPSEVG | Escola Politècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Vilanova i la Geltrú ( | In Spanish | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Spain |
EPSI | École Privée des Sciences Informatiques | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Computer science → France |
EPSIEL | École Polyvalente Supérieure d'Informatique et d'Électronique ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Computer science → Electronics |
EPSR | Équipe de Préparation et de Suite du Reclassement | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
EPSS | Electronic Proposal Submission Service | In English | → Research policy → European Union |
EPST | Établissement Public à caractère Scientifique et Technologique | In French | → Central administration → Mathematics and natural sciences → Applied sciences, technology |
EPSU | European Public Service Union ( | In English | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
EPT | École Polytechnique de Tunisie ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Tunisia |
EPTA | European Piano Teachers Association | In Dutch | → Associations → Education → Music |
EPTS | École Polytechnique de Thiès | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Engineering, technology |
EPU | Ein-Personen-Unternehmen | In German | → Economics |
EPU | Europäisches Patentübereinkommen = EPC, CBE, CPE, EOV (look above) |
In German | → International economic cooperation → Industrial property |
EPW | Economic and Political Weekly | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Politics → Economics |
EPZA | Export Processing Zones Authority | In English | → Trade |
EQ | Education Queensland | In English | → Education |
EQR | Europäischer Qualifikationsrahmen | In German | → Education → European Union → Europe |
EQTP | Équivalent Temps Plein | In French | → Personnel management → Labour, labour economics |
ER | Europe Résistance | In French | → Political parties and movements |
ERA | Esperanto Radikala Asocio | In Esperanto | → Associations → Political parties and movements → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
ERA | École Royale de l'Air | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Transport and postal services |
ERASMUS | European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students | In English | → Higher education, universities → European Union |
ERB | École de Radiotélégraphie de Bordeaux | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Telecommunications |
ERC | Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya | In Catalan | → Political parties and movements → Spain |
ERCOMER | European Research Center on Migrations and Ethnic Relations | In English | → Research institutes → Migrations → Sociology → Ethnology → Europe |
ERDE | État Récapitulatif des Dépenses Éligibles | In French | → Finance |
ERDF | European Regional Development Fund = EFRE | Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung | In German = FEDER | Fonds Européen de Développement Régional | In French = FESR | Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale | In Italian = EFRR | Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego | In Polish = ERUF | Europeiska regionala utvecklingsfonden | In Swedish |
In English | → International relations → European Union → Regional planning → Europe |
ERE | Espace Rentrée Étudiant | In French | → Higher education, universities |
ERE | Éducation Relative à l'Environnement | In French | → Education → Threats to the environment |
EREA | Établissement Régional d'Enseignement Adapté | In French | → Education |
ERG | (Marie Curie) European Reintegration Grants | In English | → Research policy → Labour, labour economics |
ERI | Euroopan rahapoliittinen instituutti = EMI | European Monetary Institute | In English = EWI | Europäisches Währungsinstitut | In German = EMI | Európai Monetáris Intézet | In Hungarian = EMI | Europees Monetair Instituut | In Dutch = IME | Institut Monétaire Européen | In French |
In Finnish | → Banks → European Union |
ERI | Early Retirement Incentive | In English | → Labour, labour economics |
ERINA | Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia | In English | → Research institutes → Economics |
ERMEN | Équipe Recommandée par le Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale | In French | → Research policy → Education |
ERN | École Royale Navale | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
EROS | Electrical Racecar Overharzer Students | In English | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Electrical engineering → Automobile manufacturing |
ERP | European Recovery Program | In English | → International relations → Development |
ERP | Educational Reimbursement Program | In English | → Education |
ERP | Établissement Recevant du Public | In French | → Public administration, government |
ERRC | European Roma Rights Center | In English | → Organizations and associations → Fundamental rights |
ERSSM | École Royale du Service de Santé Militaire | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Medicine → Military affairs |
ERTMS | European Rail Traffic Management System | In English | → Transport and postal services → European Union |
ERTO | Erityisalojen Toimihenkilöliitto | In Finnish | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
ERUF | Europeiska regionala utvecklingsfonden = ERDF, EFRE, FEDER, FESR, EFRR (look above) |
In Swedish | → International relations → European Union → Regional planning → Europe |
ES | Econometric Society | In English | → Organizations and associations → Economics |
ES | Europas Sājonga ( = EU | European Union | In English = UE | Union Européenne | In French = UE | Unió Europea | In Catalan = UE | Unaniezh Europa | In Breton = EU | Europäische Union | In German = UE | Unia Europejska | In Polish = EU | Europese Unie | In Afrikaans = UE | Unión Europeya | In Aragonese = EU | Evropská Unie | In Czech = ЕС | Европейският съюз | In Bulgarian = EU | Eùropejskô Ùnijô | In Kashubian = ΕΕ | Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση | In Greek = EU | Europæiske Union | In Danish = UE | Undeb Ewropeaidd | In Welsh = EU | Eŭropa Unio | In Esperanto = JU | Jeropeeske Uny | In Frisian = AE | An tAontas Eorpach | In Irish = EB | Europar Batasuna | In Basque = EU | Europska Unija | In Croatian = UE | Unión Europea | In Spanish = EU | Euroopan unioni | In Finnish = EU | Evropska Unija | In Bosnian = UÛ | Unnion Ûropéenne | In Norman = UE | Uniaun Europeia | In Tetum = UE | Unyong Europeo | In Tagalog = EU | Európai Unió | In Hungarian = EU | Europeiska unionen | In Swedish = EU | Europana Uniono | In Ido = UE | Uni Eropa | In Indonesian = ESB | Evrópusambandið | In Icelandic |
In Baltic languages | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
ES | Evropska skupnost = EC | European Community | In English = CE | Comunidad Europea | In Spanish = CE | Communauté Européenne | In French = CE | Comunitat Europea | In Catalan = EG | Europäische Gemeinschaft | In German = ES | Evropské společenství | In Czech = EB | Evrópubandalagið | In Icelandic = GE | Gymuned Ewropeaidd | In Welsh = EK | Europana Komuneso | In Ido = CE | Comunità Europea | In Italian = CE | Comunidade Europea | In Galician = EG | Europeiska gemenskapen | In Swedish = EY | Euroopan yhteisö | In Finnish = CE | Comunitatea Europeană | In Romanian = CE | Comunidade Europeia | In Portuguese = WE | Wspólnota Europejska | In Polish = EG | Europese Gemeenschap | In Dutch = EB | Europos Bendrija | In Lithuanian |
In Slovenian | → European Union → Europe |
ES | Evropské společenství = EC, CE, EG, EB, GE, EK, EY, WE (look above) |
In Czech | → European Union → Europe |
ES | École des Sciences de l'Information ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Computer science → Morocco |
ESA | European Sociological Association | In English | → Associations → Sociology |
ESAEU | Examen Spécial d'Accès aux Études Universitaires | In French | → Higher education, universities |
ESAK | École Supérieure d'Agriculture du Kef | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Agricultural sciences |
ESAMA | École Supérieure d'Agriculture de Mateur | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Agricultural sciences |
ESAMO | École Supérieure d'Agriculture de Mograne | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Agricultural sciences |
Esat | École Supérieure d'Application des Transmissions | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Telecommunications → Military affairs |
ESB | Europska središnja banka ( = EZB | Europäische Zentralbank | In German = ECB | European Central Bank | In English = BCE | Banque Centrale Européenne | In French = ЕЦБ | Европейската централна банка | In Bulgarian = ECB | Evropska centralna banka | In Bosnian = BCE | Banc Central Europeu | In Catalan = ECB | Evropská centrální banka | In Czech = ECB | Den Europæiske Centralbank | In Danish = ΕΚΤ | Ευρωπαϊκή Κεντρική Τράπεζα | In Greek = ECB | Eŭropa Centra Banko | In Esperanto = BCE | Banco Central Europeo | In Spanish = EKP | Euroopan keskuspankki | In Finnish = EKP | Euroopa Keskpanga | In Estonian = ECB | הבנק המרכזי האירופי | In Hebrew = EKB | Európai Központi Bank | In Hungarian = BCE | Banca centrale europea | In Italian = ECB | ევროპის ცენტრალური ბანკი | In Georgian = ECB | 유럽 중앙은행 | In Korean = EZB | Europäesch Zentralbank | In Letzeburgesh = ECB | Europos Centrinis Bankas | In Lithuanian = ЕЦБ | Европската централна банка | In Macedonian = ECB | Europese Centrale Bank | In Dutch = ESB | Den europeiske sentralbanken | In Norwegian = EBC | Europejski Bank Centralny | In Polish = BCE | Banco Central Europeu | In Portuguese = BCE | Banca Centrală Europeană | In Romanian = ЄЦБ | Європейський центральний банк | In Ukrainian = ECB | Európska centrálna banka | In Slovak = ЕЦБ | Европска централна банка | In Serbian = ECB | Europeiska centralbanken | In Swedish = AMB | Avrupa Merkez Bankası | In Turkish |
In Croatian | → Banks → European Union |
ESB | Den europeiske sentralbanken ( = EZB, ECB, BCE, ЕЦБ, ΕΚΤ, EKP, EKB, EBC, ЄЦБ, AMB (look above) |
In Norwegian | → Banks → European Union |
ESB | Evrópusambandið ( = ES, EU, UE, ЕС, ΕΕ, JU, AE, EB, UÛ (look above) |
In Icelandic | → International relations → European Union → Europe |
ESBAC | École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Casablanca | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Arts |
ESBC | Europejski System Banków Centralnych = SEBC | Système Européen de Banques Centrales | In French = ESCB | Europski sistem centralnih banaka | In Bosnian = SEBC | Sistema Europeu de Bancs Centrals | In Catalan = ESCB | Det Europæiske System af Centralbanker | In Danish = ESZB | Europäisches System der Zentralbanken | In German = ΕΣΚΤ | Ευρωπαϊκό Σύστημα Κεντρικών Τραπεζών | In Greek = ESCB | European System of Central Banks | In English = ESCB | Eŭropa Sistemo de Centraj Bankoj | In Esperanto = SEBC | Sistema Europeo de Bancos Centrales | In Spanish = EKPS | Euroopa Keskpankade Süsteemi | In Estonian = KBER | Központi Bankok Európai Rendszere | In Hungarian = SEBC | Sistema Europeo delle Banche Centrali | In Italian = ESCB | Europees Stelsel van Centrale Banken | In Dutch = ESSB | Det europeiske systemet av sentralbanker | In Norwegian = SEBC | Sistema Europeu de Bancos Centrais | In Portuguese = ЄСЦБ | Європейська система центральних банків | In Ukrainian = ESCB | Európsky systém centrálnych bánk | In Slovak = ECBS | Europeiska centralbankssystemet | In Swedish |
In Polish | → Banks → European Union |
ESBC | European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper ( | In German | → Organizations and associations → Financial markets → Mining |
ESC | École Supérieure de Commerce | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Trade |
ESCA | (Harvard Roundtable on the) Ethnogenesis of South and Central Asia | In English | → Ethnology → Area studies |
ESCA | École Supérieure du Commerce et des Affaires ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Economics → Morocco |
ESCAE | École Supérieure de Commerce et d'Administration des Entreprises | In French | → Management → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Trade |
ESCAP | Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific = CESPAP | Comisión Económica y Social para Asia y el Pacífico | In Spanish = CESAP | Commission Économique et Sociale pour l'Asie et le Pacifique | In French = CESAP | Comissão Econômica e Social para Ásia e Pacífico | In Portuguese |
In English | → International relations → Economics |
ESCB | Europski sistem centralnih banaka = ESBC, SEBC, ESZB, ΕΣΚΤ, EKPS, KBER, ESSB, ЄСЦБ, ECBS (look above) |
In Bosnian | → Banks → European Union |
ESCB | Det Europæiske System af Centralbanker = ESBC, SEBC, ESZB, ΕΣΚΤ, EKPS, KBER, ESSB, ЄСЦБ, ECBS (look above) |
In Danish | → Banks → European Union |
ESCB | European System of Central Banks = ESBC, SEBC, ESZB, ΕΣΚΤ, EKPS, KBER, ESSB, ЄСЦБ, ECBS (look above) |
In English | → Banks → European Union |
ESCB | Eŭropa Sistemo de Centraj Bankoj = ESBC, SEBC, ESZB, ΕΣΚΤ, EKPS, KBER, ESSB, ЄСЦБ, ECBS (look above) |
In Esperanto | → Banks → European Union |
ESCB | Europees Stelsel van Centrale Banken = ESBC, SEBC, ESZB, ΕΣΚΤ, EKPS, KBER, ESSB, ЄСЦБ, ECBS (look above) |
In Dutch | → Banks → European Union |
ESCB | Európsky systém centrálnych bánk = ESBC, SEBC, ESZB, ΕΣΚΤ, EKPS, KBER, ESSB, ЄСЦБ, ECBS (look above) |
In Slovak | → Banks → European Union |
ESCE | Escola Superior de Ciências Empresariais | In Portuguese | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
ESCE | École Supérieure du Commerce Extérieur | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Trade |
ESCEM | École Supérieure de Commerce Électronique de la Manouba ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Trade → Networks, communication → Tunisia |
ESCI | École Supérieure en Commerce International | In French | → Higher education, universities → Economics |
ESCM | École Supérieure de Création et de Multimédia ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Arts |
ESCP | École Supérieure de Commerce de Paris ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Trade → France |
ESCT | École Supérieure de Commerce de Tunis ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Tourism → Tunisia |
ESCWA | Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia | In English | → Politics → Economics → International relations |
ESD | Evropský soudní dvůr ( = EuGH | Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte | In German = CJEC | Court of Justice of the European Communities | In English = CJCE | Cour de Justice des Communautés Européennes | In French = TJCE | Tribunal de Justícia de les Comunitats Europees | In Catalan = LICE | Llys Cyfiawnder Ewrop | In Welsh = ΔΕΚ | Δικαστήριο των Ευρωπαϊκών Κοινοτήτων | In Greek = JKEK | Justica Kortumo de Eŭropaj Kortumoj | In Esperanto = TJCE | Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas | In Spanish = CGCE | Corte di Giustizia delle Comunità Europee | In Italian = HvJEG | Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen | In Dutch = EBTT | Europos Bendrijų Teisingumo Teismas | In Lithuanian = CEJ | Curtea Europeană de Justiţie | In Romanian = ETS | Europejski Trybunał Sprawiedliwośc | In Lithuanian = ECJ | European Court of Justice | In English = CJE | Cour de Justice Européenne | In French = CBCE | Cúirt Bhreithiúnais na gComhphobal Eorpach | In Irish = EKB | Európai Közösségek Bírósága | In Hungarian = ETT | Europos Teisingumo Teismas | In Lithuanian = ETS | Europejski Trybunał Sprawiedliwości | In Polish = TJUE | Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia | In Portuguese = ESP | Evropski sud pravde | In Serbo-Croatian = SES | Sodišče Evropskih skupnosti | In Slovenian = AAD | Avrupa Adalet Divanı | In Turkish |
In Czech | → Law, jurisprudence → European Union → Europe |
ESDG | École Supécute;rieure de Direction et de Gestion | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Economics |
ESE | École Supérieure d'Électricité ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Electrical engineering → France |
ESEE | European Society for Ecological Economics | In English | → Organizations and associations → Economics → Biological sciences |
ESEE | Europejski System Edukacji Elearningowej | In Polish | → Education → Networks, communication |
ESEN | Evaluarea Stării Economiei Naţionale | In Romanian | → Economics |
ESEN | École Supérieure de l'Éducation Nationale | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Education |
ESEO | European Student Earth Orbiter | In English | → Astronautics → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Higher education, universities |
ESERB | École Supérieure d’Électronique et Radioélectricité de Bordeaux | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Electronics → Electrical engineering |
ESF | European Social Fund = FSE | Fonds Social Européen | In French = FSE | Fondo Social Europeo | In Spanish = FSE | Fondo Sociale Europeo | In Italian = ESF | Europees Sociaal Fonds | In Dutch = EFS | Europejski Fundusz Społeczny | In Polish = ESF | Europeiska socialfonden | In Swedish |
In English | → Public finance → European Union → Social welfare |
ESF | Électriciens Sans Frontières ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Energy economics → Electrical engineering → Development |
ESF | Europees Sociaal Fonds = FSE, EFS (look above) |
In Dutch | → Public finance → European Union → Social welfare |
ESF | Europeiska socialfonden = FSE, EFS (look above) |
In Swedish | → Public finance → European Union → Social welfare |
ESFTF | École Supérieure de Formation du Transport Ferroviaire | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Rail transport → France |
ESG | École Supérieure de Gestion | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Economics → Management |
ESG | Enquête Sociale Générale | In French | |
ESGCI | École Supérieure de Gestion et Commerce International ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Trade |
ESGF | École Supérieure de Gestion et Finance ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Economics → Finance |
ESGI | École Supérieure de Génie Informatique ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Computer science → France |
ESHC | École Supérieure d'Horticulture de Chott Meriem | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Horticulture |
ESI | École des Sciences de l'Information ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Computer science → Morocco |
ESI | École Supérieure de l'Immobilier | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Accommodation |
ESI | École Supérieure de l'Image | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Drawing and applied arts |
ESIA | École Supérieure des Industries Alimentaires | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Beverage industry → Food technology |
ESIAG | École Supérieure d'Informatique Appliquée à la Gestion ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Computer science → Economics → France |
ESIB | École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Beyrout | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Engineering, technology |
ESIB | École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Beyrouth | In French | → Higher education, universities → Engineering, technology |
ESIE | École Supérieure Interafricaine de l'Électricité | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Electrical engineering → Africa |
ESIEA | École Supérieure d'Informatique Électronique Automatique ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Computer science → Electronics → Mechanical engineering → France |
ESIER | École Supérieure des Ingénieurs de l'Équipement Rural | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
ESIG | École Supérieure Internationale de Gestion ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Economics → Management |
ESIH | École Supérieure d'Infotronique d'Haïti | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Computer science → Electronics |
ESIJY | École Supérieure Internationale de Journalisme de Yaoundé | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Newspapers, journalism |
ESISAR | École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs en Systèmes Avancés Rhône-Alpes | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
ESITH | École Supérieure des Industries du Textile et de l'Habillement ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Textile industry → Morocco |
ESJ | École Supérieure de Journalisme | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Newspapers, journalism |
ESL | English as a Second Language | In English | → Education → Linguistics |
ESL | École Suisse de Langues | In French | → Education → Language, linguistics, literature → Switzerland |
ESLP | Evropský soud pro lidská práva ( = ECHR | European Court of Human Rights | In English = CEDH | Cour Européenne des Droits de l'Homme | In French = TEDH | Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos | In Spanish = EMD | Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedsdomstol | In Danish = EGMR | Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte | In German = ΕΔΑΔ | Ευρωπαϊκό Δικαστήριο Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων | In Greek = EIT | Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin | In Finnish = AİHM | Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi | In Turkish = ЕСЉП | Европски суд за људска права | In Serbian = ЕСПЧ | Европейский Суд по правам человека | In Russian = CEDO | Curtea Europeană a Drepturilor Omului | In Romanian = ETPC | Europejski Trybunał Praw Człowieka | In Polish = EMD | Den europeiske menneskerettsdomstol | In Norwegian = EMD | Den europeiske menneskerettsdomstolen | In Nynorsk = EHRM | Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens | In Dutch = EŽTT | Europos Žmogaus Teisių Teismas | In Lithuanian = CEDU | Corte Europea dei diritti dell'uomo | In Italian |
In Czech | → International law → Human rights → Fundamental rights |
ESME | École Spéciale de Mécanique et d'Électricité-Sudria | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Mechanical engineering → Electrical engineering |
ESMO | European Student Moon Orbiter | In English | → Astronautics → Planets and satellites → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Higher education, universities |
ESMR | European Student Moon Rover | In English | → Vehicle engineering → Astronautics → Planets and satellites → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Higher education, universities |
ESMT | European School of Management and Technology | In English | → Management → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Engineering, technology |
ESO | École Supérieure d'Ostéopathie | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Medicine |
ESOAR | Escuela de Suboficiales de la Armada | In Spanish | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Military affairs |
ESP | Education Support Program | In English | → Education |
ESP | Economic Simulation Program | In English | → Economics |
ESP | Employee Suggestion Program | In English | → Labour, labour economics → Personnel management |
ESP | Europeiska socialdemokratiska partiet ( = PES | Party of European Socialists | In English = PES | Partia Europejskich Socjalistów | In Polish = PSE | Parti Socialiste Européen | In French = PSE | Partito del Socialismo Europeo | In Italian |
In Swedish | → Socialist parties → Europe |
ESP | Evropski sud pravde ( = ESD, EuGH, CJEC, CJCE, TJCE, LICE, ΔΕΚ, JKEK, CGCE, HvJEG, EBTT, CEJ, ETS, ECJ, CBCE, EKB, ETT, TJUE, SES, AAD (look above) |
In Serbo-Croatian | → Law, jurisprudence → European Union → Europe |
ESPA | École Supérieure Polytechnique d'Antananarivo | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Engineering, technology |
ESPCI | École Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Physics → Chemistry → Chemical technology |
ESPE | Escuela Superior Politécnica del Ejercito | In Spanish | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
ESPEB | Escola Politècnica Superior d'Edificació de Barcelona ( | In Spanish | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Civil engineering → Construction → Spain |
ESPI | European Space Policy Institute | In English | → International relations → Astronomy → Astronautics |
ESPOCH | Escuela Superior Politécnica del Chimborazo | In Spanish | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Engineering, technology |
ESPOCH | Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo ( | In Spanish | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
ESPOL | Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral | In Spanish | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
ESPRL | Escola Superior de Prevenció de Riscos Laborals ( | In Spanish | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Labour, labour economics → Medicine |
ESPTT | École Supérieure des Postes et des Télécommunications de Tunis | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Postal services → Telecommunications → Tunisia |
ESRAB | European Security Research Advisory Board | In English | → European Union → Military affairs → Europe |
ESS | Eastern Sociological Society | In English | → Organizations and associations → Sociology |
ESSB | Det europeiske systemet av sentralbanker = ESBC, SEBC, ESCB, ESZB, ΕΣΚΤ, EKPS, KBER, ЄСЦБ, ECBS (look above) |
In Norwegian | → Banks → European Union |
ESSC | Engineering Support Services Contract | In English | → Contract law → Engineering, technology |
ESSCA | École Supérieure des Sciences Commerciales d'Angers | In French | → Economics → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
ESSEAN | European Students' Southeast Asia Network | In English | → Organizations and associations → Higher education, universities |
ESSEC | École Supérieure des Sciences Économiques et Commerciales | In French | → Higher education, universities → Economics |
ESSEC | École Supérieure des Sciences Économiques et Commerciales de Tunis ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Economics → Trade → Tunisia |
ESSHC | European Social Science History Conference | In English | → History |
ESSI | École Supérieure en Sciences Informatiques | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Computer science |
ESSTD | École Supérieure des Sciences et Technologies du Design ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Drawing and applied arts → Tunisia |
ESSTIC | École Supérieure des Sciences et Techniques de l'Information et de la Communication de Yaoundé | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Newspapers, journalism → 659 |