Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
FCC | Fédération du Commerce des Cacaos = FCC | Federation of Cocoa Commerce | In English |
In French | → Trade → Food technology |
FCCN | Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional | In Portuguese | → Foundations → Computer-based techniques → Mathematics and natural sciences |
FCD | Fédération des Entreprises du Commerce et de la Distribution | In French | → Trade |
FCE | Fédération Chimie Énergie ( | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Chemical technology → Energy economics → France |
FCEB | Football Club Excelsior Broekhuizevorst | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
FCG | Football Club Gulpen | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
FCG | Football Club Gracht | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
FCGA | Fédération des Centres de Gestion Agréés | In English | → Economics → Accounting |
FCH | Football Club Heuvelkwartier | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
FCH | Football Club Hoensbroek | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
FCHL | Flight Control Hydraulics Laboratory | In English | → Research institutes → Aeronautics, aircraft → Astronautics |
FCHS | French Colonial Historical Society | In English | → History → France |
FCI | France Coopération Internationale | In French | → International relations → Development → France |
FCIO | Fachverband der chemischen Industrie Österreichs ( | In German | → Chemical technology → Austria |
FCJT | Fédération Française des Entreprises de Gros, Importation, Exportation, Chaussures, Jouets, Textiles | In English | → Trade → Leather industry → Textile industry → France |
FCK | Football Club Kerkrade | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
FCM | Football Club Maastricht | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
FCN | Football Club Nieuwland | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
FCPE | Fédération des Conseils de Parents d'Élèves ( | In French | → Education → France |
FCRI | Fondation Canadienne pour la Recherche sur l'Incontinence | In French | → Foundations → Urology → Canada |
FCS | Football Club Schulpweg | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
FCSM | Football Club Schulpweg – Metro | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
FCT | Fundação Ciência Tecnologia | In Portuguese | → Foundations → Mathematics and natural sciences → Engineering, technology |
FCV | Football Club 't Ven | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
FCyT | Federación de Comunicación y Transporte | In Spanish | → Labour, labour economics → Telecommunications → Transport and postal services |
FD | Fakdelegito | In Esperanto | |
FdF | Fondation de France ( | In French | → Foundations → France |
FDI | Fédération Dentaire Internationale ( | In English | → Dentistry |
FDJ | Freie Deutsche Jugend | In German | → Germany |
FDLI | Food & Drug Law Institute ( | In English | → Research institutes → Law, jurisprudence → Pharmacology, toxicology → Food technology |
FDMFR | Fédération Départementale des Maisons Familiales Rurales | In French | → Tourism |
FDP | Fédération Départementale de Pêche | In French | → Fishing, hunting |
FdQ | Freunde der Querflöte | In German | → Music |
FDQ | Fränkisches Dixielandquartett & Washboard | In German | → Music |
FDS | Fit Door Sport | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
FDSEA | Fédération Départementale des Syndicats d'Exploitants Agricoles | In French | → Agricultural sciences |
FDU | Fratelli Dell'Uomo | In Italian | |
FE | Federación de Enseñanza | In Spanish | → Labour, labour economics |
FEAAF | Federación Española de Asociaciones de Amigos del Ferrocarril ( | In Spanish | → Entertainment → Rail transport engineering |
FEANI | Fédération Européenne d'Associations Nationales d'Ingénieurs | In French | → Associations → Engineering, technology |
FEAOSC | Federazione Europea Artisti ed Operatori dello Spettacolo e della Cultura ( | In Italian | → Arts |
FEB | Federacio Esperanto de Barato | In Esperanto | → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
FEB | Fédération des Entreprises de Belgique | In French | → 3384 → Belgium |
FECHIF | Federación Chilena de Instituciones Femeninas | In Spanish | → Feminism |
FECOHT | Federación de Comercio, Hostelería y Turismo ( | In Spanish | → Tourism → Trade → Spain |
FECS | Federation of European Cancer Societies | In English | → Oncology |
FED | Fachverband Elektronik-Design ( | In German | → Electronics → Germany |
FEDA | Freier Elektronic Dartsportverband Austria ( | In German | → Music → Austria |
FEDA | Federación Española de Ajedrez | In Spanish | → Spain |
FEDA | Foodservice Equipment Distributors Association | In English | → Associations → Food technology |
FEDA | Federatie Aandrijven & Automatiseren | In Dutch | |
FEDA | (Verein zur) Förderung der Effizienzsteigerung der dualen Ausbildung ( | In German | → Education |
FEDA | Federación Española de Aeróbic y Fitness | In Spanish | → Sport, physical exercises → Spain |
FEDA | Fédération des syndicats de la distribution automobile | In French | → Trade → Automobile manufacturing |
FEDIC | Federazione Italiana dei Cineclub ( | In Italian | → Cinema, movies → Italia |
FEDIL | Fédération des Industriels Luxembourgeois | In French | → Industry, industrial policy → Luxembourg |
FEDIS | Fédération (belge) des entreprises de distribution | In French | → Belgium |
FEDPAG | Federation for Professional Associations for Guidance | In English | → Associations → Education |
FEE | Federación Española de Esperanto ( = HEF | Hispana Esperanto-Federacio | In Esperanto |
In Spanish | → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Spain |
FEEIC | Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council | In English | → Finance |
FEGO | Federatie voor theologisch geschoolden - godsdienstleerkrachten Vlaanderen | In Dutch | → Education → Religion, theology |
FEHRL | Forum of European national Highway Research Laboratories | In English | → Transport and postal services |
FEI | Federazione Esperantista Italiana ( | In Italian | → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Italia |
FEI | Franca Esperanto Instituto | In Esperanto | → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
FEI | Federazione Italiana Erboristi | In Italian | → Italia |
FEI | Financial Executives International ( | In English | → Finance |
FEIEC | Far Eastern International Economic Congress | In English | → Congresses → International economic cooperation |
FEII | Fachverband der Elektro- und Elektronikindustrie | In German | → Electrical engineering → Electronics |
FEITIS | Fédération Européenne des Industries Techniques de l'Image et du Son | In French | → Telecommunications → Cinema, movies |
FEJO | Finnlanda Esperantista Junulara Organizo ( | In Esperanto | → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Finland |
FEL | Flandra Esperanto-Ligo ( = VEB | Vlaamse Esperantobond | In Dutch |
In Esperanto | → Artificial languages (linguistics) |
FeMa | Koninklijke Belgische Federatie van Handelaren in Bouwmaterialen ( | In Dutch | → Construction → Belgium |
FEN | Fédération de l'Éducation Nationale | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Education |
FENAC | Federatie van Nederlandse Audiologische Centra ( | In Dutch | → Medicine → Netherlands |
FENAPRO | Federazione Nazionale Profumieri | In Italian | |
FeNPS | Fédération Nationale du Portage Salarial ( | In French | → Economics → Labour, labour economics |
FENS | Federation of European Neuroscience Societies ( | In English | → Neurology |
FEO | Federatie Evangelische Zorg-Organisaties ( | In Dutch | → Protestant churches → Social aid → Netherlands |
FEP | Fédération Européenne de Psychanalyse ( = EPF | Europäische Psychoanalytische Föderation | In German = EPF | European Psychoanalytical Federation | In English |
In French | → Psychology |
FEPEM | Fédération des Particuliers Employeurs | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
FEPI | Federation of the European Play Industry ( | In English | → Entertainment → Europe |
FEPI | Federazione Europea (delle) Professioni Infermieristiche ( | In Italian | → Medicine → Europe |
FEPI | Fédération Européenne de la Propriété Immobilière = EPF | European Property Federation | In English |
In French | → 3328 |
FEPI | Fédération Européenne des Ports Intérieurs = EVB | Europäischer Verband der Binnenhäfen | In German = EFIP | European Federation of Inland Ports | In English |
In French | → Transport and postal services |
FER | Fédération des Entreprises Romandes | In French | |
FEREDE | Federación de Entidades Religiosas Evangélicas de España | In Spanish | → Christianity |
FERP | Fédération Européenne de Randonnée Pédestre ( = ERA | European Ramblers Association | In English = EWV | Europäische Wandervereinigung | In French |
In French | → Associations → Sport, physical exercises |
FERPA | Fédération Européenne des Retraitées et des Personnes Agées | In French | → Social welfare |
FERPA | Fédération Européenne des Retraités et des Personnes Âgées = EFREP | European Federation of Retired and Elderly Persons | In English |
In French | → Labour, labour economics → Insurance |
FERSI | Forum of European Road Safety Research Institutes | In English | → Transport and postal services → Research institutes |
FERTILL | (Le) Fertois pour l'Information sur les Logiciels Libres ( | In French | → Software → France |
FESIC | Fédération des Écoles Supérieures d'Ingénieurs et de Cadres | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Engineering, technology |
FESNCE | Federazione Europea della Società Nazionali di Chirurgia Estetica = FESNCE | Fédération Européenne des Sociétés Nationales de Chirurgie Esthétique | In French = NYPERL | New York State Public Employees and Retirees Long Term Care Insurance | In English |
In Italian | → Plastic surgery → Europe |
FESNCE | Fédération Européenne des Sociétés Nationales de Chirurgie Esthétique = NYPERL (look above) |
In French | → Plastic surgery → Europe |
FESP | Fédération des Entreprises de Services à la Personne | In French | → 33846 |
FEVAD | Fédération des Entreprises de Vente À Distance | In French | → Trade |
FEVAD | Fédération des Entreprises de Ventes À Distance | In French | → 6588 |
FEXOMA | Federación de Construcción y Madera | In Spanish | → Labour, labour economics → Construction |
FF2I | Fédération Française de l'Internet Immobilier ( | In French | → Accommodation → Internet → France |
FF3C | Fédération Française des Combustibles, Carburants et Chauffage | In French | → Chemical technology → France |
FFA | Fédération Française d'Athlétisme ( | In French | → Sport, physical exercises → France |
FFAAIR | Fédération Française des Associations et Amicales d'Insuffisants Respiratoires | In French | → Associations → Chest diseases → France |
FFAB | Fédération Française d'Aïkido et de Budo | In French | → Entertainment → France |
FFB | Fédération Française du Bâtiment ( | In French | → Construction → France |
FFBB | Fédération Française de Basketball ( | In French | → Basketball |
FFC | Finlands Fackförbunds Centralorganisation |
In Swedish | → Labour, labour economics → Finland |
FFCB | Fédération Française de Coopération des Bibliothèques | In French | → Libraries → France |
FFCSA | Fondation Franco-Chinoise pour la Science et ses Applications | In French | → Foundations → Mathematics and natural sciences → Engineering, technology |
FFCV | Fédération Française de Cinéma et Vidéo | In French | → Cinema, movies → France |
FFDSB | Fédération Française pour le Don de Sang Bénévole ( | In French | → Blood and circulatory system → France |
FFEA | Franca Fervojista Esperanto-Asocio = AFCE | Association Française des Cheminots pour l'Espéranto | In French |
In Esperanto | → Associations → Rail transport engineering → Transport and postal services → Artificial languages (linguistics) → France |
FFEA | Florida Festivals and Events Association | In English | → Associations → Entertainment → United States |
FFEA | Fédération Francophone d'Équitation Américaine | In French | → Riding |
FFEA | Florida Future Educators of America | In English | → Education → United States |
FFEA | Future Forward Economic Alliance | In English | → Economics |
FFEO | Fachverband der Elektro- und Elektronikindustrie | In German | → Electrical engineering → Electronics |
FFG | Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft ( | In German | → Research policy → Austria |
FFG | Fédération Française de Golf ( | In French | → Entertainment → France |
FFG | Fédération Française de Go ( | In French | → Entertainment → France |
FFG | Fédération Française de Généalogie ( | In French | → Genealogy → France |
FFG | Fédération Française de Giraviation ( | In French | → Sport, physical exercises → France |
FFG | Fédération Fribourgeoise de Gymnastique ( | In French | → Sport, physical exercises → Switzerland |
FFMC | Fédération Française des Motards en Colère (http:// | In French | → Road transport → France |
FFMF | Fédération Française de Modélisme Ferroviaire ( | In French | → Entertainment → Rail transport engineering → France |
FFN | Fédération Française de Naturisme ( | In French | → France |
FFR | Fédération Française de Rugby ( | In French | → Football and rugby → France |
FFR | Fédération Française des Réflexologues | In French | → Medicine → France |
FFR | Friends for Rivers ( | In English | → Environmental protection |
FFRC | Fédération Française des Radios Chrétiennes | In French | → Telecommunications → Christianity → France |
FFRDC | Federally Funded Research and Development Center | In English | → Research institutes → Research policy |
FFRE | Fondation Française pour la Recherche sur l'Épilepsie ( | In French | → Foundations → Neurology → France |
FFS | Frostbite Flag Society | In English | → Flags, banners |
FFS | Fédération Française de Ski ( | In French | → Sport, physical exercises → France |
FFS | Fédération Française de Spéléologie ( | In French | → Sport, physical exercises → France |
FFS | Fédération Française de Surf ( | In French | → Sport, physical exercises → France |
FFS | Federation Francaise des Spiritueux | In French | → Beverage industry → France |
FFS | Fédération Française de Scrabble | In French | → Entertainment |
FFSA | Fédération Française des Sociétés d'Assurance ( | In French | → Insurance → France |
FFSCI | Fédération Française des Sociétés de Commerces International | In French | → Trade → France |
FFSCM | Fédération Française des Syndicats de Courtiers en Marchandises ( | In French | → Trade → France |
FFSPN | Fédération Française des Sociétés de Protection de la Nature | In French | → Environmental protection → France |
FFSV | Fédération Française des Sports Vidéo ( | In French | → Software → Sport, physical exercises → France |
FFT | Fédération Française de Tir ( | In English | → Sport, physical exercises → France |
FFT | Fédération Française des Trufficulteurs ( | In English | → Agricultural sciences → France |
FFT | Fédération Française de Tennis ( | In English | → Sport, physical exercises → France |
FFT | Fédération Française de Tennis ( | In French | → Sport, physical exercises → France |
FFTB | Fédération Française des Tuiles et Briques ( | In French | → 666 → France |
FGE | Fédération Générale de l'Enseignement | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Education |
FGFC | Fédération Générale de la Fonction Communale | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Municipal administration |
FGFP | Fédération des Grossistes en Fleurs Coupées | In French | → Trade → Horticulture |
FGL | Fraktion der Gymnasiallehrerinnen und Gymnasiallehrer | In German | → Education |
FGMEE | Fédération nationale des syndicats de Grossistes distributeurs en Matériel Électrique et Électronique | In French | → Trade → Electrical engineering → Electronics |
FGTB | Fédération Générale du Travail de Belgique | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Belgium |
FGW | Forschungsgesellschaft für Wohnen, Bauen und Planen ( | In German | → Construction → Architecture → Austria |
FH | Fimleikafélag Hafnarfjarðar ( | In Icelandic | → Sport, physical exercises |
FHF | Fédération Hospitalière de France ( | In French | → Medicine → France |
FHF | Flag Heritage Foundation | In English | → Foundations → Flags, banners |
FhG | Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft ( | In German | → Research institutes → Research policy → Germany |
FHI | Félaghúsgagna- og innanhússarkitekta | In Icelandic | → Architecture |
FHS | Forest History Society | In English | → Forestry → History |
FHS | Friden Holland Sport | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises → Netherlands |
FHSV | Finlands Hälsovårdarförbund = STHL | Suomen Terveydenhoitajaliitto | In Finnish |
In Swedish | → Finland |
FI | Flag Institute ( | In English | → Flags, banners |
FIA | Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
FIA | Fédération Internationale Automobile | In French | → Automobile manufacturing → Transport and postal services |
FIAF | Fédération Internationale des Archives du Film ( | In French | → Libraries → Cinema, movies |
FIAFE | Fédération Internationale des Accueils Français et francophone à l'Étranger | In French | |
FIAIP | Federazione Italiana Agenti Immobiliari Professionali | In Italian | → Accommodation → Italia |
FIAIS | Federazione Internazionale degli Archivi delle Immagini e dei Suoni | In Italian | → Libraries → Cinema, movies |
FIAPF | Fédération Internationale des Associations de Producteurs de Films ( | In French | → Associations → Cinema, movies |
FIAV | Fédération Internationale des Associations Vexillologiques ( | In French | → Flags, banners |
FIAVET | Federazione Italiana Associazioni Imprese Viaggi e Turismo | In Italian | → Tourism → Italia |
FIB | Fédération de l'Industrie du Béton ( | In French | → Civil engineering → Construction |
FIB | Fédération Internationale du Béton ( | In French | → Civil engineering → Construction |
FICAM | Fédération des Industries du Cinéma, de l'Audiovisuel et du Multimédia ( | In French | → Cinema, movies → Software → France |
FICC | Federazione Italiana dei Circoli del Cinema ( | In Italian | → Cinema, movies → Italia |
FICE | Federazione Italiana Cinema d'Essai ( | In Italian | → Cinema, movies → Italia |
FICEDL | Fédération Internationale des Centres d'Études et de Documentation Libertaires | In French | → Documentation → Anarchist organizations |
FICEP | Forum des Instituts Culturels Étrangers à Paris | In French | → Civilization, culture, progress → France |
FICG | Fédération de l'Imprimerie et de la Communication Graphique ( | In French | → Graphic industries, printing, publishing → Graphic arts → France |
FICG | Fédération de l'Imprimerie et de la Communication Graphique ( | In French | → Graphic industries, printing, publishing → France |
FICIME | Fédération des entreprises internationales de la mécanique et de l'électronique | In French | → Mechanical engineering → Electronics |
FICPI | Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle | In French | → Industrial property |
FID | Fédération Internationale de Documentation | In French | → Documentation → Libraries |
FID | Fédération Internationale d'information et de Documentation | In French | → Documentation → Libraries |
FID | Federazione Italiana Dama ( | In Italian | → Italia |
FID | Federazione Italiana Danza ( | In Italian | → Dance → Italia |
FID | Fédération Internationale du Diabète ( = IDF | International Diabetes Federation | In English = FID | Federación Internacional de Diabetes | In Spanish |
In French | → Physiology → Pathology |
FID | Federación Internacional de Diabetes ( = IDF (look above) |
In Spanish | → Physiology → Pathology |
FIDA | Federazione Italina Distribuzione Alimentare | In Italian | → Trade → Food technology → Italia |
FIDAL | Federazione Italiana di Atletica Leggera | In Italian | → Sport, physical exercises → Italia |
FIDE | Fédération Internationale des Échecs ( | In French | → Entertainment |
FIEA | Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy | In English | → Academies → Entertainment → United States |
FIEA | Fédération Internationale des Experts en Automobile | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
FIEA | Forest Industry Engineering Association | In English | → Associations → Forestry |
FIEA | Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Alagoas | In Portuguese | |
FIEC | Fédération de l'Industrie Européenne de la Construction ( | In French | → Civil engineering → Construction |
FIED | Fédération Interuniversitaire de l'Enseignement à Distance | In French | → 374 |
FIEEC | Fédération des Industries Électriques, Électroniques et de Communication ( | In French | → Electrical engineering → Electronics → Telecommunications → France |
FIEJ | Fédération Internationale des Éditeurs de Journaux | In French | → Newspapers, journalism → Graphic industries, printing, publishing |