Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
PLO | Palestine Liberation Organization = FAT | Fələstin Azadlıq Təşkilatı | In Azerbaijani = ООП | Организация за освобождение на Палестина | In Bulgarian = OAP | Organització per a l'Alliberament de Palestina | In Catalan = OOP | Organizace pro osvobození Palestiny | In Czech = OLP | Organización para la Liberación de Palestina | In Spanish = OLP | Organisation de Libération de la Palestine | In French = PAE | Palestinaren Askapenerako Erakundea | In Basque = OLP | Organizaĵo por Liberigo de Palestino | In Esperanto = OLP | Organización para a Liberación da Palestina | In Galician = PLO | 팔레스타인 해방기구 | In Korean = OLP | Organização para a Libertação da Palestina | In Portuguese = OWP | Organizacja Wyzwolenia Palestyny | In Polish = PLO | パレスチナ解放機構 | In Japanese = ПЛО | Палестинската ослободителна организација | In Macedonian = PIO | Palestinos išsivadavimo organizacija | In Lithuanian = პგო | პალესტინის განთავისუფლების ორგანიზაცია | In Georgian = OLP | Organizzazione per la Liberazione della Palestina | In Italian = ООП | Организация освобождения Палестины | In Russian = ПЛО | Палестинска ослободилачка организација | In Serbian = PLO | 巴勒斯坦解放組織 | In Chinese = OВП | Організація визволення Палестини | In Ukrainian = FKÖ | Filistin Kurtuluş Örgütü | In Turkish |
In English | → Political parties and movements |
PLO | 팔레스타인 해방기구 = FAT, ООП, OAP, OOP, OLP, PAE, OWP, ПЛО, PIO, პგო, OВП, FKÖ (look above) |
In Korean | → Political parties and movements |
PLO | パレスチナ解放機構 = FAT, ООП, OAP, OOP, OLP, PAE, OWP, ПЛО, PIO, პგო, OВП, FKÖ (look above) |
In Japanese | → Political parties and movements |
PLO | 巴勒斯坦解放組織 = FAT, ООП, OAP, OOP, OLP, PAE, OWP, ПЛО, PIO, პგო, OВП, FKÖ (look above) |
In Chinese | → Political parties and movements |
PLP | Professeur de Lycée Professionnel | In French | → Education |
PLP2 | Professeur de Lycée d'Enseignement Professionnel | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
PLQ | Parti Libéral du Québec ( | In French | → Liberal parties → Canada |
PLS | Prêt Locatif Social | In French | → Banks → Social welfare → Accommodation |
PLUS | Prêt Locatif à Usage Social | In French | → Banks → Social welfare → Accommodation |
PMA | Programa Mundial d'Alimentos = PAM | Programme Alimentaire Mondial | In French = WFP | World Food Programme | In English = WFP | 세계 식량 계획 | In Korean = WFP | მსოფლიო სასურსათო საბჭო | In Georgian = WFP | 国際連合世界食糧計画 | In Japanese = PAM | Programma Alimentare Mondiale | In Italian = PMA | Programa Mundial de Alimentos | In Spanish |
In Asturian | → United Nations → 6123 → Agricultural sciences |
PMA | Programa Mundial de Alimentos = PAM, WFP (look above) |
In Spanish | → United Nations → 6123 → Agricultural sciences |
PMA | Pays les Moins Avancés | In French | → Geography → Development |
PMC | Private Military Company = SMP | Société Militaire Privée | In French |
In English | → Military affairs |
PME | Petites et Moyennes Entreprises = KMU | Kleine und Mittlere Unternehmen | In German = SME | Small and Medium Enterprises | In English = KMO | Kleine of Middelgrote Onderneming | In Dutch |
In French | → 3384 |
PMI | Petites et Moyennes Industries | In French | → Economics |
PMII | Programmes Mobilisateurs pour l'Innovation Industrielle | In French | → Research policy → Industry, industrial policy |
PMN | Programme de Mise à Niveau | In French | → Development |
PMN | Parent, McLaughlin and Nangle ( | In English | → Economics → Consulting |
PMN | Parti Mahasiswa Negara | In Malay | → Political parties and movements |
PMS | Professor of Military Science | In English | → Education → Military affairs → Military engineering |
PMU | Paracelsus Medizinische Privatuniversität | In German | → Higher education, universities → Medicine |
PN | Partit Nazzjonalista | In Maltese | → Political parties and movements |
PN | Police Nationale | In French | → Police |
PNAG | Pôle National d'Achats Généraux | In French | → Prices |
PNB | Produit National Brut | In French | → Economics |
PNB | Parti Nationaliste Basque ( | In French | → Political parties and movements |
PNC | Parti de la Nation Corse | In French | → Political parties and movements |
PNC | Partitu di a Nazione Corsu | In Corsican | → Political parties and movements |
PNCS | Programme National de Cantines Scolaires | In French | → Nutrition → Education |
PNDA | Pensionnat Notre-Dame-des-Anges ( | In French | → Education → Canada |
PNK | Personalnebenkosten | In German | → Labour, labour economics → Accounting |
PNLCC | Programme National de Lutte contre le Changement Climatique | In French | → Central administration → Meteorology, climatology → Environmental protection |
PNM | Persemakmuran Negara-Negara Merdeka = CIS | Commonwealth of Independent States | In English |
In Indonesian | → International relations |
PNO | Partit de la Nacion Occitana | In Occitan | → Political parties and movements |
PNO | Parti Nationaliste Occitan | In French | → Political parties and movements |
PNR | Partido Nacional Renovador | In Portuguese | → Political parties and movements |
PNUAH | Programa de les Naciones Uníes pa los Asentamientos Humanos | In Asturian | → International relations → United Nations |
PNUD | Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement = PNUD | Programa de les Naciones Uníes pa'l Desendolcu | In Asturian = PNUD | Programul Naţiunilor Unite pentru Dezvoltare | In Romanian = PUND | Programo de la Unuiĝintaj Nacioj pri Disvolvado | In Esperanto = UNDP | United Nations Development Programme | In English = PNUD | Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo | In Spanish = PNUD | Programa de les Nacions Unides per al Desenvolupament | In Catalan = UNDP | გაეროს განვითარების პროგრამა | In Georgian = UNDP | জাতিসংঘ উন্নয়ন কর্মসূচী | In Bengali = PNUD | Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento | In Portuguese = ПРООН | Программа развития ООН | In Russian = UNDP | สำนักงานโครงการพัฒนาแห่งสหประชาชาติ | In Thai = UNDP | ஐக்கிய நாடுகள் வளர்ச்சித் திட்டம் | In Tamil = UNDP | 联合国开发计划署 | In Chinese |
In French | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
PNUD | Programa de les Naciones Uníes pa'l Desendolcu = PUND, UNDP, ПРООН (look above) |
In Asturian | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
PNUD | Programul Naţiunilor Unite pentru Dezvoltare = PUND, UNDP, ПРООН (look above) |
In Romanian | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
PNUD | Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo = PUND, UNDP, ПРООН (look above) |
In Spanish | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
PNUD | Programa de les Nacions Unides per al Desenvolupament = PUND, UNDP, ПРООН (look above) |
In Catalan | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
PNUD | Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento = PUND, UNDP, ПРООН (look above) |
In Portuguese | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
PNUE | Programme des Nations Unies pour l'Environnement | In French | → United Nations |
PNUFID | Programa de les Naciones Uníes pa la Fiscalización Internacional de Drogues | In Asturian | → International relations → United Nations |
PNUMA | Programa de les Naciones Uníes pa 'l Mediu Ambiente | In Asturian | → International relations → United Nations |
PNV | Partido Nacionalista Vasco ( = EAJ | Euzko Alderdi Jeltzalea | In Basque |
In Spanish | → Political parties and movements |
PO | Purchase Order | In English | → 34745 |
PO | Promotion Ouvrière | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
PoA | Politique Africaine | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Politics → Africa |
POc | Partit Occitan | In Occitan | → Political parties and movements |
POC | Purchase Order Closeout | In English | → 34745 |
POCN | Purchase Order Change Notice | In English | → 34745 |
POE | Postinitieel masteronderwijs Epidemiologie | In Dutch | → Higher education, universities → Pathology |
POH | Prix d'Ordre Horaire | In French | → Prices |
POR | Purchase Order Request | In English | → 34745 |
POSA | Peloton Observatie, Surveillance & Arrestatie | In Dutch | → Police |
POSL | Parti Ouvrier Socialiste Luxembourgeois ( = LSAP | Lëtzebuerger Sozialistesch Aarbechterpartei | In Letzeburgesh = LSAP | Luxemburger Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei | In German = LSAP | Luxemburgse Socialistische Arbeiderspartij | In Dutch |
In French | → Socialist parties → Luxembourg |
POSR | Parti Ouvrier Socialiste Révolutionnaire | In French | → Socialist parties → Anarchist organizations |
POT | Proximity Operations Trainer | In English | → Education |
POT | Polska Organizacja Turystyczna ( | In Polish | → Organizations and associations → Tourism → Poland |
POTUS | President Of The United States | In English | → Politics → Central administration |
POWN | Polska Organizacja Walki o Niepodleglość | In Polish | → Political parties and movements → History → Poland |
PP | Préfecture de Police | In French | → Police |
PPA | Pôle Paris Alternance ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Trade → France |
PPC | Perfectionnement Professionnel Continu | In French | → Education → Labour, labour economics |
PPCG | (Convention on the) Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide | In English | → International law → Criminal law |
PPCP | Projet Pluridisciplinaire à Caractère Professionnel | In French | → Education → Labour, labour economics |
PPCRB | Post-Prison Community Based Release | In English | → Law, jurisprudence |
PPE | Partit Popular Europeu | In Catalan | → Political parties and movements |
PPEB | Post-Primary Education Board | In English | → Organizations and associations → Education |
PPEF | Post-Primary Education Forum ( | In English | → Organizations and associations → Education |
PPF | Parti Populaire Français | In French | → Political parties and movements → History → France |
PPN | Pajak Pertambahan Nilai = BTW | Belasting op Toegevoegde Waarde | In Afrikaans = IVA | Impost sobre el valor afegit | In Catalan = PDV | Porez na dodatu vrijednost | In Bosnian = ДДС | Данъкът върху добавената стойност | In Bulgarian = VAT | Value Added Tax | In English = AVI | Aldonvalora imposto | In Esperanto = ΦΠΑ | Φόρος Προστιθέμενης Αξίας | In Greek = DPH | Daň z přidané hodnoty | In Czech = Moms | Meromsætningsafgift | In Danish = IVA | Impuesto al Valor Agregado | In Spanish = MwSt | Mehrwertsteuer | In German = BTW | Belasting over de Toegevoegde Waarde | In Dutch = MVA | Merverdiavgift | In Norwegian = PVM | Pridėtinės vertės mokestis | In Lithuanian = IVA | Imposta sul Valore Aggiunto | In Italian = VASK | Virðisaukaskattur | In Icelandic = Áfa | Általános forgalmi adó | In Hungarian = PDV | Porez na dodanu vrijednost | In Croatian = ALV | Arvonlisävero | In Finnish = מע"מ | מס ערך מוסף | In Hebrew = KDV | Katma Değer Vergisi | In Turkish = VAT | ภาษีมูลค่าเพิ่ม | In Thai = VAT | மதிப்புக் கூட்டு வரி | In Tamil = DPH | Daň z pridanej hodnoty | In Slovak = НДС | Налог на добавленную стоимость | In Russian = TVA | Taxa pe valoarea adăugată | In Romanian = IVA | Imposto sobre o Valor Acrescentado | In Portuguese = VAT | 增值税 | In Chinese |
In Indonesian | → Taxes, duties |
PPN | Parti Pied Noir | In French | → Political parties and movements → France |
PPP | Public Private Partnership = PPP | Partenariat Public-Privé | In French |
In English | → Law, jurisprudence → Public administration, government |
PPP | Partenariat Public-Privé = (look above) |
In French | → Law, jurisprudence → Public administration, government |
PPP | Projet Professionnel Personnalisé | In French | → Personnel management → Labour, labour economics |
PPR | Politieke Partij Radicalen | In Dutch | → Political parties and movements |
PPRE | Programme Personnalisé de Réussite Éducative | In French | → Education |
PPS | Partija Podunavskih Srba | In Croatian | → Political parties and movements |
PQ | Parti Québécois | In French | → Political parties and movements → Canada |
PQA | Procurement Quality Assurance | In English | → Quality management → 34745 |
PQC | 0056, Procurement Quality Control | In English | → 34745 |
PQE | Procurement Quality Engineering | In English | → Quality management → 34745 |
PQJ | Police aux Questions Juives | In French | → Police |
PR | Purchase Request | In English | → 34745 |
PR | Procurement Regulation | In English | → 34745 |
PR | Prix de Revient | In French | → Prices |
PRAI | Programme Régional d'Actions Innovatrices | In French | → Regional administration → Engineering, technology |
PRATIC | PRocédure d'Analyse et de Traitement des Informations Commerciales | In French | → Software → Trade → Energy economics |
PRCC | Programme de Renforcement des Capacités Commerciales | In French | → Trade → Development |
PRCF | Pôle de Renaissance Communiste en France | In French | → Communist parties → France |
PRCTE | Programme Régional de la Création et de la Transmission d'Entreprises | In French | → Economic policy |
PRD | Procurement Regulation Directive | In English | → 34745 |
PRD | Procurement Requirements Document | In English | → 34745 |
PRDF | Présentation et de Rapprochement des Données Financières = FDSR | Financial Data Submission and Reconciliation | In English |
In French | → Finance |
PRDFP | Plan Régional de Développement des Formations Professionnelles des jeunes et des adultes | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Education |
PRDFP | Plan Régional de Développement des Formations Professionnelles | In French | → Education → Labour, labour economics |
PRE | Police Régionale d'Etat | In French | → Police |
PRES | Pôles de Recherche et d'Enseignement Supérieur | In French | → Research policy → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Higher education, universities |
PRES | Pôle de Recherche et d'Enseignement Supérieur | In French | → Research policy → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Higher education, universities |
PREST | Policy Research in Engineering, Science and Technology | In English | → Politics → Mathematics and natural sciences → Applied sciences, technology |
PRG | Parti Radical de Gauche | In French | → Political parties and movements |
PRH | Patentti- ja rekisterihallitus | In Finnish | → Industrial property |
PRIDES | Pôle Régional d'Innovation et de Développement Économique Solidaire | In French | → Organizations and associations → Research policy → Economics |
PRISM | Pacific Roundtable on Industry, Society and Management | In English | → Management → Economics |
PRisMa | Portfolio Risk Management | In English | → Management → Finance → Financial markets |
PRITI | Pays à Revenu Intermédiaire Tranche Inférieure | In French | → Geography → Development |
PRK | Prix de Revient Kilométrique | In French | → Prices → Automobile manufacturing |
PRL | Parti Rrépublicain de la Liberté | In French | → Political parties and movements → France |
PRO | Praktijkonderwijs | In Dutch | → Education |
PROJET | Promotion Rurale pour l'Orientation des Jeunes dans l'Entreprise par le Travail | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Personnel management |
PROO | Programma voor onderwijsonderzoek | In Dutch | → Education |
ProTon | Public Research Organisations Transfer Office Network | In English | → Organizations and associations → Research policy → Industry, industrial policy → Research institutes |
PRQA | Plan Régional pour la Qualité de l'Air | In French | → Regional administration → Environmental protection → Meteorology, climatology |
PRSC | Poverty Reduction Support Credit | In English | → Finance → Development |
PS | Partido Socialista | In Portuguese | → Socialist parties |
PS | Parti Socialiste | In French | → Socialist parties |
PS | Podravska Stranka | In Croatian | → Political parties and movements |
PSA | Pacific Sociological Association | In English | → Associations → Sociology |
PSA | Pàrtaidh Shòisealach na h-Alba ( = SSP | Scottish Socialist Party | In English |
In Scottish Gaelic | → Socialist parties → United Kingdom |
PSAD | Plate-forme de Suivi et d'Appui aux Décrocheurs | In French | → Education → Labour, labour economics |
PSD | Partido Social Democrata | In Portuguese | → Socialist parties |
PSD | Partidul Social Democrat ( | In Romanian | → Political parties and movements |
PSD | Partidul Social Democrat din Moldova ( | In Moldavan | → Political parties and movements |
PSDE | Pastoral Studies Distance Education | In English | → Education |
PSDE | Partido Socialista Democrático Español | In Spanish | → Socialist parties → Spain |
PSDE | Project Day School Excellence | In English | → Education |
PSDE | Parti Social Démocrate Européen ( | In French | → Socialist parties |
PSDLO | Páirtí Sóisialta Daonlathach an Lucht Oibre = SDLP | Social Democratic and Labour Party | In English |
In Irish | → Political parties and movements |
PSDMR | Partidul Social Democrat al Muncii din Rusia = РСДРП | Росси́йская Социа́л-Демократи́ческая Рабо́чая Па́ртия | In Russian |
In Romanian | → Political parties and movements → Russia |
PSE | Parti Socialiste Européen ( = PES | Party of European Socialists | In English = PES | Partia Europejskich Socjalistów | In Polish = ESP | Europeiska socialdemokratiska partiet | In Swedish = PSE | Partito del Socialismo Europeo | In Italian |
In French | → Socialist parties → Europe |
PSE | Partito del Socialismo Europeo ( = PES, ESP (look above) |
In Italian | → Socialist parties → Europe |
PSF | Parti Social Français | In French | → Political parties and movements → France |
PSI | Partitu Sucialistu per l'Indipendenza | In Corsican | → Political parties and movements |
PSIG | Peloton de Surveillance et d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie | In French | → Police |
PSIP | Public Service Internship Program | In English | → Public administration, government → Labour, labour economics |
PSN | Plan Stratégique National | In French | → Central administration |
PSO | Pasaulio sveikatos organizacija = MOS | Monda Organiz(aĵ)o pri Sano | In Esperanto = WHO | World Health Organization | In English = OMS | Organisation Mondiale de la Santé | In Esperanto = OMS | Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità | In Italian = WGO | Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie | In Afrikaans = OMS | Organización Mundial de la Salú | In Asturian = СЗО | Световната здравна огранизация | In Bulgarian = SZO | Světová zdravotnická organizace | In Czech = OMS | Organització Mundial de la Salut | In Catalan = OMS | Organización Mundial de la Salud | In Spanish = MTO | Maailma Terviseorganisatsioon | In Estonian = MOE | Munduko Osasun Erakundea | In Basque = OMS | Organisacion mondiâla de la sandât | In Franco-Provençal = OMS | Organización Mundial da Saúde | In Galician = SZO | Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija | In Croatian = RTD | Rêxistina Tendurustiyê ya Dinyayê | In Kurdish = UMS | Urganizazziun mundiala da la Santaa | In Lombard = PVO | Pasaules veselības organizācija | In Latvian = ÜST | Ümumdünya Səhiyyə Təşkilatı | In Turkish |
In Lithuanian | → United Nations → Medicine |
PSOE | Partido Socialista Obrero Español ( | In Spanish | → Socialist parties → Spain |
PSP | Pacifistisch Socialistische Partij | In Dutch | → Socialist parties |
PSP | Pôle Stratégique Parisien | In French | → Military affairs |
PSPL | Priced Spare Parts List | In English | → Maintenance and logistics → 34745 |
PSQ | Personnel Security Questionnaire | In English | → Labour, labour economics |
PSR | Padomju Sociālistiskajām Republikām = RSS | Repubbliche Socialiste Sovietiche | In Italian = RSS | Republici Sovietice Socialiste | In Romanian = SSR | Sovjetskih Socialističnih Republik | In Slovenian = RSS | Républiques Socialistes Soviétiques | In French |
In Latvian | → Politics → Geography |
PSRS | Padomju Sociālistisko Republiku Savienība = URSS | Unaniezh ar Republikoù Sokialour Soviedel | In Breton = URSS | Union des Républiques Socialistes Soviétiques | In French = USSR | Unie van Sosialistiese Sowjetrepublieke | In Afrikaans = USSR | Union of Soviet Socialist Republics | In English = СССР | Сою́з Сове́тских Социалисти́ческих Респу́блик | In Russian = CCCP | Съюзът на съветските социалистически републики | In Bulgarian = SSSR | Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik | In Russian = URSS | Unión de Republicas Sozialistas Sobieticas | In Aragonese = XRSS | Xunión de les Repúbliques Socialistes Soviétiques | In Asturian = SSRİ | Sovet Sosialist Respublikaları İttifaqı | In Azerbaijani = TSRS | Tarybu Socialistiniu Respubliku Sajunga | In Baltic languages = SSSR | Savez Sovjetskih Socijalističkih Republika | In Serbo-Croatian = URSS | Unió de Repúbliques Socialistes Soviètiques | In Catalan = SSSR | Svaz sovětských socialistických republik | In Czech = USSR | Unio de Sovetaj Socialismaj Respublikoj | In Esperanto = CCCP | Социаллă Совет Республикисен Союзĕ | In Chuvash = USSR | Unionen af Socialistiske Sovjetrepublikker | In Danish = URSS | Unione delle Repubbliche Socialiste Sovietiche | In Italian = ZSRR | Związek Socjalistycznych Republik Radzieckich | In Polish = SSKS | Szovjet Szocialista Köztársaságok Szövetsége | In Hungarian = UdSSR | Union der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepubliken | In German = ΕΣΣΔ | Ένωση Σοβιετικών Σοσιαλιστικών Δημοκρατιών | In Greek = URSS | Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas | In Spanish = NSVL | Nõukogude Sotsialistlike Vabariikide Liit | In Estonian = SESB | Sobietar Errepublika Sozialisten Batasuna | In Basque = USSR | Uny fan Sosjalistyske Sowjetrepublyken | In Frisian = ԽՍՀՄ | Խորհրդային Սոցիալիստական Հանրապետությունների Միություն | In Armenian = URSS | Unión das Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas | In Galician = სსრკ | საბჭოთა სოციალისტური რესპუბლიკების კავშირი | In Georgian = URSS | Unio Rerum Publicarum Socialisticarum Sovieticarum | In Latin = CCPC | Советтик Социалисттик Республикалар Союзу | In Kirghiz = UdSSR | Unioun vun de Sozialistesche Sowjetrepubliken | In Letzeburgesh = СССР | Сојуз на Советските Социјалистички Републики | In Macedonian = УРСС | Униуня Републичилор советиче Сочиалисте | In Moldavan = KRSS | Kesatuan Republik Sosialis Soviet | In Malay = USSR | Unie van Socialistische Sovjetrepublieken | In Dutch = SSSR | Sambandet av Sosialistiske Sovjet-Republikkar | In Nynorsk = SSSR | Samveldet av sovjetiske sosialistrepublikker | In Norwegian = URSS | Unnion d'Républyiques Socialistes Soviétiques | In Norman = URSS | União das Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas | In Portuguese = URSS | Union de las Republicas Socialistas Sovieticas | In Occitan = SSRH | Susyalista Suwit Republikakunap Huñun | In Quechua = ССРЦ | Советон Социалистон Республикæты Цæдис | In Ossetian = URSS | Uniunea Republicilor Sovietice Socialiste | In Romanian = URSS | Unioni dî ripùbblichi sucialisti suviètichi | In Sicilian = ZSSR | Zveza sovjetskih socialističnih republik | In Slovenian = СССР | Савез Совјетских Социјалистичких Република | In Serbian = SSCB | Sovyet Sosyalist Cumhuriyetler Birliği | In Turkish = СРСР | Союз Радянських Соціалістичних Республік | In Ukrainian = SSRB | Sovet Sosialistik Republiklar Berlege | In Tatar = SSRI | Sovet Sotsialistik Respublikalar Ittifoqi | In Uzbek |
In Latvian | → International relations → Geography |
PSS | Posavsko Slavonska Stranka | In Croatian | → Political parties and movements |
PSS | Professional Staff Senate | In English | → Labour, labour economics |
PSS | Permanents Syndicaux ou Sociaux | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
PSU | Pennsylvania State University ( | In English | → Higher education, universities → United States |
PSU | Parti Socialiste Unifié | In French | → Socialist parties |
PSU | Prestation de Service Unique | In French | → Social welfare → Education |
PSU | Partido Socialista del Uruguay ( | In Spanish | → Socialist parties |
PSU | Partito Socialista Unitario | In Italian | → Socialist parties |
PSU | Partito Socialista Unificato | In Italian | → Socialist parties |
PSU | Pittsburg State University ( | In English | → Higher education, universities |
PSU | Portland State University ( | In English | → Higher education, universities |
PSU | Prueba de Selección Universitaria | In Spanish | → Higher education, universities |
PSU | Prinz-von-Songkhla-Universität ( = PSU | Persönliche Sicherheitsumgebung | In German = PSE | Personal Security Environment | In English = PSU | Prince of Songkhla University | In English |
In German | → Higher education, universities |
PSU | Prince of Songkhla University ( = PSE (look above) |
In English | → Higher education, universities |
PSU | Programme de Scolarisation Universelle | In French | → Education |
PSUA | Public Service and Urban Affairs | In English | → Social welfare → Regional planning |
PT | Parti des Travailleurs | In French | → Political parties and movements |
PT | Palvelutyönantajat | In Finnish | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → 33846 |
PT | Perusahaan Terbatas | In Indonesian | → Economics |
PTA | Professeur Technique Adjoint | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
PTA | ParisTech Alumni ( | In English | → Organizations and associations → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
PTAE | Professeur Technique Adjoint d'Enseignement | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
PTAN | Professional Teacher Associations Network | In English | → Organizations and associations → Associations → Education |
PTAN | Preschool Technical Assistance Network | In English | → Education → Engineering, technology |
PTC | Pacific Theological College | In English | → Religion, theology → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
PTC | Primary Technical Course | In English | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
PTCS | Planning, Training, and Checkout System | In English | → Education |
PTJ | Petits Travaux Journaliers | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
PTS | Police Technique et Scientifique | In French | → Police |
PTZ | Prêt à Taux Zéro | In French | → Finance |
PU | Prix Unitaire | In French | → Prices |
PUC | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | In Spanish | → Higher education, universities → Roman catholic church |
PUCE-SI | Pontificia Universidad Católica - Sede Ibarra | In Spanish | → Roman catholic church → Higher education, universities |
PUCESD | Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Santo Domingo | In Spanish | → Roman catholic church → Higher education, universities |
PUKAR | Partners for Urban Knowledge Action & Research | In English | → Sociology |
PUL | Pôle Universitaire Lyonnais | In French | → Higher education, universities → France |
PUMA | Prix Unitaire Moyen des ouvrages gAz | In French | → Prices → Energy economics |
PUMP | Prix Unitaire Moyen Pondéré | In French | → Prices |
PUMSUD | Pour Un Mouvement Syndical Uni et Démocratique | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
PUND | Programo de la Unuiĝintaj Nacioj pri Disvolvado = PNUD, UNDP, ПРООН (look above) |
In Esperanto | → International relations → Development → United Nations |
PUR | Parti de l'Union Radicale | In French | → Political parties and movements |
PVA | Psychische Vermoeidheid in de Arbeidssituatie | In Dutch | → Psychology → Labour, labour economics |
PVD | Pays en Voie de Développement | In French | → Geography → Development |
PvdA | Partij van de Arbeid ( | In Dutch | → Political parties and movements → Netherlands |
PvdD | Partij voor de Dieren ( | In Dutch | → Political parties and movements → Netherlands |
PVLA | Purchase Versus Lease Analysis | In English | → 33745 → Prices |
PVM | Pridėtinės vertės mokestis = PPN, BTW, IVA, PDV, ДДС, VAT, AVI, ΦΠΑ, DPH, Moms, MwSt, MVA, VASK, Áfa, ALV, מע"מ, KDV, НДС, TVA (look above) |
In Lithuanian | → Taxes, duties |
PVO | Pasaules veselības organizācija = PSO, MOS, WHO, OMS, WGO, СЗО, SZO, MTO, MOE, RTD, UMS, ÜST (look above) |
In Latvian | → United Nations → Medicine |
PVS | Paesi in via di sviluppo |
In Italian | → Development → Geography |
PVV | Partij voor de Vrijheid ( | In Dutch | → Political parties and movements → Netherlands |
PVV | Partij voor Vrijheid en Vooruitgang | In Dutch | → Political parties and movements |
PWGSC | Public Works and Government Services Canada ( = TPSGC | Travaux Publics et Services Gouvernementaux Canada | In French |
In English | → Central administration → Civil engineering → Canada |
PWR | Politechnika Wrocławska | In Polish | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Engineering, technology |